11 resultados para Accident analysis

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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The new reactor concepts proposed in the Generation IV International Forum (GIF) are conceived to improve the use of natural resources, reduce the amount of high-level radioactive waste and excel in their reliability and safe operation. Among these novel designs sodium fast reactors (SFRs) stand out due to their technological feasibility as demonstrated in several countries during the last decades. As part of the contribution of EURATOM to GIF the CP-ESFR is a collaborative project with the objective, among others, to perform extensive analysis on safety issues involving renewed SFR demonstrator designs. The verification of computational tools able to simulate the plant behaviour under postulated accidental conditions by code-to-code comparison was identified as a key point to ensure reactor safety. In this line, several organizations employed coupled neutronic and thermal-hydraulic system codes able to simulate complex and specific phenomena involving multi-physics studies adapted to this particular fast reactor technology. In the “Introduction” of this paper the framework of this study is discussed, the second section describes the envisaged plant design and the commonly agreed upon modelling guidelines. The third section presents a comparative analysis of the calculations performed by each organisation applying their models and codes to a common agreed transient with the objective to harmonize the models as well as validating the implementation of all relevant physical phenomena in the different system codes.


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The new reactor concepts proposed in the Generation IV International Forum require the development and validation of computational tools able to assess their safety performance. In the first part of this paper the models of the ESFR design developed by several organisations in the framework of the CP-ESFR project were presented and their reliability validated via a benchmarking exercise. This second part of the paper includes the application of those tools for the analysis of design basis accident (DBC) scenarios of the reference design. Further, this paper also introduces the main features of the core optimisation process carried out within the project with the objective to enhance the core safety performance through the reduction of the positive coolant density reactivity effect. The influence of this optimised core design on the reactor safety performance during the previously analysed transients is also discussed. The conclusion provides an overview of the work performed by the partners involved in the project towards the development and enhancement of computational tools specifically tailored to the evaluation of the safety performance of the Generation IV innovative nuclear reactor designs.


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The goal of this paper is to evaluate whether the incentives incorporated in toll highway concession contracts in order to encourage private operators to adopt measures to reduce accidents are actually effective at improving safety. To this end, we implemented negative binomial regression models using information about highway characteristics and accident data from toll highway concessions in Spain from 2007 to 2009. Our results show that even though road safety is highly influenced by variables that are not managed by the contractor, such as the annual average daily traffic (AADT), the percentage of heavy vehicles on the highway, number of lanes, number of intersections and average speed; the implementation of these incentives has a positive influence on the reduction of accidents and injuries. Consequently, this measure seems to be an effective way of improving safety performance in road networks.


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El planteamiento tradicional de análisis de la accidentalidad en carretera pasa por la consideración de herramientas paliativas, como son la identificación y gestión de los puntos negros o tramos de concentración de accidentes, o preventivas, como las auditorías e inspecciones de seguridad vial. En esta tesis doctoral se presenta un planteamiento complementario a estas herramientas, desde una perspectiva novedosa: la consideración de los tramos donde no se producen accidentes; son los denominados Tramos Blancos. La tesis persigue demostrar que existen determinados parámetros del diseño de las carreteras y del tráfico que, bajo características generales similares de las vías, tienen influencia en el hecho de que se produzcan o no accidentes, adicionalmente a la exposición al riesgo, como factor principal, y a otros factores. La propia definición de los Tramos Blancos, entendidos como tramos de carreteras de longitud representativa donde no se han producido accidentes con víctimas mortales o heridos graves durante un periodo largo de tiempo, garantiza que esta situación no se produzca como consecuencia de la aleatoriedad de los accidentes, sino que pudiera deberse a una confluencia específica de determinados parámetros de la geometría de la vía y del tráfico total y de vehículos pesados. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación se han considerado la red de autopistas de peaje y las carreteras convencionales de la Red del Estado de España, que supone un total de 17.000 kilómetros, y los datos de accidentes con víctimas mortales y heridos graves en el periodo 2006-2010, ambos incluidos, en estas redes (un total de 10.000 accidentes). La red viaria objeto de análisis supone el 65% de la longitud de la Red de Carreteras del Estado, por la que circula el 33% de su tráfico; en ella se produjeron en el año 2013 el 47% de los accidentes con víctimas y el 60% de las víctimas mortales de la Red de Carreteras del Estado. Durante la investigación se ha desarrollado una base de datos de 250.130 registros y más de 3.5 millones de datos en el caso de las autopistas de peaje de la Red de Carreteras del Estado y de 935.402 registros y más de 14 millones de datos en el caso de la red convencional del Estado analizada. Tanto las autopistas de peaje como las carreteras convencionales han sido clasificadas según sus características de tráfico, de manera que se valoren vías con nivel de exposición al riesgo similar. Para cada tipología de vía, se ha definido como longitud de referencia para que un tramo se considere Tramo Blanco la longitud igual al percentil 95 de las longitudes de tramos sin accidentes con heridos graves o víctimas mortales durante el periodo 2006-2010. En el caso de las autopistas de peaje, en la tipología que ha sido considerada para la definición del modelo, esta longitud de referencia se estableció en 14.5 kilómetros, mientras que en el caso de las carreteras convencionales, se estableció en 7.75 kilómetros. Para cada uno de los tipos de vía considerados se han construido una base de datos en la que se han incluido las variables de existencia o no de Tramo Blanco, así como las variables de tráfico (intensidad media diaria total, intensidad de vehículos pesados y porcentaje de vehículos pesados ), la velocidad media y las variables de geometría (número de carriles, ancho de carril, ancho de arcén derecho e izquierdo, ancho de calzada y plataforma, radio, peralte, pendiente y visibilidad directa e inversa en los casos disponibles); como variables adicionales, se han incluido el número de accidentes con víctimas, los fallecidos y heridos graves, índices de peligrosidad, índices de mortalidad y exposición al riesgo. Los trabajos desarrollados para explicar la presencia de Tramos Blancos en la red de autopistas de peaje han permitido establecer las diferencias entre los valores medios de las variables de tráfico y diseño geométrico en Tramos Blancos respecto a tramos no blancos y comprobar que estas diferencias son significativas. Así mismo, se ha podido calibrar un modelo de regresión logística que explica parcialmente la existencia de Tramos Blancos, para rangos de tráfico inferiores a 10.000 vehículos diarios y para tráficos entre 10.000 y 15.000 vehículos diarios. Para el primer grupo (menos de 10.000 vehículos al día), las variables que han demostrado tener una mayor influencia en la existencia de Tramo Blanco son la velocidad media de circulación, el ancho de carril, el ancho de arcén izquierdo y el porcentaje de vehículos pesados. Para el segundo grupo (entre 10.000 y 15.000 vehículos al día), las variables independientes más influyentes en la existencia de Tramo Blanco han sido la velocidad de circulación, el ancho de calzada y el porcentaje de vehículos pesados. En el caso de las carreteras convencionales, los diferentes análisis realizados no han permitido identificar un modelo que consiga una buena clasificación de los Tramos Blancos. Aun así, se puede afirmar que los valores medios de las variables de intensidad de tráfico, radio, visibilidad, peralte y pendiente presentan diferencias significativas en los Tramos Blancos respecto a los no blancos, que varían en función de la intensidad de tráfico. Los resultados obtenidos deben considerarse como la conclusión de un análisis preliminar, dado que existen otros parámetros, tanto de diseño de la vía como de la circulación, el entorno, el factor humano o el vehículo que podrían tener una influencia en el hecho que se analiza, y no se han considerado por no disponer de esta información. En esta misma línea, el análisis de las circunstancias que rodean al viaje que el usuario de la vía realiza, su tipología y motivación es una fuente de información de interés de la que no se tienen datos y que permitiría mejorar el análisis de accidentalidad en general, y en particular el de esta investigación. Adicionalmente, se reconocen limitaciones en el desarrollo de esta investigación, en las que sería preciso profundizar en el futuro, reconociendo así nuevas líneas de investigación de interés. The traditional approach to road accidents analysis has been based in the use of palliative tools, such as black spot (or road sections) identification and management, or preventive tools, such as road safety audits and inspections. This thesis shows a complementary approach to the existing tools, from a new perspective: the consideration of road sections where no accidents have occurred; these are the so-called White Road Sections. The aim of this thesis is to show that there are certain design parameters and traffic characteristics which, under similar circumstances for roads, have influence in the fact that accidents occur, in addition to the main factor, which is the risk exposure, and others. White Road Sections, defined as road sections of a representative length, where no fatal accidents or accidents involving serious injured have happened during a long period of time, should not be a product of randomness of accidents; on the contrary, they might be the consequence of a confluence of specific parameters of road geometry, traffic volumes and heavy vehicles traffic volumes. For this research, the toll motorway network and single-carriageway network of the Spanish National Road Network have been considered, which is a total of 17.000 kilometers; fatal accidents and those involving serious injured from the period 2006-2010 have been considered (a total number of 10.000 accidents). The road network covered means 65% of the total length of the National Road Network, which allocates 33% of traffic volume; 47% of accidents with victims and 60% of fatalities happened in these road networks during 2013. During the research, a database of 250.130 registers and more than 3.5 million data for toll motorways and 935.042 registers and more than 14 million data for single carriageways of the National Road Network was developed. Both toll motorways and single-carriageways have been classified according to their traffic characteristics, so that the analysis is performed over roads with similar risk exposure. For each road type, a reference length for White Road Section has been defined, as the 95 percentile of all road sections lengths without accidents (with fatalities or serious injured) for 2006-2010. For toll motorways, this reference length concluded to be 14.5 kilometers, while for single-carriageways, it was defined as 7.75 kilometers. A detailed database was developed for each type of road, including the variable “existence of White Road Section”, as well as variables of traffic (average daily traffic volume, heavy vehicles average daily traffic and percentage of heavy vehicles from the total traffic volume), average speed and geometry variables (number of lanes, width of lane, width of shoulders, carriageway width, platform width, radius, superelevation, slope and visibility); additional variables, such as number of accidents with victims, number of fatalities or serious injured, risk and fatality rates and risk exposure, have also been included. Research conducted for the explanation of the presence of White Road Sections in the toll motorway network have shown statistically significant differences in the average values of variables of traffic and geometric design in White Road Sections compared with other road sections. In addition, a binary logistic model for the partial explanation of the presence of White Road Sections was developed, for traffic volumes lower than 10.000 daily vehicles and for those running from 10.000 to 15.000 daily vehicles. For the first group, the most influent variables for the presence of White Road Sections were the average speed, width of lane, width of left shoulder and percentage of heavy vehicles. For the second group, the most influent variables were found to be average speed, carriageway width and percentage of heavy vehicles. For single-carriageways, the different analysis developed did not reach a proper model for the explanation of White Road Sections. However, it can be assumed that the average values of the variables of traffic volume, radius, visibility, superelevation and slope show significant differences in White Road Sections if compared with others, which also vary with traffic volumes. Results obtained should be considered as a conclusion of a preliminary analysis, as there are other parameters, not only design-related, but also regarding traffic, environment, human factor and vehicle which could have an influence in the fact under research, but this information has not been considered in the analysis, as it was not available. In parallel, the analysis of the circumstances around the trip, including its typology and motivation is an interesting source of information, from which data are not available; the availability of this information would be useful for the improvement of accident analysis, in general, and for this research work, in particular. In addition, there are some limitations in the development of the research work; it would be necessary to develop an in-depth analysis in the future, thus assuming new research lines of interest.


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Since the Three Mile Island accident, an important focus of pressurized water reactor (PWR) transient analyses has been a small-break loss-of-coolant accident (SBLOCA). In 2002, the discovery of thinning of the vessel head wall at the Davis Besse nuclear power plant reactor indicated the possibility of an SBLOCA in the upper head of the reactor vessel as a result of circumferential cracking of a control rod drive mechanism penetration nozzle - which has cast even greater importance on the study of SBLOCAs. Several experimental tests have been performed at the Large Scale Test Facility to simulate the behavior of a PWR during an upper-head SBLOCA. The last of these tests, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Nuclear Energy Agency Rig of Safety Assessment (OECD/NEA ROSA) Test 6.1, was performed in 2005. This test was simulated with the TRACE 5.0 code, and good agreement with the experimental results was obtained. Additionally, a broad analysis of an upper-head SBLOCA with high-pressure safety injection failed in a Westinghouse PWR was performed taking into account different accident management actions and conditions in order to check their suitability. This issue has been analyzed also in the framework of the OECD/NEA ROSA project and the Code Applications and Maintenance Program (CAMP). The main conclusion is that the current emergency operating procedures for Westinghouse reactor design are adequate for these kinds of sequences, and they do not need to be modified.


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Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR) sequences in Pressurized Water Reactors are known to be one of the most demanding transients for the operating crew. SGTR are a special kind of transient as they could lead to radiological releases without core damage or containment failure, as they can constitute a direct path from the reactor coolant system to the environment. The first methodology used to perform the Deterministic Safety Analysis (DSA) of a SGTR did not credit the operator action for the first 30 min of the transient, assuming that the operating crew was able to stop the primary to secondary leakage within that period of time. However, the different real SGTR accident cases happened in the USA and over the world demonstrated that the operators usually take more than 30 min to stop the leakage in actual sequences. Some methodologies were raised to overcome that fact, considering operator actions from the beginning of the transient, as it is done in Probabilistic Safety Analysis. This paper presents the results of comparing different assumptions regarding the single failure criteria and the operator action taken from the most common methodologies included in the different Deterministic Safety Analysis. One single failure criteria that has not been analysed previously in the literature is proposed and analysed in this paper too. The comparison is done with a PWR Westinghouse three loop model in TRACE code (Almaraz NPP) with best estimate assumptions but including deterministic hypothesis such as single failure criteria or loss of offsite power. The behaviour of the reactor is quite diverse depending on the different assumptions made regarding the operator actions. On the other hand, although there are high conservatisms included in the hypothesis, as the single failure criteria, all the results are quite far from the regulatory limits. In addition, some improvements to the Emergency Operating Procedures to minimize the offsite release from the damaged SG in case of a SGTR are outlined taking into account the offsite dose sensitivity results.


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Using the Bayesian approach as the model selection criteria, the main purpose in this study is to establish a practical road accident model that can provide a better interpretation and prediction performance. For this purpose we are using a structural explanatory model with autoregressive error term. The model estimation is carried out through Bayesian inference and the best model is selected based on the goodness of fit measures. To cross validate the model estimation further prediction analysis were done. As the road safety measures the number of fatal accidents in Spain, during 2000-2011 were employed. The results of the variable selection process show that the factors explaining fatal road accidents are mainly exposure, economic factors, and surveillance and legislative measures. The model selection shows that the impact of economic factors on fatal accidents during the period under study has been higher compared to surveillance and legislative measures.


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The integrated Safety Assessment (ISA) methodology, developed by the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN), has been applied to a thermal-hydraulic analysis of PWR Station Blackout (SBO) sequences in the context of the IDPSA (Integrated Deterministic-Probabilistic Safety Assessment) network objectives. The ISA methodology allows obtaining the damage domain (the region of the uncertain parameters space where the damage limit is exceeded) for each sequence of interest as a function of the operator actuations times. Given a particular safety limit or damage limit, several data of every sequence are necessary in order to obtain the exceedance frequency of that limit. In this application these data are obtained from the results of the simulations performed with MAAP code transients inside each damage domain and the time-density probability distributions of the manual actions. Damage limits that have been taken into account within this analysis are: local cladding damage (PCT>1477 K); local fuel melting (T>2499 K); fuel relocation in lower plenum and vessel failure. Therefore, to every one of these damage variables corresponds a different damage domain. The operation of the new passive thermal shutdown seals developed by several companies since Fukushima accident is considered in the paper. The results show the capability and necessity of the ISA methodology, or similar, in order to obtain accurate results that take into account time uncertainties.


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During pressure testing of a large distributor the weld securing the bulkhead failed, which triggered large pressure transients and cavitation phenomena. The problem has been studied by explicit integration, using shell elements for the structural parts and acoustic elements for the water. Although the calculations had to be carried out in the absence of any information about the outcome of the accident, very good consistency was achieved between the predictions and the actual observations.


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The simulation of design basis accidents in a containment building is usually conducted with a lumped parameter model. The codes normally used by Westinghouse Electric Company (WEC) for that license analysis are WGOTHIC or COCO, which are suitable to provide an adequate estimation of the overall peak temperature and pressure of the containment. However, for the detailed study of the thermal-hydraulic behavior in every room and compartment of the containment building, it could be more convenient to model the containment with a more detailed 3D representation of the geometry of the whole building. The main objective of this project is to obtain a standard PWR Westinghouse as well as an AP1000® containment model for a CFD code to analyze the thermal-hydraulic detailed behavior during a design basis accident. In this paper the development and testing of both containment models is presented.


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Because of the high number of crashes occurring on highways, it is necessary to intensify the search for new tools that help in understanding their causes. This research explores the use of a geographic information system (GIS) for an integrated analysis, taking into account two accident-related factors: design consistency (DC) (based on vehicle speed) and available sight distance (ASD) (based on visibility). Both factors require specific GIS software add-ins, which are explained. Digital terrain models (DTMs), vehicle paths, road centerlines, a speed prediction model, and crash data are integrated in the GIS. The usefulness of this approach has been assessed through a study of more than 500 crashes. From a regularly spaced grid, the terrain (bare ground) has been modeled through a triangulated irregular network (TIN). The length of the roads analyzed is greater than 100 km. Results have shown that DC and ASD could be related to crashes in approximately 4% of cases. In order to illustrate the potential of GIS, two crashes are fully analyzed: a car rollover after running off road on the right side and a rear-end collision of two moving vehicles. Although this procedure uses two software add-ins that are available only for ArcGIS, the study gives a practical demonstration of the suitability of GIS for conducting integrated studies of road safety.