em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Colombia is one of the largest per capita mercury polluters in the world as a consequence of its artisanal gold mining activities. The severity of this problem in terms of potential health effects was evaluated by means of a probabilistic risk assessment carried out in the twelve departments (or provinces) in Colombia with the largest gold production. The two exposure pathways included in the risk assessment were inhalation of elemental Hg vapors and ingestion of fish contaminated with methyl mercury. Exposure parameters for the adult population (especially rates of fish consumption) were obtained from nation-wide surveys and concentrations of Hg in air and of methyl-mercury in fish were gathered from previous scientific studies. Fish consumption varied between departments and ranged from 0 to 0.3 kg d?1. Average concentrations of total mercury in fish (70 data) ranged from 0.026 to 3.3 lg g?1. A total of 550 individual measurements of Hg in workshop air (ranging from menor queDL to 1 mg m?3) and 261 measurements of Hg in outdoor air (ranging from menor queDL to 0.652 mg m?3) were used to generate the probability distributions used as concentration terms in the calculation of risk. All but two of the distributions of Hazard Quotients (HQ) associated with ingestion of Hg-contaminated fish for the twelve regions evaluated presented median values higher than the threshold value of 1 and the 95th percentiles ranged from 4 to 90. In the case of exposure to Hg vapors, minimum values of HQ for the general population exceeded 1 in all the towns included in this study, and the HQs for miner-smelters burning the amalgam is two orders of magnitude higher, reaching values of 200 for the 95th percentile. Even acknowledging the conservative assumptions included in the risk assessment and the uncertainties associated with it, its results clearly reveal the exorbitant levels of risk endured not only by miner-smelters but also by the general population of artisanal gold mining communities in Colombia.
El barrio de "La Cecilia" es un barrio ilegal por encontrarse en un terreno protegido, por lo tanto es necesario frenar la expansión y generar un nievo límite. En paralelo la ausencia de equipamientos y de espacio público, unido a un saneamiento sanitario existente precario hacen que no se cumplan los criterios de Habitabilidad Básica en el barrio. El proyecto que se propone plantea, aprovechando el plan de intervención en el espacio protegido de los Cerros Orientales, la creación de un nuevo parque lineal de acceso al río que genere un nuevo límite para evitar la expansión. El nuevo equipamiento estará relacionado directamente con las actividades del parque ya que será un reflejo de la percepción de los visitantes del reformado entorno natural. Por otro lado se plantea una nueva ordenanza que regule las futuras construcciones dentro del barrio y se propone una renovación del sistema de saneamiento urbano basado en un biosistema.