7 resultados para Barral

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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We have here demonstrated for the first time that nitrate not only accelerates testa rupture of non- AR seeds but also modifies expression pattern of the cell-wall remodeling proteins (mannanases; SoMAN6 and SoMAN7) and key genes belonging to metabolism and signaling of ABA (SoNCED6, SoNCED9, SoCYP707A2 and SoABI5) and GAs (SoGA3ox, SoGA20ox, SoGA2ox and SoRGL2). These results were obtained during Sisymbrium officinale seed imbibition in the absence of endosperm rupture. Exogenous ABA induced a notable inhibition of testa rupture in both absence and presence of nitrate being this effect sharply reversed by GA4+7. However, nitrate was capable to provoke testa rupture in absence of ABA synthesis. The expression of SoMAN6 and SoMAN7 were positively altered by nitrate. Although ABA synthesis seems apparent at the start of non-AR seed imbibition, taken together the results of SoNCED6, SoNCED9 and SoCYP707A2 expression seem to suggest that nitrate leads to a strong net ABA decrease. Likewise, nitrate positively affected the SoABI5 expression when the SoNCED9 expression was also stimulated. By contrast, at the early and final of imbibition, nitrate clearly inhibited the SoABI5 expression. The expression of SoGA2ox6 and SoGA3ox2 are strongly inhibited by nitrate whereas of SoGA20ox6 was stimulated. On the other hand, SoRGL2 transcript level decreased in the presence of nitrate. Taken together, the results presented here suggest that the nitrate signaling is already operative during the non-AR S. officinale seeds imbibition. The nitrate, in cross-talk with the AR network likely increases the favorable molecular conditions that trigger germination.


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Endo-β-mannanases (MAN; EC. catalyze the cleavage of β1[RIGHTWARDS ARROW]4 bonds in mannan polymers and have been associated with the process of weakening the tissues surrounding the embryo during seed germination. In germinating Arabidopsis thaliana seeds, the most highly expressed MAN gene is AtMAN7 and its transcripts are restricted to the micropylar endosperm and to the radicle tip just before radicle emergence. Mutants with a T-DNA insertion in AtMAN7 have a slower germination than the wild type. To gain insight into the transcriptional regulation of the AtMAN7 gene, a bioinformatic search for conserved non-coding cis-elements (phylogenetic shadowing) within the Brassicaceae MAN7 gene promoters has been done, and these conserved motifs have been used as bait to look for their interacting transcription factors (TFs), using as a prey an arrayed yeast library from A. thaliana. The basic-leucine zipper TF AtbZIP44, but not the closely related AtbZIP11, has thus been identified and its transcriptional activation upon AtMAN7 has been validated at the molecular level. In the knock-out lines of AtbZIP44, not only is the expression of the AtMAN7 gene drastically reduced, but these mutants have a significantly slower germination than the wild type, being affected in the two phases of the germination process, both in the rupture of the seed coat and in the breakage of the micropylar endosperm cell walls. In the over-expression lines the opposite phenotype is observed.


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The loss of seed dormancy can occur by exposing the seed at low moisture storage conditions (afterripening; AR). Since a positive GA:ABA ratio play a key role in the reactivation of germination of non-dormant seeds, it seems obvious that a remarkable effect of AR is the decreasing of both ABA levels and sensitivity, as well as the increment of GA synthesis and sensitivity. ABA levels are regulated by control both of its biosynthesis thorough the 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase (NCED) encoding genes and its catabolism mediated mainly by ABA-8¿-hydroxylases (CYP707A). On the other hand, the last steps of the GA biosynthesis pathway should be involved to control its levels. Namely, GA20ox and GA3ox catalyzing the biosynthesis of active GA and GA2ox which catalyzes the GA inactivation. The presence of nitrate accelerates the sensu stricto germination of non-AR S. officinale seeds. Here, we demonstrate that in AR seeds nitrate also alters the expression pattern of key genes involved in ABA and GA metabolism and signalling (i.e. SoNCED6, SoNCED9, SoCYP707A2, SoABI5, SoGA3ox2, SoGA20ox6, SoGA2ox6 and SoRGL2). These results suggest that the nitrate signalling is also operative during imbibition of AR S. officinale seeds.


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During seed germination, the endosperm cell walls (CWs) suffer an important weakening process mainly driven by hydrolytic enzymes, such are endo-?- mannanases (MAN; EC. that catalyze the cleavage of ?1?4 bonds in the mannan-polymers. In Arabidopsis thaliana seeds, endo-?-mannanase activity increases during seed imbibition, decreasing after radicle emergence1. AtMAN7 is the most highly expressed MAN gene in seeds upon germination and their transcripts are restricted to the micropylar endosperm and to the radicle tip just before radicle emergence. Mutants with a T-DNA insertion in this gene (K.O. MAN7) have a slower germination rate than the wild type (t50=34 h versus t50=25 h). To gain insight into the transcriptional regulation of the AtMAN7 gene, a bioinformatic search for conserved non-coding cis-elements (phylogenetic shadowing) within the Brassicaceae orthologous MAN7 gene promoters has been done and these conserved motives have been used as baits to look for their interacting transcription factors (TFs), using as a prey an arrayed yeast library of circa 1,200 TFs from A. thaliana. The basic leucine zipper AtbZIP44, but not its closely related ortholog AtbZIP11, has been thus identified and its regulatory function upon AtMAN7 during seed germination validated by different molecular and physiological techniques, such are RT-qPCR analyses, mRNA Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH) experiments, and by the establishment of the germination kinetics of both over-expression (oex) lines and TDNA insertion mutants in AtbZIP44. The transcriptional combinatorial network through which AtbZIP44 regulates AtMAN7 gene expression during seed germination has been further explored through protein-protein interactions between AtbZIP44 and other bZIP members. In such a way, AtbZIP9 has been identified by yeast two-hybrid experiments and its physiological implication in the control of AtMAN7 expression similarly established.


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La aparición de la arquitectura popular en la escena de la cultura arquitectónica siempre ha estado rodeada de escasa claridad, especialmente si se trata de determinar las circunstancias en que apareció el interés por ella o la primera vez que fue mostrada en alguna publicación. El origen de la estimación de la arquitectura popular como tal se presenta en principio envuelto en una nebulosa, difuminado por la suposición de un siempre anterior conocimiento de ella -por la obviedad de este fenómeno-, y por la escasa atención prestada al tema, a lo que hay que sumar los desconcertantes indicios de que en realidad sólo ha sido apreciada en tiempos más recientes. Este estudio intenta arrojar luz sobre ese momento en que la arquitectura popular es descubierta, reconocida y difundida, y posteriormente estudiada con detenimiento hasta que llega a adquirir el status que le corresponde, en el ámbito del territorio español. La arquitectura popular no aparece en un momento determinado, como cualquier tendencia en la evolución de cierta sensibilidad estética o movimiento. La arquitectura popular siempre ha estado ahí. Lo único que cambia, y que permite que de repente la arquitectura popular sea tenida en cuenta, es la mirada de quien la descubre, la valora, la estudia o la propone como fenómeno digno de la atención y la estimación de los arquitectos. Así pues, la interpretación de la arquitectura popular como una forma más de las distintas que adopta la arquitectura como manifestación técnica y artística, plenamente aceptada dentro la concepción vigente de la época, es la historia de las miradas que se han dirigido a ella, de las distintas sensibilidades que han reparado en ella y de las tendencias arquitectónicas, construidas o teóricas, que han acudido a ella como fuente de inspiración o como modelo de virtudes constructivas o proyectuales. Desde este punto de vista se hace necesario investigar en las diferentes etapas de la modernidad en España, en sus acontecimientos, sus discursos, y sus obras construidas, partiendo de las distintas mentalidades que las sustentaron, para de este modo profundizar en la trayectoria seguida a través del tiempo histórico y del espacio geográfico en que se han desarrollado esas miradas. Para ello se ha realizado un estudio de las publicaciones periódicas de arquitectura españolas como elementos susceptibles de proporcionar la información más fidedigna posible sobre el interés en la difusión, el debate y la reflexión arquitectónica en torno a este fenómeno de la arquitectura popular. Es conocido el inestimable valor de las revistas como transmisoras no sólo de los acontecimientos de actualidad –la arquitectura popular no es uno de ellos- sino de la opinión y la forma de pensar de la intelectualidad del mundo de la ciencia y del arte, de los arquitectos en sus distintas actividades –profesional, docente, teórica, directiva, artística- y de las instituciones y personajes vinculadas al mundo de la arquitectura y la edificación. Es además relevante el hecho de que proporcionan una visión inmejorable de la época en que se publican, con datos importantes de carácter social, cultural, político o económico, que facilitan el encuadre de los acontecimientos estudiados en su contexto histórico y permiten un acercamiento a éstos de una forma más afinada. ABSTRACT Vernacular architecture’s appearance in the architectural culture’s scene has always been involved by certain obscureness, specially if the task is to know the circumstances of its first appealing, or the first time that was published. Original vernacular architecture’s valuation in its own seems to be involved in a vague nebula, blurred by the supposed fact of an always previous and obvious knowledge, and the scarce attention kept over this theme, increased in confusion when considering some last traces showing that only in recent times it has been really appreciated. This work searches for clarity inquiring those moments in which vernacular architecture is discovered, then recognised and issued, and finally broadly studied till reaches the status that has today. This investigation is focused on the spanish context. Vernacular architecture does not come out at a certain moment, as any artistic or stylish trend; it has always been there. The only thing that changes, and suddenly makes vernacular architecture take place in architects’ mind, is the observer’s glance, who discovers it and takes care about it, studying and proposing it as a worthy architectonic phenomenon that deserves architect’s attention. Thus, vernacular architecture’s interpretation, as another one of the several forms of conceiving architecture as a technical and artistic expression, fully accepted in the spirit of its time, is the story of the glances that have focused on it, the story of the varied sensibilities that have felt concerned with it, and the story of theoretical or practical trends that gaze it as an inspiration’s source or a model for functional or designing values. From this point of view is necessary to dive into the different ages of modernity, their events, their programs, and their built architecture, departing from the different attitudes developing in the historic time and the geographic space of Spain. With this purpose it has been realized this study on spanish periodical journalism specialized in architecture, searching for the most reliable information possible, due to their attention to teorethical discussion, critique, and thoughts about the fact of vernacular architecture. Is well known the value of architecture magazines as excellent diffusers, not only of hot news –vernacular architecture is not one of them- , but also of intellectual activity in science and art, of the architects in their different activities –professional, academic, theoretical, executive, artistic- and of outstanding people and Institutions linked with architecture and building. Is also remarkable the fact that they provide an unbeatable vision of the whole world in the moment they appear, bringing at the same time significant information about social, cultural, political or economic nature, that make easier the understanding of the historical context, in a more fitting way.


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El análisis de los accidentes tipo LOCA o MSLB en una contención PWR-W normalmente se simulan con la opción de volúmenes de control con parámetros agrupados en GOTHIC, ya que es lo que hasta ahora se ha considerado adecuado para el análisis de licencia. Sin embargo, para el estudio de detalle del comportamiento termo-hidráulico de cada recinto de la contención, podría ser más adecuado contar con un modelo tridimensional que representase más fielmente la geometría de la contención. El objetivo de la primera fase del proyecto de investigación de CNAT y la UPM es la construcción de varios modelos tridimensionales detallados con el código GOTHIC 8.0 de los edificios de contención de una planta tipo PWR-W y KWU, correspondientes a la Central Nuclear de Almaraz (CNA) y Trillo (CNT) respectivamente.


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No están claras las circunstancias en que la arquitectura popular empieza a ser considerada en España, tanto a nivel culto, intelectual, como a nivel cotidiano o, valga la redundancia, popular. Parece obligado acudir a una referencia de valor incuestionable, como es la inclusión de sus casos más valiosos y representativos entre los monumentos pertenecientes al Patrimonio Nacional, para obtener una idea más precisa del momento y los contextos en que la arquitectura popular empieza a ser valorada como merece dentro del conjunto de bienes culturales más característicos de España. La época en que comienza oficialmente la formación del Catálogo Monumental y Artístico coincide justo con el inicio del siglo XX, (Decreto de 1900); las primeras manifestaciones favorables a la arquitectura popular empiezan a darse unos años después, especialmente a partir de 1908, pero llegará a ser plenamente aceptada e incluso admirada por sus virtudes arquitectónicas entre intelectuales y arquitectos mucho antes que entre las instancias oficiales, que tardarán en consentir su inclusión como monumento en el plano administrativo. En este artículo se pretende ofrecer una lectura paralela de la evolución de ambos procesos para entender mejor la progresiva aceptación de la arquitectura popular y su reconocimiento oficial.