9 resultados para Conditional moments
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
This paper presents a conditional parallelization process for and-parallelism based on the notion of non-strict independence, a more relaxed notion than the traditional of strict independence. By using this notion, a parallelism annotator can extract more parallelism from programs. On the other hand, the intrinsic complexity of non-strict independence poses new challenges to this task. We report here on the implementation we have accomplished of an annotator for non-strict independence, capable of producing both static and dynamic execution graphs. This implementation, along with the also implemented independence checker and their integration in our system, have resulted what is, to the best of our knowledge, the first parallelizing compiler based on nonstrict independence which produces dynamic execution graphs. The paper also presents a preliminary assessment of the implemented tools, comparing them with the existing ones for strict independence, which shows encouraging results.
Los factores de transcripción (FTs) son reguladores clave de la expresión génica en todos los organismos. En eucariotas los FTs con frecuencia están representados por miembros funcionalmente redundantes de familias génicas de gran tamaño. La sobreexpresión de FTs puede representar una herramienta para revelar las funciones biológicas de FTs redundantes en plantas; sin embargo, la sobreexpresión constitutiva de FTs con frecuencia conlleva diversos defectos en el desarrollo, impidiendo su caracterización funcional. Sin embargo, aproximaciones de sobreexpresión condicional podrían ayudar a solventar este problema. En el consorcio TRANSPLANTA, en el que participan varios laboratorios del CBGP, hemos generado una colección de líneas transgénicas de Arabidopsis, cada una de las cuales expresa un FT bajo el control de un promotor inducible por ?estradiol. Hasta el momento se han generado 1636 líneas homocigotas independientes que corresponden a 634 FTs diferentes, lo que representa una media de 2,6 líneas por cada FT. Como confirmación de la utilidad de esta herramienta, el tratamiento con ?estradiol de líneas que expresaban condicionalmente FTs provoca alteraciones fenotípicas tales como proliferación de pelos radiculares, senescencia inducida por oscuridad, acumulación de antocianinas y enanismo, y que corroboran fenotipos previamente descritos debidos a la sobreexpresión de dichos FTs. Rastreos realizados posteriormente con otras líneas TRANSPLANTA han permitido la identificación de FTs implicados en diferentes procesos biológicos de plantas, confirmando que la colección es una herramienta valiosa para la caracterización funcional de FTs. Las semillas de las líneas TRANSPLANTA han sido depositadas en el Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre para su distribución posterior.
In the area of the professional competition, the coach is a fundamental part in the management of a team and more concretely in the game planning. During the competition, the management of the times of pause and times out as well as the conduct of the coach during the same ones is an aspect to analyze in the sports performance. It is for this that it becomes necessary to know some of the behaviors that turn out to be more frequent by the coach and that are more related to a positive performance of his players. For it there has been realized a study of 7 cases of expert coaches in those that his verbal behavior has observed during 4 games. It has focused on the content of the information only to verbal level, on his meaning. The information that have been obtained in the study shows a major quantity of information elaborated during the pauses of the games and a major tactical content with regard to the moments of game. On the other hand, a relation exists between a major number of questions and a minor number of psychological instructions when the score is adverse, whereas in case of victory, a direct relation does not exist with any category. The rest of categories of the speech do not meet influenced directly for the result, for what it is not possible to consider a direct and immediate relation between the coach verbal behavior during the pauses and the result of the game, except in punctual moments.
The aim of this paper was to know the coach point of view about the critical moment concept in basketball. The methodology used in our research is a qualitative methodology. The instrument used to obtain the data was the semi- structured interviews. There were interviewed 12 ACB league coaches during the 2011/12 season. Results show that incertitude is associated to the critical moment concept. Last minutes of close games and also overtime are identified as critical moment of the game. There is nott any variable in statistics considered by all coaches to determine the critical moment, and they were agree that respecting some game rules is basic to face up the critical moment.
The aim of this paper was to identify the variables that determine winning or losing in the critical moments of the basketball games. A total of forty one critical moments were analyzed, corresponding to 30 games of the regular season from the Spanish Professional League (ACB, season 2007-2008). Games were selected according to the definition of critical moments (described in the available literature), which corresponded to overtime and the last 5 minutes of games with score differences equal or below to six points. The results revealed better values in the winners in defensive rebounds and successful free-throws.
Mixtures of polynomials (MoPs) are a non-parametric density estimation technique especially designed for hybrid Bayesian networks with continuous and discrete variables. Algorithms to learn one- and multi-dimensional (marginal) MoPs from data have recently been proposed. In this paper we introduce two methods for learning MoP approximations of conditional densities from data. Both approaches are based on learning MoP approximations of the joint density and the marginal density of the conditioning variables, but they differ as to how the MoP approximation of the quotient of the two densities is found. We illustrate and study the methods using data sampled from known parametric distributions, and we demonstrate their applicability by learning models based on real neuroscience data. Finally, we compare the performance of the proposed methods with an approach for learning mixtures of truncated basis functions (MoTBFs). The empirical results show that the proposed methods generally yield models that are comparable to or significantly better than those found using the MoTBF-based method.
Transcription factors (TFs) are key regulators of gene expression in all organisms. In eukaryotes, TFs are often represented by functionally redundant members of large gene families. Overexpression might prove a means to unveil the biological functions of redundant TFs; however, constitutive overexpression of TFs frequently causes severe developmental defects, preventing their functional characterization. Conditional overexpression strategies help to overcome this problem. Here, we report on the TRANSPLANTA collection of Arabidopsis lines, each expressing one of 949 TFs under the control of a β–estradiol-inducible promoter. Thus far, 1636 independent homozygous lines, representing an average of 2.6 lines for every TF, have been produced for the inducible expression of 634 TFs. Along with a GUS-GFP reporter, randomly selected TRANSPLANTA lines were tested and confirmed for conditional transgene expression upon β–estradiol treatment. As a proof of concept for the exploitation of this resource, β–estradiol-induced proliferation of root hairs, dark-induced senescence, anthocyanin accumulation and dwarfism were observed in lines conditionally expressing full-length cDNAs encoding RHD6, WRKY22, MYB123/TT2 and MYB26, respectively, in agreement with previously reported phenotypes conferred by these TFs. Further screening performed with other TRANSPLANTA lines allowed the identification of TFs involved in different plant biological processes, illustrating that the collection is a powerful resource for the functional characterization of TFs. For instance, ANAC058 and a TINY/AP2 TF were identified as modulators of ABA-mediated germination potential, and RAP2.10/DEAR4 was identified as a regulator of cell death in the hypocotyl–root transition zone. Seeds of TRANSPLANTA lines have been deposited at the Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre for further distribution.
El MC en baloncesto es aquel fenómeno relacionado con el juego que presenta unas características particulares determinadas por la idiosincrasia de un equipo y puede afectar a los protagonistas y por ende al devenir del juego. En la presente Tesis se ha estudiado la incidencia del MC en Liga A.C.B. de baloncesto y para su desarrollo en profundidad se ha planteado dos investigaciones una cuantitativa y otra cualitativa cuya metodología se detalla a continuación: La investigación cuantitativa se ha basado en la técnica de estudio del “Performance analysis”, para ello se han estudiado cuatro temporadas de la Liga A.C.B. (del 2007/08 al 2010/11), tal y como refleja en la bibliografía consultada se han tomado como momentos críticos del juego a los últimos cinco minutos de partidos donde la diferencia de puntos fue de seis puntos y todos los Tiempos Extras disputados, de tal manera que se han estudiado 197 momentos críticos. La contextualización del estudio se ha hecho en función de la variables situacionales “game location” (local o visitante), “team quality” (mejores o peores clasificados) y “competition” (fases de LR y Playoff). Para la interpretación de los resultados se han realizado los siguientes análisis descriptivos: 1) Análisis Discriminante, 2) Regresión Lineal Múltiple; y 3) Análisis del Modelo Lineal General Multivariante. La investigación cualitativa se ha basado en la técnica de investigación de la entrevista semiestructurada. Se entrevistaron a 12 entrenadores que militaban en la Liga A.C.B. durante la temporada 2011/12, cuyo objetivo ha sido conocer el punto de vista que tiene el entrenador sobre el concepto del MC y que de esta forma pudiera dar un enfoque más práctico basado en su conocimiento y experiencia acerca de cómo actuar ante el MC en el baloncesto. Los resultados de ambas investigaciones coinciden en señalar la importancia del MC sobre el resultado final del juego. De igual forma, el concepto en sí entraña una gran complejidad por lo que se considera fundamental la visión científica de la observación del juego y la percepción subjetiva que presenta el entrenador ante el fenómeno, para la cual los aspectos psicológicos de sus protagonistas (jugadores y entrenadores) son determinantes. ABSTRACT The Critical Moment (CM) in basketball is a related phenomenon with the game that has particular features determined by the idiosyncrasies of a team and can affect the players and therefore the future of the game. In this Thesis we have studied the impact of CM in the A.C.B. League and from a profound development two investigations have been raised, quantitative and qualitative whose methodology is as follows: The quantitative research is based on the technique of study "Performance analysis", for this we have studied four seasons in the A.C.B. League (2007/08 to 2010/11), and as reflected in the literature the Critical Moments of the games were taken from the last five minutes of games where the point spread was six points and all overtimes disputed, such that 197 critical moments have been studied. The contextualization of the study has been based on the situational variables "game location" (home or away), "team quality" (better or lower classified) and "competition" (LR and Playoff phases). For the interpretation of the results the following descriptive analyzes were performed: 1) Discriminant Analysis, 2) Multiple Linear Regression Analysis; and 3) Analysis of Multivariate General Linear Model. Qualitative research is based on the technique of investigation of a semi-structured interview. 12 coaches who belonged to the A.C.B. League were interviewed in seasons 2011/12, which aimed to determine the point of view that the coach has on the CM concept and thus could give a more practical approach based on their knowledge and experience about how to deal with the CM in basketball. The results of both studies agree on the importance of the CM on the final outcome of the game. Similarly, the concept itself is highly complex so the scientific view of the observation of the game is considered essential as well as the subjective perception the coach presents before the phenomenon, for which the psychological aspects of their characters (players and coaches) are crucial.
Este trabajo presenta una solución al problema del reconocimiento del género de un rostro humano a partir de una imagen. Adoptamos una aproximación que utiliza la cara completa a través de la textura de la cara normalizada y redimensionada como entrada a un clasificador Näive Bayes. Presentamos la técnica de Análisis de Componentes Principales Probabilístico Condicionado-a-la-Clase (CC-PPCA) para reducir la dimensionalidad de los vectores de características para la clasificación y asegurar la asunción de independencia para el clasificador. Esta nueva aproximación tiene la deseable propiedad de presentar un modelo paramétrico sencillo para las marginales. Además, este modelo puede estimarse con muy pocos datos. En los experimentos que hemos desarrollados mostramos que CC-PPCA obtiene un 90% de acierto en la clasificación, resultado muy similar al mejor presentado en la literatura---ABSTRACT---This paper presents a solution to the problem of recognizing the gender of a human face from an image. We adopt a holistic approach by using the cropped and normalized texture of the face as input to a Naïve Bayes classifier. First it is introduced the Class-Conditional Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis (CC-PPCA) technique to reduce the dimensionality of the classification attribute vector and enforce the independence assumption of the classifier. This new approach has the desirable property of a simple parametric model for the marginals. Moreover this model can be estimated with very few data. In the experiments conducted we show that using CCPPCA we get 90% classification accuracy, which is similar result to the best in the literature. The proposed method is very simple to train and implement.