24 resultados para BRAKING CATASTROPHE

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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An important goal in the field of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) is to provide driving aids aimed at preventing accidents and reducing the number of traffic victims. The commonest traffic accidents in urban areas are due to sudden braking that demands a very fast response on the part of drivers. Attempts to solve this problem have motivated many ITS advances including the detection of the intention of surrounding cars using lasers, radars or cameras. However, this might not be enough to increase safety when there is a danger of collision. Vehicle to vehicle communications are needed to ensure that the other intentions of cars are also available. The article describes the development of a controller to perform an emergency stop via an electro-hydraulic braking system employed on dry asphalt. An original V2V communication scheme based on WiFi cards has been used for broadcasting positioning information to other vehicles. The reliability of the scheme has been theoretically analyzed to estimate its performance when the number of vehicles involved is much higher. This controller has been incorporated into the AUTOPIA program control for automatic cars. The system has been implemented in Citroën C3 Pluriel, and various tests were performed to evaluate its operation.


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The structural continuity of fully integral bridges entails many advantages and some drawbacks. Among the latter, the cyclic expansions and contractions of the deck caused by seasonal thermal variations impose alternating displacements at the piers and abutments, with effects that may be difficult to establish reliably. The advantages include easier construction and cheaper maintenance but, especially, horizontal loads can be transmitted to the ground in a much better way than in conventional bridges. This paper first presents a methodology for dealing with the problems that the cyclic displacements imposed raise at the abutments and at the bridge piers. At the former, large pressures may develop, possibly accompanied by undesirable surface settlements. At the latter, the degree of cracking and the ability to carry the specified loads may be in question. Having quantified the drawbacks, simplified but realistic analyses are conducted of the response of an integral bridge to braking and seismic loads. It is shown that integral bridges constitute an excellent alternative in the context of the requirements posed by new high-speed railway lines.


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SSome factors including the deregulation in the U.S and the liberalization in Europe of the airline industry are essential to understanding why the number of partnership agreements between airlines has increased during the last 25 years. These events, coupled with the continuous economic downturn and the 9/11 catastrophe seem to be the perfect framework for the tendency to develop airline strategic alliances. However, it has been observed that this trend was not followed during the period 2005-2008. The purpose of this paper is to analyze if a benefit was experienced by the major airlines who became a member of the current 3 big alliances compared to the major airlines that decided not to become a member or were not admitted into the alliances during 2005-2008. The methodology of this report includes an analysis of several airlines’ performance figures. These performance figures include the revenue passenger kilometers (RPKs), the passenger load factor (PLF) and also the market share (MS). The figures will be compared between the aligned airlines and others which have similar business models. The value of this paper is to reveal whether being aligned provides advantages to major airlines under a bearish airline market in a globalized environment.


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To study the fluid motion-vehicle dynamics interaction, a model of four, liquid filled two-axle container freight wagons was set up. The railway vehicle has been modelled as a multi-body system (MBS). To include fluid sloshing, an equivalent mechanical model has been developed and incorporated. The influence of several factors has been studied in computer simulations, such as track defects, curve negotiation, train velocity, wheel wear, liquid and solid wagonload, and container baffles. SIMPACK has been used for MBS analysis, and ANSYS for liquid sloshing modelling and equivalent mechanical systems validation. Acceleration and braking manoeuvres of the freight train set the liquid cargo into motion. This longitudinal sloshing motion of the fluid cargo inside the tanks initiated a swinging motion of some components of the coupling gear. The coupling gear consists of UIC standard traction hooks and coupling screws that are located between buffers. One of the coupling screws is placed in the traction hook of the opposite wagon thus joining the two wagons, whereas the unused coupling screw rests on a hanger. Simulation results showed that, for certain combinations of type of liquid, filling level and container dimensions, the liquid cargo could provoke an undesirable, although not hazardous, release of the unused coupling screw from its hanger. The coupling screw's release was especially obtained when a period of acceleration was followed by an abrupt braking manoeuvre at 1 m/s2. It was shown that a resonance effect between the liquid's oscillation and the coupling screw's rotary motion could be the reason for the coupling screw's undesired release. Possible solutions to avoid the phenomenon are given.Acceleration and braking manoeuvres of the freight train set the liquid cargo into motion. This longitudinal sloshing motion of the fluid cargo inside the tanks initiated a swinging motion of some components of the coupling gear. The coupling gear consists of UIC standard traction hooks and coupling screws that are located between buffers. One of the coupling screws is placed in the traction hook of the opposite wagon thus joining the two wagons, whereas the unused coupling screw rests on a hanger. This paper reports on a study of the fluid motion-train vehicle dynamics interaction. In the study, a model of four, liquid-filled two-axle container freight wagons was developed. The railway vehicle has been modeled as a multi-body system (MBS). To include fluid sloshing, an equivalent mechanical model has been developed and incorporated. The influence of several factors has been studied in computer simulations, such as track defects, curve negotiation, train velocity, wheel wear, liquid and solid wagonload, and container baffles. A simulation program was used for MBS analysis, and a finite element analysis program was used for liquid sloshing modeling and equivalent mechanical systems validation. Acceleration and braking maneuvers of the freight train set the liquid cargo into motion. This longitudinal sloshing motion of the fluid cargo inside the tanks initiated a swinging motion of some components of the coupling gear. Simulation results showed that, for certain combinations of type of liquid, filling level and container dimensions, the liquid cargo could provoke an undesirable, although not hazardous, release of an unused coupling screw from its hanger. It was shown that a resonance effect between the liquid's oscillation and the coupling screw's rotary motion could be the reason for the coupling screw's undesired release. Solutions are suggested to avoid the resonance problem, and directions for future research are given.


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Tras el devastador terremoto del 12 de enero de 2010 en Puerto Príncipe, Haití, las autoridades locales, numerosas ONGs y organismos nacionales e internacionales están trabajando en el desarrollo de estrategias para minimizar el elevado riesgo sísmico existente en el país. Para ello es necesario, en primer lugar, estimar dicho riesgo asociado a eventuales terremotos futuros que puedan producirse, evaluando el grado de pérdidas que podrían generar, para dimensionar la catástrofe y actuar en consecuencia, tanto en lo referente a medidas preventivas como a adopción de planes de emergencia. En ese sentido, este Trabajo Fin de Master aporta un análisis detallado del riesgo sísmico asociado a un futuro terremoto que podría producirse con probabilidad razonable, causando importantes daños en Puerto Príncipe. Se propone para ello una metodología de cálculo del riesgo adaptada a los condicionantes de la zona, con modelos calibrados empleando datos del sismo de 2010. Se ha desarrollado en el marco del proyecto de cooperación Sismo-Haití, financiado por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, que comenzó diez meses después del terremoto de 2010 como respuesta a una petición de ayuda del gobierno haitiano. El cálculo del riesgo requiere la consideración de dos inputs: la amenaza sísmica o movimiento esperado por el escenario definido (sismo de cierta magnitud y localización) y los elementos expuestos a esta amenaza (una clasificación del parque inmobiliario en diferentes tipologías constructivas, así como su vulnerabilidad). La vulnerabilidad de estas tipologías se describe por medio de funciones de daño: espectros de capacidad, que representan su comportamiento ante las fuerzas horizontales motivadas por los sismos, y curvas de fragilidad, que representan la probabilidad de que las estructuras sufran daños al alcanzar el máximo desplazamiento horizontal entre plantas debido a la mencionada fuerza horizontal. La metodología que se propone especifica determinadas pautas y criterios para estimar el movimiento, asignar la vulnerabilidad y evaluar el daño, cubriendo los tres estados del proceso. Por una parte, se consideran diferentes modelos de movimiento fuerte incluyendo el efecto local, y se identifican los que mejor ajustan a las observaciones de 2010. Por otra se clasifica el parque inmobiliario en diferentes tipologías constructivas, en base a la información extraída en una campaña de campo y utilizando además una base de datos aportada por el Ministerio de Obras Públicas de Haití. Ésta contiene información relevante de todos los edificios de la ciudad, resultando un total de 6 tipologías. Finalmente, para la estimación del daño se aplica el método capacidad-demanda implementado en el programa SELENA (Molina et al., 2010). En primer lugar, utilizado los datos de daño del terremoto de 2010, se ha calibrado el modelo propuesto de cálculo de riesgo sísmico: cuatro modelos de movimiento fuerte, tres modelos de tipo de suelo y un conjunto de funciones de daño. Finalmente, con el modelo calibrado, se ha simulado un escenario sísmico determinista correspondiente a un posible terremoto con epicentro próximo a Puerto Príncipe. Los resultados muestran que los daños estructurales serán considerables y podrán llevar a pérdidas económicas y humanas que causen un gran impacto en el país, lo que pone de manifiesto la alta vulnerabilidad estructural existente. Este resultado será facilitado a las autoridades locales, constituyendo una base sólida para toma de decisiones y adopción de políticas de prevención y mitigación del riesgo. Se recomienda dirigir esfuerzos hacia la reducción de la vulnerabilidad estructural - mediante refuerzo de edificios vulnerables y adopción de una normativa sismorresistente- y hacia el desarrollo de planes de emergencia. Abstract After the devastating 12 January 2010 earthquake that hit the city of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, strategies to minimize the high seismic risk are being developed by local authorities, NGOs, and national and international institutions. Two important tasks to reach this objective are, on the one hand, the evaluation of the seismic risk associated to possible future earthquakes in order to know the dimensions of the catastrophe; on the other hand, the design of preventive measures and emergency plans to minimize the consequences of such events. In this sense, this Master Thesis provides a detailed estimation of the damage that a possible future earthquake will cause in Port-au-Prince. A methodology to calculate the seismic risk is proposed, adapted to the study area conditions. This methodology has been calibrated using data from the 2010 earthquake. It has been conducted in the frame of the Sismo-Haiti cooperative project, supported by the Technical University of Madrid, which started ten months after the 2010 earthquake as an answer to an aid call of the Haitian government. The seismic risk calculation requires two inputs: the seismic hazard (expected ground motion due to a scenario earthquake given by magnitude and location) and the elements exposed to the hazard (classification of the building stock into building typologies, as well as their vulnerability). This vulnerability is described through the damage functions: capacity curves, which represent the structure performance against the horizontal forces caused by the seisms; and fragility curves, which represent the probability of damage as the structure reaches the maximum spectral displacement due to the horizontal force. The proposed methodology specifies certain guidelines and criteria to estimate the ground motion, assign the vulnerability, and evaluate the damage, covering the whole process. Firstly, different ground motion prediction equations including the local effect are considered, and the ones that have the best correlation with the observations of the 2010 earthquake, are identified. Secondly, the classification of building typologies is made by using the information collected during a field campaign, as well as a data base provided by the Ministry of Public Works of Haiti. This data base contains relevant information about all the buildings in the city, leading to a total of 6 different typologies. Finally, the damage is estimated using the capacity-spectrum method as implemented in the software SELENA (Molina et al., 2010). Data about the damage caused by the 2010 earthquake have been used to calibrate the proposed calculation model: different choices of ground motion relationships, soil models, and damage functions. Then, with the calibrated model, a deterministic scenario corresponding to an epicenter close to Port-au-Prince has been simulated. The results show high structural damage, and therefore, they point out the high structural vulnerability in the city. Besides, the economic and human losses associated to the damage would cause a great impact in the country. This result will be provided to the Haitian Government, constituting a scientific base for decision making and for the adoption of measures to prevent and mitigate the seismic risk. It is highly recommended to drive efforts towards the quality control of the new buildings -through reinforcement and construction according to a seismic code- and the development of emergency planning.


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All-terrain robot locomotion is an active topic of research. Search and rescue maneuvers and exploratory missions could benefit from robots with the abilities of real animals. However, technological barriers exist to ultimately achieving the actuation system, which is able to meet the exigent requirements of these robots. This paper describes the locomotioncontrol of a leg prototype, designed and developed to make a quadruped walk dynamically while exhibiting compliant interaction with the environment. The actuation system of the leg is based on the hybrid use of series elasticity and magneto-rheological dampers, which provide variable compliance for natural-looking motion and improved interaction with the ground. The locomotioncontrol architecture has been proposed to exploit natural leg dynamics in order to improve energy efficiency. Results show that the controller achieves a significant reduction in energy consumption during the leg swing phase thanks to the exploitation of inherent leg dynamics. Added to this, experiments with the real leg prototype show that the combined use of series elasticity and magneto-rheologicaldamping at the knee provide a 20 % reduction in the energy wasted in braking the knee during its extension in the leg stance phase.


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Currently, vehicles are often equipped with active safety systems to reduce the risk of accidents, most of which occur in urban environments. The most prominent include Antilock Braking Systems (ABS), Traction Control and Stability Control. All these systems use different kinds of sensors to constantly monitor the conditions of the vehicle, and act in an emergency. In this paper the use of ultrasonic sensors in active safety systems for urban traffic is proposed, and the advantages and disadvantages when compared to other sensors are discussed. Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) for urban traffic based on ultrasounds is presented as an application example. The proposed system has been implemented in a fully-automated prototype vehicle and has been tested under real traffic conditions. The results confirm the good performance of ultrasonic sensors in these systems. ©2011 by the authors.


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Après le séisme qui eut lieu en Haïti le 12 janvier 2010, dont l’épicentre a été localisé non loin de la capitale, Port-au-Prince (25 km en direction sud-est), d’une magnitude Mw 7.0 et à une profondeur de 13 km, le pays s’est retrouvé dans une situation catastrophique et d’extrême pauvreté, avec des graves carences en matière de santé, nutrition, éducation et logement. Les effets du tremblement de terre ont été dévastateurs pour la population : on compte plus de 300.000 morts, presque autant de blessés et 1,3 millions de sans-abri logès dans des campements « provisoires ». Quant aux conséquences matérielles, le séisme a totalement détruit près de 100.000 maisons et endommagé près de 200.000 (source : USGS). Ce tremblement de terre a été le plus fort enregistré dans la zone depuis 1770. De plus le séisme fut perceptible dans des pays voisins comme Cuba, la Jamaïque et la République Dominicaine, où il a provoqué l’alarme et des évacuations préventives. La reconstruction du pays reste un sujet prioritaire pour la coopération internationale. Le présent projet, SISMO-HAITÍ, a été développé dans le but d’apporter la connaissance et l’information nécessaires afin de faciliter la prise de mesures préventives face au risque sismique existant, afin d’éviter qu’un éventuel futur séisme ne déclenche une nouvelle catastrophe. Dans le cas d’Haïti, aucune institution n’était chargée d’assurer une surveillance sismique, mais un contact direct a été établi avec l’Observatoire National de l’Environnement et de la Vulnérabilité (ONEV) en Haïti à travers son directeur Dwinel Belizaire Ing. M. Sc., qui est précisément celui qui a sollicité l’aide qui a motivé la présente proposition. Le but ultime de ce projet est l’étude des mesures d’atténuation du risque élevé qui demeure, contribuant ainsi au développement durable de la région. Dans cette optique, la menace sismique en Haïti a été évaluée, constituant la base sur laquelle on prétend élaborer des critères de conception parasismique pour la reconstruction du pays qui pourront être inclus dans la première version de la norme antisismique, ainsi que le risque sismique à Port-au-Prince, dont les résultats serviront de base pour élaborer les plans d’urgence face à ce risque naturel. Les objectifs spécifiques atteints sont : • Évaluation de l'aléa sismique en Haïti. On en obtient des cartes de différents paramètres de mouvement pour différentes probabilités de dépassement (ce qui suppose connaître la probabilité associée aux mouvements dus à des tremblements futurs). • Évaluation de l'effet local à Port-au-Prince et élaboration d'une carte de microzonage de la ville. • Étude de la vulnérabilité sismique locale à Port-au-Prince. • Estimation du risque sismique à Port-au-Prince. • Mesures d'atténuation du risque et de conception parasismique. Ce rapport résume les activités et les résultats obtenus a cours de l'année 2011 lors de la mise en œuvre de ce projet. Le groupe de travail est une équipe multidisciplinaire composée de chercheurs de différents établissements universitaires et de recherche (Université Polytechnique de Madrid-UPM-, Conseil Supérieur de la Recherche Scientifique (CSIC) ; U. Complutense de Madrid-UCM-, U-UA-Alicante, Almeria-UAL-U., U. Autonome de Saint-Domingue, UASD et Université de Porto Rico Mayagüez--UPRM) experts dans les diverses matières impliquées dans le projet: géologie, sismologie, génie parasismique, architecture et gestion de l'information géographique. Tous les membres de cette équipe ont travaillé ensemble tout au long de l'année, en réalisant des réunions, des ateliers de travail, des vidéoconférences, en plus d'une visite à Port-au-Prince en Juillet 2011 afin de procéder à la première collecte de données.


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El siguiente trabajo presenta un desarrollo innovador de un Robot de Inspección de Tuberías, el cual fue diseñado para operación de Tuberías Verticales (RETOV Robot de operación en tuberías Verticales (siglas en Español)). Cuando RETOV es usado para inspeccionar pozos petroleros, puede ser controlado desde la superficie, esto permite al operador la inspección y monitoreo del pozo. Esto es efectuado a través de una interfaz de usuario que controla el Robot. RETOV fue diseñado con anillos articulados que abrazan la tubería, un nuevo sistema de amortiguación y ruedas móviles brinda la posibilidad de navegar y evitar obstáculos en la tubería realizando tres tipos de movimientos: rotación, traslación y helicoidal. Adicionalmente RETOV fue diseñado para realizar inspección entre dos tuberías(la tubería de producción y el pozo petrolero), con un sistema de seguridad y una estructura liviana, RETOV puede ser equipado con sensores para medir las variables de interés en el pozo. El diseño de la mecánica y el programa de control, la instrumentación, los modelos matemáticos y resultados de las pruebas han sido descritos en esta Tesis. The following Doctoral Thesis presents an innovative application of a Pipe Inspection Robot, which was designed especially as Operation Robot in Vertical Pipes (RETOV) (Robot for operation vertical pipes (Spanish acronyms)). When RETOV is used to inspect Oil Well, can be controlled from the surface, it´s allow the operator the well inspection and monitoring. This is done through our interface that controls the robot. The RETOV was designed with an articulated ring systems that embrace the pipe, a new damping systems and mobile wheels bring the possibility to navigate and avoid obstacles into the well, performing three types of movement: Rotational, translational and screw. Additional, RETOV was designed to perform the inspection between two pipes (pipe and oil well production), with a security braking systems and lightweight structure; RETOV can be equipment with sensors to measure the variables of interest in the well. The hardware and Software design, the instrumentation, the mathematical models, and the test results have been described in this thesis.


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The increasing penetration of wind energy into power systems has pushed grid operators to set new requirements for this kind of generating plants in order to keep acceptable and reliable operation of the system. In addition to the low voltage ride through capability, wind farms are required to participate in voltage support, stability enhancement and power quality improvement. This paper presents a solution for wind farms with fixed-speed generators based on the use of STATCOM with braking resistor and additional series impedances, with an adequate control strategy. The focus is put on guaranteeing the grid code compliance when the wind farm faces an extensive series of grid disturbances.


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The numerical analysis of certain safety related problems presents serious difficulties, since the large number of components present leads to huge finite elementmodels that can only be solved by using large and expensive computers or by making rough approaches to the problem. Tangling, or clashing, in the turbine of a jet engine airplane is an example of such problems. This is caused by the crash and friction between rotor and stator blades in the turbine after an eventual shaft failure. When facing the study of an event through numerical modelling, the accurate simulation of this problem would require the engineer to model all the rotor and stator blades existing in the turbine stage, using a small element size in all pieces. Given that the number of stator and rotor blades is usually around 200, such simulations would require millions of elements. This work presents a new numerical methodology, specifically developed for the accurate modelling of the tangling problem that, depending on the turbine configuration, is able to reduce the number of nodes up to an order of magnitude without losing accuracy. The methodology, which benefits from the cyclic configuration of turbines, is successfully applied to the numerical analysis of a hypothetical tangling event in a turbine, providing valuable data such as the rotating velocity decrease of the turbine, the braking torque and the damage suffered by the blades. The methodology is somewhat general and can be applied to any problem in which damage caused by the interaction between a rotating and static piece is to be analysed.


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ntelligent systems designed to reduce highway fatalities have been widely applied in the automotive sector in the last decade. Of all users of transport systems, pedestrians are the most vulnerable in crashes as they are unprotected. This paper deals with an autonomous intelligent emergency system designed to avoid collisions with pedestrians. The system consists of a fuzzy controller based on the time-to-collision estimate – obtained via a vision-based system – and the wheel-locking probability – obtained via the vehicle’s CAN bus – that generates a safe braking action. The system has been tested in a real car – a convertible Citroën C3 Pluriel – equipped with an automated electro-hydraulic braking system capable of working in parallel with the vehicle’s original braking circuit. The system is used as a last resort in the case that an unexpected pedestrian is in the lane and all the warnings have failed to produce a response from the driver.


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During the years 2004 and 2005 is has been constructed in Barajas airport of Madrid a special bridge for the new plane AIRBUS A380. This new airplane has a weight of 1,500,000 pounds and 18 wheels with a reaction of 39.2 tonnes per each one and the braking force is about 600 tonnes. The enormous loads transmitted for the airplane made this bridge a special structure. The present article exposes the most important characteristics of project and construction, of one of the special bridges in the airport Brajas of Madri. This bridge was constructed for the access to the hangar of airplanes in Barajas, known "La Muñoza". The structure has a width of 48m, two spans of 13 m each one and a vertical clearance of 5.50 m to allow passing vehicles under it, along thhe new motorway in Brajas (Madrid).


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Hoy en día, el desarrollo tecnológico en el campo de los sistemas inteligentes de transporte (ITS por sus siglas en inglés) ha permitido dotar a los vehículos con diversos sistemas de ayuda a la conducción (ADAS, del inglés advanced driver assistance system), mejorando la experiencia y seguridad de los pasajeros, en especial del conductor. La mayor parte de estos sistemas están pensados para advertir al conductor sobre ciertas situaciones de riesgo, como la salida involuntaria del carril o la proximidad de obstáculos en el camino. No obstante, también podemos encontrar sistemas que van un paso más allá y son capaces de cooperar con el conductor en el control del vehículo o incluso relegarlos de algunas tareas tediosas. Es en este último grupo donde se encuentran los sistemas de control electrónico de estabilidad (ESP - Electronic Stability Program), el antibloqueo de frenos (ABS - Anti-lock Braking System), el control de crucero (CC - Cruise Control) y los más recientes sistemas de aparcamiento asistido. Continuando con esta línea de desarrollo, el paso siguiente consiste en la supresión del conductor humano, desarrollando sistemas que sean capaces de conducir un vehículo de forma autónoma y con un rendimiento superior al del conductor. En este trabajo se presenta, en primer lugar, una arquitectura de control para la automatización de vehículos. Esta se compone de distintos componentes de hardware y software, agrupados de acuerdo a su función principal. El diseño de la arquitectura parte del trabajo previo desarrollado por el Programa AUTOPIA, aunque introduce notables aportaciones en cuanto a la eficiencia, robustez y escalabilidad del sistema. Ahondando un poco más en detalle, debemos resaltar el desarrollo de un algoritmo de localización basado en enjambres de partículas. Este está planteado como un método de filtrado y fusión de la información obtenida a partir de los distintos sensores embarcados en el vehículo, entre los que encontramos un receptor GPS (Global Positioning System), unidades de medición inercial (IMU – Inertial Measurement Unit) e información tomada directamente de los sensores embarcados por el fabricante, como la velocidad de las ruedas y posición del volante. Gracias a este método se ha conseguido resolver el problema de la localización, indispensable para el desarrollo de sistemas de conducción autónoma. Continuando con el trabajo de investigación, se ha estudiado la viabilidad de la aplicación de técnicas de aprendizaje y adaptación al diseño de controladores para el vehículo. Como punto de partida se emplea el método de Q-learning para la generación de un controlador borroso lateral sin ningún tipo de conocimiento previo. Posteriormente se presenta un método de ajuste on-line para la adaptación del control longitudinal ante perturbaciones impredecibles del entorno, como lo son los cambios en la inclinación del camino, fricción de las ruedas o peso de los ocupantes. Para finalizar, se presentan los resultados obtenidos durante un experimento de conducción autónoma en carreteras reales, el cual se llevó a cabo en el mes de Junio de 2012 desde la población de San Lorenzo de El Escorial hasta las instalaciones del Centro de Automática y Robótica (CAR) en Arganda del Rey. El principal objetivo tras esta demostración fue validar el funcionamiento, robustez y capacidad de la arquitectura propuesta para afrontar el problema de la conducción autónoma, bajo condiciones mucho más reales a las que se pueden alcanzar en las instalaciones de prueba. ABSTRACT Nowadays, the technological advances in the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) field have led the development of several driving assistance systems (ADAS). These solutions are designed to improve the experience and security of all the passengers, especially the driver. For most of these systems, the main goal is to warn drivers about unexpected circumstances leading to risk situations such as involuntary lane departure or proximity to other vehicles. However, other ADAS go a step further, being able to cooperate with the driver in the control of the vehicle, or even overriding it on some tasks. Examples of this kind of systems are the anti-lock braking system (ABS), cruise control (CC) and the recently commercialised assisted parking systems. Within this research line, the next step is the development of systems able to replace the human drivers, improving the control and therefore, the safety and reliability of the vehicles. First of all, this dissertation presents a control architecture design for autonomous driving. It is made up of several hardware and software components, grouped according to their main function. The design of this architecture is based on the previous works carried out by the AUTOPIA Program, although notable improvements have been made regarding the efficiency, robustness and scalability of the system. It is also remarkable the work made on the development of a location algorithm for vehicles. The proposal is based on the emulation of the behaviour of biological swarms and its performance is similar to the well-known particle filters. The developed method combines information obtained from different sensors, including GPS, inertial measurement unit (IMU), and data from the original vehicle’s sensors on-board. Through this filtering algorithm the localization problem is properly managed, which is critical for the development of autonomous driving systems. The work deals also with the fuzzy control tuning system, a very time consuming task when done manually. An analysis of learning and adaptation techniques for the development of different controllers has been made. First, the Q-learning –a reinforcement learning method– has been applied to the generation of a lateral fuzzy controller from scratch. Subsequently, the development of an adaptation method for longitudinal control is presented. With this proposal, a final cruise control controller is able to deal with unpredictable environment disturbances, such as road slope, wheel’s friction or even occupants’ weight. As a testbed for the system, an autonomous driving experiment on real roads is presented. This experiment was carried out on June 2012, driving from San Lorenzo de El Escorial up to the Center for Automation and Robotics (CAR) facilities in Arganda del Rey. The main goal of the demonstration was validating the performance, robustness and viability of the proposed architecture to deal with the problem of autonomous driving under more demanding conditions than those achieved on closed test tracks.


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Diseño conceptual de puentes de alta velocidad ferroviarios. Railroad bridges, in general, and those for high speed railways, in particular, demand very special conditions. The traffic loads are much higher than for road bridges. Loads due to braking and acceleration determine, due to their magnitude, the structural layout. Because of the speed of the vehicles there are specific dynamic effects which need to be considered. In order to ensure passenger comfort, compatible with speeds of up to 350 km/h, it is necessary to meet very demanding conditions with respect to stiffness, displacements and dynamic behavior. In this paper these conditions are briefly described and different typological possibilities to satisfy them are presented as well as the main construction methods applicable to this kind of bridges.