8 resultados para Balaguer
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
This paper describes a case study in WCET analysis of an on-board spacecraft software system. The attitude control system of UPMSat-2, an experimental micro-satellite which is scheduled to be launched in 2013, is used for an experiment on analysing the worst-case execution time of code automatically generated from a Simulink model. In order to properly test the code, a hardware-in-the-loop configuration with a simulation model of the spacecraft environment has been used as a test bench. The code has been analysed with RapiTime, with some modifications to the original instrumentation routines, in order to take into account the particularities of the test configuration. Results from the experiment are described and commented in the paper.
En el presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado se abordan diferentes aspectos del diseño, implementación y vericación de un sistema de tiempo real de características especiales, el satélite UPMSat-2. Este proyecto, llevado a cabo por un grupo de trabajo formado por profesores, alumnos y personal de la Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM), tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un microsatélite como plataforma de demostración tecnológica en órbita. Parte de este grupo de trabajo es el Grupo de Sistemas de Tiempo Real y Arquitectura de Servicios Telemáticos (STRAST), del cual el alumno forma parte y que tiene a cargo el diseño e implementación tanto del software de abordo como del software de tierra. Dentro de estas asignaciones, el alumno ha trabajado en tres aspectos principales: el diseño e implementación de diferentes manejadores de dispositivos, el diseño de un algoritmo para la gestión de la memoria no volátil y la configuración y prueba de un sistema de validación de software para un subsistema del satélite. Tanto la memoria de estas tareas como las bases y fundamentos tecnológicos aplicados se desarrollan en el documento. ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diferent aspects of the design, implementation and validation of an specific Real Time System, the UPMSat-2 satellite, are described in this final report. UPMSat-2 project is aimed at developing an experimental microsatellite that can be used as a technology demonstrator for several research groups at UPM. The Real-Time Systems Group at UPM (STRAST) is responsible for designing and building all the on-board and ground-segment software for the satellite. In relation to this, three main task have been carried out and are described in this document: the design and implementation of three diferent device drivers, the design of an algorithm to manage the nonvolatile memory and the configuration and test of a software validation facility to test the UPMSat-2 Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS) subsystem. Detailed information of these tasks and their technological basis are presented in the rest of the document.
1. Canopies are complex multilayered structures comprising individual plant crowns exposing a multifaceted surface area to sunlight. Foliage arrangement and properties are the main mediators of canopy functions. The leaves act as light traps whose exposure to sunlight varies with time of the day, date and latitude in a trade-off between photosynthetic light harvesting and excessive or photoinhibitory light avoidance. To date, ecological research based upon leaf sampling has been limited by the available echnology, with which data acquisition becomes labour intensive and time-consuming, given the verwhelming number of leaves involved. 2. In the present study, our goal involved developing a tool capable of easuring a sufficient number of leaves to enable analysis of leaf populations, tree crowns and canopies.We specifically tested whether a cell phone working as a 3Dpointer could yield reliable, repeatable and valid leaf anglemeasurements with a simple gesture. We evaluated the accuracy of this method under controlled conditions, using a 3D digitizer, and we compared performance in the field with the methods commonly used. We presented an equation to estimate the potential proportion of the leaf exposed to direct sunlight (SAL) at any given time and compared the results with those obtained bymeans of a graphicalmethod. 3. We found a strong and highly significant correlation between the graphical methods and the equation presented. The calibration process showed a strong correlation between the results derived from the two methods with amean relative difference below 10%. Themean relative difference in calculation of instantaneous exposure was below 5%. Our device performed equally well in diverse locations, in which we characterized over 700 leaves in a single day. 4. The newmethod, involving the use of a cell phone, ismuchmore effective than the traditionalmethods or digitizers when the goal is to scale up from leaf position to performance of leaf populations, tree crowns or canopies. Our methodology constitutes an affordable and valuable tool within which to frame a wide range of ecological hypotheses and to support canopy modelling approaches.
Como respuesta a a necesidad de modernizar y homogeneizar el proceso de diseño y desarro llo de software par a el segmento de vuelo de sus misiones, la Agencia Espacial Europea puso en marcha en 2004 el proyecto ASSERT El resultado de este proyecto fue una nueva metodología basada en el desarrollo basado en modelo. Posteriormente, la propia Agencia promovió un nuevo proyecto, TASTE, con el objetivo de desarrollar un entorno de desarrollo que permitiera la puesta en práctica de la metodología propuesta en ASSERT. En el presente artículo se describen las principales características de este entorno de desarrollo, así como la experiencia en su uso en el ámbito del proyecto UPMSat-2
La misión UPMSat-2 tiene por objetivo la construcción y el lanzamiento de un microsatélite experimental que sirva como plataforma de educación e investigación en diversos aspectos de la ingeniería de sistemas espaciales. En este artículo se describe la arquitectura y el diséño del software de tiempo real que realiza el control de actitud del satélite. La arquitectura está basada en modelos, y las herramientas utilizadas permiten la validación de las propiedades de tiempo real y la generación de código de forma casi totalmente automática
This paper describes the authors? experience with static analysis of both WCET and stack usage of a satellite on-board software subsystem. The work is a continuation of a previous case study that used a dynamic WCET analysis tool on an earlier version of the same software system. In particular, the AbsInt aiT tool has been evaluated by analysing both C and Ada code generated by Simulink within the UPMSat-2 project. Some aspects of the aiT tool, specifically those dealing with SPARC register windows, are compared to another static analysis tool, Bound-T. The results of the analysis are discussed, and some conclusions on the use of static WCET analysis tools on the SPARC architecture are commented in the paper.
This paper describes some important aspects of high- integrity software development based on the authors' work. Current group research is oriented towards mixed- criticality partitioned systems, development tools, real- time kernels, and language features. The UPMSat-2 satellite software is being used as technology demonstra- tor and a case study for the assessment of the research results. The flight software that will run on the satellite is based on proven technology, such as GNAT/ORK+ and LEON3. There is an experimental version that is being built using a partitioned approach, aiming at assessing a toolset targeting partitioned multi-core em- bedded systems. The singularities of both approaches are discussed, as well as some of the tools that are being used for developing the software.
The continuous increment of processors computational power and the requirements on additional functionality and services are motivating a change in the way embedded systems are built. Components with different criticality level are allocated in the same processor, which give rise to mixed-criticality systems. The use of partitioned systems is a way of preventing undesirable interferences between components with different criticality level. An hypervisor provides these partitions or virtual machines, ensuring spatial, temporal and fault isolation between them. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the development of a mixed-critical system. The attitude control subsystem is used for showing the different steps, which are supported by a toolset developed in the context of the MultiPARTES research project.