5 resultados para Cdna clones
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
El objetivo del presente Trabajo Fin de Carrera es evaluar la habilidad para el rebrote a nivel clonal así como la producción de biomasa en el tiempo obtenida con diferentes clones híbridos de Populus, en dos plantaciones similares ubicadas en dos diferentes ambientes. El presente Trabajo Fin de Carrera, se enmarca dentro del proyecto de investigación “Cultivo forestales para la obtención de biomasa con fines energéticos” (RTA 2008 00025.C02.01), desarrollado en el CIFOR-INIA y dirigido por la Dra. Hortensia Sixto. El interés que pretende aportar esta evaluación es ayudar en la búsqueda de los clones que mejor se adapten a nuestras territorio, siendo estos clones lo más productivos posible.
This study uses PCR-derived marker systems to investigate the extent and distribution of genetic variability of 53 Garnacha accessions coming from Italy, France and Spain. The samples studied include 28 Italian accessions (named Tocai rosso in Vicenza area; Alicante in Sicily and Elba island; Gamay perugino in Perugia province; Cannonau in Sardinia), 19 Spanish accessions of different types (named Garnacha tinta, Garnacha blanca, Garnacha peluda, Garnacha roja, Garnacha erguida, Garnacha roya) and 6 French accessions (named Grenache and Grenache noir). In order to verify the varietal identity of the samples, analyses based on 14 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci were performed. The presence of an additional allele at ISV3 locus (151 bp) was found in four Tocai rosso accessions and in a Sardinian Cannonau clone, that are, incidentally, chimeras. In addition to microsatellite analysis, intravarietal variability study was performed using AFLP, SAMPL and M-AFLP molecular markers. AFLPs could discriminate among several Garnacha samples; SAMPLs allowed distinguishing few genotypes on the basis of their geographic origin, whereas M-AFLPs revealed plant-specific markers, differentiating all accessions. Italian samples showed the greatest variability among themselves, especially on the basis of their different provenance, while Spanish samples were the most similar, in spite of their morphological diversity.
Grapevine germplasm, including 38 of the main Portuguese cultivars and three foreign cultivars, Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc and Chasselas, used as a reference, and 37 true-to-type clones from the Alvarinho, Arinto, Loureiro, Moscatel Galego Branco, Trajadura and Vinhão cultivars were studied using AFLP and three retrotransposon-based molecular techniques, IRAP, REMAP and SSAP. To study the retrotransposon-based polymorphisms, 18 primers based on the LTR sequences of Tvv1, Gret1 and Vine-1 were used. In the analysis of 41 cultivars, 517 IRAP, REMAP, AFLP and SSAP fragments were obtained, 83% of which were polymorphic. For IRAP, only the Tvv1Fa primer amplified DNA fragments. In the REMAP analysis, the Tvv1Fa-Ms14 primer combination only produced polymorphic bands, and the Vine-1 primers produced mainly ISSR fragments. The highest number of polymorphic fragments was found for AFLP. Both AFLP and SSAP showed a greater capacity for identifying clones, resulting in 15 and 9 clones identified, respectively. Together, all of the techniques allowed for the identification of 54% of the studied clones, which is an important step in solving one of the challenges that viticulture currently faces.
El alcornoque tiene un gran valor ambiental, como integrante de los ecosistemas forestales mediterráneos, e interés comercial por el valor de la bellota (alimentación del cerdo ibérico), el carbón, la madera y sobre todo por las aplicaciones industriales del corcho. Las posibilidades de mejora genética del alcornoque, como las de otras especies forestales, están limitadas por sus largos ciclos reproductivos y porque su propagación vegetativa mediante estaquillado solo es posible en estados muy juveniles. Por ello este sistema de propagación tiene muy poca, o ninguna, utilidad práctica en la mejora genética. La embriogénesis somática es la vía más apropiada para la clonación de muchas especies forestales y ha hecho posible el desarrollo a gran escala de plantaciones multivarietales de coníferas. En alcornoque es posible la regeneración completa de árboles adultos mediante embriogénesis somática. Con los protocolos actuales (en medio semisólido), los embriones se generan formando acúmulos y en la fase de multiplicación conviven embriones en distintos estados de desarrollo. Es un sistema asincrónico, con baja eficacia para la propagación en masa, que no elimina completamente las dificultades para el desarrollo de programas de mejora genética del alcornoque. En otras especies la utilización de medios líquidos ha mejorado: la sincronización, productividad de los cultivos, el manejo y reducido los costes de producción. Por ello el desarrollo de suspensiones embriogénicas de alcornoque se plantea como una vía para aumentar la eficacia de la propagación clonal a gran escala. En la presente tesis se desarrollan cultivos embriogénicos de alcornoque en medio líquido. El capítulo 3 aborda el establecimiento y mantenimiento de suspensiones, el capítulo 4 el desarrollo de una fase de proliferación en medio líquido y el capítulo 5 la utilización de sistemas de cultivo en medio líquido, estacionarios y de inmersión temporal, como vía para favorecer la maduración de los embriones somáticos. Para iniciar los cultivos en medio líquido se emplearon agregados de embriones tomados de la fase de proliferación en medio semisólido. Cuando estos agregados se inocularon directamente en medio líquido no se logró el establecimiento de las suspensiones. El establecimiento se consiguió empleando como inóculo las células y Resumen pequeños agregados embriogénicos, de tamaño comprendido entre 41 y 800 μm, desprendidas por agitación breve de los agregados de embriones. El mantenimiento se logró inoculando en baja densidad masas embriogénicas compactas de tamaño comprendido entre 0,8 y 1,2 mm. Estas suspensiones, muy heterogéneas, mantuvieron su capacidad de proliferación y de regeneración de embriones al menos durante diez subcultivos consecutivos. El protocolo de iniciación y mantenimiento, desarrollado inicialmente con un solo genotipo, fue eficaz cuando se probó sobre otros 11 genotipos de alcornoque. En la fase de proliferación se ensayaron tres tipos de envase y tres velocidades de agitación. La combinación envase × velocidad determinó el intercambio gaseoso, la disponibilidad de oxígeno y el estrés hidrodinámico. Los agregados embriogénicos de alcornoque crecieron incluso en condiciones de hipoxia no siendo la disponibilidad de oxígeno un factor limitante del crecimiento para tasas de trasferencia de oxígeno comprendidas entre 0,11 h-1 y 1,47 h-1. Por otra parte la producción de biomasa creció con el estrés hidrodinámico para valores de índice de cizalladura inferiores a 5 x 10-3 cm min-1. La mayor producción de biomasa se obtuvo con matraces Erlenmeyer de 100 ml y alta velocidad de agitación (160 rpm) mientras que la diferenciación de embriones se vio favorecida por bajas velocidades de agitación (60 rpm) asociadas con bajas disponibilidades de oxígeno. La posibilidad de madurar embriones de alcornoque en medio líquido se estudió utilizando sistemas de inmersión permanente y sistemas de inmersión temporal. En inmersión permanente no se diferenciaron embriones cotiledonares (posiblemente por hiperhidricidad). Los sistemas de inmersión temporal permitieron obtener embriones maduros en estado cotiledonar y capaces de regenerar plantas in vitro. Concentraciones de sacarosa superiores a 60 g l-1 y frecuencias de inmersión iguales o inferiores a una diaria, tuvieron efectos negativos para el desarrollo de los embriones somáticos. En los sistemas de inmersión temporal los parámetros físico-químicos del medio de cultivo se mantuvieron estables y no se observó ninguna limitación de nutrientes. No obstante, estos sistemas se vieron afectados por la evaporación que generó el flujo de aire necesario para desplazar el líquido en cada periodo de inmersión. Abstract ABSTRACT Cork oak is one of the most important tree species of the Mediterranean ecosystem. Besides its high environmental value has a great economic interest due to the sustainable production of acorns (to feed the Iberian pig) charcoal, timber and cork, which is a renewable natural product with various technological applications. As happens with other forest species, cork oak genetic improvement programs are limited by their long life cycles and because vegetative propagation by cuttings it´s only possible in very juvenile plants. Hence this propagation system is useless or has little practical use for breeding cork oak. Plant regeneration by somatic embryogenesis is the most suitable way for cloning many forest species, and it is the enabling technology which has allowed the establishment of large-scale conifer multi-varietal plantations. Clonal plant regeneration of mature cork oak trees can be achieved through somatic embryogenesis. Somatic embryos at different stages of development and forming clusters are produced during the multiplication phase with current protocols (using semisolid medium). This is an asynchronous low-efficient process not suitable for mass propagation, and therefore it does not solve the difficulties presented by cork oak breeding programs. Culture in liquid medium has been used with other species to improve: synchronization, yield, handling, and to reduce production costs. Thus the development of cork oak embryogenic suspension cultures is envisaged as a way to increase the efficiency of large scale clonal propagation. The thesis herein develops cork oak embryogenic cultures in liquid medium. In chapter 3 establishment and maintenance of suspension cultures are developed, chapter 4 studies proliferation phase in liquid medium and chapter 5 considers the use of different systems of culture in liquid medium, both stationary and temporary immersion, as a way to promote somatic embryos maturation. Clusters of embryos taken from proliferating cultures on semisolid medium were used to initiate the cultures in liquid medium. When these clusters were inoculated directly in liquid medium establishment of suspension cultures was not executed. However using, as initial inoculum, cells and cell aggregates with a size between 41 and 800 μm detached from these clusters of embryos, subjected to a brief shaking, suspension cultures could be established. Suspension maintenance was achieved by inoculating compact embryogenic Abstract clumps with a size between 0.8 and 1.2 mm at low density. The suspension cultures, very heterogeneous, retained both their proliferation and embryo regeneration capacity for at least ten consecutive subcultures. The initiation and maintenance protocol, initially developed with a single genotype, was effective when tested on 11 additional genotypes of cork oak. In proliferation phase three types of vessels and three different levels of agitation were assayed. The combination vessel × orbiting speed determined gas exchange, oxygen availability and hydrodynamic stress. Cork oak embryogenic aggregates grew even under hypoxia conditions; oxygen availability at transfer rates between 0.11 and 1.47 h-1 was not a limiting factor for growth. Furthermore the biomass production was increased with hydrodynamic stress when shear rate values were of less than 5 x 10-3 cm min-1. The highest biomass production was obtained with 100 ml Erlenmeyer flask and high stirring speed (160 rpm) while the differentiation of embryos was favored by low agitation speeds (60 rpm) associated with low oxygen availability. The possibility to mature cork oak somatic embryos in liquid medium was studied using both permanent immersion systems and temporary immersion systems. Cotyledonary embryos did not differentiate in permanent immersion conditions (probably due to hyperhydricity). Temporary immersion systems allowed obtaining mature cotyledonary embryos, which were able to regenerate plants in vitro. Sucrose concentrations above 60 g l-1 and immersion frequencies equal to or lower than one each 24 h had negative effects on somatic embryo development. Physicochemical parameters of the culture medium in temporary immersion systems were stable and showed no limitation of nutrients. However, these systems were affected by the evaporation generated by the airflow necessary to relocate the medium at each immersion period.
The Spanish elm programme began in 1986 in response to the devastating impact of Dutch elm disease on natural elm stands and urban trees. Its main objectives were to conserve remaining genetic resources and select and breed tolerant native elm genotypes. After 27 years of work conducting susceptibility trials on thousands of elm genotypes, the first seven tolerant Ulmus minor trees are now being registered by the Spanish Environmental Administration. This paper presents the results of the susceptibility tests on these clones and their distinctive genetic, morphological and phenological features. In all susceptibility trials the commercial ?Sapporo Autumn Gold? clone, which is highly tolerant to O. novo-ulmi, was used as a control. The registered clones were named ?Ademuz?, ?Dehesa de la Villa?, ?Majadahonda?, ?Toledo?, ?Dehesa de Amaniel?, ?Retiro? and ?Fuente Umbría?. The most tolerant clone was ?Dehesa de Amaniel?, as its wilting values were below 5% during the two consecutive inoculation trials performed in Madrid. ?Fuente Umbría?, tested over four consecutive years in Guadalajara and Palencia, was the Spanish clone with the most reliable tolerance level to O. novo-ulmi. The ?Ademuz? and ?Majadahonda? clones had the highest ornamental scores and are promising trees for use in urban environments and tree breeding for ornamental quality. These two genotypes showed a later bud burst phenology than the other U. minor clones, demonstrating suitability to areas with late frost events. The Spanish programme aims to substantially increase the range of tolerant native elms through new selections and crossings to gain a better understanding of the genetic basis of resistance.