31 resultados para Arduino (Programmable controller)

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo la creación de un controlador MIDI económico que haga uso de la tecnología actual, y partiendo de la idea del instrumento clásico, el Theremin, desarrollado por Lev Serguéievich Termen. Para ello se ha dividido el proyecto en dos principales bloques, el primero, hardware y el segundo, software. En la parte del hardware, se explica cual ha sido la razón de la utilización del microprocesador Arduino Uno, sus características técnicas y el uso de sensores de ultrasonido, ya que proporcionan la característica de poder interactuar con el controlador a través de gestos con las manos, al igual que un Theremin clásico. Se explica el montaje de los dispositivos que conforman el controlador, así como la mejora realizada, con la utilización de 4 de estos sensores, para dar más capacidades de interactuación con el controlador MIDI. También se ve en ese apartado, como se programa la tarjeta de Arduino, para que se encargue de realizar medidas con los sensores y enviarlas por el puerto serial USB. En el apartado del software se da una introducción al entorno de programación Max/MSP. Se ve el plug in desarrollado con este lenguaje, para poder comunicar el controlador MIDI con un software de audio profesional (Ableton Live) y se explica con detalle los bloques que conforman el plug in de control de sensores y como es transformada la información que entrega el microprocesador Arduino por el puerto USB, en datos MIDI. También, se da una explicación sobre el manejo correcto del controlador a la hora de mover las manos sobre los sensores y de donde situar el instrumento para que no se produzcan problemas de interferencias con las señales que envían los ultrasonidos. Además, se proporciona un presupuesto del coste de los materiales, y otro del coste del desarrollo realizado por el ingeniero. ABSTRACT The aim of this Project is the creation of an economical MIDI controller that uses nowadays technology and that is based on the idea of the Theremin, a classical instrument conceived by Lev Serguéievich Termen. In order to accomplish this, the project has been divided into two sections: hardware and software. The hardware section explains why the microprocessor Arduino Uno has been chosen, sets out its technical specifications and the use of ultrasonic sensors. These sensors enable the user to interact with the controller through hand gestures like the Theremin. The assembly of the devices is exposed as well as the improvements made with the use of four of these sensors to offer more interactive capabilities with the MIDI controller. The Arduino singleboard programming that performs the measurements with the sensors and sends these measurements through the USB serial port is also explained here. The software section introduces Max/MSP programming environment as well as the plug in developed with this language that connects the MIDI controller with professional audio software (Ableton Live). The blocks that build the sensor controller plug in are explained in detail along with the way the Arduino delivers the information through the USB port into MIDI data. In addition, an explanation of the correct handling of the MIDI controller is given focusing on how the user should move his hands above the sensors and where to place the instrument to avoid interference problems with the signals sent. Also, a cost estimation of both materials and engineering is provided.


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Este proyecto consiste en el diseño y construcción de un sintetizador basado en el chip 6581 Sound Interface Device (SID). Este chip era el encargado de la generación de sonido en el Commodore 64, ordenador personal comercializado en 1982, y fue el primer sintetizador complejo construido para ordenador. El chip en cuestión es un sintetizador de tres voces, cada una de ellas capaz de generar cuatro diferentes formas de onda. Cada voz tiene control independiente de varios parámetros, permitiendo una relativamente amplia variedad de sonidos y efectos, muy útil para su uso en videojuegos. Además está dotado de un filtro programable para conseguir distintos timbres mediante síntesis sustractiva. El sintetizador se ha construido sobre Arduino, una plataforma de electrónica abierta concebida para la creación de prototipos, consistente en una placa de circuito impreso con un microcontrolador, programable desde un PC para que realice múltiples funciones (desde encender LEDs hasta controlar servomecanismos en robótica, procesado y transmisión de datos, etc.). El sintetizador es controlable vía MIDI, por ejemplo, desde un teclado de piano. A través de MIDI recibe información tal como qué notas debe tocar, o los valores de los parámetros del SID que modifican las propiedades del sonido. Además, toda esa información también la puede recibir de un PC mediante una conexión USB. Se han construido dos versiones del sintetizador: una versión “hardware”, que utiliza el SID para la generación de sonido, y otra “software”, que reemplaza el SID por un emulador, es decir, un programa que se comporta (en la medida de lo posible) de la misma manera que el SID. El emulador se ha implementado en un microcontrolador Atmega 168 de Atmel, el mismo que utiliza Arduino. ABSTRACT. This project consists on design and construction of a synthesizer which is based on chip 6581 Sound Interface Device (SID). This chip was used for sound generation on the Commodore 64, a home computer presented in 1982, and it was the first complex synthesizer built for computers. The chip is a three-voice synthesizer, each voice capable of generating four different waveforms. Each voice has independent control of several parameters, allowing a relatively wide variety of sounds and effects, very useful for its use on videogames. It also includes a programmable filter, allowing more timbre control via subtractive synthesis. The synthesizer has been built on Arduino, an open-source electronics prototyping platform that consists on a printed circuit board with a microcontroller, which is programmable with a computer to do several functions (lighting LEDs, controlling servomechanisms on robotics, data processing or transmission, etc.). The synthesizer is controlled via MIDI, in example, from a piano-type keyboard. It receives from MIDI information such as the notes that should be played or SID’s parameter values that modify the sound. It also can receive that information from a PC via USB connection. Two versions of the synthesizer have been built: a hardware one that uses the SID chip for sound generation, and a software one that replaces SID by an emulator, it is, a program that behaves (as far as possible) in the same way the SID would. The emulator is implemented on an Atmel’s Atmega 168 microcontroller, the same one that is used on Arduino.


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El principal objetivo del proyecto es intentar reducir los costes de algunas de las operaciones de vigilancia llevadas a cabo por agencias o instituciones de seguridad. El proyecto consiste en diseñar y desarrollar un sistema informático que permita el manejo a distancia de un cuadricóptero a través de un ordenador, utilizando el teclado y visualizando las imágenes recibidas del módulo de la videocámara. Cada cuadricóptero estará compuesto de diferentes módulos y cada módulo tiene una funcionalidad característica. Se desarrollará un sistema de gestión de aeronaves para poder añadir nuevas unidades de cuadricópteros, así como un sistema de gestión de usuarios para administrar los usuarios en el sistema. Adicionalmente, se construirá un prototipo de cuadricóptero y se implementará su unidad controladora para poder realizar las pruebas del sistema desarrollado con ello. ---ABSTRACT---The aim of this project is to attempt to reduce the costs of some surveillance services offered by security agencies or institutions. The project consists in designing and developing a computer system to remotely control a drone or quad-copter through a computer, manipulating the drone through the keyboard and watching the images captured from the camera module. Each drone is built with one or more modules, and each module has its own functionality. Both new drones and new users can be added to the computer system through the drone management system and the user management system, respectively. Both of management systems are going to be developed. The project also includes the making of a quad-copter prototype and a controller unit implementation.


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Although there has been a lot of interest in recognizing and understanding air traffic control (ATC) speech, none of the published works have obtained detailed field data results. We have developed a system able to identify the language spoken and recognize and understand sentences in both Spanish and English. We also present field results for several in-tower controller positions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that field ATC speech (not simulated) is captured, processed, and analyzed. The use of stochastic grammars allows variations in the standard phraseology that appear in field data. The robust understanding algorithm developed has 95% concept accuracy from ATC text input. It also allows changes in the presentation order of the concepts and the correction of errors created by the speech recognition engine improving it by 17% and 25%, respectively, absolute in the percentage of fully correctly understood sentences for English and Spanish in relation to the percentages of fully correctly recognized sentences. The analysis of errors due to the spontaneity of the speech and its comparison to read speech is also carried out. A 96% word accuracy for read speech is reduced to 86% word accuracy for field ATC data for Spanish for the "clearances" task confirming that field data is needed to estimate the performance of a system. A literature review and a critical discussion on the possibilities of speech recognition and understanding technology applied to ATC speech are also given.


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The run-of-river hydro power plant usually have low or nil water storage capacity, and therefore an adequate control strategy is required to keep the water level constant in pond. This paper presents a novel technique based on TSK fuzzy controller to maintain the pond head constant. The performance is investigated over a wide range of hill curve of hydro turbine. The results are compared with PI controller as discussed in [1].


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The ITER CODAC design identifies slow and fast plant system controllers (PSC). The gast OSCs are based on embedded technologies, permit sampling rates greater than 1 KHz, meet stringent real-time requirements, and will be devoted to data acquisition tasks and control purposes. CIEMAT and UPM have implemented a prototype of a fast PSC based on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) technologies with PXI hardware and software based on EPICS


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The ITER CODAC design identifies slow and fast plant system controllers (PSC). The gast OSCs are based on embedded technologies, permit sampling rates greater than 1 KHz, meet stringent real-time requirements, and will be devoted to data acquisition tasks and control purposes. CIEMAT and UPM have implemented a prototype of a fast PSC based on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) technologies with PXI hardware and software based on EPICS


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In this paper, we describe the development of a control system for Demand-Side Management in the residential sector with Distributed Generation. The electrical system under study incorporates local PV energy generation, an electricity storage system, connection to the grid and a home automation system. The distributed control system is composed of two modules: a scheduler and a coordinator, both implemented with neural networks. The control system enhances the local energy performance, scheduling the tasks demanded by the user and maximizing the use of local generation.


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The Cross-Entropy (CE) is an efficient method for the estimation of rare-event probabilities and combinatorial optimization. This work presents a novel approach of the CE for optimization of a Soft-Computing controller. A Fuzzy controller was designed to command an unmanned aerial system (UAS) for avoiding collision task. The only sensor used to accomplish this task was a forward camera. The CE is used to reach a near-optimal controller by modifying the scaling factors of the controller inputs. The optimization was realized using the ROS-Gazebo simulation system. In order to evaluate the optimization a big amount of tests were carried out with a real quadcopter.


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Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) industry is a fast growing sector. Nowadays, the market offers numerous possibilities for off-the-shelf UAVs such as quadrotors or fixed-wings. Until UAVs demonstrate advance capabilities such as autonomous collision avoidance they will be segregated and restricted to flight in controlled environments. This work presents a visual fuzzy servoing system for obstacle avoidance using UAVs. To accomplish this task we used the visual information from the front camera. Images are processed off-board and the result send to the Fuzzy Logic controller which then send commands to modify the orientation of the aircraft. Results from flight test are presented with a commercial off-the-shelf platform.


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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) cover a broad range of methods and technologies that provide answers to many problems of transportation. Unmanned control of the steering wheel is one of the most important challenges facing researchers in this area. This paper presents a method to adjust automatically a fuzzy controller to manage the steering wheel of a mass-produced vehicle to reproduce the steering of a human driver. To this end, information is recorded about the car's state while being driven by human drivers and used to obtain, via genetic algorithms, appropriate fuzzy controllers that can drive the car in the way that humans do. These controllers have satisfy two main objectives: to reproduce the human behavior, and to provide smooth actions to ensure comfortable driving. Finally, the results of automated driving on a test circuit are presented, showing both good route tracking (similar to the performance obtained by persons in the same task) and smooth driving.


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Este proyecto fin de carrera tiene como finalidad el diseño e implementación de un sistema multicanal de medida de temperaturas con termopares con procesado digital. Se ha realizado un prototipo de cuatro canales con conexión de termopar, que es el tipo de sensor utilizado para realizar dichas medidas. La tensión generada por el termopar es procesada mediante un conversor de termopar a digital con salida en interfaz modo serie o SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface). El control de dicha comunicación se realiza por medio de un Array de Puertas Lógicas Programables o FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array), en concreto se ha utilizado una plataforma de desarrollo modelo Virtex-5 de la empresa Xilinx. Esta tarjeta se ha programado también para el procesado software y la posterior comunicación serie con el PC, el cual consta de una interfaz de usuario donde se muestran los resultados de las medidas en tiempo real. El proyecto ha sido desarrollado en colaboración con una empresa privada dedicada principalmente al diseño electrónico. La finalidad de este prototipo es el estudio de una actualización del bloque de medida para el control de las curvas de temperatura de un equipo de reparación aeronáutica. En esta memoria se describe el proceso realizado para el desarrollo del prototipo, incluye la presentación de los estudios realizados y la información necesaria para llevar a cabo el diseño, la fabricación y la programación de los diferentes bloques que componen el sistema. ABSTRACT. The aim of this project is to implement a multichannel temperature measurement system with digital processing, using thermocouples. A four-channel prototype with thermocouple connection has been built. The thermocouple voltage is converted to digital line using a Thermocouple-to-Digital Converter with a Serial Perpheral Interface (SPI) output. The master which controls this communication is embedded in a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), specifically the Xilinx Virtex-5 model. This FPGA also has the code for software temperature processing and the prototype to PC serial communication embedded. The PC user interface displays the measurement results in real time. This project has been developed at a private electronics design company. The company wants to study an update to change the analogue temperature controller equipment to a digital one. So this prototype studies a digital version of the temperature measurement block. The processes accomplished for the prototype development are detailed in the next pages of this document. It includes the studies and information needed to develop the design, manufacturing process and programming of the blocks which integrate with the global system.


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This paper reports a model of the mammalian retina as well as an interpretation of some functions of the visual cortex. Its main objective is to simulate some of the behaviors observed at the different retina cells depending on the characteristics of the light impinging onto the photoreceptors. This simulation is carried out with a simple structure employed previously as basic building block of some optical computer architectures. Its possibility to perform any type of Boolean function allows a wide range of behaviors.


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In this paper an approach to the synchronization of chaotic circuits has been reported. It is based on an optically programmable logic cell and the signals involved are fully digital. It is based on the reception of the same input signal on sender and receiver and from this approach, with a posterior correlation between both outputs, an identical chaotic output is obtained in both systems. No conversion from analog to digital signals is needed. The model here presented is based on a computer simulation.


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A possible approach to the synchronization of chaotic circuits is reported. It is based on an Optically Programmable Logic Cell and the signals are fully digital. A method to study the characteristics of the obtained chaos is reported as well as a new technique to compare the obtained chaos from an emitter and a receiver. This technique allows the synchronization of chaotic signals. The signals received at the receiver, composed by the addition of information and chaotic signals, are compared with the chaos generated there and a pure information signal can be detected. Its application to cryptography in Optical Communications comes directly from these properties. The model here presented is based on a computer simulation.