6 resultados para CONTINUOUS-VARIABLES
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
The objective of this study was to build up a data set including productive performance and production factors data of growing-finishing (GF) pigs in Spain in order to perform a representative and reliable description of the traits of Spanish growing-finishing pig industry. Data from 764 batches from 452 farms belonging to nine companies (1,157,212 pigs) were collected between 2008 and 2010 through a survey including five parts: general, facilities, feeding, health status and performance. Most studied farms had only GF pigs on their facilities (94.7%), produced ‘industrial’ pigs (86.7%), had entire male and female (59.5%) and Pietrain-sired pigs (70.0%), housed between 13-20 pigs per pen (87.2%), had 50% of slatted floor (70%), single-space dry feeder (54.0%), nipple drinker (88.7%) and automatic ventilation systems (71.2%). A 75.0% of the farms used three feeding phases using mainly pelleted diets (91.0%), 61.3% performed three or more antibiotic treatments and 36.5% obtained water from the public supply. Continuous variables studied had the following average values: number of pigs placed per batch, 1,515 pigs; initial and final body weight, 19.0 and 108 kg; length of GF period, 136 days; culling rate, 1.4%; barn occupation, 99.7%; feed intake per pig and fattening cycle, 244 kg; daily gain, 0.657 kg; feed conversion ratio, 2.77 kg kg-1 and mortality rate, 4.3%. Data reflecting the practical situation of the Spanish growing and finishing pig production and it may contribute to develop new strategies in order to improve the productive and economic efficiency of GF pig units.
We present a model of Bayesian network for continuous variables, where densities and conditional densities are estimated with B-spline MoPs. We use a novel approach to directly obtain conditional densities estimation using B-spline properties. In particular we implement naive Bayes and wrapper variables selection. Finally we apply our techniques to the problem of predicting neurons morphological variables from electrophysiological ones.
En la actualidad, el seguimiento de la dinámica de los procesos medio ambientales está considerado como un punto de gran interés en el campo medioambiental. La cobertura espacio temporal de los datos de teledetección proporciona información continua con una alta frecuencia temporal, permitiendo el análisis de la evolución de los ecosistemas desde diferentes escalas espacio-temporales. Aunque el valor de la teledetección ha sido ampliamente probado, en la actualidad solo existe un número reducido de metodologías que permiten su análisis de una forma cuantitativa. En la presente tesis se propone un esquema de trabajo para explotar las series temporales de datos de teledetección, basado en la combinación del análisis estadístico de series de tiempo y la fenometría. El objetivo principal es demostrar el uso de las series temporales de datos de teledetección para analizar la dinámica de variables medio ambientales de una forma cuantitativa. Los objetivos específicos son: (1) evaluar dichas variables medio ambientales y (2) desarrollar modelos empíricos para predecir su comportamiento futuro. Estos objetivos se materializan en cuatro aplicaciones cuyos objetivos específicos son: (1) evaluar y cartografiar estados fenológicos del cultivo del algodón mediante análisis espectral y fenometría, (2) evaluar y modelizar la estacionalidad de incendios forestales en dos regiones bioclimáticas mediante modelos dinámicos, (3) predecir el riesgo de incendios forestales a nivel pixel utilizando modelos dinámicos y (4) evaluar el funcionamiento de la vegetación en base a la autocorrelación temporal y la fenometría. Los resultados de esta tesis muestran la utilidad del ajuste de funciones para modelizar los índices espectrales AS1 y AS2. Los parámetros fenológicos derivados del ajuste de funciones permiten la identificación de distintos estados fenológicos del cultivo del algodón. El análisis espectral ha demostrado, de una forma cuantitativa, la presencia de un ciclo en el índice AS2 y de dos ciclos en el AS1 así como el comportamiento unimodal y bimodal de la estacionalidad de incendios en las regiones mediterránea y templada respectivamente. Modelos autorregresivos han sido utilizados para caracterizar la dinámica de la estacionalidad de incendios y para predecir de una forma muy precisa el riesgo de incendios forestales a nivel pixel. Ha sido demostrada la utilidad de la autocorrelación temporal para definir y caracterizar el funcionamiento de la vegetación a nivel pixel. Finalmente el concepto “Optical Functional Type” ha sido definido, donde se propone que los pixeles deberían ser considerados como unidades temporales y analizados en función de su dinámica temporal. ix SUMMARY A good understanding of land surface processes is considered as a key subject in environmental sciences. The spatial-temporal coverage of remote sensing data provides continuous observations with a high temporal frequency allowing the assessment of ecosystem evolution at different temporal and spatial scales. Although the value of remote sensing time series has been firmly proved, only few time series methods have been developed for analyzing this data in a quantitative and continuous manner. In the present dissertation a working framework to exploit Remote Sensing time series is proposed based on the combination of Time Series Analysis and phenometric approach. The main goal is to demonstrate the use of remote sensing time series to analyze quantitatively environmental variable dynamics. The specific objectives are (1) to assess environmental variables based on remote sensing time series and (2) to develop empirical models to forecast environmental variables. These objectives have been achieved in four applications which specific objectives are (1) assessing and mapping cotton crop phenological stages using spectral and phenometric analyses, (2) assessing and modeling fire seasonality in two different ecoregions by dynamic models, (3) forecasting forest fire risk on a pixel basis by dynamic models, and (4) assessing vegetation functioning based on temporal autocorrelation and phenometric analysis. The results of this dissertation show the usefulness of function fitting procedures to model AS1 and AS2. Phenometrics derived from function fitting procedure makes it possible to identify cotton crop phenological stages. Spectral analysis has demonstrated quantitatively the presence of one cycle in AS2 and two in AS1 and the unimodal and bimodal behaviour of fire seasonality in the Mediterranean and temperate ecoregions respectively. Autoregressive models has been used to characterize the dynamics of fire seasonality in two ecoregions and to forecasts accurately fire risk on a pixel basis. The usefulness of temporal autocorrelation to define and characterized land surface functioning has been demonstrated. And finally the “Optical Functional Types” concept has been proposed, in this approach pixels could be as temporal unities based on its temporal dynamics or functioning.
The study focuses on the generation and distribution of mineral species in fly and bottom ashes. These were formed during a fluidised co-combustion of a fossil fuel (coal) and a non-fossil fuel (tyre rubber) in a small fluidised bed combustor (7cm x 70cm). The pilot plant had continuous fuel feed using varying ratios of coal and rubber. The study also focuses on the lixiviation behaviour of metallic elements with the assessement of zinc recovering.
Probabilistic modeling is the de�ning characteristic of estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs) which determines their behavior and performance in optimization. Regularization is a well-known statistical technique used for obtaining an improved model by reducing the generalization error of estimation, especially in high-dimensional problems. `1-regularization is a type of this technique with the appealing variable selection property which results in sparse model estimations. In this thesis, we study the use of regularization techniques for model learning in EDAs. Several methods for regularized model estimation in continuous domains based on a Gaussian distribution assumption are presented, and analyzed from di�erent aspects when used for optimization in a high-dimensional setting, where the population size of EDA has a logarithmic scale with respect to the number of variables. The optimization results obtained for a number of continuous problems with an increasing number of variables show that the proposed EDA based on regularized model estimation performs a more robust optimization, and is able to achieve signi�cantly better results for larger dimensions than other Gaussian-based EDAs. We also propose a method for learning a marginally factorized Gaussian Markov random �eld model using regularization techniques and a clustering algorithm. The experimental results show notable optimization performance on continuous additively decomposable problems when using this model estimation method. Our study also covers multi-objective optimization and we propose joint probabilistic modeling of variables and objectives in EDAs based on Bayesian networks, speci�cally models inspired from multi-dimensional Bayesian network classi�ers. It is shown that with this approach to modeling, two new types of relationships are encoded in the estimated models in addition to the variable relationships captured in other EDAs: objectivevariable and objective-objective relationships. An extensive experimental study shows the e�ectiveness of this approach for multi- and many-objective optimization. With the proposed joint variable-objective modeling, in addition to the Pareto set approximation, the algorithm is also able to obtain an estimation of the multi-objective problem structure. Finally, the study of multi-objective optimization based on joint probabilistic modeling is extended to noisy domains, where the noise in objective values is represented by intervals. A new version of the Pareto dominance relation for ordering the solutions in these problems, namely �-degree Pareto dominance, is introduced and its properties are analyzed. We show that the ranking methods based on this dominance relation can result in competitive performance of EDAs with respect to the quality of the approximated Pareto sets. This dominance relation is then used together with a method for joint probabilistic modeling based on `1-regularization for multi-objective feature subset selection in classi�cation, where six di�erent measures of accuracy are considered as objectives with interval values. The individual assessment of the proposed joint probabilistic modeling and solution ranking methods on datasets with small-medium dimensionality, when using two di�erent Bayesian classi�ers, shows that comparable or better Pareto sets of feature subsets are approximated in comparison to standard methods.
La investigación de esta tesis se centra en el estudio de técnicas geoestadísticas y su contribución a una mayor caracterización del binomio factores climáticos-rendimiento de un cultivo agrícola. El inexorable vínculo entre la variabilidad climática y la producción agrícola cobra especial relevancia en estudios sobre el cambio climático o en la modelización de cultivos para dar respuesta a escenarios futuros de producción mundial. Es información especialmente valiosa en sistemas operacionales de monitoreo y predicción de rendimientos de cultivos Los cuales son actualmente uno de los pilares operacionales en los que se sustenta la agricultura y seguridad alimentaria mundial; ya que su objetivo final es el de proporcionar información imparcial y fiable para la regularización de mercados. Es en este contexto, donde se quiso dar un enfoque alternativo a estudios, que con distintos planteamientos, analizan la relación inter-anual clima vs producción. Así, se sustituyó la dimensión tiempo por la espacio, re-orientando el análisis estadístico de correlación interanual entre rendimiento y factores climáticos, por el estudio de la correlación inter-regional entre ambas variables. Se utilizó para ello una técnica estadística relativamente nueva y no muy aplicada en investigaciones similares, llamada regresión ponderada geográficamente (GWR, siglas en inglés de “Geographically weighted regression”). Se obtuvieron superficies continuas de las variables climáticas acumuladas en determinados periodos fenológicos, que fueron seleccionados por ser factores clave en el desarrollo vegetativo de un cultivo. Por ello, la primera parte de la tesis, consistió en un análisis exploratorio sobre comparación de Métodos de Interpolación Espacial (MIE). Partiendo de la hipótesis de que existe la variabilidad espacial de la relación entre factores climáticos y rendimiento, el objetivo principal de esta tesis, fue el de establecer en qué medida los MIE y otros métodos geoestadísticos de regresión local, pueden ayudar por un lado, a alcanzar un mayor entendimiento del binomio clima-rendimiento del trigo blando (Triticum aestivum L.) al incorporar en dicha relación el componente espacial; y por otro, a caracterizar la variación de los principales factores climáticos limitantes en el crecimiento del trigo blando, acumulados éstos en cuatro periodos fenológicos. Para lleva a cabo esto, una gran carga operacional en la investigación de la tesis consistió en homogeneizar y hacer los datos fenológicos, climáticos y estadísticas agrícolas comparables tanto a escala espacial como a escala temporal. Para España y los Bálticos se recolectaron y calcularon datos diarios de precipitación, temperatura máxima y mínima, evapotranspiración y radiación solar en las estaciones meteorológicas disponibles. Se dispuso de una serie temporal que coincidía con los mismos años recolectados en las estadísticas agrícolas, es decir, 14 años contados desde 2000 a 2013 (hasta 2011 en los Bálticos). Se superpuso la malla de información fenológica de cuadrícula 25 km con la ubicación de las estaciones meteorológicas con el fin de conocer los valores fenológicos en cada una de las estaciones disponibles. Hecho esto, para cada año de la serie temporal disponible se calcularon los valores climáticos diarios acumulados en cada uno de los cuatro periodos fenológicos seleccionados P1 (ciclo completo), P2 (emergencia-madurez), P3 (floración) y P4 (floraciónmadurez). Se calculó la superficie interpolada por el conjunto de métodos seleccionados en la comparación: técnicas deterministas convencionales, kriging ordinario y cokriging ordinario ponderado por la altitud. Seleccionados los métodos más eficaces, se calculó a nivel de provincias las variables climatológicas interpoladas. Y se realizaron las regresiones locales GWR para cuantificar, explorar y modelar las relaciones espaciales entre el rendimiento del trigo y las variables climáticas acumuladas en los cuatro periodos fenológicos. Al comparar la eficiencia de los MIE no destaca una técnica por encima del resto como la que proporcione el menor error en su predicción. Ahora bien, considerando los tres indicadores de calidad de los MIE estudiados se han identificado los métodos más efectivos. En el caso de la precipitación, es la técnica geoestadística cokriging la más idónea en la mayoría de los casos. De manera unánime, la interpolación determinista en función radial (spline regularizado) fue la técnica que mejor describía la superficie de precipitación acumulada en los cuatro periodos fenológicos. Los resultados son más heterogéneos para la evapotranspiración y radiación. Los métodos idóneos para estas se reparten entre el Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), IDW ponderado por la altitud y el Ordinary Kriging (OK). También, se identificó que para la mayoría de los casos en que el error del Ordinary CoKriging (COK) era mayor que el del OK su eficacia es comparable a la del OK en términos de error y el requerimiento computacional de este último es mucho menor. Se pudo confirmar que existe la variabilidad espacial inter-regional entre factores climáticos y el rendimiento del trigo blando tanto en España como en los Bálticos. La herramienta estadística GWR fue capaz de reproducir esta variabilidad con un rendimiento lo suficientemente significativo como para considerarla una herramienta válida en futuros estudios. No obstante, se identificaron ciertas limitaciones en la misma respecto a la información que devuelve el programa a nivel local y que no permite desgranar todo el detalle sobre la ejecución del mismo. Los indicadores y periodos fenológicos que mejor pudieron reproducir la variabilidad espacial del rendimiento en España y Bálticos, arrojaron aún, una mayor credibilidad a los resultados obtenidos y a la eficacia del GWR, ya que estaban en línea con el conocimiento agronómico sobre el cultivo del trigo blando en sistemas agrícolas mediterráneos y norteuropeos. Así, en España, el indicador más robusto fue el balance climático hídrico Climatic Water Balance) acumulado éste, durante el periodo de crecimiento (entre la emergencia y madurez). Aunque se identificó la etapa clave de la floración como el periodo en el que las variables climáticas acumuladas proporcionaban un mayor poder explicativo del modelo GWR. Sin embargo, en los Bálticos, países donde el principal factor limitante en su agricultura es el bajo número de días de crecimiento efectivo, el indicador más efectivo fue la radiación acumulada a lo largo de todo el ciclo de crecimiento (entre la emergencia y madurez). Para el trigo en regadío no existe ninguna combinación que pueda explicar más allá del 30% de la variación del rendimiento en España. Poder demostrar que existe un comportamiento heterogéneo en la relación inter-regional entre el rendimiento y principales variables climáticas, podría contribuir a uno de los mayores desafíos a los que se enfrentan, a día de hoy, los sistemas operacionales de monitoreo y predicción de rendimientos de cultivos, y éste es el de poder reducir la escala espacial de predicción, de un nivel nacional a otro regional. ABSTRACT This thesis explores geostatistical techniques and their contribution to a better characterization of the relationship between climate factors and agricultural crop yields. The crucial link between climate variability and crop production plays a key role in climate change research as well as in crops modelling towards the future global production scenarios. This information is particularly important for monitoring and forecasting operational crop systems. These geostatistical techniques are currently one of the most fundamental operational systems on which global agriculture and food security rely on; with the final aim of providing neutral and reliable information for food market controls, thus avoiding financial speculation of nourishments of primary necessity. Within this context the present thesis aims to provide an alternative approach to the existing body of research examining the relationship between inter-annual climate and production. Therefore, the temporal dimension was replaced for the spatial dimension, re-orienting the statistical analysis of the inter-annual relationship between crops yields and climate factors to an inter-regional correlation between these two variables. Geographically weighted regression, which is a relatively new statistical technique and which has rarely been used in previous research on this topic was used in the current study. Continuous surface values of the climate accumulated variables in specific phenological periods were obtained. These specific periods were selected because they are key factors in the development of vegetative crop. Therefore, the first part of this thesis presents an exploratory analysis regarding the comparability of spatial interpolation methods (SIM) among diverse SIMs and alternative geostatistical methodologies. Given the premise that spatial variability of the relationship between climate factors and crop production exists, the primary aim of this thesis was to examine the extent to which the SIM and other geostatistical methods of local regression (which are integrated tools of the GIS software) are useful in relating crop production and climate variables. The usefulness of these methods was examined in two ways; on one hand the way this information could help to achieve higher production of the white wheat binomial (Triticum aestivum L.) by incorporating the spatial component in the examination of the above-mentioned relationship. On the other hand, the way it helps with the characterization of the key limiting climate factors of soft wheat growth which were analysed in four phenological periods. To achieve this aim, an important operational workload of this thesis consisted in the homogenization and obtention of comparable phenological and climate data, as well as agricultural statistics, which made heavy operational demands. For Spain and the Baltic countries, data on precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature, evapotranspiration and solar radiation from the available meteorological stations were gathered and calculated. A temporal serial approach was taken. These temporal series aligned with the years that agriculture statistics had previously gathered, these being 14 years from 2000 to 2013 (until 2011 for the Baltic countries). This temporal series was mapped with a phenological 25 km grid that had the location of the meteorological stations with the objective of obtaining the phenological values in each of the available stations. Following this procedure, the daily accumulated climate values for each of the four selected phenological periods were calculated; namely P1 (complete cycle), P2 (emergency-maturity), P3 (flowering) and P4 (flowering- maturity). The interpolated surface was then calculated using the set of selected methodologies for the comparison: deterministic conventional techniques, ordinary kriging and ordinary cokriging weighted by height. Once the most effective methods had been selected, the level of the interpolated climate variables was calculated. Local GWR regressions were calculated to quantify, examine and model the spatial relationships between soft wheat production and the accumulated variables in each of the four selected phenological periods. Results from the comparison among the SIMs revealed that no particular technique seems more favourable in terms of accuracy of prediction. However, when the three quality indicators of the compared SIMs are considered, some methodologies appeared to be more efficient than others. Regarding precipitation results, cokriging was the most accurate geostatistical technique for the majority of the cases. Deterministic interpolation in its radial function (controlled spline) was the most accurate technique for describing the accumulated precipitation surface in all phenological periods. However, results are more heterogeneous for the evapotranspiration and radiation methodologies. The most appropriate technique for these forecasts are the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), weighted IDW by height and the Ordinary Kriging (OK). Furthermore, it was found that for the majority of the cases where the Ordinary CoKriging (COK) error was larger than that of the OK, its efficacy was comparable to that of the OK in terms of error while the computational demands of the latter was much lower. The existing spatial inter-regional variability between climate factors and soft wheat production was confirmed for both Spain and the Baltic countries. The GWR statistic tool reproduced this variability with an outcome significative enough as to be considered a valid tool for future studies. Nevertheless, this tool also had some limitations with regards to the information delivered by the programme because it did not allow for a detailed break-down of its procedure. The indicators and phenological periods that best reproduced the spatial variability of yields in Spain and the Baltic countries made the results and the efficiency of the GWR statistical tool even more reliable, despite the fact that these were already aligned with the agricultural knowledge about soft wheat crop under mediterranean and northeuropean agricultural systems. Thus, for Spain, the most robust indicator was the Climatic Water Balance outcome accumulated throughout the growing period (between emergency and maturity). Although the flowering period was the phase that best explained the accumulated climate variables in the GWR model. For the Baltic countries where the main limiting agricultural factor is the number of days of effective growth, the most effective indicator was the accumulated radiation throughout the entire growing cycle (between emergency and maturity). For the irrigated soft wheat there was no combination capable of explaining above the 30% of variation of the production in Spain. The fact that the pattern of the inter-regional relationship between the crop production and key climate variables is heterogeneous within a country could contribute to one is one of the greatest challenges that the monitoring and forecasting operational systems for crop production face nowadays. The present findings suggest that the solution may lay in downscaling the spatial target scale from a national to a regional level.