84 resultados para Ontologies


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This paper describes the adaptation approach of reusable knowledge representation components used in the KSM environment for the formulation and operationalisation of structured knowledge models. Reusable knowledge representation components in KSM are called primitives of representation. A primitive of representation provides: (1) a knowledge representation formalism (2) a set of tasks that use this knowledge together with several problem-solving methods to carry out these tasks (3) a knowledge acquisition module that provides different services to acquire and validate this knowledge (4) an abstract terminology about the linguistic categories included in the representation language associated to the primitive. Primitives of representation usually are domain independent. A primitive of representation can be adapted to support knowledge in a given domain by importing concepts from this domain. The paper describes how this activity can be carried out by mean of a terminological importation. Informally, a terminological importation partially populates an abstract terminology with concepts taken from a given domain. The information provided by the importation can be used by the acquisition and validation facilities to constraint the classes of knowledge that can be described using the representation formalism according to the domain knowledge. KSM provides the LINK-S language to specify terminological importation from a domain terminology to an abstract one. These terminologies are described in KSM by mean of the CONCEL language. Terminological importation is used to adapt reusable primitives of representation in order to increase the usability degree of such components in these domains. In addition, two primitives of representation can share a common vocabulary by importing common domain CONCEL terminologies (conceptual vocabularies). It is a necessary condition to make possible the interoperability between different, heterogeneous knowledge representation components in the framework of complex knowledge - based architectures.


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Reproducible research in scientic work ows is often addressed by tracking the provenance of the produced results. While this approach allows inspecting intermediate and nal results, improves understanding, and permits replaying a work ow execution, it does not ensure that the computational environment is available for subsequent executions to reproduce the experiment. In this work, we propose describing the resources involved in the execution of an experiment using a set of semantic vocabularies, so as to conserve the computational environment. We dene a process for documenting the work ow application, management system, and their dependencies based on 4 domain ontologies. We then conduct an experimental evaluation sing a real work ow application on an academic and a public Cloud platform. Results show that our approach can reproduce an equivalent execution environment of a predened virtual machine image on both computing platforms.


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Este Proyecto Fin de Grado trabaja en pos de la mejora y ampliación de los sistemas Pegaso y Gades, dos Sistemas Expertos enmarcados en el ámbito de la e-Salud. Estos sistemas, que ya estaban en funcionamiento antes del comienzo de este trabajo, apoyan la toma de decisiones en Atención Primaria. Esto es, permiten evaluar el nivel de adquisición del lenguaje en niños de 0 a 6 años a través de sus respectivas aplicaciones web. Además, permiten almacenar dichas evaluaciones y consultarlas posteriormente, junto con las decisiones del sistema asociadas a las mismas. Pegaso y Gades siguen una arquitectura de tres capas y están desarrollados usando fundamentalmente componentes Java y siguiendo. Como parte de este trabajo, en primer lugar se solucionan algunos problemas en el comportamiento de ambos sistemas, como su incompatibilidad con Java SE 7. A continuación, se desarrolla una aplicación que permite generar una ontología en lenguaje OWL desde código Java. Para ello, se estudia primero el concepto de ontología, el lenguaje OWL y las diferentes librerías Java existentes para generar ontologías OWL. Por otra parte, se mejoran algunas de las funcionalidades de los sistemas de partida y se desarrolla una nueva funcionalidad para la explotación de los datos almacenados en las bases de datos de ambos sistemas Esta nueva funcionalidad consiste en un módulo responsable de la generación de estadísticas a partir de los datos de las evaluaciones del lenguaje que hayan sido realizadas y, por tanto, almacenadas en las bases de datos. Estas estadísticas, que pueden ser consultadas por todos los usuarios de Pegaso y Gades, permiten establecer correlaciones entre los diversos conjuntos de datos de las evaluaciones del lenguaje. Por último, las estadísticas son mostradas por pantalla en forma de varios tipos de gráficas y tablas, de modo que los usuarios expertos puedan analizar la información contenida en ellas. ABSTRACT. This Bachelor's Thesis works towards improving and expanding the systems Pegaso and Gades, which are two Expert Systems that belong to the e-Health field. These systems, which were already operational before starting this work, support the decision-making process in Primary Care. That is, they allow to evaluate the language acquisition level in children from 0 to 6 years old. They also allow to store these evaluations and consult them afterwards, together with the decisions associated to each of them. Pegaso and Gades follow a three-tier architecture and are developed using mainly Java components. As part of this work, some of the behavioural problems of both systems are fixed, such as their incompatibility with Java SE 7. Next, an application that allows to generate an OWL ontology from Java code is developed. In order to do that, the concept of ontology, the OWL language and the different existing Java libraries to generate OWL ontologies are studied. On the other hand, some of the functionalities of the initial systems are improved and a new functionality to utilise the data stored in the databases of both systems is developed. This new functionality consists of a module responsible for the generation of statistics from the data of the language evaluations that have been performed and, thus, stored in the databases. These statistics, which can be consulted by all users of Pegaso and Gades, allow to establish correlations between the diverse set of data from the language evaluations. Finally, the statistics are presented to the user on the screen in the shape of various types of charts and tables, so that the expert users can analyse the information contained in them.


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Este Proyecto Fin de Grado está enmarcado dentro de las actividades del GRyS (Grupo de Redes y Servicios de Próxima Generación) con las Smart Grids. En la investigación actual sobre Smart Grids se pretenden alcanzar los siguientes objetivos: . Integrar fuentes de energías renovables de manera efectiva. . Aumentar la eficiencia en la gestión de la demanda y suministro de forma dinámica. . Reducir las emisiones de CO2 dando prioridad a fuentes de energía verdes. . Concienciar del consumo de energía mediante la monitorización de dispositivos y servicios. . Estimular el desarrollo de un mercado vanguardista de tecnologías energéticamente eficientes con nuevos modelos de negocio. Dentro del contexto de las Smart Grids, el interés del GRyS se extiende básicamente a la creación de middlewares semánticos y tecnologías afines, como las ontologías de servicios y las bases de datos semánticas. El objetivo de este Proyecto Fin de Grado ha sido diseñar y desarrollar una aplicación para dispositivos con sistema operativo Android, que implementa una interfaz gráfica y los métodos necesarios para obtener y representar información de registro de servicios de una plataforma SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture). La aplicación permite: . Representar información relativa a los servicios y dispositivos registrados en una Smart Grid. . Guardar, cargar y compartir por correo electrónico ficheros HTML con la información anterior. . Representar en un mapa la ubicación de los dispositivos. . Representar medidas (voltaje, temperatura, etc.) en tiempo real. . Aplicar filtros por identificador de dispositivo, modelo o fabricante. . Realizar consultas SPARQL a bases de datos semánticas. . Guardar y cagar consultas SPARQL en ficheros de texto almacenados en la tarjeta SD. La aplicación, desarrollada en Java, es de código libre y hace uso de tecnologías estándar y abiertas como HTML, XML, SPARQL y servicios RESTful. Se ha tenido ocasión de probarla con la infraestructura del proyecto europeo e-Gotham (Sustainable-Smart Grid Open System for the Aggregated Control, Monitoring and Management of Energy), en el que participan 17 socios de 5 países: España, Italia, Estonia, Finlandia y Noruega. En esta memoria se detalla el estudio realizado sobre el Estado del arte y las tecnologías utilizadas en el desarrollo del proyecto, la implementación, diseño y arquitectura de la aplicación, así como las pruebas realizadas y los resultados obtenidos. ABSTRACT. This Final Degree Project is framed within the activities of the GRyS (Grupo de Redes y Servicios de Próxima Generación) with the Smart Grids. Current research on Smart Grids aims to achieve the following objectives: . To effectively integrate renewable energy sources. . To increase management efficiency by dynamically matching demand and supply. . To reduce carbon emissions by giving priority to green energy sources. . To raise energy consumption awareness by monitoring products and services. . To stimulate the development of a leading-edge market for energy-efficient technologies with new business models. Within the context of the Smart Grids, the interest of the GRyS basically extends to the creation of semantic middleware and related technologies, such as service ontologies and semantic data bases. The objective of this Final Degree Project has been to design and develop an application for devices with Android operating system, which implements a graphical interface and methods to obtain and represent services registry information in a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) platform. The application allows users to: . Represent information related to services and devices registered in a Smart Grid. . Save, load and share HTML files with the above information by email. . Represent the location of devices on a map. . Represent measures (voltage, temperature, etc.) in real time. . Apply filters by device id, model or manufacturer. . SPARQL query semantic database. . Save and load SPARQL queries in text files stored on the SD card. The application, developed in Java, is open source and uses open standards such as HTML, XML, SPARQL and RESTful services technologies. It has been tested in a real environment using the e-Gotham European project infrastructure (Sustainable-Smart Grid Open System for the Aggregated Control, Monitoring and Management of Energy), which is participated by 17 partners from 5 countries: Spain, Italy, Estonia, Finland and Norway. This report details the study on the State of the art and the technologies used in the development of the project, implementation, design and architecture of the application, as well as the tests performed and the results obtained.


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A lo largo de las últimas décadas el desarrollo de la tecnología en muy distintas áreas ha sido vertiginoso. Su propagación a todos los aspectos de nuestro día a día parece casi inevitable y la electrónica de consumo ha invadido nuestros hogares. No obstante, parece que la domótica no ha alcanzado el grado de integración que cabía esperar hace apenas una década. Es cierto que los dispositivos autónomos y con un cierto grado de inteligencia están abriéndose paso de manera independiente, pero el hogar digital, como sistema capaz de abarcar y automatizar grandes conjuntos de elementos de una vivienda (gestión energética, seguridad, bienestar, etc.) no ha conseguido extenderse al hogar medio. Esta falta de integración no se debe a la ausencia de tecnología, ni mucho menos, y numerosos son los estudios y proyectos surgidos en esta dirección. Sin embargo, no ha sido hasta hace unos pocos años que las instituciones y grandes compañías han comenzado a prestar verdadero interés en este campo. Parece que estamos a punto de experimentar un nuevo cambio en nuestra forma de vida, concretamente en la manera en la que interactuamos con nuestro hogar y las comodidades e información que este nos puede proporcionar. En esa corriente se desarrolla este Proyecto Fin de Grado, con el objetivo de aportar un nuevo enfoque a la manera de integrar los diferentes dispositivos del hogar digital con la inteligencia artificial y, lo que es más importante, al modo en el que el usuario interactúa con su vivienda. Más concretamente, se pretende desarrollar un sistema capaz de tomar decisiones acordes al contexto y a las preferencias del usuario. A través de la utilización de diferentes tecnologías se dotará al hogar digital de cierta autonomía a la hora de decidir qué acciones debe llevar a cabo sobre los dispositivos que contiene, todo ello mediante la interpretación de órdenes procedentes del usuario (expresadas de manera coloquial) y el estudio del contexto que envuelve al instante de ejecución. Para la interacción entre el usuario y el hogar digital se desarrollará una aplicación móvil mediante la cual podrá expresar (de manera conversacional) las órdenes que quiera dar al sistema, el cual intervendrá en la conversación y llevará a cabo las acciones oportunas. Para todo ello, el sistema hará principalmente uso de ontologías, análisis semántico, redes bayesianas, UPnP y Android. Se combinará información procedente del usuario, de los sensores y de fuentes externas para determinar, a través de las citadas tecnologías, cuál es la operación que debe realizarse para satisfacer las necesidades del usuario. En definitiva, el objetivo final de este proyecto es diseñar e implementar un sistema innovador que se salga de la corriente actual de interacción mediante botones, menús y formularios a los que estamos tan acostumbrados, y que permita al usuario, en cierto modo, hablar con su vivienda y expresarle sus necesidades, haciendo a la tecnología un poco más transparente y cercana y aproximándonos un poco más a ese concepto de hogar inteligente que imaginábamos a finales del siglo XX. ABSTRACT. Over the last decades the development of technology in very different areas has happened incredibly fast. Its propagation to all aspects of our daily activities seems to be inevitable and the electronic devices have invaded our homes. Nevertheless, home automation has not reached the integration point that it was supposed to just a few decades ago. It is true that some autonomic and relatively intelligent devices are emerging, but the digital home as a system able to control a large set of elements from a house (energy management, security, welfare, etc.) is not present yet in the average home. That lack of integration is not due to the absence of technology and, in fact, there are a lot of investigations and projects focused on this field. However, the institutions and big companies have not shown enough interest in home automation until just a few years ago. It seems that, finally, we are about to experiment another change in our lifestyle and how we interact with our home and the information and facilities it can provide. This Final Degree Project is developed as part of this trend, with the goal of providing a new approach to the way the system could integrate the home devices with the artificial intelligence and, mainly, to the way the user interacts with his house. More specifically, this project aims to develop a system able to make decisions, taking into account the context and the user preferences. Through the use of several technologies and approaches, the system will be able to decide which actions it should perform based on the order interpretation (expressed colloquially) and the context analysis. A mobile application will be developed to enable the user-home interaction. The user will be able to express his orders colloquially though out a conversational mode, and the system will also participate in the conversation, performing the required actions. For providing all this features, the system will mainly use ontologies, semantic analysis, Bayesian networks, UPnP and Android. Information from the user, the sensors and external sources will be combined to determine, through the use of these technologies, which is the operation that the system should perform to meet the needs of the user. In short, the final goal of this project is to design and implement an innovative system, away from the current trend of buttons, menus and forms. In a way, the user will be able to talk to his home and express his needs, experiencing a technology closer to the people and getting a little closer to that concept of digital home that we imagined in the late twentieth century.


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Los servicios en red que conocemos actualmente están basados en documentos y enlaces de hipertexto que los relacionan entre sí sin aportar verdadera información acerca de los contenidos que representan. Podría decirse que se trata de “una red diseñada por personas para ser interpretada por personas”. El objetivo principal de los últimos años es encaminar esta red hacia una web de conocimiento, en la que la información pueda ser interpretada por agentes computerizados de manera automática. Para llevar a cabo esta transformación es necesaria la utilización de nuevas tecnologías especialmente diseñadas para la descripción de contenidos como son las ontologías. Si bien las redes convencionales están evolucionando, no son las únicas que lo están haciendo. El rápido crecimiento de las redes de sensores y el importante aumento en el número de dispositivos conectados a internet, hace necesaria la incorporación de tecnologías de la web semántica a este tipo de redes. Para la realización de este Proyecto de Fin de Carrera se utilizará la ontología SSN, diseñada para la descripción semántica de sensores y las redes de las que forman parte con el fin de permitir una mejor interacción entre los dispositivos y los sistemas que hacen uso de ellos. El trabajo desarrollado a lo largo de este Proyecto de Fin de Carrera gira en torno a esta ontología, siendo el principal objetivo la generación semiautomática de código a partir de un modelo de sistemas descrito en función de las clases y propiedades proporcionadas por SSN. Para alcanzar este fin se dividirá el proyecto en varias partes. Primero se realizará un análisis de la ontología mencionada. A continuación se describirá un sistema simulado de sensores y por último se implementarán las aplicaciones para la generación automática de interfaces y la representación gráfica de los dispositivos del sistema a partir de la representación del éste en un fichero de tipo OWL. ABSTRACT. The web we know today is based on documents and hypertext links that relate these documents with each another, without providing consistent information about the contents they represent. It could be said that its a network designed by people to be used by people. The main goal of the last couple of years is to guide this network into a web of knowledge, where information can be automatically processed by machines. This transformation, requires the use of new technologies specially designed for content description such as ontologies. Nowadays, conventional networks are not the only type of networks evolving. The use of sensor networks and the number of sensor devices connected to the Internet is rapidly increasing, making the use the integration of semantic web technologies to this kind of networks completely necessary. The SSN ontology will be used for the development of this Final Degree Dissertation. This ontology was design to semantically describe sensors and the networks theyre part of, allowing a better interaction between devices and the systems that use them. The development carried through this Final Degree Dissertation revolves around this ontology and aims to achieve semiautomatic code generation starting from a system model described based on classes and properties provided by SSN. To reach this goal, de Dissertation will be divided in several parts. First, an analysis about the mentioned ontology will be made. Following this, a simulated sensor system will be described, and finally, the implementation of the applications will take place. One of these applications will automatically generate de interfaces and the other one will graphically represents the devices in the sensor system, making use of the system representation in an OWL file.


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The deployment of the Ambient Intelligence (AmI) paradigm requires designing and integrating user-centered smart environments to assist people in their daily life activities. This research paper details an integration and validation of multiple heterogeneous sensors with hybrid reasoners that support decision making in order to monitor personal and environmental data at a smart home in a private way. The results innovate on knowledge-based platforms, distributed sensors, connected objects, accessibility and authentication methods to promote independent living for elderly people. TALISMAN+, the AmI framework deployed, integrates four subsystems in the smart home: (i) a mobile biomedical telemonitoring platform to provide elderly patients with continuous disease management; (ii) an integration middleware that allows context capture from heterogeneous sensors to program environment¿s reaction; (iii) a vision system for intelligent monitoring of daily activities in the home; and (iv) an ontologies-based integrated reasoning platform to trigger local actions and manage private information in the smart home. The framework was integrated in two real running environments, the UPM Accessible Digital Home and MetalTIC house, and successfully validated by five experts in home care, elderly people and personal autonomy.


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In this paper we study query answering and rewriting in ontologybased data access. Specifically, we present an algorithm for computing a perfect rewriting of unions of conjunctive queries posed over ontologies expressed in the description logic ELHIO, which covers the OWL 2 QL and OWL 2 EL profiles. The novelty of our algorithm is the use of a set of ABox dependencies, which are compiled into a so-called EBox, to limit the expansion of the rewriting. So far, EBoxes have only been used in query rewriting in the case of DL-Lite, which is less expressive than ELHIO. We have extensively evaluated our new query rewriting technique, and in this paper we discuss the tradeoff between the reduction of the size of the rewriting and the computational cost of our approach.


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Apart from providing semantics and reasoning power to data, ontologies enable and facilitate interoperability across heterogeneous systems or environments. A good practice when developing ontologies is to reuse as much knowledge as possible in order to increase interoperability by reducing heterogeneity across models and to reduce development effort. Ontology registries, indexes and catalogues facilitate the task of finding, exploring and reusing ontologies by collecting them from different sources. This paper presents an ontology catalogue for the smart cities and related domains. This catalogue is based on curated metadata and incorporates ontology evaluation features. Such catalogue represents the first approach within this community and it would be highly useful for new ontology developments or for describing and annotating existing ontologies.


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Reproducible research in scientific workflows is often addressed by tracking the provenance of the produced results. While this approach allows inspecting intermediate and final results, improves understanding, and permits replaying a workflow execution, it does not ensure that the computational environment is available for subsequent executions to reproduce the experiment. In this work, we propose describing the resources involved in the execution of an experiment using a set of semantic vocabularies, so as to conserve the computational environment. We define a process for documenting the workflow application, management system, and their dependencies based on 4 domain ontologies. We then conduct an experimental evaluation using a real workflow application on an academic and a public Cloud platform. Results show that our approach can reproduce an equivalent execution environment of a predefined virtual machine image on both computing platforms.


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This paper describes a representation of the legal framework in the air transport passenger's rights domain and the foremost incidents that trigger the top of consumer complaints ranking in the EU. It comprises the development of a small network of three ontologies, formalisation of scenarios, specification of properties and identification of relations. The approach is illustrated by means of a case study based in the context of a real life cancelled flight incident. This is part of an intended support-system that aims to provide both consumers and companies with relevant legal information to enhance the decision-making process.


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We describe a domain ontology development approach that extracts domain terms from folksonomies and enrich them with data and vocabularies from the Linked Open Data cloud. As a result, we obtain lightweight domain ontologies that combine the emergent knowledge of social tagging systems with formal knowledge from Ontologies. In order to illustrate the feasibility of our approach, we have produced an ontology in the financial domain from tags available in Delicious, using DBpedia, OpenCyc and UMBEL as additional knowledge sources.


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El presente trabajo describe la construcción de una aplicación que controla a un Non Player Character (NPC), en un mundo virtual. La aplicación desarrollada, que tiene como nombre BotManager, realiza dos tareas fundamentales: 1) conectarse al repositorio de conocimiento, que en esta implementación es una ontología expresada en OWL, para obtener las acciones que debe realizar el NPC dentro del mundo virtual; y 2) ordenar al NPC que realice estas acciones en un mundo virtual creado con la plataforma OpenSimulator. BotManager puede tener variadas aplicaciones, por lo tanto puede ser usada como complemento en mundos virtuales aplicados a la educación, simulación, ocio, etc. Ahora bien, la principal razón que motivó el desarrollo del BotManager fue la de crear un sistema de demostración automática de tareas en un mundo virtual destinado a la educación/ entrenamiento. De esta forma, un Sistema Inteligente de Tutoría integrado con un mundo virtual podría demostrar paso a paso a un estudiante cómo realizar una tarea en el mundo virtual. La ontología que lee el BotManager extiende la ontología propuesta en la tesis “Una propuesta de modelado del estudiante basada en ontologías y diagnóstico pedagógico-cognitivo no monótono” de Julia Parraga en el 2011 (Ontología de Julia). La construcción y las pruebas del BotManager se llevaron a cabo en tres etapas: 1) creación de la Ontología de Acciones del NPC que extiende la Ontología de Julia; 2) diseño e implementación de la aplicación en C# que lee la ontología que contiene el plan de acción del NPC, y ordena al NPC realizar las acciones en el mundo virtual; y 3) pruebas de la aplicación con la práctica “preparación de una taza de cafe”, que es parte de un Laboratorio Virtual de Biotecnología. El BotManager se ha diseñado como una aplicación cliente que se conecta a un servidor de Open- Simulator. Por lo tanto, puede ejecutarse en una máquina distinta a la del servidor. Asimismo, en la implementación del BotManager se ha utilizado una librería gratuita denominada LibOpenMetaverse que permite controlar un NPC de forma remota.---ABSTRACT---This paper describes the construction of an application that controls a Non Player Character (NPC), in a virtual world. The application developed, called BotManager, performs two main tasks: 1) the connection to the repository of knowledge, which in this implementation is an ontology expressed in OWL, and retrieving the actions to be performed by the NPC within the virtual world; and 2) commanding the NPC to perform these actions in a virtual world created with the OpenSimulator platform. BotManager can have diverse applications, therefore it can be used as a complement in virtual worlds applied to education, simulation, entertainment, etc. However, the main reason behind the development of BotManager was to create an automatic demonstration of tasks in a virtual world for education / training. Thus, a virtual world integrated with an Intelligent Tutoring Systems could demonstrate step by step to a student how to perform a task in the virtual world. The ontology used by the BotManager extends ontology proposed in the thesis “A proposal for modeling ontologies based student and not monotonous teaching-cognitive diagnosis” by Julia Parraga in 2011 (Julia’s Ontology). Construction and testing of BotManager were conducted in three stages: 1) creation of the NPC Actions Ontology by extending the Julia’s Ontology; 2) design and implementation of the application in C# that reads the ontology containing the plan of action of the NPC, and commands the NPC to perform the read plan in the virtual world; and 3) testing of the application with the practice “preparing a cup of coffee”, which is part of a Virtual Laboratory of Biotechnology. The BotManager has been designed as a client application that connects to an OpenSimulator server. Therefore, it can run on a different machine to the server. To implement the BotManager we have used a free library called libopenmetaverse that allows us to control a NPC remotely.


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En los últimos años la evolución de la información compartida por internet ha cambiado enormemente, llegando a convertirse en lo que llamamos hoy la Web Semántica. Este término, acuñado en 2004, muestra una manera más “inteligente” de compartir los datos, de tal manera que éstos puedan ser entendibles por una máquina o por cualquier persona en el mundo. Ahora mismo se encuentra en fase de expansión, prueba de ello es la cantidad de grupos de investigación que están actualmente dedicando sus esfuerzos al desarrollo e implementación de la misma y la amplitud de temáticas que tienen sus trabajos. Con la aparición de la Web Semántica, la tendencia de las bases de datos de nueva creación se está empezando a inclinar hacia la creación de ontologías más o menos sencillas que describan las bases de datos y así beneficiarse de las posibilidades de interoperabilidad que aporta. Con el presente trabajo se pretende el estudio de los beneficios que aporta la implementación de una ontología en una base de datos relacional ya creada, los trabajos necesarios para ello y las herramientas necesarias para hacerlo. Para ello se han tomado unos datos de gran interés y, como continuación a su trabajo, se ha implementado la ontología. Estos datos provienen del estudio de un método para la obtención automatizada del linaje de las parcelas registradas en el catastro español. Abstract: In the last years the evolution of the information shared on the Internet has dramatically changed, emerging what is called Semantic Web. This term appeared in 2004, defining a “smarter” way of sharing data. Data that could be understood by machines or by any human around the world. Nowadays, the Semantic Web is in expansion phase, as it can be probed by the amount of research groups working on this approach and the wide thematic range of their work. With the appearance of the Semantic Web, current database technologies are supported by the creation of ontologies which describe them and therefore get a new set of interoperability possibilities from them. This work focuses in the study of the benefits given by the implementation of an ontology in a created relational database, the steps to follow and the tools necessary to get it done. The study has been done by using data of considerable interest, coming from a study of the lineage of parcels registered in the Spanish cadaster. As a continuation of this work an ontology has been implemented.


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Extracting opinions and emotions from text is becoming increasingly important, especially since the advent of micro-blogging and social networking. Opinion mining is particularly popular and now gathers many public services, datasets and lexical resources. Unfortunately, there are few available lexical and semantic resources for emotion recognition that could foster the development of new emotion aware services and applications. The diversity of theories of emotion and the absence of a common vocabulary are two of the main barriers to the development of such resources. This situation motivated the creation of Onyx, a semantic vocabulary of emotions with a focus on lexical resources and emotion analysis services. It follows a linguistic Linked Data approach, it is aligned with the Provenance Ontology, and it has been integrated with the Lexicon Model for Ontologies (lemon), a popular RDF model for representing lexical entries. This approach also means a new and interesting way to work with different theories of emotion. As part of this work, Onyx has been aligned with EmotionML and WordNet-Affect.