133 resultados para Topografía hidrográfica


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This thesis aims to identify landslide risk zones in Haiti as a whole (regional scale) and Port au Prince specifically (local scale) and to evaluate how this landslide risk can affect them, especially to Port au Prince, in order to elaborate recommendations in priority zones of the city. Landslide risk priority zones are marked in order to apply land management recommendations supported in the Haitian land tenure to reduce, mitigate or delete at maximum the possible damages that these zones can suffer in the future due to landslides. These recommendations are collected in order to stakeholders decide which of them are the best options for each priority zone. Different types of maps are generated in order to locate all landslide risk zones and priority zones.


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Seismic hazard study in “La Hispaniola” island in connection with the land tenure situation in the region, in order to define priority areas with a high risk, where some land management recommendations are proposed. The seismic hazard assessment has been carried out following the probabilistic method with a seismogenic zonation and including the major faults of the region as independent units. In order to identify the priority areas, it has taken into account, besides the seismic hazard study, the map of changes of static Coulomb failure stress and the landslide hazard map.


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The integration of correlation processes in design systems has as a target measurements in 3D directly and according to the users criteria in order to generate the required database for the development of the project. In the phase of photogrammetric works, internal and external orientation parameters are calculated and stereo models are created from standard images. The aforementioned are integrated in the system where the measurement of the selected items is done by applying developed correlation algorithms. The processing period has the tools to carry out the calculations in an easy and automatic way, as well as image measurement techniques to acquire the most correct information. The proposed software development is done on Visual Studio platforms for PC, applying the most apt codes and symbols according to the terms of reference required for the design. The results of generating the data base in an interactive way with the geometric study of the structures, facilitates and improves the quality of the works in the projects.


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El terremoto ocurrido el 12 de enero de 2010 en Haití devastó la ciudad de Puerto Príncipe, interrumpiendo la actividad social y económica. El proyecto Sismo-Haití surgió como respuesta a la solicitud de ayuda del país ante esta catástrofe y está siendo llevado a cabo por el grupo de investigación en Ingeniería Sísmica de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, especialistas en geología y sismología de las universidades Complutense de Madrid, Almería y Alicante, el Consejo Superior de investigaciones Científicas y técnicos locales Haitianos. En el marco del citado proyecto se realizará un estudio de la amenaza sísmica, con la consiguiente obtención de mapas de aceleraciones que sirvan de base para una primera normativa sismorresistente en el país. Asimismo, se llevará a cabo un estudio de riesgo sísmico en alguna población piloto, incluyendo estudios de microzonación y vulnerabilidad sísmica, así como la estimación de daños y pérdidas humanas ante posibles sismos futuros, cuyos resultados irán dirigidos al diseño de planes de emergencia. En este trabajo se presentan los primeros avances del proyecto. Uno de los objetivos más importantes del proyecto Sismo-Haití es la formación de técnicos en el país a través de la transmisión de conocimientos y experiencia que el grupo de trabajo tiene en materia de peligrosidad y riesgo sísmico, así como en todo lo relacionado con la gestión de la emergencia.


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The 12 January 2010, an earthquake hit the city of Port-au-Prince, capital of Haiti. The earthquake reached a magnitude Mw 7.0 and the epicenter was located near the town of Léogâne, approximately 25 km west of the capital. The earthquake occurred in the boundary region separating the Caribbean plate and the North American plate. This plate boundary is dominated by left-lateral strike slip motion and compression, and accommodates about 20 mm/y slip, with the Caribbean plate moving eastward with respect to the North American plate (DeMets et al., 2000). Initially the location and focal mechanism of the earthquake seemed to involve straightforward accommodation of oblique relative motion between the Caribbean and North American plates along the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault system (EPGFZ), however Hayes et al., (2010) combined seismological observations, geologic field data and space geodetic measurements to show that, instead, the rupture process involved slip on multiple faults. Besides, the authors showed that remaining shallow shear strain will be released in future surface-rupturing earthquakes on the EPGFZ. In December 2010, a Spanish cooperation project financed by the Politechnical University of Madrid started with a clear objective: Evaluation of seismic hazard and risk in Haiti and its application to the seismic design, urban planning, emergency and resource management. One of the tasks of the project was devoted to vulnerability assessment of the current building stock and the estimation of seismic risk scenarios. The study was carried out by following the capacity spectrum method as implemented in the software SELENA (Molina et al., 2010). The method requires a detailed classification of the building stock in predominant building typologies (according to the materials in the structure and walls, number of stories and age of construction) and the use of the building (residential, commercial, etc.). Later, the knowledge of the soil characteristics of the city and the simulation of a scenario earthquake will provide the seismic risk scenarios (damaged buildings). The initial results of the study show that one of the highest sources of uncertainties comes from the difficulty of achieving a precise building typologies classification due to the craft construction without any regulations. Also it is observed that although the occurrence of big earthquakes usually helps to decrease the vulnerability of the cities due to the collapse of low quality buildings and the reconstruction of seismically designed buildings, in the case of Port-au-Prince the seismic risk in most of the districts remains high, showing very vulnerable areas. Therefore the local authorities have to drive their efforts towards the quality control of the new buildings, the reinforcement of the existing building stock, the establishment of seismic normatives and the development of emergency planning also through the education of the population.


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En este trabajo se realiza una propuesta de cálculo de riesgo sísmico en términos de daño físico para un escenario realista en Puerto Prínicpe (Haití). Los resultados del modelo propuesto se calibran con datos del sismo de enero de 2010.


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Tras el catastrófico terremoto ocurrido en Haití el 12 de enero de 2010, de magnitud Mw 7 y profundidad de 10 km, (fuente: USGS) con un epicentro próximo a la capital, Puerto Príncipe (15 km), el país quedo en una situación catastrófica y de extrema pobreza, con necesidades básicas en salud, nutrición, educación y habitabilidad. Pocos meses después se inició el proyecto de cooperación SISMO-HAITI, financiado y coordinado por el Grupo de Investigación en Ingeniería Sísmica (GIIS) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), con participación de otras universidades españolas y del CSIC y siendo la contraparte Haitiana el Observatorio de Vulnerabilidad y Medio Ambiente (ONEV). Uno de los objetivos del proyecto es el cálculo de peligrosidad sísmica en la Isla de La Española que constituya la base para la elaboración del primer código sísmico del país. El trabajo que aquí se presenta es una aplicación web desarrollada con el Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG) del proyecto SISMO-HAITI. En esta aplicación se integran los diferentes mapas generados para el cálculo de la peligrosidad sísmica, así como los mapas resultantes, que pueden ser analizados e interpretados con mayor facilidad gracias a la aplicación. Para analizar la influencia de los diferentes inputs de cálculo se ha introducido el catálogo sísmico, las diferentes zonificaciones sismo genéticas y las principales fallas tectónicas. Toda esta información se puede superponer geográficamente con posibilidad de realizar consultas cruzadas en las correspondientes bases de datos, permitiendo el análisis de sensibilidad de éstos en los resultados. El desarrollo de esta aplicación web se ha creado a través de ArcGis Server 10


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The 2010 Haiti earthquake, occurred on January 12th at 16:53:09 local time (21:53:09 UTC) with epicentral distance of 15 km from the capital Port au Prince, MW 7.0 and 13 km hypocenter deep, was the strongest event in the area since happened in 1770. The maximum macroseismic intensity was estimated as X (MMI scale). The aim of this research is to obtain a preliminary zonation of Port-au-Prince in terms of predominant resonance periods of ground. A total of 36 short-period ambient noise records have been carried out on a grid of about 500x500m. H/V spectral ratio method (HVSR) has been applied to determine the predominant period at each point. The lowest values (<0.2s) predominate in the southern part of the city, composed by Miocene conglomerates, while highest values (> 0.45s) correspond to the center and western parts, composed of Pleistocene-Holocene alluvial deposits and anthropogenic land reclaimed from the sea. We have determined the ground VS30 structure inside National Palace garden, using simultaneous ambient noise measurements. An array made up of 6 sensors were used, with 5 of them uniformly distributed along a circumference and a sixth one placed in its centre. The records were analyzed by using the spatial autocorrelation method (SPAC). The VS 30 value obtained was 331m/sec, in good agreement with the average values obtained for this area by other authors, using prospecting techniques.


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Le calcul de l´aléa et le risque sismique en Haïti


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An evaluation of the seismic hazard in La Hispaniola Island has been carried out, as part of the cooperative project SISMO-HAITI, supported by the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and developed by several Spanish Universities, the National Observatory of Environment and Vulnerability) ONEV of Haiti, and with contributions from the Puerto Rico Seismic Network (PRSN) and University Seismological Institute of Dominican Republic (ISU). The study was aimed at obtaining results suitable for seismic design purposes. It started with the elaboration of a seismic catalogue for the Hispaniola Island, requiring an exhaustive revision of data reported by more than 20 seismic agencies, apart from these from the PRSN and ISU. The final catalogue contains 96 historical earthquakes and 1690 instrumental events, and it was homogenized to moment magnitude, Mw. Seismotectonic models proposed for the region were revised and a new regional zonation was proposed, taking into account geological andtectonic data, seismicity, focal mechanisms, and GPS observations. In parallel, attenuation models for subduction and crustal zones were revised in previous projects and the most suitable for the Caribbean plate were selected. Then, a seismic hazard analysis was developed in terms of peak ground acceleration, PGA, and spectral accelerations, SA (T), for periods of 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1 and 2s, using the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA) methodology. As a result, different hazard maps were obtained for the quoted parameters, together with Uniform Hazard Spectra for Port au Prince and the main cities in the country. Hazard deaggregation was also carried out in these towns, for the target motion given by the PGA and SA (1s) obtained for return periods of 475, 975 and 2475 years. Therefore, the controlling earthquakes for short- and long-period target motions were derived. This study was started a few months after the 2010 earthquake, as a response to an aid request from the Haitian government to the UPM, and the results are available for the definition of the first building code in Haiti.


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El río Cacín, es uno de los afluentes más importantes del río Genil, que fue declarado principal en la cuenca del río - Guadalquivir por el R.D. Ley de 20 de Septiembre de 1.927(creación de la Confederación Sindical Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir), en el que se dice: "Articulo 1 º - De conformidad con lo dispuesto por el artículo 1º del Real Decreto de 5 de Marzo de 1.926, se formara la Confederación Sindical Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir, quedando declarados principales a los efectos del artículo 4º , los - ríos Guadalquivir, Guadalimar, Guadiana menor, Jándula, Guadalmellato, Guadiato, Rembezar, Genil y Viar . . .”


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La cuenca del Arroyo del Valle, ésta comprendida dentro de los términos Municipales de Miraflores de la Sierra y Bustarviejo, pertenecientes respectivamente a los partidos Judiciales de Colmenar Viejo y Torrelaguna, ambos de la Provincia de Madrid. Estando deslindados por el Instituto Geográfico, no es de temer ningún cambio en su posición Administrativa.


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En esta ponencia se restringen las ciencias de lo artificial a los objetos o artefactos compuestos por elementos no vivientes o en los que esta característica se muestra con complejidad controlada. Si se hablase genéricamente de máquinas en lugar de artefactos, sería por referencia a máquinas artificiales, aún cuando en el diseño de éstas se intentase imitar las propiedades de las máquinas naturales (Atlan,79). Es ésta una Hipótesis para delimitar un terreno de trabajo, delimitación que bien sabemos borrosa y transitoria; borrosa como lo es la frontera entre lo vivo y lo no vivo y como lo es el mismo concepto de complejidad? transitoria, como corresponde a la históricamente movediza topografía de la ciencia. Asistimos ahora a un profundo impulso de cambio que se propaga abriendo caminos de comunicación entre los tres estratos de la ciencia: hombre-cultura/vida-naturaleza/física-química, a caballo del paradigma cibernético y sistémico -de "organización"(Morin, 73).