3 resultados para 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo<4,5-b>pyridine Phip

em Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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Este Proyecto se enmarca en el conjunto de actuaciones necesarias para desarrollar por completo la denominada Autovía de circunvalación M-55,que conecta la A-1, A-6 y A-5, y que contribuye a mejorar la capacidad de los corredores que comunican la ciudad de Madrid con los municipios metropolitanos comprendidos entre la A-1, A-6 y A-5, y también a estos municipios entre sí. El área de estudio se encuentra ubicada en la Comunidad de Madrid,incluyendo los municipios de Las Rozas de Madrid y Villanueva del Pardillo. El tramo discurre por una zona protegida medioambientalmente como es el LIC “Cuenca del río Guadarrama” y próximo a los núcleos de población de Las Roza de Madrid y Villanueva del Pardillo. Por ello, se ha buscado optimizar el trazado minimizando las afecciones a edificaciones y al espacio protegido medioambientalmente por la Red Natura 2000.


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In the framework of the OECD/NEA project on Benchmark for Uncertainty Analysis in Modeling (UAM) for Design, Operation, and Safety Analysis of LWRs, several approaches and codes are being used to deal with the exercises proposed in Phase I, “Specifications and Support Data for Neutronics Cases.” At UPM, our research group treats these exercises with sensitivity calculations and the “sandwich formula” to propagate cross-section uncertainties. Two different codes are employed to calculate the sensitivity coefficients of to cross sections in criticality calculations: MCNPX-2.7e and SCALE-6.1. The former uses the Differential Operator Technique and the latter uses the Adjoint-Weighted Technique. In this paper, the main results for exercise I-2 “Lattice Physics” are presented for the criticality calculations of PWR. These criticality calculations are done for a TMI fuel assembly at four different states: HZP-Unrodded, HZP-Rodded, HFP-Unrodded, and HFP-Rodded. The results of the two different codes above are presented and compared. The comparison proves a good agreement between SCALE-6.1 and MCNPX-2.7e in uncertainty that comes from the sensitivity coefficients calculated by both codes. Differences are found when the sensitivity profiles are analysed, but they do not lead to differences in the uncertainty.


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Th e CERES-Maize model is the most widely used maize (Zea mays L.) model and is a recognized reference for comparing new developments in maize growth, development, and yield simulation. Th e objective of this study was to present and evaluate CSMIXIM, a new maize simulation model for DSSAT version 4.5. Code from CSM-CERES-Maize, the modular version of the model, was modifi ed to include a number of model improvements. Model enhancements included the simulation of leaf area, C assimilation and partitioning, ear growth, kernel number, grain yield, and plant N acquisition and distribution. Th e addition of two genetic coeffi cients to simulate per-leaf foliar surface produced 32% smaller root mean square error (RMSE) values estimating leaf area index than did CSM-CERES. Grain yield and total shoot biomass were correctly simulated by both models. Carbon partitioning, however, showed diff erences. Th e CSM-IXIM model simulated leaf mass more accurately, reducing the CSM-CERES error by 44%, but overestimated stem mass, especially aft er stress, resulting in similar average RMSE values as CSM-CERES. Excessive N uptake aft er fertilization events as simulated by CSM-CERES was also corrected, reducing the error by 16%. Th e accuracy of N distribution to stems was improved by 68%. Th ese improvements in CSM-IXIM provided a stable basis for more precise simulation of maize canopy growth and yield and a framework for continuing future model developments