66 resultados para Solar power generation


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Analysis and simulation of the behaviour of gas turbines for power generation using different nonconventional fuels obtained from different renewable sources are presented. Three biomass-tobiofuel processes are considered: anaerobic digestion of biomass (biogas), biomass gasification (synthesis gas) and alcoholic fermentation of biomass and dehydration (bioethanol), each of them with two different biomass substrates (energy crops and municipal solid waste) as input. The gas turbine behaviour in a Brayton cycle is simulated both in an isolated operation and in combined cycle. The differences in gas turbine performance when fired with the considered biofuels compared to natural gas are studied from different points of view related with the current complex energetic context: energetic and exergetic efficiency of the simple/combined cycle and CO2 emissions. Two different tools have been used for the simulations, each one with a different approach: while PATITUG (own software) analyses the behaviour of a generic gas turbine allowing a total variability of parameters, GT-PRO (commercial software) is more rigid, albeit more precise in the prediction of real gas turbine behaviour. Different potentially interesting configurations and its thermodynamic parameters have been simulated in order to obtain the optimal range for all of them and its variation for each fuel.


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La energía eólica, así como otras energías renovables, ha experimentado en la última década un gran auge que va extendiéndose alrededor de todo el mundo, cada vez más concienciado de la importancia de las energías renovables como una fuente alternativa de energía. Se han sumado al reto todos los países acogidos al Protocolo de Kyoto, que a fin de reducir emisiones están potenciando la energía eólica como la fuente de energía renovable hoy día más viable para la generación eléctrica. Brasil alcanzó en 2011 los 1.509 MW instalados, lo que representa el 50% de Latinoamérica, seguido por México con el 31%. Las características del sector eléctrico así como un marco legal favorable y el alto potencial eólico, hacen que la perspectiva de crecimiento en este tipo de energía sea muy favorable durante los próximos años, con estimaciones de unos 20.000 MW para 2020. El asentamiento del sector en el país de algunos de los fabricantes más importantes y los avances en cuanto a eficiencia de los aerogeneradores, mayor aprovechamiento de la energía de los vientos menos intensos, amplía las posibles ubicaciones de parques eólicos permitiendo una expansión grande del sector. El parque eólico objeto del proyecto está ubicado en el estado de Rio Grande do Sul, al sur del país, y está constituido por 33 aerogeneradores de 2,0 MW de potencia unitaria, lo que supone una potencia total instalada de 66 MW. La energía eléctrica generada en él será de 272,8 GWh/año. Esta energía se venderá mediante un contrato de compraventa de energía (PPA, Power Purchase Agreement) adjudicado por el gobierno Brasileño en sus sistemas de subasta de energía. En el proyecto se aborda primeramente la selección del emplazamiento del parque eólico a partir de datos de viento de la zona. Estos datos son estudiados para evaluar el potencial eólico y así poder optimizar la ubicación de las turbinas eólicas. Posteriormente se evalúan varios tipos de aerogeneradores para su implantación en el emplazamiento. La elección se realiza teniendo en cuenta las características técnicas de las máquinas y mediante un estudio de la productividad del parque con el aerogenerador correspondiente. Finalmente se opta por el aerogenerador G97-2.0 de GAMESA. La ejecución técnica del parque eólico se realiza de forma que se minimicen los impactos ambientales y de acuerdo a lo establecido en el Estudio de Impacto Ambiental realizado. Este proyecto requiere una inversión de 75,4 M€, financiada externamente en un 80 % y el 20 % con recursos propios del promotor. Del estudio económico-financiero se deduce que el proyecto diseñado es rentable económicamente y viable, tanto desde el punto de vista técnico como financiero. Abstract Wind energy, as well as other renewable energies, has experienced over the last decade a boom that is spreading around the world increasingly aware of the importance of renewable energy as an alternative energy source. All countries that ratified the Kyoto Protocol have joined the challenge promoting wind energy in order to reduce emissions as the more feasible renewable energy for power generation. In 2011 Brazil reached 1509 MW installed, 50% of Latin America, followed by Mexico with 31%. Electric sector characteristics as well as a favorable legal framework and the high wind potential, make the perspective of growth in this kind of energy very positive in the coming years, with estimates of about 20,000 MW by 2020. Some leading manufacturers have settled in the country and improvements in wind turbines efficiency with less intense winds, make higher the number of possible locations for wind farms allowing a major expansion of the sector. The planned wind farm is located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in the south of the Brazil, and is made up of 33 wind turbines of 2,0 MW each, representing a total capacity of 66 MW. The electricity generated, 272,8 GWh/year will be sold through a power purchase agreement (PPA) awarded by the Brazilian government in its energy auction systems. The project deals with the site selection of the wind farm from wind data in the area. These data are studied to evaluate the wind potential and thus optimize the location of wind turbines. Then several types of turbines are evaluated for implementation at the site. The choice is made taking into account the technical characteristics of the machines and a study of the productivity of the park with the corresponding turbine. Finally selected wind turbine is Gamesa G97-2.0. The technical implementation of the wind farm is done to minimize environmental impacts as established in the Environmental Impact Study. This project requires an investment of 75,4 M€, financed externally by 80% and 20% with equity from the promoter. The economic-financial study shows that the project is economically viable, both technically and financially.


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We present the possibility of a low work-function material, calcium aluminate electride, being used for a coating on a bare electrodynamic tether system. Analyses suggest that the coating would eliminate the need for an active cathodic device like a hollow cathode and, consequently, eliminate the need for an expellant to the hollow cathode, thus resulting in an electrodynamic tether system that requires no consumables. Applications include on-orbit power generation and deorbiting debris from low Earth orbit in a simple and trouble-free manner.


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The recognition of the relevance of energy, especially of the renewable energies generated by the sun, water, wind, tides, modern biomass or thermal is growing significantly in the global society based on the possibility it has to improve societies′ quality of life, to support poverty reduction and sustainable development. Renewable energy, and mainly the energy generated by large hydropower generation projects that supply most of the renewable energy consumed by developing countries, requires many technical, legal, financial and social complex processes sustained by innovations and valuable knowledge. Besides these efforts, renewable energy requires a solid infrastructure to generate and distribute the energy resources needed to solve the basic needs of society. This demands a proper construction performance to deliver the energy projects planned according to specifications and respecting environmental and social concerns, which implies the observance of sustainable construction guidelines. But construction projects are complex and demanding and frequently face time and cost overruns that may cause negative impacts on the initial planning and thus on society. The renewable energy issue and the large renewable energy power generation and distribution projects are particularly significant for developing countries and for Latin America in particular, as this region concentrates an important hydropower potential and installed capacity. Using as references the performance of Venezuelan large hydropower generation projects and the Guri dam construction, this research evaluates the tight relationship existing between sustainable construction and knowledge management and their impact to achieve sustainability goals. The knowledge management processes are proposed as a basic strategy to allow learning from successes and failures obtained in previous projects and transform the enhancement opportunites into actions to improve the performance of the renewable energy power generation and distribution projects.


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The outstanding problem for useful applications of electrodynamic tethers is obtaining sufficient electron current from the ionospheric plasma. Bare tether collectors, in which the conducting tether itself, left uninsulated over kilometers of its length, acts as the collecting anode, promise to attain currents of 10 A or more from reasonably sized systems. Current collection by a bare tether is also relatively insensitive to drops in electron density, which are regularly encountered on each revolution of an orbit. This makes nighttime operation feasible. We show how the bare tether's high efficiency of current collection and ability to adjust to density variations follow from the orbital motion limited collection law of thin cylinders. We consider both upwardly deployed (power generation mode) and downwardly deployed (reboost mode) tethers, and present results that indicate how bare tether systems would perform as their magnetic and plasma environment varies in low earth orbit.


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It has been recently suggested that the magnetic field created by the current in a bare tether could sensibly reduce its electron collection capability in the magnetised ionosphere, a region of closed magnetic surfaces disconnecting the cylinder from infinity. In this paper, the ohmic voltage drop along the tether is taken into account in considering self-field effects. Separate analyses are carried out for the thrust and power generation and drag modes of operation, which are affected in different ways. In the power generation and drag modes, bias decreases as current increases along the tether, starting at the anodic, positively-biased end (upper end in the usual, eastward-flying spacecraft); in the thrust mode of operation, bias increases as current increases along the tether, starting at the lower end. When the ohmic voltage drop is considered, self-field effects are shown to be weak, in all cases, for tape tethers, and for circular cross-section tethers just conductive in a thin outer layer. Self-field effects might become important, in the drag case only, for tethers with fully conductive cross sections that are unrealistically heavy.


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Propulsion and power generation by bare electrodynamic tethers are revisited in a unified way and issues and constraints are addressed. In comparing electrodynamic tethers, which do not use propellant, with other propellantconsuming systems, mission duration is a discriminator that defines crossover points for systems with equal initial masses. Bare tethers operating in low Earth orbit can be more competitive than optimum ion thrusters in missions exceeding two-three days for orbital deboost and three weeks for boosting operations. If the tether produces useful onboard power during deboost, the crossover point reaches to about 10 days. Power generation by means of a bare electrodynamic tether in combination with chemical propulsion to maintain orbital altitude of the system is more efficient than use of the same chemicals (liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen) in a fuel cell to produce power for missions longer than one week. Issues associated with tether temperature, bowing, deployment, and arcing are also discussed. Heating/cooling rates reach about 4 K/s for a 0.05-mm-thick tape and a fraction of Kelvin/second for the ProSEDS (0.6-mm-radius) wire; under dominant ohmic effects, temperatures areover200K (night) and 380 K (day) for the tape and 320 and 415 K for that wire. Tether applications other than propulsion and power are briefly discussed.


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Short-run forecasting of electricity prices has become necessary for power generation unit schedule, since it is the basis of every profit maximization strategy. In this article a new and very easy method to compute accurate forecasts for electricity prices using mixed models is proposed. The main idea is to develop an efficient tool for one-step-ahead forecasting in the future, combining several prediction methods for which forecasting performance has been checked and compared for a span of several years. Also as a novelty, the 24 hourly time series has been modelled separately, instead of the complete time series of the prices. This allows one to take advantage of the homogeneity of these 24 time series. The purpose of this paper is to select the model that leads to smaller prediction errors and to obtain the appropriate length of time to use for forecasting. These results have been obtained by means of a computational experiment. A mixed model which combines the advantages of the two new models discussed is proposed. Some numerical results for the Spanish market are shown, but this new methodology can be applied to other electricity markets as well


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Space applications of electrodynamic tethers, and basic issues and constraints on their operation are reviewed. The status of the bare-tether solution to the problem of effective electron collection from a rarefied magnetized plasma is revisited. Basic modes of tether operation are analyzed; design parameters and parametric domains where a bare electrodynamic tether is most efficient in deorbiting, rebooking, or power generation, are determined. Use of bare tethers for Radiation Belt Remediation and generation of electron beams for ionospheric research is considered. Teiher heating, arcing, and bowing or breaking, as well deployment strategies are discussed.


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Relatively short electrodynamic tethers can use solar power to "push" against a planetary magnetic field to achieve propul sion without expenditure of propellant. The groundwork has been laid for this type of propulsion. Recent important milestones include retrieval of a tether in space (TSS-1, 1992), successful deployment of a 20-km-long tether in space (SEDS-1, 1993), and operation of an electrodynamic tether with tether current driven in both directions (PMG, 1993). The planned Propulsive Small Expendable Deployer System (ProSEDS) experiment will use the flight-proven Small Expendable Deployer System (SEDS) to deploy a 5-km bare copper tether from a Delta II upper stage to achieve -0,4 N drag thrust, thus deorbiting the stage, The experiment will use a predominantly "bare" tether for current collection in lieu of the endmass collector and insulated tether approach used on previous missions, Theory and ground-based plasma chamber testing indicate that the bare tether is a highly efficient current collector. The flight experiment is a precursor to utilization of the technology on the International Space tation (JSS) for reboost and the electrodynamic tether pper stage demonstration misión which will be capable of orbit raising, lowering, and inclination changes—all using electrodynamic thrust. In addition, the use of this type of propulsion may be attractive for future missions to Jupiter.


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A bare electrodynamic tether (EDT) is a conductive thin wire or tape tens of kilometres long, which is kept taut in space by gravity gradient or spinning, and is left bare of insulation to collect (and carry) current as a cylindrical Langmuir probe in an ambient magnetized plasma. An EDT is a probe in mesothermal flow at highly positive (or negative) bias, with a large or extremely large 2D sheath, which may show effects from the magnetic self-field of its current and have electrons adiabatically trapped in its ram front. Beyond technical applications ranging from propellantless propulsion to power generation in orbit, EDTs allow broad scientific uses such as generating electron beams and artificial auroras; exciting Alfven waves and whistlers; odifying the radiation belts; and exploring interplanetary space and the Jovian magnetosphere. Asymptotic analysis, numerical simulations, laboratory tests, and planned missions on EDTs are reviewed


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En este estudio se ha realizado el diseño de un receptor de una central de Torre Central de energía solar para generación directa de vapor, mediante el uso de métodos numéricos, con un perfil de potencia incidente variable longitudinal y transversalmente. Para ello se ha dividido la geometría del receptor según el método de diferencias finitas, y se ha procedido a resolver las ecuaciones del balance de energía. Una vez resuelto el sistema de ecuaciones se dispone de la distribución de temperaturas en el receptor y se puede proceder a analizar los resultados así como a calcular otros datos de interés. ABSTRACT In this study it has been made a Central Receiver Solar Thermal Power Plant’s Receiver design for direct steam production, by using numerical methods, with a variable longitudinally and transversely income solar power profile. With this propose, the receiver’s geometry has been divided using the finite difference method, and the energy balance equations have been solved. Once the equations system has been solved, the receiver´s temperature distribution is known, and you can analyze the results as well as calculate other interesting data.


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This paper focuses on examples of educational tools concerning the learning of chemistry for engineering students through different daily life cases. These tools were developed during the past few years for enhancing the active role of students. They refer to cases about mineral water, medicaments, dentifrices and informative panels about solar power, where an adequate quantitative treatment through stoichiometry calculations allows the interpretation of data and values announced by manufacturers. These cases were developed in the context of an inquiry-guided instruction model. By bringing tangible chemistry examples into the classroom we provide an opportunity for engineering students to apply this science to familiar products in hopes that they will appreciate chemistry more, will be motivated to study concepts in greater detail, and will connect the relevance of chemistry to everyday life.


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En este proyecto hemos realizado un análisis sobre la sostenibilidad de las tecnologías de generación más representativas desde un punto de vista sostenible. El objetivo de este proyecto es valorar cuantitativamente la sostenibilidad utilizando para ello los tres pilares de la sostenibilidad, para ello nos hemos apoyado en estudios sobre impactos medioambientales, seguridad en el suministro y costes de generación. Todo esto nos ha llevado a la conclusión de que aunque no existe una tecnología que satisfaga todas las necesidades, las nuevas tecnologías de generación, como las renovables, ganan en competitividad si añadimos un punto de vista sostenible. ABSTRACT In this paper, we have done an analysis about the sustainability of the power generation technologies most representative form a sustainable point of view. The objective of this paper is to evaluate quantitatively the sustainability using for this the three pillars of sustainability, for this we have relied on studies about environmental impacts, security supply and generation costs. All this led us to the conclusion that although there is no technology that satisfies all the necessities, the new generation technologies, such as the renewable, gains in competitiveness if we add a sustainable point of view.


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En este proyecto se elabora la ingeniería básica de un sistema de almacenamiento térmico para la central termosolar Astexol 2 (Badajoz, España). Para ello, primeramente se decidió que el sistema térmico de almacenamiento a diseñar fuera indirecto de dos tanques con sales fundidas. Una vez seleccionado el tipo de almacenamiento adecuado, se seleccionó la capacidad de almacenamiento óptima, en base a unos objetivos establecidos para la instalación del TES en Astexol 2. Finalmente, se procedió con el diseño de los equipos principales y con la realización de los planos de implantación y de los PFD’s (diagramas de flujo) y P&ID’s (diagramas de instrumentación y control) del sistema de almacenamiento. ABSTRACT This project includes the basic engineering of a thermal storage system for the concentrating solar power plant Astexol 2 (Badajoz, Spain). First of all, it was decided that the type of thermal storage system to design had to be an indirect two-tank molten salt thermal storage system. Once the proper type of storage system was chosen, the optimum storage capacity was selected, according to the main aims designated for the thermal storage system installation in Astexol 2.Finally, the design of the main equipment of the thermal storage system was done, together with the elaboration of the associated plot plans, PFD’s (Process Flow Diagrams) and P&ID’s (Process and Instrumentation Diagrams).