36 resultados para 3-body Abrasion
em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
El objetivo principal de esta tesis es la búsqueda de metodologías, herramientas, y procesos en las artes escénicas y las artes plásticas, que podrían ser aplicadas tanto en el análisis arquitectónico, como en los procesos proyectuales, para la construcción de una investigación en torno al movimiento en el espacio arquitectónico. Rudolf Laban, Anne Bogart, Adolphe Appia, Cedric Price, Joan Littlewood, y Hélio Oiticica, son autores que han trabajado en sus diferentes áreas desde las relaciones existentes entre cuerpo, espacio y movimiento. Los trabajos y propuestas de cada uno de ellos, nos posibilitan acercarnos al espacio desde cinco escalas, tomando el cuerpo como unidad básica: (1) cuerpo y envolvente (Rudolf Laban) (2) cuerpo y geometría (Anne Boggart) (3) cuerpo y espacio escénico (Adolphe Appia) (4) cuerpo y programa (Joan Littlewood/ Cedric Price) (5) cuerpo y paisaje (Hélio Oiticica) A partir de este soporte teórico, se plantean y se desarrollan varios ensayos, todos ellos vinculados a las escalas mencionadas, que permiten explorar de forma empírica algunas de las problemáticas propuestas. Algunos de ellos – Kinesferas Virtuales, Envolventes y Microacciones en Grecia – exploran la presencia del cuerpo en el espacio. En Kinetography I y II , se utiliza la cinetografía para la realización de estas cartografías dinámicas. La serie Cartografías Dinámicas (I, II y III), analiza el movimiento en espacios controlados geométricamente, a través de la técnica de los Viewpoints, de Anne Bogart. Finalmente, Kinetography III, propone el análisis de un espacio público urbano, a través de la transcripción del movimiento. ABSTRACT The main objective of this thesis is the search for methodologies, tools, and processes in the performance arts and visual arts, that could be applied both to architectural analysis and project processes, in order to construct an investigation of movement in the architectural space. Rudolf Laban, Anne Bogart, Adolphe Appia, Cedric Price, Joan Littlewood, and Hélio Oiticica, are practitioners who have worked within different areas of enquiry from the existing relations between body, space and movement. The works and proposals by each of these practitioners, enables us to approach the space from five scales, having the body as the basic unit: (1) body and surrounding space (Rudolf Laban) (2) body and geometry (Anne Bogart) (3) Body and scenic space (Adolphe Appia) (4) Body and program (Joan Littlewood/ Cedric Price) (5) Body and landscape (Hélio Oiticica) The work of these practitioners is essential in informing further investigation into spatial experience. The theories proposed within this thesis are linked to the scales detailed within their work, which allows for an empirical exploration of some notably problematic areas. Some of them --‐ Kinesferas Virtuales, Envolventes and Microacciones in Greece --‐ explore the presence of the body in the space. In Kinetography I and II, kinetography is used to create these dynamic cartographies. The series CartografíasDinámicas (I, II and III), analyses movement in geometrically controlled spaces, through the Viewpoints techniques, by Anne Bogart. Finally, Kinetography III, proposes the analysis of an urban public space, through the transcription of the body movement.
Relatively high amounts of fats or oils (mayor que 40-50 g/kg diet) are frequently used in animal nutrition. Vegetables oils are richer in polyunsaturated fatty acids than animal fats. Most of the works studying the effect of different dietary fat sources are focused either on the existing differences on fat digestibility depending on their fatty acid composition (Wiseman et al., 1991) or on their effect on the carcass fat fatty acid profile (Sanz et al., 1999a). lnformation regarding the effect of dietary fat saturation on fat utilization and deposition it is more limited. lt is generally assumed that, apart from differences in digestion, fatty acids of different composition are equally used for metabolic purposes.
The complex-rotated hyperspherical adiabatic method is used to study the decay of lowlying 9Be and 9B resonances into α, α and n or p. We consider six low-lying resonances of 9Be (1/2±, 3/2± and 5/2±) and one resonance of 9B (5/2−) to compare with. The properties of the resonances at large distances are decisive for the momentum distributions of the three decaying fragments. Systematic detailed energy correlations of Dalitz plots are presented.
In total of 504 Lohmann Brown hens were used to study the influence of the initial BW of the birds and the crude protein (CP) and fat content of the diet on performance and egg quality traits from 22 to 49 weeks of age. The experiment was completely randomized with 8 treatments arranged factorially with 2 initial BW (1,726 vs. 1,987g) and 4 diets with similar AMEn (2,750 kcal AMEn/ kg) and indispensable (lys, Met+Cys, Thr, and Trp) amino acid contents.
Introduction. Most studies have described how the weight loss is when different treatments are compared (1-3), while others have also compared the weight loss by sex (4), or have taken into account psychosocial (5) and lifestyle (6, 7) variables. However, no studies have examined the interaction of different variables and the importance of them in the weight loss. Objective. Create a model to discriminate the range of weight loss, determining the importance of each variable. Methods. 89 overweight people (BMI: 25-29.9 kg?m-2), aged from 18 to 50 years, participated in the study. Four types of treatments were randomly assigned: strength training (S), endurance training (E), strength and endurance training (SE), and control group (C). All participants followed a 25% calorie restriction diet. Two multivariate discriminant models including the variables age, sex, height, daily energy expenditure (EE), type of treatment (T), caloric restriction (CR), initial body weight (BW), initial fat mass (FM), initial muscle mass (MM) and initial bone mineral density (BMD) were performed having into account two groups: the first and fourth quartile of the % of weight loss in the first model; the groups above and below the mean of the % of weight loss in the second model. The discriminant models were built using the inclusion method in SPSS allowing us to find a function that could predict the body weight loss range that an overweight person could achieve in a 6 months weight loss intervention.Results. The first discriminant analysis predicted that a combination of the studied variables would discriminate between the two ranges of body weight loss with 81.4% of correct classification. The discriminant function obtained was (Wilks? Lambda=0.475, p=0.003): Discriminant score=-18.266-(0.060xage)- (1.282xsex[0=female;1=male])+(14.701xheight)+(0.002xEE)- (0.006xT[1=S;2=E;3=SE;4=C])-(0.047xCR)- (0.558xBW)+(0.475xFM)+(0.398xMM)+(3.499xBMD) The second discriminant model obtained would discriminate between the two groups of body weight loss with 74.4% of correct classification. The discriminant function obtained was (Wilks? Lambda=0.725, p=0.005): Discriminant score=-5.021-(0.052xage)- (0.543xsex[0=female;1=male])+(3.530xheight)+(0.001xEE)- (0.493xT[1=S;2=E;3=SE;4=C])+(0.003xCR)- (0.365xBW)+(0.368xFM)+(0.296xMM)+(4.034xBMD) Conclusion. The first developed model could predict the percentage of weight loss in the following way: if the discriminant score is close to 1.051, the range of weight loss will be from 7.44 to -4.64% and if it is close to - 1.003, the range will be from -11.03 to -25,00% of the initial body weight. With the second model if the discriminant score is close to 0.623 the body weight loss will be above -7.93% and if it is close to -0.595 will be below - 7.93% of the initial body weight. References. 1. Brochu M, et al. Resistance training does not contribute to improving the metabolic profile after a 6-month weight loss program in overweight and obese postmenopausal women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Sep;94(9):3226-33. 2. Del Corral P, et al. Effect of dietary adherence with or without exercise on weight loss: a mechanistic approach to a global problem. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 May;94(5):1602-7. 3. Larson-Meyer DE, et al. Caloric Restriction with or without Exercise: The Fitness vs. Fatness Debate. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2010;42(1):152-9. 4. Hagan RD, et al. The effects of aerobic conditioning and/or caloric restriction in overweight men and women. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 1986;18(1):87-94. 5. Teixeira PJ, et al. Mediators of weight loss and weight loss maintenance in middle-aged women. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2010 Apr;18(4):725-35. 6. Bautista-Castano I, et al. Variables predictive of adherence to diet and physical activity recommendations in the treatment of obesity and overweight, in a group of Spanish subjects. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2004 May;28(5):697-705.
Most studies have described how the weight loss is when different treatments are compared (1-3), while others have also compared the weight loss by sex (4), or have taken into account psychosocial (5) and lifestyle (6, 7) variables. However, no studies have examined the interaction of different variables and the importance of them in the weight loss.
The developments in materials over the last decade have been considerable within the automotive industry, being one of the leaders in innovative product applications. Sustainable product development of an automotive structure requires a balanced approach towards technological, economical and ecological aspects. The introduction of new materials and processes is dependent on satisfying different factors. Competitive and legislative pressures, creating the need for change, affect these factors considerably. The process, direction and speed of change are often reactive. Current paper shows the application of aluminium alloys, for the use in the bottom structure of a car to face the problem for the weight of the entire bottom structure under static load conditions, including stiffness, strength and buckling constraints. In addition to minimized mass and materials' price, the assessment of an environmental impact of materials-candidates during the entire life cycle of the structure is considered.
We recently put forth a model of a protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) light-harvesting complex operative during angiosperm seedling de-etiolation (Reinbothe, C., Lebedev, N., and Reinbothe, S. (1999) Nature 397, 80–84). This model, which was based on in vitro reconstitution experiments with zinc analogs of Pchlide a and Pchlide b and the two NADPH:protochlorophyllide oxidoreductases (PORs), PORA and PORB, of barley, predicted a 5-fold excess of Pchlide b, relative to Pchlide a, in the prolamellar body of etioplasts. Recent work (Scheumann, V., Klement, H., Helfrich, M., Oster, U., Schoch, S., and Rüdiger, W. (1999) FEBS Lett. 445, 445–448), however, contradicted this model and reported that Pchlide b would not be present in etiolated plants. Here we demonstrate that Pchlide b is an abundant pigment in barley etioplasts but is rather metabolically unstable. It is rapidly converted to Pchlide a by virtue of 7-formyl reductase activity, an enzyme that had previously been implicated in the chlorophyll (Chl) b to Chl a reaction cycle. Our findings suggest that etiolated plants make use of 7-formyl reductase to fine tune the levels of Pchlide b and Pchlidea and thereby may regulate the steady-state level of light-harvesting POR-Pchlide comple
Thermal response of skin temperature (Tsk) has been studied during exercise and immediately after (Merla, 2010). However, more studies about the influence of exercise on Tsk through the time are required to understand the impact of physical activity on thermoregulatory system and metabolism
This paper presents the results obtained with a new agent-based computer model that can simulate the evacuation of narrow-body transport airplanes in the conditions prescribed by the airworthiness regulations for certification. The model, described in detail in a former paper, has been verified with real data of narrow-body certification demonstrations. Numerical simulations of around 20 narrow-body aircraft, representative of current designs in various market segments, show the capabilities of the model and provide relevant information on the relationship between cabin features and emergency evacuation. The longitudinal location of emergency exits seems to be even more important than their size or the overall margin with respect to the prescribed number and type of exits indicated by the airworthiness requirements
An analytical solution of the two body problem perturbed by a constant tangential acceleration is derived with the aid of perturbation theory. The solution, which is valid for circular and elliptic orbits with generic eccentricity, describes the instantaneous time variation of all orbital elements. A comparison with high-accuracy numerical results shows that the analytical method can be effectively applied to multiple-revolution low-thrust orbit transfer around planets and in interplanetary space with negligible error.
¿Influye el índice de masa corporal, el sexo, el tratamiento y la edad en la pérdida de peso?
The deployment of home-based smart health services requires effective and reliable systems for personal and environmental data management. ooperation between Home Area Networks (HAN) and Body Area Networks (BAN) can provide smart systems with ad hoc reasoning information to support health care. This paper details the implementation of an architecture that integrates BAN, HAN and intelligent agents to manage physiological and environmental data to proactively detect risk situations at the digital home. The system monitors dynamic situations and timely adjusts its behavior to detect user risks concerning to health. Thus, this work provides a reasoning framework to infer appropriate solutions in cases of health risk episodes. Proposed smart health monitoring approach integrates complex reasoning according to home environment, user profile and physiological parameters defined by a scalable ontology. As a result, health care demands can be detected to activate adequate internal mechanisms and report public health services for requested actions.
Background Since intestinal absorption of food protein can trigger an allergic reaction, the effect of plant food allergen on intestinal epithelial cell permeability and its ability to cross the epithelial monolayer was evaluated. Objective To study the interaction of Pru p 3 with intestinal epithelium, its natural entrance, analyzing transport kinetics and cellular responses that trigger. Methods This was achieved using Pru p 3, the peach LTP, as a model. Enterocytic monolayers were established by culturing Caco 2 cells, as a model of enterocytes, on permeable supports that separate the apical and basal compartments. Pru p 3 was added to the apical compartment, the transepithelial resistance (TEER) was measured, and the transport was quantified. Results The peach allergen that crossed the cell monolayer was detected in the cell fraction and in the basal medium by immunodetection with specific antibodies and the quantity was measured by ELISA assay. Pru p 3 was able to cross the monolayer without disturbing the integrity of the tight junctions. This transport was significantly higher than that of a non-allergenic peach LTP, LTP1, and occurred via lipid raft pathway. The incubation of Caco 2 cells with Pru p 3 and LTP1 produced the expression of epithelial-specific cytokines TSLP, IL33 and IL25. Conclusion These results suggest that Pru p 3 was able to cross the cell monolayer by the transcellular route and then induce the production of Th2 cytokines. The results of the present study represent a step towards clarifying the importance of Pru p 3 as a sensitizer. Clinical relevance The capacity of food allergens to cross the intestinal monolayer could explain their high allergenic capacity and its fast diffusion through the body associating to severe symptoms.
Importancia del ejercicio en un tratamiento de pérdia de peso