28 resultados para AHP - Analytic Hierarchy Proces

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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There is an increasing awareness among all kinds of organisations (in business,government and civil society) about the benets of jointly working with stakeholders to satisfy both their goals and the social demands placed upon them. This is particularly the case within corporate social responsibility (CSR) frameworks. In this regard, multi-criteria tools for decision-making like the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) described in the paper can be useful for the building relationships with stakeholders. Since these tools can reveal decision-makers preferences, the integration of opinions from various stakeholders in the decision-making process may result in better and more innovative solutions with signicant shared value. This paper is based on ongoing research to assess the feasibility of an AHP-based model to support CSR decisions in large infrastructure projects carried out by Red Electrica de Espaa, the sole transmission agent and operator of the Spanishelectricity system.


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Las listas de espera son un problema para la mayor parte de los pases que cuentan con un Sistema Nacional de Salud. El presente trabajo propone analizar el problema de las listas de espera desde una perspectiva de Decisin Multicriterio. Tras un anlisis de las diferentes metodologas existentes, hemos elaborado un modelo de decisin basado en el mtodo AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) para la gestin de listas de espera y lo hemos aplicado a un Hospital de la Comunidad de Madrid. La decisin multicriterio MCDM (Multiple Criteria Decision Making) es la teora que estudia y analiza los problemas de decisin que involucran diferentes criterios. La MCDM enmarca con precisin problemas reales de toma de decisiones, planteados usualmente haciendo uso de varios criterios en conflicto; en los cuales, no ser posible obtener en general una solucin que asigne a todos los criterios su mejor valor sino que el decisor, aplicando distintas tcnicas, deber decidir la mejor solucin a escoger del conjunto de soluciones factibles. El fundamento del AHP radica en descomponer problemas complejos en otros ms sencillos y agregar las soluciones de los mismos. Segn la propuesta de Saaty, el primer paso para la aplicacin de este mtodo es estructurar jerrquicamente el problema en niveles con distintos nodos interconectados. El primer nivel de la jerarqua corresponde al propsito del problema, el nivel/niveles intermedios a los criterios/subcriterios en base a los cuales se forma la decisin y el ltimo corresponde a las alternativas o soluciones factibles del problema. La aplicacin del mtodo AHP requiere: -Realizar comparaciones por pares entre los entes de cada nivel jerrquico, en base a la importancia que presentan para el nodo del nivel superior de la jerarqua al que estn ligados. Los resultados de estas comparaciones se recogen en forma de matrices de comparacin por pares. -Obtener los vectores de prioridad correspondientes a cada una de las matrices de comparacin por pares. -Calcular la contribucin de cada alternativa al propsito del problema, mediante una agregacin multiplicativa entre los niveles jerrquicos y en funcin de estos valores, ordenar las alternativas y seleccionar lo ms conveniente como solucin del problema. Como ltimo paso en la metodologa AHP debemos sealar que, cualquiera que sea el mtodo empleado para sintetizar la informacin de dichas matrices para determinar los vectores de prioridad de los entes que se comparan, es posible realizar un anlisis de sensibilidad del resultado alcanzado, visualizando y analizando otras posibles soluciones a obtener haciendo cambios en los juicios de valor emitidos por la unidad decisora al construir dichas matrices. El software Expert-Choice permite realizar el anlisis de sensibilidad de 5 formas diferentes. En estos anlisis se realizan variaciones en el valor de un peso o prioridad y se observa numrica y grficamente como este cambio afecta a la puntuacin de las alternativas.


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La Tesis Doctoral est organizada de la siguiente manera, la primera parte es la introduccin e incluye los captulos 1 y 2 en los que se plantea la problemtica general puerto-ciudad y los antecedentes histricos en la evolucin de los puertos y su relacin con las ciudades. A continuacin en el captulo 3 se realiza una revisin de literatura repasando algunos de los estudios e investigaciones que han inspirado esta Tesis Doctoral. Posteriormente en el captulo 4 se exponen las bases de partida que sirve para fundamentar la propuesta metodolgica que se expone en el captulo 5 basada en la aplicacin del mtodo AHP sobre una relacin de ndices e indicadores producto de la investigacin. Finalmente, el captulo 6 presenta las conclusiones y las lneas de investigacin que quedan abiertas. This Thesis is organized as follows, the first part is the introduction and includes chapters 1 and 2 in which the general problem and historical background of the port-city relationship are presented. Then in chapter 3 a literature review is done by reviewing some of the studies and researches that have inspired this research. Later in chapter 5 the methodology based on the application of AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) method is formulated. This methodology uses a list of indicators deduced from the previous chapters. Finally, Chapter 6 presents the conclusions and suggests future research.


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One of the most used methods in rapidprototyping is Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), which provides components with a reasonable strength in plastic materials such as ABS and has a low environmental impact. However, the FDM process exhibits low levels of surface finishing, difficulty in getting complex and/or small geometries and low consistency in slim elements of the parts. Furthermore, cantilever elements need large material structures to be supported. The solution of these deficiencies requires a comprehensive review of the three-dimensional part design to enhance advantages and performances of FDM and reduce their constraints. As a key feature of this redesign a novel method of construction by assembling parts with structuraladhesive joints is proposed. These adhesive joints should be designed specifically to fit the plastic substrate and the FDM manufacturing technology. To achieve this, the most suitable structuraladhesiveselection is firstly required. Therefore, the present work analyzes five different families of adhesives (cyanoacrylate, polyurethane, epoxy, acrylic and silicone), and, by means of the application of technical multi-criteria decision analysis based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), to select the structuraladhesive that better conjugates mechanical benefits and adaptation to the FDM manufacturing process


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Los incendios forestales son la principal causa de mortalidad de rboles en la Europa mediterrnea y constituyen la amenaza ms seria para los ecosistemas forestales espaoles. En la Comunidad Valenciana, diariamente se despliega cerca de un centenar de vehculos de vigilancia, cuya distribucin se apoya, fundamentalmente, en un ndice de riesgo de incendios calculado en funcin de las condiciones meteorolgicas. La tesis se centra en el diseo y validacin de un nuevo ndice de riesgo integrado de incendios, especialmente adaptado a la regin mediterrnea y que facilite el proceso de toma de decisiones en la distribucin diaria de los medios de vigilancia contra incendios forestales. El ndice adopta el enfoque de riesgo integrado introducido en la ltima dcada y que incluye dos componentes de riesgo: el peligro de ignicin y la vulnerabilidad. El primero representa la probabilidad de que se inicie un fuego y el peligro potencial para que se propague, mientras que la vulnerabilidad tiene en cuenta las caractersticas del territorio y los efectos potenciales del fuego sobre el mismo. Para el clculo del peligro potencial se han identificado indicadores relativos a los agentes naturales y humanos causantes de incendios, la ocurrencia histrica y el estado de los combustibles, extremo muy relacionado con la meteorologa y las especies. En cuanto a la vulnerabilidad se han empleado indicadores representativos de los efectos potenciales del incendio (comportamiento del fuego, infraestructuras de defensa), como de las caractersticas del terreno (valor, capacidad de regeneracin). Todos estos indicadores constituyen una estructura jerrquica en la que, siguiendo las recomendaciones de la Comisin europea para ndices de riesgo de incendios, se han incluido indicadores representativos del riesgo a corto plazo y a largo plazo. El clculo del valor final del ndice se ha llevado a cabo mediante la progresiva agregacin de los componentes que forman cada uno de los niveles de la estructura jerrquica del ndice y su integracin final. Puesto que las tcnicas de decisin multicriterio estn especialmente orientadas a tratar con problemas basados en estructuras jerrquicas, se ha aplicado el mtodo TOPSIS para obtener la integracin final del modelo. Se ha introducido en el modelo la opinin de los expertos, mediante la ponderacin de cada uno de los componentes del ndice. Se ha utilizado el mtodo AHP, para obtener las ponderaciones de cada experto y su integracin en un nico peso por cada indicador. Para la validacin del ndice se han empleado los modelos de Ecuaciones de Estimacin Generalizadas, que tienen en cuenta posibles respuestas correlacionadas. Para llevarla a cabo se emplearon los datos de oficiales de incendios ocurridos durante el perodo 1994 al 2003, referenciados a una cuadrcula de 10x10 km empleando la ocurrencia de incendios y su superficie, como variables dependientes. Los resultados de la validacin muestran un buen funcionamiento del subndice de peligro de ocurrencia con un alto grado de correlacin entre el subndice y la ocurrencia, un buen ajuste del modelo logstico y un buen poder discriminante. Por su parte, el subndice de vulnerabilidad no ha presentado una correlacin significativa entre sus valores y la superficie de los incendios, lo que no descarta su validez, ya que algunos de sus componentes tienen un carcter subjetivo, independiente de la superficie incendiada. En general el ndice presenta un buen funcionamiento para la distribucin de los medios de vigilancia en funcin del peligro de inicio. No obstante, se identifican y discuten nuevas lneas de investigacin que podran conducir a una mejora del ajuste global del ndice. En concreto se plantea la necesidad de estudiar ms profundamente la aparente correlacin que existe en la provincia de Valencia entre la superficie forestal que ocupa cada cuadrcula de 10 km del territorio y su riesgo de incendios y que parece que a menor superficie forestal, mayor riesgo de incendio. Otros aspectos a investigar son la sensibilidad de los pesos de cada componente o la introduccin de factores relativos a los medios potenciales de extincin en el subndice de vulnerabilidad. Summary Forest fires are the main cause of tree mortality in Mediterranean Europe and the most serious threat to the Spanisf forest. In the Spanish autonomous region of Valencia, forest administration deploys a mobile fleet of 100 surveillance vehicles in forest land whose allocation is based on meteorological index of wildlandfire risk. This thesis is focused on the design and validation of a new Integrated Wildland Fire Risk Index proposed to efficient allocation of vehicles and specially adapted to the Mediterranean conditions. Following the approaches of integrated risk developed last decade, the index includes two risk components: Wildland Fire Danger and Vulnerability. The former represents the probability a fire ignites and the potential hazard of fire propagation or spread danger, while vulnerability accounts for characteristics of the land and potential effects of fire. To calculate the Wildland Fire Danger, indicators of ignition and spread danger have been identified, including human and natural occurrence agents, fuel conditions, historical occurrence and spread rate. Regarding vulnerability se han empleado indicadores representativos de los efectos potenciales del incendio (comportamiento del fuego, infraestructurasd de defensa), como de las caractersticas del terreno (valor, capacidad de regeneracin). These indicators make up the hierarchical structure for the index, which, following the criteria of the European Commission both short and long-term indicators have been included. Integration consists of the progressive aggregation of the components that make up every level in risk the index and, after that, the integration of these levels to obtain a unique value for the index. As Munticriteria methods are oriented to deal with hierarchically structured problems and with situations in which conflicting goals prevail, TOPSIS method is used in the integration of components. Multicriteria methods were also used to incorporate expert opinion in weighting of indicators and to carry out the aggregation process into the final index. The Analytic Hierarchy Process method was used to aggregate experts' opinions on each component into a single value. Generalized Estimation Equations, which account for possible correlated responses, were used to validate the index. Historical records of daily occurrence for the period from 1994 to 2003, referred to a 10x10-km-grid cell, as well as the extent of the fires were the dependant variables. The results of validation showed good Wildland Fire Danger component performance, with high correlation degree between Danger and occurrence, a good fit of the logistic model used and a good discrimination power. The vulnerability component has not showed a significant correlation between their values and surface fires, which does not mean the index is not valid, because of the subjective character of some of its components, independent of the surface of the fires. Overall, the index could be used to optimize the preventing resources allocation. Nevertheless, new researching lines are identified and discussed to improve the overall performance of the index. More specifically the need of study the inverse relationship between the value of the wildfire Fire Danger component and the forested surface of each 10 - km cell is set out. Other points to be researched are the sensitivity of the index components weight and the possibility of taking into account indicators related to fire fighting resources to make up the vulnerability component.


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As part of the Mediterranean area, the Guadiana basin in Spain is particularly exposed to increasing water stress due to climate change. Future warmer and drier climate will have negative implications for the sustainability of water resources and irrigation agriculture, the main socio- economic sector in the region. This paper illustrates a systematic analysis of climate change impacts and adaptation in the Guadiana basin based on a two-stage modeling approach. First, an integrated hydro-economic modeling framework was used to simulate the potential effects of regional climate change scenarios for the period 2000-2069. Second, a participatory multi-criteria technique, namely the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), was applied to rank potential adaptation measures based on agreed criteria. Results show that, in the middle-long run and under severe climate change, reduced water availability, lower crop yields and increased irrigation demands might lead to water shortages, crop failure, and up to ten percent of income losses to irrigators. AHP results show how private farming adaptation measures, including improving irrigation efficiency and adjusting crop varieties, are preferred to public adaptation measures, such as building new dams. The integrated quantitative and qualitative methodology used in this research can be considered a socially-based valuable tool to support adaptation decision-making.


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The objective of this study was to propose a multi-criteria optimization and decision-making technique to solve food engineering problems. This technique was demostrated using experimental data obtained on osmotic dehydratation of carrot cubes in a sodium chloride solution. The Aggregating Functions Approach, the Adaptive Random Search Algorithm, and the Penalty Functions Approach were used in this study to compute the initial set of non-dominated or Pareto-optimal solutions. Multiple non-linear regression analysis was performed on a set of experimental data in order to obtain particular multi-objective functions (responses), namely water loss, solute gain, rehydration ratio, three different colour criteria of rehydrated product, and sensory evaluation (organoleptic quality). Two multi-criteria decision-making approaches, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Tabular Method (TM), were used simultaneously to choose the best alternative among the set of non-dominated solutions. The multi-criteria optimization and decision-making technique proposed in this study can facilitate the assessment of criteria weights, giving rise to a fairer, more consistent, and adequate final compromised solution or food process. This technique can be useful to food scientists in research and education, as well as to engineers involved in the improvement of a variety of food engineering processes.


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El anlisis de las diferentes alternativas en la planificacin y diseo de corredores y trazados de carreteras debe basarse en la correcta definicin de variables territoriales que sirvan como criterios para la toma de decisin y esto requiere un anlisis ambiental preliminar de esas variables de calidad. En Espaa, los estudios de viabilidad de nuevas carreteras y autovas estn asociados a una fase del proceso de decisin que se corresponde con el denominado Estudio Informativo, el cual establece condicionantes fsicos, ambientales, de uso del suelo y culturales que deben ser considerados en las primeras fases de la definicin del trazado de un corredor de carretera. As, la metodologa ms frecuente es establecer diferentes niveles de capacidad de acogida del territorio en el rea de estudio con el fin de resumir las variables territoriales en mapas temticos y facilitar el proceso de trazado de las alternativas de corredores de carretera. El paisaje es un factor limitante a tener en cuenta en la planificacin y diseo de carreteras y, por tanto, deben buscarse trazados ms sostenibles en relacin con criterios estticos y ecolgicos del mismo. Pero este factor no es frecuentemente analizado en los Estudios Informativos e incluso, si es considerado, los estudios especficos de la calidad del paisaje (esttico y ecolgico) y de las formas del terreno no incorporan las recomendaciones de las guas de trazado para evitar o reducir los impactos en el paisaje. Adems, los mapas de paisaje que se generan en este tipo de estudios no se corresponden con la escala de desarrollo del Estudio Informativo (1:5.000). Otro dficit comn en planificacin de corredores y trazados de carreteras es que no se tiene en cuenta la conectividad del paisaje durante el proceso de diseo de la carretera para prevenir la afeccin a los corredores de fauna existentes en el paisaje. Este dficit puede originar un posterior efecto barrera en los movimientos dispersivos de la fauna y la fragmentacin de sus hbitats debido a la ocupacin parcial o total de las teselas de hbitats con importancia biolgica para la fauna (o hbitats focales) y a la interrupcin de los corredores de fauna que concentran esos movimientos dispersivos de la fauna entre teselas. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es mejorar el estudio del paisaje para prevenir su afeccin durante el proceso de trazado de carreteras, facilitar la conservacin de los corredores de fauna (o pasillos verdes) y la localizacin de medidas preventivas y correctoras en trminos de seleccin y cuantificacin de factores de idoneidad a fin de reducir los impactos visuales y ecolgicos en el paisaje a escala local. Concretamente, la incorporacin de valores cuantitativos y bien justificados en el proceso de decisin permite incrementar la transparencia en el proceso de diseo de corredores y trazados de carreteras. Con este fin, se han planteado cuatro preguntas especficas en esta investigacin (1) Cmo se seleccionan y evalan los factores territoriales limitantes para localizar una nueva carretera por los profesionales espaoles de planificacin del territorio en relacin con el paisaje? (2) Cmo pueden ser definidos los corredores de fauna a partir de factores del paisaje que influyen en los movimientos dispersivos de la fauna? (3) Cmo pueden delimitarse y evaluarse los corredores de fauna incluyendo el comportamiento parcialmente errtico en los movimientos dispersivos de la fauna y el efecto barrera de los elementos antrpicos a una escala local? (4) Qu y cmo las recomendaciones de diseo de carreteras relacionadas con el paisaje y las formas del terreno pueden ser incluidas en un modelo de Sistemas de Informacin Geogrfica (SIG) para ayudar a los ingenieros civiles durante el proceso de diseo de un trazado de carreteras bajo el punto de vista de la sostenibilidad?. Esta tesis doctoral propone nuevas metodologas que mejoran el anlisis visual y ecolgico del paisaje utilizando indicadores y modelos SIG para obtener alternativas de trazado que produzcan un menor impacto en el paisaje. Estas metodologas fueron probadas en un paisaje heterogneo con una alta tasa de densidad de corzo (Capreolus capreolus L.), uno de los grandes mamferos ms atropellados en la red de carreteras espaolas, y donde est planificada la construccin de una nueva autova que atravesar la mitad del rea de distribucin del corzo. Inicialmente, se han analizado las variables utilizadas en 22 estudios de proyectos de planificacin de corredores de carreteras promovidos por el Ministerio de Fomento entre 2006 y 2008. Estas variables se agruparon segn condicionantes fsicos, ambientales, de usos del suelo y culturales con el fin de comparar los valores asignados de capacidad de acogida del territorio a cada variable en los diferentes estudios revisados. Posteriormente, y como etapa previa de un anlisis de conectividad, se construy un mapa de resistencia de los movimientos dispersivos del corzo en base a la literatura y al juicio de expertos. Usando esta investigacin como base, se le asign un valor de resistencia a cada factor seleccionado para construir la matriz de resistencia, ponderndolo y combinndolo con el resto de factores usando el proceso analtico jerrquico y los operadores de lgica difusa como mtodos de anlisis multicriterio. Posteriormente, se dise una metodologa SIG para delimitar claramente la extensin fsica de los corredores de fauna de acuerdo a un valor umbral de ancho geomtrico mnimo, as como la existencia de mltiples potenciales conexiones entre cada par de teselas de hbitats presentes en el paisaje estudiado. Finalmente, se realiz un procesado de datos Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) y un modelo SIG para calcular la calidad del paisaje (esttico y ecolgico), las formas del terreno que presentan caractersticas similares para trazar una carretera y la acumulacin de vistas de potenciales conductores y observadores de los alrededores de la nueva va. Las principales contribuciones de esta investigacin al conocimiento cientfico existente en el campo de la evaluacin del impacto ambiental en relacin al diseo de corredores y trazados de carreteras son cuatro. Primero, el anlisis realizado de 22 Estudios Informativos de planificacin de carreteras revel que los mtodos aplicados por los profesionales para la evaluacin de la capacidad de acogida del territorio no fue suficientemente estandarizada, ya que haba una falta de uniformidad en el uso de fuentes cartogrficas y en las metodologas de evaluacin de la capacidad de acogida del territorio, especialmente en el anlisis de la calidad del paisaje esttico y ecolgico. Segundo, el anlisis realizado en esta tesis destaca la importancia de los mtodos multicriterio para estructurar, combinar y validar factores que limitan los movimientos dispersivos de la fauna en el anlisis de conectividad. Tercero, los modelos SIG desarrollados Generador de alternativas de corredores o Generator of Alternative Corridors (GAC) y Eliminador de Corredores Estrechos o Narrow Corridor Eraser (NCE) pueden ser aplicados sistemticamente y sobre una base cientfica en anlisis de conectividad como una mejora de las herramientas existentes para la comprensin el paisaje como una red compuesta por nodos y enlaces interconectados. As, ejecutando los modelos GAC y NCE de forma iterativa, pueden obtenerse corredores alternativos con similar probabilidad de ser utilizados por la fauna y sin que stos presenten cuellos de botella. Cuarto, el caso de estudio llevado a cabo de prediseo de corredores y trazado de una nueva autova ha sido novedoso incluyendo una clasificacin semisupervisada de las formas del terreno, filtrando una nube de puntos LiDAR e incluyendo la nueva geometra 3D de la carretera en el Modelo Digital de Superficie (MDS). El uso combinado del procesamiento de datos LiDAR y de ndices y clasificaciones geomorfolgicas puede ayudar a los responsables encargados en la toma de decisiones a evaluar qu alternativas de trazado causan el menor impacto en el paisaje, proporciona una visin global de los juicios de valor ms aplicados y, en conclusin, define qu medidas de integracin paisajstica correctoras deben aplicarse y dnde. ABSTRACT The assessment of different alternatives in road-corridor planning and layout design must be based on a number of well-defined territorial variables that serve as decision-making criteria, and this requires a high-quality preliminary environmental analysis of those quality variables. In Spain, feasibility studies for new roads and motorways are associated to a phase of the decision procedure which corresponds with the one known as the Informative Study, which establishes the physical, environmental, land-use and cultural constraints to be considered in the early stages of defining road corridor layouts. The most common methodology is to establish different levels of Territorial Carrying Capacity (TCC) in the study area in order to summarize the territorial variables on thematic maps and facilitate the tracing process of road-corridor layout alternatives. Landscape is a constraint factor that must be considered in road planning and design, and the most sustainable layouts should be sought based on aesthetic and ecological criteria. However this factor is not often analyzed in Informative Studies and even if it is, baseline studies on landscape quality (aesthetic and ecological) and landforms do not usually include the recommendations of road tracing guides designed to avoid or reduce impacts on the landscape. The resolution of the landscape maps produced in this type of studies does not comply with the recommended road design scale (1:5,000) in the regulations for the Informative Study procedure. Another common shortcoming in road planning is that landscape ecological connectivity is not considered during road design in order to avoid affecting wildlife corridors in the landscape. In the prior road planning stage, this issue could lead to a major barrier effect for fauna dispersal movements and to the fragmentation of their habitat due to the partial or total occupation of habitat patches of biological importance for the fauna (or focal habitats), and the interruption of wildlife corridors that concentrate fauna dispersal movements between patches. The main goal of this dissertation is to improve the study of the landscape and prevent negative effects during the road tracing process, and facilitate the preservation of wildlife corridors (or green ways) and the location of preventive and corrective measures by selecting and quantifying suitability factors to reduce visual and ecological landscape impacts at a local scale. Specifically the incorporation of quantitative and well-supported values in the decision-making process provides increased transparency in the road corridors and layouts design process. Four specific questions were raised in this research: (1) How are territorial constraints selected and evaluated in terms of landscape by Spanish land-planning practitioners before locating a new road? (2) How can wildlife corridors be defined based on the landscape factors influencing the dispersal movements of fauna? (3) How can wildlife corridors be delimited and assessed to include the partially erratic movements of fauna and the barrier effect of the anthropic elements at a local scale? (4) How recommendations of road design related to landscape and landforms can be included in a Geographic Information System (GIS) model to aid civil engineers during the road layout design process and support sustainable development? This doctoral thesis proposes new methodologies that improve the assessment of the visual and ecological landscape character using indicators and GIS models to obtain road layout alternatives with a lower impact on the landscape. These methodologies were tested on a case study of a heterogeneous landscape with a high density of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) one of the large mammals most commonly hit by vehicles on the Spanish road network and where a new motorway is planned to pass through the middle of their distribution area. We explored the variables used in 22 road-corridor planning projects sponsored by the Ministry of Public Works between 2006 and 2008. These variables were grouped into physical, environmental, land-use and cultural constraints for the purpose of comparing the TCC values assigned to each variable in the various studies reviewed. As a prior stage in a connectivity analysis, a map of resistance to roe deer dispersal movements was created based on the literature and experts judgment. Using this research as a base, each factor selected to build the matrix was assigned a resistance value and weighted and combined with the rest of the factors using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and fuzzy logic operators as multicriteria assessment (MCA) methods. A GIS methodology was designed to clearly delimit the physical area of wildlife corridors according to a geometric threshold width value, and the multiple potential connections between each pair of habitat patches in the landscape. A Digital Surface Model Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) dataset processing and a GIS model was performed to determine landscape quality (aesthetic and ecological) and landforms with similar characteristics for the road layout, and the cumulative viewshed of potential drivers and observers in the area surrounding the new motorway. The main contributions of this research to current scientific knowledge in the field of environmental impact assessment for road corridors and layouts design are four. First, the analysis of 22 Informative Studies on road planning revealed that the methods applied by practitioners for assessing the TCC were not sufficiently standardized due to the lack of uniformity in the cartographic information sources and the TCC valuation methodologies, especially in the analysis of the aesthetic and ecological quality of the landscape. Second, the analysis in this dissertation highlights the importance of multicriteria methods to structure, combine and validate factors that constrain wildlife dispersal movements in the connectivity analysis. Third, the Generator of Alternative Corridors (GAC) and Narrow Corridor Eraser (NCE) GIS models developed can be applied systematically and on a scientific basis in connectivity analyses to improve existing tools and understand landscape as a network composed of interconnected nodes and links. Thus, alternative corridors with similar probability of use by fauna and without bottlenecks can be obtained by iteratively running GAC and NCE models. Fourth, our case study of new motorway corridors and layouts design innovatively included semi-supervised classification of landforms, filtering of LiDAR point clouds and new 3D road geometry on the Digital Surface Model (DSM). The combined used of LiDAR data processing and geomorphological indices and classifications can help decision-makers assess which road layouts produce lower impacts on the landscape, provide an overall insight into the most commonly applied value judgments, and in conclusion, define which corrective measures should be applied in terms of landscaping, and where.


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La toma de decisiones en el sector energtico se torna compleja frente a las dismiles opciones y objetivos a cumplir. Para minimizar esta complejidad, se han venido desarrollando una gama amplia de mtodos de apoyo a la toma de decisiones en proyectos energticos. En la ltima dcada, las energizacin de comunidades rurales aisladas ha venido siendo prioridad de muchos gobiernos para mitigar las migraciones del campo para la ciudad. Para la toma de decisiones en los proyectos energticos de comunidades rurales aisladas se necesitan proyectar la influencia que estos tendrs sobre los costes econmicos, medioambientales y sociales. Es por esta razn que el presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo disear un modelo original denominado Generacin Energtica Autctona Y Limpia (GEAYL) aplicado a una comunidad rural aislada de la provincia de Granma en Cuba. Este modelo parte dos modelos que le preceden el PAMER y el SEMA. El modelo GEAYL constituye un procedimiento multicriterio-multiobjetivo de apoyo a la planificacin energtica para este contexto. Se plantearon cinco funciones objetivos: F1, para la minimizacin de los costes energticos; F2 para la minimizacin de las emisiones de CO2, F3, para la minimizacin de las emisiones de NOx; F4, para la minimizacin de las emisiones de SOx (cuyos coeficientes fueron obtenidos a travs de la literatura especializada) y F5, para la maximizacin de la Aceptacin Social de la Energa. La funcin F5 y la manera de obtener sus coeficientes constituye la novedad del presente trabajo. Estos coeficientes se determinaron aplicando el mtodo AHP (Proceso Analtico Jerrquico) con los datos de partidas derivados de una encuesta a los usuarios finales de la energa y a expertos. Para determinar el suministro ptimo de energa se emplearon varios mtodos: la suma ponderada, el producto ponderado, las distancias de Manhattan L1, la distancia Euclidea L2 y la distancia L3. Para estas mtricas se aplicaron distintos vectores de pesos para determinar las distintas estructuras de preferencias de los decisores. Finalmente, se concluy que tener en consideracin a Aceptacin Social de la Energa como una funcin del modelo influye en el suministro de energa de cada alternativa energtica. ABSTRACT Energy planning decision making is a complex task due to the multiple options to follow and objectives to meet. In order to minimize this complexity, a wide variety of methods and supporting tools have been designed. Over the last decade, rural energization has been a priority for many governments, aiming to alleviate rural to urban migration. Rural energy planning decision making must rely on financial, environmental and social costs. The purpose of this work is to define an original energy planning model named Clean and Native Energy Generation (Generacin Energtica Autctona Y Limpia, GEAYL), and carry out a case study on Granma Province, Cuba. This model is based on two previous models: PAMER & SEMA. GEAYL is a multiobjective-multicriteria energy planning model, which includes five functions to be optimized: F1, to minimize financial costs; F2, to minimize CO2 emissions; F3, to minimize NOx emissions; F4, to minimize SOx emissions; and F5, to maximize energy Social Acceptability. The coefficients corresponding to the first four functions have been obtained through specialized papers and official data, and the ones belonging to F5 through an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), built as per a statistical enquiry carried out on energy users and experts. F5 and the AHP application are considered to be the novelty of this model. In order to establish the optimal energy supply, several methods have been applied: weighted sum, weighted product, Manhattan distance L1, Euclidean distance L2 and L3. Several weight vectors have been applied to the mentioned distances in order to conclude the decision makers potential preference structure. Among the conclusions of this work, it must be noted that function F5, Social Acceptability, has a clear influence on every energy supply alternative.


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Agricultural water management needs to evolve in view of increased water scarcity, especially when farming and natural protected areas are closely linked. In the study site of Don?ana (southern Spain), water is shared by rice producers and a world heritage biodiversity ecosystem. Our aim is to contribute to defining adaptation strategies that may build resilience to increasing water scarcity and minimize water conflicts among agricultural and natural systems. The analytical framework links a participatory process with quantitative methods to prioritize the adaptation options. Bottom-up proposed adaptation measures are evaluated by a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) that includes both socioeconomic criteria and criteria of the ecosystem services affected by the adaptation options. Criteria weights are estimated by three different methods?analytic hierarchy process, Likert scale and equal weights?that are then compared. Finally, scores from an MCA are input into an optimization model used to determine the optimal land-use distribution in order to maximize utility and land-use diversification according to different scenarios of funds and water availability. While our results show a spectrum of perceptions of priorities among stakeholders, there is one overriding theme that is to define a way to restore part of the rice fields to natural wetlands. These results hold true under the current climate scenario and evenmore so under an increased water scarcity scenario.


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The classical Kramer sampling theorem provides a method for obtaining orthogonal sampling formulas. In particular, when the involved kernel is analytic in the sampling parameter it can be stated in an abstract setting of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces of entire functions which includes as a particular case the classical Shannon sampling theory. This abstract setting allows us to obtain a sort of converse result and to characterize when the sampling formula associated with an analytic Kramer kernel can be expressed as a Lagrange-type interpolation series. On the other hand, the de Branges spaces of entire functions satisfy orthogonal sampling formulas which can be written as Lagrange-type interpolation series. In this work some links between all these ideas are established.


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Semantic technologies have become widely adopted in recent years, and choosing the right technologies for the problems that users face is often a difficult task. This paper presents an application of the Analytic Network Process for the recommendation of semantic technologies, which is based on a quality model for semantic technologies. Instead of relying on expert-based comparisons of alternatives, the comparisons in our framework depend on real evaluation results. Furthermore, the recommendations in our framework derive from user quality requirements, which leads to better recommendations tailored to users needs. This paper also presents an algorithm for pairwise comparisons, which is based on user quality requirements and evaluation results.


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Within the framework of the Collaborative Project for a European Sodium Fast Reactor, the reactor physics group at UPM is working on the extension of its in-house multi-scale advanced deterministic code COBAYA3 to Sodium Fast Reactors (SFR). COBAYA3 is a 3D multigroup neutron kinetics diffusion code that can be used either as a pin-by-pin code or as a stand-alone nodal code by using the analytic nodal diffusion solver ANDES. It is coupled with thermalhydraulics codes such as COBRA-TF and FLICA, allowing transient analysis of LWR at both fine-mesh and coarse-mesh scales. In order to enable also 3D pin-by-pin and nodal coupled NK-TH simulations of SFR, different developments are in progress. This paper presents the first steps towards the application of COBAYA3 to this type of reactors. ANDES solver, already extended to triangular-Z geometry, has been applied to fast reactor steady-state calculations. The required cross section libraries were generated with ERANOS code for several configurations. The limitations encountered in the application of the Analytic Coarse Mesh Finite Difference (ACMFD) method implemented inside ANDES to fast reactors are presented and the sensitivity of the method when using a high number of energy groups is studied. ANDES performance is assessed by comparison with the results provided by ERANOS, using a mini-core model in 33 energy groups. Furthermore, a benchmark from the NEA for a small 3D FBR in hexagonal-Z geometry and 4 energy groups is also employed to verify the behavior of the code with few energy groups.


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The variable nature of the irradiance can produce significant fluctuations in the power generated by large grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) plants. Experimental 1s data were collected throughout a year from six PV plants, 18MWp in total. Then, the dependence of short (below 10min) power fluctuation on PV plant size has been investigated. The analysis focuses on the study of fluctuation frequency as well as the maximum fluctuation value registered. An analytic model able to describe the frequency of a given fluctuation for a certain day is proposed


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The main purpose of a gene interaction network is to map the relationships of the genes that are out of sight when a genomic study is tackled. DNA microarrays allow the measure of gene expression of thousands of genes at the same time. These data constitute the numeric seed for the induction of the gene networks. In this paper, we propose a new approach to build gene networks by means of Bayesian classifiers, variable selection and bootstrap resampling. The interactions induced by the Bayesian classifiers are based both on the expression levels and on the phenotype information of the supervised variable. Feature selection and bootstrap resampling add reliability and robustness to the overall process removing the false positive findings. The consensus among all the induced models produces a hierarchy of dependences and, thus, of variables. Biologists can define the depth level of the model hierarchy so the set of interactions and genes involved can vary from a sparse to a dense set. Experimental results show how these networks perform well on classification tasks. The biological validation matches previous biological findings and opens new hypothesis for future studies