15 resultados para Computer Modelling, Interstitial Fluid Flow, Transport Mechanism, Functional Adaptation

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The Chonta Mine (75º00’30” W & 13º04’30”S, 4495 to 5000 m absl), owned by Compañía Minera Caudalosa, operates a polymetallic Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag vein system of the low sulphidation epithermal type, hosted by cenozoic volcanics of dacitic to andesitic composition (Domos de Lava Formation). Veta Rublo, one of the main veins of the system, is worked underground to nearly 300 m. It strikes 60-80º NE and dips 60-70º SE; its width varies between 0.30 and 2.20m, and it crops out along 1 km, but is continued along strike by other veins, as Veta Caudalosa, for some 5 km. Typical metal contents are 7% Zn, 5% Pb, 0.4% Cu and 3 oz/t Ag, with quartz, sericite, sphalerite, galena, pyrite, chalcopyrite, fahlore as main minerals, and minor carbonate and sulphosalts.


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The Esperanza Zn-Pb-Ag vein, owned by Compañía de Minas Buenaventura S.A.A., lies over 4000 to 4650 masl in the Western Cordillera of the Peruvian Central Andes. The Esperanza low sulphidation epithermal vein trends ~E-W along 1500 m; it dips to the South and can be followed to 350 m depth. As other veins of the district, like Teresita and Bienaventurada, it is hosted by intermediate to felsic volcanics (andesitic to dacitic compositions) of the Huachocolpa Group (Middle Miocene to Upper Pliocene). The mineralisation occurs mostly as open space filling related to fracture development during the Quechua III deformational event. Main ore minerals are sphalerite, galena, tetrahedrite, pyrite, chalcopyrite and Ag and Pb sulfosalts; quartz, barite and calcite are the main gangue minerals. Current production grades are ~5% Zn, ~8Oz/t Ag, ~3% Pb; usually very low Cu (mean ~0.04%).


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One of the key scrutiny issues of new coming energy era would be the environmental impact of fusion facilities managing one kg of tritium. The potential change of committed dose regulatory limits together with the implementation of nuclear design principles (As Low as Reasonably achievable - ALARA -, Defense in Depth -D-i-D-) for fusion facilities could strongly impact on the cost of deployment of coming fusion technology. Accurate modeling of environmental tritium transport forms (HT, HTO) for the assessment of fusion facility dosimetric impact in Accidental case appears as of major interest. This paper considers different short-term releases of tritium forms (HT and HTO) to the atmosphere from a potential fusion reactor located in the Mediterranean Basin. This work models in detail the dispersion of tritium forms and dosimetric impact of selected environmental patterns both inland and in-sea using real topography and forecast meteorological data-fields (ECMWF/FLEXPART). We explore specific values of this ratio in different levels and we examine the influence of meteorological conditions in the HTO behavior for 24 hours. For this purpose we have used a tool which consists on a coupled Lagrangian ECMWF/FLEXPART model useful to follow real time releases of tritium at 10, 30 and 60 meters together with hourly observations of wind (and in some cases precipitations) to provide a short-range approximation of tritium cloud behavior. We have assessed inhalation doses. And also HTO/HT ratios in a representative set of cases during winter 2010 and spring 2011 for the 3 air levels.


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En esta tesis se investiga de forma experimental el transporte pasivo de magnitudes físicas en micro-sistemas con carácter de inmediata aplicación industrial, usando métodos innovadores para mejorar la eficiencia de los mismos optimizando parámetros críticos del diseño o encontrar nuevos destinos de posible aplicación. Parte de los resultados obtenidos en estos experimentos han sido publicados en revistas con un índice de impacto tal que pertenecen al primer cuarto del JCR. Primero de todo se ha analizado el efecto que produce en un intercambiador de calor basado en micro-canales el hecho de dejar un espacio entre canales y tapa superior para la interconexión de los mismos. Esto genera efectos tridimensionales que mejoran la exracción de calor del intercambiador y reducen la caída de presión que aparece por el transcurso del fluido a través de los micro-canales, lo que tiene un gran impacto en la potencia que ha de suministrar la bomba de refrigerante. Se ha analizado también la mejora producida en términos de calor disipado de un micro-procesador refrigerado con un ampliamente usado plato de aletas al implementar en éste una cámara de vapor que almacena un fluido bifásico. Se ha desarrollado de forma paralela un modelo numérico para optimizar las nuevas dimensiones del plato de aletas modificado compatibles con una serie de requerimientos de diseño en el que tanto las dimensiones como el peso juegan un papel esencial. Por otro lado, se han estudiado los fenomenos fluido-dinámicos que aparecen aguas abajo de un cuerpo romo en el seno de un fluido fluyendo por un canal con una alta relación de bloqueo. Los resultados de este estudio confirman, de forma experimental, la existencia de un régimen intermedio, caracterizado por el desarrollo de una burbuja de recirculación oscilante entre los regímenes, bien diferenciados, de burbuja de recirculación estacionaria y calle de torbellinos de Karman, como función del número de Reynolds del flujo incidente. Para la obtención, análisis y post-proceso de los datos, se ha contado con la ayuda de un sistema de Velocimetría por Imágenes de Partículas (PIV). Finalmente y como adición a este último punto, se ha estudiado las vibraciones de un cuerpo romo producidas por el desprendimiento de torbellinos en un canal de alta relación de bloqueo con la base obtenida del estudio anterior. El prisma se mueve con un movimiento armónico simple para un intervalo de números de Reynolds y este movimiento se transforma en vibración alrededor de su eje a partir de un ciero número de Reynolds. En relación al fluido, el régimen de desprendimiento de torbellinos se alcanza a menores números de Reynolds que en el caso de tener el cuerpo romo fijo. Uniendo estos dos registros de movimientos y variando la relación de masas entre prisma y fluido se obtiene un mapa con diferentes estados globales del sistema. Esto no solo tiene aplicación como método para promover el mezclado sino también como método para obtener energía a partir del movimiento del cuerpo en el seno del fluido. Abstract In this thesis, experimental research focused on passive scalar transport is performed in micro-systems with marked sense of industrial application, using innovative methods in order to obtain better performances optimizing critical design parameters or finding new utilities. Part of the results obtained in these experiments have been published into high impact factor journals belonged to the first quarter of the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). First of all the effect of tip clearance in a micro-channel based heat sink is analyzed. Leaving a gap between channels and top cover, letting the channels communicate each other causes three-dimensional effects which improve the heat transfer between fluid and heat sink and also reducing the pressure drop caused by the fluid passing through the micro-channels which has a great impact on the total cooling pumping power needed. It is also analyzed the enhancement produced in terms of dissipated heat in a micro-processor cooling system by improving the predominantly used fin plate with a vapour chamber based heat spreader which contains a two-phase fluid inside. It has also been developed at the same time a numerical model to optimize the new fin plate dimensions compatible with a series of design requirements in which both size and wight plays a very restrictive role. On the other hand, fluid-dynamics phenomena that appears downstream of a bluff body in the bosom of a fluid flow with high blockage ratio has been studied. This research experimentally confirms the existence of an intermediate regime characterized by an oscillating closed recirculation bubble intermediate regime between the steady closed recirculation bubble regime and the vortex shedding regime (Karman street like regime) as a function of the incoming flow Reynolds number. A particle image velocimetry technique (PIV) has been used in order to obtain, analyze and post-process the fluid-dynamic data. Finally and as an addition to the last point, a study on the vortexinduced vibrations (VIV) of a bluff body inside a high blockage ratio channel has been carried out taking advantage of the results obtained with the fixed square prism. The prism moves with simple harmonic motion for a Reynolds number interval and this movement becomes vibrational around its axial axis after overcoming at definite Reynolds number. Regarding the fluid, vortex shedding regime is reached at Reynolds numbers lower than the previous critical ones. Merging both movement spectra and varying the square prism to fluid mass ratio, a map with different global states is reached. This is not only applicable as a mixing enhancement technique but as an energy harvesting method.


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Nowadays, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solvers are widely used within the industry to model fluid flow phenomenons. Several fluid flow model equations have been employed in the last decades to simulate and predict forces acting, for example, on different aircraft configurations. Computational time and accuracy are strongly dependent on the fluid flow model equation and the spatial dimension of the problem considered. While simple models based on perfect flows, like panel methods or potential flow models can be very fast to solve, they usually suffer from a poor accuracy in order to simulate real flows (transonic, viscous). On the other hand, more complex models such as the full Navier- Stokes equations provide high fidelity predictions but at a much higher computational cost. Thus, a good compromise between accuracy and computational time has to be fixed for engineering applications. A discretisation technique widely used within the industry is the so-called Finite Volume approach on unstructured meshes. This technique spatially discretises the flow motion equations onto a set of elements which form a mesh, a discrete representation of the continuous domain. Using this approach, for a given flow model equation, the accuracy and computational time mainly depend on the distribution of nodes forming the mesh. Therefore, a good compromise between accuracy and computational time might be obtained by carefully defining the mesh. However, defining an optimal mesh for complex flows and geometries requires a very high level expertize in fluid mechanics and numerical analysis, and in most cases a simple guess of regions of the computational domain which might affect the most the accuracy is impossible. Thus, it is desirable to have an automatized remeshing tool, which is more flexible with unstructured meshes than its structured counterpart. However, adaptive methods currently in use still have an opened question: how to efficiently drive the adaptation ? Pioneering sensors based on flow features generally suffer from a lack of reliability, so in the last decade more effort has been made in developing numerical error-based sensors, like for instance the adjoint-based adaptation sensors. While very efficient at adapting meshes for a given functional output, the latter method is very expensive as it requires to solve a dual set of equations and computes the sensor on an embedded mesh. Therefore, it would be desirable to develop a more affordable numerical error estimation method. The current work aims at estimating the truncation error, which arises when discretising a partial differential equation. These are the higher order terms neglected in the construction of the numerical scheme. The truncation error provides very useful information as it is strongly related to the flow model equation and its discretisation. On one hand, it is a very reliable measure of the quality of the mesh, therefore very useful in order to drive a mesh adaptation procedure. On the other hand, it is strongly linked to the flow model equation, so that a careful estimation actually gives information on how well a given equation is solved, which may be useful in the context of _ -extrapolation or zonal modelling. The following work is organized as follows: Chap. 1 contains a short review of mesh adaptation techniques as well as numerical error prediction. In the first section, Sec. 1.1, the basic refinement strategies are reviewed and the main contribution to structured and unstructured mesh adaptation are presented. Sec. 1.2 introduces the definitions of errors encountered when solving Computational Fluid Dynamics problems and reviews the most common approaches to predict them. Chap. 2 is devoted to the mathematical formulation of truncation error estimation in the context of finite volume methodology, as well as a complete verification procedure. Several features are studied, such as the influence of grid non-uniformities, non-linearity, boundary conditions and non-converged numerical solutions. This verification part has been submitted and accepted for publication in the Journal of Computational Physics. Chap. 3 presents a mesh adaptation algorithm based on truncation error estimates and compares the results to a feature-based and an adjoint-based sensor (in collaboration with Jorge Ponsín, INTA). Two- and three-dimensional cases relevant for validation in the aeronautical industry are considered. This part has been submitted and accepted in the AIAA Journal. An extension to Reynolds Averaged Navier- Stokes equations is also included, where _ -estimation-based mesh adaptation and _ -extrapolation are applied to viscous wing profiles. The latter has been submitted in the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. Keywords: mesh adaptation, numerical error prediction, finite volume Hoy en día, la Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional (CFD) es ampliamente utilizada dentro de la industria para obtener información sobre fenómenos fluidos. La Dinámica de Fluidos Computacional considera distintas modelizaciones de las ecuaciones fluidas (Potencial, Euler, Navier-Stokes, etc) para simular y predecir las fuerzas que actúan, por ejemplo, sobre una configuración de aeronave. El tiempo de cálculo y la precisión en la solución depende en gran medida de los modelos utilizados, así como de la dimensión espacial del problema considerado. Mientras que modelos simples basados en flujos perfectos, como modelos de flujos potenciales, se pueden resolver rápidamente, por lo general aducen de una baja precisión a la hora de simular flujos reales (viscosos, transónicos, etc). Por otro lado, modelos más complejos tales como el conjunto de ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes proporcionan predicciones de alta fidelidad, a expensas de un coste computacional mucho más elevado. Por lo tanto, en términos de aplicaciones de ingeniería se debe fijar un buen compromiso entre precisión y tiempo de cálculo. Una técnica de discretización ampliamente utilizada en la industria es el método de los Volúmenes Finitos en mallas no estructuradas. Esta técnica discretiza espacialmente las ecuaciones del movimiento del flujo sobre un conjunto de elementos que forman una malla, una representación discreta del dominio continuo. Utilizando este enfoque, para una ecuación de flujo dado, la precisión y el tiempo computacional dependen principalmente de la distribución de los nodos que forman la malla. Por consiguiente, un buen compromiso entre precisión y tiempo de cálculo se podría obtener definiendo cuidadosamente la malla, concentrando sus elementos en aquellas zonas donde sea estrictamente necesario. Sin embargo, la definición de una malla óptima para corrientes y geometrías complejas requiere un nivel muy alto de experiencia en la mecánica de fluidos y el análisis numérico, así como un conocimiento previo de la solución. Aspecto que en la mayoría de los casos no está disponible. Por tanto, es deseable tener una herramienta que permita adaptar los elementos de malla de forma automática, acorde a la solución fluida (remallado). Esta herramienta es generalmente más flexible en mallas no estructuradas que con su homóloga estructurada. No obstante, los métodos de adaptación actualmente en uso todavía dejan una pregunta abierta: cómo conducir de manera eficiente la adaptación. Sensores pioneros basados en las características del flujo en general, adolecen de una falta de fiabilidad, por lo que en la última década se han realizado grandes esfuerzos en el desarrollo numérico de sensores basados en el error, como por ejemplo los sensores basados en el adjunto. A pesar de ser muy eficientes en la adaptación de mallas para un determinado funcional, este último método resulta muy costoso, pues requiere resolver un doble conjunto de ecuaciones: la solución y su adjunta. Por tanto, es deseable desarrollar un método numérico de estimación de error más asequible. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo estimar el error local de truncación, que aparece cuando se discretiza una ecuación en derivadas parciales. Estos son los términos de orden superior olvidados en la construcción del esquema numérico. El error de truncación proporciona una información muy útil sobre la solución: es una medida muy fiable de la calidad de la malla, obteniendo información que permite llevar a cabo un procedimiento de adaptación de malla. Está fuertemente relacionado al modelo matemático fluido, de modo que una estimación precisa garantiza la idoneidad de dicho modelo en un campo fluido, lo que puede ser útil en el contexto de modelado zonal. Por último, permite mejorar la precisión de la solución resolviendo un nuevo sistema donde el error local actúa como término fuente (_ -extrapolación). El presenta trabajo se organiza de la siguiente manera: Cap. 1 contiene una breve reseña de las técnicas de adaptación de malla, así como de los métodos de predicción de los errores numéricos. En la primera sección, Sec. 1.1, se examinan las estrategias básicas de refinamiento y se presenta la principal contribución a la adaptación de malla estructurada y no estructurada. Sec 1.2 introduce las definiciones de los errores encontrados en la resolución de problemas de Dinámica Computacional de Fluidos y se examinan los enfoques más comunes para predecirlos. Cap. 2 está dedicado a la formulación matemática de la estimación del error de truncación en el contexto de la metodología de Volúmenes Finitos, así como a un procedimiento de verificación completo. Se estudian varias características que influyen en su estimación: la influencia de la falta de uniformidad de la malla, el efecto de las no linealidades del modelo matemático, diferentes condiciones de contorno y soluciones numéricas no convergidas. Esta parte de verificación ha sido presentada y aceptada para su publicación en el Journal of Computational Physics. Cap. 3 presenta un algoritmo de adaptación de malla basado en la estimación del error de truncación y compara los resultados con sensores de featured-based y adjointbased (en colaboración con Jorge Ponsín del INTA). Se consideran casos en dos y tres dimensiones, relevantes para la validación en la industria aeronáutica. Este trabajo ha sido presentado y aceptado en el AIAA Journal. También se incluye una extensión de estos métodos a las ecuaciones RANS (Reynolds Average Navier- Stokes), en donde adaptación de malla basada en _ y _ -extrapolación son aplicados a perfiles con viscosidad de alas. Este último trabajo se ha presentado en los Actas de la Institución de Ingenieros Mecánicos, Parte G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering. Palabras clave: adaptación de malla, predicción del error numérico, volúmenes finitos


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Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) methods are used in this paper to predict the power production from entire wind farms in complex terrain and to shed some light into the wake flow patterns. Two full three-dimensional Navier–Stokes solvers for incompressible fluid flow, employing k − ϵ and k − ω turbulence closures, are used. The wind turbines are modeled as momentum absorbers by means of their thrust coefficient through the actuator disk approach. Alternative methods for estimating the reference wind speed in the calculation of the thrust are tested. The work presented in this paper is part of the work being undertaken within the UpWind Integrated Project that aims to develop the design tools for next generation of large wind turbines. In this part of UpWind, the performance of wind farm and wake models is being examined in complex terrain environment where there are few pre-existing relevant measurements. The focus of the work being carried out is to evaluate the performance of CFD models in large wind farm applications in complex terrain and to examine the development of the wakes in a complex terrain environment.


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The aim of this paper is to explain the chloride concentration profiles obtained experimentally from control samples of an offshore platform after 25 years of service life. The platform is located 12 km off the coast of the Brazilian province Rio Grande do Norte, in the north-east of Brazil. The samples were extracted at different orientations and heights above mean sea level. A simple model based on Fick’s second law is considered and compared with a finite element model which takes into account transport of chloride ions by diffusion and convection. Results show that convective flows significantly affect the studied chloride penetrations. The convection velocity is obtained by fitting the finite element solution to the experimental data and seems to be directly proportional to the height above mean sea level and also seems to depend on the orientation of the face of the platform. This work shows that considering solely diffusion as transport mechanism does not allow a good prediction of the chloride profiles. Accounting for capillary suction due to moisture gradients permits a better interpretation of the material’s behaviour.


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The aim of this paper is to explain the chloride concentration profiles obtained experimentally from control samples of an offshore platform after 25 years of service life. The platform is located 12 km off the coast of the Brazilian province Rio Grande do Norte, in the north-east of Brazil. The samples were extracted at different orientations and heights above mean sea level. A simple model based on Fick’s second law is considered and compared with a finite element model which takes into account transport of chloride ions by diffusion and convection. Results show that convective flows significantly affect the studied chloride penetrations. The convection velocity is obtained by fitting the finite element solution to the experimental data and seems to be directly proportional to the height above mean sea level and also seems to depend on the orientation of the face of the platform. This work shows that considering solely diffusion as transport mechanism does not allow a good prediction of the chloride profiles. Accounting for capillary suction due to moisture gradients permits a better interpretation of the material’s behaviour


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The transport properties of thin-film solar cells based on wide-gap CuGaSe(2) absorbers have been investigated as a function of the bulk [Ga]/[Cu] ratio ranging from 1.01 to 1.33. We find that (i) the recombination processes in devices prepared from absorbers with a composition close to stoichiometry ([Ga]/[Cu] = 1.01) are strongly tunnelling assisted resulting in low recombination activation energies (E(a)) of approx. 0.95 eV in the dark and 1.36 eV under illumination. (ii) With an increasing [Ga]/[Cu] ratio, the transport mechanism changes to be dominated by thermally activated Shockley-Read-Hall recombination with similar E(a) values of approx. 1.52-1.57 eV for bulk [Ga]/[Cu] ratios of 1.12-1.33. The dominant recombination processes take place at the interface between CdS buffer and CuGaSe(2) absorber independently from the absorber composition. The increase of E(a) with the [Ga]/[Cu] ratio correlates with the open circuit voltage and explains the better performance of corresponding solar cells.


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A mathematical formulation for finite strain elasto plastic consolidation of fully saturated soil media is presented. Strong and weak forms of the boundary-value problem are derived using both the material and spatial descriptions. The algorithmic treatment of finite strain elastoplasticity for the solid phase is based on multiplicative decomposition and is coupled with the algorithm for fluid flow via the Kirchhoff pore water pressure. Balance laws are written for the soil-water mixture following the motion of the soil matrix alone. It is shown that the motion of the fluid phase only affects the Jacobian of the solid phase motion, and therefore can be characterized completely by the motion of the soil matrix. Furthermore, it is shown from energy balance consideration that the effective, or intergranular, stress is the appropriate measure of stress for describing the constitutive response of the soil skeleton since it absorbs all the strain energy generated in the saturated soil-water mixture. Finally, it is shown that the mathematical model is amenable to consistent linearization, and that explicit expressions for the consistent tangent operators can be derived for use in numerical solutions such as those based on the finite element method.


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A mathematical model for finite strain elastoplastic consolidation of fully saturated soil media is implemented into a finite element program. The algorithmic treatment of finite strain elastoplasticity for the solid phase is based on multiplicative decomposition and is coupled with the algorithm for fluid flow via the Kirchhoff pore water pressure. A two-field mixed finite element formulation is employed in which the nodal solid displacements and the nodal pore water pressures are coupled via the linear momentum and mass balance equations. The constitutive model for the solid phase is represented by modified Cam—Clay theory formulated in the Kirchhoff principal stress space, and return mapping is carried out in the strain space defined by the invariants of the elastic logarithmic principal stretches. The constitutive model for fluid flow is represented by a generalized Darcy's law formulated with respect to the current configuration. The finite element model is fully amenable to exact linearization. Numerical examples with and without finite deformation effects are presented to demonstrate the impact of geometric nonlinearity on the predicted responses. The paper concludes with an assessment of the performance of the finite element consolidation model with respect to accuracy and numerical stability.


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onceptual design phase is partially supported by product lifecycle management/computer-aided design (PLM/CAD) systems causing discontinuity of the design information flow: customer needs — functional requirements — key characteristics — design parameters (DPs) — geometric DPs. Aiming to address this issue, it is proposed a knowledge-based approach is proposed to integrate quality function deployment, failure mode and effects analysis, and axiomatic design into a commercial PLM/CAD system. A case study, main subject of this article, was carried out to validate the proposed process, to evaluate, by a pilot development, how the commercial PLM/CAD modules and application programming interface could support the information flow, and based on the pilot scheme results to propose a full development framework.


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Esta tesis constituye un gran avance en el conocimiento del estudio y análisis de inestabilidades hidrodinámicas desde un punto de vista físico y teórico, como consecuencia de haber desarrollado innovadoras técnicas para la resolución computacional eficiente y precisa de la parte principal del espectro correspondiente a los problemas de autovalores (EVP) multidimensionales que gobiernan la inestabilidad de flujos con dos o tres direcciones espaciales inhomogéneas, denominados problemas de estabilidad global lineal. En el contexto del trabajo de desarrollo de herramientas computacionales presentado en la tesis, la discretización mediante métodos de diferencias finitas estables de alto orden de los EVP bidimensionales y tridimensionales que se derivan de las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes linealizadas sobre flujos con dos o tres direcciones espaciales inhomogéneas, ha permitido una aceleración de cuatro órdenes de magnitud en su resolución. Esta mejora de eficiencia numérica se ha conseguido gracias al hecho de que usando estos esquemas de diferencias finitas, técnicas eficientes de resolución de problemas lineales son utilizables, explotando el alto nivel de dispersión o alto número de elementos nulos en las matrices involucradas en los problemas tratados. Como más notable consecuencia cabe destacar que la resolución de EVPs multidimensionales de inestabilidad global, que hasta la fecha necesitaban de superordenadores, se ha podido realizar en ordenadores de sobremesa. Además de la solución de problemas de estabilidad global lineal, el mencionado desarrollo numérico facilitó la extensión de las ecuaciones de estabilidad parabolizadas (PSE) lineales y no lineales para analizar la inestabilidad de flujos que dependen fuertemente en dos direcciones espaciales y suavemente en la tercera con las ecuaciones de estabilidad parabolizadas tridimensionales (PSE-3D). Precisamente la capacidad de extensión del novedoso algoritmo PSE-3D para el estudio de interacciones no lineales de los modos de estabilidad, desarrollado íntegramente en esta tesis, permite la predicción de transición en flujos complejos de gran interés industrial y por lo tanto extiende el concepto clásico de PSE, el cuál ha sido empleado exitosamente durante las pasadas tres décadas en el mismo contexto para problemas de capa límite bidimensional. Típicos ejemplos de flujos incompresibles se han analizado en este trabajo sin la necesidad de recurrir a restrictivas presuposiciones usadas en el pasado. Se han estudiado problemas vorticales como es el caso de un vórtice aislado o sistemas de vórtices simulando la estela de alas, en los que la homogeneidad axial no se impone y así se puede considerar la difusión viscosa del flujo. Además, se ha estudiado el chorro giratorio turbulento, cuya inestabilidad se utiliza para mejorar las características de funcionamiento de combustores. En la tesis se abarcan adicionalmente problemas de flujos compresibles. Se presenta el estudio de inestabilidad de flujos de borde de ataque a diferentes velocidades de vuelo. También se analiza la estela formada por un elemento rugoso aislado en capa límite supersónica e hipersónica, mostrando excelentes comparaciones con resultados obtenidos mediante simulación numérica directa. Finalmente, nuevas inestabilidades se han identificado en el flujo hipersónico a Mach 7 alrededor de un cono elíptico que modela el vehículo de pruebas en vuelo HIFiRE-5. Los resultados comparan favorablemente con experimentos en vuelo, lo que subraya aún más el potencial de las metodologías de análisis de estabilidad desarrolladas en esta tesis. ABSTRACT The present thesis constitutes a step forward in advancing the frontiers of knowledge of fluid flow instability from a physical point of view, as a consequence of having been successful in developing groundbreaking methodologies for the efficient and accurate computation of the leading part of the spectrum pertinent to multi-dimensional eigenvalue problems (EVP) governing instability of flows with two or three inhomogeneous spatial directions. In the context of the numerical work presented in this thesis, the discretization of the spatial operator resulting from linearization of the Navier-Stokes equations around flows with two or three inhomogeneous spatial directions by variable-high-order stable finite-difference methods has permitted a speedup of four orders of magnitude in the solution of the corresponding two- and three-dimensional EVPs. This improvement of numerical performance has been achieved thanks to the high-sparsity level offered by the high-order finite-difference schemes employed for the discretization of the operators. This permitted use of efficient sparse linear algebra techniques without sacrificing accuracy and, consequently, solutions being obtained on typical workstations, as opposed to the previously employed supercomputers. Besides solution of the two- and three-dimensional EVPs of global linear instability, this development paved the way for the extension of the (linear and nonlinear) Parabolized Stability Equations (PSE) to analyze instability of flows which depend in a strongly-coupled inhomogeneous manner on two spatial directions and weakly on the third. Precisely the extensibility of the novel PSE-3D algorithm developed in the framework of the present thesis to study nonlinear flow instability permits transition prediction in flows of industrial interest, thus extending the classic PSE concept which has been successfully employed in the same context to boundary-layer type of flows over the last three decades. Typical examples of incompressible flows, the instability of which was analyzed in the present thesis without the need to resort to the restrictive assumptions used in the past, range from isolated vortices, and systems thereof, in which axial homogeneity is relaxed to consider viscous diffusion, as well as turbulent swirling jets, the instability of which is exploited in order to improve flame-holding properties of combustors. The instability of compressible subsonic and supersonic leading edge flows has been solved, and the wake of an isolated roughness element in a supersonic and hypersonic boundary-layer has also been analyzed with respect to its instability: excellent agreement with direct numerical simulation results has been obtained in all cases. Finally, instability analysis of Mach number 7 ow around an elliptic cone modeling the HIFiRE-5 flight test vehicle has unraveled flow instabilities near the minor-axis centerline, results comparing favorably with flight test predictions.


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Fluid flow and fabric compaction during vacuum assisted resin infusion (VARI) of composite materials was simulated using a level set-based approach. Fluid infusion through the fiber preform was modeled using Darcy’s equations for the fluid flow through a porous media. The stress partition between the fluid and the fiber bed was included by means of Terzaghi’s effective stress theory. Tracking the fluid front during infusion was introduced by means of the level set method. The resulting partial differential equations for the fluid infusion and the evolution of flow front were discretized and solved approximately using the finite differences method with a uniform grid discretization of the spatial domain. The model results were validated against uniaxial VARI experiments through an [0]8 E-glass plain woven preform. The physical parameters of the model were also independently measured. The model results (in terms of the fabric thickness, pressure and fluid front evolution during filling) were in good agreement with the numerical simulations, showing the potential of the level set method to simulate resin infusion


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Como contribución del estudio de medios heterogéneos, esta tesis recoge el trabajo llevado a cabo sobre modelado teórico y simulación del estudio de las propiedades ópticas de la piel y del agua del mar, como ejemplos paradigmáticos de medios heterogéneos. Se ha tomado como punto de partida el estudio de la propagación de la radiación óptica, más concretamente de la radiación láser, en un tejido biológico. La importancia de la caracterización óptica de un tejido es fundamental para manejar la interacción radiación-tejido que permite tanto el diagnóstico como la terapéutica de enfermedades y/o de disfunciones en las Ciencias de la Salud. Sin olvidar el objetivo de ofrecer una metodología de estudio, con un «enfoque ingenieril», de las propiedades ópticas en un medio heterogéneo, que no tiene por qué ser exclusivamente el tejido biológico. Como consecuencia de lo anterior y de la importancia que tiene el agua dentro de los tejidos biológicos se decide estudiar en otro capítulo las propiedades ópticas del agua dentro de un entorno heterogéneo como es el agua del mar. La selección del agua del mar, como objeto de estudio adicional, es motivada, principalmente, porque se trata de un sistema heterogéneo fácilmente descriptible en cada uno de sus elementos y permite evaluar una amplia bibliografía. Además se considera que los avances que han tenido lugar en los últimos años en las tecnologías fotónicas van a permitir su uso en los métodos experimentales de análisis de las aguas. El conocimiento de sus propiedades ópticas permite caracterizar los diferentes tipos de aguas de acuerdo con sus compuestos, así como poder identificar su presencia. Todo ello abre un amplio abanico de aplicaciones. En esta tesis doctoral, se ha conseguido de manera general: • Realizar un estudio del estado del arte del conocimiento de las propiedades ópticas de la piel y la identificación de sus elementos dispersores de la luz. • Establecer una metodología de estudio que nos permita obtener datos sobre posibles efectos de la radiación en los tejidos biológicos. •Usar distintas herramientas informáticas para simular el transporte de la radiación laser en tejidos biológicos. • Realizar experimentos mediante simulación de láser, tejidos biológicos y detectores. • Comparar los resultados conocidos experimentalmente con los simulados. • Estudiar los instrumentos de medida de la respuesta a la propagación de radiación laser en tejidos anisotrópicos. • Obtener resultados originales para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de pieles, considerando diferente razas y como alteración posible en la piel, se ha estudiado la presencia del basalioma. • Aplicación de la metodología de estudio realizada en la piel a la simulación de agua de mar. • Obtener resultados originales de simulación y análisis de cantidad de fitoplancton en agua; con el objetivo de facilitar la caracterización de diferentes tipos de aguas. La tesis doctoral se articula en 6 capítulos y 3 anexos perfectamente diferenciados con su propia bibliografía en cada uno de ellos. El primer capítulo está centrado en la problemática del difícil estudio y caracterización de los medios heterogéneos debidos a su comportamiento no homogéneo y anisotrópico ante las radiaciones ópticas. Así pues, presentaremos una breve introducción al comportamiento tanto de los tejidos como del océano ante radiaciones ópticas y definiremos sus principales propiedades: la absorción, el scattering, la anisotropía y los coeficientes de reflexión. Como continuación, un segundo capítulo trata de acercarnos a la resolución del problema de cómo caracterizar las propiedades ópticas descritas en el primer capítulo. Para ello, primero se introducen los modelos teóricos, en segundo lugar los métodos de simulación más empleados y, por último, enumerar las principales técnicas de medida de la propagación de la luz en los tejidos vivos. El tercer capítulo, centrado en la piel y sus propiedades, intenta realizar una síntesis de lo que se conoce sobre el comportamiento de la piel frente a la propagación de las radiaciones ópticas. Se estudian sus elementos constituyentes y los distintos tipos de pieles. Por último se describe un ejemplo de aplicación más inmediata que se beneficia de este conocimiento. Sabemos que el porcentaje de agua en el cuerpo humano es muy elevado, en concreto en la piel se considera de aproximadamente un 70%. Es obvio, por tanto, que conocer cómo afecta el agua en la propagación de una radiación óptica facilitaría el disponer de patrones de referencia; para ello, se realiza el estudio del agua del mar. En el cuarto capítulo se estudian las propiedades del agua del mar como medio heterogéneo de partículas. En este capítulo presentamos una síntesis de los elementos más significativos de dispersores en el océano, un estudio de su comportamiento individual frente a radiaciones ópticas y su contribución al océano en su conjunto. Finalmente, en el quinto capítulo se describen los resultados obtenidos en los distintos tipos de simulaciones realizadas. Las herramientas de simulación empleadas han sido las mismas tanto para el caso del estudio de la piel como para el agua del mar, por ello ambos resultados son expuestos en el mismo capítulo. En el primer caso se analizan diferentes tipos de agua oceánica, mediante la variación de las concentraciones de fitoplancton. El método empleado permite comprobar las diferencias que pueden encontrarse en la caracterización y diagnóstico de aguas. El segundo caso analizado es el de la piel; donde se estudia el comportamiento de distintos tipos de piel, se analizan para validar el método y se comprueba cómo el resultado es compatible con aplicaciones, actualmente comerciales, como la de la depilación con láser. Como resultado significativo se muestra la posible metodología a aplicar para el diagnóstico del cáncer de piel conocido como basalioma. Finalmente presentamos un capítulo dedicado a los trabajos futuros basados en experimentación real y el coste asociado que implicaría el llevarlo a cabo. Los anexos que concluyen la tesis doctoral versan por un lado sobre el funcionamiento del vector común de toda la tesis: el láser, sus aplicaciones y su control en la seguridad y por otro presentamos los coeficientes de absorción y scattering que hemos utilizado en nuestras simulaciones. El primero condensa las principales características de una radiación láser desde el punto de vista de su generación, el segundo presenta la seguridad en su uso y el tercero son tablas propias, cuyos parámetros son los utilizados en el apartado de experimentación. Aunque por el tipo de tesis que defiendo no se ajusta a los modelos canónicos de tesis doctoral, el lector podrá encontrar en esta tesis de forma imbricada, el modelo común a todas las tesis o proyectos de investigación con una sección dedicada al estado del arte con ejemplos pedagógicos para facilitar la compresión y se plantean unos objetivos (capítulos 1-4), y un capítulo que se subdivide en materiales y métodos y resultados y discusiones (capítulo 5 con sus subsecciones), para finalizar con una vista al futuro y los trabajos futuros que se desprenden de la tesis (capítulo 6). ABSTRACT As contribution to the study of heterogeneous media, this thesis covers the work carried out on theoretical modelling and simulation study of the optical properties of the skin and seawater, as paradigmatic examples of heterogeneous media. It is taken as a starting point the study of the propagation of optical radiation, in particular laser radiation in a biological tissue. The importance of optical characterization of a tissue is critical for managing the interaction between radiation and tissues that allows both diagnosis and therapy of diseases and / or dysfunctions in Health Sciences. Without forgetting the aim of providing a methodology of study, with "engineering approach" of the optical properties in a heterogeneous environment, which does not have to be exclusively biological tissue. As a result of this and the importance of water in biological tissues, we have decided to study the optical properties of water in a heterogeneous environment such as seawater in another chapter. The selection of sea water as an object of further study is motivated mainly because it is considered that the advances that have taken place in recent years in photonic technologies will allow its use in experimental methods of water analysis. Knowledge of the optical properties to characterize the different types of waters according to their compounds, as well as to identify its presence. All of this opens a wide range of applications. In this thesis, it has been generally achieved: • Conduct a study of the state of the art knowledge of the optical properties of the skin and identifying its light scattering elements. • Establish a study methodology that allows us to obtain data on possible effects of radiation on biological tissues. • Use different computer tools to simulate the transport of laser radiation in biological tissues. • Conduct experiments by simulating: laser, detectors, and biological tissues. • Compare the known results with our experimentally simulation. • Study the measuring instruments and its response to the propagation of laser radiation in anisotropic tissues. • Get innovative results for diagnosis and treatment of skin, considering different races and a possible alteration in the skin that we studied: the presence of basal cell carcinoma. • Application of the methodology of the study conducted in the skin to simulate seawater. • Get innovative results of simulation and analysis of amount of phytoplankton in water; in order to facilitate the characterization of different types of water. The dissertation is divided into six chapters and three annexes clearly distinguished by their own literature in each of them. The first chapter is focused on the problem of difficult study and characterization of heterogeneous media due to their inhomogeneous and anisotropic behaviour of optical radiation. So we present a brief introduction to the behaviour of both tissues at the cellular level as the ocean, to optical radiation and define the main optical properties: absorption, scattering, anisotropy and reflection coefficients. Following from this, a second chapter is an approach to solving the problem of how to characterize the optical properties described in the first chapter. For this, first the theoretical models are introduced, secondly simulation methods more used and, finally, the main techniques for measuring the propagation of light in living tissue. The third chapter is focused on the skin and its properties, tries to make a synthesis of what is known about the behaviour of the skin and its constituents tackle the spread of optical radiation. Different skin types are studied and an example of immediate application of this knowledge benefits described. We know that the percentage of water in the human body is very high, particularly in the skin is considered about 70%. It is obvious, therefore, that knowing how the water is affected by the propagation of an optical radiation facilitate to get reference patterns; For this, the study of seawater is performed. In the fourth chapter the properties of seawater as a heterogeneous component particles are studied. This chapter presents a summary of the scattering elements in the ocean, its individual response to optical radiation and its contribution to the ocean as a whole. In the fifth chapter the results of the different types of simulations are described. Simulation tools used were the same for the study of skin and seawater, so both results are presented in the chapter. In the first case different types of ocean water is analysed by varying the concentrations of phytoplankton. The method allows to check the differences that can be found in the characterization and diagnosis of water. The second case analysed is the skin; where the behaviour of different skin types are studied and checked how the result is compatible with applications currently trade, such as laser hair removal. As a significant result of the possible methodology to be applied for the diagnosis of skin cancer known as basal cell carcinoma is shown. Finally we present a chapter on future work based on actual experimentation and the associated cost which it would involve carrying out. The annexes conclude the thesis deal with one hand on the functioning of the common vector of the whole thesis: laser, control applications and safety and secondly we present the absorption and scattering coefficients we used in our simulations. The first condenses the main characteristics of laser radiation from the point of view of their generation, the second presents the safety in use and the third are own tables, whose parameters are used in the experimental section. Although the kind of view which I advocate does not meet the standard models doctoral thesis, the reader will find in this thesis so interwoven, the common model to all theses or research projects with a section on the state of the art pedagogical examples to facilitate the understanding and objectives (Chapters 1-4), and a chapter is divided into materials and methods and results and discussions (Chapter 5 subsections) arise, finishing with a view to the future and work future arising from the thesis (Chapter 6).