103 resultados para Reinforced concrete sandwich panels


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On Wednesday 11th May 2011 at 6:47 pm (local time) a magnitude 5.1 Mw earthquake occurred 6 km northeast of Lorca with a depth of around 5 km. As a consequence of the shallow depth and the small epicentral distance, important damage was produced in several masonry constructions and even led to the collapse of one of them. Pieces of the facades of several buildings fell down onto the sidewalk, being one of the reasons for the killing of a total of 9 people. The objective of this paper is to describe and analyze the failure patterns observed in reinforced concrete frame buildings with masonry infill walls ranging from 3 to 8 floors in height. Structural as well as non-structural masonry walls suffered important damage that led to redistributions of forces causing in some cases the failure of columns. The importance of the interaction between the structural frames and the infill panels is analyzed by means of non-linear Finite Element Models. The resulting load levels are compared with the member capacities and the changes of the mechanical properties during the seismic event are described and discussed. In the light of the results obtained the observed failure patterns are explained. Some comments are stated concerning the adequacy of the numerical models that are usually used during the design phase for the seismic analysis.


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El hormigón autocompactante (HAC) es una nueva tipología de hormigón o material compuesto base cemento que se caracteriza por ser capaz de fluir en el interior del encofrado o molde, llenándolo de forma natural, pasando entre las barras de armadura y consolidándose únicamente bajo la acción de su peso propio, sin ayuda de medios de compactación externos, y sin que se produzca segregación de sus componentes. Debido a sus propiedades frescas (capacidad de relleno, capacidad de paso, y resistencia a la segregación), el HAC contribuye de forma significativa a mejorar la calidad de las estructuras así como a abrir nuevos campos de aplicación del hormigón. Por otra parte, la utilidad del hormigón reforzado con fibras de acero (HRFA) es hoy en día incuestionable debido a la mejora significativa de sus propiedades mecánicas tales como resistencia a tracción, tenacidad, resistencia al impacto o su capacidad para absorber energía. Comparado con el HRFA, el hormigón autocompactante reforzado con fibras de acero (HACRFA) presenta como ventaja una mayor fluidez y cohesión ofreciendo, además de unas buenas propiedades mecánicas, importantes ventajas en relación con su puesta en obra. El objetivo global de esta tesis doctoral es el desarrollo de nuevas soluciones estructurales utilizando materiales compuestos base cemento autocompactantes reforzados con fibras de acero. La tesis presenta una nueva forma de resolver el problema basándose en el concepto de los materiales gradiente funcionales (MGF) o materiales con función gradiente (MFG) con el fin de distribuir de forma eficiente las fibras en la sección estructural. Para ello, parte del HAC se sustituye por HACRFA formando capas que presentan una transición gradual entre las mismas con el fin de obtener secciones robustas y exentas de tensiones entre capas con el fin de aplicar el concepto “MGF-laminados” a elementos estructurales tales como vigas, columnas, losas, etc. El proceso incluye asimismo el propio método de fabricación que, basado en la tecnología HAC, permite el desarrollo de interfases delgadas y robustas entre capas (1-3 mm) gracias a las propiedades reológicas del material. Para alcanzar dichos objetivos se ha llevado a cabo un amplio programa experimental cuyas etapas principales son las siguientes: • Definir y desarrollar un método de diseño que permita caracterizar de forma adecuada las propiedades mecánicas de la “interfase”. Esta primera fase experimental incluye: o las consideraciones generales del propio método de fabricación basado en el concepto de fabricación de materiales gradiente funcionales denominado “reología y gravedad”, o las consideraciones específicas del método de caracterización, o la caracterización de la “interfase”. • Estudiar el comportamiento mecánico sobre elementos estructurales, utilizando distintas configuraciones de MGF-laminado frente a acciones tanto estáticas como dinámicas con el fin de comprobar la viabilidad del material para ser usado en elementos estructurales tales como vigas, placas, pilares, etc. Los resultados indican la viabilidad de la metodología de fabricación adoptada, así como, las ventajas tanto estructurales como en reducción de costes de las soluciones laminadas propuestas. Es importante destacar la mejora en términos de resistencia a flexión, compresión o impacto del hormigón autocompactante gradiente funcional en comparación con soluciones de HACRFA monolíticos inclusos con un volumen neto de fibras (Vf) doble o superior. Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is an important advance in the concrete technology in the last decades. It is a new type of high performance concrete with the ability of flowing under its own weight and without the need of vibrations. Due to its specific fresh or rheological properties, such as filling ability, passing ability and segregation resistance, SCC may contribute to a significant improvement of the quality of concrete structures and open up new field for the application of concrete. On the other hand, the usefulness of steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) in civil engineering applications is unquestionable. SFRC can improve significantly the hardened mechanical properties such as tensile strength, impact resistance, toughness and energy absorption capacity. Compared to SFRC, self-compacting steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SCSFRC) is a relatively new type of concrete with high flowability and good cohesiveness. SCSFRC offers very attractive economical and technical benefits thanks to SCC rheological properties, which can be further extended, when combined with SFRC for improving their mechanical characteristics. However, for the different concrete structural elements, a single concrete mix is selected without an attempt to adapt the diverse fibre-reinforced concretes to the stress-strain sectional properly. This thesis focused on the development of high performance cement-based structural composites made of SCC with and without steel fibres, and their applications for enhanced mechanical properties in front of different types of load and pattern configurations. It presents a new direction for tackling the mechanical problem. The approach adopted is based on the concept of functionally graded cementitious composite (FGCC) where part of the plain SCC is strategically replaced by SCSFRC in order to obtain laminated functionally graded self-compacting cementitious composites, laminated-FGSCC, in single structural elements as beams, columns, slabs, etc. The approach also involves a most suitable casting method, which uses SCC technology to eliminate the potential sharp interlayer while easily forming a robust and regular reproducible graded interlayer of 1-3 mm by controlling the rheology of the mixes and using gravity at the same time to encourage the use of the powerful concept for designing more performance suitable and cost-efficient structural systems. To reach the challenging aim, a wide experimental programme has been carried out involving two main steps: • The definition and development of a novel methodology designed for the characterization of the main parameter associated to the interface- or laminated-FGSCC solutions: the graded interlayer. Work of this first part includes: o the design considerations of the innovative (in the field of concrete) production method based on “rheology and gravity” for producing FG-SCSFRC or as named in the thesis FGSCC, casting process and elements, o the design of a specific testing methodology, o the characterization of the interface-FGSCC by using the so designed testing methodology. • The characterization of the different medium size FGSCC samples under different static and dynamic loads patterns for exploring their possibilities to be used for structural elements as beams, columns, slabs, etc. The results revealed the efficiency of the manufacturing methodology, which allow creating robust structural sections, as well as the feasibility and cost effectiveness of the proposed FGSCC solutions for different structural uses. It is noticeable to say the improvement in terms of flexural, compressive or impact loads’ responses of the different FGSCC in front of equal strength class SCSFRC bulk elements with at least the double of overall net fibre volume fraction (Vf).


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The carbonation of concrete or the chlorides ingress in such quantity to reach the level of bars is triggers of reinforcement corrosion. One of the most significant effects of reinforcing steel corrosion on reinforced concrete structures is the decline in the ductility-related properties of the steel. Reinforcement ductility has a decisive effect on the overall ductility of reinforced concrete structures. Different Codes classify the type of steel depending on their ductility defined by the minimum values of several parameters. Using indicators of ductility associating different properties can be advantageous on many occasions. It is considered necessary to define the ductility by means of a single parameter that considers strength values and deformation simultaneously. There are a number of criteria for defining steel ductility by a single parameter. The present experimental study addresses the variation in the ductility of concrete-embedded steel bars when exposed to accelerated corrosion. This paper analyzes the suitability of a new indicator of ductility used in corroded bars.


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Las exigencias de calidad, tanto en el ámbito de la rehabilitación como en el de las obras de nueva planta, obligan a evitar la fisuración de la tabiquería. Una de sus principales causas es la deformación excesiva de los forjados. Aunque en la mayoría de los casos no tiene efectos estructurales sino solamente estéticos, es necesario tomar precauciones para evitar la fisuración, pues es una de las patologías más frecuentes y en muchos casos motivo de reclamación de los usuarios. El aumento del consumo de los paneles de placa de yeso laminado y lana de roca para la realización de tabiquerías, justifica la necesidad de ahondar en el conocimiento del comportamiento y del mecanismo de fisuración de este material, pues hasta la fecha no se ha encontrado ningún trabajo especificamente dedicado al estudio del comportamiento en fractura de paneles sandwich de placa de yeso laminado y lana de roca en su plano. A la hora de abordar el estudio del comportamiento en fractura del material objeto de esta tesis, es preciso tener en cuenta que se trata de un material compuesto y, como tal, sus propiedades mecánicas y resistentes dependen en gran medida de las de sus componentes. Por tanto, para poder explicar el comportamiento en fractura del panel sandwich, habrá que estudiar también el de sus componentes. Por otro lado, se considera también muy útil disponer de una herramienta de calculo para la simulación de la fractura de paneles sandwich que sea predictiva. Este modelo hará posible facilitar el diseño de tabiquerías que no se fisure con este material, al poder relacionar las flechas que pueden tomar los forjados con su potencial fisuración. Para contrastar y validar un modelo de este tipo, es necesario disponer de suficientes datos experimentales del comportamiento en fractura del panel sandwich de placa de yeso laminado y lana de roca, que se puedan simular numericamente con el mismo. A partir de lo anteriormente expuesto se plantea, en primer lugar, una campaña experimental con el fin de obtener los parámetros necesarios para caracterizar el comportamiento en fractura de los paneles sandwich y sus componentes: placa de yeso laminado y lana de roca, estudiando también, su comportamiento en fractura en Modo Mixto, y el efecto del tamaño en los parámetros del panel. Por otro lado se propone un modelo de cálculo para la simulación de la fractura en Modo Mixto de paneles sandwich de placa de yeso laminado y lana de roca, comprobando la validez del modelo numérico a partir de los resultados experimentales obtenidos en la campaña de ensayos. Finalmente, se aplica el modelo para estudiar la fisuración de tabiquería realizada con el panel sandwich producida por la deformación de forjados unidireccionales realizados con viguetas de hormigón y bovedilla cerámica, por ser esta tipología la más usual en obras de edificación de viviendas. The quality requirements in terms of rehabilitation and new Works, force to prevent cracking on partitions and one of the main causes is the excessive deformation of the floor. In most of the cases, there are any structural damages, only aesthetic effects, but it is necessary to take precautions to avoid cracking because it is one of the most common diseases and in addition is the main reason of user’s complaints. The increased consumption of plasterboard panels and mineral wool used to build partitions, justifies the need to develop a deeper understanding of the cracking behaviour and mechanism, because by now, any specifically work dedicated to the study of fractures behaviour of sandwich plasterboard panels and rock wool has been found. When approaching the study of the fracture behaviour of the material it must bear in mind that we are referring to a composite material and as such, its mechanical and strength properties depend heavily on its components. Therefore, to explain the fracture behaviour of sandwich panels its components must be studied as well. On the other hand, it is also considered very useful to have a calculation tool to simulate the more likely fractures of the sandwich panel in order to predict it. This model used to perform simulations will enable the design of partitions built with these materials without cracks because it will relate the deflections in decks with its potential cracking. To contrast and validate this type of model, it is necessary and imperative to have enough experimental data of the sandwich plasterboard and rock wool fractures in order to enable its numerical simulation with it. On the basis of the above, the question arises firstly an experimental campaign in order to obtain the necessary parameters to characterize the cracking behaviour of sandwich panels and its components: plasterboard and rock wool, studying also its cracking behaviour in a mixed mode fracture and the effect of size parameters of the panel. Furthermore, a calculation model to simulate fractures in mixed mode of the sandwich panels made of plasterboard and rock wool is proposed in order to check the validity of the numerical model, based on experimental results obtained from the test campaign. Finally, this model is applied to study cracking on partitions built with sandwich panels resulting from the unidirectional floor’s deformations built with prestressed concrete beams and slab pottery pieces being this typology the most common one on residential buildings works.


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Arch bridge structural solution has been known for centuries, in fact the simple nature of arch that require low tension and shear strength was an advantage as the simple materials like stone and brick were the only option back in ancient centuries. By the pass of time especially after industrial revolution, the new materials were adopted in construction of arch bridges to reach longer spans. Nowadays one long span arch bridge is made of steel, concrete or combination of these two as "CFST", as the result of using these high strength materials, very long spans can be achieved. The current record for longest arch belongs to Chaotianmen bridge over Yangtze river in China with 552 meters span made of steel and the longest reinforced concrete type is Wanxian bridge which also cross the Yangtze river through a 420 meters span. Today the designer is no longer limited by span length as long as arch bridge is the most applicable solution among other approaches, i.e. cable stayed and suspended bridges are more reasonable if very long span is desired. Like any super structure, the economical and architectural aspects in construction of a bridge is extremely important, in other words, as a narrower bridge has better appearance, it also require smaller volume of material which make the design more economical. Design of such bridge, beside the high strength materials, requires precise structural analysis approaches capable of integrating the combination of material behaviour and complex geometry of structure and various types of loads which may be applied to bridge during its service life. Depend on the design strategy, analysis may only evaluates the linear elastic behaviour of structure or consider the nonlinear properties as well. Although most of structures in the past were designed to act in their elastic range, the rapid increase in computational capacity allow us to consider different sources of nonlinearities in order to achieve a more realistic evaluations where the dynamic behaviour of bridge is important especially in seismic zones where large movements may occur or structure experience P - _ effect during the earthquake. The above mentioned type of analysis is computationally expensive and very time consuming. In recent years, several methods were proposed in order to resolve this problem. Discussion of recent developments on these methods and their application on long span concrete arch bridges is the main goal of this research. Accordingly available long span concrete arch bridges have been studied to gather the critical information about their geometrical aspects and properties of their materials. Based on concluded information, several concrete arch bridges were designed for further studies. The main span of these bridges range from 100 to 400 meters. The Structural analysis methods implemented in in this study are as following: Elastic Analysis: Direct Response History Analysis (DRHA): This method solves the direct equation of motion over time history of applied acceleration or imposed load in linear elastic range. Modal Response History Analysis (MRHA): Similar to DRHA, this method is also based on time history, but the equation of motion is simplified to single degree of freedom system and calculates the response of each mode independently. Performing this analysis require less time than DRHA. Modal Response Spectrum Analysis (MRSA): As it is obvious from its name, this method calculates the peak response of structure for each mode and combine them using modal combination rules based on the introduced spectra of ground motion. This method is expected to be fastest among Elastic analysis. Inelastic Analysis: Nonlinear Response History Analysis (NL-RHA): The most accurate strategy to address significant nonlinearities in structural dynamics is undoubtedly the nonlinear response history analysis which is similar to DRHA but extended to inelastic range by updating the stiffness matrix for every iteration. This onerous task, clearly increase the computational cost especially for unsymmetrical buildings that requires to be analyzed in a full 3D model for taking the torsional effects in to consideration. Modal Pushover Analysis (MPA): The Modal Pushover Analysis is basically the MRHA but extended to inelastic stage. After all, the MRHA cannot solve the system of dynamics because the resisting force fs(u; u_ ) is unknown for inelastic stage. The solution of MPA for this obstacle is using the previously recorded fs to evaluate system of dynamics. Extended Modal Pushover Analysis (EMPA): Expanded Modal pushover is a one of very recent proposed methods which evaluates response of structure under multi-directional excitation using the modal pushover analysis strategy. In one specific mode,the original pushover neglect the contribution of the directions different than characteristic one, this is reasonable in regular symmetric building but a structure with complex shape like long span arch bridges may go through strong modal coupling. This method intend to consider modal coupling while it take same time of computation as MPA. Coupled Nonlinear Static Pushover Analysis (CNSP): The EMPA includes the contribution of non-characteristic direction to the formal MPA procedure. However the static pushovers in EMPA are performed individually for every mode, accordingly the resulted values from different modes can be combined but this is only valid in elastic phase; as soon as any element in structure starts yielding the neutral axis of that section is no longer fixed for both response during the earthquake, meaning the longitudinal deflection unavoidably affect the transverse one or vice versa. To overcome this drawback, the CNSP suggests executing pushover analysis for governing modes of each direction at the same time. This strategy is estimated to be more accurate than MPA and EMPA, moreover the calculation time is reduced because only one pushover analysis is required. Regardless of the strategy, the accuracy of structural analysis is highly dependent on modelling and numerical integration approaches used in evaluation of each method. Therefore the widely used Finite Element Method is implemented in process of all analysis performed in this research. In order to address the study, chapter 2, starts with gathered information about constructed long span arch bridges, this chapter continuous with geometrical and material definition of new models. Chapter 3 provides the detailed information about structural analysis strategies; furthermore the step by step description of procedure of all methods is available in Appendix A. The document ends with the description of results and conclusion of chapter 4.


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A significant amount of research has been conducted on FRP-confined circular columns, but much less is known about rectangular/square columns in which the effectiveness of confinement is much reduced. This paper presents the results of experimental investigations on low strength square concrete columns confined with FRP. Axial compression tests were performed on ten intermediate size columns. The tests results indicate that FRP composites can significantly improve the bearing capacity and ductility of square section reinforced concrete columns with rounded corners. The strength enhancement ratio is greater the lower the concrete strength and also increases with the stiffness of the jacket. The confined concrete behaviour was predicted according to the more accepted theoretical models and compared with experimental results. There are two key parameters which critically influence the fitting of the models: the strain efficiency factor and the effect of confinement in non-circular sections.


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A finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, la aparición de nuevos materiales, como el acero y el hormigón armado, y la experimentación en procedimientos industriales provocan un cambio en el concepto de cerramiento y en la forma de construir. La fachada se libera y se independiza de la estructura principal, y el nuevo cerramiento debe responder a los principios arquitectónicos y constructivos de este momento. Se busca, por tanto, un cerramiento nuevo. Un cerramiento ligero, de poco peso, de poco espesor, autoportante, multicapa, montado en seco, de grandes dimensiones y que cumpla las exigencias de todo cerramiento. Se puede afirmar que, hasta que Jean Prouvé experimenta con distintos materiales y sistemas de fabricación, la técnica de los cerramientos ligeros no se desarrolla por completo. En sus trabajos se pueden encontrar aplicaciones de los nuevos materiales y nuevas técnicas, e investigaciones sobre prefabricación ligera en acero y aluminio, en un intento de aplicar la producción industrial y en serie a la construcción. Esta Tesis realiza un análisis en profundidad, tanto gráfico como escrito, de los cerramientos verticales desarrollados por Jean Prouvé, sin tratarlos como objetos aislados, entendiendo que forman parte de una obra arquitectónica concreta y completa. Dicho análisis sirve para clasificarlos según las funciones esenciales que debe garantizar un cerramiento: aislar, iluminar, ventilar y proteger, y para comprender cuáles son las claves, los recursos e intenciones, utilizadas por el autor para conseguir este propósito. El resultado de la investigación se plasma de dos formas diferentes. En la primera, se realizan reflexiones críticas para extraer los temas importantes de los elementos analizados, lo que posibilita el acercamiento a otros arquitectos y ampliar el campo de visión. En la segunda, de tipo gráfico, se elabora un atlas de los distintos tipos de cerramientos verticales desarrollados por Jean Prouvé. ABSTRACT In the late nineteenth and the early twentieth century, the appearance of new materials, like steel or reinforced concrete, and the experimentation in industrial procedures cause a change in the concept of façade and in the way of build. The façade is released and become independent of the main structural frame, and the new building enclosure must answer the architectural and construction principles of that moment. A new façade is therefore looked for. A light, thin, self supported, multi layer, dry mounted and big dimensions façade that meet the exigencies of all building enclosure. You can ensure that until Jean Prouvé experiment with several materials and fabrication systems, the light façade technic does not develop completely. In his work we can find new materials applications and new technics and studies about light prefabrication with steel and aluminium, in an attempt of apply the mass production to construction. This Thesis carries out a deep analysis, graphic and written, of the vertical enclosure panels of Jean Prouvé’s work. This is made without studying them like isolated objects, but understanding that they are part of a particular architectural work, as a whole. The analysis is used for classify the panels according to main functions that a façade must satisfy: isolate, light up, ventilate and protect. And also to understand which are the keys, the resources and intentions used by Prouvé to achieve this goal. The result of the research is presented in two different ways. In the first one, a critical reflection is made in order to extract the important issues of the analyzed elements. That makes possible the approach to other architects and gives us a bigger range of vision. In the second, graphic, an atlas of the different types of vertical façade panels of Jean Prouvé is made.


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El presente trabajo se refiere al estudio teórico-experimental del comportamiento de pilares y vigas de hormigón armado reforzados con fibra de carbono o CFRP. El análisis se realiza considerando que los pilares se refuerzan mediante la técnica de adhesión de tejidos de fibra de carbono, generando un efecto de confinamiento. Las vigas se refuerzan mediante la incorporación de barras del mismo material, con refuerzos a cortante. El objetivo es poder comparar el estudio analítico de este tipo de refuerzos con resultados experimentales obtenidos con anterioridad a la realización de este documento, y así poder obtener conclusiones de las posibles diferencias. Hay que señalar que los modelos experimentales no forman parte de este estudio. Los ensayos en pilares fueron realizados en sección cuadrada y circular evaluando la rotura a compresión de las piezas, habiendo sido éstas escaladas con un factor de reducción de 2,3. Los ensayos correspondientes a vigas se realizaron en sección rectangular, centrándose en la evaluación de la rotura a flexión y habiendo sido escaladas igualmente, pero con un factor de reducción de 1:2. El documento se estructura en cuatro capítulos, cuyo contenido se expone de forma concisa a continuación. En el capítulo uno o marco teórico se exponen los principios de comportamiento y tipologías de los pilares y vigas de hormigón armado, las bases teóricas de su refuerzo y confinamiento, así como las diversas técnicas de refuerzo existentes. Se detalla la técnica con FRP, comparando y analizando sus ventajas e inconvenientes. En el capítulo dos se expone el proceso de fabricación, refuerzo y resultados de los modelos experimentales realizados para ambos elementos estructurales. La obtención de los modelos teóricos forma parte del capítulo tres, comparándose con los resultados experimentales en el cuarto capítulo. Finalmente, en el último capítulo se presentan las conclusiones obtenidas al realizar esta comparativa en el refuerzo de vigas y pilares con fibra de carbono. This work refers to the theoretical and experimental study of the behavior of CFRP reinforced concrete columns and beams. The analysis was done considering that the pillars are reinforced by CFRP wrapping technique, resulting in a confinement effect. The beams are reinforced by the addition of bars of the same material, with shear reinforcements. The objective is to compare the analytical study of this type of reinforcement with experimental results obtained prior to the performance of this document, and draw conclusions for any differences. Notice that experimental models are not part of this study. The tests were performed on circular and square section pillars, evaluating compression fracture of the pieces, having been scaled down with a factor of 2.3. The tests were performed on rectangular section beams, focusing on evaluation of the bending fracture and being scaled down equally, but with a factor of 1:2. The document is divided into four chapters, whose content is set out concisely below. The chapter one or theoretical framework sets out the principles of behavior and types of columns and beams of reinforced concrete, the theoretical basis of its reinforcement and confinement, as well as various existing reinforcement techniques. CFRP technique it’s detailed, comparing and analyzing their advantages and disadvantages. Chapter two describes the process of manufacture, reinforcement and results of experimental models made for both structural elements. Chapter three shows the obtaining of the theoretical models, comparing them with the experimental results in the fourth chapter. Finally, the last chapter presents the conclusions to make this comparison in the strengthening of beams and columns with carbon fiber.


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Los polímeros armados con fibras (FRP) se utilizan en refuerzos de estructuras de hormigón debido sobre todo a sus excelentes propiedades mecánicas, su resistencia a la corrosión y a su ligereza que se traduce en facilidad y ahorro en el transporte, puesta en obra y aplicación, la cual se realiza de forma muy rápida, con pocos operarios y utilizando medios auxiliares ligeros, minimizándose las interrupciones del uso de la estructura y las molestias a los usuarios. Las razones presentadas anteriormente, han despertado un gran inter´es por parte de diferentes grupos de investigación a nivel mundial y que actualmente se encuentran desarrollando nuevas técnicas de aplicación y métodos de cálculo. Sin embargo, las investigaciones realizadas hasta la fecha, muestran un procedimiento bien definido y aceptado en lo referente al cálculo a flexión, lo cual no ocurre con el refuerzo a cortante y aunque se ha demostrado que el refuerzo con FRP es un sistema eficaz para incrementar la capacidad ´ultima frente a esfuerzos cortantes, también se pone de manifiesto la necesidad de más estudios experimentales y teóricos para avanzar en el entendimiento de los mecanismos involucrados para este tipo de refuerzo y establecer un procedimiento de diseño apropiado que maximice las excelentes propiedades de este material. Los modelos que explican el comportamiento del refuerzo a cortante de elementos de hormigón armado son complejos y sin transposición directa a fórmulas ingenieriles. Las normas actualmente en vigor, generalmente, establecen empíricamente la capacidad cortante como la suma de las capacidades del hormigón y el refuerzo transversal de acero. Cuando un elemento es reforzado externamente con FRP, los modelos son evidentemente aun más complejos. Las guías y recomendaciones existentes proponen calcular la capacidad del elemento añadiendo la resistencia aportada por el refuerzo externo de FRP a la ya dada por el hormigón y acero transversal. Sin embargo, la idoneidad de este acercamiento es cuestionable puesto que no tiene en cuenta una posible interacción entre refuerzos. Con base en lo anterior se da origen al tema objeto de este trabajo, el cual está orientado al estudio a cortante de elementos de hormigón armado (HA), reforzados externamente con material compuesto de tejido unidireccional de fibra de carbono y resina epoxi. Inicialmente se hace una completa revisión del estado actual del conocimiento de la resistencia a cortante en elementos de hormigón armado con y sin refuerzo externo de FRP, prestando especial atención en los mecanismos actuantes estudiados hasta la fecha. La bibliografía consultada ha sido exhaustiva y actualizada lo que ha permitido el estudio de los modelos propuestos más importantes, tanto para la descripción del fenómeno de adherencia entre hormigón-FRP como de la valoración del aporte al cortante total hecho por el FRP, a través de sendas bases de datos de ensayos de pull-out y de vigas de hormigón armado ensayadas a cortante. Con base en todo lo anterior, se expusieron los mecanismos actuantes en el aporte a cortante hecho por el FRP en elementos de hormigón armado y la forma como las principales guías de cálculo existentes hasta la fecha los abordan. De igual forma se define un modelo de resistencia de esfuerzos para el FRP y se proponen dos modelos para el cálculo de las tensiones o deformaciones efectivas, de los cuales uno esta basado en el modelo de adherencia propuesto por Oller (2005) y el otro en una regresión multivariante para los mecanismos expuestos. Como complemento del estudio de los trabajos encontrados en la literatura, se lleva acabo un programa experimental que, además de aportar más registros a la exigua base de datos existentes, aporte mayor luz a los puntos que se consideran están deficientemente resueltos. Dentro de este programa se realizaron 32 ensayos sobre 16 vigas de 4.5 m de longitud (dos ensayos por viga), reforzadas a cortante con tejido unidireccional de CFRP. Finalmente, estos estudios han permitido proponer modificaciones a las formulaciones existentes en los códigos y guías en vigor. Abstract Its excellent mechanical properties, as well as its corrosion resistance and light weight, which make it easy to apply and inexpensive to ship to the worksite, are the basis of the extended use of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) as external strengthening for structures. FRP strengthening is a rapid operation calling for only limited labor and lightweight ancillary equipment, all of which minimizes both the interruption of facility usage and user inconvenience. These advantages have aroused considerable interest in civil engineering science and technology and have led to countless applications the world over. Research studies on the shear strength of FRP-strengthened members have been much fewer in number and more controversial than the research on flexural strengthening, for which a more or less standardized and generally accepted procedure has been established. The research conducted and a host of applications around the world have shown that FRP strengthening is an effective technique for raising ultimate shear strength, but it has also revealed a need for further experimental and theoretical research to advance in the understanding of the mechanisms involved and establish suitable design procedures that optimize the excellent properties of this material The models that explain reinforced concrete (RC) shear strength behavior are complex and cannot be directly transposed to engineering formulas. The standards presently in place generally establish shear capacity empirically as the sum of the capacities of the concrete and the passive reinforcement. When members are externally strengthened with FRP, the models are obviously even more complex. The existing guides and recommendations propose calculating capacity by adding the external strength provided by the FRP to the contributions of the concrete and passive reinforcement. The suitability of this approach is questionable, however, because it fails to consider the interaction between passive reinforcement and external strengthening. The subject of this work is based in above, which is focused on externally shear strengthening for reinforced concrete members with unidirectional carbon fiber sheets bonded with epoxy resin. v Initially a thorough literature review on shear of reinforced concrete beams with and without external FRP strengthening was performed, paying special attention to the acting mechanisms studied to date, which allowed the study of the most important models both to describe the bond phenomenon as well as calculating the FRP shear contribution, through separate databases of pull-out tests and shear tests on reinforced concrete beams externally strengthened with FRP. Based on above, they were exposed the acting mechanisms in a FRP shear strengthening on reinforced concrete beams and how guidelines deal the topic. The same way, it is defined a FRP stress strength model and two more models are proposed for calculating the effective stress, one of these is based on the Oller (2005) bond model and another one is the data best fit, taking into account most of the acting mechanisms. To complement the theoretical part we develop an experimental program that, in addition to providing more records to the meager existing database provide greater understanding to the points considered poorly resolved. The test program included 32 tests of 16 beams (2 per beam) of 4.5 m long, shear strengthened with FRP, externally. Finally, modifications to the existing codes and guidelines are proposed.


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Se trata de un proyecto de pasarela peatonal colgante sobre el río Ulla, de aproximadamente 36 metros de luz. La especial belleza del área natural en que se situará llevó a la opción de un diseño claro y sencillo para lograr su integración en el lugar. Se busca que la pasarela pase lo más desapercibida posible y deje el protagonismo para el entorno, el río y la naturaleza misma. La difícil accesibilidad de la zona condicionó el diseño y los procedimientos constructivos a adoptar. Se optó por una tipología de pasarela colgante de cables de acero, tablero de madera de castaño y soportes de madera laminada cilíndrica, sobre unos estribos de hormigón armado parcialmente ocultos gracias a su integración en la topografía del lugar. El diseño modular del tablero, construido a base de piezas prefabricadas de madera de castaño que se ensamblan entre sí, permite el montaje en seco mediante avance del tablero sin necesidad de cimbra. Su diseño con dos capas cruzadas de entablado solidarizadas proporciona al conjunto un comportamiento estructural similar al de una placa maciza de madera. This is the project of a suspension footbridge over the Ulla River. It has a span of about 36 meters. The beauty of the natural surroundings where it is located guided the design to the option of a clear and simple proposal with the aim of achieving an integrated project for the area. The footbridge tries to be as invisible as possible with the purpose of maintaining the natural quality of the river and its surroundings. The difficult access to the area conditioned the design and the construction procedures chosen. A suspension footbridge with stainless steel cables, chestnut timber deck and cylindrical glulam piles was designed in the end. The reinforced concrete abutments are partially concealed thanks to their integration in the topography of the area. The deck is built of prefabricated chestnut timber modules that can be joined together at the construction site and can be assembled without the necessity of scaffolding over the river. The design of the deck, with two crossed layers of chestnut boards screwed down together, permits a structural behaviour similar to a solid wooden slab.


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The problem is general: modern architects and engineers are trying to understand historic structures using the wrong theoretical frame, the classic (elastic) thery of structures developed in the 19th Century for iron and stell, and in the 20th century for reinforced concrete, disguised with "modern" computer packages, mainly FEM, but also others. Masonry is an essentially different material, and the structural equations must be adapted accordingly. It is not a matter of "taste" or "opinion", and the consequences are before us. Since, say 1920s, historic monuments have suffered the aggression of generations of archietcts and engineers, trying to transform masonry in reinfored concrete or steel. The damage to the monuments and the expense has been, and is, enormous. However, as we have an adequate theory (modern limit analysis of masonry structures, Heyman 1966) which encompasses the "old theory" used successfully by the 18th and 19th Century practical engineers (from Perronet to Sejourné), it is a matter of "Ethics" not to use the wrong approach. It is also "contra natura" to modify the material masonry with indiscriminate injections, stitchings, etc. It is insane to consider, suddenly, that buildings which are Centuries or milennia old, are suddenly in danger of collapse. Maintenance is necessary but not the actual destruction of the constructive essence of the monument. A cocktail of "ignorance, fear and greed" is acting under the best of intentions.


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Commercial aluminium foam filled structures and sandwich panels are available for structural applications. As alternative to these materials, small granular foamed pieces are proposed to fill structures as well as sandwich panels. On the present work, foam precursors are obtained by Powder Metallurgy (PM) route, using natural calcium carbonate as foaming agent instead of titanium hydride. Extruded precursor bars were cut into small pieces (around 4.5 mm long and 5mm in diameter). Foaming treatment was carried out on two different ways: electrical preheated furnace and by solar furnace. Foamed nodules presented a low cell size, density e.g. 0.67 g/cm3 to 0.88 g/cm3 and a height/diameter ratio between 0.72 and 0.84 as a function of precursor size. These properties depend on the foaming particle size, foaming cycle and precursor dimensions. Carbonate precursors are easily foamed by concentrated solar energy, due to the lower risk of cell collapse than with hydride precursors, resulting from cell stabilization by oxide skin formation into cells and a low degree of foamed nodules bonding.


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El hormigón armado es el material estructural más empleado en construcción, lo que exige un exhaustivo control tanto de los materiales que lo componen como de su ejecución, con el fin de garantizar la vida útil para la que ha sido proyectado. Uno de los principales problemas de la durabilidad del hormigón armado, es la corrosión de sus armaduras. Existen en la actualidad diferentes métodos que intentan detener el proceso de corrosión, entre ellos, los inhibidores superficiales de corrosión. El continuo incremento en la producción de acero desde el siglo XIX, ha producido un desequilibrio entre los productos fabricados en las industrias siderúrgicas y los residuos generados. Como consecuencia, toneladas de residuos son depositados en vertederos, provocando graves daños medioambientales con el paso del tiempo. El volumen de escorias producidas en la industria siderúrgica en España asciende a 2,55Mt al año, de ahí la importancia del reciclaje de estos productos y de su integración como materia prima en el proceso de fabricación de otros materiales. Partiendo de estas premisas, en el presente trabajo de investigación se ha estudiado el comportamiento a corrosión, de barras de acero de armar embebidas en probetas de mortero, en las que se ha sustituido parcialmente el árido y el cemento por escorias blancas de horno cuchara (LFS), mediante técnicas electroquímicas y gravimétricas. Para ello, se han fabricado probetas prismáticas de 6 x 8 x 2 cm3 con diferentes porcentajes de ión cloruro, introducidos en el momento del amasado, tanto en probetas patrón como en probetas con escorias LFS. El análisis de los resultados obtenidos permite concluir que las probetas patrón y las probetas con escorias LFS tienen comportamientos similares en presencia de cloruros por encima del 0,4% en peso de cemento y por tanto que la sustitución de escorias LFS por arena (25%) y cemento (30%) no afecta negativamente a la corrosión de las armaduras. Por tanto, el uso de escorias LFS en el proceso de fabricación de hormigón armado es una práctica que presenta ventajas competitivas respecto a las técnicas de construcción tradicionales, desde el punto de vista económico y medioambiental. En cuanto a los inhibidores superficiales de corrosión, no han resultado eficaces en probetas con escorias LFS, independientemente del porcentaje de ión cloruro, mientras que en probetas patrón han sido eficaces para porcentajes de ión cloruro igual o inferior al 0,8% en peso de cemento. ABSTRACT Reinforced concrete is the most widely used structural material. This implies that rigorous control must be applied in order to guarantee the life-span and performance of structures made using this composite material. One of the main problems regarding concrete durability is bar corrosion. At present, there are different methods adopted to stop the corrosion process, among them, surface corrosion inhibitors. The continuous growth in steel production since the 19th century has led to an imbalance between waste products generated in steel production processes and their subsequent use. As a consequence, mass dumping at waste disposal sites has been causing a significant environmental problem over the years. The amount of slag produced by the steel industry each year in Spain amounts to 2.55Mt, hence the importance of recycling by-products from steel production so they can be used as primary material in the manufacturing process of other materials. Starting from this working hypothesis, and using electrochemical and gravimetric techniques, this research work aims to analyse and study the corrosion behaviour of steel rebars embedded in mortar specimens, containing ladle furnace slag in partial substitution for aggregate and cement. Prisms were manufactured from 6 x 8 x 2 cm3 with different percentages of chloride ion introduced at the time of mixing, in standard specimens and specimens with LFS slag. Results from the analysis show that the standard specimens and those containing LFS slag display a similar behaviour in the presence of chlorides. Furthermore, when LFS slag is replaced by sand (25%) and cement (30%) corrosion of rebars is not negatively affected. Additionally, the use of LFS slag in the manufacture of reinforced structures is a practice that represents a competitive advantage over traditional construction techniques, from both an economic and environmental point of view Finally, as for surface corrosion inhibitors, they have not proved effective in specimens containing LFS slag, regardless of the percentage of the chloride ion, whereas in standard specimens they have been effective in chloride ion percentages not exceeding 0.8% (as to the cement amount).


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La durabilidad de las estructuras de hormigón armado no es ilimitada, en especial en determinados ambientes. El ingreso de agentes agresivos en el hormigón, fundamentalmente dióxido de carbono e iones cloruros, rebasando el espesor del recubrimiento y alcanzando las armaduras, reducen el alto pH del hormigón hasta alcanzar un umbral crítico, por debajo del cual, el acero queda despasivado. Posteriormente, si existe el suficiente aporte de humedad y oxígeno, el acero se corroe, lo que supone drásticas reducciones de la vida de servicio de estas estructuras y su inevitable reparación. La utilización de armaduras de acero inoxidable es una alternativa que está recibiendo cada vez más consideración. Su resistencia a la corrosión en los ambientes más agresivos, incluso con ataque de cloruros, lo convierte en el material idóneo para prolongar de forma muy considerable la vida útil de la estructura. En este trabajo se ha evaluado el comportamiento mecánico y estructural, y de resistencia a la corrosión, de un nuevo acero inoxidable dúplex de bajo contenido en níquel, el EN 1.4482 (AISI 2001), y se ha comparado con el inoxidable austenítico más utilizado, el EN 1.4301 (AISI 304), con el dúplex EN 1.4362 (AISI 2304) y con el tradicional acero al carbono B-500-SD. El estudio mecánico y estructural se ha realizado en tres niveles diferentes: a nivel de barra, estudiando las propiedades mecánicas y de ductilidad de los cuatro aceros citados; a nivel de sección, estudiando su comportamiento a flexión con diferentes cuantías de armado por medio de los diagramas momento-curvatura; y a nivel de pieza, ensayando una serie de vigas armadas con diferentes aceros y cuantías, y comprobando su comportamiento a desplazamiento y resistencia por medio de los diagramas carga-desplazamiento. El estudio de resistencia a la corrosión se ha realizado embebiendo barras corrugadas, de los tres aceros inoxidables mencionados, en probetas de mortero contaminadas con diferentes cantidades de cloruros, y realizando mediciones electroquímicas durante un periodo de al menos un año. Se han preparado probetas de mortero para dos comparativas diferentes. La primera, manteniendo las probetas en un desecador con el 95 % de humedad relativa durante todo el periodo de mediciones. La segunda, sumergiendo parcialmente las probetas en una solución tampón para carbonatar el mortero. Los resultados de los ensayos mecánicos han demostrado dos aspectos diferentes. Uno, que las armaduras de acero inoxidable tienen un comportamiento muy similar a las de acero al carbono en lo referente a las resistencias alcanzadas, en el límite elástico y en rotura, pero distinto en cuanto al módulo de deformación longitudinal, cuyo valor es claramente inferior al del acero al carbono, por lo que su utilización en las estructuras de hormigón necesita tener en cuenta ese dato en los análisis lineales de cálculo. El segundo aspecto es que las armaduras de acero inoxidable laminadas en caliente presentan una ductilidad muy superior a las de acero al carbono, por lo que ofrecen una mayor seguridad frente a su rotura o al colapso de la estructura, lo que se debe tener en cuenta en el análisis de cálculo plástico. En cambio, las armaduras de acero inoxidable laminadas en frío sólo cumplen con los límites mínimos de ductilidad establecidos en la instrucción EHE-08 para los aceros soldables, y no para los aceros con características especiales de ductilidad. El estudio a nivel de sección refleja la paradoja de obtener secciones menos dúctiles con las armaduras de acero inoxidable laminadas en caliente que con las armaduras de acero al carbono. Para subsanarlo, se definen los conceptos de curvatura última de rotura y ductilidad de la sección en rotura, que tienen en cuenta las altas deformaciones alcanzadas por las armaduras de acero inoxidable. Los resultados a nivel de pieza permiten identificar el comportamiento estructural del hormigón armado con barras corrugadas de acero inoxidable y compararlo con el de las estructuras de hormigón armado convencionales, verificando los resultados experimentales con los teóricos obtenidos con la formulación recogida en la instrucción EHE- 08. Los ensayos de resistencia a la corrosión por cloruros demuestran, durante el primer año y medio de vida de las probetas, un comportamiento muy similar entre el nuevo acero inoxidable dúplex bajo en níquel y el austenítico y el dúplex utilizados para la comparación, incluso para las probetas carbonatadas. Por último, se añade una comparativa económica, realizada sobre dos edificaciones tipo, para cuantificar el sobrecoste que supone la utilización de armaduras de acero inoxidable respecto a las de acero al carbono. El alto coste inicial de las armaduras de acero inoxidable se ve compensado en el coste final de la estructura de muy diferentes formas, principalmente dependiendo del grado de acero elegido y de si se emplean en el total de la estructura o solamente en los elementos más expuestos. The durability of the concrete structures is limited, especially in certain environments. The attack of aggressive agents in the concrete, mainly carbon dioxide and chloride ions, penetrating the thickness of concrete cover and reaching the reinforcements, reduce the high pH of concrete to the point of reaching a critical threshold, under which, the steel despasivates. Therefore, if there is enough humidity and oxygen, the steel corroes, causing drastic reductions in the service life of these structures and its inevitable repair. Despite the high initial cost compared to carbon steel, the usage of stainless steel reinforcements is an alternative with a major consideration nowadays. Its resistance to corrosion in the most aggressive atmospheres, including chlorides attack, makes the stainless steel a suitable material to extend considerably its lifetime. In this study, it’s been evaluated the mechanical and structural behaviour, and the corrosion resistance, of a new low-nickel duplex stainless steel EN 1.4482 (AISI 2001), and it has been compared with the most widely used austenitic type EN 1.4301 (AISI 304), with duplex steel EN 1.4362 (AISI 2304) and with the traditional carbon steel B-500-SD. The mechanical and structural study has been carried out in three different levels: bar level, studying mechanical properties and ductility of the four steels; section level, studying its behaviour when blending with different amounts of reinforcement through the moment-curvature diagrams; and structural element level, testing a series of reinforced beams with different steels and amounts, and checking its sag and resistance through the load-deflection diagrams. The corrosion resistance study was performed by embedding ribbed bars, using the three stainless steel listed, on mortar specimens contaminated with different amounts of chlorides, and taking electrochemical measurements over a period of at least one year. Mortar specimens have been prepared for two different comparisons. The first, keeping the specimens at 95% of relative humidity during the measurement period. The second, immersing the specimens partially in a carbonate buffer solution. The results of those tests have proved two different aspects. Firstly, that stainless steel reinforcements show a very similar behaviour to carbon steel, according to the reached levels of mechanical resistance, yield stress and steel strength, but a different behaviour in Young’s modulus, which value is clearly lower than the carbon steel. Therefore, when using in concrete structures it is need to consider on that point the existing calculus of linear analysis. The second aspect is that stainless steel reinforcement manufactured by hot-rolling process show a very higher ductility than carbon steel, offering a better security on cracks or structure collapse, which it has to be taken into account on plastic calculus analysis. However, the stainless steel reinfor9 cement cold-rolled bars only meet the minimum thresholds of ductility established by EHE-08 for welded steel, and not for steels with special ductility. The results at the section level reflect the paradox of getting less ductile sections with hot rolled stainless steel reinforcement than with carbon steel reinforcements. To overcome that, the concepts of last break curvature and break ductility section have been defined, which take into account the high deformation value achieved by stainless steel reinforcements. The results at the structural element level allow to identify the structural behaviour of reinforced concrete with stainless steel reinforcements and compared with that of conventional steel reinforcement, contrasting the experimental with the theoretical results obtained from the formulation contained in the instruction EHE-08. Tests on resistance of chloride corrosion show during the first year and a half of specimens life, a similar behaviour between the new low nickel duplex stainless steel and austenitic and duplex used for comparison, even for carbonated specimens. Finally, it has been included an economic comparison on two differents building types, to quantify the additional cost involved on the use of stainless steel reinforcement compared to that of carbon steel. The high initial cost of stainless steel reinforcements is offset in the final cost of the structure in many different ways, mainly depending on the chosen steel grade and whether the reinforcement is used in the total structure or only in risky structural elements.


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El acero es, junto con el hormigón, el material más ampliamente empleado en la construcción de obra civil y de edificación. Además de su elevada resistencia, su carácter dúctil resulta un aspecto de particular interés desde el punto de vista de la seguridad estructural, ya que permite redistribuir esfuerzos a elementos adyacentes y, por tanto, almacenar una mayor energía antes del colapso final de la estructura. No obstante, a pesar de su extendida utilización, todavía existen aspectos relacionados con su comportamiento en rotura que necesitan una mayor clarificación y que permitirían un mejor aprovechamiento de sus propiedades. Cuando un elemento de acero es ensayado a tracción y alcanza la carga máxima, sufre la aparición de un cuello de estricción que plantea dificultades para conocer el comportamiento del material desde dicho instante hasta la rotura. La norma ISO 6892-1, que define el método a emplear en un ensayo de tracción con materiales metálicos, establece procedimientos para determinar los parámetros relacionados con este tramo último de la curva F − E. No obstante, la definición de dichos parámetros resulta controvertida, ya que éstos presentan una baja reproducibilidad y una baja repetibilidad que resultan difíciles de explicar. En esta Tesis se busca profundizar en el conocimiento del último tramo de la curva F − E de los aceros de construcción. Para ello se ha realizado una amplia campaña experimental sobre dos aceros representativos en el campo de la construcción civil: el alambrón de partida empleado en la fabricación de alambres de pretensado y un acero empleado como refuerzo en hormigón armado. Los dos materiales analizados presentan formas de rotura diferentes: mientras el primero de ellos presenta una superficie de rotura plana con una región oscura claramente apreciable en su interior, el segundo rompe según la clásica superficie en forma de copa y cono. La rotura en forma de copa y cono ha sido ampliamente estudiada en el pasado y existen modelos de rotura que han logrado reproducirla con éxito, en especial el modelo de Gurson- Tvergaard-Needleman (GTN). En cuanto a la rotura exhibida por el primer material, en principio nada impide abordar su reproducción numérica con un modelo GTN, sin embargo, las diferencias observadas entre ambos materiales en los ensayos experimentales permiten pensar en otro criterio de rotura. En la presente Tesis se realiza una amplia campaña experimental con probetas cilíndricas fabricadas con dos aceros representativos de los empleados en construcción con comportamientos en rotura diferentes. Por un lado se analiza el alambrón de partida empleado en la fabricación de alambres de pretensado, cuyo frente de rotura es plano y perpendicular a la dirección de aplicación de la carga con una región oscura en su interior. Por otro lado, se estudian barras de acero empleadas como armadura pasiva tipo B 500 SD, cuyo frente de rotura presenta la clásica superficie en forma de copa y cono. Estos trabajos experimentales han permitido distinguir dos comportamientos en rotura claramente diferenciados entre ambos materiales y, en el caso del primer material, se ha identificado un comportamiento asemejable al exhibido por materiales frágiles. En este trabajo se plantea la hipótesis de que el primer material, cuya rotura provoca un frente de rotura plano y perpendicular a la dirección de aplicación de la carga, rompe de manera cuasifrágil como consecuencia de un proceso de decohesión, de manera que la región oscura que se observa en el centro del frente de rotura se asemeja a una entalla circular perpendicular a la dirección de aplicación de la carga. Para la reproducción numérica de la rotura exhibida por el primer material, se plantea un criterio de rotura basado en un modelo cohesivo que, como aspecto novedoso, se hace depender de la triaxialidad de tensiones, parámetro determinante en el fallo de este tipo de materiales. Este tipo de modelos presenta varias ventajas respecto a los modelos GTN habitualmente empleados. Mientras los modelos GTN precisan de numerosos parámetros para su calibración, los modelos cohesivos precisan fundamentalmente de dos parámetros para definir su curva de ablandamiento: la tensión de decohesión ft y la energía de fractura GF . Además, los parámetros de los modelos GTN no son medibles de manera experimental, mientras que GF sí lo es. En cuanto a ft, aunque no existe un método para su determinación experimental, sí resulta un parámetro más fácilmente interpretable que los empleados por los modelos GTN, que utilizan valores como el porcentaje de huecos presentes en el material para iniciar el fenómeno de coalescencia o el porcentaje de poros que provoca una pérdida total de la capacidad resistente. Para implementar este criterio de rotura se ha desarrollado un elemento de intercara cohesivo dependiente de la triaxialidad de tensiones. Se han reproducido con éxito los ensayos de tracción llevados a cabo en la campaña experimental empleando dicho elemento de intercara. Además, en estos modelos la rotura se produce fenomenológicamente de la misma manera observada en los ensayos experimentales: produciéndose una decohesión circular en torno al eje de la probeta. En definitiva, los trabajos desarrollados en esta Tesis, tanto experimentales como numéricos, contribuyen a clarificar el comportamiento de los aceros de construcción en el último tramo de la curva F − E y los mecanismos desencadenantes de la rotura final del material, aspecto que puede contribuir a un mejor aprovechamiento de las propiedades de estos aceros en el futuro y a mejorar la seguridad de las estructuras construidas con ellos. Steel is, together with concrete, the most widely used material in civil engineering works. Not only its high strength, but also its ductility is of special interest from the point of view of the structural safety, since it enables stress distribution with adjacent elements and, therefore, more energy can be stored before reaching the structural failure. However, despite of being extensively used, there are still some aspects related to its fracture behaviour that need to be clarified and that will allow for a better use of its properties. When a steel item is tested under tension and reaches the maximum load point, necking process begins, which makes difficult to define the material behaviour from that moment onward. The ISO standard 6892-1, which defines the tensile testing method for metallic materials, describes the procedures to obtain some parameters related to this last section of the F − E curve. Nevertheless, these parameters have proved to be controversial, since they have low reproducibility and repeatibility rates that are difficult to explain. This Thesis tries to deepen the knowledge of the last section of the F − E curve for construction steels. An extensive experimental campaign has been carried out with two representative steels used in civil engineering works: a steel rod used for manufacturing prestressing steel wires, before the cold-drawing process is applied, and steel bars used in reinforced concrete structures. Both materials have different fracture surfaces: while the first of them shows a flat fracture surface, perpendicular to the loading direction with a dark region in the centre of it, the second one shows the classical cup-cone fracture surface. The cup-cone fracture surface has been deeply studied in the past and different numerical models have been able to reproduce it with success, with a special mention to the Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman model (GTN). Regarding the failure surface shown by the first material, in principle it can be numerically reproduced by a GTN model, but the differences observed between both materials in the experimental campaign suggest thinking of a different failure criterium. In the present Thesis, an extensive experimental campaign has been carried out using cylindrical specimens made of two representative construction steels with different fracture behaviours. On one hand, the initial eutectoid steel rod used for manufacturing prestressing steel wires is analysed, which presents a flat fracture surface, perpendicular to the loading direction, and with a dark region in the centre of it. On the other hand, B 500 SD steel bars, typically used in reinforced concrete structures and with the typical cup-cone fracture surface, are studied. These experimental works have allowed distinguishing two clearly different fracture behaviours between both materials and, in the case of the first one, a fragile-like behaviour has been identified. For the first material, which shows a flat fracture surface perpendicular to the loading direction, the following hypothesis is proposed in this study: a quasi-brittle fracture is developed as a consequence of a decohesion process, with the dark region acting as a circular crack perpendicular to the loading direction. To reproduce numerically the fracture behaviour shown by the first material, a failure criterium based on a cohesive model is proposed in this Thesis. As an innovative contribution, this failure criterium depends on the stress triaxiality state of the material, which is a key parameter when studying fracture in this kind of materials. This type of models have some advantages when compared to the widely used GTN models. While GTN models need a high number of parameters to be defined, cohesive models need basically two parameters to define the softening curve: the decohesion stress ft and the fracture energy GF . In addition to this, GTN models parameters cannot be measured experimentally, while GF is indeed. Regarding ft, although no experimental procedure is defined for its obtention, it has an easier interpretation than the parameters used by the GTN models like, for instance, the void volume needed for the coalescence process to start or the void volume that leads to a total loss of the bearing capacity. In order to implement this failure criterium, a triaxiality-dependent cohesive interface element has been developed. The experimental results obtained in the experimental campaign have been successfully reproduced by using this interface element. Furthermore, in these models the failure mechanism is developed in the same way as observed experimentally: with a circular decohesive process taking place around the longitudinal axis of the specimen. In summary, the works developed in this Thesis, both experimental and numerical, contribute to clarify the behaviour of construction steels in the last section of the F − E curve and the mechanisms responsible for the eventual material failure, an aspect that can lead to a better use of the properties of these steels in the future and a safety improvement in the structures built with them.