5 resultados para Bridges Vibration Measurement

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Under-deck cable-stayed bridges are very effective structural systems for which the strong contribution of the stay cables under live loading allows for the design of very slender decks for persistent and transient loading scenarios. Their behaviour when subjected to seismic excitation is investigated herein and a set of design criteria are presented that relate to the type and arrangement of bearings, the number and configuration of struts, and the transverse distribution of stay cables. The nonlinear behaviour of these bridges when subject to both near-field and far-field accelerograms has been thoroughly investigated through the use of incremental dynamic analyses. An intensity measure that reflects the pertinent contributions to response when several vibration modes are activated was proposed and is shown to be effective for the analysis of this structural type. The under-deck cable-stay system contributes in a very positive manner to reducing the response when the bridges are subject to very strong seismic excitation. For such scenarios, the reduction in the stiffness of the deck because of crack formation, when prestressed concrete decks are used, mobilises the cable system and enhances the overall performance of the system. Sets of natural accelerograms that are compliant with the prescriptions of Eurocode 8 were also applied to propose a set of design criteria for this bridge type in areas prone to earthquakes. Particular attention is given to outlining the optimal strategies for the deployment of bearings


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Structural health monitoring (SHM) systems have excellent potential to improve the regular operation and maintenance of structures. Wireless networks (WNs) have been used to avoid the high cost of traditional generic wired systems. The most important limitation of SHM wireless systems is time-synchronization accuracy, scalability, and reliability. A complete wireless system for structural identification under environmental load is designed, implemented, deployed, and tested on three different real bridges. Our contribution ranges from the hardware to the graphical front end. System goal is to avoid the main limitations of WNs for SHM particularly in regard to reliability, scalability, and synchronization. We reduce spatial jitter to 125 ns, far below the 120 μs required for high-precision acquisition systems and much better than the 10-μs current solutions, without adding complexity. The system is scalable to a large number of nodes to allow for dense sensor coverage of real-world structures, only limited by a compromise between measurement length and mandatory time to obtain the final result. The system addresses a myriad of problems encountered in a real deployment under difficult conditions, rather than a simulation or laboratory test bed.


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Underspanned suspension bridges are structures with important economical and aesthetic advantages, due to their high structural efficiency. However, road bridges of this typology are still uncommon because of limited knowledge about this structural system. In particular, there remains some uncertainty over the dynamic behaviour of these bridges, due to their extreme lightness. The vibrations produced by vehicles crossing the viaduct are one of the main concerns. In this work, traffic-induced dynamic effects on this kind of viaduct are addressed by means of vehicle-bridge dynamic interaction models. A finite element method is used for the structure, and multibody dynamic models for the vehicles, while interaction is represented by means of the penalty method. Road roughness is included in this model in such a way that the fact that profiles under left and right tyres are different, but not independent, is taken into account. In addition, free software {PRPgenerator) to generate these profiles is presented in this paper. The structural dynamic sensitivity of underspanned suspension bridges was found to be considerable, as well as the dynamic amplification factors and deck accelerations. It was also found that vehicle speed has a relevant influence on the results. In addition, the impact of bridge deformation on vehicle vibration was addressed, and the effect on the comfort of vehicle users was shown to be negligible.


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El sector ferroviario ha experimentado en los últimos años un empuje espectacular acaparando las mayores inversiones en construcción de nuevas líneas de alta velocidad. Junto a esta inversión inicial no se debe perder de vista el coste de mantenimiento y gestión de las mismas y para ello es necesario avanzar en el conocimiento de los fenómenos de interacción de la vía y el material móvil. En los nuevos trazados ferroviarios, que hacen del ferrocarril un modo de transporte competitivo, se produce un notable aumento en la velocidad directamente relacionado con la disminución de los tiempos de viaje, provocando por ello elevados esfuerzos dinámicos, lo que exige una elevada calidad de vía para evitar el rápido deterioro de la infraestructura. Resulta primordial controlar y minimizar los costes de mantenimiento que vienen generados por las operaciones de conservación de los parámetros de calidad y seguridad de la vía férrea. Para reducir las cargas dinámicas que actúan sobre la vía deteriorando el estado de la misma, debido a este aumento progresivo de las velocidades, es necesario reducir la rigidez vertical de la vía, pero igualmente este aumento de velocidades hace necesarias elevadas resistecias del emparrillado de vía y mejoras en las plataformas, por lo que es necesario buscar este punto de equilibrio en la elasticidad de la vía y sus componentes. Se analizan las aceleraciones verticales medidas en caja de grasa, identificando la rigidez vertical de la vía a partir de las frecuencias de vibración vertical de las masas no suspendidas, correlacionándola con la infraestructura. Estas aceleraciones verticales se desprenden de dos campañas de medidas llevadas a cabo en la zona de estudio. En estas campañas se colocaron varios acelerómetros en caja de grasa obteniendo un registro de aceleraciones verticales a partir de las cuales se ha obteniendo la variación de la rigidez de vía de unas zonas a otras. Se analiza la rigidez de la vía correlacionándola con las distintas tipologías de vía y viendo la variación del valor de la rigidez a lo largo del trazado ferroviario. Estos cambios se manifiestan cuando se producen cambios en la infraestructura, de obras de tierra a obras de fábrica, ya sean viaductos o túneles. El objeto principal de este trabajo es profundizar en estos cambios de rigidez vertical que se producen, analizando su origen y las causas que los provocan, modelizando el comportamiento de los mismos, para desarrollar metodologías de análisis en cuanto al diseño de la infraestructura. Igualmente se analizan los elementos integrantes de la misma, ahondando en las características intrínsecas de la rigidez vertical global y la rigidez de cada uno de los elementos constituyentes de la sección tipo ferroviaria, en cada una de las secciones características del tramo en estudio. Se determina en este trabajo si se produce y en qué medida, variación longitudinal de la rigidez de vía en el tramo estudiado, en cada una de las secciones características de obra de tierra y obra de fábrica seleccionadas analizando las tendencias de estos cambios y su homogeneidad a lo largo del trazado. Se establece así una nueva metodología para la determinación de la rigidez vertical de la vía a partir de las mediciones de aceleraciones verticales en caja de grasa así como el desarrollo de una aplicación en el entorno de Labview para el análisis de los registros obtenidos. During the last years the railway sector has experienced a spectacular growth, focusing investments in the construction of new high-speed lines. Apart from the first investment the cost of maintaining and managing them has to be considered and this requires more knowledge of the process of interaction between track and rolling stock vehicles. In the new high-speed lines, that make of the railway a competitive mode of transport, there is a significant increase in speed directly related to the shorten in travel time, and that produces high dynamic forces. So, this requires a high quality of the track to avoid quickly deterioration of infrastructure. It is essential to control and minimize maintenance costs generated by maintenance operations to keep the quality and safety parameters of the railway track. Due to this gradual increase of speed, and to reduce the dynamic loads acting on the railway track causing its deterioration, it is necessary to reduce the vertical stiffness of the track, but on the other hand this speed increase requires high resistance of the railway track and improvements of the railway platform, so we must find the balance between the elasticity of the track and its components. Vertical accelerations in axle box are measured and analyzed, identifying the vertical stiffness of the railway track obtained from the vertical vibration frequency of the unsprung masses, correlating with the infrastructure. These vertical accelerations are the result of two measurement campaigns carried out in the study area with the placement of several accelerometers located in the axle box. From these vertical accelerations the variation of the vertical stiffness from one area to another is obtained. The track stiffness is analysed relating with the different types of infrastructure and the change in the value of the stiffness along the railway line. These changes are revealed when changes in infrastructure occurs, for instance; earthworks to bridges or tunnels. The main purpose of this paper is to examine these vertical stiffness changes, analysing its origins and causes, modelling their behaviour, developing analytical methodologies for the design of infrastructure. In this thesis it is also reviewed the different elements of the superstructure, paying special attention to the vertical stiffness of each one. In this study is determined, if it happens and to what extent, the longitudinal variation in the stiffness of track along the railway line studied in every selected section; earthwork, bridges and tunnels. They are also analyzed trends of these changes and homogeneity along the path. This establishes a new method for determining the vertical stiffness of the railway track from the vertical accelerations measured on axle box as well as an application developed in LabView to analyze the recordings obtained.


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Esta investigación aborda el estudio de la influencia de las uniones en el aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo en los edificios y el análisis de las transmisiones indirectas producidas en particiones de dos hojas de ladrillo cerámico sobre bandas elásticas. La transmisión de ruido entre dos recintos separados por una partición se produce por dos vías: La vía directa a través del elemento que separa los dos recintos y la vía indirecta, a través de los elementos de flanco, como forjados, particiones, fachadas, etc. que conectados a dicho elemento de separación, vibran en presencia del campo acústico transmitiendo sus vibraciones al recinto receptor. Si las transmisiones indirectas son dominantes, el aislamiento acústico “in situ” puede ser menor que el esperado. El parámetro que expresa la atenuación acústica en las uniones es el índice de reducción vibracional en la unión o Kij. Éste parámetro se utiliza en los métodos de cálculo del aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo, que permiten la justificación del cumplimiento de la normativa actual, el Documento Básico DB HR Protección frente al ruido del CTE. La determinación de los índices Kij de las uniones es una cuestión que debe abordarse de forma experimental. Existen diferentes expresiones empíricas obtenidas en varios laboratorios europeos que permiten el cálculo del índice Kij, pero no se han validado con ensayos realizados en soluciones habituales en la construcción española, como las estudiadas en este trabajo. El objetivo de este trabajo es la medida, análisis y cuantificación de las transmisiones indirectas producidas en las uniones de elementos de dos hojas de fábrica de ladrillo cerámico. Se ha recurrido a una campaña de ensayos en la que se reproducían las condiciones de un edificio real y se ha medido el aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo y los índices Kij de diferentes configuraciones de uniones. Del análisis de los resultados, se demuestra que el aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo depende de las uniones, pudiéndose obtener mejoras significativas al variar la forma de unión entre los elementos constructivos. Las mejoras de aislamiento acústico están relacionadas con un buen diseño de las uniones y con valores elevados del índice Kij. Este trabajo aporta valores experimentales de Kij para soluciones de fábrica de ladrillo y pone en discusión los valores teóricos que actualmente aparecen en la normativa vigente. ABSTRACT This research work deals with the effects of junction construction details on airborne sound insulation in buildings and the analysis of flanking transmissions across double ceramic brick walls with elastic interlayers. The sound transmission between two adjacent rooms comprises two paths: the direct path, caused by the incident sound on a separating wall, and the indirect path, through flanking elements connected to the separating wall, such as floors, internal walls, ceilings, etc. Flanking elements vibrate when excited in the sound field, thus transferring sound via structure borne to the receiving room. Dominant flanking transmissions can decrease the field sound insulation performance of the building. The vibration reduction index, Kij. expresses the acoustic attenuation of construction joints. This is an input parameter in the calculation models designed to estimate the airborne sound insulation between adjoining rooms in buildings. These models are used to comply with the acoustic requirements set by Basic Document DB HR Protection against noise included in the Spanish Building Code. The characterization of Kij. must be addressed experimentally by means of measurements. The available empirical Kij. formulae were developed in different European laboratories, but they have not been validated with standard tests performed on common Spanish walls, such as those studied in this work. The aim of this work is the measurement, analysis and quantification of indirect transmissions though joints of double ceramic brick walls. Airborne sound insulation tests and Kij measurements were performed in a laboratory which emulated the conditions of a real building. These tests were performed in different partitions whose joints were modified. It follows from the analysis of the results that airborne sound insulation depends strongly on the design of joints. Sound insulation improves when the joints between construction elements are modified to eliminate acoustic bridges. The increase in sound insulation corresponds to best practice design of joints and to high Kij values. This research work provides experimental Kij data of double ceramic brick walls and the results put in discussion the theoretical values set in the current Standards.