13 resultados para Chemical processes.

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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A one-step extraction procedure and a leaching column experiment were performed to assess the effects of citric and tartaric acids on Cu and Zn mobilization in naturally contaminated mine soils to facilitate assisted phytoextraction. A speciation modeling of the soil solution and the metal fractionation of soils were performed to elucidate the chemical processes that affected metal desorption by organic acids. Different extracting solutions were prepared, all of which contained 0.01 M KNO3 and different concentrations of organic acids: control without organic acids, 0.5 mM citric, 0.5 mM tartaric, 10 mM citric, 10 mM tartaric, and 5 mM citric +5 mM tartaric. The results of the extraction procedure showed that higher concentrations of organic acids increased metal desorption, and citric acid was more effective at facilitating metal desorption than tartaric acid. Metal desorption was mainly influenced by the decreasing pH and the dissolution of Fe and Mn oxides, not by the formation of soluble metal–organic complexes as was predicted by the speciation modeling. The results of the column study reported that low concentrations of organic acids did not significantly increase metal mobilization and that higher doses were also not able to mobilize Zn. However, 5–10 mM citric acid significantly promoted Cu mobilization (from 1 mg kg−1 in the control to 42 mg kg−1 with 10 mM citric acid) and reduced the exchangeable (from 21 to 3 mg kg−1) and the Fe and Mn oxides (from 443 to 277 mg kg−1) fractions. Citric acid could efficiently facilitate assisted phytoextraction techniques.


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Production of back contact solar cells requires holes generations on the wafers to keep both positive and negative contacts on the back side of the cell. This drilling process weakens the wafer mechanically due to the presence of the holes and the damage introduced during the process as microcracks. In this study, several chemical processes have been applied to drilled wafers in order to eliminate or reduce the damage generated during this fabrication step. The treatments analyzed are the followings: alkaline etching during 1, 3 and 5 minutes, acid etching for 2 and 4 minutes and texturisation. To determine mechanical strength of the samples a common mechanical study has been carried out testing the samples by the Ring on Ring bending test and obtaining the stress state in the moment of failure by FE simulation. Finally the results obtained for each treatment were fitted to a three parameter Weibull distribution


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Diffusion controls the gaseous transport process in soils when advective transport is almost null. Knowledge of the soil structure and pore connectivity are critical issues to understand and modelling soil aeration, sequestration or emission of greenhouse gasses, volatilization of volatile organic chemicals among other phenomena. In the last decades these issues increased our attention as scientist have realize that soil is one of the most complex materials on the earth, within which many biological, physical and chemical processes that support life and affect climate change take place. A quantitative and explicit characterization of soil structure is difficult because of the complexity of the pore space. This is the main reason why most theoretical approaches to soil porosity are idealizations to simplify this system. In this work, we proposed a more realistic attempt to capture the complexity of the system developing a model that considers the size and location of pores in order to relate them into a network. In the model we interpret porous soils as heterogeneous networks where pores are represented by nodes, characterized by their size and spatial location, and the links representing flows between them. In this work we perform an analysis of the community structure of porous media of soils represented as networks. For different real soils samples, modelled as heterogeneous complex networks, spatial communities of pores have been detected depending on the values of the parameters of the porous soil model used. These types of models are named as Heterogeneous Preferential Attachment (HPA). Developing an exhaustive analysis of the model, analytical solutions are obtained for the degree densities and degree distribution of the pore networks generated by the model in the thermodynamic limit and shown that the networks exhibit similar properties to those observed in other complex networks. With the aim to study in more detail topological properties of these networks, the presence of soil pore community structures is studied. The detection of communities of pores, as groups densely connected with only sparser connections between groups, could contribute to understand the mechanisms of the diffusion phenomena in soils.


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The Agent-Based Modelling and simulation (ABM) is a rather new approach for studying complex systems withinteracting autonomous agents that has lately undergone great growth in various fields such as biology, physics, social science, economics and business. Efforts to model and simulate the highly complex cement hydration process have been made over the past 40 years, with the aim of predicting the performance of concrete and designing innovative and enhanced cementitious materials. The ABM presented here - based on previous work - focuses on the early stages of cement hydration by modelling the physical-chemical processes at the particle level. The model considers the cement hydration process as a time and 3D space system, involving multiple diffusing and reacting species of spherical particles. Chemical reactions are simulated by adaptively selecting discrete stochastic simulation for the appropriate reaction, whenever that is necessary. Interactions between particles are also considered. The model has been inspired by reported cellular automata?s approach which provides detailed predictions of cement microstructure at the expense of significant computational difficulty. The ABM approach herein seeks to bring about an optimal balance between accuracy and computational efficiency.


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Las plantas industriales de exploración y producción de petróleo y gas disponen de numerosos sistemas de comunicación que permiten el correcto funcionamiento de los procesos que tienen lugar en ella así como la seguridad de la propia planta. Para el presente Proyecto Fin de Carrera se ha llevado a cabo el diseño del sistema de megafonía PAGA (Public Address and General Alarm) y del circuito cerrado de televisión (CCTV) en la unidad de procesos Hydrocrcaker encargada del craqueo de hidrógeno. Partiendo de los requisitos definidos por las especificaciones corporativas de los grupos petroleros para ambos sistemas, PAGA y CCTV, se han expuesto los principios teóricos sobre los que se fundamenta cada uno de ellos y las pautas a seguir para el diseño y demostración del buen funcionamiento a partir de software específico. Se ha empleado las siguientes herramientas software: EASE para la simulación acústica, PSpice para la simulación eléctrica de las etapas de amplificación en la megafonía; y JVSG para el diseño de CCTV. La sonorización tanto de las unidades como del resto de instalaciones interiores ha de garantizar la inteligibilidad de los mensajes transmitidos. La realización de una simulación acústica permite conocer cómo va a ser el comportamiento de la megafonía sin necesidad de instalar el sistema, lo cual es muy útil para este tipo de proyectos cuya ingeniería se realiza previamente a la construcción de la planta. Además se comprueba el correcto diseño de las etapas de amplificación basadas en líneas de alta impedancia o de tensión constante (100 V). El circuito cerrado de televisión (CCTV) garantiza la transmisión de señales visuales de todos los accesos a las instalaciones y unidades de la planta así como la visión en tiempo real del correcto funcionamiento de los procesos químicos llevados a cabo en la refinería. El sistema dispone de puestos de control remoto para el manejo y gestión de las cámaras desplegadas; y de un sistema de almacenamiento de las grabaciones en discos duros (RAID-5) a través de una red SAN (Storage Area Network). Se especifican las diferentes fases de un proyecto de ingeniería en el sector de E&P de hidrocarburos entre las que se destaca: propuesta y adquisición, reunión de arranque (KOM, Kick Off Meeting), estudio in situ (Site Survey), plan de proyecto, diseño y documentación, procedimientos de pruebas, instalación, puesta en marcha y aceptaciones del sistema. Se opta por utilizar terminología inglesa dado al ámbito global del sector. En la última parte del proyecto se presenta un presupuesto aproximado de los materiales empleados en el diseño de PAGA y CCTV. ABSTRACT. Integrated communications for Oil and Gas allows reducing risks, improving productivity, reducing costs, and countering threats to safety and security. Both PAGA system (Public Address and General Alarm) and Closed Circuit Television have been designed for this project in order to ensure a reliable security of an oil refinery. Based on the requirements defined by corporate specifications for both systems (PAGA and CCTV), theoretical principles have been presented as well as the guidelines for the design and demonstration of a reliable design. The following software has been used: EASE for acoustic simulation; PSpice for simulation of the megaphony amplification loops; and JVSG tool for CCTV design. Acoustic for both the units and the other indoor facilities must ensure intelligibility of the transmitted messages. An acoustic simulation allows us to know how will be the performance of the PAGA system without installing loudspeakers, which is very useful for this type of project whose engineering is performed prior to the construction of the plant. Furthermore, it has been verified the correct design of the amplifier stages based on high impedance lines or constant voltage (100 V). Closed circuit television (CCTV) ensures the transmission of visual signals of all access to facilities as well as real-time view of the proper functioning of chemical processes carried out at the refinery. The system has remote control stations for the handling and management of deployed cameras. It is also included a storage system of the recordings on hard drives (RAID - 5) through a SAN (Storage Area Network). Phases of an engineering project in Oil and Gas are defined in the current project. It includes: proposal and acquisition, kick-off meeting (KOM), Site Survey, project plan, design and documentation, testing procedures (SAT and FAT), installation, commissioning and acceptance of the systems. Finally, it has been presented an estimate budget of the materials used in the design of PAGA and CCTV.


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This paper describes the design and application of the Atmospheric Evaluation and Research Integrated model for Spain (AERIS). Currently, AERIS can provide concentration profiles of NO2, O3, SO2, NH3, PM, as a response to emission variations of relevant sectors in Spain. Results are calculated using transfer matrices based on an air quality modelling system (AQMS) composed by the WRF (meteorology), SMOKE (emissions) and CMAQ (atmospheric-chemical processes) models. The AERIS outputs were statistically tested against the conventional AQMS and observations, revealing a good agreement in both cases. At the moment, integrated assessment in AERIS focuses only on the link between emissions and concentrations. The quantification of deposition, impacts (health, ecosystems) and costs will be introduced in the future. In conclusion, the main asset of AERIS is its accuracy in predicting air quality outcomes for different scenarios through a simple yet robust modelling framework, avoiding complex programming and long computing times.


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La mejora de la calidad del aire es una tarea eminentemente interdisciplinaria. Dada la gran variedad de ciencias y partes involucradas, dicha mejora requiere de herramientas de evaluación simples y completamente integradas. La modelización para la evaluación integrada (integrated assessment modeling) ha demostrado ser una solución adecuada para la descripción de los sistemas de contaminación atmosférica puesto que considera cada una de las etapas involucradas: emisiones, química y dispersión atmosférica, impactos ambientales asociados y potencial de disminución. Varios modelos de evaluación integrada ya están disponibles a escala continental, cubriendo cada una de las etapas antesmencionadas, siendo el modelo GAINS (Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies) el más reconocido y usado en el contexto europeo de toma de decisiones medioambientales. Sin embargo, el manejo de la calidad del aire a escala nacional/regional dentro del marco de la evaluación integrada es deseable. Esto sin embargo, no se lleva a cabo de manera satisfactoria con modelos a escala europea debido a la falta de resolución espacial o de detalle en los datos auxiliares, principalmente los inventarios de emisión y los patrones meteorológicos, entre otros. El objetivo de esta tesis es presentar los desarrollos en el diseño y aplicación de un modelo de evaluación integrada especialmente concebido para España y Portugal. El modelo AERIS (Atmospheric Evaluation and Research Integrated system for Spain) es capaz de cuantificar perfiles de concentración para varios contaminantes (NO2, SO2, PM10, PM2,5, NH3 y O3), el depósito atmosférico de especies de azufre y nitrógeno así como sus impactos en cultivos, vegetación, ecosistemas y salud como respuesta a cambios porcentuales en las emisiones de sectores relevantes. La versión actual de AERIS considera 20 sectores de emisión, ya sea equivalentes a sectores individuales SNAP o macrosectores, cuya contribución a los niveles de calidad del aire, depósito e impactos han sido modelados a través de matrices fuentereceptor (SRMs). Estas matrices son constantes de proporcionalidad que relacionan cambios en emisiones con diferentes indicadores de calidad del aire y han sido obtenidas a través de parametrizaciones estadísticas de un modelo de calidad del aire (AQM). Para el caso concreto de AERIS, su modelo de calidad del aire “de origen” consistió en el modelo WRF para la meteorología y en el modelo CMAQ para los procesos químico-atmosféricos. La cuantificación del depósito atmosférico, de los impactos en ecosistemas, cultivos, vegetación y salud humana se ha realizado siguiendo las metodologías estándar establecidas bajo los marcos internacionales de negociación, tales como CLRTAP. La estructura de programación está basada en MATLAB®, permitiendo gran compatibilidad con software típico de escritorio comoMicrosoft Excel® o ArcGIS®. En relación con los niveles de calidad del aire, AERIS es capaz de proveer datos de media anual y media mensual, así como el 19o valor horario más alto paraNO2, el 25o valor horario y el 4o valor diario más altos para SO2, el 36o valor diario más alto para PM10, el 26o valor octohorario más alto, SOMO35 y AOT40 para O3. En relación al depósito atmosférico, el depósito acumulado anual por unidad de area de especies de nitrógeno oxidado y reducido al igual que de azufre pueden ser determinados. Cuando los valores anteriormente mencionados se relacionan con características del dominio modelado tales como uso de suelo, cubiertas vegetales y forestales, censos poblacionales o estudios epidemiológicos, un gran número de impactos puede ser calculado. Centrándose en los impactos a ecosistemas y suelos, AERIS es capaz de estimar las superaciones de cargas críticas y las superaciones medias acumuladas para especies de nitrógeno y azufre. Los daños a bosques se calculan como una superación de los niveles críticos de NO2 y SO2 establecidos. Además, AERIS es capaz de cuantificar daños causados por O3 y SO2 en vid, maíz, patata, arroz, girasol, tabaco, tomate, sandía y trigo. Los impactos en salud humana han sido modelados como consecuencia de la exposición a PM2,5 y O3 y cuantificados como pérdidas en la esperanza de vida estadística e indicadores de mortalidad prematura. La exactitud del modelo de evaluación integrada ha sido contrastada estadísticamente con los resultados obtenidos por el modelo de calidad del aire convencional, exhibiendo en la mayoría de los casos un buen nivel de correspondencia. Debido a que la cuantificación de los impactos no es llevada a cabo directamente por el modelo de calidad del aire, un análisis de credibilidad ha sido realizado mediante la comparación de los resultados de AERIS con los de GAINS para un escenario de emisiones determinado. El análisis reveló un buen nivel de correspondencia en las medias y en las distribuciones probabilísticas de los conjuntos de datos. Las pruebas de verificación que fueron aplicadas a AERIS sugieren que los resultados son suficientemente consistentes para ser considerados como razonables y realistas. En conclusión, la principal motivación para la creación del modelo fue el producir una herramienta confiable y a la vez simple para el soporte de las partes involucradas en la toma de decisiones, de cara a analizar diferentes escenarios “y si” con un bajo coste computacional. La interacción con políticos y otros actores dictó encontrar un compromiso entre la complejidad del modeladomedioambiental con el carácter conciso de las políticas, siendo esto algo que AERIS refleja en sus estructuras conceptual y computacional. Finalmente, cabe decir que AERIS ha sido creado para su uso exclusivo dentro de un marco de evaluación y de ninguna manera debe ser considerado como un sustituto de los modelos de calidad del aire ordinarios. ABSTRACT Improving air quality is an eminently inter-disciplinary task. The wide variety of sciences and stakeholders that are involved call for having simple yet fully-integrated and reliable evaluation tools available. Integrated AssessmentModeling has proved to be a suitable solution for the description of air pollution systems due to the fact that it considers each of the involved stages: emissions, atmospheric chemistry, dispersion, environmental impacts and abatement potentials. Some integrated assessment models are available at European scale that cover each of the before mentioned stages, being the Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies (GAINS) model the most recognized and widely-used within a European policy-making context. However, addressing air quality at the national/regional scale under an integrated assessment framework is desirable. To do so, European-scale models do not provide enough spatial resolution or detail in their ancillary data sources, mainly emission inventories and local meteorology patterns as well as associated results. The objective of this dissertation is to present the developments in the design and application of an Integrated Assessment Model especially conceived for Spain and Portugal. The Atmospheric Evaluation and Research Integrated system for Spain (AERIS) is able to quantify concentration profiles for several pollutants (NO2, SO2, PM10, PM2.5, NH3 and O3), the atmospheric deposition of sulfur and nitrogen species and their related impacts on crops, vegetation, ecosystems and health as a response to percentual changes in the emissions of relevant sectors. The current version of AERIS considers 20 emission sectors, either corresponding to individual SNAP sectors or macrosectors, whose contribution to air quality levels, deposition and impacts have been modeled through the use of source-receptor matrices (SRMs). Thesematrices are proportionality constants that relate emission changes with different air quality indicators and have been derived through statistical parameterizations of an air qualitymodeling system (AQM). For the concrete case of AERIS, its parent AQM relied on the WRF model for meteorology and on the CMAQ model for atmospheric chemical processes. The quantification of atmospheric deposition, impacts on ecosystems, crops, vegetation and human health has been carried out following the standard methodologies established under international negotiation frameworks such as CLRTAP. The programming structure isMATLAB ® -based, allowing great compatibility with typical software such as Microsoft Excel ® or ArcGIS ® Regarding air quality levels, AERIS is able to provide mean annual andmean monthly concentration values, as well as the indicators established in Directive 2008/50/EC, namely the 19th highest hourly value for NO2, the 25th highest daily value and the 4th highest hourly value for SO2, the 36th highest daily value of PM10, the 26th highest maximum 8-hour daily value, SOMO35 and AOT40 for O3. Regarding atmospheric deposition, the annual accumulated deposition per unit of area of species of oxidized and reduced nitrogen as well as sulfur can be estimated. When relating the before mentioned values with specific characteristics of the modeling domain such as land use, forest and crops covers, population counts and epidemiological studies, a wide array of impacts can be calculated. When focusing on impacts on ecosystems and soils, AERIS is able to estimate critical load exceedances and accumulated average exceedances for nitrogen and sulfur species. Damage on forests is estimated as an exceedance of established critical levels of NO2 and SO2. Additionally, AERIS is able to quantify damage caused by O3 and SO2 on grapes, maize, potato, rice, sunflower, tobacco, tomato, watermelon and wheat. Impacts on human health aremodeled as a consequence of exposure to PM2.5 and O3 and quantified as losses in statistical life expectancy and premature mortality indicators. The accuracy of the IAM has been tested by statistically contrasting the obtained results with those yielded by the conventional AQM, exhibiting in most cases a good agreement level. Due to the fact that impacts cannot be directly produced by the AQM, a credibility analysis was carried out for the outputs of AERIS for a given emission scenario by comparing them through probability tests against the performance of GAINS for the same scenario. This analysis revealed a good correspondence in the mean behavior and the probabilistic distributions of the datasets. The verification tests that were applied to AERIS suggest that results are consistent enough to be credited as reasonable and realistic. In conclusion, the main reason thatmotivated the creation of this model was to produce a reliable yet simple screening tool that would provide decision and policy making support for different “what-if” scenarios at a low computing cost. The interaction with politicians and other stakeholders dictated that reconciling the complexity of modeling with the conciseness of policies should be reflected by AERIS in both, its conceptual and computational structures. It should be noted however, that AERIS has been created under a policy-driven framework and by no means should be considered as a substitute of the ordinary AQM.


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Hydrology is the study of the properties, distribution and effects of water on the Earth?s soil, rocks and atmosphere. It also encompasses the study of the hydrologic cycle of precipitation, runoff, infiltration, storage, and evaporation, including the physical, biological and chemical reaction of water with the earth and its relation to life?.


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The ability to reproduce reduced gravity conditions for long periods is one of the reasons why the orbiting laboratory is so attractive. In this paper several fluid dynamics problem areas are reviewed in which zero-gravity conditions are of great importance. Although emphasis is placed on space processing, there are some older problems also in which gravity masks the phenomcna, impeding a reasonably simple approach to the solution. Three problems are considered: Thermal convection under reduced gravity. The dumping effect ofsurface gravity waves at the outset of convection induced by surface tractions is discussed in particular. The existence of convection is of concern for some satellite thermal control techniques presently used, and for most of the proposed manufacturing processes. Whereas convection should be normally avoided, problems related to the containerless stirring ofa melt constitute an exception. Secondly, gravity and chemical reactions. Although chemical reactions are independent of gravity because of the small mass of the molecules and atoms involved, in many cases the reaction rate dcpends on the arrival of the species to the reaction zone. When the arrival process is buoyancy-controlled, the net specd of the reaction will be affected by the gravity. Thirdly, two-phase flows under reduced gravity provkle interesting problems from boiling heat transfer to degasslng of melts. This part of the paper deals only with the measurement of sound veiocity in a liquid containing bubbles. It is suggested that such measurements should be mude under reduced gravity to provide reliable residís.


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One of the key steps to achieve high efficiencies in amorphous/crystalline silicon photovoltaic structures is to design low-ohmic-resistance backcontacts with good passivation in the rear part of the cell. A well known approach to achieve this goal is to use laser-fired contact (LFC) processes in which a metal layer is fired through the dielectric to define good contacts with the semiconductor. However, and despite the fact that this approach has demonstrated to be extremely successful, there is still enough room for process improvement with an appropriate optimization. In this paper, a study focused on the optimal adjustment of the irradiation parameters to produce laser-fired contacts in a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctionsolarcells is presented. We used samples consisting of crystalline-silicon (c-Si) wafers together with a passivation layer of intrinsic hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H(i)) deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical deposition (PECVD). Then, an aluminum layer was evaporated on both sides, the thickness of this layer varied from 0.2 to 1 μm in order to identify the optimal amount of Al required to create an appropriate contact. A q-switched Nd:YVO4laser source, λ = 532 nm, was used to locally fire the aluminum through the thin a-Si:H(i)-layers to form the LFC. The effects of laser fluences were analyzed using a comprehensive morphological and electrical characterization.


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High performance long-length coated conductors fabricated using various techniques have attracted a lot of interest recently. In this work, a reel-to-reel design for depositing double-sided coatings on long-length flexible metallic tapes via a chemical solution method is proposed and realized. The major achievement of the design is to combine the dip coating and drying processes in order to overcome the technical difficulties of dealing with the wet films on both sides of the tape. We report the successful application of the design to fabricate a one-meter-long double side coated CeO2/Ni-5at%W template. The CeO2 films on both sides exhibit a dense, crack-free morphology, and a high fraction of cube texture on the surface. Homogeneity studies on global texture over the length also reveal that the average full width at half maximum values of the in-plane and out-of-plane orientation on the CeO2 layer are 7.2 ° and 5.8° with standard deviation of 0.26° and 0.34°, respectively, being indicative of the high quality epitaxial growth of the films prepared in the continuous manner. An all chemical solution derived YBCOLow-TFA/Ce0.9La0.1O2 /Gd2Zr2O7/CeO2 structure is obtained on a short sample, demonstrating the possibility of producing long-length texture templates for coated conductors by this low cost deposition route.


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n this paper we propose the use of Networks of Bio-inspired Processors (NBP) to model some biological phenomena within a computational framework. In particular, we propose the use of an extension of NBP named Network Evolutionary Processors Transducers to simulate chemical transformations of substances. Within a biological process, chemical transformations of substances are basic operations in the change of the state of the cell. Previously, it has been proved that NBP are computationally complete, that is, they are able to solve NP complete problems in linear time, using massively parallel computations. In addition, we propose a multilayer architecture that will allow us to design models of biological processes related to cellular communication as well as their implications in the metabolic pathways. Subsequently, these models can be applied not only to biological-cellular instances but, possibly, also to configure instances of interactive processes in many other fields like population interactions, ecological trophic networks, in dustrial ecosystems, etc.


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Esta Tesis Doctoral se centra en la investigación del proceso de producción de polisilicio para aplicaciones fotovoltaicas (FV) por la vía química; mediante procesos de depósito en fase vapor (CVD). El polisilicio para la industria FV recibe el nombre de silicio de grado solar (SoG Si). Por un lado, el proceso que domina hoy en día la producción de SoG Si está basado en la síntesis, destilación y descomposición de triclorosilano (TCS) en un reactor CVD -denominado reactor Siemens-. El material obtenido mediante este proceso es de muy alta pureza, pero a costa de un elevado consumo energético. Así, para alcanzar los dos principales objetivos de la industria FV basada en silicio, bajos costes de producción y bajo tiempo de retorno de la energía invertida en su fabricación, es esencial disminuir el consumo energético de los reactores Siemens. Por otro lado, una alternativa al proceso Siemens considera la descomposición de monosilano (MS) en un reactor de lecho fluidizado (FBR). Este proceso alternativo tiene un consumo energético mucho menor que el de un reactor Siemens, si bien la calidad del material resultante es también menor; pero ésta puede ser suficiente para la industria FV. A día de hoy los FBR deben aún abordar una serie de retos para que su menor consumo energético sea una ventaja suficiente comparada con otras desventajas de estos reactores. En resumen, la investigación desarrollada se centra en el proceso de depósito de polysilicio por CVD a partir de TCS -reactor Siemens-; pero también se investiga el proceso de producción de SoG Si en los FBR exponiendo las fortalezas y debilidades de esta alternativa. Para poder profundizar en el conocimiento del proceso CVD para la producción de polisilicio es clave el conocimiento de las reacciones químicas fundamentales y cómo éstas influencian la calidad del producto resultante, al mismo tiempo que comprender los fenómenos responsables del consumo energético. Por medio de un reactor Siemens de laboratorio en el que se llevan a cabo un elevado número de experimentos de depósito de polisilicio de forma satisfactoria se adquiere el conocimiento previamente descrito. Se pone de manifiesto la complejidad de los reactores CVD y de los problemas asociados a la pérdidas de calor de estos procesos. Se identifican las contribuciones a las pérdidas de calor de los reactores CVD, éstas pérdidas de calor son debidas principalmente a los fenómenos de radiación y, conducción y convección vía gases. En el caso de los reactores Siemens el fenómeno que contribuye en mayor medida al alto consumo energético son las pérdidas de calor por radiación, mientras que en los FBRs tanto la radiación como el calor transferido por transporte másico contribuyen de forma importante. Se desarrolla un modelo teórico integral para el cálculo de las pérdidas de calor en reactores Siemens. Este modelo está formado a su vez por un modelo para la evaluación de las pérdidas de calor por radiación y modelos para la evaluación de las pérdidas de calor por conducción y convección vía gases. Se ponen de manifiesto una serie de limitaciones del modelo de pérdidas de calor por radiación, y se desarrollan una serie de modificaciones que mejoran el modelo previo. El modelo integral se valida por medio un reactor Siemens de laboratorio, y una vez validado se presenta su extrapolación a la escala industrial. El proceso de conversión de TCS y MS a polisilicio se investiga mediante modelos de fluidodinámica computacional (CFD). Se desarrollan modelados CFD para un reactor Siemens de laboratorio y para un prototipo FBR. Los resultados obtenidos mediante simulación son comparados, en ambos casos, con resultados experimentales. Los modelos desarrollados se convierten en herramientas para la identificación de aquellos parámetros que tienen mayor influencia en los procesos CVD. En el caso del reactor Siemens, ambos modelos -el modelo integral y el modelado CFD permiten el estudio de los parámetros que afectan en mayor medida al elevado consumo energético, y mediante su análisis se sugieren modificaciones para este tipo de reactores que se traducirían en un menor número de kilovatios-hora consumidos por kilogramo de silicio producido. Para el caso del FBR, el modelado CFD permite analizar el efecto de una serie de parámetros sobre la distribución de temperaturas en el lecho fluidizado; y dicha distribución de temperaturas está directamente relacionada con los principales retos de este tipo de reactores. Por último, existen nuevos conceptos de depósito de polisilicio; éstos se aprovechan de la ventaja teórica de un mayor volumen depositado por unidad de tiempo -cuando una mayor superficie de depósito está disponible- con el objetivo de reducir la energía consumida por los reactores Siemens. Estos conceptos se exploran mediante cálculos teóricos y pruebas en el reactor Siemens de laboratorio. ABSTRACT This Doctoral Thesis comprises research on polysilicon production for photovoltaic (PV) applications through the chemical route: chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process. PV polysilicon is named solar grade silicon (SoG Si). On the one hand, the besetting CVD process for SoG Si production is based on the synthesis, distillation, and decomposition of thriclorosilane (TCS) in the so called Siemens reactor; high purity silicon is obtained at the expense of high energy consumption. Thus, lowering the energy consumption of the Siemens process is essential to achieve the two wider objectives for silicon-based PV technology: low production cost and low energy payback time. On the other hand, a valuable variation of this process considers the use of monosilane (MS) in a fluidized bed reactor (FBR); lower output material quality is obtained but it may fulfil the requirements for the PV industry. FBRs demand lower energy consumption than Siemens reactors but further research is necessary to address the actual challenges of these reactors. In short, this work is centered in polysilicon CVD process from TCS -Siemens reactor-; but it also offers insights on the strengths and weaknesses of the FBR for SoG Si production. In order to aid further development in polysilicon CVD is key the understanding of the fundamental reactions and how they influence the product quality, at the same time as to comprehend the phenomena responsible for the energy consumption. Experiments conducted in a laboratory Siemens reactor prove the satisfactory operation of the prototype reactor, and allow to acquire the knowledge that has been described. Complexity of the CVD reactors is stated and the heat loss problem associated with polysilicon CVD is addressed. All contributions to the energy consumption of Siemens reactors and FBRs are put forward; these phenomena are radiation and, conduction and convection via gases heat loss. In a Siemens reactor the major contributor to the energy consumption is radiation heat loss; in case of FBRs radiation and heat transfer due to mass transport are both important contributors. Theoretical models for radiation, conduction and convection heat loss in a Siemens reactor are developed; shaping a comprehensive theoretical model for heat loss in Siemens reactors. Limitations of the radiation heat loss model are put forward, and a novel contribution to the existing model is developed. The comprehensive model for heat loss is validated through a laboratory Siemens reactor, and results are scaled to industrial reactors. The process of conversion of TCS and MS gases to solid polysilicon is investigated by means of computational fluid-dynamics models. CFD models for a laboratory Siemens reactor and a FBR prototype are developed. Simulated results for both CVD prototypes are compared with experimental data. The developed models are used as a tool to investigate the parameters that more strongly influence both processes. For the Siemens reactors, both, the comprehensive theoretical model and the CFD model allow to identify the parameters responsible for the great power consumption, and thus, suggest some modifications that could decrease the ratio kilowatts-hour per kilogram of silicon produced. For the FBR, the CFD model allows to explore the effect of a number of parameters on the thermal distribution of the fluidized bed; that is the main actual challenge of these type of reactors. Finally, there exist new deposition surface concepts that take advantage of higher volume deposited per time unit -when higher deposition area is available- trying to reduce the high energy consumption of the Siemens reactors. These novel concepts are explored by means of theoretical calculations and tests in the laboratory Siemens prototype.