19 resultados para Applied general equilibrium

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The Kariba dam is undergoing concrete expansion as a result of an alkali-aggregate reaction. The model adopted to simulate the process is explained in the paper; it is based on the model first proposed by Ulm et al, as later modified by Saouma and Perotti. It has been implemented in the commercial finite element code Abaqus and applied to solve the benchmark problem. The parameters of the model were calibrated using the data recorded up to 1995. The calibrated model was then used for predicting the evolution of the dam up to the present date. Apart from this prediction the paper offers a number of conclusions, such as the fact that the stress level appears to have a major influence on the expansion process; and it presents some suggestions to improve the formulation of the benchmark, such as providing temperature data and widening the locations and conditions of the data employed in the calibration


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The results obtained after incorporating the competence “creativity” to the subject Technical Drawing of the first course of the Degree in Forestry, Technical University of Madrid, are presented in this study.At first, learning activities which could serve two functions at the same time -developing students’ creativity and developing other specific competences of the subject- were considered. Besides, changes in the assessment procedure were made and a method which analyzes two aspects of the assessment of the competence creativity was established. On the one hand, the products are evaluated by analyzing the outcomes obtained by students in the essays suggested and by establishing a parameter to assess the creativity expressed in those essays. On the other, an assessment of the student is directly carried out through a psychometric test which has been previously chosen by the team.Moreover, these results can be applied to similar or could be of general application


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The Kariba dam is undergoing concrete expansion as a result of an alkali-aggregate reaction. The model adopted to simulate the process is explained in the paper; it is based on the model first proposed by Ulm et al, as later modified by Saouma and Perotti. It has been implemented in the commercial finite element code Abaqus and applied to solve the benchmark problem. The parameters of the model were calibrated using the data recorded up to 1995. The calibrated model was then used for predicting the evolution of the dam up to the present date. Apart from this prediction the paper offers a number of conclusions, such as the fact that the stress level appears to have a major influence on the expansion process; and it presents some suggestions to improve the formulation of the benchmark, such as providing temperature data and widening the locations and conditions of the data employed in the calibration


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A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) provides the information basis used for many geographic applications such as topographic and geomorphologic studies, landscape through GIS (Geographic Information Systems) among others. The DEM capacity to represent Earth?s surface depends on the surface roughness and the resolution used. Each DEM pixel depends on the scale used characterized by two variables: resolution and extension of the area studied. DEMs can vary in resolution and accuracy by the production method, although there are statistical characteristics that keep constant or very similar in a wide range of scales. Based on this property, several techniques have been applied to characterize DEM through multiscale analysis directly related to fractal geometry: multifractal spectrum and the structure function. The comparison of the results by both methods is discussed. The study area is represented by a 1024 x 1024 data matrix obtained from a DEM with a resolution of 10 x 10 m each point, which correspond with a region known as ?Monte de El Pardo? a property of Spanish National Heritage (Patrimonio Nacional Español) of 15820 Ha located to a short distance from the center of Madrid. Manzanares River goes through this area from North to South. In the southern area a reservoir is found with a capacity of 43 hm3, with an altitude of 603.3 m till 632 m when it is at the highest capacity. In the middle of the reservoir the minimum altitude of this area is achieved.


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Acquired brain injury (ABI) is one of the leading causes of death and disability in the world and is associated with high health care costs as a result of the acute treatment and long term rehabilitation involved. Different algorithms and methods have been proposed to predict the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs. In general, research has focused on predicting the overall improvement of patients with ABI. The purpose of this study is the novel application of data mining (DM) techniques to predict the outcomes of cognitive rehabilitation in patients with ABI. We generate three predictive models that allow us to obtain new knowledge to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of the cognitive rehabilitation process. Decision tree (DT), multilayer perceptron (MLP) and general regression neural network (GRNN) have been used to construct the prediction models. 10-fold cross validation was carried out in order to test the algorithms, using the Institut Guttmann Neurorehabilitation Hospital (IG) patients database. Performance of the models was tested through specificity, sensitivity and accuracy analysis and confusion matrix analysis. The experimental results obtained by DT are clearly superior with a prediction average accuracy of 90.38%, while MLP and GRRN obtained a 78.7% and 75.96%, respectively. This study allows to increase the knowledge about the contributing factors of an ABI patient recovery and to estimate treatment efficacy in individual patients.


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Fractal and multifractal are concepts that have grown increasingly popular in recent years in the soil analysis, along with the development of fractal models. One of the common steps is to calculate the slope of a linear fit commonly using least squares method. This shouldn?t be a special problem, however, in many situations using experimental data the researcher has to select the range of scales at which is going to work neglecting the rest of points to achieve the best linearity that in this type of analysis is necessary. Robust regression is a form of regression analysis designed to circumvent some limitations of traditional parametric and non-parametric methods. In this method we don?t have to assume that the outlier point is simply an extreme observation drawn from the tail of a normal distribution not compromising the validity of the regression results. In this work we have evaluated the capacity of robust regression to select the points in the experimental data used trying to avoid subjective choices. Based on this analysis we have developed a new work methodology that implies two basic steps: ? Evaluation of the improvement of linear fitting when consecutive points are eliminated based on R pvalue. In this way we consider the implications of reducing the number of points. ? Evaluation of the significance of slope difference between fitting with the two extremes points and fitted with the available points. We compare the results applying this methodology and the common used least squares one. The data selected for these comparisons are coming from experimental soil roughness transect and simulated based on middle point displacement method adding tendencies and noise. The results are discussed indicating the advantages and disadvantages of each methodology.


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The well-known Noether theorem in Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics associates symmetries in the evolution equations of a mechanical system with conserved quantities. In this work, we extend this classical idea to problems of non-equilibrium thermodynamics formulated within the GENERIC (General Equations for Non-Equilibrium Reversible-Irreversible Coupling) framework. The geometric meaning of symmetry is reviewed in this formal setting and then utilized to identify possible conserved quantities and the conditions that guarantee their strict conservation. Examples are provided that demonstrate the validity of the proposed definition in the context of finite and infinite dimensional thermoelastic problems.


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Currently, there is a great deal of well-founded explicit knowledge formalizing general notions, such as time concepts and the part_of relation. Yet, it is often the case that instead of reusing ontologies that implement such notions (the so-called general ontologies), engineers create procedural programs that implicitly implement this knowledge. They do not save time and code by reusing explicit knowledge, and devote effort to solve problems that other people have already adequately solved. Consequently, we have developed a methodology that helps engineers to: (a) identify the type of general ontology to be reused; (b) find out which axioms and definitions should be reused; (c) make a decision, using formal concept analysis, on what general ontology is going to be reused; and (d) adapt and integrate the selected general ontology in the domain ontology to be developed. To illustrate our approach we have employed use-cases. For each use case, we provide a set of heuristics with examples. Each of these heuristics has been tested in either OWL or Prolog. Our methodology has been applied to develop a pharmaceutical product ontology. Additionally, we have carried out a controlled experiment with graduated students doing a MCs in Artificial Intelligence. This experiment has yielded some interesting findings concerning what kind of features the future extensions of the methodology should have.


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Un escenario habitualmente considerado para el uso sostenible y prolongado de la energía nuclear contempla un parque de reactores rápidos refrigerados por metales líquidos (LMFR) dedicados al reciclado de Pu y la transmutación de actínidos minoritarios (MA). Otra opción es combinar dichos reactores con algunos sistemas subcríticos asistidos por acelerador (ADS), exclusivamente destinados a la eliminación de MA. El diseño y licenciamiento de estos reactores innovadores requiere herramientas computacionales prácticas y precisas, que incorporen el conocimiento obtenido en la investigación experimental de nuevas configuraciones de reactores, materiales y sistemas. A pesar de que se han construido y operado un cierto número de reactores rápidos a nivel mundial, la experiencia operacional es todavía reducida y no todos los transitorios se han podido entender completamente. Por tanto, los análisis de seguridad de nuevos LMFR están basados fundamentalmente en métodos deterministas, al contrario que las aproximaciones modernas para reactores de agua ligera (LWR), que se benefician también de los métodos probabilistas. La aproximación más usada en los estudios de seguridad de LMFR es utilizar una variedad de códigos, desarrollados a base de distintas teorías, en busca de soluciones integrales para los transitorios e incluyendo incertidumbres. En este marco, los nuevos códigos para cálculos de mejor estimación ("best estimate") que no incluyen aproximaciones conservadoras, son de una importancia primordial para analizar estacionarios y transitorios en reactores rápidos. Esta tesis se centra en el desarrollo de un código acoplado para realizar análisis realistas en reactores rápidos críticos aplicando el método de Monte Carlo. Hoy en día, dado el mayor potencial de recursos computacionales, los códigos de transporte neutrónico por Monte Carlo se pueden usar de manera práctica para realizar cálculos detallados de núcleos completos, incluso de elevada heterogeneidad material. Además, los códigos de Monte Carlo se toman normalmente como referencia para los códigos deterministas de difusión en multigrupos en aplicaciones con reactores rápidos, porque usan secciones eficaces punto a punto, un modelo geométrico exacto y tienen en cuenta intrínsecamente la dependencia angular de flujo. En esta tesis se presenta una metodología de acoplamiento entre el conocido código MCNP, que calcula la generación de potencia en el reactor, y el código de termohidráulica de subcanal COBRA-IV, que obtiene las distribuciones de temperatura y densidad en el sistema. COBRA-IV es un código apropiado para aplicaciones en reactores rápidos ya que ha sido validado con resultados experimentales en haces de barras con sodio, incluyendo las correlaciones más apropiadas para metales líquidos. En una primera fase de la tesis, ambos códigos se han acoplado en estado estacionario utilizando un método iterativo con intercambio de archivos externos. El principal problema en el acoplamiento neutrónico y termohidráulico en estacionario con códigos de Monte Carlo es la manipulación de las secciones eficaces para tener en cuenta el ensanchamiento Doppler cuando la temperatura del combustible aumenta. Entre todas las opciones disponibles, en esta tesis se ha escogido la aproximación de pseudo materiales, y se ha comprobado que proporciona resultados aceptables en su aplicación con reactores rápidos. Por otro lado, los cambios geométricos originados por grandes gradientes de temperatura en el núcleo de reactores rápidos resultan importantes para la neutrónica como consecuencia del elevado recorrido libre medio del neutrón en estos sistemas. Por tanto, se ha desarrollado un módulo adicional que simula la geometría del reactor en caliente y permite estimar la reactividad debido a la expansión del núcleo en un transitorio. éste módulo calcula automáticamente la longitud del combustible, el radio de la vaina, la separación de los elementos de combustible y el radio de la placa soporte en función de la temperatura. éste efecto es muy relevante en transitorios sin inserción de bancos de parada. También relacionado con los cambios geométricos, se ha implementado una herramienta que, automatiza el movimiento de las barras de control en busca d la criticidad del reactor, o bien calcula el valor de inserción axial las barras de control. Una segunda fase en la plataforma de cálculo que se ha desarrollado es la simulació dinámica. Puesto que MCNP sólo realiza cálculos estacionarios para sistemas críticos o supercríticos, la solución más directa que se propone sin modificar el código fuente de MCNP es usar la aproximación de factorización de flujo, que resuelve por separado la forma del flujo y la amplitud. En este caso se han estudiado en profundidad dos aproximaciones: adiabática y quasiestática. El método adiabático usa un esquema de acoplamiento que alterna en el tiempo los cálculos neutrónicos y termohidráulicos. MCNP calcula el modo fundamental de la distribución de neutrones y la reactividad al final de cada paso de tiempo, y COBRA-IV calcula las propiedades térmicas en el punto intermedio de los pasos de tiempo. La evolución de la amplitud de flujo se calcula resolviendo las ecuaciones de cinética puntual. Este método calcula la reactividad estática en cada paso de tiempo que, en general, difiere de la reactividad dinámica que se obtendría con la distribución de flujo exacta y dependiente de tiempo. No obstante, para entornos no excesivamente alejados de la criticidad ambas reactividades son similares y el método conduce a resultados prácticos aceptables. Siguiendo esta línea, se ha desarrollado después un método mejorado para intentar tener en cuenta el efecto de la fuente de neutrones retardados en la evolución de la forma del flujo durante el transitorio. El esquema consiste en realizar un cálculo cuasiestacionario por cada paso de tiempo con MCNP. La simulación cuasiestacionaria se basa EN la aproximación de fuente constante de neutrones retardados, y consiste en dar un determinado peso o importancia a cada ciclo computacial del cálculo de criticidad con MCNP para la estimación del flujo final. Ambos métodos se han verificado tomando como referencia los resultados del código de difusión COBAYA3 frente a un ejercicio común y suficientemente significativo. Finalmente, con objeto de demostrar la posibilidad de uso práctico del código, se ha simulado un transitorio en el concepto de reactor crítico en fase de diseño MYRRHA/FASTEF, de 100 MW de potencia térmica y refrigerado por plomo-bismuto. ABSTRACT Long term sustainable nuclear energy scenarios envisage a fleet of Liquid Metal Fast Reactors (LMFR) for the Pu recycling and minor actinides (MAs) transmutation or combined with some accelerator driven systems (ADS) just for MAs elimination. Design and licensing of these innovative reactor concepts require accurate computational tools, implementing the knowledge obtained in experimental research for new reactor configurations, materials and associated systems. Although a number of fast reactor systems have already been built, the operational experience is still reduced, especially for lead reactors, and not all the transients are fully understood. The safety analysis approach for LMFR is therefore based only on deterministic methods, different from modern approach for Light Water Reactors (LWR) which also benefit from probabilistic methods. Usually, the approach adopted in LMFR safety assessments is to employ a variety of codes, somewhat different for the each other, to analyze transients looking for a comprehensive solution and including uncertainties. In this frame, new best estimate simulation codes are of prime importance in order to analyze fast reactors steady state and transients. This thesis is focused on the development of a coupled code system for best estimate analysis in fast critical reactor. Currently due to the increase in the computational resources, Monte Carlo methods for neutrons transport can be used for detailed full core calculations. Furthermore, Monte Carlo codes are usually taken as reference for deterministic diffusion multigroups codes in fast reactors applications because they employ point-wise cross sections in an exact geometry model and intrinsically account for directional dependence of the ux. The coupling methodology presented here uses MCNP to calculate the power deposition within the reactor. The subchannel code COBRA-IV calculates the temperature and density distribution within the reactor. COBRA-IV is suitable for fast reactors applications because it has been validated against experimental results in sodium rod bundles. The proper correlations for liquid metal applications have been added to the thermal-hydraulics program. Both codes are coupled at steady state using an iterative method and external files exchange. The main issue in the Monte Carlo/thermal-hydraulics steady state coupling is the cross section handling to take into account Doppler broadening when temperature rises. Among every available options, the pseudo materials approach has been chosen in this thesis. This approach obtains reasonable results in fast reactor applications. Furthermore, geometrical changes caused by large temperature gradients in the core, are of major importance in fast reactor due to the large neutron mean free path. An additional module has therefore been included in order to simulate the reactor geometry in hot state or to estimate the reactivity due to core expansion in a transient. The module automatically calculates the fuel length, cladding radius, fuel assembly pitch and diagrid radius with the temperature. This effect will be crucial in some unprotected transients. Also related to geometrical changes, an automatic control rod movement feature has been implemented in order to achieve a just critical reactor or to calculate control rod worth. A step forward in the coupling platform is the dynamic simulation. Since MCNP performs only steady state calculations for critical systems, the more straight forward option without modifying MCNP source code, is to use the flux factorization approach solving separately the flux shape and amplitude. In this thesis two options have been studied to tackle time dependent neutronic simulations using a Monte Carlo code: adiabatic and quasistatic methods. The adiabatic methods uses a staggered time coupling scheme for the time advance of neutronics and the thermal-hydraulics calculations. MCNP computes the fundamental mode of the neutron flux distribution and the reactivity at the end of each time step and COBRA-IV the thermal properties at half of the the time steps. To calculate the flux amplitude evolution a solver of the point kinetics equations is used. This method calculates the static reactivity in each time step that in general is different from the dynamic reactivity calculated with the exact flux distribution. Nevertheless, for close to critical situations, both reactivities are similar and the method leads to acceptable practical results. In this line, an improved method as an attempt to take into account the effect of delayed neutron source in the transient flux shape evolutions is developed. The scheme performs a quasistationary calculation per time step with MCNP. This quasistationary simulations is based con the constant delayed source approach, taking into account the importance of each criticality cycle in the final flux estimation. Both adiabatic and quasistatic methods have been verified against the diffusion code COBAYA3, using a theoretical kinetic exercise. Finally, a transient in a critical 100 MWth lead-bismuth-eutectic reactor concept is analyzed using the adiabatic method as an application example in a real system.


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The Project you are about to see it is based on the technologies used on object detection and recognition, especially on leaves and chromosomes. To do so, this document contains the typical parts of a scientific paper, as it is what it is. It is composed by an Abstract, an Introduction, points that have to do with the investigation area, future work, conclusions and references used for the elaboration of the document. The Abstract talks about what are we going to find in this paper, which is technologies employed on pattern detection and recognition for leaves and chromosomes and the jobs that are already made for cataloguing these objects. In the introduction detection and recognition meanings are explained. This is necessary as many papers get confused with these terms, specially the ones talking about chromosomes. Detecting an object is gathering the parts of the image that are useful and eliminating the useless parts. Summarizing, detection would be recognizing the objects borders. When talking about recognition, we are talking about the computers or the machines process, which says what kind of object we are handling. Afterwards we face a compilation of the most used technologies in object detection in general. There are two main groups on this category: Based on derivatives of images and based on ASIFT points. The ones that are based on derivatives of images have in common that convolving them with a previously created matrix does the treatment of them. This is done for detecting borders on the images, which are changes on the intensity of the pixels. Within these technologies we face two groups: Gradian based, which search for maximums and minimums on the pixels intensity as they only use the first derivative. The Laplacian based methods search for zeros on the pixels intensity as they use the second derivative. Depending on the level of details that we want to use on the final result, we will choose one option or the other, because, as its logic, if we used Gradian based methods, the computer will consume less resources and less time as there are less operations, but the quality will be worse. On the other hand, if we use the Laplacian based methods we will need more time and resources as they require more operations, but we will have a much better quality result. After explaining all the derivative based methods, we take a look on the different algorithms that are available for both groups. The other big group of technologies for object recognition is the one based on ASIFT points, which are based on 6 image parameters and compare them with another image taking under consideration these parameters. These methods disadvantage, for our future purposes, is that it is only valid for one single object. So if we are going to recognize two different leaves, even though if they refer to the same specie, we are not going to be able to recognize them with this method. It is important to mention these types of technologies as we are talking about recognition methods in general. At the end of the chapter we can see a comparison with pros and cons of all technologies that are employed. Firstly comparing them separately and then comparing them all together, based on our purposes. Recognition techniques, which are the next chapter, are not really vast as, even though there are general steps for doing object recognition, every single object that has to be recognized has its own method as the are different. This is why there is not a general method that we can specify on this chapter. We now move on into leaf detection techniques on computers. Now we will use the technique explained above based on the image derivatives. Next step will be to turn the leaf into several parameters. Depending on the document that you are referring to, there will be more or less parameters. Some papers recommend to divide the leaf into 3 main features (shape, dent and vein] and doing mathematical operations with them we can get up to 16 secondary features. Next proposition is dividing the leaf into 5 main features (Diameter, physiological length, physiological width, area and perimeter] and from those, extract 12 secondary features. This second alternative is the most used so it is the one that is going to be the reference. Following in to leaf recognition, we are based on a paper that provides a source code that, clicking on both leaf ends, it automatically tells to which specie belongs the leaf that we are trying to recognize. To do so, it only requires having a database. On the tests that have been made by the document, they assure us a 90.312% of accuracy over 320 total tests (32 plants on the database and 10 tests per specie]. Next chapter talks about chromosome detection, where we shall pass the metaphasis plate, where the chromosomes are disorganized, into the karyotype plate, which is the usual view of the 23 chromosomes ordered by number. There are two types of techniques to do this step: the skeletonization process and swiping angles. Skeletonization progress consists on suppressing the inside pixels of the chromosome to just stay with the silhouette. This method is really similar to the ones based on the derivatives of the image but the difference is that it doesnt detect the borders but the interior of the chromosome. Second technique consists of swiping angles from the beginning of the chromosome and, taking under consideration, that on a single chromosome we cannot have more than an X angle, it detects the various regions of the chromosomes. Once the karyotype plate is defined, we continue with chromosome recognition. To do so, there is a technique based on the banding that chromosomes have (grey scale bands] that make them unique. The program then detects the longitudinal axis of the chromosome and reconstructs the band profiles. Then the computer is able to recognize this chromosome. Concerning the future work, we generally have to independent techniques that dont reunite detection and recognition, so our main focus would be to prepare a program that gathers both techniques. On the leaf matter we have seen that, detection and recognition, have a link as both share the option of dividing the leaf into 5 main features. The work that would have to be done is to create an algorithm that linked both methods, as in the program, which recognizes leaves, it has to be clicked both leaf ends so it is not an automatic algorithm. On the chromosome side, we should create an algorithm that searches for the beginning of the chromosome and then start to swipe angles, to later give the parameters to the program that searches for the band profiles. Finally, on the summary, we explain why this type of investigation is needed, and that is because with global warming, lots of species (animals and plants] are beginning to extinguish. That is the reason why a big database, which gathers all the possible species, is needed. For recognizing animal species, we just only have to have the 23 chromosomes. While recognizing a plant, there are several ways of doing it, but the easiest way to input a computer is to scan the leaf of the plant. RESUMEN. El proyecto que se puede ver a continuación trata sobre las tecnologías empleadas en la detección y reconocimiento de objetos, especialmente de hojas y cromosomas. Para ello, este documento contiene las partes típicas de un paper de investigación, puesto que es de lo que se trata. Así, estará compuesto de Abstract, Introducción, diversos puntos que tengan que ver con el área a investigar, trabajo futuro, conclusiones y biografía utilizada para la realización del documento. Así, el Abstract nos cuenta qué vamos a poder encontrar en este paper, que no es ni más ni menos que las tecnologías empleadas en el reconocimiento y detección de patrones en hojas y cromosomas y qué trabajos hay existentes para catalogar a estos objetos. En la introducción se explican los conceptos de qué es la detección y qué es el reconocimiento. Esto es necesario ya que muchos papers científicos, especialmente los que hablan de cromosomas, confunden estos dos términos que no podían ser más sencillos. Por un lado tendríamos la detección del objeto, que sería simplemente coger las partes que nos interesasen de la imagen y eliminar aquellas partes que no nos fueran útiles para un futuro. Resumiendo, sería reconocer los bordes del objeto de estudio. Cuando hablamos de reconocimiento, estamos refiriéndonos al proceso que tiene el ordenador, o la máquina, para decir qué clase de objeto estamos tratando. Seguidamente nos encontramos con un recopilatorio de las tecnologías más utilizadas para la detección de objetos, en general. Aquí nos encontraríamos con dos grandes grupos de tecnologías: Las basadas en las derivadas de imágenes y las basadas en los puntos ASIFT. El grupo de tecnologías basadas en derivadas de imágenes tienen en común que hay que tratar a las imágenes mediante una convolución con una matriz creada previamente. Esto se hace para detectar bordes en las imágenes que son básicamente cambios en la intensidad de los píxeles. Dentro de estas tecnologías nos encontramos con dos grupos: Los basados en gradientes, los cuales buscan máximos y mínimos de intensidad en la imagen puesto que sólo utilizan la primera derivada; y los Laplacianos, los cuales buscan ceros en la intensidad de los píxeles puesto que estos utilizan la segunda derivada de la imagen. Dependiendo del nivel de detalles que queramos utilizar en el resultado final nos decantaremos por un método u otro puesto que, como es lógico, si utilizamos los basados en el gradiente habrá menos operaciones por lo que consumirá más tiempo y recursos pero por la contra tendremos menos calidad de imagen. Y al revés pasa con los Laplacianos, puesto que necesitan más operaciones y recursos pero tendrán un resultado final con mejor calidad. Después de explicar los tipos de operadores que hay, se hace un recorrido explicando los distintos tipos de algoritmos que hay en cada uno de los grupos. El otro gran grupo de tecnologías para el reconocimiento de objetos son los basados en puntos ASIFT, los cuales se basan en 6 parámetros de la imagen y la comparan con otra imagen teniendo en cuenta dichos parámetros. La desventaja de este método, para nuestros propósitos futuros, es que sólo es valido para un objeto en concreto. Por lo que si vamos a reconocer dos hojas diferentes, aunque sean de la misma especie, no vamos a poder reconocerlas mediante este método. Aún así es importante explicar este tipo de tecnologías puesto que estamos hablando de técnicas de reconocimiento en general. Al final del capítulo podremos ver una comparación con los pros y las contras de todas las tecnologías empleadas. Primeramente comparándolas de forma separada y, finalmente, compararemos todos los métodos existentes en base a nuestros propósitos. Las técnicas de reconocimiento, el siguiente apartado, no es muy extenso puesto que, aunque haya pasos generales para el reconocimiento de objetos, cada objeto a reconocer es distinto por lo que no hay un método específico que se pueda generalizar. Pasamos ahora a las técnicas de detección de hojas mediante ordenador. Aquí usaremos la técnica explicada previamente explicada basada en las derivadas de las imágenes. La continuación de este paso sería diseccionar la hoja en diversos parámetros. Dependiendo de la fuente a la que se consulte pueden haber más o menos parámetros. Unos documentos aconsejan dividir la morfología de la hoja en 3 parámetros principales (Forma, Dentina y ramificación] y derivando de dichos parámetros convertirlos a 16 parámetros secundarios. La otra propuesta es dividir la morfología de la hoja en 5 parámetros principales (Diámetro, longitud fisiológica, anchura fisiológica, área y perímetro] y de ahí extraer 12 parámetros secundarios. Esta segunda propuesta es la más utilizada de todas por lo que es la que se utilizará. Pasamos al reconocimiento de hojas, en la cual nos hemos basado en un documento que provee un código fuente que cucando en los dos extremos de la hoja automáticamente nos dice a qué especie pertenece la hoja que estamos intentando reconocer. Para ello sólo hay que formar una base de datos. En los test realizados por el citado documento, nos aseguran que tiene un índice de acierto del 90.312% en 320 test en total (32 plantas insertadas en la base de datos por 10 test que se han realizado por cada una de las especies]. El siguiente apartado trata de la detección de cromosomas, en el cual se debe de pasar de la célula metafásica, donde los cromosomas están desorganizados, al cariotipo, que es como solemos ver los 23 cromosomas de forma ordenada. Hay dos tipos de técnicas para realizar este paso: Por el proceso de esquelotonización y barriendo ángulos. El proceso de esqueletonización consiste en eliminar los píxeles del interior del cromosoma para quedarse con su silueta; Este proceso es similar a los métodos de derivación de los píxeles pero se diferencia en que no detecta bordes si no que detecta el interior de los cromosomas. La segunda técnica consiste en ir barriendo ángulos desde el principio del cromosoma y teniendo en cuenta que un cromosoma no puede doblarse más de X grados detecta las diversas regiones de los cromosomas. Una vez tengamos el cariotipo, se continua con el reconocimiento de cromosomas. Para ello existe una técnica basada en las bandas de blancos y negros que tienen los cromosomas y que son las que los hacen únicos. Para ello el programa detecta los ejes longitudinales del cromosoma y reconstruye los perfiles de las bandas que posee el cromosoma y que lo identifican como único. En cuanto al trabajo que se podría desempeñar en el futuro, tenemos por lo general dos técnicas independientes que no unen la detección con el reconocimiento por lo que se habría de preparar un programa que uniese estas dos técnicas. Respecto a las hojas hemos visto que ambos métodos, detección y reconocimiento, están vinculados debido a que ambos comparten la opinión de dividir las hojas en 5 parámetros principales. El trabajo que habría que realizar sería el de crear un algoritmo que conectase a ambos ya que en el programa de reconocimiento se debe clicar a los dos extremos de la hoja por lo que no es una tarea automática. En cuanto a los cromosomas, se debería de crear un algoritmo que busque el inicio del cromosoma y entonces empiece a barrer ángulos para después poder dárselo al programa que busca los perfiles de bandas de los cromosomas. Finalmente, en el resumen se explica el por qué hace falta este tipo de investigación, esto es que con el calentamiento global, muchas de las especies (tanto animales como plantas] se están empezando a extinguir. Es por ello que se necesitará una base de datos que contemple todas las posibles especies tanto del reino animal como del reino vegetal. Para reconocer a una especie animal, simplemente bastará con tener sus 23 cromosomas; mientras que para reconocer a una especie vegetal, existen diversas formas. Aunque la más sencilla de todas es contar con la hoja de la especie puesto que es el elemento más fácil de escanear e introducir en el ordenador.


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A general fractional porous medium equation


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This article presents a new and computationally efficient method of analysis of a railway track modelled as a continuous beam of 2N spans supported by elastic vertical springs. The main feature of this method is its important reduction in computational effort with respect to standard matrix methods of structural analysis. In this article, the whole structure is considered to be a repetition of a single one. The analysis presented is applied to a simple railway track model, i.e. to a repetitive beam supported on vertical springs (sleepers). The proposed method of analysis is based on the general theory of spatially periodic structures. The main feature of this theory is the possibility to apply Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) in order to reduce a large system of q(2N + 1) linear stiffness equilibrium equations to a set of 2N + 1 uncoupled systems of q equations each. In this way, a dramatic reduction of the computational effort of solving the large system of equations is achieved. This fact is particularly important in the analysis of railway track structures, in which N is a very large number (around several thousands), and q = 2, the vertical displacement and rotation, is very small. The proposed method allows us to easily obtain the exact solution given by Samartín [1], i.e. the continuous beam railway track response. The comparison between the proposed method and other methods of analysis of railway tracks, such as Lorente de Nó and Zimmermann-Timoshenko, clearly shows the accuracy of the obtained results for the proposed method, even for low values of N. In addition, identical results between the proposed and the Lorente methods have been found, although the proposed method seems to be of simpler application and computationally more efficient than the Lorente one. Small but significative differences occur between these two methods and the one developed by Zimmermann-Timoshenko. This article also presents a detailed sensitivity analysis of the vertical displacement of the sleepers. Although standard matrix methods of structural analysis can handle this railway model, one of the objectives of this article is to show the efficiency of DFT method with respect to standard matrix structural analysis. A comparative analysis between standard matrix structural analysis and the proposed method (DFT), in terms of computational time, input, output and also software programming, will be carried out. Finally, a URL link to a MatLab computer program list, based on the proposed method, is given


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An important issue related to future nuclear fusion reactors fueled with deuterium and tritium is the creation of large amounts of dust due to several mechanisms (disruptions, ELMs and VDEs). The dust size expected in nuclear fusion experiments (such as ITER) is in the order of microns (between 0.1 and 1000 μm). Almost the total amount of this dust remains in the vacuum vessel (VV). This radiological dust can re-suspend in case of LOVA (loss of vacuum accident) and these phenomena can cause explosions and serious damages to the health of the operators and to the integrity of the device. The authors have developed a facility, STARDUST, in order to reproduce the thermo fluid-dynamic conditions comparable to those expected inside the VV of the next generation of experiments such as ITER in case of LOVA. The dust used inside the STARDUST facility presents particle sizes and physical characteristics comparable with those that created inside the VV of nuclear fusion experiments. In this facility an experimental campaign has been conducted with the purpose of tracking the dust re-suspended at low pressurization rates (comparable to those expected in case of LOVA in ITER and suggested by the General Safety and Security Report ITER-GSSR) using a fast camera with a frame rate from 1000 to 10,000 images per second. The velocity fields of the mobilized dust are derived from the imaging of a two-dimensional slice of the flow illuminated by optically adapted laser beam. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the possibility of dust tracking by means of image processing with the objective of determining the velocity field values of dust re-suspended during a LOVA.


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La aproximación de las organizaciones a la mejora de sus procesos ha venido por distintos caminos. Muchas Administraciones Públicas se acercaron a este universo a través del modelo EFQM de calidad y excelencia que surgió en la década de los 80 y que sirvió como referente en el ámbito de la Unión Europea como vía de autoevaluación y determinación de procesos de mejora continua. Está basado en la identificación de los puntos fuertes y débiles aplicados a diferentes ámbitos de la organización, siendo éstos el punto de partida para el proceso de mejora continua. Se trata de un modelo en el que puedes decir que estás en calidad aunque tu puntuación sea muy pequeña, por lo que, por imagen, muchas empresas públicas empezaron a implantarlo. La empresa privada sin embargo se decantó por los sistemas de calidad basados en normas ISO. En estos sistemas has de tener un nivel mínimo para poder exhibir una certificación o acreditación del sistema de calidad. La más extendida es la ISO 9001:2008 ya que es válida para todo tipo de empresa. Este sistema se centra en la satisfacción del cliente y está basada en gran medida en el PDCA, acrónimo de Plan, Do, Check, Act (Planificar, Hacer, Verificar y Actuar). Al tratarse de sistemas documentados, pasados los años se llega a la misma conclusión, aquellas empresas que simplemente tienen un certificado colgado en la pared y que arreglan los papeles antes de la auditoría no tienen nada que aporte valor añadido a la empresa y se autoengañan. La potencia de todo sistema de gestión de calidad reside en aprovechar el potencial de sus recursos humanos dirigiendo los recursos de la empresa de forma eficiente y haciendo participe de los objetivos de la organización a su personal para que se impliquen y sepan que se espera de cada uno. La formación de ingeniero siempre nos hace ser críticos con los modelos existentes y tratar de buscar caminos alternativos que sean más eficientes. Para ello es necesario tener un conocimiento muy preciso de la organización. Por ello, después de más de cinco años trabajando en la Organización, desempeñando diversos cometidos, analizando diferentes esferas de actuación y tras estudiar informes de diferentes organizaciones que supervisan el funcionamiento de la empresa me di cuenta que la Dirección General de la Marina Mercante podía cambiar de forma de actuar para modernizarse y ser más transparente, eficaz y eficiente. Esta tesis versa sobre la posibilidad de implantar un nuevo servicio en la Dirección General de la Marina Mercante que le permita mejorar su competitividad a nivel mundial, como estado de abanderamiento, y que, dentro de nuestras fronteras, haga que sus servicios se reorienten aprovechando el conocimiento de su personal, teniendo en cuenta las necesidades de sus usuarios y los recursos de la Organización. Las cartas de servicio permiten acercar al ciudadano al funcionamiento de la organización. Le informa de las condiciones en las que se presta el servicio, los compromisos de la empresa y la forma en la que puede participar para mejorarlos, entre otros. Por otra parte, la empresa no necesita previamente tener ningún sistema de calidad implantado, aunque, como veremos en el capítulo tres y cuatro siempre ayuda a la hora de tener sistemas de aseguramiento implantados. En el capítulo seis se detallan los objetivos que se lograrían con la implantación de las cartas de servicio en la DGMM y en el capítulo siete se discuten dichos resultados y conclusiones. ABSTRACT Different ways have been used by organizations to approach process improvement. Many Public Administrations chose quality and excellence EFQM model for that approachment. This quality program began in 80 decade and that it was the Europe Unión reference to continuous improvement autoevaluation and determination. It is based on strong and weak points of different organization fields, and they are considered as starting point for continuous improvement. This model allows enterprises to say that they are working on a quality scheme even though their score is very little, and this was why a lot of Public Administrations began using it. Nevertheless private enterprises chose quality management systems based on ISO standards. In these systems there is a threshold you must have to be able to have a certification or an accreditation of quality management system. ISO 9001:2008 is the standard most used because of it can be applied to a great range of enterprises. This system is focused on customer satisfaction and it is based on PDCA, Plan, Do, Check, Act. All these systems are documented ones, so once time goes by the same conclusion is reached: enterprises that have the certificate hung on the wall and that papers are fixed for audits have nothing that give them added value and they self-delusion. Quality management system power is related to the usage of human resources potential to lead enterprise resources efficiently and to make them participate in organization objectives. Naval architect training makes them to be critic with existing models and to try to find alternative ways to be more efficient. To achieve this goal, a precise knowledge of the organization is needed. That is the reason why, after five years in quality related issues in the Organization, in different chores, analyzing our scope and reports of organizations that supervise our operation, I realized that Merchant Marine Directorate could change the way of operation to modernize and be more transparent, efficient and effective. This thesis is about the possibility of implantation of a new service in Merchant Marine Directorate that will make it possible to improve their worldwide competitiveness as Flag State, and that to reorient all services taking into account citizens needs and Organization resources. Citizen’s charters able approachment to organization operation. It gives the following information: which are terms in which service is given, enterprise compromises, ways in which citizen can collaborate to improve them, and etc. Additionally, no quality management system is needed to be implemented. Although we’ll see in chapter three and four that having it is of great help. In chapter six are detailed goals achieved if citizen’s charters are implemented in Merchant Marine Directorate, and in chapter seven conclusions and results are discussed.


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Mapping aboveground carbon density in tropical forests can support CO2 emissionmonitoring and provide benefits for national resource management. Although LiDAR technology has been shown to be useful for assessing carbon density patterns, the accuracy and generality of calibrations of LiDAR-based aboveground carbon density (ACD) predictions with those obtained from field inventory techniques should be intensified in order to advance tropical forest carbon mapping. Here we present results from the application of a general ACD estimation model applied with small-footprint LiDAR data and field-based estimates of a 50-ha forest plot in Ecuador?s Yasuní National Park. Subplots used for calibration and validation of the general LiDAR equation were selected based on analysis of topographic position and spatial distribution of aboveground carbon stocks. The results showed that stratification of plot locations based on topography can improve the calibration and application of ACD estimation using airborne LiDAR (R2 = 0.94, RMSE = 5.81 Mg?C? ha?1, BIAS = 0.59). These results strongly suggest that a general LiDAR-based approach can be used for mapping aboveground carbon stocks in western lowland Amazonian forests.