57 resultados para wind energy potential


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Es bien conocido por todos que la Primera Revolución Industrial, que tuvo su inicio en la segunda mitad del Siglo XVIII, conllevó un aumento del uso de los recursos energéticos que no se ha detenido para llegar a los niveles de desarrollo tecnológico, industrial y de calidad de vida, de los que se dispone en la actualidad. A simple vista podría intuirse que para disponer de un mayor nivel tecnológico, industrial, de confort, etc. sea necesario un mayor consumo de energía primaria. La actual generación de energía está principalmente basada en el procesamiento de los diversos compuestos del carbono (hidrocarburos, gases y productos derivados del petróleo), que son contaminantes y además, se agotan. Desde hace unas pocas décadas, la humanidad ha sido consciente que es necesario generar energía a partir de fuentes de origen renovable, y que además resulten menos contaminantes. Así, en la actualidad, se ha llegado a un estado de desarrollo avanzado para la explotación de diversas fuentes de energías como la eólica, a la vez que se comienza a mirar con realismo la posibilidad de explotación de diversas energías de origen marino. Se considera que las energías renovables procedentes de los océanos que se encuentran más desarrolladas tecnológicamente hablando, sin tener en cuenta la energía eólica fuera costa (offshore), son la denominada energía undimotriz o de las olas y la energía de las corrientes marinas, no necesariamente en este orden. El trabajo propuesto en esta Tesis se centra en este último recurso energético y, aunque no se dispone todavía de ningún dispositivo en fase de explotación comercial, la concepción, diseño y desarrollo de dispositivos para la extracción de energía de las corrientes, y su evolución, han sido relativamente rápidos e importantes en estos últimos años. Existen ya diferentes dispositivos en fase de pruebas con resultados muy prometedores. Aunque los dispositivos actuales se encuentran limitados a la explotación energética en zonas de poca profundidad, los diferentes estudios del recurso indican la necesidad de explotar corrientes marinas a mayores profundidades, para lo que se están desarrollando actualmente dispositivos, cuya evolución en lo que a sistemas de fondeo se refiere, está siendo muy parecida a la que se ha producido en los parques eólicos fuera costa, similar a su vez, a la evolución llevada a cabo en las plataformas oceánicas para la explotación de recursos petrolíferos (denominados oil & gas) que se extraen de profundidades cada vez mayores. Las soluciones tecnológicas que resulten válidas han de ser también económicamente viables, y en la actualidad se requiere todavía reducir costos en todas las fases de instalación, explotación y mantenimiento de estos dispositivos, sea cual sea su profundidad de operación. Uno de los focos de estudio para abaratar los costes de explotación en general, pasa por abaratar y reducir los costes en las maniobras necesarias de inmersión (de la superficie del mar a la profundidad de operación) y emersión (de la profundidad de operación a la superficie del mar) de estos dispositivos, para llevar a cabo tareas de mantenimiento in situ, en el mar, y sin necesidad de buques especializados ni de su transporte a tierra. En esta Tesis se propone, en primer lugar, un método para evaluar el ciclo de vida de diversos dispositivos de aprovechamiento de las corrientes marinas. Se evidencia que el coste de la energía así generada sigue siendo no plenamente competitivo, por lo que se requiere avanzar en el abaratamiento de costes, principalmente en la instalación y en su mantenimiento. Para ello se propone como novedad principal, introducir sistemas de control en lazo cerrado para realizar maniobras de instalación y mantenimiento de forma automática. También se aporta un modelo dinámico original y muy sencillo para dispositivos bajo estos movimientos de emersión/inmersión, a partir del cual se han desarrollado los algoritmos de control para el propósito mencionado, que no es otro sino automatizar en todo lo posible las maniobras completas. Los algoritmos de control propuestos han sido validados mediante simulación. Se proponen trayectorias de referencia de movimiento suaves (smooth) similares a las utilizadas en robótica. Estos movimientos de cambios de profundidad en lazo cerrado, combinados con secuencias de movimientos en bucle abierto para cuando el dispositivo interacciona en la superficie libre, han dado lugar a nuevas maniobras completas de instalación y mantenimiento que se presentan en esta Tesis, diferentes a las actuales. Finalmente, y como justificación de la viabilidad económica del método novedoso aportado, se ha realizado un estudio comparativo de los costes de la tecnología propuesta, frente a la tecnología actual. Este nuevo sistema de maniobras automáticas implica un ciclo de vida diferente para los dispositivos de aprovechamiento de la energía de las corrientes, ciclo que se cuantifica a partir de un dispositivo base que ha sido modificado y adaptado para la nueva tecnología propuesta, demostrando su viabilidad tanto técnica como económica. ABSTRACT It’s well known that the First Industrial Revolution started in the second half of the eighteenth century, carried the increasing of the use of energy resource which have not been stopped until reach the present technology, industrial evolution and daily life quality. On the surface, it can be known intuitively that a higher consumption of primary energy resource is demanded for benefiting from a higher technological industrial and daily life level. Today, the generation of energy is mainly based in the processing of carbon products (hydrocarbons, gases and petroleum products) which are pollutants, and additionally, are depleted. From a few decades ago, the humanity is aware the energy should be obtained from renewable resources, which besides, should be cleaner. So, at the present, a technical develop has been gained to exploit several energy source, as wind energy, and, at the same time, the extraction of the marine energy starts to seem as a reality. The renewable marine energies considered more advanced and technically developed, without keeping in mind, the offshore wind energy, are the wave energy and the tidal current energy, not necessarily in that order. This Thesis is focused in this last energy resource, and, although, any device is under commercial operation, the concept, design and develop of this type of devices to extract the tidal current energy and their evolution has been comparatively fast and important the last years. There are several devices under test with promising results. Even through the current devices are limited to lower depth areas, the several studies of the tidal energy resource suggest the need to exploit the marine current at greater depths to what is being developed devices, where their evolution in the anchoring system is being very similar to the evolution performed in the offshore wind farms, which is at the same time, similar to the evolution in the oil and gas exploitation which are extracted to greatest depths. Viable technical solutions should be also viable economically and nowadays the cost in all phases of the project (installation, maintenance and operation) should be decreased whatever the operation depth is. One focus of study to lower the operation cost is the cost decreasing of immersion manoeuvring operations (from sea surface to the operation depth) and immersion manoeuvring operations (from operation depth to the sea surface), therefore the maintenance operations can be performed on – site, in the sea, and no specialized vessels are required to transport the devices from the sea to shore. In this dissertation, firstly is proposed a method to evaluate the life cycle of the tidal energy current devices. It is proved the energy generated by these devices is not fully competitive; therefore, the cost falling is mainly an objective in the installation and the maintenance operations. For that, it is proposed as main novelty, the using of closed loop control systems to perform the automatic installation and manoeuvring operations. It is also contributed with an original and simple dynamic model and for controlling the immersion/emersion movements of these devices, from which the control algorithms are developed in order to automate as much as possible the complete manoeuvring. The control algorithms proposed has been validated by simulations. Reference paths with smooth movements, similar which are used in robotics, are suggested. These movements to change the depth using closed loop control, combined with the sequences in open loop movements when the device is in free surface, have been development for a new complete manoeuvring to installation and maintenance operations which are advanced in this Thesis and they are different to the present manoeuvrings. Finally and as justification of the economic viability of this original method, a comparative cost study between the technology proposed and the current technology is performed. This new automatic manoeuvring system involves a different life cycle for the tidal energy current devices, cycle that is quantified from a base device which has been modified and adapted for the new proposed technology, showing the technical and economic viability.


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La creciente demanda de energía eléctrica y la necesidad de implementar energías no contaminantes hace que las llamadas tecnologías verdes sean cada día más solicitadas. Entre estas tecnologías encontramos la energía solar y la energía eólica; ambas tienen una trayectoria de uso e investigación bastante amplia, sin embargo aún presentan problemas de fondo que impiden dar mayor impulso a su uso. El objetivo de la presente tesis es presentar soluciones a problemas de optimización en campos conversores de energía. Para ello se analizan y resuelven dos problemas por medio de técnicas de aerodinámica experimental: el primero sobre campos de colectores solares y el segundo sobre campos eólicos. Las técnicas de medición utilizadas en aerodinámica, y en el presente trabajo, son: medición de cargas, anemometría de hilo caliente, velocimetría por imagen de partículas y escaneo de presiones; además de un análisis estadístico de los datos. En el primer caso se ensayan experimentalmente colectores solares parabólicos en donde, por cuestiones de seguridad o por protección contra el viento, se utilizan cercas. Éstas modifican el comportamiento del flujo corriente abajo y se ha encontrado que la distancia a la cual se colocan, así como el tipo de cercas (sólida o permeable), modifican las cargas estructurales a las que los colectores están expuestos. Los resultados demuestran que existe una distancia crítica en la cual la presencia de la cerca aumenta la carga en lugar de disminuirla, por lo cual la selección adecuada del parapeto y la distancia a la cual se coloca son de suma importancia para la optimización de la estructura. En el segundo caso se ensaya experimentalmente y simula numéricamente la estela de turbinas eólicas por medio de discos porosos. En donde un disco permeable simula el rotor de una turbina. El disco es capaz de semejar la estela y los efectos que ésta puede causar corriente abajo. Los resultados muestran que seleccionando adecuadamente la porosidad, es posible simular coeficientes de empuje similares a los desarrollados por los aerogeneradores, además la estela y sus efectos son semejantes a los medidos en campo. ABSTRACT The called green energy technologies are increasingly required because of the growing demand for electricity and the need to implement nonpolluting energy. Among the green energy technologies it is found the solar and the wind energy, both have a history of use and fairly extensive research; however they still have problems which limit to give them further impetus to its use. The aim of this thesis is to present solutions to optimization problems in energy harvesting. To this end it is analysed, and solved, two problems by means of techniques in experimental aerodynamics: the first issue with regard to parabolic troughs and the second about wind farms. The measurement techniques commonly used in aerodynamics, and used in this research work, are: measurement of loads, hot wire anemometry, particle image velocimetry and scanning of pressures; where data are collected and then an statistical analysis is done. In the first case it is tested parabolic troughs where, either for security reasons or protection against the wind actions, fences are used. These fences modify the behaviour of flow downstream and it was found that the distance at which they are placed, and the type of fences (solid or permeable) modify the structural loads to which the parabolic troughs are exposed. The results show that there is a critical distance at which the presence of the fence increases the load instead of protecting the parabolic trough, hence making the proper selection of the parapet and the distance at which it stands are paramount for the optimization of the structure. In the second case it is tested, experimentally and numerically, the wake of wind turbines by means of porous disks; where the permeable disc simulates a turbine rotor. The disc is able to mimic the wake and the effects that it can cause downstream. The results show that by properly selecting the porosity, it is possible to simulate drag coefficients similar to those developed by wind turbines; moreover the porous disk wake and its effects are similar to those measured on field.


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A panel method free-wake model to analyse the rotor flapping is presented. The aerodynamic model consists of a panel method, which takes into account the three-dimensional rotor geometry, and a free-wake model, to determine the wake shape. The main features of the model are the wake division into a near-wake sheet and a far wake represented by a single tip vortex, and the modification of the panel method formulation to take into account this particular wake description. The blades are considered rigid with a flap degree of freedom. The problem solution is approached using a relaxation method, which enforces periodic boundary conditions. Finally, several code validations against helicopter and wind turbine experimental data are performed, showing good agreement


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The future economic development trajectory for India is likely to result in rapid and accelerated growth in energy demand, with expected shortages. Many of its current policies and strategies are aimed at the improvement and possible maximization of energy production from the renewable sector. It is also clear that while energy-conservation and energy-efficiency can make an important contribution in the national energy strategy, renewable energies will be essential to the solution and are likely to play an increasingly important role for the growth of grid power, providing energy access, reducing consumption of fossil fuels, and helping India pursue its low carbon progressive pathway. However, most of the states in India, like the northernmost State of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), have experienced an energy crisis over a sustained period of time. As India intends to be one of the emerging powers of the 21st century, it has to embark upon with these pressing issues in a more sustainable manner and accordingly initiate various renewable energy projects within these states. This paper will provide a broad-spectrum view about the energy situation within J&K and will highlight the current policies along with future strategies for the optimal utilization of renewable energy resources.


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Using the relation proposed by Weinberg in 1972, combining quantum and cosmological parameters, we prove that the self gravitational potential energy of any fundamental particle is a quantum, with physical properties independent of the mass of the particle. It is a universal quantum of gravitational energy, and its physical properties depend only on the cosmological scale factor R and the physical constants ℏ and c. We propose a modification of the Weinberg’s relation, keeping the same numerical value, but substituting the cosmological parameter H/c by 1/R.


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So far, no experimental data of the infrared and Raman spectra of 13C isotopologue of dimethyl ether are available. With the aim of providing some clues of its low-lying vibrational bands and with the hope of contributing in a next spectral analysis, a number of vibrational transition frequencies below 300 cm−1 of the infrared spectrum and around 400 cm−1 of the Raman spectrum have been predicted and their assignments were proposed. Calculations were carried out through an ab initio three dimensional potential energy surface based on a previously reported one for the most abundant dimethyl ether isotopologue (M. Villa et al., J. Phys. Chem. A 115 (2011) 13573). The potential function was vibrationally corrected and computed with a highly correlated CCSD(T) method involving the COC bending angle and the two large amplitude CH3 internal rotation degrees of freedom. Also, the Hamiltonian parameters could represent a support for the spectral characterization of this species. Although the computed vibrational term values are expected to be very accurate, an empirical adjustment of the Hamiltonian has been performed with the purpose of anticipating some workable corrections to any possible divergence of the vibrational frequencies. Also, the symmetry breaking derived from the isotopic substitution of 13C in the dimethyl ether was taken into account when the symmetrization procedure was applied.


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The future economic growth for India is likely to result in rapid and accelerated surge in energy demand, with expected shortages in terms of supply. Many of its current policies and strategies are aimed at the improvement and possible maximization of energy production from the renewable sector. It is also clear that while energy conservation and energy efficiency can make an important contribution, renewable energies will be essential to the solution and are likely to play an increasingly important role for providing enhanced energy access, reducing consumption of fossil fuels, and helping India pursue its low-carbon progressive pathway. However, most of the states in India, like the northernmost state of Jammu and Kashmir, have experienced an energy crisis over a sustained period of time and the government both at center and state level has to embark upon with these pressing issues in a more sustainable manner and accordingly initiate various renewable energy projects within these states. This paper will provide a broad-spectrum view about the energy situation within Jammu and Kashmir and will highlight the current policies along with future strategies for the optimal utilization of renewable energy resources.


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The recognition of the relevance of energy, especially of the renewable energies generated by the sun, water, wind, tides, modern biomass or thermal is growing significantly in the global society based on the possibility it has to improve societies′ quality of life, to support poverty reduction and sustainable development. Renewable energy, and mainly the energy generated by large hydropower generation projects that supply most of the renewable energy consumed by developing countries, requires many technical, legal, financial and social complex processes sustained by innovations and valuable knowledge. Besides these efforts, renewable energy requires a solid infrastructure to generate and distribute the energy resources needed to solve the basic needs of society. This demands a proper construction performance to deliver the energy projects planned according to specifications and respecting environmental and social concerns, which implies the observance of sustainable construction guidelines. But construction projects are complex and demanding and frequently face time and cost overruns that may cause negative impacts on the initial planning and thus on society. The renewable energy issue and the large renewable energy power generation and distribution projects are particularly significant for developing countries and for Latin America in particular, as this region concentrates an important hydropower potential and installed capacity. Using as references the performance of Venezuelan large hydropower generation projects and the Guri dam construction, this research evaluates the tight relationship existing between sustainable construction and knowledge management and their impact to achieve sustainability goals. The knowledge management processes are proposed as a basic strategy to allow learning from successes and failures obtained in previous projects and transform the enhancement opportunites into actions to improve the performance of the renewable energy power generation and distribution projects.


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This paper proposes a first study in-depth of solar-fossil hybridization from a general perspective. It develops a set of useful parameters for analyzing and comparing hybrid plants, it studies the case of hybridizing Brayton cycles with current solar technologies and shows a tentative extrapolation of the results to integrated combined cycle systems (ISCSS). In particular, three points have been analyzed: the technical requirements for solar technologies to be hybridized with Brayton cycles, the temperatures and pressures at which hybridization would produce maximum power per unit of fossil fuel, and their mapping to current solar technologies and Brayton cycles. Major conclusions are that a hybrid plant works in optimum conditions which are not equal to those of the solar or power blocks considered independently, and that hybridizing at the Brayton cycle of a combined cycle could be energetically advantageous.


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Within the building energy saving strategies, BIPV (building integrated photovoltaic systems) present a promising potential based on the close relationship existing between these multifunctional systems and the overall building energy balance. Building integration of STPV (semi-transparent photovoltaic) elements affects deeply the building energy demand since it influences the heating, cooling and lighting loads as well as the local electricity generation. This work analyses over different window-to-wall ratios the overall energy performance of five STPV elements, each element having a specific degree of transparency, in order to assess the energy saving potential compared to a conventional solar control glass compliant with the local technical standard. The prior optical characterization, focused to measure the spectral properties of the elements, was experimentally undertaken. The obtained data were used to perform simulations based on a reference office building using a package of specific software tools (DesignBuilder, EnergyPlus, PVsyst, and COMFEN) to take proper account of the STPV peculiarities. To evaluate the global energy performance of the STPV elements a new Energy Balance Index was formulated. The results show that for intermediate and large façade openings the energy saving potential provided by the STPV solutions ranges between 18% and 59% compared to the reference glass.


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Biomass has always been associated with the development of the population in the Canary Islands as the first source of elemental energy that was in the archipelago and the main cause of deforestation of forests, which over the years has been replaced by forest fossil fuels. The Canary Islands store a large amount of energy in the form of biomass. This may be important on a small scale for the design of small power plants with similar fuels from agricultural activities, and these plants could supply rural areas that could have self-sufficiency energy. The problem with the Canary Islands for a boost in this achievement is to ensure the supply to the consumer centers or power plants for greater efficiency that must operate continuously, allowing them to have a resource with regularity, quality and at an acceptable cost. In the Canary Islands converge also a unique topography with a very rugged terrain that makes it greater difficult to use and significantly more expensive. In this work all these aspects are studied, giving conclusions, action paths and theoretical potentials.


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La Energía eléctrica producida mediante tecnología eólica flotante es uno de los recursos más prometedores para reducir la dependencia de energía proveniente de combustibles fósiles. Esta tecnología es de especial interés en países como España, donde la plataforma continental es estrecha y existen pocas áreas para el desarrollo de estructuras fijas. Entre los diferentes conceptos flotantes, esta tesis se ha ocupado de la tipología semisumergible. Estas plataformas pueden experimentar movimientos resonantes en largada y arfada. En largada, dado que el periodo de resonancia es largo estos puede ser inducidos por efectos de segundo orden de deriva lenta que pueden tener una influencia muy significativa en las cargas en los fondeos. En arfada las fuerzas de primer orden pueden inducir grandes movimientos y por tanto la correcta determinación del amortiguamiento es esencial para la analizar la operatividad de la plataforma. Esta tesis ha investigado estos dos efectos, para ello se ha usado como caso base el diseño de una plataforma desarrollada en el proyecto Europeo Hiprwind. La plataforma se compone de 3 columnas cilíndricas unidas mediante montantes estructurales horizontales y diagonales, Los cilindros proporcionan flotabilidad y momentos adrizante. A la base de cada columna se le ha añadido un gran “Heave Plate” o placa de cierre. El diseño es similar a otros diseños previos (Windfloat). Se ha fabricado un modelo a escala de una de las columnas para el estudio detallado del amortiguamiento mediante oscilaciones forzadas. Las dimensiones del modelo (1m diámetro en la placa de cierre) lo hacen, de los conocidos por el candidato, el mayor para el que se han publicado datos. El diseño del cilindro se ha realizado de tal manera que permite la fijación de placas de cierre planas o con refuerzo, ambos modelos se han fabricado y analizado. El modelo con refuerzos es una reproducción exacta del diseño a escala real incluyendo detalles distintivos del mismo, siendo el más importante la placa vertical perimetral. Los ensayos de oscilaciones forzadas se han realizado para un rango de frecuencias, tanto para el disco plano como el reforzado. Se han medido las fuerzas durante los ensayos y se han calculado los coeficientes de amortiguamiento y de masa añadida. Estos coeficientes son necesarios para el cálculo del fondeo mediante simulaciones en el dominio del tiempo. Los coeficientes calculados se han comparado con la literatura existente, con cálculos potenciales y por ultimo con cálculos CFD. Para disponer de información relevante para el diseño estructural de la plataforma se han medido y analizado experimentalmente las presiones en la parte superior e inferior de cada placa de cierre. Para la correcta estimación numérica de las fuerzas de deriva lenta en la plataforma se ha realizado una campaña experimental que incluye ensayos con modelo cautivo de la plataforma completa en olas bicromaticas. Pese a que estos experimentos no reproducen un escenario de oleaje realista, los mismos permiten una verificación del modelo numérico mediante la comparación de fuerzas medidas en el modelo físico y el numérico. Como resultados de esta tesis podemos enumerar las siguientes conclusiones. 1. El amortiguamiento y la masa añadida muestran una pequeña dependencia con la frecuencia pero una gran dependencia con la amplitud del movimiento. siendo coherente con investigaciones existentes. 2. Las medidas con la placa de cierre reforzada con cierre vertical en el borde, muestra un amortiguamiento significativamente menor comparada con la placa plana. Esto implica que para ensayos de canal es necesario incluir estos detalles en el modelo. 3. La masa añadida no muestra grandes variaciones comparando placa plana y placa con refuerzos. 4. Un coeficiente de amortiguamiento del 6% del crítico se puede considerar conservador para el cálculo en el dominio de la frecuencia. Este amortiguamiento es equivalente a un coeficiente de “drag” de 4 en elementos de Morison cuadráticos en las placas de cierre usadas en simulaciones en el dominio del tiempo. 5. Se han encontrado discrepancias en algunos valores de masa añadida y amortiguamiento de la placa plana al comparar con datos publicados. Se han propuesto algunas explicaciones basadas en las diferencias en la relación de espesores, en la distancia a la superficie libre y también relacionadas con efectos de escala. 6. La presión en la placa con refuerzos son similares a las de la placa plana, excepto en la zona del borde donde la placa con refuerzo vertical induce una gran diferencias de presiones entre la cara superior e inferior. 7. La máxima diferencia de presión escala coherentemente con la fuerza equivalente a la aceleración de la masa añadida distribuida sobre la placa. 8. Las masas añadidas calculadas con el código potencial (WADAM) no son suficientemente precisas, Este software no contempla el modelado de placas de pequeño espesor con dipolos, la poca precisión de los resultados aumenta la importancia de este tipo de elementos al realizar simulaciones con códigos potenciales para este tipo de plataformas que incluyen elementos de poco espesor. 9. Respecto al código CFD (Ansys CFX) la precisión de los cálculos es razonable para la placa plana, esta precisión disminuye para la placa con refuerzo vertical en el borde, como era de esperar dado la mayor complejidad del flujo. 10. Respecto al segundo orden, los resultados, en general, muestran que, aunque la tendencia en las fuerzas de segundo orden se captura bien con los códigos numéricos, se observan algunas reducciones en comparación con los datos experimentales. Las diferencias entre simulaciones y datos experimentales son mayores al usar la aproximación de Newman, que usa únicamente resultados de primer orden para el cálculo de las fuerzas de deriva media. 11. Es importante remarcar que las tendencias observadas en los resultados con modelo fijo cambiarn cuando el modelo este libre, el impacto que los errores en las estimaciones de fuerzas segundo orden tienen en el sistema de fondeo dependen de las condiciones ambientales que imponen las cargas ultimas en dichas líneas. En cualquier caso los resultados que se han obtenido en esta investigación confirman que es necesaria y deseable una detallada investigación de los métodos usados en la estimación de las fuerzas no lineales en las turbinas flotantes para que pueda servir de guía en futuros diseños de estos sistemas. Finalmente, el candidato espera que esta investigación pueda beneficiar a la industria eólica offshore en mejorar el diseño hidrodinámico del concepto semisumergible. ABSTRACT Electrical power obtained from floating offshore wind turbines is one of the promising resources which can reduce the fossil fuel energy consumption and cover worldwide energy demands. The concept is the most competitive in countries, such as Spain, where the continental shelf is narrow and does not provide space for fixed structures. Among the different floating structures concepts, this thesis has dealt with the semisubmersible one. Platforms of this kind may experience resonant motions both in surge and heave directions. In surge, since the platform natural period is long, such resonance can be excited with second order slow drift forces and may have substantial influence on mooring loads. In heave, first order forces can induce significant motion, whose damping is a crucial factor for the platform downtime. These two topics have been investigated in this thesis. To this aim, a design developed during HiPRWind EU project, has been selected as reference case study. The platform is composed of three cylindrical legs, linked together by a set of structural braces. The cylinders provide buoyancy and restoring forces and moments. Large circular heave plates have been attached to their bases. The design is similar to other documented in literature (e.g. Windfloat), which implies outcomes could have a general value. A large scale model of one of the legs has been built in order to study heave damping through forced oscillations. The final dimensions of the specimen (one meter diameter discs) make it, to the candidate’s knowledge, the largest for which data has been published. The model design allows for the fitting of either a plain solid heave plate or a flapped reinforced one; both have been built. The latter is a model scale reproduction of the prototype heave plate and includes some distinctive features, the most important being the inclusion of a vertical flap on its perimeter. The forced oscillation tests have been conducted for a range of frequencies and amplitudes, with both the solid plain model and the vertical flap one. Forces have been measured, from which added mass and damping coefficients have been obtained. These are necessary to accurately compute time-domain simulations of mooring design. The coefficients have been compared with literature, and potential flow and CFD predictions. In order to provide information for the structural design of the platform, pressure measurements on the top and bottom side of the heave discs have been recorded and pressure differences analyzed. In addition, in order to conduct a detailed investigation on the numerical estimations of the slow-drift forces of the HiPRWind platform, an experimental campaign involving captive (fixed) model tests of a model of the whole platform in bichromatic waves has been carried out. Although not reproducing the more realistic scenario, these tests allowed a preliminary verification of the numerical model based directly on the forces measured on the structure. The following outcomes can be enumerated: 1. Damping and added mass coefficients show, on one hand, a small dependence with frequency and, on the other hand, a large dependence with the motion amplitude, which is coherent with previously published research. 2. Measurements with the prototype plate, equipped with the vertical flap, show that damping drops significantly when comparing this to the plain one. This implies that, for tank tests of the whole floater and turbine, the prototype plate, equipped with the flap, should be incorporated to the model. 3. Added mass values do not suffer large alterations when comparing the plain plate and the one equipped with a vertical flap. 4. A conservative damping coefficient equal to 6% of the critical damping can be considered adequate for the prototype heave plate for frequency domain analysis. A corresponding drag coefficient equal to 4.0 can be used in time domain simulations to define Morison elements. 5. When comparing to published data, some discrepancies in added mass and damping coefficients for the solid plain plate have been found. Explanations have been suggested, focusing mainly on differences in thickness ratio and distance to the free surface, and eventual scale effects. 6. Pressures on the plate equipped with the vertical flap are similar in magnitude to those of the plain plate, even though substantial differences are present close to the edge, where the flap induces a larger pressure difference in the reinforced case. 7. The maximum pressure difference scales coherently with the force equivalent to the acceleration of the added mass, distributed over the disc surface. 8. Added mass coefficient values predicted with the potential solver (WADAM) are not accurate enough. The used solver does not contemplate modeling thin plates with doublets. The relatively low accuracy of the results highlights the importance of these elements when performing potential flow simulations of offshore platforms which include thin plates. 9. For the full CFD solver (Ansys CFX), the accuracy of the computations is found reasonable for the plain plate. Such accuracy diminishes for the disc equipped with a vertical flap, an expected result considering the greater complexity of the flow. 10. In regards to second order effects, in general, the results showed that, although the main trend in the behavior of the second-order forces is well captured by the numerical predictions, some under prediction of the experimental values is visible. The gap between experimental and numerical results is more pronounced when Newman’s approximation is considered, making use exclusively of the mean drift forces calculated in the first-order solution. 11. It should be observed that the trends observed in the fixed model test may change when the body is free to float, and the impact that eventual errors in the estimation of the second-order forces may have on the mooring system depends on the characteristics of the sea conditions that will ultimately impose the maximum loads on the mooring lines. Nevertheless, the preliminary results obtained in this research do confirm that a more detailed investigation of the methods adopted for the estimation of the nonlinear wave forces on the FOWT would be welcome and may provide some further guidance for the design of such systems. As a final remark, the candidate hopes this research can benefit the offshore wind industry in improving the hydrodynamic design of the semi-submersible concept.