5 resultados para Carcinogenic
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Three methodologies to assess As bioaccessibility were evaluated using playgroundsoil collected from 16 playgrounds in Madrid, Spain: two (Simplified Bioaccessibility Extraction Test: SBET, and hydrochloric acid-extraction: HCl) assess gastric-only bioaccessibility and the third (Physiologically Based Extraction Test: PBET) evaluates mouth–gastric–intestinal bioaccessibility. Aqua regia-extractable (pseudo total) As contents, which are routinely employed in riskassessments, were used as the reference to establish the following percentages of bioaccessibility: SBET – 63.1; HCl – 51.8; PBET – 41.6, the highest values associated with the gastric-only extractions. For Madridplaygroundsoils – characterised by a very uniform, weakly alkaline pH, and low Fe oxide and organic matter contents – the statistical analysis of the results indicates that, in contrast with other studies, the highest percentage of As in the samples was bound to carbonates and/or present as calcium arsenate. As opposed to the As bound to Fe oxides, this As is readily released in the gastric environment as the carbonate matrix is decomposed and calcium arsenate is dissolved, but some of it is subsequently sequestered in unavailable forms as the pH is raised to 5.5 to mimic intestinal conditions. The HCl extraction can be used as a simple and reliable (i.e. low residual standard error) proxy for the more expensive, time consuming, and error-prone PBET methodology. The HCl method would essentially halve the estimate of carcinogenic risk for children playing in Madridplaygroundsoils, providing a more representative value of associated risk than the pseudo-total concentrations used at present
Cadmium has been widely used as a coating to provide protection against galvanic corrosion for steels and for its natural lubricity on threaded applications. However, it is a toxic metal and a known carcinogenic agent, which is plated from an aqueous bath containing cyanide salts. For these reasons, the use of cadmium has been banned in Europe for most industrial applications. However, the aerospace industry is still exempt due to the stringent technical and safety requirements associated with aeronautical applications, as an acceptable replacement is yet to be found. Al slurry coatings have been developed as an alternative to replace cadmium coatings. The coatings were deposited on AISI 4340 steel and have been characterized by optical and electron microscopy. Testing included salt fog corrosion exposure, fluid corrosion exposure (immersion), humidity resistance, coating-substrate and paint-coating adhesion, electric conductivity, galvanic corrosion, embrittlement and fatigue. The results indicated that Al slurry coatings are an excellent alternative for Cd replacement.
Un incremento de la demanda del agua, junto con el aumento de la contaminación, ha provocado que hoy en día la reutilización de las aguas depuradas sea necesaria, pero la reutilización de aguas debe garantizar y minimizar los posibles riesgos sanitarios y medioambientales que su práctica pueda provocar. En España estos parámetros se encuentran regulados por el RD 1620/2007 relativo al régimen jurídico de la reutilización de las aguas depuradas. Las aguas regeneradas son aguas que ya han sido sometidas a un tratamiento de depuración, y a las cuales se aplica un posterior tratamiento adicional o complementario que permita adecuar su calidad al uso al que vaya a destinarse. Siendo requeridos para los distintos reúsos procesos de desinfección, uno de los principales sistemas utilizados es el cloro, debido a su sencilla aplicación y costos bajos, sin tomar en cuenta la posible formación de compuestos organohalogenados potencialmente cancerígenos. Es por esto que surge la necesidad de aplicar distintos sistemas de oxidación objeto de estudio en esta tesis, como el dióxido de cloro estabilizado, ozono y los procesos avanzados de oxidación (Advanced Oxidation Processes, AOP), ozono/peróxido y uv/peróxido. En esta tesis se investiga los rendimientos que pueden alcanzar estos sistemas en la eliminación de los ácidos húmicos y los fenoles, siendo las principales sustancias formadoras de subproductos de la desinfección, así mismo, se considera necesario garantizar la desinfección del agua a través del estudio de tres grupos de microrganismos, los coliformes totales, e. coli y enterococos, siendo un punto importante el posible recrecimiento microbiológico debido a una desinfección escasa, por la permanencia en el agua de los compuestos antes mencionados, o por alguna fuente de alimento que pudieran encontrar en el sistema de distribución. Lo más importante será la calidad que se pueda alcanzar con estos desinfectantes, con el fin de obtener agua para los distintos reúsos que existen en la actualidad. Y así no limitar los alcances que puede tener la reutilización de las aguas residuales. Basándose en lo antes mencionado se procedió a realizar la caracterización del agua del rio Manzanares, con el fin de determinar la cantidad de ácidos húmicos disueltos y fenoles, obteniendo valores bajos, se decidió incorporar a las muestras de rio 5 mg/L de estos compuestos, con el fin de observar de que manera podrían interferir en la desinfección de esta agua. De esta forma se logran obtener resultados óptimos de los sistemas de desinfección estudiados, siendo el Ozono un oxidante eficiente en la desinfección de los microrganismos y en la eliminación de ácidos húmicos y fenoles con tiempos de contacto cortos, mostrando deficiencias al permitir el recrecimiento de los coliformes totales. Del sistema de oxidación avanzada UV/Peróxido se determino como un eficiente desinfectante para garantizar la inexistencia de rebrotes, al paso del tiempo. Así mismo se concluye que tiene buenos rendimientos en la eliminación del ácido húmico y los fenoles. An increase in water demand, coupled with increasing pollution, has caused today reuse of treated water is necessary, but must ensure water reuse and minimize potential health and environmental risks that their practice is cause. In Spain these parameters are regulated by Royal Decree 1620/2007 on the legal regime of the reuse of treated water. The reclaimed water is water that has already been subjected to a depuration treatment, which is applied as a subsequent further treatment that will bring quality to the use to which is to be delivered. As required for various reuses disinfection processes, one of the main systems used is chlorine, due to its simple implementation and low costs, without taking into account the possible formation of potentially carcinogenic halogenated organic compounds. That is why there is a need to apply different oxidation systems studied in this thesis, as stabilized chlorine dioxide, ozone and advanced oxidation processes (AOP), ozone/peroxide and UV/peroxide. This thesis investigates the rates can reach these systems in removing humic acids and phenols, the main substances forming disinfection byproducts, likewise, it is considered necessary to ensure water disinfection through the study of three groups of microorganisms, total coliform, e. coli and enterococci, the important point being a possible regrowth due to microbiological disinfection scarce, the water remaining on the aforementioned compounds, or a food source which may be found in the distribution system. The most important quality is that achievable with these disinfectants, with the water to obtain various reuses that exist today. And thus not limit the scope that can be reuse of wastewater. Based on the above we proceeded to perform characterization Manzanares river water, in order to determine the quantity of dissolved humic acids and phenols, obtaining low values, it was decided to incorporate river samples 5 mg / L of these compounds, in order to observe how they might interfere with the disinfection of the water. Thus optimum results are achieved for disinfection systems studied, being efficient ozone oxidant in the disinfection of microorganisms and the removal of humic acids and phenols with short contact times, showing gaps to allow regrowth total coliforms. Advanced oxidation system UV / peroxide were determined as an efficient disinfectant to ensure the absence of volunteers, the passage of time. Also it is concluded that has good yields in removing humic acid and phenols.
PAHs are pollutants of concern since they are known carcinogenic compounds. Their occurrence is mainly related to combustion or pyrolysis of organic matter such as fossil fuels. In the current scenario where biofuels are growingly important, it is also necessary to characterize PAH emissions due to their combustion. There are a number of works concerning PAH emissions from biodiesel combustion in Diesel engines, however, there are few regarding the difference between them depending on the feedstock and type of alcohol used in the transesterification. The authors have processed and characterized biodiesel from several feedstocks (Le. tallow, palm, rapeseed, soy-bean, coconut, peanut and linseed oils) to obtain FAME and FAEE and they have developed a method to measure the PAHs originated during their combustion in a bomb calorimeter. The tests have been carried out under different oxygen pressure conditions, and samples have been c1eaned from the bomb after each one of these tests. The samples have been prepared for GC-MS analysis, where PAH quantities among some other combustion products have been assessed. This work shows statistical relations obtained between the measured amounts of 18 PAHs of concern and the composition (oil and type of alcohol) used to obtain the biodiesel, and also the oxygen pressure during combustion.
Cinnamaldehyde (CA) has been reported to have antiinflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, chemoprotective and anti-carcinogenic activity. Here, we further investigated the immune-modulating capacity of CA.