7 resultados para Collaborative process

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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As the use of recommender systems becomes more consolidated on the Net, an increasing need arises to develop some kind of evaluation framework for collaborative filtering measures and methods which is capable of not only testing the prediction and recommendation results, but also of other purposes which until now were considered secondary, such as novelty in the recommendations and the users? trust in these. This paper provides: (a) measures to evaluate the novelty of the users? recommendations and trust in their neighborhoods, (b) equations that formalize and unify the collaborative filtering process and its evaluation, (c) a framework based on the above-mentioned elements that enables the evaluation of the quality results of any collaborative filtering applied to the desired recommender systems, using four graphs: quality of the predictions, the recommendations, the novelty and the trust.


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The creation of language resources is a time-consuming process requiring the efforts of many people. The use of resources collaboratively created by non-linguists can potentially ameliorate this situation. However, such resources often contain more errors compared to resources created by experts. For the particular case of lexica, we analyse the case of Wiktionary, a resource created along wiki principles and argue that through the use of a principled lexicon model, namely lemon, the resulting data could be better understandable to machines. We then present a platform called lemon source that supports the creation of linked lexical data along the lemon model. This tool builds on the concept of a semantic wiki to enable collaborative editing of the resources by many users concurrently. In this paper, we describe the model, the tool and present an evaluation of its usability based on a small group of users.


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Los sistemas de recomendación son un tipo de solución al problema de sobrecarga de información que sufren los usuarios de los sitios web en los que se pueden votar ciertos artículos. El sistema de recomendación de filtrado colaborativo es considerado como el método con más éxito debido a que sus recomendaciones se hacen basándose en los votos de usuarios similares a un usuario activo. Sin embargo, el método de filtrado de colaboración tradicional selecciona usuarios insuficientemente representativos como vecinos de cada usuario activo. Esto significa que las recomendaciones hechas a posteriori no son lo suficientemente precisas. El método propuesto en esta tesis realiza un pre-filtrado del proceso, mediante el uso de dominancia de Pareto, que elimina los usuarios menos representativos del proceso de selección k-vecino y mantiene los más prometedores. Los resultados de los experimentos realizados en MovieLens y Netflix muestran una mejora significativa en todas las medidas de calidad estudiadas en la aplicación del método propuesto. ABSTRACTRecommender systems are a type of solution to the information overload problem suffered by users of websites on which they can rate certain items. The Collaborative Filtering Recommender System is considered to be the most successful approach as it make its recommendations based on votes of users similar to an active user. Nevertheless, the traditional collaborative filtering method selects insufficiently representative users as neighbors of each active user. This means that the recommendations made a posteriori are not precise enough. The method proposed in this thesis performs a pre-filtering process, by using Pareto dominance, which eliminates the less representative users from the k-neighbor selection process and keeps the most promising ones. The results from the experiments performed on Movielens and Netflix show a significant improvement in all the quality measures studied on applying the proposed method.


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Collaborative e-learning is increasingly appealing as a pedagogical approach that can positively affect student learning. We propose a didactical model that integrates multimedia with collaborative tools and peer assessment to foster collaborative e-learning. In this paper, we explain it and present the results of its application to the “International Seminars on Materials Science” online course. The proposed didactical model consists of five educational activities. In the first three, students review the multimedia resources proposed by the teacher in collaboration with their classmates. Then, in the last two activities, they create their own multimedia resources and assess those created by their classmates. These activities foster communication and collaboration among students and their ability to use and create multimedia resources. Our purpose is to encourage the creativity, motivation, and dynamism of the learning process for both teachers and students.


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Security intrusions in large systems is a problem due to its lack of scalability with the current IDS-based approaches. This paper describes the RECLAMO project, where an architecture for an Automated Intrusion Response System (AIRS) is being proposed. This system will infer the most appropriate response for a given attack, taking into account the attack type, context information, and the trust and reputation of the reporting IDSs. RECLAMO is proposing a novel approach: diverting the attack to a specific honeynet that has been dynamically built based on the attack information. Among all components forming the RECLAMO's architecture, this paper is mainly focused on defining a trust and reputation management model, essential to recognize if IDSs are exposing an honest behavior in order to accept their alerts as true. Experimental results confirm that our model helps to encourage or discourage the launch of the automatic reaction process.


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In the SESAR Step 2 concept of operations a RBT is available and seen by all making it possible to conceive a different operating method than the current ATM system based on Collaborative Decisions Making processes. Currently there is a need to describe in more detail the mechanisms by which actors (ATC, Network Management, Flight Crew, airports and Airline Operation Centre) will negotiate revisions to the RBT. This paper introduces a negotiation model, which uses constraint based programing applied to a mediator to facilitate negotiation process in a SWIM enabled environment. Three processes for modelling the negotiation process are explained as well a preliminary reasoning agent algorithm modelled with constraint satisfaction problem is presented. Computational capability of the model is evaluated in the conclusion.


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Airbus designs and industrializes aircrafts using Concurrent Engineering techniques since decades. The introduction of new PLM methods, procedures and tools, and the need to reduce time-to-market, led Airbus Military to pursue new working methods. Traditional Engineering works sequentially. Concurrent Engineering basically overlaps tasks between teams. Collaborative Engineering promotes teamwork to develop product, processes and resources from the conceptual phase to the start of the serial production. The CALIPSO-neo pilot project was launched to support the industrialization process of a medium size aerostructure. The aim is to implement the industrial Digital Mock-Up (iDMU) concept and its exploitation to create shop floor documentation. In a framework of a collaborative engineering strategy, the project is part of the efforts to deploy Digital Manufacturing as a key technology for the industrialization of aircraft assembly lines. This paper presents the context, the conceptual approach and the methodology adopted.