105 resultados para geostationary orbit
Wave radiation by a conductor carrying a steady current in both a polar, highly eccentric, low perijove orbit, as in NASA's planned Juno mission, and an equatorial low Jovian orbit (LJO) mission below the intense radiation belts, is considered. Both missions will need electric power generation for scientific instruments and communication systems. Tethers generate power more efficiently than solar panels or radioisotope power systems (RPS). The radiation impedance is required to determine the current in the overall tether circuit. In a cold plasma model, radiation occurs mainly in the Alfven and fast magnetosonic modes, exhibiting a large refraction index. The radiation impedance of insulated tethers is determined for both modes and either mission. Unlike the Earth ionospheric case, the low-density, highly magnetized Jovian plasma makes the electron gyrofrequency much larger than the plasma frequency; this substantially modifies the power spectrum for either mode by increasing the Alfven velocity. Finally, an estimation of the radiation impedance of bare tethers is considered. In LJO, a spacecraft orbiting in a slow downward spiral under the radiation belts would allow determining magnetic field structure and atmospheric composition for understanding the formation, evolution, and structure of Jupiter. Additionally, if the cathodic contactor is switched off, a tether floats electrically, allowing e-beam emission that generate auroras. On/off switching produces bias/current pulses and signal emission, which might be used for Jovian plasma diagnostics.
An electrically floating metallic bare tether in a low Earth orbit would be highly negative with respect to the ambient plasma over most of its length, and would be bombarded by ambient ions. This would liberate secondary electrons, which, after acceleration through the same voltage, would form a magnetically guided two-sided planar e-beam. Upon impact on the atmospheric E-layer, at about 120-140 Km altitude auroral effects (ionization and light emission) can be expected. This paper examines in a preliminary way the feasibility of using this effect as an upper atmospheric probe. It is concluded that significant perturbations can be produced along the illuminated planar sheet of the atmosphere, with ionization rates of several thousand cm-3 sec1. Observation of the induced optical emission is made difficult by the narrowness and high moving speed of the illuminated zone, but it is shown that vertical resolution of single spectral lines is possible, as is wider spectral coverage with no vertical resolution.
The outstanding problem for useful applications of electrodynamic tethers is obtaining sufficient electron current from the ionospheric plasma. Bare tether collectors, in which the conducting tether itself, left uninsulated over kilometers of its length, acts as the collecting anode, promise to attain currents of 10 A or more from reasonably sized systems. Current collection by a bare tether is also relatively insensitive to drops in electron density, which are regularly encountered on each revolution of an orbit. This makes nighttime operation feasible. We show how the bare tether's high efficiency of current collection and ability to adjust to density variations follow from the orbital motion limited collection law of thin cylinders. We consider both upwardly deployed (power generation mode) and downwardly deployed (reboost mode) tethers, and present results that indicate how bare tether systems would perform as their magnetic and plasma environment varies in low earth orbit.
An electrically floating bare tether in LEO orbit may serve as upper atmospheric probe. Ambient ions bombard the negatively biased tether and liberate secondary electrons, which accelerate through the same voltage to form a magnetically guided planar e-beam resulting in auroral effects at the E-layer. This beam is free from the S/C charging and plasma interaction problems of standard e-beams. The energy flux is weak but varies accross the large beam cross section, allowing continuous observation from the S/C. A brightness scan of line-integrated emissions, that mix emitting altitudes and tether points originating the electrons, is analysed. The tether is magnetically dragged at nighttime operation, when power supply and plasma contactor at the S/C are off for electrical floating; power and contactor are on at daytime for partial current reversal, resulting in thrust. System requirements for keeping average orbital height are discussed.
NASA's tether experiment ProSEDS will be placed in orbit on board a Delta-II rocket in early 2003. ProSEDS will test bare-tether electron collection, deorbiting of the rocket second stage, and the system dynamic stability. ProSEDS performance will vary both because ambient conditions change along the orbit and because tether-circuit parameters follow a step by step sequence in the current operating cycle. In this work we discuss how measurements of tether current and bias, plasma density, and deorbiting rate can be used to check the OML law for current collection. We review circuit bulk elements; characteristic lengths and energies that determine collection (tether radius, electron thermal gyroradius and Debye length, particle temperatures, tether bias, ion ram energy); and lengths determining current and bias profiles along the tether (extent of magnetic self-field, a length gauging ohmic versus collection impedances, tether length). The analysis serves the purpose of estimating ProSEDS behavior in orbit and fostering our ability for extrapolating ProSEDS flight data to different tether and environmental conditions.
An ED-tether mission to Jupiter is presented. A bare tether carrying cathodic devices at both ends but no power supply, and using no propellant, could move 'freely' among Jupiter's 4 great moons. The tour scheme would have current naturally driven throughout by the motional electric field, the Lorentz force switching direction with current around a 'drag' radius of 160,00 kms, where the speed of the jovian ionosphere equals the speed of a spacecraft in circular orbit. With plasma density and magnetic field decreasing rapidly with distance from Jupiter, drag/thrust would only be operated in the inner plasmasphere, current being near shut off conveniently in orbit by disconnecting cathodes or plugging in a very large resistance; the tether could serve as its own power supply by plugging in an electric load where convenient, with just some reduction in thrust or drag. The periapsis of the spacecraft in a heliocentric transfer orbit from Earth would lie inside the drag sphere; with tether deployed and current on around periapsis, magnetic drag allows Jupiter to capture the spacecraft into an elliptic orbit of high eccentricity. Current would be on at succesive perijove passes and off elsewhere, reducing the eccentricity by lowering the apoapsis progressively to allow visits of the giant moons. In a second phase, current is on around apoapsis outside the drag sphere, rising the periapsis until the full orbit lies outside that sphere. In a third phase, current is on at periapsis, increasing the eccentricity until a last push makes the orbit hyperbolic to escape Jupiter. Dynamical issues such as low gravity-gradient at Jupiter and tether orientation in elliptic orbits of high eccentricity are discussed.
A sounding rocket experiment is proposed to carry out two experiments by the conductive bare-tether; 1) the test of the OML (Orbital-Motion-Limited) theory to collect electron, and II) the test of techniques to determine (neutral) density profile in critical E-layer. The main driver of the mission is provide a space tether technology experiment in low-Earth-Orbit (LEO) deploying a long tape tether in space and verify the performance of the bare electrodynamic tape tether. The sounding rocket experiment will show no danger to other satellites as the tether missions YES1, SEDSAT, and ProCEDS, which is cancelled just for afraid of collision with the ISS orbit. Also, the sounding rocket mission is possible to demonstrate the bare tether technology in low cost, simple mission concept, fast realization for space structures. The present sounding rocket experiment is expected to be the first conductive bare tether experiment.
Use of a spherical grid as electron collector at the anodic end of a tether, as recently proposed, is considered. The standard analysis of space-charge limited current to a solid sphere (with neither magnetic nor plasma-motion effects), which has been shown to best fit TSS1R in-orbit results at very high bias, is used to determine effects from grid transparency on current collected; the analysis is first reformulated in the formalism recently introduced in the two-dimensional analysis of bare-tethers. A discussion of the electric potential created by a spherical grid in vacuum is then carried out; it is shown that each grid-wire collects current well below its maximum OML current, the effective grid transparency being close to its optical value. Formulae for the current to a spherical grid, showing the effects of grid transparency, is determined. A fully consistent analysis of electric potential and electron density, outside and inside the grid, is completed.
Three separate scenarios of an electrodynamic tether mission at Jupiter following capture of a spacecraft (SC) into an equatorial, highly elliptical orbit around the planet, with perijove at about 1.5 times the Jovian radius, are discussed. Repeated application of Lorentz drag on the spinning tether, at the perijove vicinity, can progressively lower the apojove. One mission involves the tethered-SC rapidly and frequently visiting Galilean moons; elliptical orbits with apojove down at the Ganymede, Europa, and Io orbits are in 2:5, 4:9, and 1:2 resonances with the respective moons. About 20 slow flybys of Io would take place before the accumulated radiation dose exceeds 3 Mrad (Si) at 10 mm Al shield thickness, with a total duration of 5 months after capture (4 months for lowering the apojove to Io and one month for the flybys). The respective number of flybys for Ganymede would be 10 with a total duration of about 9 months. An alternative mission would have the SC acquire a low circular orbit around Jupiter, below the radiation belts, and manoeuvre to get an optimal altitude, with no major radiation effects, in less than 5 months after capture. In a third mission, repeated thrusting at the apojove vicinity, once down at the Io torus, would raise the perijove itself to the torus to acquire a low circular orbit around Io in about 4 months, for a total of 8 months after capture; this corresponds, however, to over 100 apojove passes with an accumulated dose, of about 8.5 Mrad (Si), that poses a critical issue.
The satellite remote sensing missions are essential for long-term research around the condition of the earth resources and environment. On the other hand, in recent years the application of microsatellites is of interest in many space programs for their less cost and response time. In microsatellite remote sensing missions there are tight interrelations between different requirements such as orbital altitude, revisit time, mission life and spatial resolution. Also, all of these requirements can affect the whole system level design characteristics. In this work, the remote sensing microsatellite sizing process is divided into three major design disciplines; a) orbit design, b) payload sizing and c) bus sizing. Finally, some specific design cases are investigated inside the design space for evaluating the effect of different design variables on the satellite total mass. Considering the results of the work, it is concluded that applying a systematic approach at the initial design phase of such projects provides a good insight to the not clearly seen interactions inside their highly extended design space
A 3-year Project started on November 1 2010, financed by the European Commision within the FP-7 Space Program, and aimed at developing an efficient de-orbit system that could be carried on board by future spacecraft launched into LEO, will be presented. The operational system will deploy a thin uninsulated tape-tether to collect electrons as a giant Langmuir probe, using no propellant/no power supply, and generating power on board. This project will involve free-fall tests, and laboratory hypervelocity-impact and tether-current tests, and design/Manufacturing of subsystems: interface elements, electric control and driving module, electron-ejecting plasma contactor, tether-deployment mechanism/end-mass, and tape samples. Preliminary results to be presented involve: i) devising criteria for sizing the three disparate tape dimensions, affecting mass, resistance, current-collection, magnetic self-field, and survivability against debris itself; ii) assessing the dynamical relevance of tether parameters in implementing control laws to limit oscillations in /off the orbital plane, where passive stability may be marginal; iii) deriving a law for bare-tape current from numerical simulations and chamber tests, taking into account ambient magnetic field, ion ram motion, and adiabatic electron trapping; iv) determining requirements on a year-dormant hollow cathode under long times/broad emission-range operation, and trading-off against use of electron thermal emission; v) determining requirements on magnetic components and power semiconductors for a control module that faces high voltage/power operation under mass/volume limitations; vi) assessing strategies to passively deploy a wide conductive tape that needs no retrieval, while avoiding jamming and ending at minimum libration; vii) evaluating the tape structure as regards conductive and dielectric materials, both lengthwise and in its cross-section, in particular to prevent arcing in triple-point junctions.
The product of the tether-to-satellite mass ratio and the probability of tether cuts by small debris must be small to make electrodynamic bare tethers a competitive and useful de-orbiting technology. In the case of a circular orbit and assuming a model for the debris population, the product can be written as a function that just depends on the initial orbit parameters (altitude and inclination) and the tether geometry. This formula, which does not contain the time explicitly and ignores the details of the tether dynamics during the de-orbiting, is used to find design rules for the tape dimensions and the orbit parameter ranges where tethers dominate other de-orbiting technologies like rockets, electrical propulsion, and sails.
The efficiencies of electrodynamic-tether (EDT) thrusters made of single bare tethers with different types of cross sections, several parallel bare tethers, or a fully insulated tether with a three-dimensional passive end-collector, are discussed. Current collection, mass, and ohmic resistance considerations are balanced against each other in discussing efficiencies. Use is made of recent results on the validity domain of orbital-motion-limited (OML) collection, the current law beyond that domain, and interference effects between parallel bare tethers; and on current adjustment to variations in electron density encountered in orbit. Comparisons between EDT thrusters and electrical thrusters in terms of the ratio of dedicated mass to the total mission impulse show EDT to be superior for mission times over 50-100 days.
As a fundamental contribution to limiting the increase of debris in the Space environment, a three-year project started on 1 November 2010 financed by the European Commission under the FP-7 Space Programme. It aims at developing a universal system to be carried on board future satellites launched into low Earth orbit (LEO), to allow de-orbiting at end of life. The operational system involves a conductive tape-tether left bare of insulation to establish anodic contact with the ambient plasma as a giant Langmuir probe. The project will size the three disparate dimensions of a tape for a selected de-orbit mission and determine scaling laws to allow system design for a general mission. It will implement control laws to restrain tether dynamics in/off the orbital plane; and will carry out plasma chamber measurements and numerical simulations of tether-plasma interaction. The project also involves the design and manufacturing of subsystems: electron-ejecting plasma contactors, an electric control and power module, interface elements, tether and deployment mechanisms, tether tape/end-mass as well as current collection plus free-fall, and hypervelocity impact tests.
Relatively short electrodynamic tethers can extract orbital energy to "push" against a planetary magnetic field to achieve propulsion without the expenditure of propellant. The Propulsive Small Expendable Deployer System experiment will use the flight-proven Small Expendable Deployer System to deploy a 5-km bare aluminum tether from a Delta II upper stage to achieve ~0.4-N drag thrust, thus lowering the altitude of the stage. The experiment will use a predominantly bare tether for current collection in lieu of the endmass collector and insulated tether used on previous missions. The flight experiment is a precursor to a more ambitious electrodynamic tether upper-stage demonstration mission that will be capable of orbit-raising,lowering, and inclination changes, all using electrodynamic thrust. The expected performance of the tether propulsion system during the experiment is described.