em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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So far, no experimental data of the infrared and Raman spectra of 13C isotopologue of dimethyl ether are available. With the aim of providing some clues of its low-lying vibrational bands and with the hope of contributing in a next spectral analysis, a number of vibrational transition frequencies below 300 cm−1 of the infrared spectrum and around 400 cm−1 of the Raman spectrum have been predicted and their assignments were proposed. Calculations were carried out through an ab initio three dimensional potential energy surface based on a previously reported one for the most abundant dimethyl ether isotopologue (M. Villa et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 115 (2011) 13573). The potential function was vibrationally corrected and computed with a highly correlated CCSD(T) method involving the COC bending angle and the two large amplitude CH3 internal rotation degrees of freedom. Also, the Hamiltonian parameters could represent a support for the spectral characterization of this species. Although the computed vibrational term values are expected to be very accurate, an empirical adjustment of the Hamiltonian has been performed with the purpose of anticipating some workable corrections to any possible divergence of the vibrational frequencies. Also, the symmetry breaking derived from the isotopic substitution of 13C in the dimethyl ether was taken into account when the symmetrization procedure was applied.


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From a vibrationally corrected 3D potential energy surface determined with highly correlated ab initio calculations (CCSD(T)), the lowest vibrational energies of two dimethyl-ether isotopologues, 12CH3–16O–12CD3 (DME-d3) and 12CD3–16O–12CD3 (DME-d6), are computed variationally. The levels that can be populated at very low temperatures correspond to the COC-bending and the two methyl torsional modes. Molecular symmetry groups are used for the classification of levels and torsional splittings. DME-d6 belongs to the G36 group, as the most abundant isotopologue 12CH3–16O–12CH3 (DME-h6), while DME-d3 is a G18 species. Previous assignments of experimental Raman and far-infrared spectra are discussed from an effective Hamiltonian obtained after refining the ab initio parameters. Because a good agreement between calculated and experimental transition frequencies is reached, new assignments are proposed for various combination bands corresponding to the two deuterated isotopologues and for the 020 → 030 transition of DME-d6. Vibrationally corrected potential energy barriers, structural parameters, and anharmonic spectroscopic parameters are provided. For the 3N – 9 neglected vibrational modes, harmonic and anharmonic fundamental frequencies are obtained using second-order perturbation theory by means of CCSD and MP2 force fields. Fermi resonances between the COC-bending and the torsional modes modify DME-d3 intensities and the band positions of the torsional overtones.


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Hydrogen isotopes play a critical role both in inertial and magnetic confinemen Nuclear Fusion. Since the preferent fuel needed for this technology is a mixture of deuterium and tritium. The study of these isotopes particularly at very low temperatures carries a technological interest in other applications. The present line promotes a deep study on the structural configuration that hydrogen and deuterium adopt at cryogenic temperatures and at high pressures. Typical conditions occurring in present Inertial Fusion target designs. Our approach is aims to determine the crystal structure characteristics, phase transitions and other parameters strongly correlated to variations of temperature and pressure.


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Hydrogen isotopes play a critical role both in inertial and magnetic confinement Nuclear Fusion. Since the preferent fuel needed for this technology is a mixture of deuterium and tritium. The study of these isotopes particularly at very low temperatures carries a technological interest in other applications. The present line promotes a deep study on the structural configuration that hydrogen and deuterium adopt at cryogenic temperatures and at high pressures. Typical conditions occurring in present Inertial Fusion target designs. Our approach is aims to determine the crystal structure characteristics, phase transitions and other parameters strongly correlated to variations of temperature and pressure. With this results is possible calculated the elastic constant and sound velocity for hydrogen and deuterium in molecular solid phase.


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Irradiation with swift heavy ions (SHI), roughly defined as those having atomic masses larger than 15 and energies exceeding 1 MeV/amu, may lead to significant modification of the irradiated material in a nanometric region around the (straight) ion trajectory (latent tracks). In the case of amorphous silica, SHI irradiation originates nano-tracks of higher density than the virgin material (densification). As a result, the refractive index is increased with respect to that of the surroundings. Moreover, track overlapping leads to continuous amorphous layers that present a significant contrast with respect to the pristine substrate. We have recently demonstrated that SHI irradiation produces a large number of point defects, easily detectable by a number of experimental techniques (work presented in the parallel conference ICDIM). The mechanisms of energy transfer from SHI to the target material have their origin in the high electronic excitation induced in the solid. A number of phenomenological approaches have been employed to describe these mechanisms: coulomb explosion, thermal spike, non-radiative exciton decay, bond weakening. However, a detailed microscopic description is missing due to the difficulty of modeling the time evolution of the electronic excitation. In this work we have employed molecular dynamics (MD) calculations to determine whether the irradiation effects are related to the thermal phenomena described by MD (in the ps domain) or to electronic phenomena (sub-ps domain), e.g., exciton localization. We have carried out simulations of up to 100 ps with large boxes (30x30x8 nm3) using a home-modified version of MDCASK that allows us to define a central hot cylinder (ion track) from which heat flows to the surrounding cold bath (unirradiated sample). We observed that once the cylinder has cooled down, the Si and O coordination numbers are 4 and 2, respectively, as in virgin silica. On the other hand, the density of the (cold) cylinder increases with respect to that of silica and, furthermore, the silica network ring size decreases. Both effects are in agreement with the observed densification. In conclusion, purely thermal effects do not explain the generation of point defects upon irradiation, but they do account for the silica densification.


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Highly correlated ab initio calculations (CCSD(T)) are used to compute gas phase spectroscopic parameters of three isotopologues of the methyl acetate (CH3COOCH3, CD3COOCH3, and CH3COOCD3), searching to help experimental assignments and astrophysical detections. The molecule shows two conformers cis and trans separated by a barrier of 4457 cm−1. The potential energy surface presents 18 minima that intertransform through three internal rotation motions. To analyze the far infrared spectrum at low temperatures, a three-dimensional Hamiltonian is solved variationally. The two methyl torsion barriers are calculated to be 99.2 cm−1 (C–CH3) and 413.1 cm−1 (O–CH3), for the cis-conformer. The three fundamental torsional band centers of CH3COOCH3 are predicted to lie at 63.7 cm−1 (C–CH3), 136.1 cm−1 (O–CH3), and 175.8 cm−1 (C–O torsion) providing torsional state separations. For the 27 vibrational modes, anharmonic fundamentals and rovibrational parameters are provided. Computed parameters are compared with those fitted using experimental data.


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Biotic and abiotic emissions of molecular iodine and iodocarbons from the sea or the ice surface and the intertidal zone to the coastal/polar marine boundary layer lead to the formation of iodine oxides, which subsequently nucleate forming iodine oxide particles (IOPs). Although the link between coastal iodine emissions and ultrafine aerosol bursts is well established, the details of the nucleation mechanism have not yet been elucidated. In this paper, results of a theoretical study of a range of potentially relevant aggregation reactions of different iodine oxides, as well as complexation with water molecules, are reported. Thermochemical properties of these reactions are obtained from high level ab initio correlated calculations including spin–orbit corrections. The results show that the nucleation path most likely proceeds through dimerisation of I2O4. It is also shown that water can hinder gas-to-particle conversion to some extent, although complexation with key iodine oxides does not remove enough of these to stop IOP formation. A consistent picture of this process emerges from the theoretical study presented here and the findings of a new laboratory study reported in the accompanying paper (Gomez Martin et al., 2013).


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Una apropiada evaluación de los márgenes de seguridad de una instalación nuclear, por ejemplo, una central nuclear, tiene en cuenta todas las incertidumbres que afectan a los cálculos de diseño, funcionanmiento y respuesta ante accidentes de dicha instalación. Una fuente de incertidumbre son los datos nucleares, que afectan a los cálculos neutrónicos, de quemado de combustible o activación de materiales. Estos cálculos permiten la evaluación de las funciones respuesta esenciales para el funcionamiento correcto durante operación, y también durante accidente. Ejemplos de esas respuestas son el factor de multiplicación neutrónica o el calor residual después del disparo del reactor. Por tanto, es necesario evaluar el impacto de dichas incertidumbres en estos cálculos. Para poder realizar los cálculos de propagación de incertidumbres, es necesario implementar metodologías que sean capaces de evaluar el impacto de las incertidumbres de estos datos nucleares. Pero también es necesario conocer los datos de incertidumbres disponibles para ser capaces de manejarlos. Actualmente, se están invirtiendo grandes esfuerzos en mejorar la capacidad de analizar, manejar y producir datos de incertidumbres, en especial para isótopos importantes en reactores avanzados. A su vez, nuevos programas/códigos están siendo desarrollados e implementados para poder usar dichos datos y analizar su impacto. Todos estos puntos son parte de los objetivos del proyecto europeo ANDES, el cual ha dado el marco de trabajo para el desarrollo de esta tesis doctoral. Por tanto, primero se ha llevado a cabo una revisión del estado del arte de los datos nucleares y sus incertidumbres, centrándose en los tres tipos de datos: de decaimiento, de rendimientos de fisión y de secciones eficaces. A su vez, se ha realizado una revisión del estado del arte de las metodologías para la propagación de incertidumbre de estos datos nucleares. Dentro del Departamento de Ingeniería Nuclear (DIN) se propuso una metodología para la propagación de incertidumbres en cálculos de evolución isotópica, el Método Híbrido. Esta metodología se ha tomado como punto de partida para esta tesis, implementando y desarrollando dicha metodología, así como extendiendo sus capacidades. Se han analizado sus ventajas, inconvenientes y limitaciones. El Método Híbrido se utiliza en conjunto con el código de evolución isotópica ACAB, y se basa en el muestreo por Monte Carlo de los datos nucleares con incertidumbre. En esta metodología, se presentan diferentes aproximaciones según la estructura de grupos de energía de las secciones eficaces: en un grupo, en un grupo con muestreo correlacionado y en multigrupos. Se han desarrollado diferentes secuencias para usar distintas librerías de datos nucleares almacenadas en diferentes formatos: ENDF-6 (para las librerías evaluadas), COVERX (para las librerías en multigrupos de SCALE) y EAF (para las librerías de activación). Gracias a la revisión del estado del arte de los datos nucleares de los rendimientos de fisión se ha identificado la falta de una información sobre sus incertidumbres, en concreto, de matrices de covarianza completas. Además, visto el renovado interés por parte de la comunidad internacional, a través del grupo de trabajo internacional de cooperación para evaluación de datos nucleares (WPEC) dedicado a la evaluación de las necesidades de mejora de datos nucleares mediante el subgrupo 37 (SG37), se ha llevado a cabo una revisión de las metodologías para generar datos de covarianza. Se ha seleccionando la actualización Bayesiana/GLS para su implementación, y de esta forma, dar una respuesta a dicha falta de matrices completas para rendimientos de fisión. Una vez que el Método Híbrido ha sido implementado, desarrollado y extendido, junto con la capacidad de generar matrices de covarianza completas para los rendimientos de fisión, se han estudiado diferentes aplicaciones nucleares. Primero, se estudia el calor residual tras un pulso de fisión, debido a su importancia para cualquier evento después de la parada/disparo del reactor. Además, se trata de un ejercicio claro para ver la importancia de las incertidumbres de datos de decaimiento y de rendimientos de fisión junto con las nuevas matrices completas de covarianza. Se han estudiado dos ciclos de combustible de reactores avanzados: el de la instalación europea para transmutación industrial (EFIT) y el del reactor rápido de sodio europeo (ESFR), en los cuales se han analizado el impacto de las incertidumbres de los datos nucleares en la composición isotópica, calor residual y radiotoxicidad. Se han utilizado diferentes librerías de datos nucleares en los estudios antreriores, comparando de esta forma el impacto de sus incertidumbres. A su vez, mediante dichos estudios, se han comparando las distintas aproximaciones del Método Híbrido y otras metodologías para la porpagación de incertidumbres de datos nucleares: Total Monte Carlo (TMC), desarrollada en NRG por A.J. Koning y D. Rochman, y NUDUNA, desarrollada en AREVA GmbH por O. Buss y A. Hoefer. Estas comparaciones demostrarán las ventajas del Método Híbrido, además de revelar sus limitaciones y su rango de aplicación. ABSTRACT For an adequate assessment of safety margins of nuclear facilities, e.g. nuclear power plants, it is necessary to consider all possible uncertainties that affect their design, performance and possible accidents. Nuclear data are a source of uncertainty that are involved in neutronics, fuel depletion and activation calculations. These calculations can predict critical response functions during operation and in the event of accident, such as decay heat and neutron multiplication factor. Thus, the impact of nuclear data uncertainties on these response functions needs to be addressed for a proper evaluation of the safety margins. Methodologies for performing uncertainty propagation calculations need to be implemented in order to analyse the impact of nuclear data uncertainties. Nevertheless, it is necessary to understand the current status of nuclear data and their uncertainties, in order to be able to handle this type of data. Great eórts are underway to enhance the European capability to analyse/process/produce covariance data, especially for isotopes which are of importance for advanced reactors. At the same time, new methodologies/codes are being developed and implemented for using and evaluating the impact of uncertainty data. These were the objectives of the European ANDES (Accurate Nuclear Data for nuclear Energy Sustainability) project, which provided a framework for the development of this PhD Thesis. Accordingly, first a review of the state-of-the-art of nuclear data and their uncertainties is conducted, focusing on the three kinds of data: decay, fission yields and cross sections. A review of the current methodologies for propagating nuclear data uncertainties is also performed. The Nuclear Engineering Department of UPM has proposed a methodology for propagating uncertainties in depletion calculations, the Hybrid Method, which has been taken as the starting point of this thesis. This methodology has been implemented, developed and extended, and its advantages, drawbacks and limitations have been analysed. It is used in conjunction with the ACAB depletion code, and is based on Monte Carlo sampling of variables with uncertainties. Different approaches are presented depending on cross section energy-structure: one-group, one-group with correlated sampling and multi-group. Differences and applicability criteria are presented. Sequences have been developed for using different nuclear data libraries in different storing-formats: ENDF-6 (for evaluated libraries) and COVERX (for multi-group libraries of SCALE), as well as EAF format (for activation libraries). A revision of the state-of-the-art of fission yield data shows inconsistencies in uncertainty data, specifically with regard to complete covariance matrices. Furthermore, the international community has expressed a renewed interest in the issue through the Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC) with the Subgroup (SG37), which is dedicated to assessing the need to have complete nuclear data. This gives rise to this review of the state-of-the-art of methodologies for generating covariance data for fission yields. Bayesian/generalised least square (GLS) updating sequence has been selected and implemented to answer to this need. Once the Hybrid Method has been implemented, developed and extended, along with fission yield covariance generation capability, different applications are studied. The Fission Pulse Decay Heat problem is tackled first because of its importance during events after shutdown and because it is a clean exercise for showing the impact and importance of decay and fission yield data uncertainties in conjunction with the new covariance data. Two fuel cycles of advanced reactors are studied: the European Facility for Industrial Transmutation (EFIT) and the European Sodium Fast Reactor (ESFR), and response function uncertainties such as isotopic composition, decay heat and radiotoxicity are addressed. Different nuclear data libraries are used and compared. These applications serve as frameworks for comparing the different approaches of the Hybrid Method, and also for comparing with other methodologies: Total Monte Carlo (TMC), developed at NRG by A.J. Koning and D. Rochman, and NUDUNA, developed at AREVA GmbH by O. Buss and A. Hoefer. These comparisons reveal the advantages, limitations and the range of application of the Hybrid Method.