5 resultados para Carbon Species
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Shrubs play an important role in water-limited agro-silvo-pastoral systems by providing shelter and forage for livestock, for erosion control, to maintain biodiversity, diversifying the landscape, and above all, facilitating the regeneration of trees. Furthermore, the carbon sink capacity of shrubs could also help to mitigate the effects of climate change since they constitute a high proportion of total plant biomass. The contribution of two common extensive native shrub species (Cistus ladanifer L. and Retama sphaerocarpa (L.) Boiss.) to the carbon pool of Iberian dehesas (Mediterranean agro-silvo-pastoral systems) is analyzed through biomass models developed at both individual (biovolume depending) and community level (height and cover depending). The total amount of carbon stored in these shrubs, including above- and belowground biomass, ranges from 1.8 to 11.2 Mg C ha_1 (mean 6.8 Mg C ha_1) for communities of C. ladanifer and from 2.6 to 8.6 Mg C ha_1 (mean 4.5 Mg C ha_1) for R. sphaerocarpa. These quantities account for over 20e30% of the total plant biomass in the system. The potential for carbon sequestration of these shrubs in the studied system ranges 0.10e1.32 Mg C ha_1 year_1 and 0.25e1.25 Mg C ha_1 year_1 for the C. ladanifer and R. sphaerocarpa communities’ respectively
he size of seeds and the microsite of seed dispersal may affect the early establishment of seedlings through different physiological processes. Here, we examined the effects of seed size and light availability on seedling growth and survival, and whether such effects were mediated by water use efficiency. Acorns of Quercus petraea and the more drought-tolerant Quercus pyrenaica were sowed within and around a tree canopy gap in a sub-Mediterranean forest stand. We monitored seedling emergence and measured predawn leaf water potential (Ψpd), leaf nitrogen per unit area (Na), leaf mass per area, leaf carbon isotope composition (δ13C) and plant growth at the end of the first summer. Survival was measured on the next year. Path analysis revealed a consistent pattern in both species of higher δ13C as Ψpd decreased and higher δ13C as seedlings emerged later in the season, indicating an increase in 13C as the growing season is shorter and drier. There was a direct positive effect of seed size on δ13C in Q. petraea that was absent in Q. pyrenaica. Leaf δ13C had no effect on growth but the probability of surviving until the second year was higher for those seedlings of Q. pyrenaica that had lower δ13C on the first year. In conclusion, leaf δ13C is affected by seed size, seedling emergence time and the availability of light and water, however, leaf δ13C is irrelevant for first year growth, which is directly dependent on the amount of seed reserves.
Quercus pyrenaica es una especie rebrotadora de raíz intensa e históricamente aprovechada en monte bajo para la obtención de leñas, carbón y pastos. Debido al éxodo rural y a la aparición de nuevas fuentes energéticas, este aprovechamiento fue abandonado en la década de 1970. Desde entonces, las bajas producciones de madera y bellota y el puntisecado de los pies evidencian el generalizado estancamiento de estas masas. Uno de los mayores retos actuales de la selvicultura en el ámbito mediterráneo es encontrar usos alternativos para estos montes abandonados, siendo la conversión a monte alto una de las alternativas preferidas. Se han realizado resalveos de conversión, sin embrago, éstos se aplican sin un conocimiento integral de las causas de la degradación. En esta tesis doctoral, estudiamos un hipotético desequilibrio entre la parte radical y la parte aérea (R:S) de las cepas de rebollo como causa subyacente de su decaimiento. En una parcela experimental, aprovechada al menos desde el siglo XII, se realizaron análisis genéticos a priori para elucidar la estructura genética del rodal, y así estudiar la influencia del tamaño clonal en el funcionamiento de las cepas. Las cepas de mayor tamaño presentaron un menor crecimiento diametral de sus pies, así como mayores tasas de respiración radical, estimadas a partir de flujos internos de CO2 a través del xilema (FT) y de los flujos de CO2 del suelo. Estos resultados sugieren que el desequilibrio R:S aumenta con el tamaño clonal, dado que la eliminación periódica de órganos aéreos, al mismo tiempo que las raíces permanecen intactas, da lugar a un gran desarrollo del sistema radical que consume gran parte de los carbohidratos no estructurales (NSC) en respiración de mantenimiento, comprometiendo así el desarrollo de órganos aéreos. Se excavaron y pesaron dos cepas compuestas por cuatro y ocho pies, las cuales mostraron ratios R:S (0.5 y 1, respectivamente) superiores a los registrados en pies de origen sexual. Al igual que en otras especies rebrotadoras de raíz, se observaron altas concentraciones de NSC en las raíces (> 20% en primavera) y una gran proporción de albura en el sistema radical (52%) que alberga una notable reserva de NSC (87 kg en la cepa de mayor tamaño). En el sistema radical de dicha cepa, estimada mediante dataciones radiocarbónicas en 550 años de edad, se contaron 248 uniones radicales. La persistencia de sistemas radicales grandes, viejos, y altamente interconectados sugiere que la gran cantidad de recursos almacenados y consumidos en las raíces compensan un pobre desarrollo aéreo con una alta resiliencia vegetativa. Para un mejor entendimiento de los balances de carbono y del agotamiento de NSC en las cepas de rebollo, se midieron los flujos internos y externos de CO2 en troncos y los flujos de CO2 del suelo, y se estimó la respiración de órganos aéreos (RS) y subterráneos (RR). Estacionalmente, RS y RR reflejaron las dinámicas de flujo de savia y de crecimiento del tronco, y estuvieron determinadas principalmente por los flujos externos de CO2, dada la escasa contribución de FT a RS y RR (< 10% y < 2%, respectivamente). En una escala circadiana, la contribución de FT a RS aumentó hasta un 25% en momentos de alta transpiración. Las bajas concentraciones de CO2 en el xilema ([CO2] hasta un 0.11%) determinaron comparativamente unos bajos FT, probablemente causados por una limitada respiración del xilema y una baja resistencia a la difusión radial del CO2 impuestos por la sequía estival. Los pulsos de [CO2] observados tras las primeras lluvias de otoño apoyan esta idea. A lo largo del periodo vegetativo, el flujo medio de CO2 procedente del suelo (39 mol CO2 day-1) fue el mayor flujo respiratorio, tres y cuatro veces superior a RS (12 mol CO2 day-1) y RR (8-9 mol CO2 day-1), respectivamente. Ratios RR/RS menores que la unidad evidencian un importante peso de la respiración aérea como sumidero de carbono adicional. Finalmente, se ensayó el zanjado de raíces y el anillamiento de troncos como tratamientos selvícolas alternativos con el objetivo de aumentar las reservas de NSC en los troncos de las cepas. Los resultados preliminares desaconsejan el zanjado de raíces por el alto coste derivado posiblemente de la cicatrización de las heridas. El anillado de troncos imposibilitó el transporte de NSC a las raíces y aumentó la concentración de almidón por encima de la zona anillada, mientras que sistema radical se mantiene por los pies no anillados de la cepa. Son necesarias más mediciones y datos adicionales para comprobar el mantenimiento de esta respuesta positiva a largo plazo. Para concluir, destacamos la necesidad de estudios multidisciplinares que permitan una comprensión integral de la degradación de los rebollares ibéricos para poder aplicar a posteriori una gestión adecuada en estos montes bajos abandonados. ABSTRACT Quercus pyrenaica is a vigorous root-resprouting species intensively and historically coppiced for firewood, charcoal and woody pastures. Due to the rural exodus and the appearance of new energy sources, coppicing was abandoned towards 1970. Since then, tree overaging has resulted in stand stagnation displayed by slow stem growth, branch dieback, and scarce acorn production. The urgent need to find new alternative uses for abandoned coppices is recognized as one of the biggest challenges which currently faces Mediterranean silviculture; conversion into high forest by thinning is one of the preferred alternatives. For this aim, thinning has been broadly applied and seldom tested, although without a comprehensive understanding of the causes of stand stagnation. In this PhD study, we test the hypothesis of an imbalance between above- and below-ground organs, result of long term coppicing, as the underlying cause of Q. pyrenaica decay. In an experimental plot coppiced since at least the 12th century, genetic analyses were performed a priori to elucidate inconspicuous clonal structure of Q. pyrenaica to evaluate how clonal size affects the functioning of these multi-stemmed trees. Clonal size negatively affected diametric stem growth, whereas root respiration rates, measured by internal fluxes of CO2 through xylem (FT) and soil CO2 efflux, increased with clonal size. These results suggest root-to-shoot (R:S) imbalance intensifying with clonal size: periodic removal of aboveground organs whilst belowground organs remain undisturbed may have led to massive root systems which consume a great proportion of non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) for maintenance respiration, thus constraining aboveground performance. Furthermore, excavation of two multi-stemmed trees, composed by four and eight stems, revealed R:S ratios (0.5 and 1, respectively) greater than those reported for sexually regenerated trees. Moreover, as similarly observed in several root-resprouting species, NSC allocation to roots was favored ([NSC] > 20% in spring): a large proportion of sapwood maintained throughout the root system (52%) stored a remarkable NSC pool of 87 kg in the case of the largest clone. In this root system of the eight-stemmed tree, 248 root connections were counted and, by radiocarbon dating, its age was estimated to be 550-years-old. Persistence of massive, old and highly interconnected root systems suggests that enhanced belowground NSC storage and consumption reflects a trade-off between vegetative resilience and aboveground development. For a better understanding of tree carbon budget and the potential role of carbon starvation in Q. pyrenaica decay, internal and external stem CO2 fluxes and soil CO2 effluxes were monitored to evaluate respiratory costs above- and below-ground. On a seasonal scale, stem and root respiration (RS and RR) mirrored sap flow and stem growth dynamics. Respiration was determined to the greatest extent by external fluxes of CO2 to the atmosphere or soil, since FT accounted for a low proportion of RS and RR (< 10% and < 2%, respectively). On a diel scale, the contribution of FT to RS increased up to 25% at high transpiration rates. Comparatively low FT was determined by the low concentration of xylem CO2 registered ([CO2] as low as 0.11%), likely as a consequence of constrained xylem respiration and reduced resistance to CO2 radial diffusion imposed by summer drought. Xylem [CO2] pulses following first autumn rains support this idea. Averaged over the growing season, soil CO2 efflux was the greatest respiratory flux (39 mol CO2 day-1), three and four times greater than RS (12 mol CO2 day-1) and RR (8-9 mol CO2 day-1), respectively. Ratios of RR/RS below one evidence an additional and important weight of aboveground respiration as a tree carbon sink. Finally, root trenching and stem girdling were tested as complimentary treatments to thinning as a means to improve carbon reserves in stems of clonal trees. Preliminary results discouraged root trenching due to the high cost likely incurred for wound closure. Stem girdling successfully blocked NSC translocation downward, increasing starch concentrations above the girdled zone whilst the root system is fed by non-girdled stems within the clone. Further measurements and ancillary data are necessary to verify that this positive effect hold over time. To conclude, the need of multidisciplinary approaches for an integrative understanding on the functioning of abandoned Q pyrenaica coppices is highlighted for an appropriate management of these stands.
Los montes Mediterráneos han experimentado múltiples cambios en las últimas décadas (tanto en clima como en usos), lo que ha conducido a variaciones en la distribución de especies. El aumento previsto de las temperaturas medias junto con la mayor variabilidad intra e inter anual en cuanto a la ocurrencia de eventos extremos o disturbios naturales (como periodos prolongados de sequía, olas de frío o calor, incendios forestales o vendavales) pueden dañar significativamente al regenerado, llevándolo hasta la muerte, y jugando un papel decisivo en la composición de especies y en la dinámica del monte. La amplitud ecológica de muchas especies forestales puede verse afectada, de forma que se esperan cambios en sus nichos actuales de regeneración. Sin embargo, la migración latitudinal de las especies en busca de mejores condiciones, podría ser una explicación demasiado simplista de un proceso mucho más complejo de interacción entre la temperatura y la precipitación, que afectaría a cada especie de un modo distinto. En este sentido tanto la capacidad de adaptación al estrés ambiental de una determinada especie, así como su habilidad para competir por los recursos limitados, podría significar variaciones dentro de una comunidad. Las características fisiológicas y morfológicas propias de cada especie se encuentran fuertemente relacionadas con el lugar donde cada una puede surgir, qué especies pueden convivir y como éstas responden a las condiciones ambientales. En este sentido, el conocimiento sobre las distintas respuestas ecofisiológicas observadas ante cambios ambientales puede ser fundamentales para la predicción de variaciones en la distribución de especies, composición de la comunidad y productividad del monte ante el cambio global. En esta tesis investigamos el grado de tolerancia y sensibilidad que cada una de las tres especies de estudio, coexistentes en el interior peninsular ibérico (Pinus pinea, Quercus ilex y Juniperus oxycedrus), muestra ante los factores abióticos de estrés típicos de la región Mediterránea. Nuestro trabajo se ha basado en la definición del nicho óptimo fisiológico para el regenerado de cada especie a través de la investigación en profundidad del efecto de la sequía, la temperatura y el ambiente lumínico. Para ello, hemos desarrollado un modelo de predicción de la tasa de asimilación de carbono que nos ha permitido identificar las condiciones óptimas ambientales donde el regenerado de cada especie podría establecerse con mayor facilidad. En apoyo a este trabajo y con la idea de estudiar el efecto de la sequía a nivel de toda la planta hemos desarrollado un experimento paralelo en invernadero. Aquí se han aplicado dos regímenes hídricos para estudiar las características fisiológicas y morfológicas de cada especie, sobre todo a nivel de raíz y crecimiento del tallo, y relacionarlas con las diferentes estrategias en el uso del agua de las especies. Por último, hemos estudiado los patrones de aclimatación y desaclimatación al frio de cada especie, identificando los periodos de sensibilidad a heladas, así como cuellos de botella donde la competencia entre especies podría surgir. A pesar de que el pino piñonero ha sido la especie objeto de la gestión de estas masas durante siglos, actualmente se encuentra en la posición más desfavorable para combatir el cambio global, presentado el nicho fisiológico más estrecho de las tres especies. La encina sin embargo, ha resultado ser la especie mejor cualificada para afrontar este cambio, seguida muy de cerca por el enebro. Nuestros resultados sugieren una posible expansión en el rango de distribución de la encina, un aumento en la presencia del enebro y una disminución progresiva del pino piñonero a medio plazo en estas masas. ABSTRACT Mediterranean forests have undergone multiple changes over the last decades (in both climate and land use), which have lead to variations in the distribution of species. The expected increase in mean annual temperature together with the greater inter and intra-annual variability in extreme events and disturbances occurrence (such as prolonged drought periods, cold or heat waves, wildfires or strong winds) can significantly damage natural regeneration, up to causing death, playing a decisive role on species composition and forest dynamics. The ecological amplitude for adaptation of many species can be affected in such a way that changes in the current regeneration niches of many species are expected. However, the forecasted poleward migration of species seeking better conditions could be an oversimplification of what is a more complex phenomenon of interactions among temperature and precipitation, that would affect different species in different ways. In this regard, either the ability to adapt to environmental stresses or to compete for limited resources of a single species in a mixed forest could lead to variations within a community. The ecophysiological and morphological traits specific to each species are strongly related to the place where each species can emerge, which species can coexist, and how they respond to environmental conditions. In this regard, the understanding of the ecophysiological responses observed against changes in environmental conditions can be essential for predicting variations in species distribution, community composition, and forest productivity in the context of global change. In this thesis we investigated the degree of tolerance and sensitivity that each of the three studied species, co-occurring in central of the Iberian Peninsula (Pinus pinea, Quercus ilex and Juniperus oxycedrus), show against the typical abiotic stress factors in the Mediterranean region. Our work is based on the optimal physiological niche for regeneration of each species through in-depth research on the effect of drought, temperature and light environment. For this purpose, we developed a model to predict the carbon assimilation rate which allows us to identify the optimal environmental conditions where regeneration from each species could establish itself more easily. To obtain a better understanding about the effect of low temperature on regeneration, we studied the acclimation and deacclimation patterns to cold of each species, identifying period of frost sensitivity, as well as bottlenecks where competition between species can arise. Finally, to support our results about the effect of water availabilty, we conducted a greenhouse experiment with a view of studying the drought effect at the whole plant level. Here, two watering regimes were applied in order to study the physiological and morphological traits of each species, mainly at the level of the root system and stem growth, and so relate them to the different water use strategies of the species. Despite the fact that stone pine has been the target species for centuries, nowadays this species is in the most unfavorable position to cope with climate change. Holm oak, however, resulted the species that is best adapted to tolerate the predicted changes, followed closely by prickly juniper. Our results suggest a feasible expansion of the distribution range in holm oak, an increase in the prickly juniper presence and a progressive decreasing of stone pine presence in the medium term in these stone pine-holm oak-prickly juniper mixed forests.
The introduction of cover crops in the intercrop period may provide a broad range of ecosystem services derived from the multiple functions they can perform, such as erosion control, recycling of nutrients or forage source. However, the achievement of these services in a particular agrosystem is not always required at the same time or to the same degree. Thus, species selection and definition of targeted objectives is critical when growing cover crops. The goal of the current work was to describe the traits that determine the suitability of five species (barley, rye, triticale, mustard and vetch) for cover cropping. A field trial was established during two seasons (October to April) in Madrid (central Spain). Ground cover and biomass were monitored at regular intervals during each growing season. A Gompertz model characterized ground cover until the decay observed after frosts, while biomass was fitted to Gompertz, logistic and linear-exponential equations. At the end of the experiment, carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and fibre (neutral detergent, acid and lignin) contents, and the N fixed by the legume were determined. The grasses reached the highest ground cover (83–99%) and biomass (1226–1928 g/m2) at the end of the experiment. With the highest C:N ratio (27–39) and dietary fibre (527–600 mg/g) and the lowest residue quality (~680 mg/g), grasses were suitable for erosion control, catch crop and fodder. The vetch presented the lowest N uptake (2·4 and 0·7 g N/m2) due to N fixation (9·8 and 1·6 g N/m2) and low biomass accumulation. The mustard presented high N uptake in the warm year and could act as a catch crop, but low fodder capability in both years. The thermal time before reaching 30% ground cover was a good indicator of early coverage species. Variable quantification allowed finding variability among the species and provided information for further decisions involving cover crop selection and management.