12 resultados para Cella Solare, simulazione numerica, Metal Wrap Through, rear Point Contact

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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In the photovoltaic field, the back contact solar cells technology has appeared as an alternative to the traditional silicon modules. This new type of cells places both positive and negative contacts on the back side of the cells maximizing the exposed surface to the light and making easier the interconnection of the cells in the module. The Emitter Wrap-Through solar cell structure presents thousands of tiny holes to wrap the emitter from the front surface to the rear surface. These holes are made in a first step over the silicon wafers by means of a laser drilling process. This step is quite harmful from a mechanical point of view since holes act as stress concentrators leading to a reduction in the strength of these wafers. This paper presents the results of the strength characterization of drilled wafers. The study is carried out testing the samples with the ring on ring device. Finite Element models are developed to simulate the tests. The stress concentration factor of the drilled wafers under this load conditions is determined from the FE analysis. Moreover, the material strength is characterized fitting the fracture stress of the samples to a three-parameter Weibull cumulative distribution function. The parameters obtained are compared with the ones obtained in the analysis of a set of samples without holes to validate the method employed for the study of the strength of silicon drilled wafers.


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La fisuración iniciada en la superficie de los pavimentos asfálticos constituye uno de los más frecuentes e importantes modos de deterioro que tienen lugar en los firmes bituminosos, como han demostrado los estudios teóricos y experimentales llevados a cabo en la última década. Sin embargo, este mecanismo de fallo no ha sido considerado por los métodos tradicionales de diseño de estos firmes. El concepto de firmes de larga duración se fundamenta en un adecuado seguimiento del proceso de avance en profundidad de estos deterioros y la intervención en el momento más apropiado para conseguir mantenerlos confinados como fisuras de profundidad parcial en la capa superficial más fácilmente accesible y reparable, de manera que pueda prolongarse la durabilidad y funcionalidad del firme y reducir los costes generalizados de su ciclo de vida. Por lo tanto, para la selección de la estrategia óptima de conservación de los firmes resulta esencial disponer de metodologías que posibiliten la identificación precisa in situ de la fisuración descendente, su seguimiento y control, y que además permitan una determinación fiable y con alto rendimiento de su profundidad y extensión. En esta Tesis Doctoral se presentan los resultados obtenidos mediante la investigación sistemática de laboratorio e in situ llevada a cabo para la obtención de datos sobre fisuración descendente en firmes asfálticos y para el estudio de procedimientos de evaluación de la profundidad de este tipo de fisuras empleando técnicas de ultrasonidos. Dichos resultados han permitido comprobar que la metodología no destructiva propuesta, de rápida ejecución, bajo coste y sencilla implementación (principalmente empleada hasta el momento en estructuras metálicas y de hormigón, debido a las dificultades que introduce la naturaleza viscoelástica de los materiales bituminosos) puede ser aplicada con suficiente fiabilidad y repetibilidad sobre firmes asfálticos. Las medidas resultan asimismo independientes del espesor total del firme. Además, permite resolver algunos de los inconvenientes frecuentes que presentan otros métodos de diagnóstico de las fisuras de pavimentos, tales como la extracción de testigos (sistema destructivo, de alto coste y prolongados tiempos de interrupción del tráfico) o algunas otras técnicas no destructivas como las basadas en medidas de deflexiones o el georradar, las cuales no resultan suficientemente precisas para la investigación de fisuras superficiales. Para ello se han realizado varias campañas de ensayos sobre probetas de laboratorio en las que se han estudiado diferentes condiciones empíricas como, por ejemplo, distintos tipos de mezclas bituminosas en caliente (AC, SMA y PA), espesores de firme y adherencias entre capas, temperaturas, texturas superficiales, materiales de relleno y agua en el interior de las grietas, posición de los sensores y un amplio rango de posibles profundidades de fisura. Los métodos empleados se basan en la realización de varias medidas de velocidad o de tiempo de transmisión del pulso ultrasónico sobre una única cara o superficie accesible del material, de manera que resulte posible obtener un coeficiente de transmisión de la señal (mediciones relativas o autocompensadas). Las mediciones se han realizado a bajas frecuencias de excitación mediante dos equipos de ultrasonidos diferentes dotados, en un caso, de transductores de contacto puntual seco (DPC) y siendo en el otro instrumento de contacto plano a través de un material especialmente seleccionado para el acoplamiento (CPC). Ello ha permitido superar algunos de los tradicionales inconvenientes que presenta el uso de los transductores convencionales y no precisar preparación previa de las superficies. La técnica de autocalibración empleada elimina los errores sistemáticos y la necesidad de una calibración local previa, demostrando el potencial de esta tecnología. Los resultados experimentales han sido comparados con modelos teóricos simplificados que simulan la propagación de las ondas ultrasónicas en estos materiales bituminosos fisurados, los cuales han sido deducidos previamente mediante un planteamiento analítico y han permitido la correcta interpretación de dichos datos empíricos. Posteriormente, estos modelos se han calibrado mediante los resultados de laboratorio, proporcionándose sus expresiones matemáticas generalizadas y gráficas para su uso rutinario en las aplicaciones prácticas. Mediante los ensayos con ultrasonidos efectuados en campañas llevadas a cabo in situ, acompañados de la extracción de testigos del firme, se han podido evaluar los modelos propuestos. El máximo error relativo promedio en la estimación de la profundidad de las fisuras al aplicar dichos modelos no ha superado el 13%, con un nivel de confianza del 95%, en el conjunto de todos los ensayos realizados. La comprobación in situ de los modelos ha permitido establecer los criterios y las necesarias recomendaciones para su utilización sobre firmes en servicio. La experiencia obtenida posibilita la integración de esta metodología entre las técnicas de auscultación para la gestión de su conservación. Abstract Surface-initiated cracking of asphalt pavements constitutes one of the most frequent and important types of distress that occur in flexible bituminous pavements, as clearly has been demonstrated in the technical and experimental studies done over the past decade. However, this failure mechanism has not been taken into consideration for traditional methods of flexible pavement design. The concept of long-lasting pavements is based on adequate monitoring of the depth and extent of these deteriorations and on intervention at the most appropriate moment so as to contain them in the surface layer in the form of easily-accessible and repairable partial-depth topdown cracks, thereby prolonging the durability and serviceability of the pavement and reducing the overall cost of its life cycle. Therefore, to select the optimal maintenance strategy for perpetual pavements, it becomes essential to have access to methodologies that enable precise on-site identification, monitoring and control of top-down propagated cracks and that also permit a reliable, high-performance determination of the extent and depth of cracking. This PhD Thesis presents the results of systematic laboratory and in situ research carried out to obtain information about top-down cracking in asphalt pavements and to study methods of depth evaluation of this type of cracking using ultrasonic techniques. These results have demonstrated that the proposed non-destructive methodology –cost-effective, fast and easy-to-implement– (mainly used to date for concrete and metal structures, due to the difficulties caused by the viscoelastic nature of bituminous materials) can be applied with sufficient reliability and repeatability to asphalt pavements. Measurements are also independent of the asphalt thickness. Furthermore, it resolves some of the common inconveniences presented by other methods used to evaluate pavement cracking, such as core extraction (a destructive and expensive procedure that requires prolonged traffic interruptions) and other non-destructive techniques, such as those based on deflection measurements or ground-penetrating radar, which are not sufficiently precise to measure surface cracks. To obtain these results, extensive tests were performed on laboratory specimens. Different empirical conditions were studied, such as various types of hot bituminous mixtures (AC, SMA and PA), differing thicknesses of asphalt and adhesions between layers, varied temperatures, surface textures, filling materials and water within the crack, different sensor positions, as well as an ample range of possible crack depths. The methods employed in the study are based on a series of measurements of ultrasonic pulse velocities or transmission times over a single accessible side or surface of the material that make it possible to obtain a signal transmission coefficient (relative or auto-calibrated readings). Measurements were taken at low frequencies by two short-pulse ultrasonic devices: one equipped with dry point contact transducers (DPC) and the other with flat contact transducers that require a specially-selected coupling material (CPC). In this way, some of the traditional inconveniences presented by the use of conventional transducers were overcome and a prior preparation of the surfaces was not required. The auto-compensating technique eliminated systematic errors and the need for previous local calibration, demonstrating the potential for this technology. The experimental results have been compared with simplified theoretical models that simulate ultrasonic wave propagation in cracked bituminous materials, which had been previously deduced using an analytical approach and have permitted the correct interpretation of the aforementioned empirical results. These models were subsequently calibrated using the laboratory results, providing generalized mathematical expressions and graphics for routine use in practical applications. Through a series of on-site ultrasound test campaigns, accompanied by asphalt core extraction, it was possible to evaluate the proposed models, with differences between predicted crack depths and those measured in situ lower than 13% (with a confidence level of 95%). Thereby, the criteria and the necessary recommendations for their implementation on in-service asphalt pavements have been established. The experience obtained through this study makes it possible to integrate this methodology into the evaluation techniques for pavement management systems.


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In the Laser-Fired Contact (LFC) process, a laser beam fires a metallic layer through a dielectric passivating layer into the silicon wafer to form an electrical contact with the silicon bulk [1]. This laser technique is an interesting alternative for the fabrication of both laboratory and industrial scale high efficiency passivated emitter and rear cell (PERC). One of the principal characteristics of this promising technique is the capability to reduce the recombination losses at the rear surface in crystalline silicon solar cells. Therefore, it is crucial to optimize LFC because this process is one of the most promising concepts to produce rear side point contacts at process speeds compatible with the final industrial application. In that sense, this work investigates the optimization of LFC processing to improve the back contact in silicon solar cells using fully commercial solid state lasers with pulse width in the ns range, thus studying the influence of the wavelength using the three first harmonics (corresponding to wavelengths of 1064 nm, 532 nm and 355 nm). Previous studies of our group focused their attention in other processing parameters as laser fluence, number of pulses, passivating material [2, 3] thickness of the rear metallic contact [4], etc. In addition, the present work completes the parametric optimization by assessing the influence of the laser wavelength on the contact property. In particular we report results on the morphology and electrical behaviour of samples specifically designed to assess the quality of the process. In order to study the influence of the laser wavelength on the contact feature we used as figure of merit the specific contact resistance. In all processes the best results have been obtained using green (532 nm) and UV (355 nm), with excellent values for this magnitude far below 1 mΩcm2.


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Los accidentes con implicación de autocares en los que se producen vuelcos ponen de manifiesto la especial agresividad de los mismos, como lo confirman las estadísticas. Como medida para mejorar la seguridad de los Vehículos de Grandes Dimensiones para el Transporte de Pasajeros (V.G.D.T.P.) frente a vuelco fue aprobado por las Naciones Unidas el Reglamento Nº 66 de Ginebra. Este reglamento establece los requisitos mínimos que las estructuras de los vehículos de grandes dimensiones deben cumplir con respecto a vuelco. El reglamento 66 ha supuesto un paso adelante muy importante en relación con la seguridad de los autocares, puesto que especifica por primera vez requerimientos estructurales a este tipo de vehículos, y en general ha supuesto una mejora del vehículo . Por otro lado, a consecuencia de la obligatoriedad de instalación de cinturones de seguridad, existe una unión entre pasajeros y vehículo, pero como no se trata de una unión rígida, hay que contemplar el porcentaje de la masa de los ocupantes que influye en la absorción de energía de la estructura. Además la retención de los ocupantes con cinturones de seguridad influye en la energía a absorber por la estructura del vehículo en dos aspectos, por un lado aumenta la masa del vehículo y en el otro se incrementa la altura el centro de gravedad. Esta situación a conducido a elaborar por parte de las Naciones Unidas la revisión 01 del Reglamento 66, en el que se considera que el 50 % de la masa total de los pasajeros posee una unión rígida con la estructura del vehículo, y por lo tanto debe ser tenida en cuenta si el vehículo posee sistemas de retención. En la situación actual, con limitaciones de peso del vehículo y peso por eje, los elementos de confort, seguridad y espacio para maleteros contribuyen a aumentar el peso del vehículo. Esto unido a la dificultad de introducción de cambios radicales en la concepción actual de fabricación de este tipo de vehículos por suponer unas pérdidas importantes para los fabricantes existentes, tanto en su conocimiento del producto como en su metodología de proceso, conlleva la necesidad cada vez más agobiante de analizar y evaluar otras alternativas estructurales que sin suponer grandes revoluciones a los productos actualmente en fabricación los complementen permitiendo adaptarse a los nuevos requerimientos en seguridad. Recientes desarrollos en la relación costo-beneficio de los procesos para la producción de materiales celulares metálicos de baja densidad, tales como las espumas metálicas, los posiciona como una alternativa de especial interés para la aplicación como elementos de absorción de energía para reforzar estructuras. El relleno con espumas metálicas puede ser más eficiente en términos de optimización de peso comparado con el aumento de espesor de los perfiles estructurales, dado que la absorción de energía se produce en una fracción relativamente pequeña de los perfiles, en las denominadas rótulas plásticas. La aplicación de espumas de relleno metálicas en estructuras de vehículos se está empezando a emplear en determinadas zonas de los vehículos de turismo, siendo totalmente novedosa cualquier intento de aplicación en estructuras de autobuses y autocares. Conforme a lo expuesto, y con el objeto de resolver estos problemas, se ha elaborado el presente trabajo de tesis doctoral, cuyos objetivos son: -Desarrollar un modelo matemático, que permita simular el ensayo de vuelco, considerando la influencia de los ocupantes retenidos con cinturones de seguridad para evaluar su influencia en la absorción de energía de la estructura. -Validar el modelo matemático de vuelco de la estructura mediante ensayos de secciones representativas de la estructura del vehículo y mediante el ensayo de un vehículo completo. -Realizar un estudio de las propiedades de las espumas metálicas que permitan incorporarlas como elemento de absorción de energía en el relleno de componentes de la superestructura de autobuses y autocares. -Desarrollar un modelo matemático para evaluar el aporte del relleno de espuma metálica en la absorción de energía ante solicitaciones por flexión estática y dinámica en componentes de la superestructura de autobuses o autocares. -Realizar un programa de ensayos a flexión estáticos y dinámicos para validar el modelo matemático del aporte del relleno de espuma metálica sobre componentes de la superestructura de autobuses y autocares. . -Incorporar al modelo matemático de vuelco de la estructura, los resultados obtenidos sobre componentes con relleno de espuma metálica, para evaluar el aporte en la absorción de energía. -Validar el modelo de vuelco de la estructura del autobús o autocar con relleno de espuma metálica, mediante ensayos de secciones de carrocería. ABSTRACT Accidents involving buses in which rollovers occur reveal the special aggressiveness thereof, as the statistics prove. As a measure to improve the safety of large vehicles for the transport of passengers to rollover, Regulation 66 of Geneva was approved by the United Nations. This regulation establishes the minimum requirements that structures of large vehicles must comply with respect to rollovers. The regulation 66 has been a major step forward in relation to the safety of coaches, since it specifies structural requirements to such vehicles and has been an improvement for the vehicle. In turn, as a result of compulsory installation of safety belts, there is contact between passengers and vehicle, but as it is not a rigid connection we must contemplate the percentage of the mass of the occupants that impacts on the energy absorption of the structure. Thus, the passengers’ restraining modifies the energy to absorb by the vehicle in two different aspects: On the one hand, it increases the vehicle weight and on the other the height of the center of gravity. This circumstance has taken the United Nations to elaborate Revision 01 of Regulation 66, in which it is considered that the 50 percent of passengers’ mass has a rigid joint together with the vehicle structure and, therefore, the passengers’ mass mentioned above should be highly considered if the vehicle has seat belts. In the present situation, in which limitations in vehicle weight and weight in axles are stricter, elements of comfort, safety and space for baggage are contributing to increase the weight of the vehicle. This coupled with the difficulty of introducing radical changes in the current conception of manufacturing such vehicles pose significant losses for existing manufacturers, both in product knowledge and process methodology, entails the overwhelming need to analyze and evaluate other structural alternatives without assuming relevant modifications on the products manufactured currently allowing them to adapt to the new safety requirements. Recent developments in cost-benefit processes for the production of metallic foams of low density, such as metal foams, place them as an alternative of special interest to be used as energy absorbers to strengthen structures. The filling with metal foams can be more efficient in terms of weight optimization compared with increasing thickness of the structural beams, since the energy absorption occurs in a relatively small fraction of the beams, called plastic hinges. The application of metal filling foams in vehicle structures is beginning to be used in certain areas of passenger cars, being an innovative opportunity in structures for application in buses and coaches. According to the mentioned before, and in order to come forward with a solution, this doctoral thesis has been prepared and its objectives are: - Develop a mathematical model to simulate the rollover test, considering the influence of the occupants held with seat belts to assess their influence on energy absorption structure. - Validate the mathematical model of the structure rollover by testing representative sections of the vehicle structure and by testing a complete vehicle. - Conduct a study of the properties of metal foams as possible incorporation of energy absorbing element in the filler component of the superstructure of buses and coaches. - Elaborate a mathematical model to assess the contribution of the metal foam filling in absorbing energy for static and dynamic bending loads on the components of buses or coaches superstructure. - Conduct a static and dynamic bending test program to validate the mathematical model of contribution of metal foam filling on components of the superstructure of buses and coaches bending. - To incorporate into the mathematical model of structure rollover, the results obtained on components filled with metal foam, to evaluate the contribution to the energy absorption. - Validate the rollover model structure of the bus or coach filled with metal foam through tests of bay sections. The objectives in this thesis have been achieved successfully. The contribution calculation model with metal foam filling in the vehicle structure has revealed that the filling with metal foam is more efficient than increasing thickness of the beams, as demonstrated in the experimental validation of bay sections.


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The Bienaventurada mine operates a polymetallic Ag-Pb-Zn (Cu, Au) vein system of the low sulphidation epithermal type. Fluid inclusions, FI, are abundant in quartz, sphalerite and adularia. FI petrography demonstrates typical primary growth zoning which occurs frequently in crystalline quartz, and defines the most common primary FI. These are usually very small, but several types of primary, P, and secondary, S, FI Assemblages (FIAs) comprising FI of measurable size (3 to > 100 μm) can also be identified through careful petrographic work. The fluids are aqueous and undersaturated, and no evidence of CO2 was found; the degree of fill is usually high (~70-80 %) in the L-rich inclusions, but extremely low in V-rich inclusions. The measured microthermometric values are very consistent in the FIAs selected; they are for the most part roughly similar in the P and S assemblages: the median is typically ~258ºC for total homogenization temperatures, Th, and -1.5 ºC for ice melting temperatures, Tm (corresponding to 2.57 wt% NaCl eq). The widespread occurrence of L-rich and V-rich FI in the same FIA and the consistent Th values point to an extensive boiling system along the vein. In these conditions, Th equals T of trapping, and the ores are assumed to have been precipitated from an aqueous low salinity boiling fluid, of likely meteoric origin, at some 250-280º C, under ~500 m hydrostatic head.


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One of the key steps to achieve high efficiencies in amorphous/crystalline silicon photovoltaic structures is to design low-ohmic-resistance backcontacts with good passivation in the rear part of the cell. A well known approach to achieve this goal is to use laser-fired contact (LFC) processes in which a metal layer is fired through the dielectric to define good contacts with the semiconductor. However, and despite the fact that this approach has demonstrated to be extremely successful, there is still enough room for process improvement with an appropriate optimization. In this paper, a study focused on the optimal adjustment of the irradiation parameters to produce laser-fired contacts in a-Si:H/c-Si heterojunctionsolarcells is presented. We used samples consisting of crystalline-silicon (c-Si) wafers together with a passivation layer of intrinsic hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H(i)) deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical deposition (PECVD). Then, an aluminum layer was evaporated on both sides, the thickness of this layer varied from 0.2 to 1 μm in order to identify the optimal amount of Al required to create an appropriate contact. A q-switched Nd:YVO4laser source, λ = 532 nm, was used to locally fire the aluminum through the thin a-Si:H(i)-layers to form the LFC. The effects of laser fluences were analyzed using a comprehensive morphological and electrical characterization.


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The extraction of metal impurities during phosphorus diffusion gettering (PDG) is one of the crucial process steps when fabricating high-efficiency solar cells using low-cost, lower-purity silicon wafers. In this work, we show that for a given metal concentration, the size and density of metal silicide precipitates strongly influences the gettering efficacy. Different precipitate size distributions can be already found in silicon wafers grown by different techniques. In our experiment, however, the as-grown distribution of precipitated metals in multicrystalline Si sister wafers is engineered through different annealing treatments in order to control for the concentration and distribution of other defects. A high density of small precipitates is formed during a homogenization step, and a lower density of larger precipitates is formed during extended annealing at 740º C. After PDG, homogenized samples show a decreased interstitial iron concentration compared to as-grown and ripened samples, in agreement with simulations.


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Paramount to symbiotic nitrogen fixation (SNF) is the synthesis of a number of metalloenzymes that use iron as a critical component of their catalytical core. Since this process is carried out by endosymbiotic rhizobia living in legume root nodules, the mechanisms involved in iron delivery to the rhizobia-containing cells are critical for SNF. In order to gain insight into iron transport to the nodule, we have used synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence to determine the spatio-temporal distribution of this metal in nodules of the legume Medicago truncatula with hitherto unattained sensitivity and resolution. The data support a model in which iron is released from the vasculature into the apoplast of the infection/differentiation zone of the nodule (zone II). The infected cell subsequently takes up this apoplastic iron and delivers it to the symbiosome and the secretory system to synthesize ferroproteins. Upon senescence, iron is relocated to the vasculature to be reused by the shoot. These observations highlight the important role of yet to be discovered metal transporters in iron compartmentalization in the nodule and in the recovery of an essential and scarce nutrient for flowering and seed production.


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El efecto de la cantidad de explosivos es investigado con el propósito de conocer cuál es la influencia del explosivo con respecto a la cinética de la lixiviación de un mineral oxidado y conocer cuál es la recuperación del metal que contiene. Si la cantidad de explosivo es más grande nos permite obtener un mayor grado de microfracturamiento que permite una lixiviación más eficiente. Este microfracturamiento se conoce a través de medir la superficie específica del mineral, permitiendo conocer cuál es la acción de la onda explosiva. Se extraen tres muestras de mineral oxidado de cobre y se les lixivia en pruebas de laboratorio de lixiviación columnar. Los resultados de la cinética de la lixiviación y la recuperación del metal fueron positivos, es decir, fueron superiores cuando mayor es la superficie específica o la cantidad de explosivo. ABSTRACT The effect of the quantity of explosives is investigated with the purpose to know which is the influence of the explosive with regard to the kinetic of the leaching of a mineral one oxidized, and which the recovery of the metal that contains is. The greater quantity of explosives permits to obtain a greater one microcracking that permits a lixiviation more efficient. This microcracking knows him through measuring the specific surface of the mineral, permitting to know which the action of the explosive wave is. Three samples of mineral oxidized of Cu are extracted, and tests were performed of Iixiviation columnar. The results of the kinetic of the lixiviation and of the recovery of the metal they were positive, that is to say, they enlarged when enlarged the specific surface or the quantity of explosive key.


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El objetivo principal de este trabajo es profundizar en el conocimiento del fenómeno de la corrosión subpelicular inducida por contaminantes hidrosolubles en la intercara metal/pintura. La contaminación salina del substrato es una situación común en la práctica: la superficie metálica suele estar expuesta a atmósferas contaminadas antes de ser recubierta, limpieza previa del metal con abrasivos contaminados, etc. La eliminación total de estos contaminantes resulta muy difícil de conseguir incluso con las técnicas más sofisticadas de limpieza. Esta investigación se centra en la determinación del efecto de la naturaleza del contaminante y la naturaleza y espesor del recubrimiento en el proceso de corrosión subpelicular del acero. En la investigación se utilizaron dos barnices de naturaleza diferente: poliuretano y vinílico; y se aplicaron a tres espesores diferentes. Los contaminantes empleados en este trabajo fueron: NaCl, NH4C1, CaCl2, Na2S04, (NH4)2S04, NaN03, NH4N03, Ca(N03)2. Los ensayos se realizaron en una cámara de condensación de humedad permanente. Los tiempos de exposición fueron 100, 300 y 600 horas. La velocidad de corrosión se evaluó gravimétricamente, mediante la técnica de pérdida de peso. Se realizaron estudios de permeabilidad al oxígeno y al agua de películas libres de substrato, evaluación de la velocidad de corrosión de probetas sin pintar inmersas en soluciones salinas de los contaminantes seleccionados, conductividad de dichas soluciones salinas, solubilidad del oxígeno en las soluciones salinas, adherencia en seco y en húmedo a diferentes tiempos de exposición. Se aporta evidencia respecto al control ejercido en el proceso corrosivo por el oxígeno que permea a través de la película, mientras que la permeación de agua controla la pérdida de adherencia del recubrimiento. Ambas permeabilidades dependen de la naturaleza del recubrimiento y de su espesor. Se ha investigado la influencia de la naturaleza del contaminante en la intercara metal/pintura. La naturaleza del catión parece quedar enmascarada por el efecto definitivo del anión. La concentración salina ejerce asimismo un efecto importante en la corrosión subpelicular. ABSTRACT The main aim of this work is to study in depth the knowledge of underfilm corrosión induced by hydrosoluble contaminants at the metal/paint Ínterface. The saline contamination of the substrate is a common situation in practice: metallic surfaces use to be exposed to polluted atmospheres, previous cleaning of the metal with contaminated abrasives, etc. Total elimination of these contaminants is hard to obtain even with modern cleaning techniques. This research is focused in determining the effect of contaminant nature, coating nature and its thickness on the steel underfilm corrosión process. In this work we used two varnishes with different nature: polyurethane and vinyl; they were applied in three different thicknesses. The saline contaminants employed were: NaCl, NH4C1, CaCl2, Na2S04, (NH4)2S04, NaN03, NH4N03/ Ca(N03)2. The tests were carried out in a condensation humidity chamber. The period of exposure were 100, 300 and 600 hours. Corrosión rate was assessed by weight loss. Simultaneously, studies on oxygen and water permeability of free films, assessing on corrosión rate of uncoated samples immersed in saline solutions of the selected contaminants, conductivity of these solutions, oxygen solubility in saline solutions, wet and dry adhesión of the polyurethane varnish at different periods of exposure, were carried out. There is clear evidence about control on corrosión process of oxygen that passes through the coating, while the passing of water controls the loss of adhesión of the coating. Both, water and oxygen permeation, depend on the nature and thickness of the coating. It has been researched the inf luence of the nature of contaminant at the metal/paint interface. The nature of the catión seems to be "masked" by the definitive effect of the nature of anión. The saline concentration also exerts an important effect on underfilm corrosión.


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Los muros cortina modulares están constituidos por paneles prefabricados que se fijan al edificio a través de anclajes a lo largo del borde del forjado. El proceso de prefabricación garantiza buena calidad y control de los acabados y el proceso de instalación es rápido y no requiere andamiaje. Por estas razones su uso está muy extendido en torres. Sin embargo, el diseño de los marcos de aluminio podría ser más eficiente si se aprovechara la rigidez de los vidrios para reducir la profundidad estructural de los montantes. Asimismo, se podrían reducir los puentes térmicos en las juntas si se sustituyeran los marcos por materiales de menor conductividad térmica que el aluminio. Esta investigación persigue desarrollar un muro cortina alternativo que reduzca la profundidad estructural, reduzca la transmisión térmica en las juntas y permita un acabado enrasado al interior, sin que sobresalgan los montantes. La idea consiste en conectar un marco de material compuesto de fibra de vidrio a lo largo del borde del vidrio aislante a través de adhesivos estructurales para así movilizar una acción estructural compuesta entre los dos vidrios y lograr una baja transmitancia térmica. El marco ha de estar integrado en la profundidad del vidrio aislante. En una primera fase se han efectuado cálculos estructurales y térmicos preliminares para evaluar las prestaciones a un nivel esquemático. Además, se han realizado ensayos a flexión en materiales compuestos de fibra de vidrio y ensayos a cortante en las conexiones adhesivas entre vidrio y material compuesto. Con la información obtenida se ha seleccionado el material del marco y del adhesivo y se han efectuado cambios sobre el diseño original. Los análisis numéricos finales demuestran una reducción de la profundidad estructural de un 80% y una reducción de la transmisión térmica de un 6% en comparación con un sistema convencional tomado como referencia. El sistema propuesto permite obtener acabados enrasados. ABSTRACT Unitised curtain wall systems consist of pre manufactured cladding panels which can be fitted to the building via pre fixed brackets along the edge of the floor slab. They are universally used for high rise buildings because the factory controlled assembly of units ensures high quality and allows fast installation without external access. However, its frame is structurally over-dimensioned because it is designed to carry the full structural load, failing to take advantage of potential composite contribution of glass. Subsequently, it is unnecessarily deep, occupying valuable space, and protrudes to the inside, causing visual disruption. Moreover, it is generally made of high thermal conductivity metal alloys, contributing to substantial thermal transmission at joints. This research aims to develop a novel frame-integrated unitised curtain wall system that will reduce thermal transmission at joints, reduce structural depth significantly and allow an inside flush finish. The idea is to adhesively bond a Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) frame to the edge of the Insulated Glass Unit (IGU), thereby achieving composite structural behaviour and low thermal transmittance. The frame is to fit within the glazing cavity depth. Preliminary analytical structural and numerical thermal calculations are carried out to assess the performance of an initial schematic design. 4-point bending tests on GFRP and single-lap shear tests on bonded connections between GFRP and glass are performed to inform the frame and adhesive material selection process and to characterise these materials. Based on the preliminary calculations and experimental tests, some changes are put into effect to improve the performance of the system and mitigate potential issues. Structural and thermal numerical analysis carried out on the final detail design confirm a reduction of the structural depth to almost one fifth and a reduction of thermal transmission of 6% compared to a benchmark conventional system. A flush glazed appearance both to the inside and the outside are provided while keeping the full functionality of a unitised system.


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A new ultrafiltration membrane was developed by the incorporation of binary metal oxides inside polyethersulfone. Physico-chemical characterization of the binary metal oxides demonstrated that the presence of Ti in the TiO2?ZrO2 system results in an increase of the size of the oxides, and also their dispersity. The crystalline phases of the synthesized binary metal oxides were identified as srilankite and zirconium titanium oxide. The effect of the addition of ZrO2 can be expressed in terms of the inhibition of crystal growth of anocrystalline TiO2 during the synthesis process. For photocatalytic applications the band gap of the synthesized semiconductors was determined, confirming a gradual increase (blue shift) in the band gap as the amount of Zr loading increases. Distinct distributions of binary metal oxides were found along the permeation axis for the synthesized membranes. Particles with Ti are more uniformly dispersed throughout the membrane cross-section. The physico-chemical characterization of membranes showed a strong correlation between some key membrane properties and the spatial particle distribution in the membrane structure. The proximity of metal oxide fillers to the membrane surface determines the hydrophilicity and porosity of modified membranes. Membranes incorporating binary metal oxides were found to be promising candidates for wastewater treatment by ultrafiltration, considering the observed improvement influx and anti-fouling properties of doped membranes. Multi-run fouling tests of doped membranes confirmed the stability of permeation through membranes embedded with binary TiO2?ZrO2 particles.