41 resultados para BUILT-IN FIELD

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Assuring the sustainability of quality in photovoltaic rural electrification programmes involves enhancing the reliability of the components of solar home systems as well as the characterization of the overall programme cost structure. Batteries and photovoltaic modules have a great impact on both the reliability and the cost assessment, the battery being the weakest component of the solar home system and consequently the most expensive element of the programme. The photovoltaic module, despite being the most reliable component, has a significant impact cost-wise on the initial investment, even at current market prices. This paper focuses on the in-field testing of both batteries and photovoltaic modules working under real operating conditions within a sample of 41 solar home systems belonging to a large photovoltaic rural electrification programme with more than 13,000 installed photovoltaic systems. Different reliability parameters such as lifetime have been evaluated, taking into account different factors, for example energy consumption rates, or the manufacturing quality of batteries. A degradation model has been proposed relating both loss of capacity and time of operation. The user e solar home system binomial is also analysed in order to understand the meaning of battery lifetime in rural electrification.


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Total Ionization Dose (TID) is traditionally measured by radiation sensitive FETs (RADFETs) that require a radiation hardened Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) stage. This work introduces a TID sensor based on a delay path whose propagation time is sensitive to the absorbed radiation. It presents the following advantages: it is a digital sensor able to be integrated in CMOS circuits and programmable systems such as FPGAs; it has a configurable sensitivity that allows to use this device for radiation doses ranging from very low to relatively high levels; its interface helps to integrate this sensor in a multidisciplinary sensor network; it is self-timed, hence it does not need a clock signal that can degrade its accuracy. The sensor has been prototyped in a 0.35μm technology, has an area of 0.047mm2, of which 22% is dedicated to measuring radiation, and an energy per conversion of 463pJ. Experimental irradiation tests have validated the correct response of the proposed TID sensor.


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This paper presents the impact of non-homogeneous deposits of dust on the performance of a PV array. The observations have been made in a 2-MW PV park in the southeast region of Spain. The results are that inhomogeneous dust leads to more significant consequences than the mere short-circuit current reduction resulting from transmittance losses. In particular, when the affected PV modules are part of a string together with other cleaned (or less dusty) ones, operation voltage losses arise. These voltage losses can be several times larger than the short-circuit ones, leading to power losses that can be much larger than what measurements suggest when the PV modules are considered separately. Significant hot-spot phenomena can also arise leading to cells exhibiting temperature differences of more than 20 degrees and thus representing a threat to the PV modules' lifetime.


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The penalty corner is one of the most important goal plays in field hockey. The drag-flick is used less by women than men in a penalty corner. The aim of this study was to describe training-induced changes in the drag-flick technique in female field hockey players. Four female players participated in the study. The VICON optoelectronic system (Oxford Metrics, Oxford, UK) measured the kinematic parameters of the drag-flick with six cameras sampling at 250 Hz, prior to and after training. Fifteen shots were captured for each subject. A Wilcoxon test assessed the differences between pre-training and post-training parameters. Two players received specific training twice a week for 8 weeks; the other two players did not train. The proposed drills improved the position of the stick at the beginning of the shot (p<0.05), the total distance of the shot (p<0.05)and the rotation radius at ball release (p<0.01). It was noted that all players had lost speed of the previous run. Further studies should include a larger sample, in order to provide more information on field hockey performance.


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The project arises from the need to develop improved teaching methodologies in field of the mechanics of continuous media. The objective is to offer the student a learning process to acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge, cognitive skills and the responsibility and autonomy to professional development in this area. Traditionally the teaching of the concepts of these subjects was performed through lectures and laboratory practice. During these lessons the students attitude was usually passive, and therefore their effectiveness was poor. The proposed methodology has already been successfully employed in universities like University Bochum, Germany, University the South Australia and aims to improve the effectiveness of knowledge acquisition through use by the student of a virtual laboratory. This laboratory allows to adapt the curricula and learning techniques to the European Higher Education and improve current learning processes in the University School of Public Works Engineers -EUITOP- of the Technical University of Madrid -UPM-, due there are not laboratories in this specialization. The virtual space is created using a software platform built on OpenSim, manages 3D virtual worlds, and, language LSL -Linden Scripting Language-, which imprints specific powers to objects. The student or user can access this virtual world through their avatar -your character in the virtual world- and can perform practices within the space created for the purpose, at any time, just with computer with internet access and viewfinder. The virtual laboratory has three partitions. The virtual meeting rooms, where the avatar can interact with peers, solve problems and exchange existing documentation in the virtual library. The interactive game room, where the avatar is has to resolve a number of issues in time. And the video room where students can watch instructional videos and receive group lessons. Each audiovisual interactive element is accompanied by explanations framing it within the area of knowledge and enables students to begin to acquire a vocabulary and practice of the profession for which they are being formed. Plane elasticity concepts are introduced from the tension and compression testing of test pieces of steel and concrete. The behavior of reticulated and articulated structures is reinforced by some interactive games and concepts of tension, compression, local and global buckling will by tests to break articulated structures. Pure bending concepts, simple and composite torsion will be studied by observing a flexible specimen. Earthquake resistant design of buildings will be checked by a laboratory test video.


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La arquitectura china ha experimentado grandes cambios a lo largo de un extenso proceso histórico. El hito de mayor importancia es el que da paso al denominado Tiempo Moderno, periodo en el cual irrumpe por vez primera en China la arquitectura occidental, que comienza a tener una influencia muy activa y significativa sobre los rasgos y la identidad de la arquitectura tradicional china, hasta ese momento el único estilo o forma de hacer –muy diferente, en cuanto a su concepción y fisonomía, de los planteamientos occidentales- que había sobrevivido sin desvíos significativos, configurando un panorama milenario bastante homogéneo en los aspectos técnicos y artísticos en el desarrollo de esa arquitectura. Por un cúmulo de complejas razones, la mayor parte de la arquitectura china del periodo feudal -es decir el que forman todos los años anteriores a 1849- ha desaparecido. Sin embargo, desde la fecha indicada hasta la Revolución de 1949 (el denominado periodo semicolonial o semifeudal), sí se conservan muchas edificaciones, que fueron mejor construidas y mantenidas luego, destacando por su importancia en ese sentido las iglesias cristianas. Dichos templos representan cronológicamente, no sólo la primera irrupción de la arquitectura clásica occidental en China, sino el inicio de un proceso de modernización de la profundamente enraizada y, en buena medida, estancada arquitectura vernácula, combinando técnicas y estilos de ambos planteamientos, para dar como resultado originales edificaciones de un singular eclecticismo que caracterizarían buena parte de la arquitectura de dicha etapa semicolonial. En términos generales, últimamente se ha ido prestando cada vez más atención a esta arquitectura de los tiempos modernos, aunque las iglesias cristianas de la provincia de Shaanxi no han sido objeto de estudio específico, a pesar de que su tipología es muy representativa de las construcciones de esta clase en otras regiones del interior de China. La investigación que desarrolla la presente tesis doctoral sale al paso de esa deficiencia, abriendo puertas a la continuación del trabajo referido, extendido a otras zonas o arquitecturas, y, por extensión, a la profundización analítica de la hibridación arquitectónica y cultural entre China y Occidente. Sobre las bases de investigación documental, estudios de campo y dibujo, la tesis plantea un estudio aclaratorio de los rasgos y raíces de la arquitectura tradicional china, al que sigue otro histórico y tipológico de los templos cristianos en la provincia de Shaanxi, deteniéndose en sus características fundamentales, situación (uso) actual y estado de conservación. Se ha considerado imprescindible añadir al trabajo, como apéndice, un elaborado glosario conceptual ilustrado de términos básicos arquitectónicos y constructivos, en chino, inglés y español. ABSTRACT The Chinese architecture has gone through great changes during the long process of history. The tremendous changing period was the named Modern Times of China when, for the very first time, the western architecture was introduced into China and became to influence majorly on the traditional Chinese architecture. Before that, the traditional Chinese architecture which has its own, yet totally different system from the occidental architecture system was the only architectural style could be found in China. Although, due to many historical, conceptual and architectural characteristic reasons, large amount of the ancient Chinese architecture built in the feudal China was not preserved, there are a lot of buildings of semi-feudal China that was well constructed and conserved. The most important architectural type of the semi-feudal China is the Christian Churches. It was not only the first western architectural form that was brought into and well developed in China, but also was the beginner of the modernization process of Chinese architecture. Because of the deep root of the 2000-year traditional Chinese architecture, all the Christian Churches built in China during the semi-colonial society has a combined style of both the traditional Chinese architecture and the classic western churches. They are a priceless asset of the Chinese architectural history. Recently, more and more attention had been paid on the Chinese Modern Times architecture, however, the Christian Churches in Shaanxi Province, the province which has a unique history with the Christian, but less economically developed have never been researched yet. The Christian Churches of Shaanxi Province reflect the general feature of developing history of the Christian Churches of common inner-land regions in China. The research opens the door to further study on other Christian Churches and related buildings, and also for the further study on the Chinese-western architectural and culture communication. On the base of document research, field survey and mapping, in this thesis, an in-depth study had been done on the general history of the features and roots of the traditional Chinese architecture, the developing history of the Christian Churches of Shaanxi Province and the architectural types, examples, characteristics, present situation and conservation status. By comparing the Christian Churches of the cities in Shaanxi province to the Christian Churches in other more developed cities, and by comparing the Christian Churches in China to the classic western churches, the architectural combination feature of the Christian Churches in China are highlighted. The thesis is a fundamental research on which many further studies about the architectural developing history, characteristics and conservation of the Christian Churches in China could be done. It is considered essential to add to the work, as an appendix, an elaborate conceptual illustrated glossary of architectural and construction terms in Chinese, English and Spanish.


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Multi-stacked InAs/AlGaAs quantum dot solar cells (QDSCs) introduced with field damping layers (FDL) which sustain the junction built-in potential have been studied. Without an external bias condition, the external quantum efficiency (EQE) of QD layers are reduced by introducing the thick FDL, because the carrier escape due to built-in electric field was suppressed. On the other hand, the photocurrent production due to two-step absorption is increased by the formation of flat-band QD structure for QDSC with thick FDL.


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Frequency Response Analysis is a well-known technique for the diagnosis of power transformers. Currently, this technique is under research for its application in rotary electrical machines. This paper presents significant results on the application of Frequency Response Analysis to fault detection in field winding of synchronous machines with static excitation. First, the influence of the rotor position on the frequency response is evaluated. Secondly, some relevant test results are shown regarding ground fault and inter-turn fault detection in field windings at standstill condition. The influence of the fault resistance value is also taken into account. This paper also studies the applicability of Frequency Response Analysis in fault detection in field windings while rotating. This represents an important feature because some defects only appear with the machine rated speed. Several laboratory test results show the applicability of this fault detection technique in field windings at full speed with no excitation current.


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El objetivo de esta tesis es el desarrollo de un sistema completo de navegación, aprendizaje y planificación para un robot móvil. Dentro de los innumerables problemas que este gran objetivo plantea, hemos dedicado especial atención al problema del conocimiento autónomo del mundo. Nuestra mayor preocupación ha sido la de establecer mecanismos que permitan, a partir de información sensorial cruda, el desarrollo incremental de un modelo topológico del entorno en el que se mueve el robot. Estos mecanismos se apoyan invariablemente en un nuevo concepto propuesto en esta tesis: el gradiente sensorial. El gradiente sensorial es un dispositivo matemático que funciona como un detector de sucesos interesantes para el sistema. Una vez detectado uno de estos sucesos, el robot puede identificar su situación en un mapa topológico y actuar en consecuencia. Hemos denominado a estas situaciones especiales lugares sensorialmente relevantes, ya que (a) captan la atención del sistema y (b) pueden ser identificadas utilizando la información sensorial. Para explotar convenientemente los modelos construidos, hemos desarrollado un algoritmo capaz de elaborar planes internalizados, estableciendo una red de sugerencias en los lugares sensorialmente relevantes, de modo que el robot encuentra en estos puntos una dirección recomendada de navegación. Finalmente, hemos implementado un sistema de navegación robusto con habilidades para interpretar y adecuar los planes internalizados a las circunstancias concretas del momento. Nuestro sistema de navegación está basado en la teoría de campos de potencial artificial, a la que hemos incorporado la posibilidad de añadir cargas ficticias como ayuda a la evitación de mínimos locales. Como aportación adicional de esta tesis al campo genérico de la ciencia cognitiva, todos estos elementos se integran en una arquitectura centrada en la memoria, lo que pretende resaltar la importancia de ésta en los procesos cognitivos de los seres vivos y aporta un giro conceptual al punto de vista tradicional, centrado en los procesos. The general objective of this thesis is the development of a global navigation system endowed with planning and learning features for a mobile robot. Within this general objective we have devoted a special effort to the autonomous learning problem. Our main concern has been to establish the necessary mechanisms for the incremental development of a topological model of the robot’s environment using the sensory information. These mechanisms are based on a new concept proposed in the thesis: the sensory gradient. The sensory gradient is a mathematical device which works like a detector of “interesting” environment’s events. Once a particular event has been detected the robot can identify its situation in the topological map and to react accordingly. We have called these special situations relevant sensory places because (a) they capture the system’s attention and (b) they can be identified using the sensory information. To conveniently exploit the built-in models we have developed an algorithm able to make internalized plans, establishing a suggestion network in the sensory relevant places in such way that the robot can find at those places a recommended navigation direction. It has been also developed a robust navigation system able to navigate by means of interpreting and adapting the internalized plans to the concrete circumstances at each instant, i.e. a reactive navigation system. This reactive system is based on the artificial potential field approach with the additional feature introduced in the thesis of what we call fictitious charges as an aid to avoid local minima. As a general contribution of the thesis to the cognitive science field all the above described elements are integrated in a memory-based architecture, emphasizing the important role played by the memory in the cognitive processes of living beings and giving a conceptual turn in the usual process-based approach.


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Starting from the inaugural text of Philibert de L'Orme, stereotomic treatises and manuscripts are subject to the opposing forces of reason and fancy. The Nativity Chapel in Burgos Cathedral provides an outstanding case study on this subject. It was built in 1571-1582 by Martín de Bérriz and Martín de la Haya, using an oval vault resting on trumpet squinches to span a rectangular bay. Bed joints and rib axes are not planar curves, as usual in oval vaults. This warping is not capricious; we shall argue that it is the outcome of a systematic tracing method. As a result of this process, the slope of the bed joints increases slightly in the first courses, but stays fairly constant after the third course; this solution prevents the upper courses from slipping. Thus, in the Nativity Chapel of Burgos Cathedral, the constraints of masonry construction fostered a singular solution verging on capriccio. It is also worthwhile to remark that the warping of the joints is not easily appreciable to the eye and that the tracing process does not seem to start from a previous conception of the resulting form. All this suggests that we should be quite careful when talking about the whimsical character of Late Gothic and Early Renaissance; in some occasions, apparent caprice is the offspring of practical thinking.


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The inner oval dome of the Basílica de la Virgen los Desamparados, built in 1701, is one of the most slender masonry vaults ever built. It is a tile dome with a total thickness of 80 mm and a main span of 18.50 m. It was built without centering with great ingenuity and economy of means, thirty three years after the termination of the building in 1667. The dome is in contact with the external dome only in the inferior part with the projecting ribs of the intrados, the lunettes of the windows, and, in the upper part, through 126 inclined iron bars. This unique construction was revealed in the 1990's in the studies previous to the restoration of the Basílica, and has given rise to different theories about the mode of construction and the structural behaviour and safety of the dome. The present contribution aims to provide a plausible hypothesis about the mode of construction and to explain the safety of the inner dome which has stood, without need of repairs or reinforcement, for 300 hundred years.


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Although there has been a lot of interest in recognizing and understanding air traffic control (ATC) speech, none of the published works have obtained detailed field data results. We have developed a system able to identify the language spoken and recognize and understand sentences in both Spanish and English. We also present field results for several in-tower controller positions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that field ATC speech (not simulated) is captured, processed, and analyzed. The use of stochastic grammars allows variations in the standard phraseology that appear in field data. The robust understanding algorithm developed has 95% concept accuracy from ATC text input. It also allows changes in the presentation order of the concepts and the correction of errors created by the speech recognition engine improving it by 17% and 25%, respectively, absolute in the percentage of fully correctly understood sentences for English and Spanish in relation to the percentages of fully correctly recognized sentences. The analysis of errors due to the spontaneity of the speech and its comparison to read speech is also carried out. A 96% word accuracy for read speech is reduced to 86% word accuracy for field ATC data for Spanish for the "clearances" task confirming that field data is needed to estimate the performance of a system. A literature review and a critical discussion on the possibilities of speech recognition and understanding technology applied to ATC speech are also given.


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Advanced wheat lines carrying the Hessian fly resistance gene H27 were obtained by backcrossing the wheat/Aegilops ventricosa introgression line, H-93-33, to commercial wheat cultivars as recurrent parents. The Acph-N v 1 marker linked to the gene H27 on the 4Nv chromosome of this line was used for marker assisted selection. Advanced lines were evaluated for Hessian fly resistance in field and growth chamber tests, and for other agronomic traits during several crop seasons at different localities of Spain. The hessian fly resistance levels of lines carrying the 4Nv chromosome introgression (4D/4Nv substitution and recombination lines that previously were classified by in situ hybridisation) were high, but always lower than that of their Ae. ventricosa progenitor. Introgression lines had higher grain yields in infested field trials than those without the 4Nv chromosome and their susceptible parents, but lower grain yields under high yield potential conditions. The 4Nv introgression was also associated with later heading, and lower tiller and grain numbers/m2 . In addition, it was associated with longer and more lax spikes, and higher values of grain weight and grain protein content. However, the glutenin and gliadin expression, as well as the bread-making performance, were similar to those of their recurrent parents


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In this paper, vehicle-track interaction for a new slab track design, conceived to reduce noise and vibration levels has been analyzed, assessing the derailment risk for trains running on curved track when encountering a broken rail. Two different types of rail fastening systems with different elasticities have been analysed and compared. Numerical methods were used in order to simulate the dynamic behaviour of the train-track interaction. Multibody system (MBS) modelling techniques were combined with techniques based on the finite element method (FEM). MBS modelling was used for modelling the vehicle and FEM for simulating the elastic track. The simulation model was validated by comparing simulated results to experimental data obtained in field testing. During the simulations various safety indices, characteristic of derailment risk, were analysed. The simulations realised at the maximum running velocity of 110 km/h showed a similar behaviour for several track types. When reducing the running speed, the safety indices worsened for both cases. Although the worst behaviour was observed for the track with a greater elasticity, in none of the simulations did a derailment occur when running over the broken rail.


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A generic bio-inspired adaptive architecture for image compression suitable to be implemented in embedded systems is presented. The architecture allows the system to be tuned during its calibration phase. An evolutionary algorithm is responsible of making the system evolve towards the required performance. A prototype has been implemented in a Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA featuring an adaptive wavelet transform core directed at improving image compression for specific types of images. An Evolution Strategy has been chosen as the search algorithm and its typical genetic operators adapted to allow for a hardware friendly implementation. HW/SW partitioning issues are also considered after a high level description of the algorithm is profiled which validates the proposed resource allocation in the device fabric. To check the robustness of the system and its adaptation capabilities, different types of images have been selected as validation patterns. A direct application of such a system is its deployment in an unknown environment during design time, letting the calibration phase adjust the system parameters so that it performs efcient image compression. Also, this prototype implementation may serve as an accelerator for the automatic design of evolved transform coefficients which are later on synthesized and implemented in a non-adaptive system in the final implementation device, whether it is a HW or SW based computing device. The architecture has been built in a modular way so that it can be easily extended to adapt other types of image processing cores. Details on this pluggable component point of view are also given in the paper.