856 resultados para Ingeniería civil
El propósito del proyecto es la construcción de un puente que se situará cercano a la población de Valdenoceda,a la altura del kilómetro 532 de la N-232, cruzando dicha carretera el río Ebro. Los principales objetivos a alcanzar son los mencionados a continuación: mejorar la conectividad entre las poblaciones situadas a ambas márgenes del rio Ebro, perfeccionar el trazado de la carretera N-232, evitar la travesía de la carretera N-232, atravesando las poblaciones situadas entre los puntos kilométricos 531 y 535 de la carretera N-232, aumentando su seguridad y bienestar y, finalmente, mejorar la seguridad para el tráfico de la carretera N-232 y su conexión con la CL-629.
In solid mechanics the weak formulation produces an integral equation ready for a discretization and with less restrictive requiremets than the standard field equations. Fundamentally the weak formulation is a expresion of a green formula. An alternative is to choose another green formula materializing a reciprocity relationship between the basis unknowns and an auxiliary family of functions. The degree of smoothness requiered to practice the discretization is then translated to the auxiliar functions. The subsequent discretization (constant, linear etc.)produces a set of equations on the boundary of the domain. For linear 3-D problems the BIEM appears then as a powerful alternative to FEM, because of the reduction to 2-D thanks to the features previously described.
As it is well known B.E.M. works efficiently in the treatment of a bread class of potential and elasticity problems. In this paper we present the results of several runs established with linear elements in plane potential theory and treating the importance of singularities and the pattern and size of elements used in the boundary discretization.
Since the epoch-making "memoir" of Saint-Venant in 1855 the torsion of prismatic and cilindrical bars has reduced to a mathematical problem: the calculation of an analytical function satisfying prescribed boundary values. For over one century, till the first applications of the F.E.M. to the problem, the only possibility of study in irregularly shaped domains was the beatiful, but limitated, theory of complex function analysis, several functional approaches and the finite difference method. Nevertheless in 1963 Jaswon published an interestingpaper which was nearly lost between the splendid F. E.M. boom. The method was extended by Rizzo to more complicated problems and definitively incorporated to the scientific community background through several lecture-notes of Cruse recently published, but widely circulated during past years. The work of several researches has shown the tremendous possibilities of the method which is today a recognized alternative to the well established F .E. procedure. In fact, the first comprehensive attempt to cover the method, has been recently published in textbook form. This paper is a contribution to the implementation of a difficulty which arises if the isoparametric elements concept is applicated to plane potential problems with sharp corners in the boundary domain. In previous works, these problems was avoided using two principal approximations: equating the fluxes round the corner or establishing a binode element (in fact, truncating the corner). The first approximation distortes heavily the solution in thecorner neighbourhood, and a great amount of element is neccesary to reduce its influence. The second is better suited but the price payed is increasing the size of the system of equations to be solved. In this paper an alternative formulation, consistent with the shape function chosen in the isoparametric representation, is presented. For ease of comprehension the formulation has been limited to the linear element. Nevertheless its extension to more refined elements is straight forward. Also a direct procedure for the assembling of the equations is presented in an attempt to reduce the in-core computer requirements.
The development of (static and dynamics)programs with constant and linear elements has shown good behaviour. It seems so natural to combine both advantages so that the results will not be affected by local distortions. This paper will be dedicated to presenting the reserch of mixed elements and the way to solve the over-determination that appears in some cases. Although all the study has been done with the potential theory, its application to elastic problems is straightforward.
This cooperation project aims to improve the sanitation facilities of the city of Wukro (located in the Tigray Region, northern Ethiopia), particularly the management of latrine wastes, by designing a sludge treatment plant in the city. It is framed within the Final Project Department of the E.T.S.I. de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, in collaboration with Wukro’s St. Mary’s College and the Mission of Ángel Olaran, that are part of the Ethiopian Catholic Church Diocese of Adigrat (ECCA). The present city, of about 42,000 inhabitants, was founded by the Italians in 1936. Due to its geographic location, which makes the city suitable for industrial and agricultural activities, Wukro is becoming an important administrative and economic center in the region, with a fast growing population.
A general theory that described the B.I.E.M. in steady-state elastodynamics is developed. A comprehensive formulation for homogeneous and heterogeneous media is presented and also some results in practical cases as well as a general review of several other possibilities.
The recognition of the relevance of energy, especially of the renewable energies generated by the sun, water, wind, tides, modern biomass or thermal is growing significantly in the global society based on the possibility it has to improve societies′ quality of life, to support poverty reduction and sustainable development. Renewable energy, and mainly the energy generated by large hydropower generation projects that supply most of the renewable energy consumed by developing countries, requires many technical, legal, financial and social complex processes sustained by innovations and valuable knowledge. Besides these efforts, renewable energy requires a solid infrastructure to generate and distribute the energy resources needed to solve the basic needs of society. This demands a proper construction performance to deliver the energy projects planned according to specifications and respecting environmental and social concerns, which implies the observance of sustainable construction guidelines. But construction projects are complex and demanding and frequently face time and cost overruns that may cause negative impacts on the initial planning and thus on society. The renewable energy issue and the large renewable energy power generation and distribution projects are particularly significant for developing countries and for Latin America in particular, as this region concentrates an important hydropower potential and installed capacity. Using as references the performance of Venezuelan large hydropower generation projects and the Guri dam construction, this research evaluates the tight relationship existing between sustainable construction and knowledge management and their impact to achieve sustainability goals. The knowledge management processes are proposed as a basic strategy to allow learning from successes and failures obtained in previous projects and transform the enhancement opportunites into actions to improve the performance of the renewable energy power generation and distribution projects.
Este proyecto es el primer trabajo que se realiza con objeto de construir una presa en el cauce del arroyo de la Jornia, que discurre por la provincia de Toledo. Además de la misión fundamental de la presa, que es el abastecimiento para el riego de fincas próximas, se pueden añadir otra serie de objetivos que surgen de dicho proyecto: permitir el crecimiento urbanístico de la zona al acabar con la continua carencia de agua, lo que paliaría la tendencia demográfica descendente de esos municipios; mantener y potenciar el aprovechamiento de la calidad medioambiental de la zona, motivo por el que en el proyecto se cuidarán mucho todos los detalles relacionados con este aspecto; promover el empleo en la zona y el desarrollo de industrias que trabajarán en las obras emprendidas; fomentar el crecimiento poblacional y turístico de la zona, mediante el desarrollo de actividades acuáticas deportivas en el embalse creado por la presa.
This paper refers to the numerical solution of the classical Darcy's problem of plane fluid through isotropic media. Regarding the numerical procedure,the Laplace equation, is a classical one in mathematical physics and several procedures have been devised in order to solve it. So as to show the capability of the method, the paper presents some exemples.
Dynamic soil-structure interaction has been for a long time one of the most fascinating areas for the engineering profession. The building of large alternating machines and their effects on surrounding structures as well as on their own functional behavior, provided the initial impetus; a large amount of experimental research was done,and the results of the Russian and German groups were especially worthwhile. Analytical results by Reissner and Sehkter were reexamined by Quinlan, Sung, et. al., and finally Veletsos presented the first set of reliable results. Since then, the modeling of the homogeneous, elastic halfspace as a equivalent set of springs and dashpots has become an everyday tool in soil engineering practice, especially after the appearance of the fast Fourier transportation algorithm, which makes possible the treatment of the frequency-dependent characteristics of the equivalent elements in a unified fashion with the general method of analysis of the structure. Extensions to the viscoelastic case, as well as to embedded foundations and complicated geometries, have been presented by various authors. In general, they used the finite element method with the well known problems of geometric truncations and the subsequent use of absorbing boundaries. The properties of boundary integral equation methods are, in our opinion, specially well suited to this problem, and several of the previous results have confirmed our opinion. In what follows we present the general features related to steady-state elastodynamics and a series of results showing the splendid results that the BIEM provided. Especially interesting are the outputs obtained through the use of the so-called singular elements, whose description is incorporated at the end of the paper. The reduction in time spent by the computer and the small number of elements needed to simulate realistically the global properties of the halfspace make this procedure one of the most interesting applications of the BIEM.
En este artículo se comentan algunos aspectos del análisis estructural de báculos de iluminación conforme a la norma correspondiente. Se describen en primer lugar los artificios necesarios para el cálculo del periodo de oscilación con la ayuda de ordenadores de muy baja capacidad de cálculo. La presencia de aberturas en la base, no recogidas en el modelo básico estudiado, altera los resultados tanto en lo que se refiere a las evidentes concentraciones de tensión como a la posible aparicición de modos parásitos de baja frecuencia. Es pues necesaria una rigidización que contenga ambos efectos y una parte del artículo se dedica a mostrar algunas de las posibilidades estudiadas.
La fiabilidad estructural tiene como objetivo el tratamiento racional de las incertidumbres existentes en los sistemas estructurales, así como el estudio de procedimientos que permitan valorar la seguridad de los mismos. El objeto de este artículo es la aplicación de la teoría de fiabilidad a elementos esbeltos en voladizo sometidos a flexión, considerando los efectos de segundo orden=The objetive of structural reliability is the rational treatment of ramdom phenomena in structural systems and also the study of the procedures for the assesment of its safety. This workadress the application of reliability theories to cantilever slender elements under bending taking account of second order effects.
El MEC ha demostrado ser una poderosa herramienta para el análisis de problemas elásticos y de potencial en dominios bidimensionales y tridimensionales. Al igual que el MEF, es posible desarrollar versiones h-adaptables y p-adaptables que minimicen el esfuerzo humano en la preparación de los datos y aseguren una solución suficientemente precisa. Este trabajo se ocupa, justamente, de desarrollar la versión p-adaptable del MEC para problemas de potencial, haciendo hincapié en el establecimiento de criterios apropiados para controlar el proceso automático de refinamiento de la solución, como es el caso de los indicadores locales y estimadores globales. Se presentan algunos ejemplos ilustrativos y se discute la efectividad de la convergencia-p frente a la convergencia-h.
El uso de vigas planas en edificación se ha generalizado por motivos funcionales.El cálculo automatizado de esfuerzos y armado en ordenador provoca en ocasiones un exceso de confianza en el tratamiento de los detalles de casos particulares.En este articulo se trata el caso de apoyo extremo de vigas de borde y se muestran los efectos que sobre el armado tiene la asimetría de las condiciones de apoyo.