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An infrared optical wireless system is presented, consisting on autonomous remote nodes communicating with a central node. The network is designed for telecommand/telemetry purposes, comprising a large number of nodes at a low data rate. Simultaneous access is granted by using CDMA techniques, and an appropriate selection of the code family can also keep power consumption to a minimum


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We propose a level set based variational approach that incorporates shape priors into edge-based and region-based models. The evolution of the active contour depends on local and global information. It has been implemented using an efficient narrow band technique. For each boundary pixel we calculate its dynamic according to its gray level, the neighborhood and geometric properties established by training shapes. We also propose a criterion for shape aligning based on affine transformation using an image normalization procedure. Finally, we illustrate the benefits of the our approach on the liver segmentation from CT images.


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La incorporación de un lazo de tensión eficaz de (RMS) es una posibilidad atractiva para el control de inversores de potencia de una manera sencilla. Si se combina con un control en modo corriente usando una sonda de efecto Hall, el ruido de modo común de la etapa de potencia transmitido al control puede ser reducido, mejorando la distorsión armónica total (THD) y manteniendo la posibilidad de operación en paralelo. Además, al estar el control de tensión definido sobre baja frecuencia (DC), obtener una gran ganancia a la frecuencia de interés (0Hz) es sencilla con control basado en PI, lo cual garantiza una onda de tensión de salida a 400Hz sin error, a costa de un peor desempeño ante transitorios y ante cargas no lineales. Sin embargo, la implementación de una estrategia de control de esta naturaleza puede provocar la aparición de offset en la salida. Por otra parte, el esquema oculta la información de la fase de la onda de tensión de salida, necesaria para sincronizar tres módulos monofásicos en un montaje trifásico. En este artículo el diseño e implementación del sistema completo es abordado, resolviendo los inconvenientes mencionados mediante un tercer lazo analógico de control para el offset y un algoritmo de sincronización implementado en una FPGA.


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Modern FPGAs with run-time reconfiguration allow the implementation of complex systems offering both the flexibility of software-based solutions combined with the performance of hardware. This combination of characteristics, together with the development of new specific methodologies, make feasible to reach new points of the system design space, and make embedded systems built on these platforms acquire more and more importance. However, the practical exploitation of this technique in fields that traditionally have relied on resource restricted embedded systems, is mainly limited by strict power consumption requirements, the cost and the high dependence of DPR techniques with the specific features of the device technology underneath. In this work, we tackle the previously reported problems, designing a reconfigurable platform based on the low-cost and low-power consuming Spartan-6 FPGA family. The full process to develop the platform will be detailed in the paper from scratch. In addition, the implementation of the reconfiguration mechanism, including two profiles, is reported. The first profile is a low-area and low-speed reconfiguration engine based mainly on software functions running on the embedded processor, while the other one is a hardware version of the same engine, implemented in the FPGA logic. This reconfiguration hardware block has been originally designed to the Virtex-5 family, and its porting process will be also described in this work, facing the interoperability problem among different families.


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HiPER is the European Project for Laser Fusion that has been able to join 26 institutions and signed under formal government agreement by 6 countries inside the ESFRI Program of the European Union (EU). The project is already extended by EU for two years more (until 2013) after its first preparatory phase from 2008. A large work has been developed in different areas to arrive to a design of repetitive operation of Laser Fusion Reactor, and decisions are envisioned in the next phase of Technology Development or Risk Reduction for Engineering or Power Plant facilities (or both). Chamber design has been very much completed for Engineering phase and starting of preliminary options for Reactor Power Plant have been established and review here.


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Justification of the need and demand of experimental facilities to test and validate materials for first wall in laser fusion reactors - Characteristics of the laser fusion products - Current ?possible? facilities for tests Ultraintense Lasers as ?complete? solution facility - Generation of ion pulses - Generation of X-ray pulses - Generation of other relevant particles (electrons, neutrons..)


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En este trabajo se describe y analiza la explotación y uso de la capacidad de configuración de los contenidos formativos como de libre acceso en las asignaturas impartidas en diversas titulaciones impartidas en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y dadas de alta en la plataforma de tele-educación AulaWeb.


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An aerodynamic optimization of the train aerodynamic characteristics in term of front wind action sensitivity is carried out in this paper. In particular, a genetic algorithm (GA) is used to perform a shape optimization study of a high-speed train nose. The nose is parametrically defined via Bézier Curves, including a wider range of geometries in the design space as possible optimal solutions. Using a GA, the main disadvantage to deal with is the large number of evaluations need before finding such optimal. Here it is proposed the use of metamodels to replace Navier-Stokes solver. Among all the posibilities, Rsponse Surface Models and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are considered. Best results of prediction and generalization are obtained with ANN and those are applied in GA code. The paper shows the feasibility of using GA in combination with ANN for this problem, and solutions achieved are included.


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BIOLOGY is a dynamic and fascinating science. The study of this subject is an amazing trip for all the students that have a first contact with this subject. Here, we present the development of the study and learning experience of this subject belonging to an area of knowledge that is different to the training curriculum of students who have studied Physics during their degree period. We have taken a real example, the “Elements of Biology” subject, which is taught as part of the Official Biomedical Physics Master, at the Physics Faculty, of the Complutense University of Madrid, since the course 2006/07. Its main objective is to give to the student an understanding how the Physics can have numerous applications in the Biomedical Sciences area, giving the basic training to develop a professional, academic or research career. The results obtained when we use new virtual tools combined with the classical learning show that there is a clear increase in the number of persons that take and pass the final exam. On the other hand, this new learning strategy is well received by the students and this is translated to a higher participation and a decrease of the giving the subject up


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Rms voltage regulation may be an attractive possibility for controlling power inverters. Combined with a Hall Effect sensor for current control, it keeps its parallel operation capability while increasing its noise immunity, which may lead to a reduction of the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD). Besides, as voltage regulation is designed in DC, a simple PI regulator can provide accurate voltage tracking. Nevertheless, this approach does not lack drawbacks. Its narrow voltage bandwidth makes transients last longer and it increases the voltage THD when feeding non-linear loads, such as rectifying stages. On the other hand, the implementation can fall into offset voltage error. Furthermore, the information of the output voltage phase is hidden for the control as well, making the synchronization of a 3-phase setup not trivial. This paper explains the concept, design and implementation of the whole control scheme, in an on board inverter able to run in parallel and within a 3-phase setup. Special attention is paid to solve the problems foreseen at implementation level: a third analog loop accounts for the offset level is added and a digital algorithm guarantees 3-phase voltage synchronization.


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This paper discusses the target localization problem of wireless visual sensor networks. Specifically, each node with a low-resolution camera extracts multiple feature points to represent the target at the sensor node level. A statistical method of merging the position information of different sensor nodes to select the most correlated feature point pair at the base station is presented. This method releases the influence of the accuracy of target extraction on the accuracy of target localization in universal coordinate system. Simulations show that, compared with other relative approach, our proposed method can generate more desirable target localization's accuracy, and it has a better trade-off between camera node usage and localization accuracy.


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In the last recent years, with the popularity of image compression techniques, many architectures have been proposed. Those have been generally based on the Forward and Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform (FDCT, IDCT). Alternatively, compression schemes based on discrete “wavelets” transform (DWT), used, both, in JPEG2000 coding standard and in the next H264-SVC (Scalable Video Coding), do not need to divide the image into non-overlapping blocks or macroblocks. This paper discusses the DLMT (Discrete Lopez-Moreno Transform). It proposes a new scheme intermediate between the DCT and the DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform). The DLMT is computationally very similar to the DCT and uses quasi-sinusoidal functions, so the emergence of artifact blocks and their effects have a relative low importance. The use of quasi-sinusoidal functions has allowed achieving a multiresolution control quite close to that obtained by a DWT, but without increasing the computational complexity of the transformation. The DLMT can also be applied over a whole image, but this does not involve increasing computational complexity. Simulation results in MATLAB show that the proposed DLMT has significant performance benefits and improvements comparing with the DCT


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In this paper we will see how the efficiency of the MBS simulations can be improved in two different ways, by considering both an explicit and implicit semi-recursive formulation. The explicit method is based on a double velocity transformation that involves the solution of a redundant but compatible system of equations. The high computational cost of this operation has been drastically reduced by taking into account the sparsity pattern of the system. Regarding this, the goal of this method is the introduction of MA48, a high performance mathematical library provided by Harwell Subroutine Library. The second method proposed in this paper has the particularity that, depending on the case, between 70 and 85% of the computation time is devoted to the evaluation of forces derivatives with respect to the relative position and velocity vectors. Keeping in mind that evaluating these derivatives can be decomposed into concurrent tasks, the main goal of this paper lies on a successful and straightforward parallel implementation that have led to a substantial improvement with a speedup of 3.2 by keeping all the cores busy in a quad-core processor and distributing the workload between them, achieving on this way a huge time reduction by doing an ideal CPU usage


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The main objective of ventilation systems in case of fire is the reduction of the possible consequences by achieving the best possible conditions for the evacuation of the users and the intervention of the emergency services. In the last years, the required quick response of the ventilation system, from normal to emergency mode, has been improved by the use of automatic and semi-automatic control systems, what reduces the response times through the support to the operators decision taking, and the use of pre-defined strategies. A further step consists on the use of closedloop algorithms, which takes into account not only the initial conditions but their development (air velocity, traffic situation, etc), optimizing the quality of the smoke control process


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This paper proposes an interleaved multiphase buck converter with minimum time control strategy for envelope amplifiers in high efficiency RF power amplifiers. The solution of the envelope amplifier is to combine the proposed converter with a linear regulator in series. High system efficiency can be obtained through modulating the supply voltage of the envelope amplifier with the fast output voltage variation of the converter working with several particular duty cycles that achieve total ripple cancellation. The transient model for minimum time control is explained, and the calculation of transient times that are pre-calculated and inserted into a look-up table is presented. The filter design trade-off that limits capability of envelope modulation is also discussed. The experimental results verify the fast voltage transient obtained with a 4-phase buck prototype.