9 resultados para Cold temperature

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The laminar low Mach number flow of a gas in a tube is analyzed for very small and very large values of the inlet-to-wall temperature ratio. When this ratio tends to zero, pressure forces confine the cold gas to a thin core around the axis of the tube. This core is neatly bounded by an ablation front that consumes it at a finite distance from the tube inlet. When the temperature ratio tends to infinity, the temperature of the gas increases smoothly from the wall to the axis of the tube and the shear stress and heat flux are positive at the wall despite the fact that the viscosity and thermal conductivity of the gas scaled with their inlet values tend to zero at the wall


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The effects of the temperature and stretching levels used in the stress-relieving treatment of cold-drawn eutectoid steel wires are evaluated with the aim of improving the stress relaxation behavior and the resistance to hydrogen embrittlement. Five industrial treatments are studied, combining three temperatures (330, 400, and 460 °C) and three stretching levels (38, 50 and 64% of the rupture load). The change of the residual stress produced by the treatments is taken into consideration to account for the results. Surface residual stresses allow us to explain the time to failure in standard hydrogen embrittlement tests


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A small heat-shock protein (sHSP) that shows molecular chaperone activity in vitro was recently purified from mature chestnut (Castanea sativa) cotyledons. This protein, renamed here as CsHSP17.5, belongs to cytosolic class I, as revealed by cDNA sequencing and immunoelectron microscopy. Recombinant CsHSP17.5 was overexpressed in Escherichia coli to study its possible function under stress conditions. Upon transfer from 37°C to 50°C, a temperature known to cause cell autolysis, those cells that accumulated CsHSP17.5 showed improved viability compared with control cultures. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of cell lysates suggested that such a protective effect in vivo is due to the ability of recombinant sHSP to maintain soluble cytosolic proteins in their native conformation, with little substrate specificity. To test the recent hypothesis that sHSPs may be involved in protection against cold stress, we also studied the viability of recombinant cells at 4°C. Unlike the major heat-induced chaperone, GroEL/ES, the chestnut sHSP significantly enhanced cell survivability at this temperature. CsHSP17.5 thus represents an example of a HSP capable of protecting cells against both thermal extremes. Consistent with these findings, high-level induction of homologous transcripts was observed in vegetative tissues of chestnut plantlets exposed to either type of thermal stress but not salt stress


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A notorious advantage of wireless transmission is a significant reduction and simplification in wiring and harness. There are a lot of applications of wireless systems, but in many occasions sensor nodes require a specific housing to protect the electronics from hush environmental conditions. Nowadays the information is scarce and nonspecific on the dynamic behaviour of WSN and RFID. Therefore the purpose of this study is to evaluate the dynamic behaviour of the sensors. A series of trials were designed and performed covering temperature steps between cold room (5 °C), room temperature (23 °C) and heated environment (35 °C). As sensor nodes: three Crossbow motes, a surface mounted Nlaza module (with sensor Sensirion located on the motherboard), an aerial mounted Nlaza where the Sensirion sensor stayed at the end of a cable), and four tags RFID Turbo Tag (T700 model with and without housing), and 702-B (with and without housing). To assess the dynamic behaviour a first order response approach is used and fitted with dedicated optimization tools programmed in Matlab that allow extracting the time response (?) and corresponding determination coefficient (r2) with regard to experimental data. The shorter response time (20.9 s) is found for the uncoated T 700 tag which encapsulated version provides a significantly higher response (107.2 s). The highest ? corresponds to the Crossbow modules (144.4 s), followed by the surface mounted Nlaza module (288.1 s), while the module with aerial mounted sensor gives a response certainly close above to the T700 without coating (42.8 s). As a conclusion, the dynamic response of temperature sensors within wireless and RFID nodes is dramatically influenced by the way they are housed (to protect them from the environment) as well as by the heat released by the node electronics itself; its characterization is basic to allow monitoring of high rate temperature changes and to certify the cold chain. Besides the time to rise and to recover is significantly different being mostly higher for the latter than for the former.


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The study of temperature gradients in cold stores and containers is a critical issue in the food industry for the quality assurance of products during transport, as well as forminimizing losses. The objective of this work is to develop a new methodology of data analysis based on phase space graphs of temperature and enthalpy, collected by means of multidistributed, low cost and autonomous wireless sensors and loggers. A transoceanic refrigerated transport of lemons in a reefer container ship from Montevideo (Uruguay) to Cartagena (Spain) was monitored with a network of 39 semi-passive TurboTag RFID loggers and 13 i-button loggers. Transport included intermodal transit from transoceanic to short shipping vessels and a truck trip. Data analysis is carried out using qualitative phase diagrams computed on the basis of Takens?Ruelle reconstruction of attractors. Fruit stress is quantified in terms of the phase diagram area which characterizes the cyclic behaviour of temperature. Areas within the enthalpy phase diagram computed for the short sea shipping transport were 5 times higher than those computed for the long sea shipping, with coefficients of variation above 100% for both periods. This new methodology for data analysis highlights the significant heterogeneity of thermohygrometric conditions at different locations in the container.


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The peak temperature in the corona of plasma ejected by a laser-irradiated slab is discussed in terms of a one-electron-temperature model. Both heat-flux saturation and pulse rise-time effects are considered;the intensity in the rising half of the pulse is approximated by a linear function of time, I(t) = Iot/r. The temperature is found to be proportional to (IQX2)273 and a function of I0X4/r. Above a certain value of I0X4/T, the plasma presents two characteristic temperatures (at saturation and at the critical surface) which can be identified with experimentally observed cold- and hot-electron temperatures. The results are compared with extensive experimental data available for both nd and CO2 lasers, I0(W'cnf2) X2 (/um) starting around 1012. The agreement is good if substantial flux inhibition is assumed (flux-limit factor f = 0.03), and fails for I0X2 above 1O1S. Results for both ablation pressure and mass ablation rate are also given.


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Dormancy is an adaptive mechanism that allows woody plants to survive at low temperatures during the winter. Disruption of circadian clock genes in winter or under low temperatures, both in long days as in short days, were described in our group few years ago (Ramos et al., 2005). Basic mechanisms of the circadian clock function are similar in herbaceous as well as in woody plants although there are differences in their response to low temperatures (Bieniawska et al., 2008). Woody plants growing in daylight conditions should have a specific transcriptional control above the circadian clock genes, which is responsible of their constitutive transcriptional activation observed under low temperatures conditions. In order to understand this regulatory process, we are analyzing the behavior of a circadian clock gene in poplar. To this aim, we have isolated its promoter region and fused to the luciferase reporter gene. This construct has been transformed into Populus tremula x P. alba 717-1B4 INRA clone. Here we present the characterization of these transgenic lines under different conditions of light and temperature.


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The advantages of wireless sensing implemented on the cold chain of fresh products are well known. These sensor systems consist of a combination of delicate internal electronic circuitry enclosed in a special housing unit. Manufacturers however are presented with the challenge that the housing required to withstand the harsh environment in which the sensors are being used all too often take from the functionality of the sensor. Therefore the target of this study is to determine the dynamic behavior and the counteractive effects of the sensor housing on temperature recording accuracy in the wireless nodes of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) semi-passive tags. Two kind of semi-passive Turbo Tags were used (T700 and T702-B), which consisted of sensors with and without a cover, and two kind of WSN nodes, IRIS (sensors Intersema and Sensirion soldered in the motherboard) and NLAZA (Sensirion in a cable and soldered to the motherboard). To recreate the temperature profiles the devices were rotated between a cold room(5 ºC) through a ambient room(23 ºC) to a heated environment (35ºC) and vice versa. Analysis revealed the differences between housing and no housing are 308.22s to 21.99s respectively in the step from 5 to 35 ºC. As is demonstrated in these experiments the influence of the housing significantly hinders sensor accuracy.


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This paper addresses the determination of the realized thermal niche and the effects of climate change on the range distribution of two brown trout populations inhabiting two streams in the Duero River basin (Iberian Peninsula) at the edge of the natural distribution area of this species. For reaching these goals, new methodological developments were applied to improve reliability of forecasts. Water temperature data were collected using 11 thermographs located along the altitudinal gradient, and they were used to model the relationship between stream temperature and air temperature along the river continuum. Trout abundance was studied using electrofishing at 37 sites to determine the current distribution. The RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 change scenarios adopted by the International Panel of Climate Change for its Fifth Assessment Report were used for simulations and local downscaling in this study. We found more reliable results using the daily mean stream temperature than maximum daily temperature and their respective seven days moving-average to determine the distribution thresholds. Thereby, the observed limits of the summer distribution of brown trout were linked to thresholds between 18.1ºC and 18.7ºC. These temperatures characterise a realised thermal niche narrower than the physiological thermal range. In the most unfavourable climate change scenario, the thermal habitat loss of brown trout increased to 38% (Cega stream) and 11% (Pirón stream) in the upstream direction at the end of the century; however, at the Cega stream, the range reduction could reach 56% due to the effect of a ?warm-window? opening in the piedmont reach.