17 resultados para Arc-flash hazard

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Within the framework of cost-effective patterning processes a novel technique that saves photolithographic processing steps, easily scalable to wide area production, is proposed. It consists of a tip-probe, which is biased with respect to a conductive substrate and slides on it, keeping contact with the material. The sliding tip leaves an insulating path (which currently is as narrow as 30 μm) across the material, which enables the drawing of tracks and pads electrically insulated from the surroundings. This ablation method, called arc-erosion, requires an experimental set up that had to be customized for this purpose and is described. Upon instrumental monitoring, a brief proposal of the physics below this process is also presented. As a result an optimal control of the patterning process has been acquired. The system has been used on different substrates, including indium tin oxide either on glass or on polyethylene terephtalate, as well as alloys like Au/Cr, and Al. The influence of conditions such as tip speed and applied voltage is discussed


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1999 Seismic Hazard In Guatemala 2001 Post-Event Mision 2006 Resis Ii Project Norad 2007 Workshop Seismic Hazard 2010 Book Amenaza Sísmica En América Central 2011 Cooperation Haití, República Dominicana, Puerto Rico


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This paper presents a System Safety application to reduce the economical impact hazards in growings produced by Rainfall. System Safety is an engineering subdiscipline oriented to identify and mitigate the possible hazards to a system under study. Inside the System Safety area, the FMECA (Failure Mode, Effects and Criticallity Analysis) is a popular tool to analyze and identify the failures and weaknesses points of any system. Basically, it consist on identifying systematically the failure modes of a system to mitigate them as much as possible. The idea is to study three different kind of growings (stone fruits in the south of Spain, wheat production in Castilla Leon and Olive trees production in Andalucia) using this methodology in order to identify all the hazardous situations produced by rainfall. Applying the state of the art weather forecast techniques, this information would help farmers to prevent and mitigate the identified hazardous situations. The aim of the work is to prevent the economical hazards as are defined in the System Safety area: "Any real or potential condition that can cause injury, illness, or death to personnel; damage to or loss of a system, equipment or property; or damage to the environment", so the study is not reduced to the analysis of catastrophical situations but aboutany kind of economical damage produced by rainfall.


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This paper presents a new hazard-consistent ground motion characterization of the Itoiz dam site, located in Northern Spain. Firstly, we propose a methodology with different approximation levels to the expected ground motion at the dam site. Secondly, we apply this methodology taking into account the particular characteristics of the site and of the dam. Hazard calculations were performed following the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment method using a logic tree, which accounts for different seismic source zonings and different ground-motion attenuation relationships. The study was done in terms of peak ground acceleration and several spectral accelerations of periods coinciding with the fundamental vibration periods of the dam. In order to estimate these ground motions we consider two different dam conditions: when the dam is empty (T = 0.1 s) and when it is filled with water to its maximum capacity (T = 0.22 s). Additionally, seismic hazard analysis is done for two return periods: 975 years, related to the project earthquake, and 4,975 years, identified with an extreme event. Soil conditions were also taken into account at the site of the dam. Through the proposed methodology we deal with different forms of characterizing ground motion at the study site. In a first step, we obtain the uniform hazard response spectra for the two return periods. In a second step, a disaggregation analysis is done in order to obtain the controlling earthquakes that can affect the dam. Subsequently, we characterize the ground motion at the dam site in terms of specific response spectra for target motions defined by the expected values SA (T) of T = 0.1 and 0.22 s for the return periods of 975 and 4,975 years, respectively. Finally, synthetic acceleration time histories for earthquake events matching the controlling parameters are generated using the discrete wave-number method and subsequently analyzed. Because of the short relative distances between the controlling earthquakes and the dam site we considered finite sources in these computations. We conclude that directivity effects should be taken into account as an important variable in this kind of studies for ground motion characteristics.


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Las Angustias torrent is an ungauged stream located in the Caldera de Taburiente National Park (Canary Islands), where frequent and intense flood events occur (even causing fatalities, such as in November 2001). The aim of this research is to analyse the flood hazard in one of the most visited areas of this protected area. To carry out this objective, during two dendrogeomorphological campaigns, all pine trees located on the stream bed and banks showing external evidence of flash flood damage were sampled. In addition, a detailed topographical survey using GPS and total station allowed us to obtain the inputs for hydraulic modelling. In the preliminary results, two flood events have been identified (1967-1968 and 1999- 2000), and evidence of other dates has been observed (1976, 1983, 1993 and 2001). Magnitude reconstruction of these events will improve flood hazard and risk analyses and will be useful for National Park managers.


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Seismic hazard study in “La Hispaniola” island in connection with the land tenure situation in the region, in order to define priority areas with a high risk, where some land management recommendations are proposed. The seismic hazard assessment has been carried out following the probabilistic method with a seismogenic zonation and including the major faults of the region as independent units. In order to identify the priority areas, it has taken into account, besides the seismic hazard study, the map of changes of static Coulomb failure stress and the landslide hazard map.


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An evaluation of the seismic hazard in La Hispaniola Island has been carried out, as part of the cooperative project SISMO-HAITI, supported by the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and developed by several Spanish Universities, the National Observatory of Environment and Vulnerability) ONEV of Haiti, and with contributions from the Puerto Rico Seismic Network (PRSN) and University Seismological Institute of Dominican Republic (ISU). The study was aimed at obtaining results suitable for seismic design purposes. It started with the elaboration of a seismic catalogue for the Hispaniola Island, requiring an exhaustive revision of data reported by more than 20 seismic agencies, apart from these from the PRSN and ISU. The final catalogue contains 96 historical earthquakes and 1690 instrumental events, and it was homogenized to moment magnitude, Mw. Seismotectonic models proposed for the region were revised and a new regional zonation was proposed, taking into account geological andtectonic data, seismicity, focal mechanisms, and GPS observations. In parallel, attenuation models for subduction and crustal zones were revised in previous projects and the most suitable for the Caribbean plate were selected. Then, a seismic hazard analysis was developed in terms of peak ground acceleration, PGA, and spectral accelerations, SA (T), for periods of 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1 and 2s, using the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA) methodology. As a result, different hazard maps were obtained for the quoted parameters, together with Uniform Hazard Spectra for Port au Prince and the main cities in the country. Hazard deaggregation was also carried out in these towns, for the target motion given by the PGA and SA (1s) obtained for return periods of 475, 975 and 2475 years. Therefore, the controlling earthquakes for short- and long-period target motions were derived. This study was started a few months after the 2010 earthquake, as a response to an aid request from the Haitian government to the UPM, and the results are available for the definition of the first building code in Haiti.


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La medición y testeo de células fotovoltaicas en el laboratorio o en la industria exige reproducir unas condiciones de iluminación semejantes a las reales. Por eso se utilizan sistemas de iluminación basados en lámparas flash de Xenon que reproducen las condiciones reales en cuanto a nivel de irradiancia y espectro de la luz incidente. El objetivo de este proyecto es realizar los circuitos electrónicos necesarios para el disparo de dichas lámparas. El circuito de alimentación y disparo de una lámpara flash consta de una fuente de alimentación variable, un circuito de disparo para la ionización del gas Xenon y la electrónica de control. Nuestro circuito de disparo pretende producir pulsos adecuados para los dispositivos fotovoltaicos tanto en irradiancia, espectro y en duración, de forma que con un solo disparo consigamos el tiempo, la irradiancia y el espectro suficiente para el testeo de la célula fotovoltaica. La mayoría de estos circuitos exceptuando los específicos que necesita la lámpara, serán diseñados, simulados, montados en PCB y comprobados posteriormente en el laboratorio. ABSTRACT. Measurement and testing of photovoltaic cells in the laboratory or in industry requires reproduce lighting conditions similar to the real ones. So are used based lighting systems xenon flash lamps that reproduce the actual conditions in the level of irradiance and spectrum of the incident light. The objective of this project is to make electronic circuits required for such lamps shot. The power supply circuit and flash lamp shot consists of a variable power supply, a trigger circuit for Xenon gas ionization and the control electronics. Our shot circuit aims to produce pulses suitable for photovoltaic devices both irradiance, spectrum and duration, so that with a single shot get the time, the irradiance and spectrum enough for testing the photovoltaic cell. Most of these circuits except lamp specific requirements will be designed, simulated, and PCB mounted subsequently tested in the laboratory.


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In this paper we present a global overview of the recent study carried out in Spain for the new hazard map, which final goal is the revision of the Building Code in our country (NCSE-02). The study was carried our for a working group joining experts from The Instituto Geografico Nacional (IGN) and the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) , being the different phases of the work supervised by an expert Committee integrated by national experts from public institutions involved in subject of seismic hazard. The PSHA method (Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment) has been followed, quantifying the epistemic uncertainties through a logic tree and the aleatory ones linked to variability of parameters by means of probability density functions and Monte Carlo simulations. In a first phase, the inputs have been prepared, which essentially are: 1) a project catalogue update and homogenization at Mw 2) proposal of zoning models and source characterization 3) calibration of Ground Motion Prediction Equations (GMPE’s) with actual data and development of a local model with data collected in Spain for Mw < 5.5. In a second phase, a sensitivity analysis of the different input options on hazard results has been carried out in order to have criteria for defining the branches of the logic tree and their weights. Finally, the hazard estimation was done with the logic tree shown in figure 1, including nodes for quantifying uncertainties corresponding to: 1) method for estimation of hazard (zoning and zoneless); 2) zoning models, 3) GMPE combinations used and 4) regression method for estimation of source parameters. In addition, the aleatory uncertainties corresponding to the magnitude of the events, recurrence parameters and maximum magnitude for each zone have been also considered including probability density functions and Monte Carlo simulations The main conclusions of the study are presented here, together with the obtained results in terms of PGA and other spectral accelerations SA (T) for return periods of 475, 975 and 2475 years. The map of the coefficient of variation (COV) are also represented to give an idea of the zones where the dispersion among results are the highest and the zones where the results are robust.


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Análisis del riesgo volcánico. We show the preliminary results of the study of 561 volcanic bombs ejected from a pyroclastic cone during the 1730-1736 Timanfaya eruption (Lanzarote, Canary Islands). This cone displays the highest concentration of big bombs (major axis higher than 1 m) of Timanfaya. More than 560 bombs have been studied to calculate their reach. The results suggest that bombs of 1t have a reach of 409 m, while bombs up to 28 t have a reach of 248 m. These data may be used to define a security area once a vent has been opened, but also to calculate other data such the initial velocity of ejection. The geomorphological analysis and the study of the deposits also contribute to better understand an undocumented episode of the Timanfaya eruption and also provide important data for volcanic bombs modeling for volcanic hazard analysis.


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Se ha realizado un estudio dendrogeomorfológico utilizando las heridas de los árboles como indicadores de paleoinundaciones.


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Society is frequently exposed to and threatened by dangerous phenomena in many parts of the world. Different types of such phenomena require specific actions for proper risk management, from the stages of hazard identification to those of mitigation (including monitoring and early-warning) and/or reduction. The understanding of both predisposing factors and triggering mechanisms of a given danger and the prediction of its evolution from the source to the overall affected zone are relevant issues that must be addressed to properly evaluate a given hazard.


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Flash floods represent one of the most common natural hazards in mountain catchments, and are frequent in Mediterranean environments. As a result of the widespread lack of reliable data on past events, the understanding of their spatio-temporal occurrence and their climatic triggers remains rather limited. Here, we present a dendrogeomorphic reconstruction of past flash flood activity in the Arroyo de los Puentes stream (Sierra de Guadarrama, Spanish Central System). We analyze a total of 287 increment cores from 178 disturbed Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris L.) which yielded indications on 212 growth disturbances related to past flash flood impact. In combination with local archives, meteorological data, annual forest management records and highly-resolved terrestrial data (i.e., LiDAR data and aerial imagery), the dendrogeomorphic time series allowed dating 25 flash floods over the last three centuries, with a major event leaving an intense geomorphic footprint throughout the catchment in 1936. The analysis of meteorological records suggests that the rainfall thresholds of flash floods vary with the seasonality of events. Dated flash floods in the 20th century were primarily related with synoptic troughs owing to the arrival of air masses from north and west on the Iberian Peninsula during negative indices of the North Atlantic Oscillation. The results of this study contribute considerably to a better understanding of hazards related with hydrogeomorphic processes in central Spain in general and in the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park in particular.


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The seismic hazard of the Iberian Peninsula is analysed using a nonparametric methodology based on statistical kernel functions; the activity rate is derived from the catalogue data, both its spatial dependence (without a seismogenic zonation) and its magnitude dependence (without using Gutenberg–Richter's relationship). The catalogue is that of the Instituto Geográfico Nacional, supplemented with other catalogues around the periphery; the quantification of events has been homogenised and spatially or temporally interrelated events have been suppressed to assume a Poisson process. The activity rate is determined by the kernel function, the bandwidth and the effective periods. The resulting rate is compared with that produced using Gutenberg–Richter statistics and a zoned approach. Three attenuation relationships have been employed, one for deep sources and two for shallower events, depending on whether their magnitude was above or below 5. The results are presented as seismic hazard maps for different spectral frequencies and for return periods of 475 and 2475 yr, which allows constructing uniform hazard spectra


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Estudios dendroecológicos para el análisis de regímentes torrenciales y avenidas