22 resultados para Agent System

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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This article presents a multi-agent expert system (SMAF) , that allows the input of incidents which occur in different elements of the telecommunications area. SMAF interacts with experts and general users, and each agent with all the agents? community, recording the incidents and their solutions in a knowledge base, without the analysis of their causes. The incidents are expressed using keywords taken from natural language (originally Spanish) and their main concepts are recorded with their severities as the users express them. Then, there is a search of the best solution for each incident, being helped by a human operator using a distancenotions between them.


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This paper describes the multi-agent organization of a computer system that was designed to assist operators in decision making in the presence of emergencies. The application was developed for the case of emergencies caused by river floods. It operates on real-time receiving data recorded by sensors (rainfall, water levels, flows, etc.) and applies multi-agent techniques to interpret the data, predict the future behavior and recommend control actions. The system includes an advanced knowledge based architecture with multiple symbolic representation with uncertainty models (bayesian networks). This system has been applied and validated at two particular sites in Spain (the Jucar basin and the South basin).


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In this paper, an innovative approach to perform distributed Bayesian inference using a multi-agent architecture is presented. The final goal is dealing with uncertainty in network diagnosis, but the solution can be of applied in other fields. The validation testbed has been a P2P streaming video service. An assessment of the work is presented, in order to show its advantages when it is compared with traditional manual processes and other previous systems.


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This paper presents the development of the robotic multi-agent system SMART. In this system, the agent concept is applied to both hardware and software entities. Hardware agents are robots, with three and four legs, and an IP-camera that takes images of the scene where the cooperative task is carried out. Hardware agents strongly cooperate with software agents. These latter agents can be classified into image processing, communications, task management and decision making, planning and trajectory generation agents. To model, control and evaluate the performance of cooperative tasks among agents, a kind of PetriNet, called Work-Flow Petri Net, is used. Experimental results shows the good performance of the system.


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This article presents the model of a multi-agent system (SMAF), which objectives are the input of fuzzy incidents as the human experts express them with different severities degrees and the further search and suggestion of solutions. The solutions will be later confirm or not by the users. This model was designed, implemented and tested in the telecommunications field, with heterogeneous agents in a cooperative model. In the design, different abstract levels where considered, according to the agents? objectives, their ways to carry it out and the environment in which they act. Each agent is modeled with different spectrum of the knowledge base


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This paper describes ExperNet, an intelligent multi-agent system that was developed under an EU funded project to assist in the management of a large-scale data network. ExperNet assists network operators at various nodes of a WAN to detect and diagnose hardware failures and network traffic problems and suggests the most feasible solution, through a web-based interface. ExperNet is composed by intelligent agents, capable of both local problem solving and social interaction among them for coordinating problem diagnosis and repair. The current network state is captured and maintained by conventional network management and monitoring software components, which have been smoothly integrated into the system through sophisticated information exchange interfaces. For the implementation of the agents, a distributed Prolog system enhanced with networking facilities was developed. The agents’ knowledge base is developed in an extensible and reactive knowledge base system capable of handling multiple types of knowledge representation. ExperNet has been developed, installed and tested successfully in an experimental network zone of Ukraine.


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La presente tesis doctoral contribuye al problema del diagnóstico autonómico de fallos en redes de telecomunicación. En las redes de telecomunicación actuales, las operadoras realizan tareas de diagnóstico de forma manual. Dichas operaciones deben ser llevadas a cabo por ingenieros altamente cualificados que cada vez tienen más dificultades a la hora de gestionar debidamente el crecimiento exponencial de la red tanto en tamaño, complejidad y heterogeneidad. Además, el advenimiento del Internet del Futuro hace que la demanda de sistemas que simplifiquen y automaticen la gestión de las redes de telecomunicación se haya incrementado en los últimos años. Para extraer el conocimiento necesario para desarrollar las soluciones propuestas y facilitar su adopción por los operadores de red, se propone una metodología de pruebas de aceptación para sistemas multi-agente enfocada en simplificar la comunicación entre los diferentes grupos de trabajo involucrados en todo proyecto de desarrollo software: clientes y desarrolladores. Para contribuir a la solución del problema del diagnóstico autonómico de fallos, se propone una arquitectura de agente capaz de diagnosticar fallos en redes de telecomunicación de manera autónoma. Dicha arquitectura extiende el modelo de agente Belief-Desire- Intention (BDI) con diferentes modelos de diagnóstico que gestionan las diferentes sub-tareas del proceso. La arquitectura propuesta combina diferentes técnicas de razonamiento para alcanzar su propósito gracias a un modelo estructural de la red, que usa razonamiento basado en ontologías, y un modelo causal de fallos, que usa razonamiento Bayesiano para gestionar debidamente la incertidumbre del proceso de diagnóstico. Para asegurar la adecuación de la arquitectura propuesta en situaciones de gran complejidad y heterogeneidad, se propone un marco de argumentación que permite diagnosticar a agentes que estén ejecutando en dominios federados. Para la aplicación de este marco en un sistema multi-agente, se propone un protocolo de coordinación en el que los agentes dialogan hasta alcanzar una conclusión para un caso de diagnóstico concreto. Como trabajos futuros, se consideran la extensión de la arquitectura para abordar otros problemas de gestión como el auto-descubrimiento o la auto-optimización, el uso de técnicas de reputación dentro del marco de argumentación para mejorar la extensibilidad del sistema de diagnóstico en entornos federados y la aplicación de las arquitecturas propuestas en las arquitecturas de red emergentes, como SDN, que ofrecen mayor capacidad de interacción con la red. ABSTRACT This PhD thesis contributes to the problem of autonomic fault diagnosis of telecommunication networks. Nowadays, in telecommunication networks, operators perform manual diagnosis tasks. Those operations must be carried out by high skilled network engineers which have increasing difficulties to properly manage the growing of those networks, both in size, complexity and heterogeneity. Moreover, the advent of the Future Internet makes the demand of solutions which simplifies and automates the telecommunication network management has been increased in recent years. To collect the domain knowledge required to developed the proposed solutions and to simplify its adoption by the operators, an agile testing methodology is defined for multiagent systems. This methodology is focused on the communication gap between the different work groups involved in any software development project, stakeholders and developers. To contribute to overcoming the problem of autonomic fault diagnosis, an agent architecture for fault diagnosis of telecommunication networks is defined. That architecture extends the Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) agent model with different diagnostic models which handle the different subtasks of the process. The proposed architecture combines different reasoning techniques to achieve its objective using a structural model of the network, which uses ontology-based reasoning, and a causal model, which uses Bayesian reasoning to properly handle the uncertainty of the diagnosis process. To ensure the suitability of the proposed architecture in complex and heterogeneous environments, an argumentation framework is defined. This framework allows agents to perform fault diagnosis in federated domains. To apply this framework in a multi-agent system, a coordination protocol is defined. This protocol is used by agents to dialogue until a reliable conclusion for a specific diagnosis case is reached. Future work comprises the further extension of the agent architecture to approach other managements problems, such as self-discovery or self-optimisation; the application of reputation techniques in the argumentation framework to improve the extensibility of the diagnostic system in federated domains; and the application of the proposed agent architecture in emergent networking architectures, such as SDN, which offers new capabilities of control for the network.


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Managing large medical image collections is an increasingly demanding important issue in many hospitals and other medical settings. A huge amount of this information is daily generated, which requires robust and agile systems. In this paper we present a distributed multi-agent system capable of managing very large medical image datasets. In this approach, agents extract low-level information from images and store them in a data structure implemented in a relational database. The data structure can also store semantic information related to images and particular regions. A distinctive aspect of our work is that a single image can be divided so that the resultant sub-images can be stored and managed separately by different agents to improve performance in data accessing and processing. The system also offers the possibility of applying some region-based operations and filters on images, facilitating image classification. These operations can be performed directly on data structures in the database.


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El sector de la edificación es uno de los principales sectores económicos en España y, además, es un componente básico de la actividad económica y social, debido a su importante papel como generador de empleo, proveedor de bienes e incentivador del crecimiento. Curiosamente, es uno de los sectores con menos regulación y organización y que, además, está formado mayoritariamente por empresas de pequeña y mediana dimensión (pymes) que, por su menor capacidad, a menudo, se quedan detrás de las grandes empresas en términos de adopción de soluciones innovadoras. La complejidad en la gestión de toda la información relacionada con un proyecto de edificación ha puesto de manifiesto claras ineficiencias que se traducen en un gasto innecesario bastante representativo. La información y los conocimientos aprendidos rara vez son transmitidos de una fase a otra dentro del proyecto de edificación y, mucho menos, reutilizados en otros proyectos similares. De este modo, no sólo se produce un gasto innecesario, sino que incluso podemos encontrar información contradictoria y obsoleta y, por tanto, inútil para la toma de decisiones. A lo largo de los años, esta situación ha sido motivada por la propia configuración del sector, poniendo de manifiesto la necesidad de una solución que pudiera solventar este reto de gestión interorganizacional. Así, la cooperación interorganizacional se ha convertido en un factor clave para mejorar la competitividad de las organizaciones, típicamente pymes, que componen el sector de la edificación. La información es la piedra angular de cualquier proceso de negocio. Durante la última década, una amplia gama de industrias han experimentado importantes mejoras de productividad con la aplicación eficiente de las TIC, asociadas, principalmente, a incrementos en la velocidad de proceso de información y una mayor coherencia en la generación de datos, accesibilidad e intercambio de información. La aplicación eficaz de las TIC en el sector de la edificación requiere una combinación de aspectos estratégicos y tácticos, puesto que no sólo se trata de utilizar soluciones puntuales importadas de otros sectores para su aplicación en diferentes áreas, sino que se buscaría que la información multi-agente estuviera integrada y sea coherente para los proyectos de edificación. El sector de la construcción ha experimentado un descenso significativo en los últimos años en España y en Europa como resultado de la crisis financiera que comenzó en 2007. Esta disminución está acompañada de una baja penetración de las TIC en la interorganizacionales orientadas a los procesos de negocio. El descenso del mercado ha provocado una desaceleración en el sector de la construcción, donde sólo las pymes flexibles han sido capaces de mantener el ritmo a pesar de la especialización y la innovación en los servicios adaptados a las nuevas demandas del mercado. La industria de la edificación está muy fragmentada en comparación con otras industrias manufactureras. El alto grado de esta fragmentación está íntimamente relacionado con un impacto significativo en la productividad y el rendimiento. Muchos estudios de investigación han desarrollado y propuesto una serie de modelos de procesos integrados. Por desgracia, en la actualidad todavía no se está en condiciones para la formalización de cómo debe ser la comunicación y el intercambio de información durante el proceso de construcción. El paso del proceso secuencial tradicional a los procesos de interdependencia recíproca sin lugar a duda son una gran demanda asociada a la comunicación y el flujo de información en un proyecto de edificación. Recientemente se está poniendo mucho énfasis en los servicios para el hogar como un primer paso hacia esta mejora en innovación ya que la industria de los servicios digitales interactivos tiene un alto potencial para generar innovación y la ventaja estratégica para las empresas existentes. La multiplicidad de servicios para el hogar digital (HD) y los proveedores de servicios demandan, cada vez más, la aparición de una plataforma capaz de coordinar a todos los agentes del sector con el usuario final. En consecuencia, las estructuras organizacionales tienden a descentralizarse en busca de esa coordinación y, como respuesta a esta demanda, se plantea, también en este ámbito, el concepto de cooperación interorganizacional. Por lo tanto, ambos procesos de negocio -el asociado a la construcción y el asociado a la provisión de servicios del hogar digital, también considerado como la propia gestión de ese hogar digital o edificio, inteligente o no- deben de ser vistos en su conjunto mediante una plataforma tecnológica que les dé soporte y que pueda garantizar la agregación e integración de los diversos procesos, relacionados con la construcción y gestión, que se suceden durante el ciclo de vida de un edificio. Sobre esta idea y atendiendo a la evolución permanente de los sistemas de información en un entorno de interrelación y cooperación daría lugar a una aplicación del concepto de sistema de información interorganizacional (SIIO). El SIIO proporciona a las organizaciones la capacidad para mejorar los vínculos entre los socios comerciales a lo largo de la cadena de suministro, por lo que su importancia ha sido reconocida por organizaciones de diversos sectores. Sin embargo, la adopción de un SIIO en diferentes ámbitos ha demostrado ser complicada y con una alta dependencia de las características particulares de cada sector, siendo, en este momento, una línea de investigación abierta. Para contribuir a esta línea de investigación, este trabajo pretende recoger, partiendo de una revisión de la literatura relacionada, un enfoque en un modelo de adopción de un SIIO para el objeto concreto de esta investigación. El diseño de un SIIO está basado principalmente, en la identificación de las necesidades de información de cada uno de sus agentes participantes, de ahí la importancia en concretar un modelo de SIIO en el ámbito de este trabajo. Esta tesis doctoral presenta el modelo de plataforma virtual de la asociación entre diferentes agentes del sector de la edificación, el marco de las relaciones, los flujos de información correspondientes a diferentes procesos y la metodología que subyace tras el propio modelo, todo ello, con el objeto de contribuir a un modelo unificado que dé soporte tanto a los procesos relacionados con la construcción como con la gestión de servicios en el hogar digital y permitiendo cubrir los requisitos importantes que caracterizan este tipo de proyectos: flexibilidad, escalabilidad y robustez. El SIIO se ha convertido en una fuente de innovación y una herramienta estratégica que permite a las pymes obtener ventajas competitivas. Debido a la complejidad inherente de la adopción de un SIIO, esta investigación extiende el modelo teórico de adopción de un SIIO de Kurnia y Johnston (2000) con un modelo empírico para la caracterización de un SIIO. El modelo resultante tiene como objetivo fomentar la innovación de servicios en el sector mediante la identificación de los factores que influyen en la adopción de un SIIO por las pymes en el sector de la edificación como fuente de ventaja competitiva y de colaboración. Por tanto, esta tesis doctoral, proyectada sobre una investigación empírica, proporciona un enfoque para caracterizar un modelo de SIIO que permita dar soporte a la gestión integrada de los procesos de construcción y gestión de servicios para el hogar digital. La validez del modelo de SIIO propuesto, como fuente y soporte de ventajas competitivas, está íntimamente relacionada con la necesidad de intercambio de información rápido y fiable que demandan los agentes del sector para mejorar la gestión de su interrelación y cooperación con el fin de abordar proyectos más complejos en el sector de la edificación, relacionados con la implantación del hogar digital, y contribuyendo, así a favorecer el desarrollo de la sociedad de la información en el segmento residencial. ABSTRACT The building industry is the largest industry in the world. Land purchase, building design, construction, furnishing, building equipment, operations maintenance and the disposition of real estate have an unquestionable prominence not only at economic but also at social level. In Spain, the building sector is one of the main drivers of economy and also a basic component of economic activity and its role in generating employment, supply of goods or incentive for growth is crucial in the evolution of the economy. Surprisingly, it is one of the sectors with less regulation and organization. Another consistent problem is that, in this sector, the majority of companies are small and medium (SMEs), and often behind large firms in terms of their adoption of innovative solutions. The complexity of managing all information related to this industry has lead to a waste of money and time. The information and knowledge gathered is frequently stored in multiple locations, involving the work of thousands of people, and is rarely transferred on to the next phase. This approach is inconsistent and makes that incorrect information is used for decisions. This situation needs a viable solution for interorganizational information management. So, interorganizational co-operation has become a key factor for organization competitiveness within the building sector. Information is the cornerstone of any business process. Therefore, information and communication technologies (ICT) offer a means to change the way business is conducted. During the last decade, significant productivity improvements were experienced by a wide range of industries with ICT implementation. ICT has provided great advantages in speed of operation, consistency of data generation, accessibility and exchange of information. The wasted money resulting from reentering information, errors and omissions caused through poor decisions and actions, and the delays caused while waiting for information, represent a significant percentage of the global benefits. The effective application of ICT in building construction sector requires a combination of strategic and tactical developments. The building sector has experienced a significant decline in recent years in Spain and in Europe as a result of the financial crisis that began in 2007. This drop goes hand in hand with a low penetration of ICT in inter-organizational-oriented business processes. The market decrease has caused a slowdown in the building sector, where only flexible SMEs have been able to keep the pace though specialization and innovation in services adapted to new market demands. The building industry is highly fragmented compared with other manufacturing industries. This fragmentation has a significant negative impact on productivity and performance. Many research studies have developed and proposed a number of integrated process models. Unfortunately, these studies do not suggest how communication and information exchange within the construction process can be achieved, without duplication or lost in quality. A change from the traditional sequential process to reciprocal interdependency processes would increase the demand on communication and information flow over the edification project. Focusing on home services, the digital interactive service industry has the potential to generate innovation and strategic advantage for existing business. Multiplicity of broadband home services (BHS) and suppliers suggest the need for a figure able to coordinate all the agents in sector with the final user. Consequently, organizational structures tend to be decentralized. Responding to this fact, the concept of interorganizational co-operation also is raising in the residential market. Therefore, both of these business processes, building and home service supply, must be complemented with a technological platform that supports these processes and guarantees the aggregation and integration of the several services over building lifecycle. In this context of a technological platform and the permanent evolution of information systems is where the relevance of the concept of inter-organizational information system (IOIS) emerges. IOIS improves linkages between trading partners along the supply chain. However, IOIS adoption has proved to be difficult and not fully accomplished yet. This research reviews the literature in order to focus a model of IOIS adoption. This PhD Thesis presents a model of virtual association, a framework of the relationships, an identification of the information requirements and the corresponding information flows, using the multi-agent system approach. IOIS has become a source of innovation and a strategic tool for SMEs to obtain competitive advantage. Because of the inherent complexity of IOIS adoption, this research extends Kurnia and Johnston’s (2000) theoretical model of IOIS adoption with an empirical model of IOIS characterization. The resultant model aims to foster further service innovation in the sector by identifying the factors influencing IOIS adoption by the SMEs in the building sector as a source of competitive and collaborative advantage. Therefore, this PhD Thesis characterizes an IOIS model to support integrated management of building processes and home services. IOIS validity, as source and holder of competitive advantages, is related to the need for reliable information interchanges to improve interrelationship management. The final goal is to favor tracking of more complex projects in building sector and to contribute to consolidation of the information society through the provision of broadband home services and home automation.


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This article presents the design, kinematic model and communication architecture for the multi-agent robotic system called SMART. The philosophy behind this kind of system requires the communication architecture to contemplate the concurrence of the whole system. The proposed architecture combines different communication technologies (TCP/IP and Bluetooth) under one protocol designed for the cooperation among agents and other elements of the system such as IP-Cameras, image processing library, path planner, user Interface, control block and data block. The high level control is modeled by Work-Flow Petri nets and implemented in C++ and C♯♯. Experimental results show the performance of the designed architecture.


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In this paper we propose a flexible Multi-Agent Architecture together with a methodology for indoor location which allows us to locate any mobile station (MS) such as a Laptop, Smartphone, Tablet or a robotic system in an indoor environment using wireless technology. Our technology is complementary to the GPS location finder as it allows us to locate a mobile system in a specific room on a specific floor using the Wi-Fi networks. The idea is that any MS will have an agent known at a Fuzzy Location Software Agent (FLSA) with a minimum capacity processing at its disposal which collects the power received at different Access Points distributed around the floor and establish its location on a plan of the floor of the building. In order to do so it will have to communicate with the Fuzzy Location Manager Software Agent (FLMSA). The FLMSAs are local agents that form part of the management infrastructure of the Wi-Fi network of the Organization. The FLMSA implements a location estimation methodology divided into three phases (measurement, calibration and estimation) for locating mobile stations (MS). Our solution is a fingerprint-based positioning system that overcomes the problem of the relative effect of doors and walls on signal strength and is independent of the network device manufacturer. In the measurement phase, our system collects received signal strength indicator (RSSI) measurements from multiple access points. In the calibration phase, our system uses these measurements in a normalization process to create a radio map, a database of RSS patterns. Unlike traditional radio map-based methods, our methodology normalizes RSS measurements collected at different locations on a floor. In the third phase, we use Fuzzy Controllers to locate an MS on the plan of the floor of a building. Experimental results demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed method. From these results it is clear that the system is highly likely to be able to locate an MS in a room or adjacent room.


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The SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) program is an ambitious re-search and development initiative to design the future European air traffic man-agement (ATM) system. The study of the behavior of ATM systems using agent-based modeling and simulation tools can help the development of new methods to improve their performance. This paper presents an overview of existing agent-based approaches in air transportation (paying special attention to the challenges that exist for the design of future ATM systems) and, subsequently, describes a new agent-based approach that we proposed in the CASSIOPEIA project, which was developed according to the goals of the SESAR program. In our approach, we use agent models for different ATM stakeholders, and, in contrast to previous work, our solution models new collaborative decision processes for flow traffic management, it uses an intermediate level of abstraction (useful for simulations at larger scales), and was designed to be a practical tool (open and reusable) for the development of different ATM studies. It was successfully applied in three stud-ies related to the design of future ATM systems in Europe.


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This paper describes an agent-based approach for the simulation of air traffic management (ATM) in Europe that was designed to help analyze proposals for future ATM systems. This approach is able to represent new collaborative deci-sion processes for flow traffic management, it uses an intermediate level of ab-straction (useful for simulations at larger scales), and was designed to be a practi-cal tool (open and reusable) for the development of different ATM studies. It was successfully applied in three studies related to the design of future ATM systems in Europe.


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This document contains detailed description of the design and the implementation of a multi-agent application controlling traffic lights in a city together with a system for simulating traffic and testing. The goal of this thesis is to design and build a simplified intelligent and distributed solution to the problem with the traffic in the big cities following different good practices in order to allow future refining of the model of the real world. The problem of the traffic in the big cities is still a problem that cannot be solved. Not only is the increasing number of cars a reason for the traffic jams, but also the way the traffic is organized. Usually, the intersections with traffic lights are replaced by roundabouts or interchanges to increase the number of cars that can cross the intersection in certain time. But still there are places where the infrastructure cannot be changed and the traffic light semaphores are the only way to control the car flows. In real life, the traffic lights have a predefined plan for change or they receive information from a centralized system when and how they have to change. But what if the traffic lights can cooperate and decide on their own when and how to change? Using this problem, the purpose of the thesis is to explore different agent-based software engineering approaches to design and build a non-conventional distributed system. From the software engineering point of view, the goal of the thesis is to apply the knowledge and use the skills, acquired during the various courses of the master program in Software Engineering, while solving a practical and complex problem such as the traffic in the cities.


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The Agent-Based Modelling and simulation (ABM) is a rather new approach for studying complex systems withinteracting autonomous agents that has lately undergone great growth in various fields such as biology, physics, social science, economics and business. Efforts to model and simulate the highly complex cement hydration process have been made over the past 40 years, with the aim of predicting the performance of concrete and designing innovative and enhanced cementitious materials. The ABM presented here - based on previous work - focuses on the early stages of cement hydration by modelling the physical-chemical processes at the particle level. The model considers the cement hydration process as a time and 3D space system, involving multiple diffusing and reacting species of spherical particles. Chemical reactions are simulated by adaptively selecting discrete stochastic simulation for the appropriate reaction, whenever that is necessary. Interactions between particles are also considered. The model has been inspired by reported cellular automata?s approach which provides detailed predictions of cement microstructure at the expense of significant computational difficulty. The ABM approach herein seeks to bring about an optimal balance between accuracy and computational efficiency.