3 resultados para Ascochyta Blight
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Erwinia amylovora causes fire blight in economically important plants of the family Rosaceae. This bacterial pathogen spends part of its life cycle coping with starvation and other fluctuating environmental conditions. In many Gram-negative bacteria, starvation and other stress responses are regulated by the sigma factor RpoS. We obtained an E. amylovora rpoS mutant to explore the role of this gene in starvation responses and its potential implication in other processes not yet studied in this pathogen. Results showed that E. amylovora needs rpoS to develop normal starvation survival and viable but nonculturable (VBNC) responses. Furthermore, this gene contributed to stationary phase cross-protection against oxidative, osmotic, and acid stresses and was essential for cross-protection against heat shock, but nonessential against acid shock. RpoS also mediated regulation of motility, exopolysaccharide synthesis, and virulence in immature loquats, but not in pear plantlets, and contributed to E. amylovora survival in nonhost tissues during incompatible interactions. Our results reveal some unique roles for the rpoS gene in E. amylovora and provide new knowledge on the regulation of different processes related to its ecology, including survival in different environments and virulence in immature fruits.
The European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) is a multipurpose species that has been widely cultivated around the Mediterranean basin since ancient times. New varieties were brought to the Iberian Peninsula during the Roman Empire, which coexist since then with native populations that survived the last glaciation. The relevance of chestnut cultivation has being steadily growing since the Middle Ages, until the rural decline of the past century put a stop to this trend. Forest fires and diseases were also major factors. Chestnut cultivation is gaining momentum again due to its economic (wood, fruits) and ecologic relevance, and represents currently an important asset in many rural areas of Europe. In this Thesis we apply different molecular tools to help improve current management strategies. For this study we have chosen El Bierzo (Castile and Leon, NW Spain), which has a centenary tradition of chestnut cultivation and management, and also presents several unique features from a genetic perspective (next paragraph). Moreover, its nuts are widely appreciated in Spain and abroad for their organoleptic properties. We have focused our experimental work on two major problems faced by breeders and the industry: the lack of a fine-grained genetic characterization and the need for new strategies to control blight disease. To characterize with sufficient detail the genetic diversity and structure of El Bierzo orchards, we analyzed DNA from 169 trees grafted for nut production covering the entire region. We also analyzed 62 nuts from all traditional varieties. El Bierzo constitutes an outstanding scenario to study chestnut genetics and the influence of human management because: (i) it is located at one extreme of the distribution area; (ii) it is a major glacial refuge for the native species; (iii) it has a long tradition of human management (since Roman times, at least); and (iv) its geographical setting ensures an unusual degree of genetic isolation. Thirteen microsatellite markers provided enough informativeness and discrimination power to genotype at the individual level. Together with an unexpected level of genetic variability, we found evidence of genetic structure, with three major gene pools giving rise to the current population. High levels of genetic differentiation between groups supported this organization. Interestingly, genetic structure does not match with spatial boundaries, suggesting that the exchange of material and cultivation practices have strongly influenced natural gene flow. The microsatellite markers selected for this study were also used to classify a set of 62 samples belonging to all traditional varieties. We identified several cases of synonymies and homonymies, evidencing the need to substitute traditional classification systems with new tools for genetic profiling. Management and conservation strategies should also benefit from these tools. The avenue of high-throughput sequencing technologies, combined with the development of bioinformatics tools, have paved the way to study transcriptomes without the need for a reference genome. We took advantage of RNA sequencing and de novo assembly tools to determine the transcriptional landscape of chestnut in response to blight disease. In addition, we have selected a set of candidate genes with high potential for developing resistant varieties via genetic engineering. Our results evidenced a deep transcriptional reprogramming upon fungal infection. The plant hormones ET and JA appear to orchestrate the defensive response. Interestingly, our results also suggest a role for auxins in modulating such response. Many transcription factors were identified in this work that interact with promoters of genes involved in disease resistance. Among these genes, we have conducted a functional characterization of a two major thaumatin-like proteins (TLP) that belongs to the PR5 family. Two genes encoding chestnut cotyledon TLPs have been previously characterized, termed CsTL1 and CsTL2. We substantiate here their protective role against blight disease for the first time, including in silico, in vitro and in vivo evidence. The synergy between TLPs and other antifungal proteins, particularly endo-p-1,3-glucanases, bolsters their interest for future control strategies based on biotechnological approaches.
En la actualidad la mayoría de plantas sufren pérdidas debido a las enfermedades que les provocan los hongos. Uno de estos grupos amenazado por el ataque de los hongos son las especies de la familia Orchidaceae, especies que se encuentran amenazadas y con numerosas especies en peligro de extinción. Uno de los problemas sanitarios más destacados es Botrytis cinerea, hongo patógeno cosmopolita, causante de enfermedades importantes en muchas plantas tales como frutas, verduras, accesiones de viveros, plantas ornamentales y huertos cultivos (Jarvis 1977; Elad et al., 2007). Este género es uno de los grupos de hongos más ampliamente conocido y distribuido. Contiene 22 especies (Hennebert 1973; Yohalem et al., 2003) y un híbrido (B. allii) (Yohalem & Alabama, 2003) vinculado a las etapas sexuales y un amplio número de huéspedes específicos (Beever y Weds, 2000); infecta más de 200 especies vegetales distintas (Williamson et al., 2007). Dada la importancia de este patógeno se realiza un estudio de caracterización morfológica y molecular del hongo, aislado de plantas de orquídeas cultivadas en condiciones de invernadero, de hortalizas y plantas frutales, con síntomas de necrosis, atizonamientos y pudriciones. El análisis de las características morfológicas (presencia de esclerocios, tamaño de conidios, presencia de estructuras sexuales in vitro) y fenotípicas (crecimiento micelial a diferentes temperaturas, germinación de esporas), nos permitió determinar características importantes del comportamiento del hongo y establecer cuáles son las mejores condiciones para su patogenicidad. Se afianzo este trabajo con estudios moleculares a través del análisis de la región ribosomal ITS1-ITS4. Entre los aislados estudiados se identificaron dos especies diferentes, Botrytis cinerea y B. fabiopsis, esta última conocida como especifica de Vicia faba, se lo aisló de una planta de Pelargonium sp. Se hizo un análisis filogenético para comparar estas dos especies, encontrándose que B. fabiopsis está estrechamente relacionada con B. cinerea y B. elliptica, pero lejanamente relacionado con B. fabae. Además, se analizó las poblaciones de los aislados de Botrytis, para ello se seleccionaron tres parejas de cebadores microsatelites con altos porcentajes de polimorfismo. Al analizar la similaridad entre los aislados se determinaron tres grupos de poblaciones de B. cinerea entre los cuales Botrytis fabiopsis comparte un grupo grande con B. cinerea. La diferenciación genética no fue significativa entre la población de aislados de orquídeas y hortalizas, la diferencia génica que fue muy baja, lo que sugiere que la especificidad de Botrytis no está dada por los hospederos, aunque la posibilidad de la especificidad con algún cultivo no puede descartarse. ABSTRACT Most plants suffer diseases caused by fungi. Orchidaceae is one of the threatened groups with many endangered species. Included into the most important problems in plant health is Botrytis cinerea, a cosmopolitan pathogen which causes major diseases in many plants of agronomic interest such as fruits, vegetables, planthouses accessions and ornamental plants (Jarvis, 1977; Elad et al, 2007). The genus Botrytis is one of the most widely and disseminated fungi. The genus contains 22 species (Hennebert 1973; Yohalem et al, 2003) and a hybrid (B. allii) (Yohalem & Alabama, 2003) linked to the sexual stages of a large number of specific hosts (Beever & Weds, 2000); infects over 200 different plant species (Williamson et al., 2007). Due to the importance of this pathogen, a study of morphological and molecular characterization of the fungus was carried out. Fungi samples were isolated from orchid plants grown in greenhouse conditions, vegetables and fruits with signs of necrosis, blight and rottening. To establish the best conditions for pathogenicity, behavioral characteristics of the fungus were studied through the analysis of morphological characteristics (presence of sclerotia, conidia size, sexual structures in vitro) and mycelial growth at different temperatures. To complete the characterization of the fungi, a molecular study was performed via the analysis of ribosomal ITS1-ITS4 region. Two different species were identified: Botrytis cinerea and Botrytis fabiopsis (known by specificity to Vicia faba). B. fabiopsis was isolated from a plant of the genus Pelargonium. A phylogenetic analysis was carried out to compare these two species leading to the conclusion that B. fabiopsis is closely related to B. cinerea and B. elliptica, but distantly related to B. fabae. The populations of Botrytis isolates were also analyzed. Three pairs of microsatellite primers with high percentages of polymorphism were selected. A similarity analysis showed three groups of populations of B. cinerea, including Botrytis fabiopsis. The genetic differentiation was not significant among the populations of isolates from orchids and vegetables; genetic differences were very low, suggesting that the specificity of Botrytis species is not given by the hosts.