18 resultados para Analytical models of confinement

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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El trabajo realizado en la presente tesis doctoral se debe considerar parte del proyecto UPMSat-2, que se enmarca dentro del ámbito de la tecnología aeroespacial. El UPMSat-2 es un microsatélite (de bajo coste y pequeño tamaño) diseñado, construido, probado e integrado por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (España), para fines de demostración tecnológica y educación. El objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral es presentar nuevos modelos analíticos para estudiar la interdependencia energética entre los subsistemas de potencia y de control de actitud de un satélite. En primer lugar, se estudia la simulación del subsistema de potencia de un microsatélite, prestando especial atención a la simulación de la fuente de potencia, esto es, los paneles solares. En la tesis se presentan métodos sencillos pero precisos para simular la producción de energía de los paneles en condiciones ambientales variables a través de su circuito equivalente. Los métodos propuestos para el cálculo de los parámetros del circuito equivalente son explícitos (o al menos, con las variables desacopladas), no iterativos y directos; no se necesitan iteraciones o valores iniciales para calcular los parámetros. La precisión de este método se prueba y se compara con métodos similares de la literatura disponible, demostrando una precisión similar para mayor simplicidad. En segundo lugar, se presenta la simulación del subsistema de control de actitud de un microsatélite, prestando especial atención a la nueva ley de control propuesta. La tesis presenta un nuevo tipo de control magnético es aplicable a la órbita baja terrestre (LEO). La ley de control propuesta es capaz de ajustar la velocidad de rotación del satélite alrededor de su eje principal de inercia máximo o mínimo. Además, en el caso de órbitas de alta inclinación, la ley de control favorece la alineación del eje de rotación con la dirección normal al plano orbital. El algoritmo de control propuesto es simple, sólo se requieren magnetopares como actuadores; sólo se requieren magnetómetros como sensores; no hace falta estimar la velocidad angular; no incluye un modelo de campo magnético de la Tierra; no tiene por qué ser externamente activado con información sobre las características orbitales y permite el rearme automático después de un apagado total del subsistema de control de actitud. La viabilidad teórica de la citada ley de control se demuestra a través de análisis de Monte Carlo. Por último, en términos de producción de energía, se demuestra que la actitud propuesto (en eje principal perpendicular al plano de la órbita, y el satélite que gira alrededor de ella con una velocidad controlada) es muy adecuado para la misión UPMSat-2, ya que permite una área superior de los paneles apuntando hacia el sol cuando se compara con otras actitudes estudiadas. En comparación con el control de actitud anterior propuesto para el UPMSat-2 resulta en un incremento de 25% en la potencia disponible. Además, la actitud propuesto mostró mejoras significativas, en comparación con otros, en términos de control térmico, como la tasa de rotación angular por satélite puede seleccionarse para conseguir una homogeneización de la temperatura más alta que apunta satélite y la antena. ABSTRACT The work carried out in the present doctoral dissertation should be considered part of the UPMSat-2 project, falling within the scope of the aerospace technology. The UPMSat-2 is a microsatellite (low cost and small size) designed, constructed integrated and tested for educational and technology demonstration purposes at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain). The aim of the present doctoral dissertation is to present new analytical models to study the energy interdependence between the power and the attitude control subsystems of a satellite. First, the simulation of the power subsystem of a microsatellite is studied, paying particular attention to the simulation of the power supply, i.e. the solar panels. Simple but accurate methods for simulate the power production under variable ambient conditions using its equivalent circuit are presented. The proposed methods for calculate the equivalent circuit parameters are explicit (or at least, with decoupled variables), non-iterative and straight forward; no iterations or initial values for the parameters are needed. The accuracy of this method is tested and compared with similar methods from the available literature demonstrating similar precision but higher simplicity. Second, the simulation of the control subsystem of a microsatellite is presented, paying particular attention to the new control law proposed. A new type of magnetic control applied to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites has been presented. The proposed control law is able to set the satellite rotation speed around its maximum or minimum inertia principal axis. Besides, the proposed control law favors the alignment of this axis with the normal direction to the orbital plane for high inclination orbits. The proposed control algorithm is simples, only magnetorquers are required as actuators; only magnetometers are required as sensors; no estimation of the angular velocity is needed; it does not include an in-orbit Earth magnetic field model; it does not need to be externally activated with information about the orbital characteristics and it allows automatic reset after a total shutdown of attitude control subsystem. The theoretical viability of the control law is demonstrated through Monte Carlo analysis. Finally, in terms of power production, it is demonstrated that the proposed attitude (on principal axis perpendicular to the orbit plane, and the satellite rotating around it with a controlled rate) is quite suitable for the UPMSat-2 mission, as it allows a higher area of the panels pointing towards the sun when compared to other studied attitudes. Compared with the previous attitude control proposed for the UPMSat-2 it results in a 25% increment in available power. Besides, the proposed attitude showed significant improvements, when compared to others, in terms of thermal control, as the satellite angular rotation rate can be selected to achieve a higher temperature homogenization of the satellite and antenna pointing.


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Resumen El diseño clásico de circuitos de microondas se basa fundamentalmente en el uso de los parámetros s, debido a su capacidad para caracterizar de forma exitosa el comportamiento de cualquier circuito lineal. La relación existente entre los parámetros s con los sistemas de medida actuales y con las herramientas de simulación lineal han facilitado su éxito y su uso extensivo tanto en el diseño como en la caracterización de circuitos y subsistemas de microondas. Sin embargo, a pesar de la gran aceptación de los parámetros s en la comunidad de microondas, el principal inconveniente de esta formulación reside en su limitación para predecir el comportamiento de sistemas no lineales reales. En la actualidad, uno de los principales retos de los diseñadores de microondas es el desarrollo de un contexto análogo que permita integrar tanto el modelado no lineal, como los sistemas de medidas de gran señal y los entornos de simulación no lineal, con el objetivo de extender las capacidades de los parámetros s a regímenes de operación en gran señal y por tanto, obtener una infraestructura que permita tanto la caracterización como el diseño de circuitos no lineales de forma fiable y eficiente. De acuerdo a esta filosofía, en los últimos años se han desarrollado diferentes propuestas como los parámetros X, de Agilent Technologies, o el modelo de Cardiff que tratan de proporcionar esta plataforma común en el ámbito de gran señal. Dentro de este contexto, uno de los objetivos de la presente Tesis es el análisis de la viabilidad del uso de los parámetros X en el diseño y simulación de osciladores para transceptores de microondas. Otro aspecto relevante en el análisis y diseño de circuitos lineales de microondas es la disposición de métodos analíticos sencillos, basados en los parámetros s del transistor, que permitan la obtención directa y rápida de las impedancias de carga y fuente necesarias para cumplir las especificaciones de diseño requeridas en cuanto a ganancia, potencia de salida, eficiencia o adaptación de entrada y salida, así como la determinación analítica de parámetros de diseño clave como el factor de estabilidad o los contornos de ganancia de potencia. Por lo tanto, el desarrollo de una formulación de diseño analítico, basada en los parámetros X y similar a la existente en pequeña señal, permitiría su uso en aplicaciones no lineales y supone un nuevo reto que se va a afrontar en este trabajo. Por tanto, el principal objetivo de la presente Tesis consistiría en la elaboración de una metodología analítica basada en el uso de los parámetros X para el diseño de circuitos no lineales que jugaría un papel similar al que juegan los parámetros s en el diseño de circuitos lineales de microondas. Dichos métodos de diseño analíticos permitirían una mejora significativa en los actuales procedimientos de diseño disponibles en gran señal, así como una reducción considerable en el tiempo de diseño, lo que permitiría la obtención de técnicas mucho más eficientes. Abstract In linear world, classical microwave circuit design relies on the s-parameters due to its capability to successfully characterize the behavior of any linear circuit. Thus the direct use of s-parameters in measurement systems and in linear simulation analysis tools, has facilitated its extensive use and success in the design and characterization of microwave circuits and subsystems. Nevertheless, despite the great success of s-parameters in the microwave community, the main drawback of this formulation is its limitation in the behavior prediction of real non-linear systems. Nowadays, the challenge of microwave designers is the development of an analogue framework that allows to integrate non-linear modeling, large-signal measurement hardware and non-linear simulation environment in order to extend s-parameters capabilities to non-linear regimen and thus, provide the infrastructure for non-linear design and test in a reliable and efficient way. Recently, different attempts with the aim to provide this common platform have been introduced, as the Cardiff approach and the Agilent X-parameters. Hence, this Thesis aims to demonstrate the X-parameter capability to provide this non-linear design and test framework in CAD-based oscillator context. Furthermore, the classical analysis and design of linear microwave transistorbased circuits is based on the development of simple analytical approaches, involving the transistor s-parameters, that are able to quickly provide an analytical solution for the input/output transistor loading conditions as well as analytically determine fundamental parameters as the stability factor, the power gain contours or the input/ output match. Hence, the development of similar analytical design tools that are able to extend s-parameters capabilities in small-signal design to non-linear ap- v plications means a new challenge that is going to be faced in the present work. Therefore, the development of an analytical design framework, based on loadindependent X-parameters, constitutes the core of this Thesis. These analytical nonlinear design approaches would enable to significantly improve current large-signal design processes as well as dramatically decrease the required design time and thus, obtain more efficient approaches.


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Large-scale structure formation can be modeled as a nonlinear process that transfers energy from the largest scales to successively smaller scales until it is dissipated, in analogy with Kolmogorov’s cascade model of incompressible turbulence. However, cosmic turbulence is very compressible, and vorticity plays a secondary role in it. The simplest model of cosmic turbulence is the adhesion model, which can be studied perturbatively or adapting to it Kolmogorov’s non-perturbative approach to incompressible turbulence. This approach leads to observationally testable predictions, e.g., to the power-law exponent of the matter density two-point correlation function.


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Digital atlases of animal development provide a quantitative description of morphogenesis, opening the path toward processes modeling. Prototypic atlases offer a data integration framework where to gather information from cohorts of individuals with phenotypic variability. Relevant information for further theoretical reconstruction includes measurements in time and space for cell behaviors and gene expression. The latter as well as data integration in a prototypic model, rely on image processing strategies. Developing the tools to integrate and analyze biological multidimensional data are highly relevant for assessing chemical toxicity or performing drugs preclinical testing. This article surveys some of the most prominent efforts to assemble these prototypes, categorizes them according to salient criteria and discusses the key questions in the field and the future challenges toward the reconstruction of multiscale dynamics in model organisms.


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In the present work a seismic retrofitting technique is proposed for masonry infilled reinforced concrete frames based on the replacement of infill panels by K-bracing with vertical shear link. The performance of this technique is evaluated through experimental tests. A simplified numerical model for structural damage evaluation is also formulated according to the notions and principles of continuum damage mechanics. The proposed model is calibrated with the experimental results. The experimental results have shown an excellent energy dissipation capacity with the proposed technique. Likewise, the numerical predictions with the proposed model are in good agreement with experimental results.


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An analytical method for evaluating the uncertainty of the performance of active antenna arrays in the whole spatial spectrum is presented. Since array processing algorithms based on spatial reference are widely used to track moving targets, it is essential to be aware of the impact of the uncertainty sources on the antenna response. Furthermore, the estimation of the direction of arrival (DOA) depends on the array uncertainty. The aim of the uncertainties analysis is to provide an exhaustive characterization of the behavior of the active antenna array associated with its main uncertainty sources. The result of this analysis helps to select the proper calibration technique to be implemented. An illustrative example for a triangular antenna array used for satellite tracking is presented showing the suitability of the proposed method to carry out an efficient characterization of an active antenna array.


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Time series are proficiently converted into graphs via the horizontal visibility (HV) algorithm, which prompts interest in its capability for capturing the nature of different classes of series in a network context. We have recently shown [B. Luque et al., PLoS ONE 6, 9 (2011)] that dynamical systems can be studied from a novel perspective via the use of this method. Specifically, the period-doubling and band-splitting attractor cascades that characterize unimodal maps transform into families of graphs that turn out to be independent of map nonlinearity or other particulars. Here, we provide an in depth description of the HV treatment of the Feigenbaum scenario, together with analytical derivations that relate to the degree distributions, mean distances, clustering coefficients, etc., associated to the bifurcation cascades and their accumulation points. We describe how the resultant families of graphs can be framed into a renormalization group scheme in which fixed-point graphs reveal their scaling properties. These fixed points are then re-derived from an entropy optimization process defined for the graph sets, confirming a suggested connection between renormalization group and entropy optimization. Finally, we provide analytical and numerical results for the graph entropy and show that it emulates the Lyapunov exponent of the map independently of its sign.


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This paper presents a new methodology to build parametric models to estimate global solar irradiation adjusted to specific on-site characteristics based on the evaluation of variable im- portance. Thus, those variables higly correlated to solar irradiation on a site are implemented in the model and therefore, different models might be proposed under different climates. This methodology is applied in a study case in La Rioja region (northern Spain). A new model is proposed and evaluated on stability and accuracy against a review of twenty-two already exist- ing parametric models based on temperatures and rainfall in seventeen meteorological stations in La Rioja. The methodology of model evaluation is based on bootstrapping, which leads to achieve a high level of confidence in model calibration and validation from short time series (in this case five years, from 2007 to 2011). The model proposed improves the estimates of the other twenty-two models with average mean absolute error (MAE) of 2.195 MJ/m2 day and average confidence interval width (95% C.I., n=100) of 0.261 MJ/m2 day. 41.65% of the daily residuals in the case of SIAR and 20.12% in that of SOS Rioja fall within the uncertainty tolerance of the pyranometers of the two networks (10% and 5%, respectively). Relative differences between measured and estimated irradiation on an annual cumulative basis are below 4.82%. Thus, the proposed model might be useful to estimate annual sums of global solar irradiation, reaching insignificant differences between measurements from pyranometers.


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We present analytical formulas to estimate the variation of achieved deflection for an Earth-impacting asteroid following a continuous tangential low-thrust deflection strategy. Relatively simple analytical expressions are obtained with the aid of asymptotic theory and the use of Peláez orbital elements set, an approach that is particularly suitable to the asteroid deflection problem and is not limited to small eccentricities. The accuracy of the proposed formulas is evaluated numerically showing negligible error for both early and late deflection campaigns. The results will be of aid in planning future low-thrust asteroid deflection missions


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Recently, a theoretical criterion to calculate the stability of an axial-flow compressor rotor has been presented in the scientific literature. This theoretical criterion was used for determining the locus of the stability line over the rotor map and for predicting the post-stall evolution of the constant-speed line of a rotor. The main objective of this paper is to improve the predictions of such a model. To do that, the paper proposes a different characterization of the characteristic azimuthal length and a calculation of the ratio of specific heats based on a polytropic exponent. Thanks to these new values, the model predicts two bifurcation points in the behaviour of the flow: the inception point of the instability and the surge point. Experimental data from a pure axial compressor are used to validate the model showing that the prediction of the flow coefficient at the surge point has an error inferior to 5%. For the rotor studied, the paper provides a quantitative and qualitative description of the inception of the instability and of the mechanism involved in the instable region of the compressor map. The paper also discusses the role of rotor efficiency in the position of the bifurcations and gives a sensitivity analysis of its position. Finally, it presents a discussion about how the model can explain the different behaviours exhibited by the same rotor when the flow coefficient is reduced


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As it is well known from the work by Gibbs et al., optical turbulence and periodic oscillations are easily seen in hybrid optical bistable devices when a delay is added to the feedback. Such effects, as it was pointed out by Gibbs, may be used to convert cw laser power into a train of light pulses.


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In recent years new models for organizations working on overty alleviation have emerged. One of them, the social enterprise, has attracted the attention of both academics and practitioners all over the world. Even if defined in different ways depending on the context, social enterprise has an enormous potential to generate social benefits and to promote local agency and private initiative in poverty alleviation. In this sense, it is fitting to highlight the importance of identifying the main standards that permit the characterization of diverse social enterprises, in order to understand their main specificities and guarantee value generation for low-income populations. Another crucial factor is understanding innovation as a critical factor in promoting social enterprises. A powerful tool to enhance the impact and application of this model is Information and Communication Technologies. In the 21st century,these tools allow users to find new ways of collaboration, new sustainable business models and a cost-effective way of scaling-up initiatives. This paper, a product of the collaborative research between the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and the Universidade Federal Fluminense, examines different business models for social enterprises and the role that ICT can play in scale and impact of these initiatives


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In order to improve the body of knowledge about brain injury impairment is essential to develop image database with different types of injuries. This paper proposes a new methodology to model three types of brain injury: stroke, tumor and traumatic brain injury; and implements a system to navigate among simulated MRI studies. These studies can be used on research studies, to validate new processing methods and as an educational tool, to show different types of brain injury and how they affect to neuroanatomic structures.


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En los últimos años ha habido una fuerte tendencia a disminuir las emisiones de CO2 y su negativo impacto medioambiental. En la industria del transporte, reducir el peso de los vehículos aparece como la mejor opción para alcanzar este objetivo. Las aleaciones de Mg constituyen un material con gran potencial para el ahorro de peso. Durante la última década se han realizado muchos esfuerzos encaminados a entender los mecanismos de deformación que gobiernan la plasticidad de estos materiales y así, las aleaciones de Mg de colada inyectadas a alta presión y forjadas son todavía objeto de intensas campañas de investigación. Es ahora necesario desarrollar modelos que contemplen la complejidad inherente de los procesos de deformación de éstos. Esta tesis doctoral constituye un intento de entender mejor la relación entre la microestructura y el comportamiento mecánico de aleaciones de Mg, y dará como resultado modelos de policristales capaces de predecir propiedades macro- y microscópicas. La deformación plástica de las aleaciones de Mg está gobernada por una combinación de mecanismos de deformación característicos de la estructura cristalina hexagonal, que incluye el deslizamiento cristalográfico en planos basales, prismáticos y piramidales, así como el maclado. Las aleaciones de Mg de forja presentan texturas fuertes y por tanto los mecanismos de deformación activos dependen de la orientación de la carga aplicada. En este trabajo se ha desarrollado un modelo de plasticidad cristalina por elementos finitos con el objetivo de entender el comportamiento macro- y micromecánico de la aleación de Mg laminada AZ31 (Mg-3wt.%Al-1wt.%Zn). Este modelo, que incorpora el maclado y tiene en cuenta el endurecimiento por deformación debido a las interacciones dislocación-dislocación, dislocación-macla y macla-macla, predice exitosamente las actividades de los distintos mecanismos de deformación y la evolución de la textura con la deformación. Además, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio que combina difracción de electrones retrodispersados en tres dimensiones y modelización para investigar el efecto de los límites de grano en la propagación del maclado en el mismo material. Ambos, experimentos y simulaciones, confirman que el ángulo de desorientación tiene una influencia decisiva en la propagación del maclado. Se ha observado que los efectos no-Schmid, esto es, eventos de deformación plástica que no cumplen la ley de Schmid con respecto a la carga aplicada, no tienen lugar en la vecindad de los límites de baja desorientación y se hacen más frecuentes a medida que la desorientación aumenta. Esta investigación también prueba que la morfología de las maclas está altamente influenciada por su factor de Schmid. Es conocido que los procesos de colada suelen dar lugar a la formación de microestructuras con una microporosidad elevada, lo cuál afecta negativamente a sus propiedades mecánicas. La aplicación de presión hidrostática después de la colada puede reducir la porosidad y mejorar las propiedades aunque es poco conocido su efecto en el tamaño y morfología de los poros. En este trabajo se ha utilizado un enfoque mixto experimentalcomputacional, basado en tomografía de rayos X, análisis de imagen y análisis por elementos finitos, para la determinación de la distribución tridimensional (3D) de la porosidad y de la evolución de ésta con la presión hidrostática en la aleación de Mg AZ91 (Mg- 9wt.%Al-1wt.%Zn) colada por inyección a alta presión. La distribución real de los poros en 3D obtenida por tomografía se utilizó como input para las simulaciones por elementos finitos. Los resultados revelan que la aplicación de presión tiene una influencia significativa tanto en el cambio de volumen como en el cambio de forma de los poros que han sido cuantificados con precisión. Se ha observado que la reducción del tamaño de éstos está íntimamente ligada con su volumen inicial. En conclusión, el modelo de plasticidad cristalina propuesto en este trabajo describe con éxito los mecanismos intrínsecos de la deformación de las aleaciones de Mg a escalas meso- y microscópica. Más especificamente, es capaz de capturar las activadades del deslizamiento cristalográfico y maclado, sus interacciones, así como los efectos en la porosidad derivados de los procesos de colada. ---ABSTRACT--- The last few years have seen a growing effort to reduce CO2 emissions and their negative environmental impact. In the transport industry more specifically, vehicle weight reduction appears as the most straightforward option to achieve this objective. To this end, Mg alloys constitute a significant weight saving material alternative. Many efforts have been devoted over the last decade to understand the main mechanisms governing the plasticity of these materials and, despite being already widely used, high pressure die-casting and wrought Mg alloys are still the subject of intense research campaigns. Developing models that can contemplate the complexity inherent to the deformation of Mg alloys is now timely. This PhD thesis constitutes an attempt to better understand the relationship between the microstructure and the mechanical behavior of Mg alloys, as it will result in the design of polycrystalline models that successfully predict macro- and microscopic properties. Plastic deformation of Mg alloys is driven by a combination of deformation mechanisms specific to their hexagonal crystal structure, namely, basal, prismatic and pyramidal dislocation slip as well as twinning. Wrought Mg alloys present strong textures and thus specific deformation mechanisms are preferentially activated depending on the orientation of the applied load. In this work a crystal plasticity finite element model has been developed in order to understand the macro- and micromechanical behavior of a rolled Mg AZ31 alloy (Mg-3wt.%Al-1wt.%Zn). The model includes twinning and accounts for slip-slip, slip-twin and twin-twin hardening interactions. Upon calibration and validation against experiments, the model successfully predicts the activity of the various deformation mechanisms and the evolution of the texture at different deformation stages. Furthermore, a combined three-dimensional electron backscatter diffraction and modeling approach has been adopted to investigate the effect of grain boundaries on twin propagation in the same material. Both experiments and simulations confirm that the misorientation angle has a critical influence on twin propagation. Non-Schmid effects, i.e. plastic deformation events that do not comply with the Schmid law with respect to the applied stress, are absent in the vicinity of low misorientation boundaries and become more abundant as misorientation angle increases. This research also proves that twin morphology is highly influenced by the Schmid factor. Finally, casting processes usually lead to the formation of significant amounts of gas and shrinkage microporosity, which adversely affect the mechanical properties. The application of hydrostatic pressure after casting can reduce the porosity and improve the properties but little is known about the effects on the casting’s pores size and morphology. In this work, an experimental-computational approach based on X-ray computed tomography, image analysis and finite element analysis is utilized for the determination of the 3D porosity distribution and its evolution with hydrostatic pressure in a high pressure diecast Mg AZ91 alloy (Mg-9wt.%Al-1wt.%Zn). The real 3D pore distribution obtained by tomography is used as input for the finite element simulations using an isotropic hardening law. The model is calibrated and validated against experimental stress-strain curves. The results reveal that the pressure treatment has a significant influence both on the volume and shape changes of individuals pores, which have been precisely quantified, and which are found to be related to the initial pore volume. In conclusion, the crystal plasticity model proposed in this work successfully describes the intrinsic deformation mechanisms of Mg alloys both at the mesoscale and the microscale. More specifically, it can capture slip and twin activities, their interactions, as well as the potential porosity effects arising from casting processes.


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El principio de Teoría de Juegos permite desarrollar modelos estocásticos de patrullaje multi-robot para proteger infraestructuras criticas. La protección de infraestructuras criticas representa un gran reto para los países al rededor del mundo, principalmente después de los ataques terroristas llevados a cabo la década pasada. En este documento el termino infraestructura hace referencia a aeropuertos, plantas nucleares u otros instalaciones. El problema de patrullaje se define como la actividad de patrullar un entorno determinado para monitorear cualquier actividad o sensar algunas variables ambientales. En esta actividad, un grupo de robots debe visitar un conjunto de puntos de interés definidos en un entorno en intervalos de tiempo irregulares con propósitos de seguridad. Los modelos de partullaje multi-robot son utilizados para resolver este problema. Hasta el momento existen trabajos que resuelven este problema utilizando diversos principios matemáticos. Los modelos de patrullaje multi-robot desarrollados en esos trabajos representan un gran avance en este campo de investigación. Sin embargo, los modelos con los mejores resultados no son viables para aplicaciones de seguridad debido a su naturaleza centralizada y determinista. Esta tesis presenta cinco modelos de patrullaje multi-robot distribuidos e impredecibles basados en modelos matemáticos de aprendizaje de Teoría de Juegos. El objetivo del desarrollo de estos modelos está en resolver los inconvenientes presentes en trabajos preliminares. Con esta finalidad, el problema de patrullaje multi-robot se formuló utilizando conceptos de Teoría de Grafos, en la cual se definieron varios juegos en cada vértice de un grafo. Los modelos de patrullaje multi-robot desarrollados en este trabajo de investigación se han validado y comparado con los mejores modelos disponibles en la literatura. Para llevar a cabo tanto la validación como la comparación se ha utilizado un simulador de patrullaje y un grupo de robots reales. Los resultados experimentales muestran que los modelos de patrullaje desarrollados en este trabajo de investigación trabajan mejor que modelos de trabajos previos en el 80% de 150 casos de estudio. Además de esto, estos modelos cuentan con varias características importantes tales como distribución, robustez, escalabilidad y dinamismo. Los avances logrados con este trabajo de investigación dan evidencia del potencial de Teoría de Juegos para desarrollar modelos de patrullaje útiles para proteger infraestructuras. ABSTRACT Game theory principle allows to developing stochastic multi-robot patrolling models to protect critical infrastructures. Critical infrastructures protection is a great concern for countries around the world, mainly due to terrorist attacks in the last decade. In this document, the term infrastructures includes airports, nuclear power plants, and many other facilities. The patrolling problem is defined as the activity of traversing a given environment to monitoring any activity or sensing some environmental variables If this activity were performed by a fleet of robots, they would have to visit some places of interest of an environment at irregular intervals of time for security purposes. This problem is solved using multi-robot patrolling models. To date, literature works have been solved this problem applying various mathematical principles.The multi-robot patrolling models developed in those works represent great advances in this field. However, the models that obtain the best results are unfeasible for security applications due to their centralized and predictable nature. This thesis presents five distributed and unpredictable multi-robot patrolling models based on mathematical learning models derived from Game Theory. These multi-robot patrolling models aim at overcoming the disadvantages of previous work. To this end, the multi-robot patrolling problem was formulated using concepts of Graph Theory to represent the environment. Several normal-form games were defined at each vertex of a graph in this formulation. The multi-robot patrolling models developed in this research work have been validated and compared with best ranked multi-robot patrolling models in the literature. Both validation and comparison were preformed by using both a patrolling simulator and real robots. Experimental results show that the multirobot patrolling models developed in this research work improve previous ones in as many as 80% of 150 cases of study. Moreover, these multi-robot patrolling models rely on several features to highlight in security applications such as distribution, robustness, scalability, and dynamism. The achievements obtained in this research work validate the potential of Game Theory to develop patrolling models to protect infrastructures.