23 resultados para Airborne Laser Systems
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
La mayoría de las aplicaciones forestales del escaneo laser aerotransportado (ALS, del inglés airborne laser scanning) requieren la integración y uso simultaneo de diversas fuentes de datos, con el propósito de conseguir diversos objetivos. Los proyectos basados en sensores remotos normalmente consisten en aumentar la escala de estudio progresivamente a lo largo de varias fases de fusión de datos: desde la información más detallada obtenida sobre un área limitada (la parcela de campo), hasta una respuesta general de la cubierta forestal detectada a distancia de forma más incierta pero cubriendo un área mucho más amplia (la extensión cubierta por el vuelo o el satélite). Todas las fuentes de datos necesitan en ultimo termino basarse en las tecnologías de sistemas de navegación global por satélite (GNSS, del inglés global navigation satellite systems), las cuales son especialmente erróneas al operar por debajo del dosel forestal. Otras etapas adicionales de procesamiento, como la ortorectificación, también pueden verse afectadas por la presencia de vegetación, deteriorando la exactitud de las coordenadas de referencia de las imágenes ópticas. Todos estos errores introducen ruido en los modelos, ya que los predictores se desplazan de la posición real donde se sitúa su variable respuesta. El grado por el que las estimaciones forestales se ven afectadas depende de la dispersión espacial de las variables involucradas, y también de la escala utilizada en cada caso. Esta tesis revisa las fuentes de error posicional que pueden afectar a los diversos datos de entrada involucrados en un proyecto de inventario forestal basado en teledetección ALS, y como las propiedades del dosel forestal en sí afecta a su magnitud, aconsejando en consecuencia métodos para su reducción. También se incluye una discusión sobre las formas más apropiadas de medir exactitud y precisión en cada caso, y como los errores de posicionamiento de hecho afectan a la calidad de las estimaciones, con vistas a una planificación eficiente de la adquisición de los datos. La optimización final en el posicionamiento GNSS y de la radiometría del sensor óptico permitió detectar la importancia de este ultimo en la predicción de la desidad relativa de un bosque monoespecífico de Pinus sylvestris L. ABSTRACT Most forestry applications of airborne laser scanning (ALS) require the integration and simultaneous use of various data sources, pursuing a variety of different objectives. Projects based on remotely-sensed data generally consist in upscaling data fusion stages: from the most detailed information obtained for a limited area (field plot) to a more uncertain forest response sensed over a larger extent (airborne and satellite swath). All data sources ultimately rely on global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), which are especially error-prone when operating under forest canopies. Other additional processing stages, such as orthorectification, may as well be affected by vegetation, hence deteriorating the accuracy of optical imagery’s reference coordinates. These errors introduce noise to the models, as predictors displace from their corresponding response. The degree to which forest estimations are affected depends on the spatial dispersion of the variables involved and the scale used. This thesis reviews the sources of positioning errors which may affect the different inputs involved in an ALS-assisted forest inventory project, and how the properties of the forest canopy itself affects their magnitude, advising on methods for diminishing them. It is also discussed how accuracy should be assessed, and how positioning errors actually affect forest estimation, toward a cost-efficient planning for data acquisition. The final optimization in positioning the GNSS and optical image allowed to detect the importance of the latter in predicting relative density in a monospecific Pinus sylvestris L. forest.
Canonical Correlation Analysis for Interpreting Airborne Laser Scanning Metrics along the Lorenz Curve of Tree Size Inequality
The purpose of this study was to compare a number of state-of-the-art methods in airborne laser scan- ning (ALS) remote sensing with regards to their capacity to describe tree size inequality and other indi- cators related to forest structure. The indicators chosen were based on the analysis of the Lorenz curve: Gini coefficient ( GC ), Lorenz asymmetry ( LA ), the proportions of basal area ( BALM ) and stem density ( NSLM ) stocked above the mean quadratic diameter. Each method belonged to one of these estimation strategies: (A) estimating indicators directly; (B) estimating the whole Lorenz curve; or (C) estimating a complete tree list. Across these strategies, the most popular statistical methods for area-based approach (ABA) were used: regression, random forest (RF), and nearest neighbour imputation. The latter included distance metrics based on either RF (NN–RF) or most similar neighbour (MSN). In the case of tree list esti- mation, methods based on individual tree detection (ITD) and semi-ITD, both combined with MSN impu- tation, were also studied. The most accurate method was direct estimation by best subset regression, which obtained the lowest cross-validated coefficients of variation of their root mean squared error CV(RMSE) for most indicators: GC (16.80%), LA (8.76%), BALM (8.80%) and NSLM (14.60%). Similar figures [CV(RMSE) 16.09%, 10.49%, 10.93% and 14.07%, respectively] were obtained by MSN imputation of tree lists by ABA, a method that also showed a number of additional advantages, such as better distributing the residual variance along the predictive range. In light of our results, ITD approaches may be clearly inferior to ABA with regards to describing the structural properties related to tree size inequality in for- ested areas.
Los sistemas de registro aerotransportados que utilizan láser (LiDAR) se están convirtiendo en el principal instrumental para la recogida de la información cartográfica debido, principalmente, a la gran densidad de puntos, precisión alcanzada y rapidez en la obtención de modelos digitales. Sin embargo, sería importante disponer de algoritmos que permitan filtrar la información, seleccionando aquellos puntos medidos en zonas deseadas. Cuando se miden zonas urbanas, los elementos más importantes son las edificaciones. Por ello, se propone un nuevo algoritmo que permite clasificar y diferenciar aquellos puntos medidos sobre edificios, extrayendo, como resultado, el límite exterior que definen, de tal forma que se podría calcular la zona edificada. Abstarct: Registration systems using airborne laser (LIDAR) are becoming the main device for the collection of cartographic information, mainly due to the high density of points, accuracy and rate achieved in obtaining digital models. However, it would be important to have algorithms that filter the information by selecting those points measured in targeted areas. When measuring urban areas, buildings are the most important objects. Therefore, a new algorithm is proposed to classify those measured points on buildings and to compute their outer boundaries, so the built up area can be computed.
La Gestión Forestal Sostenible se define como “la administración y uso de los bosques y tierras forestales de forma e intensidad tales que mantengan su biodiversidad, productividad, capacidad de regeneración, vitalidad y su potencial para atender, ahora y en el futuro, las funciones ecológicas, económicas y sociales relevantes a escala local, nacional y global, y que no causan daño a otros ecosistemas” (MCPFE Conference, 1993). Dentro del proceso los procesos de planificación, en cualquier escala, es necesario establecer cuál será la situación a la que se quiere llegar mediante la gestión. Igualmente, será necesario conocer la situación actual, pues marcará la situación de partida y condicionará el tipo de actuaciones a realizar para alcanzar los objetivos fijados. Dado que, los Proyectos de Ordenación de Montes y sus respectivas revisiones son herramientas de planificación, durante la redacción de los mismos, será necesario establecer una serie de objetivos cuya consecución pueda verificarse de forma objetiva y disponer de una caracterización de la masa forestal que permita conocer la situación de partida. Esta tesis se centra en problemas prácticos, propios de una escala de planificación local o de Proyecto de Ordenación de Montes. El primer objetivo de la tesis es determinar distribuciones diamétricas y de alturas de referencia para masas regulares por bosquetes, empleando para ello el modelo conceptual propuesto por García-Abril et al., (1999) y datos procedentes de las Tablas de producción de Rojo y Montero (1996). Las distribuciones de referencia obtenidas permitirán guiar la gestión de masas irregulares y regulares por bosquetes. Ambos tipos de masas aparecen como una alternativa deseable en aquellos casos en los que se quiere potenciar la biodiversidad, la estabilidad, la multifuncionalidad del bosque y/o como alternativa productiva, especialmente indicada para la producción de madera de calidad. El segundo objetivo de la Tesis está relacionado con la necesidad de disponer de una caracterización adecuada de la masa forestal durante la redacción de los Proyectos de Ordenación de Montes y de sus respectivas revisiones. Con el fin de obtener estimaciones de variables forestales en distintas unidades territoriales de potencial interés para la Ordenación de Montes, así como medidas de la incertidumbre en asociada dichas estimaciones, se extienden ciertos resultados de la literatura de Estimación en Áreas Pequeñas. Mediante un caso de estudio, se demuestra el potencial de aplicación de estas técnicas en inventario forestales asistidos con información auxiliar procedente de sensores láser aerotransportados (ALS). Los casos de estudio se realizan empleando datos ALS similares a los recopilados en el marco del Plan Nacional de Ortofotografía Aérea (PNOA). Los resultados obtenidos muestran que es posible aumentar la eficiencia de los inventarios forestales tradicionales a escala de proyecto de Ordenación de Montes, mediante la aplicación de estimadores EBLUP (Empirical Best Linear Unbiased Predictor) con modelos a nivel de elemento poblacional e información auxiliar ALS similar a la recopilada por el PNOA. ABSTRACT According to MCPFE (1993) Sustainable Forest Management is “the stewardship and use of forests and forest lands in a way, and at a rate, that maintains their biodiversity, productivity, regeneration capacity, vitality and their potential to fulfill, now and in the future, relevant ecological, economic and social functions, at local, national, and global levels, and that does not cause damage to other ecosystems”. For forest management planning, at any scale, we must determine what situation is hoped to be achieved through management. It is also necessary to know the current situation, as this will mark the starting point and condition the type of actions to be performed in order to meet the desired objectives. Forest management at a local scale is no exception. This Thesis focuses on typical problems of forest management planning at a local scale. The first objective of this Thesis is to determine management objectives for group shelterwood management systems in terms of tree height and tree diameter reference distributions. For this purpose, the conceptual model proposed by García-Abril et al., (1999) is applied to the yield tables for Pinus sylvestris in Sierra de Guadrrama (Rojo y Montero, 1996). The resulting reference distributions will act as a guide in the management of forests treated under the group shelterwood management systems or as an approximated reference for the management of uneven aged forests. Both types of management systems are desirable in those cases where forest biodiversity, stability and multifunctionality are pursued goals. These management systems are also recommended as alternatives for the production of high quality wood. The second objective focuses on the need to adequately characterize the forest during the decision process that leads to local management. In order to obtain estimates of forest variables for different management units of potential interest for forest planning, as well as the associated measures of uncertainty in these estimates, certain results from Small Area Estimation Literature are extended to accommodate for the need of estimates and reliability measures in very small subpopulations containing a reduced number of pixels. A case study shows the potential of Small Area Estimation (SAE) techniques in forest inventories assisted with remotely sensed auxiliary information. The influence of the laser pulse density in the quality of estimates in different aggregation levels is analyzed. This study considers low laser pulse densities (0.5 returns/m2) similar to, those provided by large-scale Airborne Laser Scanner (ALS) surveys, such as the one conducted by the Spanish National Geographic Institute for about 80% of the Spanish territory. The results obtained show that it is possible to improve the efficiency of traditional forest inventories at local scale using EBLUP (Empirical Best Linear Unbiased Predictor) estimators based on unit level models and low density ALS auxiliary information.
Speed enforcement on public roadways is an important issue in order to guarantee road security and to reduce the number and seriousness of traffic accidents. Traditionally, this task has been partially solved using radar and/or laser technologies and, more recently, using video-camera based systems. All these systems have significant shortcomings that have yet to be overcome. The main drawback of classical Doppler radar technology is that the velocity measurement fails when several vehicles are in the radars beam. Modern radar systems are able to measure speed and range between vehicle and radar. However, this is not enough to discriminate the lane where the vehicle is driving on. The limitation of several vehicles in the beam is overcome using laser technology. However, laser systems have another important limitation: They cannot measure the speed of several vehicles simultaneously. Novel video-camera systems, based on license plate identification, solve the previous drawbacks, but they have the problem that they can only measure average speed but never top-speed. This paper studies the feasibility of using an interferometric linear frequency modulated continuous wave radar to improve top-speed enforcement on roadways. Two different systems based on down-the-road and across-the-road radar configurations are presented. The main advantage of the proposed solutions is they can simultaneously measure speed, range, and lane of several vehicles, allowing the univocal identification of the offenders. A detailed analysis about the operation and accuracy of these solutions is reported. In addition, the feasibility of the proposed techniques has been demonstrated with simulations and real experiments using a Ka-band interferometric radar developed by our research group.
Las aplicaciones tecnológicas obtenidas a partir de sensores láser aerotransportados (Airborne Laser Scanner, ALS), han supuesto una gran expectativa para mejorar la calidad de los datos del inventario forestal, mediante su actualización y la posible disminución de los costes de inventario. Sin embargo, todavía existen problemas de aplicación que no están resueltos de manera que su empleo como sustitutivo de un inventario tradicional presenta algunas incógnitas, tanto de carácter técnico como económicas. Por ello, en este trabajo se va a realizar un estudio analítico de costes de utilización, teniendo en cuenta los objetivos del inventario y las limitaciones de la técnica. El caso de estudio se sitúa en el Pinar de Valsaín (Segovia).
La utilización de una cámara fotogramétrica digital redunda en el aumento demostrable de calidad radiométrica debido a la mejor relación señal/ruido y a los 12 bits de resolución radiométrica por cada pixel de la imagen. Simultáneamente se consigue un notable ahorro de tiempo y coste gracias a la eliminación de las fases de revelado y escaneado de la película y al aumento de las horas de vuelo por día. De otra parte, el sistema láser aerotransportado (LIDAR - Light Detection and Ranging) es un sistema con un elevado rendimiento y rentabilidad para la captura de datos de elevaciones para generar un modelo digital del terreno (MDT) y también de los objetos sobre el terreno, permitiendo así alcanzar alta precisión y densidad de información. Tanto el sistema LIDAR como el sistema de cámara fotogramétrica digital se combinan con otras técnicas bien conocidas: el sistema de posicionamiento global (GPS - Global Positioning System) y la orientación de la unidad de medida inercial (IMU - Inertial Measure Units), que permiten reducir o eliminar el apoyo de campo y realizar la orientación directa de los sensores utilizando datos de efemérides precisas de los satélites. Combinando estas tecnologías, se va a proponer y poner en práctica una metodología para generación automática de ortofotos en países de América del Sur. Analizando la precisión de dichas ortofotos comparándolas con fuente de mayor exactitud y con las especificaciones técnicas del Plan Nacional de Ortofotografía Aérea (PNOA) se determinará la viabilidad de que dicha metodología se pueda aplicar a zonas rurales. ABSTRACT Using a digital photogrammetric camera results in a demonstrable increase of the radiometric quality due to a better improved signal/noise ratio and the radiometric resolution of 12 bits per pixel of the image. Simultaneously a significant saving of time and money is achieved thanks to the elimination of the developing and film scanning stages, as well as to the increase of flying hours per day. On the other hand, airborne laser system Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) is a system with high performance and yield for the acquisition of elevation data in order to generate a digital terrain model (DTM), as well as objects on the ground which allows to achieve high accuracy and data density. Both the LIDAR and the digital photogrammetric camera system are combined with other well known techniques: global positioning system (GPS) and inertial measurement unit (IMU) orientation, which are currently in a mature evolutionary stage, which allow to reduce and/or remove field support and perform a direct guidance of sensors using specific historic data from the satellites. By combining these technologies, a methodology for automatic generation of orthophotos in South American countries will be proposed and implemented. Analyzing the accuracy of these orthophotos comparing them with more accurate sources and technical specifications of the National Aerial Orthophoto (PNOA), the viability of whether this methodology should be applied to rural areas, will be determined.
Continuous and long-pulse lasers have been used for the forming of metal sheets in macroscopic mechanical applications. However, for the manufacturing of micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), the use of ns laser pulses provides a suitable parameter matching over an important range of sheet components that, preserving the short interaction time scale required for the predominantly mechanical (shock) induction of deformation residual stresses, allows for the successful processing of components in a medium range of miniaturization without appreciable thermal deformation.. In the present paper, the physics of laser shock microforming and the influence of the different experimental parameters on the net bending angle are presented.
Runoff generation depends on rainfall, infiltration, interception, and surface depressional storage. Surface depressional storage depends on surface microtopography, usually quantified trough soil surface roughness (SSR). SSR is subject to spatial and temporal changes that create a high variability. In an agricultural environment, tillage operations produce abrupt changes in roughness. Subsequent rainfall gradually decreases roughness. Beside it, local variation in soil properties and hydrology cause its SSR to vary spatially at different scales. The methods commonly used to measure it involve collecting point elevations in regular grids using laser profilers or scanners, digital close range stereo-photogrammetry and terrestrial laser scanning or LIDAR systems. In this case, a laser-scanning instrument was used to obtain representative digital elevation models (DEMs) at a grid resolution of 7.2x7.2mm that cover an area of 0.9x0.9m. The DEMs were obtained from two study sites with different soils. The first study site was an experimental field on which five conventional tillage methods were applied. The second study site was a large olive orchard with trees planted at 7.5x5.0m and bare soils between rows. Here, three tillage treatments were applied. In this work we have evaluated the spatial variability of SSR at several scales studying differences in height calculated from points separated by incremental distances h were raised to power values q (from 0 to 4 in steps of 0.1). The q = 2 data were studied as a semivariogram model. The logarithm of average differences plotted vs. log h were characterized by their slope, ?(q). Structure functions [?(q) vs. q] were fitted showing that data had nonlinear structure functions typical of multiscale phenomena. Comparisson of the two types of soil in their respective structure functions are shown.
Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) technology is beginning to have an impact on agriculture. Canopy volume and/or fruit tree leaf area can be estimated using terrestrial laser sensors based on this technology. However, the use of these devices may have different options depending on the resolution and scanning mode. As a consequence, data accuracy and LiDAR derived parameters are affected by sensor configuration, and may vary according to vegetative characteristics of tree crops. Given this scenario, users and suppliers of these devices need to know how to use the sensor in each case. This paper presents a computer program to determine the best configuration, allowing simulation and evaluation of different LiDAR configurations in various tree structures (or training systems). The ultimate goal is to optimise the use of laser scanners in field operations. The software presented generates a virtual orchard, and then allows the scanning simulation with a laser sensor. Trees are created using a hidden Markov tree (HMT) model. Varying the foliar structure of the orchard the LiDAR simulation was applied to twenty different artificially created orchards with or without leaves from two positions (lateral and zenith). To validate the laser sensor configuration, leaf surface of simulated trees was compared with the parameters obtained by LiDAR measurements: the impacted leaf area, the impacted total area (leaves and wood), and th impacted area in the three outer layers of leaves.
El objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral es el desarrollo e implementación de un sistema para mejorar la metodología de extracción de la información geométrica necesaria asociada a los procesos de documentación de entidades de interés patrimonial, a partir de la información proporcionada por el empleo de sensores láser, tanto aéreos como terrestres. Para ello, inicialmente se realiza una presentación y justificación de los antecedentes y la problemática en el registro de información geométrica para el patrimonio, detallando todos aquellos sistemas de registro y análisis de la información geométrica utilizados en la actualidad. Este análisis permitirá realizar la comparación con los sistemas de registro basados en técnicas láser, aportando sugerencias de utilización para cada caso concreto. Posteriormente, se detallan los sistemas de registro basados en técnicas láser, comenzando por los sensores aerotransportados y concluyendo con el análisis pormenorizado de los sensores terrestres, tanto en su aplicación en modo estático como móvil. Se exponen las características técnicas y funcionamiento de cada uno de ellos, así como los ámbitos de aplicación y productos generados. Se analizan las fuentes de error que determinan la precisión que puede alcanzar el sistema. Tras la exposición de las características de los sistemas LiDAR, se detallan los procesos a realizar con los datos extraídos para poder generar la información necesaria para los diferentes tipos de objetos analizados. En esta exposición, se hace hincapié en los posibles riesgos que pueden ocurrir en algunas fases delicadas y se analizarán los diferentes algoritmos de filtrado y clasificación de los puntos, fundamentales en el procesamiento de la información LiDAR. Seguidamente, se propone una alternativa para optimizar los modelos de procesamiento existentes, basándose en el desarrollo de algoritmos nuevos y herramientas informáticas que mejoran el rendimiento en la gestión de la información LiDAR. En la implementación, se han tenido en cuenta características y necesidades particulares de la documentación de entidades de interés patrimonial, así como los diferentes ámbitos de utilización del LiDAR, tanto aéreo como terrestre. El resultado es un organigrama de las tareas a realizar desde la nube de puntos LiDAR hasta el cálculo de los modelos digitales del terreno y de superficies. Para llevar a cabo esta propuesta, se han desarrollado hasta 19 algoritmos diferentes que comprenden implementaciones para el modelado en 2.5D y 3D, visualización, edición, filtrado y clasificación de datos LiDAR, incorporación de información de sensores pasivos y cálculo de mapas derivados, tanto raster como vectoriales, como pueden ser mapas de curvas de nivel y ortofotos. Finalmente, para dar validez y consistencia a los desarrollos propuestos, se han realizado ensayos en diferentes escenarios posibles en un proceso de documentación del patrimonio y que abarcan desde proyectos con sensores aerotransportados, proyectos con sensores terrestres estáticos a media y corta distancia, así como un proyecto con un sensor terrestre móvil. Estos ensayos han permitido definir los diferentes parámetros necesarios para el adecuado funcionamiento de los algoritmos propuestos. Asimismo, se han realizado pruebas objetivas expuestas por la ISPRS para la evaluación y comparación del funcionamiento de algoritmos de clasificación LiDAR. Estas pruebas han permitido extraer datos de rendimiento y efectividad del algoritmo de clasificación presentado, permitiendo su comparación con otros algoritmos de prestigio existentes. Los resultados obtenidos han constatado el funcionamiento satisfactorio de la herramienta. Esta tesis está enmarcada dentro del proyecto Consolider-Ingenio 2010: “Programa de investigación en tecnologías para la valoración y conservación del patrimonio cultural” (ref. CSD2007-00058) realizado por el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas y la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. ABSTRACT: The goal of this thesis is the design, development and implementation of a system to improve the extraction of useful geometric information in Heritage documentation processes. This system is based on information provided by laser sensors, both aerial and terrestrial. Firstly, a presentation of recording geometric information for Heritage processes is done. Then, a justification of the background and problems is done too. Here, current systems for recording and analyzing the geometric information are studied. This analysis will perform the comparison with the laser system techniques, providing suggestions of use for each specific case. Next, recording systems based on laser techniques are detailed. This study starts with airborne sensors and ends with terrestrial ones, both in static and mobile application. The technical characteristics and operation of each of them are described, as well as the areas of application and generated products. Error sources are also analyzed in order to know the precision this technology can achieve. Following the presentation of the LiDAR system characteristics, the processes to generate the required information for different types of scanned objects are described; the emphasis is on the potential risks that some steps can produce. Moreover different filtering and classification algorithms are analyzed, because of their main role in LiDAR processing. Then, an alternative to optimize existing processing models is proposed. It is based on the development of new algorithms and tools that improve the performance in LiDAR data management. In this implementation, characteristics and needs of the documentation of Heritage entities have been taken into account. Besides, different areas of use of LiDAR are considered, both air and terrestrial. The result is a flowchart of tasks from the LiDAR point cloud to the calculation of digital terrain models and digital surface models. Up to 19 different algorithms have been developed to implement this proposal. These algorithms include implementations for 2.5D and 3D modeling, viewing, editing, filtering and classification of LiDAR data, incorporating information from passive sensors and calculation of derived maps, both raster and vector, such as contour maps and orthophotos. Finally, in order to validate and give consistency to the proposed developments, tests in different cases have been executed. These tests have been selected to cover different possible scenarios in the Heritage documentation process. They include from projects with airborne sensors, static terrestrial sensors (medium and short distances) to mobile terrestrial sensor projects. These tests have helped to define the different parameters necessary for the appropriate functioning of the proposed algorithms. Furthermore, proposed tests from ISPRS have been tested. These tests have allowed evaluating the LiDAR classification algorithm performance and comparing it to others. Therefore, they have made feasible to obtain performance data and effectiveness of the developed classification algorithm. The results have confirmed the reliability of the tool. This investigation is framed within Consolider-Ingenio 2010 project titled “Programa de investigación en tecnologías para la valoración y conservación del patrimonio cultural” (ref. CSD2007-00058) by Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Dry-wall laser inertial fusion (LIF) chambers will have to withstand strong bursts of fast charged particles which will deposit tens of kJ m−2 and implant more than 1018 particles m−2 in a few microseconds at a repetition rate of some Hz. Large chamber dimensions and resistant plasma-facing materials must be combined to guarantee the chamber performance as long as possible under the expected threats: heating, fatigue, cracking, formation of defects, retention of light species, swelling and erosion. Current and novel radiation resistant materials for the first wall need to be validated under realistic conditions. However, at present there is a lack of facilities which can reproduce such ion environments. This contribution proposes the use of ultra-intense lasers and high-intense pulsed ion beams (HIPIB) to recreate the plasma conditions in LIF reactors. By target normal sheath acceleration, ultra-intense lasers can generate very short and energetic ion pulses with a spectral distribution similar to that of the inertial fusion ion bursts, suitable to validate fusion materials and to investigate the barely known propagation of those bursts through background plasmas/gases present in the reactor chamber. HIPIB technologies, initially developed for inertial fusion driver systems, provide huge intensity pulses which meet the irradiation conditions expected in the first wall of LIF chambers and thus can be used for the validation of materials too.
The use of laser beams as excitation sources for the characterization of semiconductor nanowires (NWs) is largely extended. Raman spectroscopy and photoluminescence (PL) are currently applied to the study of NWs. However, NWs are systems with poor thermal conductivity and poor heat dissipation, which result in unintentional heating under the excitation with a focused laser beam with microscopic size, as those usually used in microRaman and microPL experiments. On the other hand, the NWs have subwavelength diameter, which changes the optical absorption with respect to the absorption in bulk materials. Furthermore, the NW diameter is smaller than the laser beam spot, which means that the optical power absorbed by the NW depends on its position inside the laser beam spot. A detailed analysis of the interaction between a microscopic focused laser beam and semiconductor NWs is necessary for the understanding of the experiments involving laser beam excitation of NWs. We present in this work a numerical analysis of the thermal transport in Si NWs, where the heat source is the laser energy locally absorbed by the NW. This analysis takes account of the optical absorption, the thermal conductivity, the dimensions, diameter and length of the NWs, and the immersion medium. Both free standing and heat-sunk NWs are considered. Also, the temperature distribution in ensembles of NWs is discussed. This analysis intends to constitute a tool for the understanding of the thermal phenomena induced by laser beams in semiconductor NWs.
The façade is the visible part of a building, and generally consists of various different constructive systems. The sound reduction index of the closing elements for the openings on a room’s façade is a determining factor in the sound insulation from airborne noise inside the space. Windows are the transparent part of the façade, and to improve their thermal behaviour and control solar radiation, they are often fitted with a series of external and internal protections such as shutters, slats and blinds. This work contains a summary of studies carried out using field measurements of airborne sound insulation on façades in rooms, in application of the standard UNE-EN ISO 140-5:1999. In all the rooms the windows were fitted with shutter boxes and rolling shutters, and the acoustic tests were made with the shutter in two positions (extended and fully retracted). The results were analysed considering the window opening system (openable or sliding) and the type of glass pane (monolithic or insulating glass unit, IGU). In the case of sliding windows, the airborne sound insulation of façades is greater when the shutter is extended than when it is retracted, and this should be taken into account when applying the aforementioned standard.