em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Emotion is generally argued to be an influence on the behavior of life systems, largely concerning flexibility and adaptivity. The way in which life systems acts in response to a particular situations of the environment, has revealed the decisive and crucial importance of this feature in the success of behaviors. And this source of inspiration has influenced the way of thinking artificial systems. During the last decades, artificial systems have undergone such an evolution that each day more are integrated in our daily life. They have become greater in complexity, and the subsequent effects are related to an increased demand of systems that ensure resilience, robustness, availability, security or safety among others. All of them questions that raise quite a fundamental challenges in control design. This thesis has been developed under the framework of the Autonomous System project, a.k.a the ASys-Project. Short-term objectives of immediate application are focused on to design improved systems, and the approaching of intelligence in control strategies. Besides this, long-term objectives underlying ASys-Project concentrate on high order capabilities such as cognition, awareness and autonomy. This thesis is placed within the general fields of Engineery and Emotion science, and provides a theoretical foundation for engineering and designing computational emotion for artificial systems. The starting question that has grounded this thesis aims the problem of emotion--based autonomy. And how to feedback systems with valuable meaning has conformed the general objective. Both the starting question and the general objective, have underlaid the study of emotion, the influence on systems behavior, the key foundations that justify this feature in life systems, how emotion is integrated within the normal operation, and how this entire problem of emotion can be explained in artificial systems. By assuming essential differences concerning structure, purpose and operation between life and artificial systems, the essential motivation has been the exploration of what emotion solves in nature to afterwards analyze analogies for man--made systems. This work provides a reference model in which a collection of entities, relationships, models, functions and informational artifacts, are all interacting to provide the system with non-explicit knowledge under the form of emotion-like relevances. This solution aims to provide a reference model under which to design solutions for emotional operation, but related to the real needs of artificial systems. The proposal consists of a multi-purpose architecture that implement two broad modules in order to attend: (a) the range of processes related to the environment affectation, and (b) the range or processes related to the emotion perception-like and the higher levels of reasoning. This has required an intense and critical analysis beyond the state of the art around the most relevant theories of emotion and technical systems, in order to obtain the required support for those foundations that sustain each model. The problem has been interpreted and is described on the basis of AGSys, an agent assumed with the minimum rationality as to provide the capability to perform emotional assessment. AGSys is a conceptualization of a Model-based Cognitive agent that embodies an inner agent ESys, the responsible of performing the emotional operation inside of AGSys. The solution consists of multiple computational modules working federated, and aimed at conforming a mutual feedback loop between AGSys and ESys. Throughout this solution, the environment and the effects that might influence over the system are described as different problems. While AGSys operates as a common system within the external environment, ESys is designed to operate within a conceptualized inner environment. And this inner environment is built on the basis of those relevances that might occur inside of AGSys in the interaction with the external environment. This allows for a high-quality separate reasoning concerning mission goals defined in AGSys, and emotional goals defined in ESys. This way, it is provided a possible path for high-level reasoning under the influence of goals congruence. High-level reasoning model uses knowledge about emotional goals stability, letting this way new directions in which mission goals might be assessed under the situational state of this stability. This high-level reasoning is grounded by the work of MEP, a model of emotion perception that is thought as an analogy of a well-known theory in emotion science. The work of this model is described under the operation of a recursive-like process labeled as R-Loop, together with a system of emotional goals that are assumed as individual agents. This way, AGSys integrates knowledge that concerns the relation between a perceived object, and the effect which this perception induces on the situational state of the emotional goals. This knowledge enables a high-order system of information that provides the sustain for a high-level reasoning. The extent to which this reasoning might be approached is just delineated and assumed as future work. This thesis has been studied beyond a long range of fields of knowledge. This knowledge can be structured into two main objectives: (a) the fields of psychology, cognitive science, neurology and biological sciences in order to obtain understanding concerning the problem of the emotional phenomena, and (b) a large amount of computer science branches such as Autonomic Computing (AC), Self-adaptive software, Self-X systems, Model Integrated Computing (MIC) or the paradigm of models@runtime among others, in order to obtain knowledge about tools for designing each part of the solution. The final approach has been mainly performed on the basis of the entire acquired knowledge, and described under the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Model-Based Systems (MBS), and additional mathematical formalizations to provide punctual understanding in those cases that it has been required. This approach describes a reference model to feedback systems with valuable meaning, allowing for reasoning with regard to (a) the relationship between the environment and the relevance of the effects on the system, and (b) dynamical evaluations concerning the inner situational state of the system as a result of those effects. And this reasoning provides a framework of distinguishable states of AGSys derived from its own circumstances, that can be assumed as artificial emotion.
Una de las barreras para la aplicación de las técnicas de monitorización de la integridad estructural (SHM) basadas en ondas elásticas guiadas (GLW) en aeronaves es la influencia perniciosa de las condiciones ambientales y de operación (EOC). En esta tesis se ha estudiado dicha influencia y la compensación de la misma, particularizando en variaciones del estado de carga y temperatura. La compensación de dichos efectos se fundamenta en Redes Neuronales Artificiales (ANN) empleando datos experimentales procesados con la Transformada Chirplet. Los cambios en la geometría y en las propiedades del material respecto al estado inicial de la estructura (lo daños) provocan cambios en la forma de onda de las GLW (lo que denominamos característica sensible al daño o DSF). Mediante técnicas de tratamiento de señal se puede buscar una relación entre dichas variaciones y los daños, esto se conoce como SHM. Sin embargo, las variaciones en las EOC producen también cambios en los datos adquiridos relativos a las GLW (DSF) que provocan errores en los algoritmos de diagnóstico de daño (SHM). Esto sucede porque las firmas de daño y de las EOC en la DSF son del mismo orden. Por lo tanto, es necesario cuantificar y compensar el efecto de las EOC sobre la GLW. Si bien existen diversas metodologías para compensar los efectos de las EOC como por ejemplo “Optimal Baseline Selection” (OBS) o “Baseline Signal Stretching” (BSS), estas, se emplean exclusivamente en la compensación de los efectos térmicos. El método propuesto en esta tesis mezcla análisis de datos experimentales, como en el método OBS, y modelos basados en Redes Neuronales Artificiales (ANN) que reemplazan el modelado físico requerido por el método BSS. El análisis de datos experimentales consiste en aplicar la Transformada Chirplet (CT) para extraer la firma de las EOC sobre la DSF. Con esta información, obtenida bajo diversas EOC, se entrena una ANN. A continuación, la ANN actuará como un interpolador de referencias de la estructura sin daño, generando información de referencia para cualquier EOC. La comparación de las mediciones reales de la DSF con los valores simulados por la ANN, dará como resultado la firma daño en la DSF, lo que permite el diagnóstico de daño. Este esquema se ha aplicado y verificado, en diversas EOC, para una estructura unidimensional con un único camino de daño, y para una estructura representativa de un fuselaje de una aeronave, con curvatura y múltiples elementos rigidizadores, sometida a un estado de cargas complejo, con múltiples caminos de daños. Los efectos de las EOC se han estudiado en detalle en la estructura unidimensional y se han generalizado para el fuselaje, demostrando la independencia del método respecto a la configuración de la estructura y el tipo de sensores utilizados para la adquisición de datos GLW. Por otra parte, esta metodología se puede utilizar para la compensación simultánea de una variedad medible de EOC, que afecten a la adquisición de datos de la onda elástica guiada. El principal resultado entre otros, de esta tesis, es la metodología CT-ANN para la compensación de EOC en técnicas SHM basadas en ondas elásticas guiadas para el diagnóstico de daño. ABSTRACT One of the open problems to implement Structural Health Monitoring techniques based on elastic guided waves in real aircraft structures at operation is the influence of the environmental and operational conditions (EOC) on the damage diagnosis problem. This thesis deals with the compensation of these environmental and operational effects, specifically, the temperature and the external loading, by the use of the Chirplet Transform working with Artificial Neural Networks. It is well known that the guided elastic wave form is affected by the damage appearance (what is known as the damage sensitive feature or DSF). The DSF is modified by the temperature and by the load applied to the structure. The EOC promotes variations in the acquired data (DSF) and cause mistakes in damage diagnosis algorithms. This effect promotes changes on the waveform due to the EOC variations of the same order than the damage occurrence. It is difficult to separate both effects in order to avoid damage diagnosis mistakes. Therefore it is necessary to quantify and compensate the effect of EOC over the GLW forms. There are several approaches to compensate the EOC effects such as Optimal Baseline Selection (OBS) or Baseline Signal Stretching (BSS). Usually, they are used for temperature compensation. The new method proposed here mixes experimental data analysis, as in the OBS method, and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models to replace the physical modelling which involves the BSS method. The experimental data analysis studied is based on apply the Chirplet Transform (CT) to extract the EOC signature on the DSF. The information obtained varying EOC is employed to train an ANN. Then, the ANN will act as a baselines interpolator of the undamaged structure. The ANN generates reference information at any EOC. By comparing real measurements of the DSF against the ANN simulated values, the damage signature appears clearly in the DSF, enabling an accurate damage diagnosis. This schema has been applied in a range of EOC for a one-dimensional structure containing single damage path and two dimensional real fuselage structure with stiffener elements and multiple damage paths. The EOC effects tested in the one-dimensional structure have been generalized to the fuselage showing its independence from structural arrangement and the type of sensors used for GLW data acquisition. Moreover, it can be used for the simultaneous compensation of a variety of measurable EOC, which affects the guided wave data acquisition. The main result, among others, of this thesis is the CT-ANN methodology for the compensation of EOC in GLW based SHM technique for damage diagnosis.