68 resultados para Arenas

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Dentro de la amplia diversidad de rocas y minerales industriales que yacen en la República de Guinea Ecuatorial se encuentran los yacimientos e indicios de arenas silíceas de Bioko Norte. Las escasas crónicas mencionan actividades de explotación esporádica y temporera en tres pequeñas cortas, actualmente paralizadas, que se ubican en la aldea de El Cacahual, aproximadamente al suroeste de la ciudad de Malabo, destinadas a la fabricación de morteros para pequeñas construcciones locales. Sin embargo, no se registran estudios sobre la composición y la calidad tecnológica de estos materiales. Los recientes trabajos de investigación llevados a cabo por investigadores de la Escuela de Minas de Madrid y la Universidad de Moa (Cuba), con la colaboración de profesores de la Universidad Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial, y cuyos resultados se ofrecen en estas líneas, incluyeron campaña de muestreo, caracterización y aplicaciones de estos materiales. Las primeras conclusiones establecen que en la composición sustancial de estos yacimientos aparece el cuarzo como principal fase mineral, acompañado por feldespato, caolinita, mica moscovita e illita (DRX). El estudio morfológico de las muestras por medio de la microscopía electrónica de barrido (MEB) permitió describir granos con dimensiones muy cercanas y con formas angulosas, subangulosas y ocasionalmente subredondeadas, que indican un transporte escaso o casi nulo; esta evidencia infiere la naturaleza residual de estos yacimientos, formados a partir de la alteración y posterior redeposición eluvial de un supuesto protolito de composición granitoide. Por otra parte, la presencia de fases representadas por dolomita y hematita podrían ser el testimonio de la acción de procesos hidrotermales que afectaron a estas formaciones. Otras tareas que complementaron esta investigación, como el estudio granulométrico, contenido en materia orgánica y ensayos de resistencias mecánicas, que fueron realizadas por el Laboratorio Oficial para Ensayos de Materiales de Construcción (LOEMCO), corroboran la calidad tecnológica de estas arenas.


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Este proyecto trata sobre el interés que ofrece la biocalcificación en cuanto a la mejora de las propiedades mecánicas de materiales de construcción. En concreto este proyecto se desarrolla con arenas de Ottawa con intención de extrapolar resultados y de continuar con ensayos en distintos materiales. Se realizan ensayos de caracterización del material en primer lugar para conocer sus propiedades básicas y posteriormente se preparan los cultivos bacteriológicos que ayuden a biocalcificar el medio de estudio. Tras las correspondientes investigaciones y pruebas respecto al método más efectivo, cantidad de inyecciones, duración… usando también conocimientos químicos para la preparación de los reactivos, se procede a la repetición de los ensayos para ver la variación en las propiedades y poder sacar conclusiones útiles en la mejora visible de éstas. ABSTRACT This project discuss the interest of biocalcification offered by regarding the improvement of the mechanical properties of construction materials. Specifically this project is developed with Ottawa sands intending to extrapolate findings and to continue testing different materials. Firstly, characterization tests are performed to find out its basic material properties and after that, bacterial cultures are prepared to help studying how to biocalcify the sample. After the needed investigations and tests looking for the most effective method, accurate number of injections, desired duration ... also using chemical knowledge for the preparation of the reagents; we proceed to retest the samples to see the variation in properties and be able to get useful conclusions of a visible improvement of these properties.


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Reflexión sobre las bases frágiles sobre las que se asienta el sistema tecnológico de un país, ya que siempre detrás de la tecnología aparece el hombre.


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El comportamiento del viento en la morfología urbana y su incidencia en el uso estancial del espacio público, Punta Arenas, Chile = The behavior of wind in urban morphology and its incidence in the resting use of public space, Punta Arenas, Chile


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La creciente sensibilización social por la conservación del Medio Ambiente y los recursos naturales, fomentan la búsqueda de alternativas que mejoren el impacto que tienen los residuos sobre la salud humana y el medio ambiente. Los Residuos de Construcción y Demolición (RCD) plantean un problema ambiental debido tanto a la escasa prevención en la producción de los mismos, como al poco uso del material reciclado. En aras de mejorar esta situación, durante los últimos años ha entrado en vigor nueva legislación aplicable a los RCD que fomenta una mayor valorización de los residuos al final de su vida útil e incorpora la obligatoriedad de redactar un Estudio de gestión de RCD durante la fase de diseño y un Plan de gestión de RCD durante la fase de ejecución. Actualmente en España, los RCD se utilizan fundamentalmente como relleno de secciones de carreteras y en la fabricación de hormigones en menor medida. En España, se recomienda la utilización de la fracción gruesa (tamaño superior a 4 mm) del árido reciclado (AR) de hormigón sustituyendo al árido natural (AN) en un 20% en la fabricación de hormigones estructurales según la EHE-08. En base a esto, la utilización de la fracción fina de los diferentes tipos de AR en la fabricación de morteros de albañilería supone una nueva vía para la revalorización de los RCD y constituye el principal objetivo de la Tesis Doctoral. Los trabajos realizados pueden dividirse en dos fases principalmente. La primera de ellas ha consistido en la caracterización de todos los materiales empleados en esta investigación y en un estudio mensual a lo largo de dos años sobre la producción de la fracción fina de los AR. Los resultados muestran que la fracción fina de los AR presenta peores características respecto a la AN y cierta heterogeneidad en algunas de las propiedades ensayadas. En la segunda fase, se ha estudiado como afecta la incorporación de la fracción fina de los AR a los morteros de albañilería y la viabilidad de fabricar morteros reciclados sustituyendo la totalidad de la AN. Para ello, se ha caracterizado los morteros reciclados tanto en estado fresco como en estado endurecido y se ha evaluado su durabilidad. Los resultados finales indican la viabilidad tanto técnica como económicamente de fabricar morteros reciclados para su uso en albañilería empleando el 100% de AR cumpliendo con la normativa vigente.


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El presente trabajo ahonda en el conocimiento del viento urbano. La investigación pasa revista a la historia de la relación del viento y la ciudad y revisa tres pares de disciplinas implicadas en comprender mejor dicha relación: la arquitectura y el urbanismo, la meteorología y la climatología y, por último, la ingeniería aeroespacial y la aerodinámica civil. Se estudian el comportamiento y la fluidez del viento al desplazarse por cuerpos romos no fuselados (los edificios y la trama urbana), así como sus efectos dentro de la ciudad. Asimismo, se examinan las metodologías existentes para comprenderlo, medirlo y analizarlo, desde los estudios de proporción y modelamiento en túneles de viento hasta las simulaciones virtuales y las dinámicas de fluidos CFD. Posteriormente se reconoce un caso de estudio que permite analizar el viento como un factor aislado, pero desde los parámetros morfológicos de una ciudad en la que se generan patrones aerodinámicos muy característicos: Punta Arenas, la ciudad más austral del mundo, donde los vientos corren casi siempre desde la misma dirección, el “oeste”, a más de 33,3 m/s, lo que equivale a 120 Km/h. La hipótesis de la investigación es que la morfología del casco histórico de Punta Arenas genera patrones aerodinámicos que condicionan el bienestar en los espacios públicos. El objetivo general de la investigación es estudiar los efectos aerodinámicos presentes en la morfología urbana para mejorar la permanencia en los espacios públicos, proponiendo estrategias para el desarrollo morfológico y volumétrico de los cuerpos edificados. En el desarrollo del caso de estudio se reconocen, al interior del cañón urbano, las temperaturas, los índices de asoleamiento y sus conos de sombra, la dirección del viento y la visualización del vórtice al interior del cañón urbano, para determinar cómo estos factores impactan en el espacio público. Las conclusiones indican que los patrones aerodinámicos presentes en la morfología urbana conducen el viento hacia los espacios públicos que se encuentran o desprotegidos del viento o con excesiva turbulencias, por tanto, los patrones aerodinámicos inciden en el uso estancial de los espacios públicos, generando problemas mecánicos al peatón e incidiendo en la sensación térmica en dichos espacios. Ello permite confirmar que es posible modificar y mejorar el uso de los espacios públicos si somos capaces de modelar la morfología urbana con el fin de reorientar los patrones aerodinámicos que afectan significativamente a dichos espacios. ABSTRACT This work deepens into the knowledge of urban wind. The study reviews the history of the relationship between the wind and the city and reviews three pairs of disciplines involved in understanding better these relationship: Architecture and Urbanism, Meteorology and Climatology and, finally, Aerospace and Civil Aerodynamics. The behavior and flow of wind through blunt bodies not fairings (the buildings and the urban fabric) and its effects within the city are studied. Also, existing methodologies to understand, measure and analyze the wind are examined, from the studios of proportion and modeling in wind tunnels to virtual simulations and fluid dynamics CFD. Subsequently, a case study to analyze the wind as an isolated factor is recognized, but from the morphological parameters of a city where very characteristic aerodynamic patterns are generated: Punta Arenas, the southernmost city in the world, where the winds run almost always from the same direction, the "West", at more than 33.3 m/s, which is equivalent to 120 km/h. The research hypothesis is that the morphology of the historic center of Punta Arenas generates aerodynamic patterns that determine the well-being in public spaces. The overall objective of the research is to study the aerodynamic effects present in the urban morphology to improve retention in public spaces, proposing strategies for morphological and volumetric development of the built bodies. In developing the case study are recognized, within the urban canyon, temperatures, rates of sunlight and shadow cones, wind direction and visualization of the vortex into the urban canyon, to determine how these factors impact in public space. The findings indicate that the aerodynamic patterns in urban morphology lead wind to public spaces that are unprotected or find themselves in a condition of excessive wind or turbulence; therefore, aerodynamic patterns affect the use of public spaces, generating mechanical problems for pedestrians and affecting the thermal sensation in such spaces. This confirms that it is possible to modify and improve the use of public spaces if we are able to model the urban morphology in order to reorient the aerodynamic patterns that significantly affect those spaces.


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Hunting is assuming a growing role in the current European forestry and agroforestry landscape. However, consistent statistical sources that provide quantitative information for policy-making, planning and management of game resources are often lacking. In addition, in many instances statistical information can be used without sufficient evaluation or criticism. Recently, the European Commission has declared the importance of high quality hunting statistics and the need to set up a common scheme in Europe for their collection, interpretation and proper use. This work aims to contribute to this current debate on hunting statistics in Europe by exploring data from the last 35 years of Spanish hunting statistics. The analysis focuses on the three major pillars underpinning hunting activity: hunters, hunting grounds and game animals. First, the study aims to provide a better understanding of official hunting statistics for use by researchers, game managers and other potential users. Second, the study highlights the major strengths and weaknesses of the statistical information that was collected. The results of the analysis indicate that official hunting statistics can be incomplete, dispersed and not always homogeneous over a long period of time. This is an issue of which one should be aware when using official hunting data for scientific or technical work. To improve statistical deficiencies associated with hunting data in Spain, our main suggestion is the adoption of a common protocol on data collection to which different regions agree. This protocol should be in accordance with future European hunting statistics and based on robust and well-informed data collection methods. Also it should expand the range of biological, ecological and economic concepts currently included to take account of the profound transformations experienced by the hunting sector in recent years. As much as possible, any future changes in the selection of hunting statistics should allow for comparisons between new variables with the previous ones.


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High-gradient, stepped fluvial tufa systems with dammed areas existed in the River Añamaza valley (NW Iberian Ranges, Spain) during Quaternary times. Single deposits range from a few meters to about 70 m thick, in which prograding-aggrading wedges separated by erosional surfaces exist. Several episodes of tufa formation have been distinguished by means of U-series, Amino-acid racemization and radiocarbon techniques. These correlate to MIS 8, 7, 5 and 1. The presence of MIS 9 is uncertain, as chronological data may also correspond to older stages. Most tufas in this area formed in MIS 5. Distinct tufa episodes can also be distinguished in the Holocene. These are the first chronological data presented for one of the northernmost Quaternary tufa systems in the Iberian Ranges.


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Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) are mostly implemented to circumvent budgetary constraints, and to encourage efficiency and quality in the provision of public infrastructure in order to reach social welfare. One of the ways of reaching the latter objective is by the introduction of performance based standards tied to bonuses and penalties to reward or punish the performance of the contractor. This paper focuses on the implementation of safety based incentives in PPPs in such a way that the better the safety outcome the greater larger will be the economic reward to the contractor. The main aim of this paper is to identify whether the incentives to improve road safety in PPPs are ultimately effective in improving safety ratios in Spain. To that end, Poisson and negative binomial regression models have been applied using information of motorways of the Spanish network of 2006. The findings indicate that even though road safety is highly influenced by variables that are not much controllable by the contractor such as the Average Annual Daily Traffic and the percentage of heavy vehicles, the implementation of safety incentives in PPPs has a positive influence in the reduction of fatalities, injuries and accidents.


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The competence evaluation promoted by the European High Education Area entails a very important methodological change that requires guiding support to help teachers carry out this new and complex task. In this regard, the Technical University of Madrid (UPM, by its Spanish acronym) has financed a series of coordinated projects with a two-fold objective: a) To develop a model for teaching and evaluating core competences that is useful and easily applicable to its different degrees, and b) to provide support to teachers by creating an area within the Website for Educational Innovation where they can search for information on the model corresponding to each core competence approved by UPM. Information available on each competence includes its definition, the formulation of indicators providing evidence on the level of acquisition, the recommended teaching and evaluation methodology, examples of evaluation rules for the different levels of competence acquisition, and descriptions of best practices. These best practices correspond to pilot tests applied to several of the academic subjects conducted at UPM in order to validate the model. This work describes the general procedure that was used and presents the model developed specifically for the problem-solving competence. Some of the pilot experiences are also summarised and their results analysed


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The competence evaluation promoted by the European High Education Area entails a very important methodological change that requires guiding support to help teachers carry out this new and complex task. In this regard, the Technical University of Madrid (UPM, by its Spanish acronym) has financed a series of coordinated projects with a two-fold objective: a) To develop a model for teaching and evaluating core competences that is useful and easily applicable to its different degrees, and b) to provide support to teachers by creating an area within the Website for Educational Innovation where they can search for information on the model corresponding to each core competence approved by UPM. Information available on each competence includes its definition, the formulation of indicators providing evidence on the level of acquisition, the recommended teaching and evaluation methodology, examples of evaluation rules for the different levels of competence acquisition, and descriptions of best practices. These best practices correspond to pilot tests applied to several of the academic subjects conducted at UPM in order to validate the model. This work describes the general procedure that was used and presents the model developed specifically for the problem-solving competence. Some of the pilot experiences are also summarised and their results analysed


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La disponibilidad los valores coste-tolerancia de un proceso de producción es un aspecto de interés desde el punto de vista de la Ingeniería de Proyectos en general y de la Ingeniería de Procesos de Producción en particular. Tanto en la fase de planificación de un proyecto como en las etapas de diseño de cada uno de los procesos de producción que posibilitarán su ejecución, las especificaciones del producto deben estar contenidas en un intervalo de tolerancia cuyo coste de obtención es tanto mayor cuanto menor es el margen de variación admisible. Por este motivo, el conocimiento del coste asociado a cada tolerancia es una herramienta de gran utilidad para el ingeniero de proyectos. A pesar de su interés, las curvas de coste-tolerancia se manejan con menor profusión de la que sería deseable, dada la gran interdependencia existente entre ellas y la localización espacio-temporal de los recursos a las que se asignan. El presente trabajo propone un método que permite establecer una relación coste-tolerancia a los procesos de producción de la Ingeniería de Proyectos, basada de la variabilidad derivada de los recursos de cada proceso.


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One of the most used methods in rapidprototyping is Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), which provides components with a reasonable strength in plastic materials such as ABS and has a low environmental impact. However, the FDM process exhibits low levels of surface finishing, difficulty in getting complex and/or small geometries and low consistency in “slim” elements of the parts. Furthermore, “cantilever” elements need large material structures to be supported. The solution of these deficiencies requires a comprehensive review of the three-dimensional part design to enhance advantages and performances of FDM and reduce their constraints. As a key feature of this redesign a novel method of construction by assembling parts with structuraladhesive joints is proposed. These adhesive joints should be designed specifically to fit the plastic substrate and the FDM manufacturing technology. To achieve this, the most suitable structuraladhesiveselection is firstly required. Therefore, the present work analyzes five different families of adhesives (cyanoacrylate, polyurethane, epoxy, acrylic and silicone), and, by means of the application of technical multi-criteria decision analysis based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), to select the structuraladhesive that better conjugates mechanical benefits and adaptation to the FDM manufacturing process


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Abstraction-Carrying Code (ACC) has recently been proposed as a framework for mobile code safety in which the code supplier provides a program together with an abstraction whose validity entails compliance with a predefined safety policy. The abstraction plays thus the role of safety certifícate and its generation is carried out automatically by a fixed-point analyzer. The advantage of providing a (fixedpoint) abstraction to the code consumer is that its validity is checked in a single pass of an abstract interpretation-based checker. A main challenge is to reduce the size of certificates as much as possible while at the same time not increasing checking time. We introduce the notion of reduced certifícate which characterizes the subset of the abstraction which a checker needs in order to validate (and re-construct) the full certifícate in a single pass. Based on this notion, we instrument a generic analysis algorithm with the necessary extensions in order to identify the information relevant to the checker. We also provide a correct checking algorithm together with sufficient conditions for ensuring its completeness. The experimental results within the CiaoPP system show that our proposal is able to greatly reduce the size of certificates in practice.


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Abstraction-Carrying Code (ACC) is a framework for mobile code safety in which the code supplier provides a program together with an abstraction (or abstract model of the program) whose validity entails compliance with a predefined safety policy. The abstraction plays thus the role of safety certificate and its generation is carried out automatically by a fixed-point analyzer. The advantage of providing a (fixed-point) abstraction to the code consumer is that its validity is checked in a single pass (i.e., one iteration) of an abstract interpretation-based checker. A main challenge to make ACC useful in practice is to reduce the size of certificates as much as possible, while at the same time not increasing checking time. Intuitively, we only include in the certificate the information which the checker is unable to reproduce without iterating. We introduce the notion of reduced certifícate which characterizes the subset of the abstraction which a checker needs in order to validate (and re-construct) the full certificate in a single pass. Based on this notion, we show how to instrument a generic analysis algorithm with the necessary extensions in order to identify the information relevant to the checker.