26 resultados para Bank business model
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Core competencies form the basis of an organization’s skills and the basic element of a successful strategic execution. Identifying and strengthening the core competencies enhances flexibility thereby strategically positioning a firm for responding to competition in the dynamic marketplace and can be the difference in quality among firms that follow the same business model. A correct understanding of the concept of business models, employing the right core competencies, organizing them effectively and building the business model around the competencies that are constantly gained and assimilated can result in enhanced business performance and thus having implications for firms that want to innovate their business models. Flexibility can be the firm’s agility to shift focus in response to external factors such as changing markets, new technologies or competition and a firm’s success can be gauged by the ability it displays in this transition. Although industry transformations generally emanate from technological changes, recent examples suggests they may also be due to the introduction of new business models and nowhere is it more relevant than in the airline industry. An analysis of the business model flexibility of 17 Airlines from Asia, Europe and Oceania, that is done with core competence as the indicator reveals a picture of inconsistencies in the core competence strategy of certain airlines and the corresponding reduction in business performance. The performance variations are explained from a service oriented core competence strategy employed by airlines that ultimately enables them in having a flexible business model that not only increases business performance but also helps in reducing the uncertainties in the internal and external operating environments. This is more relevant in the case of airline industry, as the product (the air transportation of passengers) minus the service competence is all the same.
Today P2P faces two important challenges: design of mechanisms to encourage users' collaboration in multimedia live streaming services; design of reliable algorithms with QoS provision, to encourage the multimedia providers employ the P2P topology in commercial live streaming systems. We believe that these two challenges are tightly-related and there is much to be done with respect. This paper analyzes the effect of user behavior in a multi-tree P2P overlay and describes a business model based on monetary discount as incentive in a P2P-Cloud multimedia streaming system. We believe a discount model can boost up users' cooperation and loyalty and enhance the overall system integrity and performance. Moreover the model bounds the constraints for a provider's revenue and cost if the P2P system is leveraged on a cloud infrastructure. Our case study shows that a streaming system provider can establish or adapt his business model by applying the described bounds to achieve a good discount-revenue trade-off and promote the system to the users.
En la situación actual donde los sistemas TI sanitarios son diversos con modelos que van desde soluciones predominantes, adoptadas y creadas por grandes organizaciones, hasta soluciones a medida desarrolladas por cualquier empresa de la competencia para satisfacer necesidades concretas. Todos estos sistemas se encuentran bajo similares presiones financieras, no sólo de las condiciones económicas mundiales actuales y el aumento de los costes sanitarios, sino también bajo las presiones de una población que ha adoptado los avances tecnológicos actuales, y demanda una atención sanitaria más personalizable a la altura de esos avances tecnológicos que disfruta en otros ámbitos. El objeto es desarrollar un modelo de negocio orientado al soporte del intercambio de información en el ámbito clínico. El objetivo de este modelo de negocio es aumentar la competitividad dentro de este sector sin la necesidad de recurrir a expertos en estándares, proporcionando perfiles técnicos cualificados menos costosos con la ayuda de herramientas que simplifiquen el uso de los estándares de interoperabilidad. Se hará uso de especificaciones abiertas ya existentes como FHIR, que publica documentación y tutoriales bajo licencias abiertas. La principal ventaja que nos encontramos es que ésta especificación presenta un giro en la concepción actual de la disposición de información clínica, vista hasta ahora como especial por el requerimiento de estándares más complejos que solucionen cualquier caso por específico que sea. Ésta especificación permite hacer uso de la información clínica a través de tecnologías web actuales (HTTP, HTML, OAuth2, JSON, XML) que todo el mundo puede usar sin un entrenamiento particular para crear y consumir esta información. Partiendo por tanto de un mercado con una integración de la información casi inexistente, comparada con otros entornos actuales, hará que el gasto en integración clínica aumente dramáticamente, dejando atrás los desafíos técnicos cuyo gasto retrocederá a un segundo plano. El gasto se centrará en las expectativas de lo que se puede obtener en la tendencia actual de la personalización de los datos clínicos de los pacientes, con acceso a los registros de instituciones junto con datos ‘sociales/móviles/big data’.---ABSTRACT---In the current situation IT health systems are diverse, with models varying from predominant solutions adopted and created by large organizations, to ad-hoc solutions developed by any company to meet specific needs. However, all these systems are under similar financial pressures, not only from current global economic conditions and increased health care costs, but also under pressure from a population that has embraced the current technological advances, and demand a more personalized health care, up to those enjoyed by technological advances in other areas. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a business model aimed at the provision of information exchange within the clinical domain. It is intended to increase competitiveness in the health IT sector without the need for experts in standards, providing qualified technical profiles less expensively with the help of tools that simplify the use of interoperability standards. Open specifications, like FHIR, will be used in order to enable interoperability between systems. The main advantage found within FHIR is that introduces a shift in the current conception of available clinical information. So far seen, the clinical information domain IT systems, as a special requirement for more complex standards that address any specific case. This specification allows the use of clinical information through existing web technologies (HTTP, HTML, OAuth2, JSON and XML), which everyone can use with no particular training to create and consume this information. The current situation in the sector is that the integration of information is almost nonexistent, compared to current trends. Spending in IT health systems will increase dramatically within clinical integration for the next years, leaving the technical challenges whose costs will recede into the background. The investment on this area will focus on the expectations of what can be obtained in the current trend of personalization of clinical data of patients with access to records of institutions with ‘social /mobile /big data’.
The airline industry is often unstable and unpredictable forcing airlines to restructure and create flexible strategies that can respond to external operating environmental changes. In turbulent and competitive environments, firms with higher flexibility perform better and the value of these flexibilities depends on factors of uncertainty in the competitive environment. A model is sought for and arrived at, that shows how an airline business model will function in an uncertain environment with the least reduction in business performance over time. An analysis of the business model flexibility of 17 Airlines from Asia, Europe and Oceania, that is done with core competence as the indicator reveals a picture of inconsistencies in the core competence strategy of certain airlines and the corresponding reduction in business performance. The performance variations are explained from a service oriented core competence strategy employed by airlines that ultimately enables them in having a flexible business model that not only increases business performance but also helps in reducing the uncertainties in the internal and external operating environments.
Innovations in the current interconnected world of organizations have lead to a focus on business models as a fundamental statement of direction and identity. Although industry transformations generally emanate from technological changes, recent examples suggest they may also be due to the introduction of new business models. In the past, different types of airline business models could be clearly separated from each other. However, this has changed in recent years partly due to the concentration process and partly to reaction caused by competitive pressure. At least it can be concluded that in future the distinction of different business models will remain less clear. To advance the use of business models as a concept, it is essential to be able to compare and perform analyses to identify the business models that may have the highest potential. This can essentially contribute to understanding the synergies and incompatibilities in the case of two airlines that are going in for a merger. This is illustrated by the example of Swiss Air-Lufthansa merger analysis. The idea is to develop quantitative methods and tools for comparing and analyzing Aeronautical/Airline business models. The paper identifies available methods of comparing airline business models and lays the ground work for a quantitative model of comparing airline business models. This can be a useful tool for business model analysis when two airlines are merged
This paper introduces a theoretical model for developing integrated degree programmes through e-learning systems as stipulated by a collaboration agreement signed by two universities. We have analysed several collaboration agreements between universities at the national, European, and transatlantic level as well as various e-learning frameworks. A conceptual model, a business model, and the architecture design are presented as part of the theoretical model. The paper presents a way of implementing e-learning systems as a tool to support inter-institutional degree collaborations, from the signing of the collaborative agreement to the implementation of the necessary services. In order to show how the theory can be tested one sample scenario is presented.
Purpose – The strategic management literature lacks a comprehensive explanation as to why seemingly similar business models in the same industry perform differently. This paper strives to explain this phenomenon. Design/methodology/approach – The model is conceptualized and accompanied by a case study on the airline industry to explain knowledge brokerage that creates value from the effective utilization of knowledge resources acquired from intra- and inter-firm environments. Findings – The model explains a cyclical view of business model flexibility in which the knowledge-based resource accumulation of the business model is spread across the intra- and inter-firm environments. Knowledge brokerage strategies from the inter- and intra-firm environments result in improved performance of the business model. The flexibility that the business model acquires is determined by how efficiently resource accumulation is aligned with its external environment. Originality/value – The paper effectively integrates the concepts of knowledge brokerage and business models from a resource accumulation-based view and simultaneously arrives at the performance heterogeneity of seemingly similar business models within the same industry. It has performance implications for firms that start out without any distinct resources of their own, or that use an imitated business model, to attain better performance through business model evolution aligned with successful knowledge brokerage strategies. It adds to the resource accumulation literature by explaining how resources can be effectively acquired to create value.
The banking industry is observing how new competitors threaten its millennial business model by targeting unbanked people, offering new financial services to their customer base, and even enabling new channels for existing services and customers. The knowledge on users, their behaviour, and expectations become a key asset in this new context. Well aware of this situation, the Center for Open Middleware, a joint technology center created by Santander Bank and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, has launched a set of initiatives to allow the experimental analysis and management of socio-economic information. PosdataP2P service is one of them, which seeks to model the economic ties between the holders of university smart cards, leveraging on the social networks the holders are subscribed to. In this paper we describe the design principles guiding the development of the system, its architecture and some implementation details.
This paper develops a model to analyze the upside potential of profitability of the SAREB (“Asset Management Company for Assets Arising from Bank Restructuring”), the Spanish “Bad Bank”. The model is based in the Real Options methodology, that is especially adequate due to the convergence of two elements, (i) depreciated assets with a high upside potential, and (ii) a highly volatile market as it has shown to be the real estate Spanish market. Our results suggest that the SAREB has a higher than expected profitability potentialthat would be dedicated to increase the return to its shareholders, mainly private banks. Consequently we also show that after the financial crisis are emerging two types of banks in Spain, in one hand the losers who are transferring their real estate assets at a deep discount, and in the other hand the winners, capturing the upside potential of those assets as shareholders of SAREB, and consequently consolidating their strength in the Spanish Real Estate Industry. It is worth to mention that Governments should make an effort in properly redistribute the wealth generated by the real Estate industry.
La presente tesis analiza la integración del sector de las telecomunicaciones con los de TI y medios que conforman el actual hiper-sector de las TIC, para abordar una propuesta de valor que se plantea a dos niveles. Se expone de un lado, la iniciativa WIMS 2.0, que aborda los aspectos tecnológicos y estratégicos de la convergencia telco e Internet para, posteriormente, definir un nuevo modelo de negocio, que adaptado al nuevo sector integrado y siguiendo paradigmas inéditos como los que plantea la innovación abierta, permita generar nuevos flujos de ingresos en áreas no habituales para los operadores de telecomunicaciones. A lo largo del capítulo 2, el lector encontrará la contextualización del entorno de las comunicaciones de banda ancha desde tres vertientes: los aspectos tecnológicos, los económicos y el mercado actual, todo ello enfocado en una dimensión nacional, europea y mundial. Se establece de esta manera las bases para el desarrollo de los siguientes capítulos al demostrar cómo la penetración de la banda ancha ha potenciado el desarrollo de un nuevo sistema de valor en el sector integrado de las TIC, alrededor del cual surgen propuestas de modelos de negocio originales que se catalogan en una taxonomía propia. En el tercer capítulo se detalla la propuesta de valor de la iniciativa WIMS 2.0, fundada y liderada por el autor de esta tesis. WIMS 2.0, como iniciativa abierta, se dirige a la comunidad como una propuesta de un nuevo ecosistema y como un modelo de referencia integrado sobre el que desplegar servicios convergentes. Adicionalmente, sobre el planteamiento teórico definido se aporta el enfoque práctico que supone el despliegue del modelo de referencia dentro de la arquitectura de un operador como Telefónica. El capítulo 4 muestra el modelo de negocio Innovación 2.0, basado en la innovación abierta con el objetivo de capturar nuevos flujos de ingresos incrementando el portfolio de servicios innovadores gracias a las ideas frescas y brillantes de start-ups. Innovación 2.0 lejos de quedarse en una mera propuesta teórica, muestra sus bondades en el éxito práctico en el mercado que ha validado las hipótesis planteadas. El último capítulo plantea las líneas futuras de investigación tanto en el ámbito de la iniciativa WIMS 2.0 como en el modelo de Innovación 2.0, algunas de las cuales se están comenzando a abordar. 3 Abstract This thesis examines the integration of telecommunications sector with IT and media that make up the current hyper-ICT sector, to address a value proposition that arises at two levels. On one side, WIMS 2.0 initiative, which addresses the technological and strategic aspects of the telco and Internet convergence to later define a new business model, adapted to the new integrated sector and following original paradigms such as those posed by open innovation, which generates new revenue streams in areas not typical for telecom operators. Throughout Chapter 2, the reader will find the contextualization of the broadband communications environment from three aspects: technological, economic and the current market all focused on a national, European and world scale. Thus it establishes the basis for the development of the following chapters by demonstrating how the penetration of broadband has led to the development of a new value system in the integrated sector of the ICT, around which arise proposals of originals business models, which are categorized in a own taxonomy. The third chapter outlines the value proposition of the WIMS 2.0 initiative, founded and led by the author of this thesis. WIMS 2.0, as open initiative, presents to the community a proposal for a new ecosystem and an integrated reference model on which to deploy converged services. Additionally, above the theoretical approach defined, WIMS 2.0 provides the practical approach is provided which is the deployment of the reference model into the architecture of an operator such as Telefónica. Chapter 4 shows the Innovation 2.0 business model, based on open innovation with the goal of capturing new revenue streams by increasing the portfolio of innovative services thanks to the fresh and brilliant ideas from start-ups. Innovation 2.0, far from being a mere theoretical proposition, shows its benefits in the successful deployment in the market, which has validated the hypotheses. The last chapter sets out the future research at both the WIMS 2.0 initiative and Innovation 2.0 model, some of which are beginning to be addressed.
Compared to the size of the microfinance market, the number of Microfinance Institutions that are professionally ran like commercial banks is still scarce, and even more scarce are the MFI listed in public stock exchanges. This document focuses on four listed MFIs and reviews its business model and funding sources. The document also analyses the market price evolution of the listed shares and investigates whether investors are assigning a premium to the MFIs compared with its respective market indices. Keywords: Microfinance institutions, Micro-credits, Financial Institutions, Equity; Stock Exchange.
Technological progress has profoundly changed the way personal data are collected, accessed and used. Those data make possible unprecedented customization of advertising which, in turn, is the business model adopted by many of the most successful Internet companies. Yet measuring the value being generated is still a complex task. This paper presents a review of the literature on this subject. It has been found that the economic analysis of personal information has been conducted up to now from a qualitative perspective mainly linked to privacy issues. A better understanding of a quantitative approach to this topic is urgently needed.
La actividad de muchas empresas, y en concreto las de software, está basada en proyectos. Típicamente, estas empresas tendrán un modelo de negocio orientado a productos para un mercado abierto, o un modelo de negocio orientado a consultoría para otras empresas. La empresa LeadClic Solutions se incluye en el segundo grupo. Se trata de una consultoría especializada en una tecnología emergente, Salesforce, cuya labor consiste en el desarrollo de aplicaciones cloud en esta plataforma que satisfagan las necesidades de sus clientes, desde empresas relativamente pequeñas hasta grandes empresas internacionales. Ante esta variedad de realidades, LeadClic necesita una herramienta versátil que permita una gestión eficaz de proyectos de distinta índole, integrando al mismo tiempo gestión de clientes, planificación, control de tiempo y costes, seguimiento, y gestión de recursos humanos. En la actualidad, la empresa basa esta gestión en un gran elenco de programas especializados, desatacando hojas de cálculo, herramientas de gestión de proyectos en diversos programas locales o en la nube, correo electrónico, servicios de comunicación y desarrollos personalizados en Salesforce. El objetivo de este Trabajo Fin de Grado es el diseño, implementación y validación de una herramienta en la nube, sobre la plataforma Salesforce, que integre las soluciones a todas las necesidades de la empresa. ---ABSTRACT---Many companies’ activity, in particular software companies’, is based on projects. Typically, these companies have a product for open market - oriented business model, or a B2B consultancy business model. The company LeadClic Solutions is included in the second group. It is a small consultancy, specialized in an emergent technology, Salesforce, that develops cloud applications in that platform to satisfy its clients’ needs, from small companies to big international ones. Faced with this variety of situations, LeadClic needs a versatile tool able to cope with an effective management of projects of different types, integrating at once client management, planning, time and costs control, monitoring, and human resources management. At the moment, the company bases this management on a wide range of specialized programs, such as spreadsheets, local and cloud based project management tools, emailing, communication services and Salesforce based custom developments. This Final Degree Project seeks to design, implement and validate a cloud based tool, on the Salesforce platform, to integrate the solution to all of the company’s needs into one single application.
Dado el impacto que las redes sociales tienen en la vida diaria de los países desarrollados o en vías de desarrollo, éstas han pasado a tener un papel clave en dicho desarrollo social. Dicha consideración no sólo debe centrarse en cómo las personas forman las redes, sino las herramientas que emplean y la forma en la que estas deben ser tratadas por las organizaciones para conseguir una posición preferencial con los usuarios que forman las redes (considerando el creciente número de éstos todos los días). El presente trabajo trata de exponer la diferencia entre medios sociales y redes sociales, estableciendo una diferencia clara entre entre ambos, define lo que son los medios sociales (Social Media en Inglés), qué se debe considerar para que el uso de los mismos tenga una carácter exitoso en sus operaciones y cómo las organizaciones perciben la diferencia competitiva que éstos aportan en sus actividades. Una vez definida, destacamos la importancia de la consideración de estos nuevos medios en las estrategias de la compañías. Para ello, debemos ver el ecosistema de los medios sociales de forma general, y focalizarnos en la relación marca-compañía con el usuario/cliente. La inclusión de los medios sociales en las estrategias de las compañías, primero de forma independiente y, posteriormente, de forma integrada, hace que los modelos de negocio de las compañías se vayan adaptando a los tiempos. Se describe el cambio de paradigma de los modelos de negocio afectados por la introducción de los medios sociales, los elementos y tipos de modelos de negocio que se pueden tener, así como la adaptación de los modelos establecidos a los nuevos modelos. Posteriormente se ve cómo las compañías incluyen los medios sociales en su estrategia, a través de una planificación de medios sociales,partiendo de qué es una estrategia y cómo debe evaluarse. Una vez se ha definido el contexto (qué son los medios sociales, redes sociales, modelo de negocio, estrategia; así como sus características), se definen los bloques funcionales de los medios sociales, con su paralelismo en términos de la estrategia de las compañías, así como se indican determinados factores de éxito para su adopción. Hasta ahora, estamos mirando la organización de forma individual pero, dentro del mercado en el que desarrollan sus actividades, éstas deben ser evaluadas sobre el grado de desarrollo de los medios sociales en sus operaciones; y poder establecer así comparativas, con otras organizaciones, en relación a su grado de implantación. Con dicho objetivo, desarrollaremos un modelo de madurez de medios sociales (Social Media Maturity Model, SMMM o SM3), de forma teórica. ¿Cómo considerar dicho modelo de forma realista?. Basándonos en el método del estudio de casos, se realizará una análisis e investigación de diferentes organizaciones que nos indicará el grado de aproximación del modelo de madurez referenciado, con respecto a la realidad. ABSTRACT Considering the impact that social networks have in the daily life in developed or developing countries, they have come to play a key role in this social development. This consideration should not only focus on how people set up networks, but the tools they use and how these ones should be addressed by organizations to achieve a preferential position with users, forming networks (considering the increasing number of them every day). This work tries to explain the difference between social media and social networking, establishing a clear difference between them, defines what is Social Media, which should be considered for its use has a successful character in their operations and how organizations perceive the competitive edge they bring in their activities. Once they are defined, we remark the importance of considering these new media in companies strategies. For this, we see the social media ecosystem in general, and to focus on brandcompany relationship with the user/client. The inclusion of social media strategies in the companies, independently and in a integrated way, makes the business models of companies evolve along the time. It is described the paradigm shift in business models affected by the introduction of social media, elements and types of business models that can be had, and the adaptation of established models to new models. After that, it’s shown how companies include social media strategy through social media planning and building on what is a strategy and how it should be evaluated. Once the context is defined (what is social media, social networking, business model, strategy, and its features), the functional blocks of social media are defined, with its parallelism in terms of the strategy of companies and specific success factors are indicated. So far, we are looking at the organization individually but within the market in which they operate, they must be evaluated on the degree of development of social media in their operations; and to establish and compare with other organizations in relation to their degree of implementation. With this goal, we will develop a maturity model for social media (Social Media Maturity Model, SMMM or SM3), theoretically. How to consider the model realistically?. Based on the case study method, the analysis and research of different organizations that it will indicate the accuracy of the maturity model referenced with respect to the actually performed.
La globalización, en las últimas décadas, ha tenido una amplia repercusión e influencia sobre la evolución de los procesos que intervienen en la gestión y la ordenación urbano-territorial. Esta influencia ha sido especialmente destacable en los procesos de conformación de las Ciudades Globales (CG). No obstante, dentro de los procesos actuales, y de los ya iniciados décadas atrás, se encuentran discordancias tanto con respecto a los modelos de gestión urbanoterritoriales como con relación a los procesos de conformación de las CG. Esto es debido a que cada territorio o CG no ha seguido un proceso homogéneo; sino que, a través del modelo empresarial de la “Planificación Estratégica” (PE) cada proceso ha sido adaptado para poder atender y potenciar las características más singulares de cada territorio, y de esta forma, poder alcanzar las ambiciosas posiciones de liderazgo. Por este motivo, el éxito de la PE se ha basado en simplificar la complejidad de los modelos y agentes que participan en los procesos de conformación de los territorios y ciudades globales. En esta investigación se propone analizar el valor de la PE como proceso de gestión y ordenación urbano-territorial; al igual que se pretende esclarecer tanto los modelos como los elementos de los que se compone. Para, poder así, identificar las relaciones que se producen entre los modelos y elementos principales de los que se compone una PE. Por motivos relacionados con la necesaria acotación de toda investigación, y mediante el apoyo de tanto el tutor de esta investigación como de expertos externos consultados, se ha acordado analizar los aspectos más característicos del proceso estratégico, como son: los territoriales, los económicos y los de gobernanza. Esta investigación se ha llevado a cabo a través del uso del método estudio de casos, mediante un proceso de recogida de información compuesto por dos estudios de campo, Singapur y Dubái, con similitudes tanto en el proceso como en los resultados. También se han realizado consultas a expertos multidisciplinares, cuya información y aportaciones se han articulado y procesado mediante la utilización del sistema de análisis de realidades complejas, presentado en el marco conceptual. Los resultados del estudio de los casos de Singapur y de Dubái muestran como las acciones urbano-territoriales que se han llevado a cabo en ambas ciudades y en sus territorios circundantes son consecuencia del uso de la planificación estratégica en beneficio de un mejor posicionamiento dentro del contexto global. De esta forma, mediante el análisis de las asimetrías y de las relaciones existentes entre el proceso, los casos de estudio y el contexto global, se identifica y se esclarece los términos relacionados con las ciudades globales referentes, consolidadas y emergentes. A su vez, a lo largo del marco conceptual se correlaciona y esclarece los procesos territoriales, económicos y de gobernanza, identificando las responsabilidades entre las instituciones, los organismos, los agentes y los actores (tanto públicos como privados) que inician y gestionan tanto el plan estratégico como los procesos derivados de él. Para finalizar, el análisis cruzado de los resultados demuestra la relación existente entre la planificación estratégica, la ordenación urbano-territorial, la gestión económica y la gobernanza. Pudiéndose identifican las asimetrías producidas durante la implantación de un plan estratégico, de forma que, tras un análisis del sistema de realidades complejas, estas asimetrías puedan ser solventadas. RESUMO Nas últimas décadas, a globalização tem tido um grande impacto sobre a evolução dos processos de gestão e planejamento urbano-territorial. Essa influência foi particularmente notável nos processos de formação das cidades globais (CG). No entanto, comparando os processos atuais e aqueles iniciados há décadas, as discrepâncias são encontradas tanto no que diz respeito aos modelos de uso do solo urbano, como em relação aos processos de formação e gestão das CG. Isso ocorre porque cada território ou CG não tem seguido um processo uniforme; mas, por meio do modelo de negócios de "Planejamento Estratégico" (PE) cada processo foi adaptado para servir e melhorar as características mais singulares de cada território para alcançar posições de liderança global. Portanto, o sucesso do PE é baseado na simplificação da complexidade dos modelos e atores envolvidos nos processos de formação dos territórios e das cidades globais. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar o valor do PE como um processo de gestão territorial e urbana; como também esclarecer os modelos e elementos do PE estudados. Para, então, poder identificar as relações que ocorrem entre os modelos e os principais elementos integrantes de um PE. Como recorte de pesquisa, após consultas com o tutor da pesquisa e com outros pesquisadores especialistas, decidiu-se analisar os aspectos mais característicos do processo estratégico, sendo eles: os territoriais, os econômicos e os de governabilidade. Esta pesquisa ’e um estudo de casos. Para realizá-lo, foram escolhidos dois estudos de campo (Dubai e Cingapura) e além de consultas com especialistas multidisciplinares, cujas informações e colaborações foram analisadas por um sistema de analise de realidades complexas, explicado na parte conceitual dessa tese. Os resultados do estudo dos casos de Dubai e Cingapura mostra como as ações urbanoterritoriais que foram realizadas em ambas cidades e em seus territórios circundantes são resultado do uso do planejamento estratégico em prol de uma melhor localização no contexto global. Assim, através da análise das assimetrias e da relação entre o processo, os estudos de caso e o contexto global, identifica-se e esclarece os termos relacionados com as cidades globais referentes, consolidadas e emergentes. Também, no arcabouço conceitual correlacionase e esclarecem-se os processos econômicos, territoriais e de governabilidade, identificando as responsabilidades das instituições, agências, agentes e atores (públicos e privados), que iniciam e gerenciam tanto o plano estratégico, como os processos derivados. A análise cruzada dos resultados demonstra a relação entre o planejamento estratégico, o planejamento urbano-territorial, a gestão econômica e a governabilidade. A pesquisa é capaz de identificar as assimetrias produzidas durante a implementação de um plano estratégico, para que depois da análise do sistema de realidades complexas, essas assimetrias possam ser resolvidas. ABSTRACT Globalization, in recent decades, has had a wide impact and influence on the evolution of the processes involved in the urban planning management. This influence has been particularly notable in the formation processes for the Global Cities (GC). However, within the current processes, even in those started decades ago, discrepancies are found between the urbanterritorial models and their relation to the processes of formation for the CG. This is because each territory, or CG, has not followed a uniform process; although, each process has been adapted through the business model of the "Strategic Planning" (SP) to serve and enhance the most unique characteristics of each urban territory, until reaching the ambitious global leadership positions. Therefore, the success of SP is based on simplifying the complexity of the models and actors involved in the processes of formation of the GCs and territories. This research aims to analyze the value of SP as a process for the urban and territorial management; intended to clarify both models and elements of which it is composed. And, for so, identify the relationships that occur between them. For reasons related to the required limits of all research, and through the support of this research by both the tutor and the consulted outside experts, has agreed to analyze the most characteristic aspects of the strategic process, which are: territory, economy and governance. This research was conducted through the use of the case study methodology; by a process of information collection of two field studies, Singapore and Dubai, with similarities in both the process and the results; and through consultation with a variety of multidisciplinary experts. Whose information and input has been articulated and processed by the use of a system prepared for the complex analysis of realities presented in the research’s conceptual framework. Thus, analyzing the asymmetries and relationship between the results of the study cases of Singapore and Dubai, have shown how the urban-territorial actions, which have been carried out in both cities and in their surrounding territories, are the result of the use of the strategic planning process for the benefit of a better position with respect to the global context. Meanwhile, along the conceptual framework correlates and clarifies the territorial, economic and governance processes, identifying responsibilities between the institutions, agencies, agents and actors (public and private) that initiate and manage both strategic planning and processes derived from it. Finally, the cross-analysis of the results shows the relationship between strategic planning, urban and territorial planning, economic management and governance. Being able to identify and eliminate the asymmetries produced during the implementation of a strategic planning for the formation of a Global City.