3 resultados para Ce^3
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
We have analyzed the performance of a PET demonstrator formed by two sectors of four monolithic detector blocks placed face-to-face. Both front-end and read-out electronics have been evaluated by means of coincidence measurements using a rotating 22Na source placed at the center of the sectors in order to emulate the behavior of a complete full ring. A continuous training method based on neural network (NN) algorithms has been carried out to determine the entrance points over the surface of the detectors. Reconstructed images from 1 MBq 22Na point source and 22Na Derenzo phantom have been obtained using both filtered back projection (FBP) analytic methods and the OSEM 3D iterative algorithm available in the STIR software package [1]. Preliminary data on image reconstruction from a 22Na point source with = 0.25 mm show spatial resolutions from 1.7 to 2.1 mm FWHM in the transverse plane. The results confirm the viability of this design for the development of a full-ring brain PET scanner compatible with magnetic resonance imaging for human studies.
En cumplimiento de la Directiva 2002/49/CE en lo referente a carreteras, se han llevado a cabo en Espaa, en el ao 2007, los mapas estratgicos de ruido (MER) de los grandes ejes viarios de ms de 6 millones de vehculos / ao (datos 2006). En esta categora se encuentra la carretera A-3 a su paso por el Campus Sur de la U.P.M. De acuerdo con el pliego de prescripciones tcnicas, estos MER se dividen en fase A o de estudio bsico y fase B o de estudio de detalle. En el proyecto denominado Realizacin de Mapa Estratgico de Ruido de las carreteras de la Red del Estado (A-3 - Zona Campus sur de la U.P.M.) se muestran los resultados de informacin pblica de fase A del Mapa Estratgico de Ruido (MER) para la carretera A-3 en la Comunidad de Madrid. Teniendo en cuenta dichos resultados y la no eleccin del Campus Sur en la fase B (detalle) de dicho MER; en el presente proyecto se realiza el Mapa Estratgico de fase B del Campus Sur de la U.P.M. para el gran ejes viarios (A-3), de cumplimiento de la Directiva 2002/49/CE y siguiendo las indicaciones del pliego de prescripciones tcnicas para esta primera fase de entregas de 2007 y utilizando para ello Sistemas de Informacin Geogrfica (SIG). Se justifica, segn los resultados obtenidos, si hubiera sido necesaria su inclusin en esta fase de estudio. Una vez establecidas las diferencias entre Mapa Estratgico de Ruido (MER) y Mapa de Ruido (MR), se analizan los diversos criterios tcnicos que debe tomar un consultor acstico durante la realizacin de un MER y cmo estos pueden afectar al resultado final siendo todos ellos vlidos pero creando una falta de homogeneidad entre los diferentes MER segn el autor del estudio. Se describen las diferentes acciones que se estn tomando tras la entrega de 2007 para intentar solucionar este problema de cara a las nuevas entregas. ABSTRACT: The environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC has clear requirements to Member States in terms of Strategic Noise Maps according to roads. So, have been carried out in Spain, in 2007, Strategic Noise Maps of the major roads which have more than six million vehicle passages a year (2006 data) where the A-3 road near Campus Sur U.P.M. is included. In accord with the statement of technical requirements, these Strategic Noise Maps are divided into A phase (Basic study) and B phase (detailed study). The present project by the name of "Implementation of Strategic Noise Map of Spanish Roads (A-3 Campus Sur U.P.M. area)" shows the results of Strategic Noise Map for the A-3 in the Community of Madrid (A phase, public information EGRA project Spanish Ministry of Transport). According to de study results and the not election of Campus Sur to B phase (detail), in this project has been made the B phase of Strategic Map in compliance with Directive 2002/49/EC, following the technical requirements specifications for the first phase of deliveries (2007) and using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to carry on them. Is justified, in accordance with the results, if it was necessary to include Campus Sur in this B phase of study. Once established the differences between Strategic Noise Map and Noise Map, the present project examines the technical criteria that must take an acoustic consultant for the realization of a Strategic Map and how these criteria could affect the quality of the final results being all of them valid but it generate a lack of homogeneity between the different Strategic Noise Map by the author of the study. There wasnt so much experience in Spain in the methodology proposed by the European Noise Directive. The actions that are being taken after delivery of 2007 to try to solve this problem and get harmonized the results among the whole network for the new deliveries each five years are shown at the present project.
Energy performance building directive? en los estados miembros de la UE. Consecuencias e implicaciones?