107 resultados para 3.5G EUL Techniques
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
The networks need to provide higher speeds than those offered today. For it, considering that in the spectrum radio technologies is the scarcest resource in the development of these technologies and the new developments is essential to maximize the performance of bits per hertz transmitted. Long Term Evolution optimize spectral efficiency modulations with new air interface, and more advanced algorithms radius. These capabilities is the fact that LTE is an IPbased technology that enables end-to-end offer high transmission rates per user and very low latency, ie delay in the response times of the network around only 10 milliseconds, so you can offer any realtime application. LTE is the latest standard in mobile network technology and 3GPP ensure competitiveness in the future, may be considered a technology bridge between 3G networks - current 3.5G and future 4G networks, which are expected to reach speeds of up to 1G . LTE operators provide a simplified architecture but both robust, supporting services on IP technology. The objectives to be achieved through its implementation are ambitious, first users have a wide range of added services like capabilities that currently enjoys with residential broadband access at competitive prices, while the operator will have a network fully IP-based environment, reducing the complexity and cost of the same, which will give operators the opportunity to migrate to LTE directly. A major advantage of LTE is its ability to fuse with existing networks, ensuring interconnection with the same, increasing his current coverage and allowing a data connection established by a user in the environment continue when fade the coverage LTE. Moreover, the operator has the advantage of deploying network gradually, starting initially at areas of high demand for broadband services and expand progressively in line with this. RESUMEN. Las redes necesitan proporcionar velocidades mayores a las ofertadas a día de hoy. Para ello, teniendo en cuenta que en tecnologías radio el espectro es el recurso más escaso, en la evolución de estas tecnologías y en los nuevos desarrollos es esencial maximizar el rendimiento de bits por hercio transmitido. Long Term Evolution optimiza la eficiencia espectral con nuevas modulaciones en la interfaz aire, así como los algoritmos radio más avanzado. A estas capacidades se suma el hecho de que LTE es una tecnología basada en IP de extremo a extremo que permite ofrecer altas velocidades de transmisión por usuario y latencias muy bajas, es decir, retardos en los tiempos de respuesta de la red en torno a sólo 10 milisegundos, por lo que permite ofrecer cualquier tipo de aplicación en tiempo real. LTE es el último estándar en tecnología de redes móviles y asegurará la competitividad de 3GPP en el futuro, pudiendo ser considerada una tecnología puente entre las redes 3G – 3.5G actuales y las futuras redes 4G, de las que se esperan alcanzar velocidades de hasta 1G. LTE proporcionará a las operadoras una arquitectura simplificada pero robusta a la vez, soportando servicios sobre tecnología IP. Los objetivos que se persiguen con su implantación son ambiciosos, por una parte los usuarios dispondrá de una amplia oferta de servicios añadidos con capacidades similares a las que disfruta actualmente con accesos a banda ancha residencial y a precios competitivos, mientras que el operador dispondrá de una red basada en entorno totalmente IP, reduciendo la complejidad y el costo de la misma, lo que dará a las operadoras la oportunidad de migrar a LTE directamente. Una gran ventaja de LTE es su capacidad para fusionarse con las redes existentes, asegurando la interconexión con las mismas, aumentando su actual cobertura y permitiendo que una conexión de datos establecida por un usuario en el entorno LTE continúe cuando la cobertura LTE se desvanezca. Por otra parte el operador tiene la ventaja de desplegar la red LTE de forma gradual, comenzando inicialmente por las áreas de gran demanda de servicios de banda ancha y ampliarla progresivamente en función de ésta.
La aplicación de la vigilancia tecnología se ha mostrado como una de las herramientas más importantes para ganar competitividad y mejorar las actividades de innovación de las empresas. La vigilancia se basa en captar las informaciones, normalmente patentes y publicaciones científicas, más relevantes para un determinado campo tecnológico y valorarlas para influir en la toma de decisiones. Las fases clásicas son: búsqueda, análisis y comunicación de la información. El trabajo se soportará tanto en herramientas comerciales como en otras que deberá desarrollar el estudiante, y tendrá como objetivo fundamental el desarrollar una metodología, basada en la vigilancia, para tomar decisiones sobre tecnologías y en este caso aplicadas a las tecnologías multimedia. El objetivo principal en la propuesta de una metodología genérica de vigilancia tecnológica (VT/IC) para la toma de decisiones con un ejemplo de aplicación en las tecnologías multimedia y que más adelante se explicitó en TV 3D. La necesidad de que el proceso de VT/IC se soporte en una metodología es imprescindible si queremos darle la importancia que debe tener en el ciclo productivo de cualquier tipo de organización y muy especialmente en una organización involucrada en investigación y desarrollo (I+D+i). Esta metodología posibilitará, entre otras cosas, que estos procesos que conforman la VT/IC puedan integrarse en una organización compartiendo los procesos productivos, de administración y de dirección de la organización. Permitirá una medición de su funcionamiento y las posibles modificaciones para obtener un mejor funcionamiento. Proveerá a los posibles elementos involucrados en la VT/IC de la documentación, procesos, herramientas, elementos de medición de un sistema definido, publicado, medido y analizado de trabajo. Finalmente a modo de ejemplo de un proceso de consulta VT/IC utilizaremos el criterio de búsqueda genérico 3D TV propuesto. Estructura del PFC: Para lograr estos objetivos el trabajo ha sido dividido en 6 etapas: 1.- Descripción del PFC: Una presentación del PFC y su desarrollo. 2.- Vigilancia tecnológica: Desarrollo del concepto de VT/IC, los efectos esperados, beneficios y riesgos de la VT/IC, concepto de inteligencia competitiva (IC), concepto aplicado de vigilancia tecnológica e inteligencia competitiva (VT/IC). 3.- Técnicas de análisis empresarial donde la VT/IC es útil: para empezar a entender como debe ser la VT/IC analizamos como una organización utiliza las distintas técnicas de análisis y que información aportan cada una de ellas, finalmente analizamos como la VT/IC ayuda a esas técnicas de análisis. 4.- Gestión de las fuentes de información: análisis de los tipos de fuentes de información y sus herramientas de búsqueda asociadas. 5.- Metodología propuesta de la VT/IC: desarrollo de la metodología de implementación y de funcionamiento de una unidad de VT/IC. 6.- Observatorio: a modo de ejemplo, “3d TV”. ABSTRACT. The application of surveillance technology has proven to be one of the most important to increase competitiveness and improve the innovation activities of enterprises tools. Surveillance is based on capturing the information, usually patents and scientific publications most relevant to a given technological field and assess them to influence decision making. The classical phases are: search, analysis and communication of information. The work will support both commercial and other tools to be developed by the student, and will have as main objective to develop a methodology, based on monitoring to make decisions about technologies and in this case applied to multimedia technologies. The main objective in the proposed generic methodology for technological awareness (VT / IC) for decision making with an example application in multimedia technologies and later made explicit 3D TV. The need for the process of VT / CI support methodology is essential if we give it the importance it should have in the production cycle of any organization and especially in an organization involved in research and development (R + D + i). This methodology will allow, among other things, that these processes that make up the VT / IC can be integrated into an organization sharing production processes, management and direction of the organization. It will allow a measurement of its performance and possible changes for better performance. It will provide the possible elements involved in the VT / IC documentation, processes, tools, measuring elements of a defined system, published, measured and analyzed work. Finally an example of a consultation process VT / IC use generic search criteria proposed 3D TV. Structure of the PFC: To achieve these objectives the work has been divided into 6 stages: 1. PFC Description: A presentation of the PFC and its development. 2. Technology Watch: Concept Development of VT / IC, expected effects, benefits and risks of VT / IC concept of competitive intelligence (CI) concept applied technology watch and competitive intelligence (VT / IC). 3. Business analysis techniques where VT / IC is useful: to begin to understand how it should be the VT / IC analyze how an organization uses different analysis techniques and information provide each finally analyze how the VT / IC helps these analysis techniques. 4. Management information sources: analysis of the types of information sources and their associated search tools. 5. proposed methodology VT / IC: methodology development and operational deployment of a unit of VT / IC. 6. Observatory: by way of example, "3D TV".
Monument conservation is related to the interaction between the original petrological parameters of the rock and external factors in the area where the building is sited, such as weather conditions, pollution, and so on. Depending on the environmental conditions and the characteristics of the materials used, different types of weathering predominate. In all, the appearance of surface crusts constitutes a first stage, whose origin can often be traced to the properties of the material itself. In the present study, different colours of “patinas” were distinguished by defining the threshold levels of greys associated with “pathology” in the histogram. These data were compared to background information and other parameters, such as mineralogical composition, porosity, and so on, as well as other visual signs of deterioration. The result is a map of the pathologies associated with “cover films” on monuments, which generate images by relating colour characteristics to desired properties or zones of interest.
This thesis contributes to the analysis and design of printed reflectarray antennas. The main part of the work is focused on the analysis of dual offset antennas comprising two reflectarray surfaces, one of them acts as sub-reflector and the second one acts as mainreflector. These configurations introduce additional complexity in several aspects respect to conventional dual offset reflectors, however they present a lot of degrees of freedom that can be used to improve the electrical performance of the antenna. The thesis is organized in four parts: the development of an analysis technique for dualreflectarray antennas, a preliminary validation of such methodology using equivalent reflector systems as reference antennas, a more rigorous validation of the software tool by manufacturing and testing a dual-reflectarray antenna demonstrator and the practical design of dual-reflectarray systems for some applications that show the potential of these kind of configurations to scan the beam and to generate contoured beams. In the first part, a general tool has been implemented to analyze high gain antennas which are constructed of two flat reflectarray structures. The classic reflectarray analysis based on MoM under local periodicity assumption is used for both sub and main reflectarrays, taking into account the incident angle on each reflectarray element. The incident field on the main reflectarray is computed taking into account the field radiated by all the elements on the sub-reflectarray.. Two approaches have been developed, one which employs a simple approximation to reduce the computer run time, and the other which does not, but offers in many cases, improved accuracy. The approximation is based on computing the reflected field on each element on the main reflectarray only once for all the fields radiated by the sub-reflectarray elements, assuming that the response will be the same because the only difference is a small variation on the angle of incidence. This approximation is very accurate when the reflectarray elements on the main reflectarray show a relatively small sensitivity to the angle of incidence. An extension of the analysis technique has been implemented to study dual-reflectarray antennas comprising a main reflectarray printed on a parabolic surface, or in general in a curved surface. In many applications of dual-reflectarray configurations, the reflectarray elements are in the near field of the feed-horn. To consider the near field radiated by the horn, the incident field on each reflectarray element is computed using a spherical mode expansion. In this region, the angles of incidence are moderately wide, and they are considered in the analysis of the reflectarray to better calculate the actual incident field on the sub-reflectarray elements. This technique increases the accuracy for the prediction of co- and cross-polar patterns and antenna gain respect to the case of using ideal feed models. In the second part, as a preliminary validation, the proposed analysis method has been used to design a dual-reflectarray antenna that emulates previous dual-reflector antennas in Ku and W-bands including a reflectarray as subreflector. The results for the dualreflectarray antenna compare very well with those of the parabolic reflector and reflectarray subreflector; radiation patterns, antenna gain and efficiency are practically the same when the main parabolic reflector is substituted by a flat reflectarray. The results show that the gain is only reduced by a few tenths of a dB as a result of the ohmic losses in the reflectarray. The phase adjustment on two surfaces provided by the dual-reflectarray configuration can be used to improve the antenna performance in some applications requiring multiple beams, beam scanning or shaped beams. Third, a very challenging dual-reflectarray antenna demonstrator has been designed, manufactured and tested for a more rigorous validation of the analysis technique presented. The proposed antenna configuration has the feed, the sub-reflectarray and the main-reflectarray in the near field one to each other, so that the conventional far field approximations are not suitable for the analysis of such antenna. This geometry is used as benchmarking for the proposed analysis tool in very stringent conditions. Some aspects of the proposed analysis technique that allow improving the accuracy of the analysis are also discussed. These improvements include a novel method to reduce the inherent cross polarization which is introduced mainly from grounded patch arrays. It has been checked that cross polarization in offset reflectarrays can be significantly reduced by properly adjusting the patch dimensions in the reflectarray in order to produce an overall cancellation of the cross-polarization. The dimensions of the patches are adjusted in order not only to provide the required phase-distribution to shape the beam, but also to exploit the crosses by zero of the cross-polarization components. The last part of the thesis deals with direct applications of the technique described. The technique presented is directly applicable to the design of contoured beam antennas for DBS applications, where the requirements of cross-polarisation are very stringent. The beam shaping is achieved by synthesithing the phase distribution on the main reflectarray while the sub-reflectarray emulates an equivalent hyperbolic subreflector. Dual-reflectarray antennas present also the ability to scan the beam over small angles about boresight. Two possible architectures for a Ku-band antenna are also described based on a dual planar reflectarray configuration that provides electronic beam scanning in a limited angular range. In the first architecture, the beam scanning is achieved by introducing a phase-control in the elements of the sub-reflectarray and the mainreflectarray is passive. A second alternative is also studied, in which the beam scanning is produced using 1-bit control on the main reflectarray, while a passive subreflectarray is designed to provide a large focal distance within a compact configuration. The system aims to develop a solution for bi-directional satellite links for emergency communications. In both proposed architectures, the objective is to provide a compact optics and simplicity to be folded and deployed.
Stereo video techniques are effective for estimating the space-time wave dynamics over an area of the ocean. Indeed, a stereo camera view allows retrieval of both spatial and temporal data whose statistical content is richer than that of time series data retrieved from point wave probes. Classical epipolar techniques and modern variational methods are reviewed to reconstruct the sea surface from the stereo pairs sequentially in time. Current improvements of the variational methods are presented.
Nowadays computing platforms consist of a very large number of components that require to be supplied with diferent voltage levels and power requirements. Even a very small platform, like a handheld computer, may contain more than twenty diferent loads and voltage regulators. The power delivery designers of these systems are required to provide, in a very short time, the right power architecture that optimizes the performance, meets electrical specifications plus cost and size targets. The appropriate selection of the architecture and converters directly defines the performance of a given solution. Therefore, the designer needs to be able to evaluate a significant number of options in order to know with good certainty whether the selected solutions meet the size, energy eficiency and cost targets. The design dificulties of selecting the right solution arise due to the wide range of power conversion products provided by diferent manufacturers. These products range from discrete components (to build converters) to complete power conversion modules that employ diferent manufacturing technologies. Consequently, in most cases it is not possible to analyze all the alternatives (combinations of power architectures and converters) that can be built. The designer has to select a limited number of converters in order to simplify the analysis. In this thesis, in order to overcome the mentioned dificulties, a new design methodology for power supply systems is proposed. This methodology integrates evolutionary computation techniques in order to make possible analyzing a large number of possibilities. This exhaustive analysis helps the designer to quickly define a set of feasible solutions and select the best trade-off in performance according to each application. The proposed approach consists of two key steps, one for the automatic generation of architectures and other for the optimized selection of components. In this thesis are detailed the implementation of these two steps. The usefulness of the methodology is corroborated by contrasting the results using real problems and experiments designed to test the limits of the algorithms.
The intermediatebandsolarcell (IBSC) is a photovoltaic device with a theoretical conversion efficiency limit of 63.2%. In recent years many attempts have been made to fabricate an intermediateband material which behaves as the theory states. One characteristic feature of an IBSC is its luminescence spectrum. In this work the temperature dependence of the photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminescence (EL) spectra of InAs/GaAs QD-IBSCs together with their reference cell have been studied. It is shown that EL measurements provide more reliable information about the behaviour of the IB material inside the IBSC structure than PL measurements. At low temperatures, the EL spectra are consistent with the quasi-Fermi level splits described by the IBSC model, whereas at room temperature they are not. This result is in agreement with previously reported analysis of the quantum efficiency of the solarcells
This work provides the development of an antenna for satellite communications onboard systems based on the recommendations ITU-R S.580-6 [1] and ITU-R S.465-5 [2]. The antenna consists of printed elements grouped in an array, working in a frequency band from 7.25 up to 8.4 GHz (15% of bandwidth). In this working band, transmission and reception are included simultaneously. The antenna reaches a gain about 31 dBi, has a radiation pattern with a beam width smaller than 10oand dual circular polarization. It has the capability to steer in elevation through a Butler matrix to 45
This work presents a systematic method for the generation and treatment of the alarms' graphs, being its final object to find the Alarm Root Cause of the Massive Alarms that are produced in the dispatching centers. Although many works about this matter have been already developed, the problem about the alarm management in the industry is still completely unsolved. In this paper, a simple statistic analysis of the historical data base is conducted. The results obtained by the acquisition alarm systems, are used to generate a directed graph from which the more significant alarms are extracted, previously analyzing any possible case in which a great quantity of alarms are produced.
This work is part of an on-going collaborative project between the medical and signal processing communities to promote new research efforts on automatic OSA (Obstructive Apnea Syndrome) diagnosis. In this paper, we explore the differences noted in phonetic classes (interphoneme) across groups (control/apnoea) and analyze their utility for OSA detection
Some experiments have been performed to investigate the cyclic freeze-thaw deterioration of concrete, using traditional and non-traditional techniques. Two concrete mixes, with different pore structure, were tested in order to compare the behavior of a freeze-thaw resistant concrete from one that is not. One of the concretes was air entrained, high content of cement and low w/c ratio, and the other one was a lower cement content and higher w/c ratio, without air-entraining agent. Concrete specimens were studied under cyclic freeze-thaw conditions according to UNE-CENT/TS 12390-9 test, using 3% NaCl solution as freezing medium (CDF test: Capillary Suction, De-icing agent and Freeze-thaw Test). The temperature and relative humidity were measured during the cycles inside the specimens using embedded sensors placed at different heights from the surface in contact with the de-icing agent solution. Strain gauges were used to measure the strain variations at the surface of the specimens. Also, measurements of ultrasonic pulse velocity through the concrete specimens were taken before, during, and after the freeze-thaw cycles. According to the CDF test, the failure of the non-air-entraining agent concrete was observed before 28 freeze-thaw cycles; contrariwise, the scaling of the air-entraining agent concrete was only 0.10 kg/m 2 after 28 cycles, versus 3.23 kg/m 2 in the deteriorated concrete, after 28 cycles. Similar behavior was observed on the strain measurements. The residual strain in the deteriorated concrete after 28 cycles was 1150 m versus 65 m, in the air-entraining agent concrete. By means of monitoring the changes of ultrasonic pulse velocity during the freeze-thaw cycles, the deterioration of the tested specimens were assessed
Virtual certification partially substitutes by computer simulations the experimental techniques required for rail vehicle certification. In this paper, several works were these techniques were used in the vehicle design and track maintenance processes are presented. Dynamic simulation of multibody systems was used to virtually apply the EN14363 standard to certify the dynamic behaviour of vehicles. The works described are: assessment of a freight bogie design adapted to meter-gauge, assessment of a railway track layout for a subway network, freight bogie design with higher speed and axle load, and processing of the data acquired by a track recording vehicle for track maintenance.
In overhead conductor rail lines, aluminium beams are usually mounted with support spacing between 8 and 12 meters, to limit the maximum vertical deflection in the center of the span. This small support spacing limits the use of overhead conductor rail to tunnels, therefore it has been used almost exclusively in metropolitan networks, with operation speeds below 110 km/h. Nevertheless, due to the lower cost of maintenance required for this electrification system, some railway administrations are beginning to install it in some tunnels on long-distance lines, requesting higher operation speeds [1]. Some examples are the Barcelona and Madrid suburban networks (Spain), and recent lines in Turkey and Malaysia. In order to adapt the design of the overhead conductor for higher speeds (V > 160 km/h), particular attention must be paid to the geometry of the conductor rail in critical zones as overlaps, crossings and, especially, transitions between conductor rail and conventional catenary, since the use of overhead conductor rail is limited to tunnels, as already mentioned. This paper describes simulation techniques developed in order to take into account these critical zones. Furthermore, some specific simulations results are presented that have been used to analyze and optimizes the geometry of this special zones to get a better current collection quality, in a real suburban network. This paper presents the work undertaken by the Railways Technology Research Centre (CITEF), having over 10 years of experience in railways research [1-4].
Remote sensed imagery acquired with mini aerial vehicles, in conjunction with GIS technology enable a meticulous analysis from surveyed agricultural sites. This paper sums up the ongoing work in area discretization and coverage with mini quad-?rotors applied to Precision Agriculture practices under the project RHEA.
Purpose: In this work, we present the analysis, design and optimization of one experimental device recently developed in the UK, called the 'GP' Thrombus Aspiration Device (GPTAD). This device has been designed to remove blood clots without the need to make contact with the clot itself thereby potentially reducing the risk of problems such as downstream embolisation. Method: To obtain the minimum pressure necessary to extract the clot and to optimize the device, we have simulated the performance of the GPTAD analysing the resistances, compliances and inertances effects. We model a range of diameters for the GPTAD considering different forces of adhesion of the blood clot to the artery wall, and different lengths of blood clot. In each case we determine the optimum pressure required to extract the blood clot from the artery using the GPTAD, which is attached at its proximal end to a suction pump. Result: We then compare the results of our mathematical modelling to measurements made in laboratory using plastic tube models of arteries of comparable diameter. We use abattoir porcine blood clots that are extracted using the GPTAD. The suction pressures required for such clot extraction in the plastic tube models compare favourably with those predicted by the mathematical modelling. Discussion & Conclusion: We conclude therefore that the mathematical modelling is a useful technique in predicting the performance of the GPTAD and may potentially be used in optimising the design of the device.