20 resultados para Breakwaters

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The research work as presented in this article covers the design of detached breakwaters since they constitute a type of coastal defence work with which to combat many of the erosion problems found on beaches in a stable, sustainable fashion. The main aim of this work is to formulate a functional and environmental (but not structural) design method, enabling the fundamental characteristics of a detached breakwater to be defined as a function of the effect it is wished to induce on the coast, and taking into account variables of a different nature (climate, geomorphology and geometry) influencing the changes the shoreline undergoes after its construction. With this article, it is intended to submit the final result of the investigation undertaken, applying the detached breakwater design method as developed to solving a practical case. Thus it may be shown how the method enables a detached breakwater’s geometric pre-sizing to be tackled at a place on the coast with certain climate, geomorphology and littoral dynamic characteristics, first setting the final state of equilibrium it is wanted to obtain therein after its construction.


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In this article we research the design of detached breakwaters, a type of coastal defence work designed to combat erosion on beaches in a stable, sustainable fashion. Our aim is to formulate a functional and environmental (nonstructural) method of design that defines the fundamental characteristics of a detached breakwater as a function of the desired effect on the coast whilst meeting social demands and preserving or improving the quality of the littoral environment. We aim to make this method generally applicable by considering relations between variables of different natures (climatic, geomorphologic, and geometric) influencing the changes experienced on the coast after the detached breakwater has been built. We carried out the study of the relations between the different variables on the data from 19 actual, existing detached breakwaters on the Spanish Mediterranean coastline, and we followed a methodology based on the implementation of nondimensional monomials and on a search for relations of dependency between them. Finally, we discussed the results obtained and came up with a proposal for a design method that uses some of the graphic relations found between the variables studied and that achieves the main objective. For example, a case of a detached breakwater’s geometric presizing is solved as a practical demonstration of how the method is applied. La investigación que se presenta en este artículo aborda el diseño de los diques exentos, por constituir estos un tipo de obras de defensa costera con el que poder luchar de una forma estable y sostenible contra muchos de los problemas de erosión que existen en las playas. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es la formulación de un método de diseño funcional y ambiental (no estructural) que permita definir las características fundamentales de un dique exento en función del efecto que se quiera inducir en la costa, satisfaciendo las demandas sociales y preservando o mejorando la calidad del medio ambiente litoral. Además, se busca la aplicabilidad general del método mediante la consideración de relaciones entre variables de distinta naturaleza (climáticas, geomorfológicas y geométricas) que tienen influencia en los cambios que se experimentan en la costa tras la construcción del dique exento. El estudio de las relaciones entre las distintas variables se realiza sobre los datos de una base de diecinueve diques exentos reales, existentes en el litoral mediterráneo español, y sigue una metodología basada en el planteamiento de monomios adimensionales y en la búsqueda de relaciones de dependencia entre ellos. Finalmente, la discusión de los resultados obtenidos conduce a la propuesta de un método de diseño que utiliza algunas de las relaciones graficas encontradas entre las variables estudiadas y con el que se consigue el objetivo principal anteriormente expuesto. Para demostrar la aplicación práctica del método se resuelve un caso de predimensionamiento geométrico de un dique exento a modo de ejemplo.


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The research that is summarized in this article, resultant of diverse studies realized in the CEDEX, has for object a comparative analysis of methods of overtopping rates developed by different authors. For that, the summary was realized first and the analysis of the existing formulations to estimate the rate of overtopping on rubble mound and vertical breakwaters. Later, there was carried out the contrast of the above mentioned formulations by the results obtained in a serie of hydraulic model tests of the Hydraulic Research Laboratory (the Center of Studies of Ports and Coasts of the CEDEX, Madrid, Spain).


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The purpose of the research work resulting from various studies undertaken in the CEDEX, as summarized in this article, is to make a comparative analysis of methods for calculating overtopping rates developed by different authors. To this effect, in the first place, existing formulas for estimating the overtopping rate on rubble mound and vertical breakwaters were summarised and analysed. Later, the above mentioned formulas were compared using the results obtained in a series of hydraulic model tests at the CEDEX. The results obtained in the Ferrol outer harbour breakwater and Melilla harbour breakwater tests are presented here. A calculation method based on the neural network theory, developed in the European CLASH Project, was applied to a series of sloping breakwater tests in order to complete this research and the results obtained in the Ferrol outer harbour breakwater test are presented in this article. A series of additional tests was also carried out in a physical model on the standard cross section of the Bilbao harbour sloping breakwater’s cross section, the results of which are under study using the empirical formulas applicable to the cross section, as well as the NN-OVERTOPPING neural network


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The purpose of the research work resulting from various studies undertaken in the CEDEX, as summarized in this article, is to make a comparative analysis of methods for calculating overtopping rates developed by different authors. To this effect, in the first place, existing formulae for estimating the overtopping rate on rubble mound and vertical breakwaters were summarised and analysed. Later, the above mentioned formulae were compared using the results obtained in a series of hydraulic model tests at the CEDEX (the Center of Studies of Ports and Coasts of the CEDEX, Madrid, Spain). A calculation method based on the neural network theory, developed in the European CLASH Project, was applied to a series of sloping breakwater tests in order to complete this research. The results obtained in the Ferrol, Ciervana and Alicante breakwaters tests are presented here.


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This paper reports extensive tests of empirical equations developed by different authors for harbour breakwater overtopping. First, the existing equations are compiled and evaluated as tools for estimating the overtopping rates on sloping and vertical breakwaters. These equations are then tested using the data obtained in a number of laboratory studies performed in the Centre for Harbours and Coastal Studies of the CEDEX, Spain. It was found that the recommended application ranges of the empirical equations typically deviate from those revealed in the experimental tests. In addition, a neural network model developed within the European CLASH Project is tested. The wind effects on overtopping are also assessed using a reduced scale physical model


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A maritime construction is usually a slender line in the ocean.It is usual to see just its narrow surface strip and not analyse the large amount of submerged material the latter is supporting.Without doubt,it is the ground to which a notable load is transmitted in an environment subjected to periodic,alternating stresses,dynamic forces which the sea's media constitute. Both an outer and inner maritime construction works in a complex fashion.A granular solid(breakwater)breathes with the incident wave flow,dissipating part of the wave energy between its gaps.The backflow tries to extract the different items from the solid block,setting a balance between effective and neutral tensions that follow Terzaghui's principle. On some occasions,fluidification of the armour layer has caused the breakwater to collapse(Sines,Portugal,February 1978).On others,siphoning or liquefaction of sand supporting monoliths(vertical breakwaters)lead them to destruction or collapse(New Barcelona Harbour Mouth,Spain,November 2001). This is why the ground-force-structure interaction is a complicated analysis with joint design tools still in an incipient state. The purpose of this article is to describe two singular failures in inner maritime constructions in Spain deriving from ground problems(Malaga,July 2004and Barcelona,January 2007).They occurred recently and the causes are the subject of reflection and analysis.


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La investigación que se resume en este artículo, resultante de diversos trabajos realizados en el CEDEX [10, 12], tiene por objeto contrastar las formulaciones desarrolladas por diferentes autores en materia de rebases en distintas tipologías de diques de abrigo. Para ello, se realizó en primer lugar la recopilación y el análisis de las formulaciones existentes para estimar la tasa de rebase sobre diques en talud y verticales. Posteriormente, se llevó a cabo el contraste de dichas formulaciones con los resultados obtenidos en dos ensayos realizados en el Centro de Estudios de Puertos y Costas del CEDEX, en Cabo Prioriño, Ferrol y en la alineación tercera de Melilla. The research that is summarized in this article, resultant of several studies carried out in the CEDEX [10, 12], is focused in the existing methods to estimate overtopping rates developed by different authors. For that, the summary was carry out firstly we collected and analyzed the existing formulae, particularly for rubble mound and vertical breakwaters. These formulations was compared with the results obtained in two hydraulic model tests of the Hydraulic Research Laboratory (the Center of Studies of Ports and Coasts of the CEDEX, Madrid, Spain). Keywords: overtopping rates, rubble mound breakwater, vertical breakwater, crown wall, run-up.


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El reciente desarrollo de la instrumentación diseñada para proporcionar datos de aceleraciones y movimientos del cajón número 8 del dique Botafoc (Ibiza), perteneciente a la Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares (Puertos del Estado), en conjunción con datos procedentes de una instrumentación compuesta por sensores de presión existente en el paramento vertical, proporciona un novedoso medio para analizar la respuesta estructural del cajón, no sólo ante la acción del oleaje, sino también ante los efectos producidos por las maniobras de los buques en el muelle. Como la medición de estas aceleraciones y velocidades angulares se hace a altas frecuencias (de hasta 400 Hz), podemos proporcionar datos válidos acerca del comportamiento estructural y de los movimientos reales del cajón, tratando de correlacionar este comportamiento con los resultados obtenidos por el grupo de trabajo PROVERBS (Probabilistic design of vertical breakwaters, MAST III EU Programme), y generando una base de datos estadística de movimientos que deben considerarse para enriquecer los conocimientos en este ámbito. Además, la posibilidad de registrar los efectos causados por las maniobras de atraquedesatraque-estancia de los buques, abre un nuevo punto de vista al diseño estructural de un dique-muelle, siendo también de gran interés para los diseñadores de obras marítimas y para la correcta definición de las maniobras del buque en el muelle. The recent deployment of new instrumentation designed to provide accelerations and angular velocities from caisson #8 at Botafoc seawall, Ibiza, along with an existing pressure sensor instrumentation at the vertical wall, provides a way to record and process data of the structural response, not only to waves, but also to effects caused by ship mooring operations at Botafoc seawall. As the measurement of these angular speeds and accelerations is programmed with sampling frecuencies up to 400 Hz, and by integrating all data through time we may provide suitable data of the structural behaviour of the caisson. This behaviour is tried to be correlated with the PROVERBS working group achievements (Probabilistic design of vertical breakwaters, MAST III EU Programme), generating a statistical movement database that must be used to improve knowledge on this subject. Also the possibility to record the effects caused by the different ship mooring operations is a new point of view of the complete structural design of a seawall-wharf, which is considered an interesting matter for coastal designers as well for a correct ship mooring processes definition.


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El comercio marítimo actual requiere buques de un tamaño cada vez mayor. Para dar servicio a estos buques los puertos tienen que ofrecer grandes calados y las obras de abrigo están cimentadas cada vez a mayor profundidad, particularmente en el caso de España que es un país con escasos puertos naturales y poca plataforma continental y la mayoría de sus puertos son exteriores. La construcción de obras de abrigo en calados tan grandes (hasta 50 metros de profundidad) resulta sumamente costosa, y dado que a esas profundidades generalmente el oleaje no rompe, la tipología más habitual es la de diques verticales, reflejantes puros, tanto por ahorro de costes como por impacto ambiental. Al ir a mayores calados las olas a las que se enfrentan los diques son cada vez mayores, y esto acusa el desconocimiento exacto de los fenómenos que hidrodinámicos que tienen lugar, y por tanto las deficiencias de los métodos de dimensionamiento de diques verticales empleados. La incertidumbre en la definición de los fenómenos involucrados lleva a la mayoración indiscriminada de las acciones y al sobredimensionamiento de los diques, con el consiguiente sobrecoste, y a otra conclusión más grave: el desconocimiento de los factores de seguridad reales. Esto obliga a continuar profundizando en los fundamentos de los fenómenos observados. La presente tesis se basa en el análisis de datos recogidos por la instrumentación del dique de Botafoc (Ibiza) desde el año 2003. Esta instrumentación es de las que ha ofrecido mediciones de temporales de forma más consistente en todo el mundo. El análisis de los datos conduce a una serie de resultados muy reveladores y novedosos en cuanto a la forma de las distribuciones de los empujes, la influencia del periodo del oleaje sobre las mismas, y la importancia de los flujos inducidos por el oleaje a través de las banquetas de cimentación. Todas las conclusiones alcanzadas están sólidamente justificadas desde el punto de vista teórico. También se ponen de manifiesto otros fenómenos interesantes que no eran objeto de la presente investigación como la importancia del retranqueo del espaldón. El alcance inicial de la tesis pretendía dar explicación a la influencia del periodo del oleaje sobre las distribuciones de presiones, sin embargo la gran cantidad de descubrimientos realizados llevan a pensar en la posibilidad de desarrollar una nueva metodología de cálculo de esfuerzos hidrodinámicos en diques verticales. Esta nueva metodología está en desarrollo por el autor de la presente tesis y será presentada en futuros trabajos. Además del importante avance conceptual del estado de la técnica que supone, otro producto de la investigación ha sido el desarrollo de dos patentes de invención y una tercera aún en desarrollo. Maritime trade nowadays requires ships of increasing size, and ports must go to deeper draughts to shelter those ships. In high depths vertical breakwaters are the most economical alternative; however there are many questions about reflection of waves not yet clarified. This uncertainties drive to oversize breakwaters and the corresponding rise in costs. Moreover the main issue is that safety margins are not known. This thesis is based on the analysis of data collected by instrumentation of the Botafoc breakwater (Ibiza) since 2003, having recorded a wide range of data. The data analysis leads to very interesting discovers such as the shape of the distribution of the pressures, the influence of wave period, and the importance of the wave induced flows through foundation. All conclusions reached are solidly justified from the theoretical point of view. Other interesting phenomena that were not the subject of this research have been revealed such as the importance of crown wall position. The initial scope of the thesis aimed to give explanation to the influence of the wave period on distributions of pressure; however the interesting discoveries made suggest developing a new methodology for calculating hydrodynamic efforts vertical breakwaters. This new methodology is currently under development by the author of this thesis and will be presented in future works. Besides the important conceptual advance the state of the art involved, another product of the research has been the development of two patents.


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La presencia de un monolito en la coronación de un dique rompeolas tiene como principales ventajas la reducción del volumen de elementos necesarios en el manto y la mejora de la operatividad de los muelles que abriga, lo que supone un importante ahorro de coste tanto de ejecución como de explotación y mantenimiento. Por ello, la utilización del espaldón en los diques rompeolas se encuentra generalizada desde hace décadas en numerosos puertos de todo el mundo. Para el diseño de este elemento se han ido desarrollando diversas metodologías, siendo la primera de ellas (Iribarren y Nogales) propuesta en la década de los cincuenta, y la última (Berenguer y Baonza) en el año 2006. Estos procedimientos se basan en series de ensayos en modelo físico y tienen como filosofía la determinación de las cargas que genera el oleaje al impactar contra el paramento vertical para poder dimensionar un monolito estable frente a tales acciones. Sin embargo, las averías que se han producido en este elemento particular, incluso en la pasada década, ponen de relieve la gran sensibilidad de este elemento frente a estas y otras acciones de diseño. El objetivo de la presente Tesis Doctoral es el desarrollo de un método de diseño alternativo a los existentes, basado en la observación de diques reales que se encuentran en funcionamiento en la actualidad y mediante el cual se obtenga directamente como resultado las dimensiones principales del monolito en lugar de las cargas debidas al impacto de la ola incidente. Para ello, se ha realizado el análisis comparativo de los métodos de diseño de espaldones disponibles hasta la fecha. Antes de establecer una nueva metodología primeramente se ha estudiado el Estado del Arte, del cual se ha realizado un análisis crítico, donde se indican las posibles incertidumbres y limitaciones que presenta cada metodología. Para lograr el objetivo de la presente Tesis Doctoral se desarrolla una investigación basada en los datos de veintitrés diques ubicados en la fachada mediterránea española, considerando variables tanto climáticas como geométricas del propio dique. Se ha seguido el principio del Teorema Π para formar monomios adimensionales y, a través de combinaciones entre ellos, establecer relaciones de dependencia. Con los resultados obtenidos se ha elaborado una metodología de diseño que se propone como respuesta al objetivo planteado. Wall erected on top of a breakwater has two main advantages: lower amount of armour elements and better operating capacity of the inner harbor, which means an appreciable construction, operating and maintenance saving. Therefore, many breakwaters have been designed with crown wall all over the world. Different design methods have been developed through the years. The first one (Iribarren & Nogales) was set in the fifties, and the latest (Berenguer & Baonza) was developed in 2006. All of them are based on laboratory tests series and their common philosophy is to calculate the wave forces on the wall in order to design an element stable against these forces. However, crown wall failures have occured even in last decade, which point the high sensitivity of this element. The objective of this Thesis is to develop an alternative design procedure based on real breakwaters data, which gave as a direct result the most important measures of the crown wall instead of wave loads. In order to achieve the objective, firstly a critical analysis of the State of the Art has been carried out, determining ranges of application and detecting uncertainties. A research on twenty-three breakwaters of the Mediterranean Spanish coast has been carried out to fulfill the objective of this Thesis, taking into account both climatic and geometric parameters. It has been followed Theorem Π to make non-dimensional monomials and, through combinations among them, identify dependency rates. Obtained results lead to a design method.


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An investigation was undertaken consisting of a state-of-the-art and comparative analysis of currently available methods for calculating the structural stability of wave walls in sloping breakwaters. A total of six design schemes are addressed. The conditions under which the formulations and ranges of validity are explicitly indicated by their authors, are given. The lack of definition in parameters to be used and aspects not taken into account in their investigations are discussed and the results of this analysis are given in a final table.


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The purpose of this research is to assess the effectiveness of a ship used as a detached floating breakwater for coastal protection and forming salients of sand or tombolos. Floating breakwaters have been extensively used as port or coastal protection structures and display advantages in terms of construction and ecology, amongst others. However, the greatest problem these structures present is the limited range of wave heights and periods for which they are really effective. Furthermore, ships may be considered as floating structures which, used as breakwaters, would keep the advantages of floating breakwaters and would increase their range of applicability. The possibility of using ships at the conclusion of their useful life for this purpose would also involve greater economic and environmental advantages. Tests were carried out to assess the ship’s effectiveness as a detached floating breakwater using a scaled down physical model to determine the vessel’s transmission coefficient (Kt) as to regular waves with significant periods of 5 sec to 12 sec and significant wave heights of 1.5 m to 4 m at depths from 20 m to 35 m. The ship proves effective for waves up to 4 m significant height and significant periods up to 9 sec. Hanson and Kraus and Pilarzyk’s analytical models, which take transmission coefficients into account, were used to analyse the shore’s response to the breakwater protection. The results obtained show that salients form for waves with periods between 6 sec and 9 sec. It is also concluded that the depths tested are far different from the more usual shallow water involved in constructing detached breakwaters and the shore’s response is therefore scarce.


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En el presente trabajo se analiza el cajón Apolonio como diseño conceptual para controlar la reflexión en monolitos de gravedad sometidos a esfuerzos dinámicos de oleaje.


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Storm evolution is fundamental for analysing the damage progression of the different failure modes and establishing suitable protocols for maintaining and optimally sizing structures. However, this aspect has hardly been studied and practically the whole of the studies dealing with the subject adopt the Equivalent triangle storm. As against this approach, two new ones are proposed. The first is the Equivalent Triangle Magnitude Storm model (ETMS), whose base, the triangular storm duration, D, is established such that its magnitude (area describing the storm history above the reference threshold level which sets the storm condition),HT, equals the real storm magnitude. The other is the Equivalent Triangle Number of Waves Storm (ETNWS), where the base is referred in terms of the real storm's number of waves,Nz. Three approaches are used for estimating the mean period, Tm, associated to each of the sea states defining the storm evolution, which is necessary to determine the full energy flux withstood by the structure in the course of the extreme event. Two are based on the Jonswap spectrum representativity and the other uses the bivariate Gumbel copula (Hs, Tm), resulting from adjusting the storm peaks. The representativity of the approaches proposed and those defined in specialised literature are analysed by comparing the main armour layer's progressive loss of hydraulic stability caused by real storms and that relating to theoretical ones. An empirical maximum energy flux model is used for this purpose. The agreement between the empirical and theoretical results demonstrates that the representativity of the different approaches depends on the storm characteristics and point towards a need to investigate other geometrical shapes to characterise the storm evolution associated with sea states heavily influenced by swell wave components.