117 resultados para Discrete Element Method (dem)
El Método de las Ecuaciones Integrales es una potente alternativa a los Métodos de Dominio tales como el Método de los Elementos Finitos. La idea ensencial es la combinación de la clásica relación de la reciprocidad con la filosofía de la discretización del F.E.M. La aplicación a algunos problemas reales ha demostrado que en ciertos casos el B.I.E.M. es preferiole al F.E.M. y ello es especialmente así cuando los problemas a tratar son tridimensionales y con geometría complicada. En esta ocasión se analizan comparativamente algunos aspectos matemáticos del procedimiento = Boundary integral equation method (B.I.E.M.)is a powerful alternative to the domain methods, as the well know Finite Element Method (F .E.M.) The esential idea, are the combination of the classical reciprocity re!ations with the discretization phylosophy of F.E.M. The reduction in dimension of the domain to be discretized, the easy treatment of infinite domains and the high accuracy of the results are the main adventages of B.I.E.M. Between the drawacks the nonsymetry and non sparseness of the matrices to be treated are worth remembering. Application to several real problems has shown that in certain cases B.I.E.M. is better than F.E.M. and this is specially true when tridimensional problems of complicated geometries have to be treated. Active research is in progress of its extensión to non linear and time dependent problems.
El presente trabajo de tesis investiga el efecto del fenómeno conocido como “Cross-talk” generado por el modo lateral de vibración, en la respuesta de un transductor ultrasónico formado por un arreglo de elementos piezoeléctricos tipo PZT (Zircanato Titanato de Plomo), la investigación se lleva a cabo desde el punto de vista de la naturaleza física de este efecto, así como de los parámetros asociados al mismo, así como un análisis del efecto del “Cross-talk” en la respuesta del transductor, formado por arreglos de elementos piezoeléctricos. Diversas investigaciones han abordado el fenómeno del “Cross-talk” y de sus efectos en la respuesta de los transductores, estos se han enfocado principalmente al modo espesor (thickness) de vibración. Sin embargo no ha habido un estudio a fondo para el estudio de este fenómeno en el modo lateral de vibración tema de interés de este trabajo de tesis. Este trabajo incluye simulaciones del fenómeno del “Cross-talk” mediante el método de los elementos finitos (MEF), así como la construcción de un transductor tipo matricial (arrray) de 2x3 elementos, en el que fueron realizadas las mediciones físicas del fenómeno. El trabajo abarca un estudio comparativo entre las simulaciones y las mediciones realizadas en el transductor, considerando que las cerámicas del transductor están montadas sobre diferentes materiales (backing) en donde la propagación de la energía emitida por las cerámicas piezoeléctricas provoca un mayor o menor grado de “Cross-talk” dependiendo de la velocidad en que se propaga dicha energía. Esta investigación también llevó a cabo el estudio del efecto del “Cross-talk” en el patrón de radiación que emite el arreglo de elementos piezoeléctricos, siendo este patrón de radiación un factor importante en la respuesta del transductor, motivo por el cual se realizó un análisis de cómo se ve afectado este patrón bajo la influencia del fenómeno del “Cross-talk”. Como ya se mencionó debido a la falta de un estudio a profundidad del fenómeno del “Cross-talk” en el modo lateral, la contribución del presente trabajo es importante ya que se enfoca al modo lateral de vibración de los elementos piezoeléctricos del arreglo. En particular se desarrollo una ecuación que permite cuantificar el fenómeno del “Cross-talk” y visualizar sus efectos en el arreglo. Derivando de este estudio se concluye que el fenómeno del “Cross-talk” generado por el modo lateral de vibración tiene un efecto significativo en la respuesta de los diferentes transductores matriciales considerados. ABSTRACT This thesis investigates the effect of the phenomenon known as crosstalk from the point of view of its physical nature and the elements that lead to the formation of this phenomenon to an analysis of how it may affect the performance of the ultrasonic transducer. This phenomenon occurs primarily in matrix arrays and this phenomenon is magnified by certain factors causing serious problems in the performance of a transducer. Researchers have addressed the phenomenon of crosstalk and their effects on the response of these transducers. They have mainly focused in the thickness vibration mode, and there has been no comprehensive study of this phenomenon in the lateral vibration mode, issue of interest of this thesis. This work includes simulations of the crosstalk phenomenon using the finite element method (FEM), and the construction of a matrix type transducer (array) of 2x3 elements, in which physical measurements were made. The work includes a comparative study between simulations and measurements in the transducer, whereas the ceramic transducer are mounted on different materials (backing) where the spread of the energy emitted by the piezoelectric ceramic causes a greater or lesser degree of crosstalk depending on the speed at which this energy spreads. This research also carried out the study of the effect of the crosstalk in the radiation pattern emitted by the piezoelectric array. The radiation pattern is an important factor in the response of the transducer that is why we conducted an analysis of how this pattern is affected under the influence of the crosstalk phenomenon. As mentioned before because of the lack of an in-depth study of the crosstalk phenomenon in the lateral vibration mode, the contribution of this work is important because it focuses in this vibration mode of the piezoelectric elements in the array. In particular, an equation was developed to quantify the crosstalk phenomenon and to see its effects in the array. Deriving from this study it is possible to conclude that the crosstalk phenomenon generated by the lateral vibration mode has a significant effect on the response of the different matrix transducers considered in this work.
In this chapter we will introduce the reader to the techniques of the Boundary Element Method applied to simple Laplacian problems. Most classical applications refer to electrostatic and magnetic fields, but the Laplacian operator also governs problems such as Saint-Venant torsion, irrotational flow, fluid flow through porous media and the added fluid mass in fluidstructure interaction problems. This short list, to which it would be possible to add many other physical problems governed by the same equation, is an indication of the importance of the numerical treatment of the Laplacian operator. Potential theory has pioneered the use of BEM since the papers of Jaswon and Hess. An interesting introduction to the topic is given by Cruse. In the last five years a renaissance of integral methods has been detected. This can be followed in the books by Jaswon and Symm and by Brebbia or Brebbia and Walker.In this chapter we shall maintain an elementary level and follow a classical scheme in order to make the content accessible to the reader who has just started to study the technique. The whole emphasis has been put on the socalled "direct" method because it is the one which appears to offer more advantages. In this section we recall the classical concepts of potential theory and establish the basic equations of the method. Later on we discuss the discretization philosophy, the implementation of different kinds of elements and the advantages of substructuring which is unavoidable when dealing with heterogeneous materials.
In this chapter, we are going to describe the main features as well as the basic steps of the Boundary Element Method (BEM) as applied to elastostatic problems and to compare them with other numerical procedures. As we shall show, it is easy to appreciate the adventages of the BEM, but it is also advisable to refrain from a possible unrestrained enthusiasm, as there are also limitations to its usefulness in certain types of problems. The number of these problems, nevertheless, is sufficient to justify the interest and activity that the new procedure has aroused among researchers all over the world. Briefly speaking, the most frequently used version of the BEM as applied to elastostatics works with the fundamental solution, i.e. the singular solution of the governing equations, as an influence function and tries to satisfy the boundary conditions of the problem with the aid of a discretization scheme which consists exclusively of boundary elements. As in other numerical methods, the BEM was developed thanks to the computational possibilities offered by modern computers on totally "classical" basis. That is, the theoretical grounds are based on linear elasticity theory, incorporated long ago into the curricula of most engineering schools. Its delay in gaining popularity is probably due to the enormous momentum with which Finite Element Method (FEM) penetrated the professional and academic media. Nevertheless, the fact that these methods were developed before the BEM has been beneficial because de BEM successfully uses those results and techniques studied in past decades. Some authors even consider the BEM as a particular case of the FEM while others view both methods as special cases of the general weighted residual technique. The first paper usually cited in connection with the BEM as applied to elastostatics is that of Rizzo, even though the works of Jaswon et al., Massonet and Oliveira were published at about the same time, the reason probably being the attractiveness of the "direct" approach over the "indirect" one. The work of Tizzo and the subssequent work of Cruse initiated a fruitful period with applicatons of the direct BEM to problems of elastostacs, elastodynamics, fracture, etc. The next key contribution was that of Lachat and Watson incorporating all the FEM discretization philosophy in what is sometimes called the "second BEM generation". This has no doubt, led directly to the current developments. Among the various researchers who worked on elastostatics by employing the direct BEM, one can additionallly mention Rizzo and Shippy, Cruse et al., Lachat and Watson, Alarcón et al., Brebbia el al, Howell and Doyle, Kuhn and Möhrmann and Patterson and Sheikh, and among those who used the indirect BEM, one can additionally mention Benjumea and Sikarskie, Butterfield, Banerjee et al., Niwa et al., and Altiero and Gavazza. An interesting version of the indirct method, called the Displacement Discontinuity Method (DDM) has been developed by Crounh. A comprehensive study on various special aspects of the elastostatic BEM has been done by Heisse, while review-type articles on the subject have been reported by Watson and Hartmann. At the present time, the method is well established and is being used for the solution of variety of problems in engineering mechanics. Numerous introductory and advanced books have been published as well as research-orientated ones. In this sense, it is worth noting the series of conferences promoted by Brebbia since 1978, wich have provoked a continuous research effort all over the world in relation to the BEM. In the following sections, we shall concentrate on developing the direct BEM as applied to elastostatics.
A model for chloride transport in concrete is proposed. The model accounts for transport several transport mechanisms such as diffusion, advection, migration, etc. This work shows the chloride transport equations at the macroscopic scale in non-saturated concrete. The equations involve diffusion, migration, capillary suction, chloride combination and precipitation mechanisms. The material is assumed to be infinitely rigid, though the porosity can change under influence of chloride binding and precipitation. The involved microscopic and macroscopic properties of the materials are measured by standardized methods. The variables which must be imposed on the boundaries are temperature, relative humidity and chloride concentration. The output data of the model are the free, bound, precipitated and total chloride ion concentrations, as well as the pore solution content and the porosity. The proposed equations are solved by means of the finite element method (FEM) implemented in MATLAB (classical Galerkin formulation and the streamline upwind Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG) method to avoid spatial instabilities for advection dominated flows).
Entre la impresionante floración de procedimientos de cálculo, provocada por la aplicación intensiva del ordenador, el llamado Método de los Elementos de Contorno (Boundary Element Method o Boundary Integral Equation Method) parece afianzarse como una alternativa útil al omnipresente Método de los Elementos Finitos que ya ha sido incorporado, como una herramienta de trabajo más, al cotidiano quehacer de la ingeniería. En España, tras unos intentos precursores que se señalan en el texto, la actividad más acusada en su desarrollo y mejora se ha centrado alrededor del Departamento que dirige uno de los autores. Después de la tesis doctoral de J. Domínguez en 1977 que introdujo en España la técnica del llamado "método directo", se han producido numerosas aportaciones en forma de artículos o tesis de investigación que han permitido alcanzar un nivel de conocimientos notable. En esta obrita se pretende transmitir parte de la experiencia adquirida, siquiera sea a nivel elemental y en un campo limitado de aplicación. La filosofía es semejante a la del pequeño libro de Hinton y Owen "A simple guide to finite elements" (Pineridge Press, 1980) que tanta aceptación ha tenido entre los principiantes. El libro se articula alrededor de un sólo tema, la solución del problema de Laplace, y se limitan los desarrollos matemáticos al mínimo imprescindible para el fácil seguimiento de áquel. Tras unos capítulos iniciales de motivación y centrado se desarrolla la técnica para problemas planos, tridimensionales y axisimétricos, limitando los razonamientos a los elementos más sencillos de variación constante o lineal. Finalmente, se incluye un capítulo descriptivo donde se avizoran temas que pueden provocar un futuro interés del estudioso. Para completar la información se ha añadido un apéndice en el que se recoge un pequeño programa para microordenador, con el objetivo de que se contemple la sencillez de programación para el caso plano. El programa es mejorable en muchos aspectos pero creemos que, con ello, mantiene un nivel de legibilidad adecuado para que el lector ensaye sobre él las modificaciones que se indican en los ejercicios al final del capítulo y justamente la provocación de ese aprendizaje es nuestro objetivo final.
In this work, a new methodology is devised to obtain the fracture properties of nuclear fuel cladding in the hoop direction. The proposed method combines ring compression tests and a finite element method that includes a damage model based on cohesive crack theory, applied to unirradiated hydrogen-charged ZIRLOTM nuclear fuel cladding. Samples with hydrogen concentrations from 0 to 2000 ppm were tested at 20 �C. Agreement between the finite element simulations and the experimental results is excellent in all cases. The parameters of the cohesive crack model are obtained from the simulations, with the fracture energy and fracture toughness being calculated in turn. The evolution of fracture toughness in the hoop direction with the hydrogen concentration (up to 2000 ppm) is reported for the first time for ZIRLOTM cladding. Additionally, the fracture micromechanisms are examined as a function of the hydrogen concentration. In the as-received samples, the micromechanism is the nucleation, growth and coalescence of voids, whereas in the samples with 2000 ppm, a combination of cuasicleavage and plastic deformation, along with secondary microcracking is observed.
This paper analyses numerically the electric field distribution of a liquid contained in a Petri dish when exposed to electromagnetic waves excited in a rectangular waveguide. Solutions exhibit high-gradients due to the presence of the dielectric liquid contained in the dish. Furthermore, electromagnetic fields within the dielectric have a dramatically lower value than on the remaining part of the domain, which difficults its simulation. Additionally, various singularities of different intensity appear along the boundary of the Petri dish. To properly reproduce and numerically study those effects, we employ a highly-accurate hp-adaptive finite element method. Results of this study demonstrate that the electric field generated within the circular Petri dish is non-homogeneous, and thus, a better shape, size, or location of the dish is needed to achieve an equally distributed radiation enabling the uniform growth of cell cultives.
The paper focuses on the analysis of radial-gated spillways, which is carried out by the solution of a numerical model based on the finite element method (FEM). The Oliana Dam is considered as a case study and the discharge capacity is predicted both by the application of a level-set-based free-surface solver and by the use of traditional empirical formulations. The results of the analysis are then used for training an artificial neural network to allow real-time predictions of the discharge in any situation of energy head and gate opening within the operation range of the reservoir. The comparison of the results obtained with the different methods shows that numerical models such as the FEM can be useful as a predictive tool for the analysis of the hydraulic performance of radial-gated spillways.
The aim of the novel experimental measures presented in this paper is to show the improvement achieved in the computation time for a 2D self-adaptive hp finite element method (FEM) software accelerated through the Adaptive Cross Approximation (ACA) method. This algebraic method (ACA) was presented in an previous paper in the hp context for the analysis of open region problems, where the robust behaviour, good accuracy and high compression levels of ACA were demonstrated. The truncation of the infinite domain is settled through an iterative computation of the Integral Equation (IE) over a ficticious boundary, which, regardless its accuracy and efficiency, turns out to be the bottelneck of the code. It will be shown that in this context ACA reduces drastically the computational effort of the problem.
Engineering of devices and systems such as magnets, fault current limiters or cables, based on High Temperature Superconducting wires requires a deep characterization of the possible degradation of their properties by handling at room temperature as well as during the service life thus establishing the limits for building up functional devices and systems. In the present work we report our study regarding the mechanical behavior of spliced joints between commercial HTS coated conductors based on YBCO at room temperature and service temperature, 77 K. Tensile tests under axial stress and the evolution of the critical current and the electric resistance of the joints have been measured. The complete strain contour for the tape and the joint has been obtained by using Digital Image Correlation. Also, tensile tests under external magnetic field have been performed and the effect of the applied field on the critical current and the electric resistance of the joints has been studied. Finally, a preliminary numerical study by means of Finite Element Method (FEM) of the mechanical behavior of the joints between commercial HTS is presented.
Engineering of devices and systems such as magnets, fault current limiters or cables, based on High Temperature Superconducting wires requires a deep characterization of the possible degradation of their properties by handling at room temperature as well as during the service life thus establishing the limits for building up functional devices and systems. In the present work we report our study regarding the mechanical behavior of spliced joints between commercial HTS coated conductors based on YBCO at room temperature and service temperature, 77 K. Tensile tests under axial stress and the evolution of the critical current and the electric resistance of the joints have been measured. The complete strain contour for the tape and the joints has been obtained by using Digital Image Correlation. Also, tensile tests under external magnetic field have been performed and the effect of the applied field on the critical current and the electric resistance of the joints has been studied. Additionally, fatigue tests under constant cyclic stress and loading-unloading ramps have been carried out in order to evaluate the electromechanical behavior of the joints and the effect of maximum applied stress on the critical current. Finally, a preliminary numerical study by means of the Finite Element Method (FEM) of the electromechanical behavior of the joints between commercial HTS is presented.
Crystallization and grain growth technique of thin film silicon are among the most promising methods for improving efficiency and lowering cost of solar cells. A major advantage of laser crystallization and annealing over conventional heating methods is its ability to limit rapid heating and cooling to thin surface layers. Laser energy is used to heat the amorphous silicon thin film, melting it and changing the microstructure to polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) as it cools. Depending on the laser density, the vaporization temperature can be reached at the center of the irradiated area. In these cases ablation effects are expected and the annealing process becomes ineffective. The heating process in the a-Si thin film is governed by the general heat transfer equation. The two dimensional non-linear heat transfer equation with a moving heat source is solve numerically using the finite element method (FEM), particularly COMSOL Multiphysics. The numerical model help to establish the density and the process speed range needed to assure the melting and crystallization without damage or ablation of the silicon surface. The samples of a-Si obtained by physical vapour deposition were irradiated with a cw-green laser source (Millennia Prime from Newport-Spectra) that delivers up to 15 W of average power. The morphology of the irradiated area was characterized by confocal laser scanning microscopy (Leica DCM3D) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM Hitachi 3000N). The structural properties were studied by micro-Raman spectroscopy (Renishaw, inVia Raman microscope).
Dynamics of binary mixtures such as polymer blends, and fluids near the critical point, is described by the model-H, which couples momentum transport and diffusion of the components [1]. We present an extended version of the model-H that allows to study the combined effect of phase separation in a polymer blend and surface structuring of the film itself [2]. We apply it to analyze the stability of vertically stratified base states on extended films of polymer blends and show that convective transport leads to new mechanisms of instability as compared to the simpler diffusive case described by the Cahn- Hilliard model [3, 4]. We carry out this analysis for realistic parameters of polymer blends used in experimental setups such as PS/PVME. However, geometrically more complicated states involving lateral structuring, strong deflections of the free surface, oblique diffuse interfaces, checkerboard modes, or droplets of a component above of the other are possible at critical composition solving the Cahn Hilliard equation in the static limit for rectangular domains [5, 6] or with deformable free surfaces [6]. We extend these results for off-critical compositions, since balanced overall composition in experiments are unusual. In particular, we study steady nonlinear solutions of the Cahn-Hilliard equation for bidimensional layers with fixed geometry and deformable free surface. Furthermore we distinguished the cases with and without energetic bias at the free surface. We present bifurcation diagrams for off-critical films of polymer blends with free surfaces, showing their free energy, and the L2-norms of surface deflection and the concentration field, as a function of lateral domain size and mean composition. Simultaneously, we look at spatial dependent profiles of the height and concentration. To treat the problem of films with arbitrary surface deflections our calculations are based on minimizing the free energy functional at given composition and geometric constraints using a variational approach based on the Cahn-Hilliard equation. The problem is solved numerically using the finite element method (FEM).
This paper deals with the boundary element method (BEM) p-convergence approach applied to three-dimensional problems governed by Laplace's equation. The advantages derived from the boundary discretization and hierarchical interpolation functions are collated in order to minimize human effort in preparation of input data and improve numerical results.