27 resultados para Collective farms
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Although still in an early stage, offshore wind development is now characterized by a boom process. This leads to the necessity of applying an integral management model for the design of offshore wind facilities, being the purpose of the model to achieve technical, economical and environmental viability, all within a sustainable development framework. The foregoing led to the research project exposed in this paper, consisting of drawing up an offshore wind farms methodological proposal; this methodology has a global and/or general nature or point of view whilst searching for optimization of the overall process of operations leading to the design of this type of installations and establishing collated theoretical bases for the further development of management tools. This methodological proposal follows a classical engineering thought scheme: it begins with the alternatives study, and ends with the detailed design. With this in mind, the paper includes the following sections: introduction, methodology used for the research project, conditioning factors, methodological proposal for the design of offshore wind farms, checking the methodological proposal, and conclusions
Offshore wind farms are beginning to form part of coastal and marine landscapes located in dynamic surroundings. An integral management model must therefore be applied to achieve not only technical and economic viability of the project but also respect for the environment. Amongst other aspects, the latter calls for an analysis of the possible impact these facilities may have on littoral processes and this requires the differences between littoral processes prior and subsequent to the facility’s construction to be known. The maritime climate, the composition of the coast, lay-out distribution and characteristics of the facility’s components need to be known, particularly foundations as they are the main obstacles waves and currents meet. This article first addresses different aspects related to an offshore wind farm’s influence on the analysis of how it affects littoral dynamics and, because of their importance in this study, pays special attention to foundations. Coastal erosion due to this type of facility is then examined. The main conclusion of this article is that, whilst there are certain opinions claiming the coast is not affected by the presence of this kind of facility since the distance from location to coast and between wind turbine generators themselves is long, the impact must be analysed in each specific case, at least until experience proves otherwise and criteria are adopted in this respect.
Análisis de las cimentaciones de los parques eólicos marinos situados en aguas de transición y en indefinidas, tipo gravedad; rozamiento, tipo pilotes; plataformas y flotantes, estudiando el fenómeno conjunto de interacción suelo - estructura y socavación
This article analyses the long-term performance of collective off-grid photovoltaic (PV) systems in rural areas. The use of collective PV systems for the electrification of small medium-size villages in developing countries has increased in the recent years. They are basically set up as stand-alone installations (diesel hybrid or pure PV) with no connection with other electrical grids. Their particular conditions (isolated) and usual installation places (far from commercial/industrial centers) require an autonomous and reliable technology. Different but related factors affect their performance and the energy supply; some of them are strictly technical but others depend on external issues like the solar energy resource and users’ energy and power consumption. The work presented is based on field operation of twelve collective PV installations supplying the electricity to off-grid villages located in the province of Jujuy, Argentina. Five of them have PV generators as unique power source while other seven include the support of diesel groups. Load demand evolution, energy productivity and fuel consumption are analyzed. Besides, energy generation strategies (PV/diesel) are also discussed.
In the last years, vulnerability assessment has emerged as a need for policy making instead of being a pure academic exercise (Hinkel, 2010). In the current context of changing climate, increasing water scarcity threatens economic activities in many arid or semi-arid regions of the World. Climate change (CC) science and policy debates have traditionally focused on CC mitigation and impact assessment (Krysanova et al., 2010). However, even if mitigation policies are successfully enforced some climate change is still expected. Then, adaptation is strongly necessary and, for that, improved knowledge on vulnerability and adaptive capacity is required.
European rural development policy is gaining in importance through one of its key instruments, the Protected Geographical Indications (PGI) system, which is designed to improve quality standards. Previous research has shown that PGI-certified beef farms tend to be more extensively managed operations that are better adapted to mountainous areas. This paper describes a comparative study of two production systems, one with PGI certification and one without, focusing on a number of economic variables. The results show a positive association between PGI production and profitability. In efficiency terms, non-certified farms show better pure technical efficiency scores, while PGI-certified holdings score higher on scale efficiency.
The increasing penetration of wind energy into power systems has pushed grid operators to set new requirements for this kind of generating plants in order to keep acceptable and reliable operation of the system. In addition to the low voltage ride through capability, wind farms are required to participate in voltage support, stability enhancement and power quality improvement. This paper presents a solution for wind farms with fixed-speed generators based on the use of STATCOM with braking resistor and additional series impedances, with an adequate control strategy. The focus is put on guaranteeing the grid code compliance when the wind farm faces an extensive series of grid disturbances.
This paper is the result of research whose main objective is to analyse different methods used for the prediction of maximum scour depth and scour extension, and for the design of scour protections in offshore wind farms located in shallow water, using medium and large diameter monopile foundations. Physical agents such as waves, currents and wind play a major role in the design of structures like offshore farms. As a result, the study has highlighted the need for introducing experience backed climate monomials such as the dimensionless wave height parameter (H0) and proposes the use of formulations that can express the extent of scour protections as a function of waves in transitional waters.
This article describes the results of an investigation aimed at the analysis methods used in the design of the protections against scour phenomenon on offshore wind farms in transitional waters, using medium and large diameter monopile type deep foundations.
Power losses due to wind turbine wakes are of the order of 10 and 20% of total power output in large wind farms. The focus of this research carried out within the EC funded UPWIND project is wind speed and turbulence modelling for large wind farms/wind turbines in complex terrain and offshore in order to optimise wind farm layouts to reduce wake losses and loads.
Use of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) methods to predict the power production from wind entire wind farms in flat and complex terrain is presented in this paper. Two full 3D Navier–Stokes solvers for incompressible flow are employed that incorporate the k–ε and k–ω turbulence models respectively. The wind turbines (W/Ts) are modelled as momentum absorbers by means of their thrust coefficient using the actuator disk approach. The WT thrust is estimated using the wind speed one diameter upstream of the rotor at hub height. An alternative method that employs an induction-factor based concept is also tested. This method features the advantage of not utilizing the wind speed at a specific distance from the rotor disk, which is a doubtful approximation when a W/T is located in the wake of another and/or the terrain is complex. To account for the underestimation of the near wake deficit, a correction is introduced to the turbulence model. The turbulence time scale is bounded using the general “realizability” constraint for the turbulent velocities. Application is made on two wind farms, a five-machine one located in flat terrain and another 43-machine one located in complex terrain. In the flat terrain case, the combination of the induction factor method along with the turbulence correction provides satisfactory results. In the complex terrain case, there are some significant discrepancies with the measurements, which are discussed. In this case, the induction factor method does not provide satisfactory results.
Modelling of entire wind farms in flat and complex terrain using a full 3D Navier–Stokes solver for incompressible flow is presented in this paper. Numerical integration of the governing equations is performed using an implicit pressure correction scheme, where the wind turbines (W/Ts) are modelled as momentum absorbers through their thrust coefficient. The k–ω turbulence model, suitably modified for atmospheric flows, is employed for closure. A correction is introduced to account for the underestimation of the near wake deficit, in which the turbulence time scale is bounded using a general “realizability” constraint for the fluctuating velocities. The second modelling issue that is discussed in this paper is related to the determination of the reference wind speed for the thrust calculation of the machines. Dealing with large wind farms and wind farms in complex terrain, determining the reference wind speed is not obvious when a W/T operates in the wake of another WT and/or in complex terrain. Two alternatives are compared: using the wind speed value at hub height one diameter upstream of the W/T and adopting an induction factor-based concept to overcome the utilization of a wind speed at a certain distance upwind of the rotor. Application is made in two wind farms, a five-machine one located in flat terrain and a 43-machine one located in complex terrain.
Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) methods are used in this paper to predict the power production from entire wind farms in complex terrain and to shed some light into the wake flow patterns. Two full three-dimensional Navier–Stokes solvers for incompressible fluid flow, employing k − ϵ and k − ω turbulence closures, are used. The wind turbines are modeled as momentum absorbers by means of their thrust coefficient through the actuator disk approach. Alternative methods for estimating the reference wind speed in the calculation of the thrust are tested. The work presented in this paper is part of the work being undertaken within the UpWind Integrated Project that aims to develop the design tools for next generation of large wind turbines. In this part of UpWind, the performance of wind farm and wake models is being examined in complex terrain environment where there are few pre-existing relevant measurements. The focus of the work being carried out is to evaluate the performance of CFD models in large wind farm applications in complex terrain and to examine the development of the wakes in a complex terrain environment.
El sector porcino ibérico es un sector típicamente español. La imagen que asocia el consumidor a los productos ibéricos es la correspondiente a los productos elaborados a partir de cerdos ibéricos en explotaciones extensivas, (dehesas), y cebados en montanera. Sin embargo, según los datos publicados por el Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, más de un 70 por ciento de los cerdos ibéricos que se producen en España son criados en granjas intensivas. El sector porcino ibérico está en pleno proceso de cambio, tanto por las variaciones que se derivan de la crisis que sufre el sector, como por las modificaciones que se esperan en la norma de calidad, recientemente acordadas. En este entorno en el que existe una reducción importante de los márgenes comerciales en todos los eslabones de la cadena de valor del jamón ibérico de bellota, adquiere importancia el estudio de su estructura y funcionamiento, la determinación de los aspectos que mejoran la eficiencia económica a lo largo de la misma y su concordancia a lo largo de ella. Así mismo, un sector de los consumidores comienza a buscar productos de calidad, se interesa por productos con determinados etiquetados que garantizan la calidad o unas determinadas prácticas de producción y elaboración, como sucede con los productos ecológicos. Existen numerosos estudios sobre distintos aspectos del sector porcino ibérico, realizados por distintas instituciones, como universidades, instituciones privadas y proyectos europeos. En general, se centran en la mejora de la producción de los cerdos ibéricos o en la mejora de la elaboración de los jamones. La novedad de la investigación realizada en la presente Tesis Doctoral reside en el estudio de los aspectos que determinan la mayor eficiencia económica de la cadena de valor del jamón ibérico de bellota de la denominación de origen de Guijuelo, y en las características que aporta al jamón ibérico de bellota la producción ecológica frente a la convencional. Resumen Los objetivos planteados en esta investigación son la mejora de la cadena de valor del jamón ibérico de bellota de la denominación de origen de Guijuelo, mediante el estudio de la problemática estructural y de funcionamiento de la misma. Como objetivos específicos se proponen la mejora de la eficiencia económica en las relaciones comerciales entre los distintos eslabones de la cadena de valor, y el impulso de la oferta de los productos ecológicos de ibérico, mediante el estudio comparativo de las producciones convencionales y ecológicas. Para alcanzar estos objetivos la metodología utilizada es la cadena de valor agroalimentaria, utilizando como herramientas de análisis el método Delphi y la realización de un análisis DAFO del sector porcino ibérico. Las fuentes de información primarias utilizadas proceden por una parte de la colaboración realizada en el proyecto europeo Q-Porkchains, coordinado por el Dr. Jacques H. Trienekens, y por otra parte de los cuestionarios especialmente diseñados para el análisis Delphi realizado. Las fuentes de información secundarias proceden de artículos académicos publicados, de artículos de revistas especializadas en el sector y de informes y estadísticas publicados por el Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. Las conclusiones de la investigación son las siguientes. Las relaciones comerciales de la cadena de valor estudiada están gestionadas, ya que se otorga gran valor a las relaciones comerciales basadas en la confianza, tanto en el aprovisionamiento de productos como en la venta de los mismos en cada eslabón. Sin embargo, no se gestiona adecuadamente la gama de productos que se oferta a lo largo de la cadena de valor, puesto que los eslabones de la misma obtienen diferente eficiencia económica para el mismo producto. Por otra parte, aunque la denominación de origen de Guijuelo es una marca conocida por el consumidor, el esfuerzo por tener una marca colectiva de calidad no ha sido totalmente satisfactorio, en especial para el eslabón de la distribución. Por esta razón, es importante resaltar que es recomendable la creación de una marca propia que cuide la calidad con especial atención, modificando incluso las empresas integrantes de la cadena de valor si el objetivo de calidad no coincide. Es importante garantizar la calidad del producto al consumidor, mediante la trasmisión la información generada por los informes de inspección y certificación realizados por las entidades correspondientes en relación a la norma de calidad de los productos de cerdo ibérico y por el Consejo Regulador de Guijuelo. Se requiere un estudio detallado de los posibles nichos de mercado para llegar a los clientes que buscan un producto de calidad diferenciada como es el jamón ibérico de denominación de origen de Guijuelo. Dentro de los posibles clientes debe tenerse en consideración al colectivo de personas alérgicas, ya que no se encuentran con facilidad en el mercado productos cárnicos de cerdo libres de alérgenos. Por último, la innovación es muy importante en este sector, y pueden ofertarse nuevos productos que ayuden al acortamiento de la cadena de valor, como podría ser la carne fresca de cerdo ibérico de bellota. La producción ecológica de porcino ibérico, en la actualidad no es significativa. El manejo que se realiza de los cerdos ibéricos convencionales de bellota es muy similar al manejo que se realiza de los cerdos ecológicos, salvo en la alimentación que reciben los cerdos ibéricos antes del cebo en montanera y en los medicamentos permitidos en ambas producciones. La producción de porcino ecológico de bellota puede ser interesante para la exportación. Los jamones ibéricos de bellota dispondrían de un sello que garantiza un manejo tradicional –como se realiza en muchas explotaciones extensivas de cerdos ibéricos de bellota-, y que es apreciado por los consumidores de otros países, dispuestos a pagar por productos de calidad diferenciada. Este tipo de producción quizá podría solventar la limitación al ámbito nacional de la norma de calidad de los productos de cerdo ibérico. La falta de claridad y unanimidad en el sector sobre la calidad de los productos de ibéricos que se percibe en los cambios previstos en la legislación, y el interés del eslabón de la industria elaboradora de jamones en calidades no ligadas a producciones extensivas sino intensivas, por su mayor volumen de ventas y sus mejores rendimientos, mueven a los productores de “ibérico puro de bellota” a desmarcarse del sector “ibérico”, donde el peso del producto ibérico cruzado de pienso tiene mucho peso en las decisiones que se toman. The Iberian pork industry is a typically Spanish industry. The associated image by the consumer to these products corresponds to products made from Iberian pigs in extensive farms (meadows), and fattened in open range. However, according to data released by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, more than 70 percent of the Iberian pigs produced in Spain are raised on factory farms. The Iberian pork industry is in process of change, both by modifications resulting from the crisis in the sector, and the expected ones in the quality standard, recently agreed. In this environment where there is a significant reduction in trade margins in all links of the value chain of Iberian ham, becomes important to study its structure and operation, identifying the aspects that improve economic efficiency along the value chain and their concordance along it. Likewise, part of the consumers begins searching for quality products, they are interested in certain products that guarantee some sort of quality or production and processing practices, like organic products. There are several studies on various aspects of the Iberian pork industry, made by different institutions, such as universities, private institutions and some European projects. In general, their goal is focused on improving the Iberian hog production or on improving the elaboration of hams. The novelty of the research conducted in this PhD thesis lies in the study of the aspects that determine the economic efficiency of the value chain of Iberian ham from Guijuelo designation of origin, and the comparison between the features that organic or conventional production of Iberian ham brings to it. The objectives propound in this research are the improvement of the value chain of Iberian ham from Guijuelo designation of origin, through the study of its structural and operational problematic. The proposed specific objectives are the improvement of the economic efficiency Resumen in trade relations between the different links in the value chain, and the promotion of the supply of Iberian organic pork products, through the comparative study of conventional and organic productions. In order to achieve these objectives, the used methodology is the agrifood value chain, using as analysis tools the Delphi method, and a SWOT analysis of the Iberian pork industry. The primary sources of information come partly from the collaboration in the European project Q-Porkchains, coordinated by Dr. Jacques Trienekens, and partly from the questionnaires specially designed for the Delphi analysis performed. The secondary sources come from published academic papers, specialized journal articles and reports published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment. The research conclusions are as follows. Trade relations in the studied value chain are managed, as it is granted a great value to business relationships based on trust, both in the supply of products and in the sale in each link. However, the portfolio that is offered throughout the value chain is not properly managed, since the economic efficiency obtained for the same product is different in each link. Moreover, although the designation of origin of Guijuelo is a well-known brand, the effort made to acquire a collective quality trademark has not been entirely satisfactory, especially in the distribution link. Due to it, it is important to highlight that it is recommended to create a brand focused on quality, and indeed to change the firms integrating the vale chain, if the goal is not shared by all the companies. It is essential to ensure the quality of the product to the consumer, through the transmission of the available information related to the quality standard of Iberian pork products and of the Guijuelo Regulating Council. A detailed study of potential niche markets is required, in order to reach customers looking for a differentiated quality product as Iberian ham of Guijuelo designation of origin. It should be taken into consideration the group of allergy sufferers as potential customers, as they do not easily find pork products in the market free of allergens. Innovation is very important in this industry, and new products could be commercialized that help to shorten the value chain, as fresh acorn Iberian pork. Nowadays, the organic production of Iberian pork products is not significant. The operation is very similar in both conventional and organic production of Iberian pork products, except in the food received by Iberian hogs and the sort of medicinal treatments allowed in each production. The organic acorn Iberian pork production could be interesting for export. Acorn Iberian hams would have a well-known hallmark, which guarantees a traditional production, -as it is done in many extensive holdings of Iberian acorn-pigs-, and that is appreciated by consumers in other countries This niche of consumers could pay for differentiated quality products. Perhaps, this sort of production could solve the limitation to national scope of the quality standard of Iberian pork products. The lack of clarity and unanimity in the industry on the quality of Iberian pork products has been perceived in the agreed changes of the legislation as well as the interest of the processing industry in hams of quality categories which are not linked to extensive but intensive productions, due to their higher sales volume and better yields. This situation pushed "acorn pure Iberian " pigs farmers to split from the Iberian industry, where the importance of cross Iberian pig from intensive farms is growing so high that they can influence the negotiations and decisions taken inside and outside the industry.
Wake effect represents one of the most important aspects to be analyzed at the engineering phase of every wind farm since it supposes an important power deficit and an increase of turbulence levels with the consequent decrease of the lifetime. It depends on the wind farm design, wind turbine type and the atmospheric conditions prevailing at the site. Traditionally industry has used analytical models, quick and robust, which allow carry out at the preliminary stages wind farm engineering in a flexible way. However, new models based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) are needed. These models must increase the accuracy of the output variables avoiding at the same time an increase in the computational time. Among them, the elliptic models based on the actuator disk technique have reached an extended use during the last years. These models present three important problems in case of being used by default for the solution of large wind farms: the estimation of the reference wind speed upstream of each rotor disk, turbulence modeling and computational time. In order to minimize the consequence of these problems, this PhD Thesis proposes solutions implemented under the open source CFD solver OpenFOAM and adapted for each type of site: a correction on the reference wind speed for the general elliptic models, the semi-parabollic model for large offshore wind farms and the hybrid model for wind farms in complex terrain. All the models are validated in terms of power ratios by means of experimental data derived from real operating wind farms.