8 resultados para Christian life--Puritan authors--Early works to 1800

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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In the European context of upgrading the housing stock energy performance, multiple barriers hinder the wide uptake of sustainable retrofitting practices. Moreover, some of these may imply negative effects often disregarded. Policy makers need to identify how to increase and improve retrofitting practices from the comprehensive point of view of sustainability. None of the existing assessment tools addresses all the issues relevant for sustainable development in a local situation from a life cycle perspective. Life cycle sustainability assessment methodology, or LCSA, analyzes environmental and socioeconomic impacts. The environmental part is quite developed, but the socioeconomic aspect is still challenging. This work proposes socioeconomic criteria to be included in a LCSA to assess retrofitting works in the specific context of Brussels-Capital Region. LCSA feasibility and challenging methodology aspects are discussed.


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The difficulty of dealing with construction and demolition waste (CDW) on construction sites is not new and continues to be a significant environmental problem. Currently the CDW collection system in Spain is done in a decentralized manner by each sub-contracted company, being necessary to implement effective waste management measures ensuring a correct management and minimization. During the last years several measures have been launched in order to improve and encourage the reuse and recycling of CDW. A widespread solution for CDW recovery is using them as a landscaping aggregate or for road bases and sub-bases. However, measures encouraging onsite prevention still need to be enhanced. This paper studies the major work stage generating CDW and analyses the categories of CDW produced during its execution. For this, several real building sites have been analysed in order to quantify the estimation of CDW generated. Results of this study show that a significant contributor to the CDW generation on building construction sites in Spain are the masonry works. Finally, a Best Practices Manual (BPM) is proposed containing several strategies on masonry works aimed not only at CDW prevention, but also at improving their management and minimization. The use of this BPM together with the Study and Plan of CDW management --required by law--, promotes the environmental management of the company, favouring the cohesion of the construction process organization at all stages giving rise to establishing responsibilities in the field of waste and providing a greater control over the process. Keywords: construction and demolition waste, management, masonry works, good practice measures, prevention.


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Supply chain management works to bring the supplier, the distributor, and the customer into one cohesive process. The Supply Chain Council defined supply chain as ‘Supply Chain: The flow and transformation of raw materials into products from suppliers through production and distribution facilities to the ultimate consumer., and then Sunil Chopra and Meindl, (2001) have define Supply chain management as ‘Supply Chain Management involves the flows between and among stages in a supply chain to maximize total profitability.’ After 1950, supply chain management got a boost with the production and manufacturing sector getting highest attention. The inventory became the responsibility of the marketing, accounting and production areas. Order processing was part of accounting and sales. Supply chain management became one of the most powerful engines of business transformation. It is the one area where operational efficiency can be gained. It reduces organizations costs and enhances customer service. With the liberalization of world trade, globalization, and emergence of the new markets, many organizations have customers and competitions throughout the world, either directly or indirectly. Business communities are aware that global competitiveness is the key to the success of a business. Competitiveness is ability to produce, distribute and provide products and services for the open market in competition with others. The supply chain, a critical link between supplier, producer and customer is emerged now as an essential business process and a strategic lever, potential value contributor a differentiator for the success of any business. Supply chain management is the management of all internal and external processes or functions to satisfy a customer’s order (from raw materials through conversion and manufacture through logistics delivery.). Goods-either in raw form or processed, whole sale or retailed distribution, business or technology services, in everyday life- in the business or household- directly or indirectly supply chain is ubiquitously associated in expanding socio-economic development. Supply chain growth competitive performance and supporting strong growth impulse at micro as well as micro economic levels. Keeping the India vision at the core of the objective, the role of supply chain is to take up social economic challenges, improve competitive advantages, develop strategies, built capabilities, enhance value propositions, adapt right technology, collaborate with stakeholders and deliver environmentally sustainable outcomes with minimum resources.


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The objective of this thesis is model some processes from the nature as evolution and co-evolution, and proposing some techniques that can ensure that these learning process really happens and useful to solve some complex problems as Go game. The Go game is ancient and very complex game with simple rules which still is a challenge for the Artificial Intelligence. This dissertation cover some approaches that were applied to solve this problem, proposing solve this problem using competitive and cooperative co-evolutionary learning methods and other techniques proposed by the author. To study, implement and prove these methods were used some neural networks structures, a framework free available and coded many programs. The techniques proposed were coded by the author, performed many experiments to find the best configuration to ensure that co-evolution is progressing and discussed the results. Using co-evolutionary learning processes can be observed some pathologies which could impact co-evolution progress. In this dissertation is introduced some techniques to solve pathologies as loss of gradients, cycling dynamics and forgetting. According to some authors, one solution to solve these co-evolution pathologies is introduce more diversity in populations that are evolving. In this thesis is proposed some techniques to introduce more diversity and some diversity measurements for neural networks structures to monitor diversity during co-evolution. The genotype diversity evolved were analyzed in terms of its impact to global fitness of the strategies evolved and their generalization. Additionally, it was introduced a memory mechanism in the network neural structures to reinforce some strategies in the genes of the neurons evolved with the intention that some good strategies learned are not forgotten. In this dissertation is presented some works from other authors in which cooperative and competitive co-evolution has been applied. The Go board size used in this thesis was 9x9, but can be easily escalated to more bigger boards.The author believe that programs coded and techniques introduced in this dissertation can be used for other domains.


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A 3-year Project financed by the European Commission is aimed at developing a universal system to de-orbit satellites at their end of life, as a fundamental contribution to limit the increase of debris in the Space environment. The operational system involves a conductive tapetether left bare to establish anodic contact with the ambient plasma as a giant Langmuir probe. The Project will size the three disparate dimensions of a tape for a selected de-orbit mission and determine scaling laws to allow system design for a general mission. Starting at the second year, mission selection is carried out while developing numerical codes to implement control laws on tether dynamics in/off the orbital plane; performing numerical simulations and plasma chamber measurements on tether-plasma interaction; and completing design of subsystems: electronejecting plasma contactor, power module, interface elements, deployment mechanism, and tether-tape/end-mass. This will be followed by subsystems manufacturing and by currentcollection, free-fall, and hypervelocity impact tests.


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The Quality of Life of a person may depend on early attention to his neurodevel-opment disorders in childhood. Identification of language disorders under the age of six years old can speed up required diagnosis and/or treatment processes. This paper details the enhancement of a Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) aimed to assist pediatricians and language therapists at early identification and re-ferral of language disorders. The system helps to fine tune the Knowledge Base of Language Delays (KBLD) that was already developed and validated in clinical routine with 146 children. Medical experts supported the construction of Gades CDSS by getting scientific consensus from literature and fifteen years of regis-tered use cases of children with language disorders. The current research focuses on an innovative cooperative model that allows the evolution of the KBLD of Gades through the supervised evaluation of the CDSS learnings with experts¿ feedback. The deployment of the resulting system is being assessed under a mul-tidisciplinary team of seven experts from the fields of speech therapist, neonatol-ogy, pediatrics, and neurology.


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Entendemos por inteligencia colectiva una forma de inteligencia que surge de la colaboración y la participación de varios individuos o, siendo más estrictos, varias entidades. En base a esta sencilla definición podemos observar que este concepto es campo de estudio de las más diversas disciplinas como pueden ser la sociología, las tecnologías de la información o la biología, atendiendo cada una de ellas a un tipo de entidades diferentes: seres humanos, elementos de computación o animales. Como elemento común podríamos indicar que la inteligencia colectiva ha tenido como objetivo el ser capaz de fomentar una inteligencia de grupo que supere a la inteligencia individual de las entidades que lo forman a través de mecanismos de coordinación, cooperación, competencia, integración, diferenciación, etc. Sin embargo, aunque históricamente la inteligencia colectiva se ha podido desarrollar de forma paralela e independiente en las distintas disciplinas que la tratan, en la actualidad, los avances en las tecnologías de la información han provocado que esto ya no sea suficiente. Hoy en día seres humanos y máquinas a través de todo tipo de redes de comunicación e interfaces, conviven en un entorno en el que la inteligencia colectiva ha cobrado una nueva dimensión: ya no sólo puede intentar obtener un comportamiento superior al de sus entidades constituyentes sino que ahora, además, estas inteligencias individuales son completamente diferentes unas de otras y aparece por lo tanto el doble reto de ser capaces de gestionar esta gran heterogeneidad y al mismo tiempo ser capaces de obtener comportamientos aún más inteligentes gracias a las sinergias que los distintos tipos de inteligencias pueden generar. Dentro de las áreas de trabajo de la inteligencia colectiva existen varios campos abiertos en los que siempre se intenta obtener unas prestaciones superiores a las de los individuos. Por ejemplo: consciencia colectiva, memoria colectiva o sabiduría colectiva. Entre todos estos campos nosotros nos centraremos en uno que tiene presencia en la práctica totalidad de posibles comportamientos inteligentes: la toma de decisiones. El campo de estudio de la toma de decisiones es realmente amplio y dentro del mismo la evolución ha sido completamente paralela a la que citábamos anteriormente en referencia a la inteligencia colectiva. En primer lugar se centró en el individuo como entidad decisoria para posteriormente desarrollarse desde un punto de vista social, institucional, etc. La primera fase dentro del estudio de la toma de decisiones se basó en la utilización de paradigmas muy sencillos: análisis de ventajas e inconvenientes, priorización basada en la maximización de algún parámetro del resultado, capacidad para satisfacer los requisitos de forma mínima por parte de las alternativas, consultas a expertos o entidades autorizadas o incluso el azar. Sin embargo, al igual que el paso del estudio del individuo al grupo supone una nueva dimensión dentro la inteligencia colectiva la toma de decisiones colectiva supone un nuevo reto en todas las disciplinas relacionadas. Además, dentro de la decisión colectiva aparecen dos nuevos frentes: los sistemas de decisión centralizados y descentralizados. En el presente proyecto de tesis nos centraremos en este segundo, que es el que supone una mayor atractivo tanto por las posibilidades de generar nuevo conocimiento y trabajar con problemas abiertos actualmente así como en lo que respecta a la aplicabilidad de los resultados que puedan obtenerse. Ya por último, dentro del campo de los sistemas de decisión descentralizados existen varios mecanismos fundamentales que dan lugar a distintas aproximaciones a la problemática propia de este campo. Por ejemplo el liderazgo, la imitación, la prescripción o el miedo. Nosotros nos centraremos en uno de los más multidisciplinares y con mayor capacidad de aplicación en todo tipo de disciplinas y que, históricamente, ha demostrado que puede dar lugar a prestaciones muy superiores a otros tipos de mecanismos de decisión descentralizados: la confianza y la reputación. Resumidamente podríamos indicar que confianza es la creencia por parte de una entidad que otra va a realizar una determinada actividad de una forma concreta. En principio es algo subjetivo, ya que la confianza de dos entidades diferentes sobre una tercera no tiene porqué ser la misma. Por otro lado, la reputación es la idea colectiva (o evaluación social) que distintas entidades de un sistema tiene sobre otra entidad del mismo en lo que respecta a un determinado criterio. Es por tanto una información de carácter colectivo pero única dentro de un sistema, no asociada a cada una de las entidades del sistema sino por igual a todas ellas. En estas dos sencillas definiciones se basan la inmensa mayoría de sistemas colectivos. De hecho muchas disertaciones indican que ningún tipo de organización podría ser viable de no ser por la existencia y la utilización de los conceptos de confianza y reputación. A partir de ahora, a todo sistema que utilice de una u otra forma estos conceptos lo denominaremos como sistema de confianza y reputación (o TRS, Trust and Reputation System). Sin embargo, aunque los TRS son uno de los aspectos de nuestras vidas más cotidianos y con un mayor campo de aplicación, el conocimiento que existe actualmente sobre ellos no podría ser más disperso. Existen un gran número de trabajos científicos en todo tipo de áreas de conocimiento: filosofía, psicología, sociología, economía, política, tecnologías de la información, etc. Pero el principal problema es que no existe una visión completa de la confianza y reputación en su sentido más amplio. Cada disciplina focaliza sus estudios en unos aspectos u otros dentro de los TRS, pero ninguna de ellas trata de explotar el conocimiento generado en el resto para mejorar sus prestaciones en su campo de aplicación concreto. Aspectos muy detallados en algunas áreas de conocimiento son completamente obviados por otras, o incluso aspectos tratados por distintas disciplinas, al ser estudiados desde distintos puntos de vista arrojan resultados complementarios que, sin embargo, no son aprovechados fuera de dichas áreas de conocimiento. Esto nos lleva a una dispersión de conocimiento muy elevada y a una falta de reutilización de metodologías, políticas de actuación y técnicas de una disciplina a otra. Debido su vital importancia, esta alta dispersión de conocimiento se trata de uno de los principales problemas que se pretenden resolver con el presente trabajo de tesis. Por otro lado, cuando se trabaja con TRS, todos los aspectos relacionados con la seguridad están muy presentes ya que muy este es un tema vital dentro del campo de la toma de decisiones. Además también es habitual que los TRS se utilicen para desempeñar responsabilidades que aportan algún tipo de funcionalidad relacionada con el mundo de la seguridad. Por último no podemos olvidar que el acto de confiar está indefectiblemente unido al de delegar una determinada responsabilidad, y que al tratar estos conceptos siempre aparece la idea de riesgo, riesgo de que las expectativas generadas por el acto de la delegación no se cumplan o se cumplan de forma diferente. Podemos ver por lo tanto que cualquier sistema que utiliza la confianza para mejorar o posibilitar su funcionamiento, por su propia naturaleza, es especialmente vulnerable si las premisas en las que se basa son atacadas. En este sentido podemos comprobar (tal y como analizaremos en más detalle a lo largo del presente documento) que las aproximaciones que realizan las distintas disciplinas que tratan la violación de los sistemas de confianza es de lo más variado. únicamente dentro del área de las tecnologías de la información se ha intentado utilizar alguno de los enfoques de otras disciplinas de cara a afrontar problemas relacionados con la seguridad de TRS. Sin embargo se trata de una aproximación incompleta y, normalmente, realizada para cumplir requisitos de aplicaciones concretas y no con la idea de afianzar una base de conocimiento más general y reutilizable en otros entornos. Con todo esto en cuenta, podemos resumir contribuciones del presente trabajo de tesis en las siguientes. • La realización de un completo análisis del estado del arte dentro del mundo de la confianza y la reputación que nos permite comparar las ventajas e inconvenientes de las diferentes aproximación que se realizan a estos conceptos en distintas áreas de conocimiento. • La definición de una arquitectura de referencia para TRS que contempla todas las entidades y procesos que intervienen en este tipo de sistemas. • La definición de un marco de referencia para analizar la seguridad de TRS. Esto implica tanto identificar los principales activos de un TRS en lo que respecta a la seguridad, así como el crear una tipología de posibles ataques y contramedidas en base a dichos activos. • La propuesta de una metodología para el análisis, el diseño, el aseguramiento y el despliegue de un TRS en entornos reales. Adicionalmente se exponen los principales tipos de aplicaciones que pueden obtenerse de los TRS y los medios para maximizar sus prestaciones en cada una de ellas. • La generación de un software que permite simular cualquier tipo de TRS en base a la arquitectura propuesta previamente. Esto permite evaluar las prestaciones de un TRS bajo una determinada configuración en un entorno controlado previamente a su despliegue en un entorno real. Igualmente es de gran utilidad para evaluar la resistencia a distintos tipos de ataques o mal-funcionamientos del sistema. Además de las contribuciones realizadas directamente en el campo de los TRS, hemos realizado aportaciones originales a distintas áreas de conocimiento gracias a la aplicación de las metodologías de análisis y diseño citadas con anterioridad. • Detección de anomalías térmicas en Data Centers. Hemos implementado con éxito un sistema de deteción de anomalías térmicas basado en un TRS. Comparamos la detección de prestaciones de algoritmos de tipo Self-Organized Maps (SOM) y Growing Neural Gas (GNG). Mostramos como SOM ofrece mejores resultados para anomalías en los sistemas de refrigeración de la sala mientras que GNG es una opción más adecuada debido a sus tasas de detección y aislamiento para casos de anomalías provocadas por una carga de trabajo excesiva. • Mejora de las prestaciones de recolección de un sistema basado en swarm computing y odometría social. Gracias a la implementación de un TRS conseguimos mejorar las capacidades de coordinación de una red de robots autónomos distribuidos. La principal contribución reside en el análisis y la validación de las mejoras increméntales que pueden conseguirse con la utilización apropiada de la información existente en el sistema y que puede ser relevante desde el punto de vista de un TRS, y con la implementación de algoritmos de cálculo de confianza basados en dicha información. • Mejora de la seguridad de Wireless Mesh Networks contra ataques contra la integridad, la confidencialidad o la disponibilidad de los datos y / o comunicaciones soportadas por dichas redes. • Mejora de la seguridad de Wireless Sensor Networks contra ataques avanzamos, como insider attacks, ataques desconocidos, etc. Gracias a las metodologías presentadas implementamos contramedidas contra este tipo de ataques en entornos complejos. En base a los experimentos realizados, hemos demostrado que nuestra aproximación es capaz de detectar y confinar varios tipos de ataques que afectan a los protocoles esenciales de la red. La propuesta ofrece unas velocidades de detección muy altas así como demuestra que la inclusión de estos mecanismos de actuación temprana incrementa significativamente el esfuerzo que un atacante tiene que introducir para comprometer la red. Finalmente podríamos concluir que el presente trabajo de tesis supone la generación de un conocimiento útil y aplicable a entornos reales, que nos permite la maximización de las prestaciones resultantes de la utilización de TRS en cualquier tipo de campo de aplicación. De esta forma cubrimos la principal carencia existente actualmente en este campo, que es la falta de una base de conocimiento común y agregada y la inexistencia de una metodología para el desarrollo de TRS que nos permita analizar, diseñar, asegurar y desplegar TRS de una forma sistemática y no artesanal y ad-hoc como se hace en la actualidad. ABSTRACT By collective intelligence we understand a form of intelligence that emerges from the collaboration and competition of many individuals, or strictly speaking, many entities. Based on this simple definition, we can see how this concept is the field of study of a wide range of disciplines, such as sociology, information science or biology, each of them focused in different kinds of entities: human beings, computational resources, or animals. As a common factor, we can point that collective intelligence has always had the goal of being able of promoting a group intelligence that overcomes the individual intelligence of the basic entities that constitute it. This can be accomplished through different mechanisms such as coordination, cooperation, competence, integration, differentiation, etc. Collective intelligence has historically been developed in a parallel and independent way among the different disciplines that deal with it. However, this is not enough anymore due to the advances in information technologies. Nowadays, human beings and machines coexist in environments where collective intelligence has taken a new dimension: we yet have to achieve a better collective behavior than the individual one, but now we also have to deal with completely different kinds of individual intelligences. Therefore, we have a double goal: being able to deal with this heterogeneity and being able to get even more intelligent behaviors thanks to the synergies that the different kinds of intelligence can generate. Within the areas of collective intelligence there are several open topics where they always try to get better performances from groups than from the individuals. For example: collective consciousness, collective memory, or collective wisdom. Among all these topics we will focus on collective decision making, that has influence in most of the collective intelligent behaviors. The field of study of decision making is really wide, and its evolution has been completely parallel to the aforementioned collective intelligence. Firstly, it was focused on the individual as the main decision-making entity, but later it became involved in studying social and institutional groups as basic decision-making entities. The first studies within the decision-making discipline were based on simple paradigms, such as pros and cons analysis, criteria prioritization, fulfillment, following orders, or even chance. However, in the same way that studying the community instead of the individual meant a paradigm shift within collective intelligence, collective decision-making means a new challenge for all the related disciplines. Besides, two new main topics come up when dealing with collective decision-making: centralized and decentralized decision-making systems. In this thesis project we focus in the second one, because it is the most interesting based on the opportunities to generate new knowledge and deal with open issues in this area, as well as these results can be put into practice in a wider set of real-life environments. Finally, within the decentralized collective decision-making systems discipline, there are several basic mechanisms that lead to different approaches to the specific problems of this field, for example: leadership, imitation, prescription, or fear. We will focus on trust and reputation. They are one of the most multidisciplinary concepts and with more potential for applying them in every kind of environments. Besides, they have historically shown that they can generate better performance than other decentralized decision-making mechanisms. Shortly, we say trust is the belief of one entity that the outcome of other entities’ actions is going to be in a specific way. It is a subjective concept because the trust of two different entities in another one does not have to be the same. Reputation is the collective idea (or social evaluation) that a group of entities within a system have about another entity based on a specific criterion. Thus, it is a collective concept in its origin. It is important to say that the behavior of most of the collective systems are based on these two simple definitions. In fact, a lot of articles and essays describe how any organization would not be viable if the ideas of trust and reputation did not exist. From now on, we call Trust an Reputation System (TRS) to any kind of system that uses these concepts. Even though TRSs are one of the most common everyday aspects in our lives, the existing knowledge about them could not be more dispersed. There are thousands of scientific works in every field of study related to trust and reputation: philosophy, psychology, sociology, economics, politics, information sciences, etc. But the main issue is that a comprehensive vision of trust and reputation for all these disciplines does not exist. Every discipline focuses its studies on a specific set of topics but none of them tries to take advantage of the knowledge generated in the other disciplines to improve its behavior or performance. Detailed topics in some fields are completely obviated in others, and even though the study of some topics within several disciplines produces complementary results, these results are not used outside the discipline where they were generated. This leads us to a very high knowledge dispersion and to a lack in the reuse of methodologies, policies and techniques among disciplines. Due to its great importance, this high dispersion of trust and reputation knowledge is one of the main problems this thesis contributes to solve. When we work with TRSs, all the aspects related to security are a constant since it is a vital aspect within the decision-making systems. Besides, TRS are often used to perform some responsibilities related to security. Finally, we cannot forget that the act of trusting is invariably attached to the act of delegating a specific responsibility and, when we deal with these concepts, the idea of risk is always present. This refers to the risk of generated expectations not being accomplished or being accomplished in a different way we anticipated. Thus, we can see that any system using trust to improve or enable its behavior, because of its own nature, is especially vulnerable if the premises it is based on are attacked. Related to this topic, we can see that the approaches of the different disciplines that study attacks of trust and reputation are very diverse. Some attempts of using approaches of other disciplines have been made within the information science area of knowledge, but these approaches are usually incomplete, not systematic and oriented to achieve specific requirements of specific applications. They never try to consolidate a common base of knowledge that could be reusable in other context. Based on all these ideas, this work makes the following direct contributions to the field of TRS: • The compilation of the most relevant existing knowledge related to trust and reputation management systems focusing on their advantages and disadvantages. • We define a generic architecture for TRS, identifying the main entities and processes involved. • We define a generic security framework for TRS. We identify the main security assets and propose a complete taxonomy of attacks for TRS. • We propose and validate a methodology to analyze, design, secure and deploy TRS in real-life environments. Additionally we identify the principal kind of applications we can implement with TRS and how TRS can provide a specific functionality. • We develop a software component to validate and optimize the behavior of a TRS in order to achieve a specific functionality or performance. In addition to the contributions made directly to the field of the TRS, we have made original contributions to different areas of knowledge thanks to the application of the analysis, design and security methodologies previously presented: • Detection of thermal anomalies in Data Centers. Thanks to the application of the TRS analysis and design methodologies, we successfully implemented a thermal anomaly detection system based on a TRS.We compare the detection performance of Self-Organized- Maps and Growing Neural Gas algorithms. We show how SOM provides better results for Computer Room Air Conditioning anomaly detection, yielding detection rates of 100%, in training data with malfunctioning sensors. We also show that GNG yields better detection and isolation rates for workload anomaly detection, reducing the false positive rate when compared to SOM. • Improving the performance of a harvesting system based on swarm computing and social odometry. Through the implementation of a TRS, we achieved to improve the ability of coordinating a distributed network of autonomous robots. The main contribution lies in the analysis and validation of the incremental improvements that can be achieved with proper use information that exist in the system and that are relevant for the TRS, and the implementation of the appropriated trust algorithms based on such information. • Improving Wireless Mesh Networks security against attacks against the integrity, confidentiality or availability of data and communications supported by these networks. Thanks to the implementation of a TRS we improved the detection time rate against these kind of attacks and we limited their potential impact over the system. • We improved the security of Wireless Sensor Networks against advanced attacks, such as insider attacks, unknown attacks, etc. Thanks to the TRS analysis and design methodologies previously described, we implemented countermeasures against such attacks in a complex environment. In our experiments we have demonstrated that our system is capable of detecting and confining various attacks that affect the core network protocols. We have also demonstrated that our approach is capable of rapid attack detection. Also, it has been proven that the inclusion of the proposed detection mechanisms significantly increases the effort the attacker has to introduce in order to compromise the network. Finally we can conclude that, to all intents and purposes, this thesis offers a useful and applicable knowledge in real-life environments that allows us to maximize the performance of any system based on a TRS. Thus, we deal with the main deficiency of this discipline: the lack of a common and complete base of knowledge and the lack of a methodology for the development of TRS that allow us to analyze, design, secure and deploy TRS in a systematic way.


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La tesis afronta el análisis del itinerario vital de Fernando Távora, una vida entregada apasionadamente a una causa de refundación estética y conceptual de una arquitectura portuguesa condenada a la mediocridad y al ostracismo en el momento en que empieza a ejercer la profesión. La investigación se adentra en todos los aspectos que convergen en su dedicación al logro de aquella misión, pues la que él mismo probablemente llamaría orteguianamente su circunstancia, resulta inseparable de su pensamiento y de su obra. Se pretende establecer la riqueza y complejidad de la figura de Fernando Távora y su importancia como punto de inflexión en la evolución de la arquitectura portuguesa, que ha llegado a alcanzar el reconocimiento internacional en las últimas décadas, fundamentalmente a partir de la consagración de Álvaro Siza Vieira y la denominada Escuela de Oporto. Desde una posición de absoluta autonomía respecto de lo que acontece dentro y fuera de las fronteras portuguesas, su labor se distinguirá por su singularidad teórica y arquitectónica, no dejando por ello de influir decisivamente en su entorno cercano. Dos manifiestos escritos, el juvenil O problema da Casa Portuguesa y el posterior Da Organização do Espaço son elementos estructurantes de un pensamiento teórico que germina en una obra construida inseparable de aquel, de cuya coherencia dan testimonio los aquí considerados verdaderos manifiestos proyectuales del arquitecto. Efectivamente, se analizarán detalladamente como tales la Casa sobre o Mar –manifiesto inicial-, el Pabellón de Tenis –manifiesto de confirmación- y la Casa dos 24 -manifiesto final-, proyectos que vieron la luz en diferentes etapas de su trayectoria y constituyen la aplicación práctica de sus teorías en una sintaxis magistral. En estos tres proyectos es donde verdaderamente la tesis cobra cuerpo, pues suponen el reflejo de la verdadera aportación del arquitecto al pensamiento arquitectónico europeo, la foto fija de la proclamación de resultados de un proyecto arquitectónico integral en momentos muy significativos de su itinerario vital, cuya complejidad se entiende a través de las fases más descriptivas de este documento. Se mostrará cómo para acometer su proyecto integral de arquitectura, una causa de regeneración de la arquitectura portuguesa a partir de la síntesis entre modernidad y tradición, entre universalidad y localidad, tomaría de sus dos personajes más admirados, Le Corbusier y Pessoa, la fuerza moral y la energía que le permitieron acometer apasionadamente tamaña misión. En una infatigable búsqueda en lo global y lo local, Távora conseguirá prestar gran atención al contexto del lugar de intervención sin renunciar a sus convicciones modernas, introduciendo la historia y el dibujo como herramientas de conocimiento del mismo y posteriormente del proceso creativo. El método proyectivo resultante de este modelo, que transmitirá a través de su ejercicio docente a sucesivas generaciones de arquitectos, se convertirá en elemento estructurante de una tendencia surgida de las aulas portuenses, que la crítica internacional acabará denominando Escuela de Oporto en un sentido más amplio. Por su importancia dentro del itinerario profesional del[os] arquitecto[s] portuense[s], las fases más destacadas de su evolución a partir de los años 50 se analizarán en paralelo a una serie de obras representativas de diferentes momentos de la trayectoria de Fernando Távora. En este itinerario vital, a pesar de la originalidad de su pensamiento y su obra, se atisban ciertos paralelismos con grandes arquitectos del siglo XX, que esta tesis afronta. Se puede distinguir entre influencias pasajeras de algunos maestros modernos en los que Távora buscaba la confirmación a sus propias teorías, similitudes con arquitectos coetáneos cuya obra conoció y a los que se encontró cercano por la convergencia de algunos de sus criterios e incluso sorprendentes coincidencias con arquitectos desconocidos para él, entre las que cabe destacar la de los maestros de la Escuela de Madrid Alejandro de la Sota y Javier Sáenz de Oiza. Por último, en una alegoría con los heterónimos de Fernando Pessoa, se analiza desde una perspectiva personal fruto de la investigación y de las entrevistas mantenidas con todos ellos, la importante labor de Álvaro Siza Vieira, Alexandre Alves Costa y su hijo José Bernardo Távora como agentes coadyuvantes en la consecución del proyecto integral de arquitectura [y vida] de Fernando Távora. Sin lugar a dudas, Álvaro Siza constituye el personaje fundamental e imprescindible para que la arquitectura portuguesa alcanzase la privilegiada consideración que en la actualidad ostenta en la escena internacional. Un arquitecto consagrado que ocupa ya, y ocupará siempre, un lugar privilegiado en la breve lista de maestros míticos e irrepetibles de la arquitectura contemporánea. Con todo, cabe afirmar con la paráfrasis bíblica que da título a la tesis que ‘En el principio era Távora...’ ABSTRACT This thesis addresses the analysis of Fernando Távora’s life journey, a life that was passionately devoted to the cause of aesthetically and conceptually overhauling Portuguese architecture, which was doomed to mediocrity and ostracism at the time when he started practicing professionally. This research delves into all aspects converging in his dedication to achieving that mission, since what he himself would probably call his circumstance – in the manner of José Ortega y Gasset – is inseparable from his thinking and his work. This thesis seeks also to establish the richness and complexity of Fernando Távora’s figure and his importance as a turning point in the evolution of Portuguese architecture, which has gone on to achieve international recognition in recent decades, especially after the consecration of Álvaro Siza Vieira and the so-called School of Oporto. From an absolutely autonomous position with regard to what is happening within and outside Portuguese borders, his work will stand out due to its theoretical and architectural uniqueness – this not being a reason to prevent its decisive influence on his close surroundings. Two written manifestos, his early O problema da Casa Portuguesa and his subsequent Da Organização do Espaço, become structural elements of the theoretical thinking that develops into works which are built in parallel with the former. The coherence of this thinking is reflected on the hereby considered the architect’s true project manifestos. Indeed, we will analyse as such the Casa sobre o Mar (initial manifesto), the Tennis Pavilion (confirmation manifesto) and Casa dos 24 (final manifesto), projects which saw the light at different stages of his career and constitute the practical application of his theories in a masterful syntax. These are the three projects where the thesis takes shape, as they become the reflection of the architect’s true contribution to the European architectural school of thought; the still picture of the results proclamation of a whole architectural project at highly significant moments in his life journey, whose complexity can be understood through this document’s most descriptive phases. This study will show how, in order to carry out his architectural project – regenerate Portuguese architecture by synthesizing modernity and tradition, universality and locality –, Távora would take the moral strength and energy from his two most admired figures, Le Corbusier and Pessoa, allowing him to passionately undertake such a colossal mission. In a tireless search within the global and the local, Távora will manage to pay more attention to the context of the intervention place without compromising his modern convictions, by introducing history and drawing as knowledge tools of the place and eventually of the creative process. The resulting projective method of this model, which he will transmit to successive generations of architects through his teaching, will become a structural element of a trend emerged from the Oporto classrooms which international critique will end up denominating School of Porto in a broader sense. Due to its importance within Porto architect[s]’ professional career, the most prominent phases of its evolution as of the 50s will be analysed in parallel to a series of representative works from different moments in Fernando Távora’s career. Despite the originality of his thinking and his work, certain parallelisms with great architects from the 20th century can be found in Távora’s life journey, which this thesis will address. Amongst temporary influences of some modern masters in whom Távora sought confirmation of his own theories, similarities can be spotted with contemporary architects whose work he knew and to whom he felt close because of the convergence of some of his views. It is also possible to see surprising coincidences with architects he did not know, such as Alejandro de la Sota and Javier Sáenz de Oiza, masters from the School of Madrid. Finally, in an allegory with Fernando Pessoa’s heteronyms, this thesis studies – from a personal perspective based on research and the interviews held with all of them – the important work of Álvaro Siza Vieira, Alexandre Alves Costa and his son Jose Bernardo Távora as auxiliaries in the achievement of Fernando Távora’s complete architectural [and life] project. Without the slightest doubt, Álvaro Siza constitutes the essential figure thanks to whom Portuguese architecture would reach the advantaged position it holds nowadays in the international arena. An acclaimed architect, Siza already holds a privileged spot in the brief list of legendary and unrepeatable masters of contemporary architecture. Nevertheless, with the biblical paraphrase that entitles this thesis it can be claimed that ‘In the beginning was Távora…’