127 resultados para Puente
This study analyses the effects that the project management certification has on employability. This analysis started with a participative process in which various groups of experts who are involved in the certification of people were consulted. A personal interview was carried out amongst 106 professionals —certifying bodies, training institutions, the civil service, and international organisations— and amongst professional who are certified in project management by the International Project Management Association in Spain. The results show that the certification emerges as a powerful tool for improving employability. The effects are demonstrated across two complementary aspects: internal company aspects and external aspects relating to the labour market. Finally, by compiling the different agents’ opinions, a series of measures emerge for improving the accreditation processes as an employability tool and increasing the mutual learning between public and private actors.
La organización es considerada como elemento estratégico en el desarrollo de una localidad rural, ya que a través de ésta se obtienen mayores beneficios, permite a las personas desarrollar sus capacidades y son impulsoras de proyectos dentro de las comunidades. Sin embargo, es común que los territorios rurales cuenten con un tejido asociativo desarticulado que limita esas posibilidades. Por lo anterior se planteo conocer las causas de la escasa participación de la sociedad en grupos organizados y la problemática que enfrentan las organizaciones asentadas en un territorio, a través de un estudio de caso en el municipio de Salinas, San Luis Potosí, México, en 2009. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar las causas que están originando que la organización no tenga impacto en el municipio, lo que permitirá formular una estrategia para lograr que ésta sea un motor de desarrollo en el territorio. Los resultados indican que la mayoría de las personas no participan en ningún tipo de organización aún cuando les gusta trabajar en grupo. En general, las organizaciones se enfrentan a dificultades para tomar acuerdos y cumplir los compromisos adquiridos. Las organizaciones formales en el municipio incluyen organizaciones económicas y de representación. Ambas presentan problemas internos relacionados con la falta de recursos económicos, la escasa capacitación y la falta compromiso del grupo; elementos que no han permitido su consolidación y su participación en el desarrollo del territorio.
This communication presents the results of an innovative approach for competencedevelopment suggesting a new methodology for the integration of these elements in professional development within the ADA initiative (AulaaDistanciaAbierta, Distance and Open Classroom) of the Community of Madrid. The main objective of this initiative is to promote the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for educational activities by creating a new learning environment structured on the premises of commitment to self–learning, individual work, communication and virtual interaction, and self and continuous assessment. Results from this experience showed that conceptualization is a positive contribution to learning, as students added names and characteristics to competences and abilities that were previously unknown or underestimated. Also, the diversity of participants’ disciplines indicated multidimensional interest in this idea and supported the theory that this approach to competencedevelopment could be successful in all knowledge areas.
La falta de garantías al solicitar un crédito, la poca información donde recurrir a solicitarlo y las diferentes formas de exclusión a los servicios financieros, coloca a las personas que pertenecen al sector rural como los más vulnerables para acceder a estos servicios. A nivel internacional se han generado diversos modelos que permiten el acercamiento de financiamiento al sector. El objetivo de la presente investigación es entender cuáles son los principales problemas que enfrentan los productores al solicitar un crédito, averiguar si ven al crédito como una fuente de financiamiento y realizar recomendaciones que permitan ayudar a mejorar dicha situación. En el municipio de Salinas, San Luis Potosí, México, es una zona con características que pueden facilitar la generación de proyectos productivos, si se contara con un esquema de financiamiento. Durante el 2008, se aplicaron 186 encuestas y se analizaron estadísticas nacionales. Los resultados mostraron que no hay cultura financiera, los productores no tienen información necesaria, de quién ofrece los créditos o dónde invertir sus recursos; a la banca comercial no le interesa el impacto de desarrollo que puedan tener sus créditos; el crédito de avío es el más solicitado. Las conclusiones señalan que la situación actual en el municipio respecto al crédito, es la misma que en cualquier nivel, por tanto es importante articular modelos de financiamiento, que consideren al crédito como motor para el desarrollo, permitiendo así la generación de oportunidades de empleo y autoempleo.
Accreditation models in the international context mainly consider the evaluation of learning outcomes and the ability of programs (or higher education institutions) to achieve the educational objectives stated in their mission. However, it is not clear if these objectives and therefore their outcomes satisfy real national and regional needs, a critical point in engineering master's programs, especially in developing countries. The aim of this paper is to study the importance of the local relevancy evaluation of these programs and to analyze the main models of quality assurance and accreditation bodies of USA, Europe and Latin America, in order to ascertain whether the relevancy is evaluated or not. After a literature review, we found that in a free-market economic context and international education, the accreditation of master’s programs follows an international accreditation model, and doesn´t take in account in most cases criteria and indicators for local relevancy. It concludes that it is necessary both, international accreditation to ensure the effectiveness of the program (achievement of learning outcomes) and the national accreditation through which it could ensure local relevancy of programs, for which we are giving some indicators.
The purpose of this guide is to introduce the robotics kit LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT to the Ada community. All the steps required to complete a working Ada application running under the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT are covered..
A compact planar array with parasitic elements is studied to be used in MIMO systems. Classical compact arrays suffer from high coupling which makes correlation and matching efficiency to be worse. A proper matching network improves these lacks although its bandwidth is low and may increase the antenna size. The proposed antenna makes use of parasitic elements to improve both correlation and efficiency. A specific software based on MoM has been developed to analyze radiating structures with several feed points. The array is optimized through a Genetic Algorithm to determine parasitic elements position in order to fulfill different figures of merit. The proposed design provides the required correlation and matching efficiency to have a good performance over a significant bandwidth.
Embedded systems are commonly designed by specifying and developing hardware and software systems separately. On the contrary, the hardware/software (HW/SW) co-development exploits the trade-offs between hardware and software in a system through their concurrent design. HW/SW Codevelopment techniques take advantage of the flexibility of system design to create architectures that can meet stringent performance requirements with a shorter design cycle. This paper presents the work done within the scope of ESA HWSWCO (Hardware-Software Co-design) study. The main objective of this study has been to address the HW/SW co-design phase to integrate this engineering task as part of the ASSERT process (refer to [1]) and compatible with the existing ASSERT approach, process and tool, Advances in the automation of the design of HW and SW and the adoption of the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) [9] paradigm make possible the definition of a proper integration substrate and enables the continuous interaction of the HW and SW design paths.
El desarrollo comunitario ha de ir acompañado de un proceso de dinamización social que suscite grupos funcionales de ciudadanos capaces de ser responsables de su propio desarrollo. Es importante que este proceso fomente la estructuración de todos los grupos de población y cuente con un apoyo técnico e institucional apropiado. Para ello es necesario analizar algunos interrogantes en torno a las relaciones entre las instituciones públicas y las asociaciones locales, el papel de estas asociaciones y las dificultades encontradas en los territorios rurales. En este artículo se abordan dichas cuestiones desde la experiencia de más de 25 años de la Asociación Instituto de Desarrollo Comunitario de Cuenca en la dinamización de las zonas rurales de esta provincia española. Desde esta visión de largo plazo se proporcionan algunas claves para acompañar con éxito el proceso de dinamización ?características y herramientas metodológicas?, lograr la motivación de la población, el arraigamiento de las asociaciones locales, y la generación de partenariados sostenibles que fomenten el liderazgo de la comunidad en el proceso de desarrollo.
Los modelos de acreditación en el contexto internacional evalúan principalmente resultados de aprendizaje y la capacidad de los programas de maestría en ingeniería de proyectos para lograr los objetivos educativos que declaran en su misión. Sin embargo, no se garantiza que esos objetivos y por tanto los resultados, satisfagan necesidades reales del entorno nacional o regional, un aspecto esencial en los países en vías de desarrollo. El objetivo de la presente comunicación es sustentar la importancia de la evaluación de la pertinencia de estos programas y hacer un análisis de los principales modelos de garantía de la calidad y organismos de acreditación para conocer la forma en que se evalúa o no la pertinencia de los programas. Se encontró que, en un contexto económico de libre mercado, de internacionalización de la educación y movilidad, la acreditación de las maestrías sigue un modelo de acreditación internacional y no se cuenta en la mayoría de los casos con criterios e indicadores para evaluar la pertinencia. Sin embargo existen, dos modelos de acreditación o certificación que garantizan que un programa de maestría en ingeniería de proyectos sea pertinente localmente: el proyecto REG de AEIPRO y el proyecto europeo EUR-ACE.
Free people association constructed from button to above to get better conditions of people using local resources, are among others, elements of local development. LEADER (Liaisons HQWUH DFWLYLWpV GH 'HYHORSHPHQW GH /¶(FRQRPLH 5XUDO) is the Europe Union model of rural development. The LEADER method is conformed in seven features which are factors of success in the approach of applying in different territories . The actions held in the municipal council of rural development of San Andres C a l p a n during 2010 showed some elements of LEADER for it´s adjustment: 1).- territory definition , 2).- local association , 3).- financing. It´s used a methodology consists of reviewing documents about the financing and association in the territory studied, survey applying t define the model of agricultural production and development along with mayors of different municipalities, the economical and social actors. The definition performance field with territory integration of citizen councils as groups of local action and a financing strategy are part of the results of this process of adapting in this territory
While multichannel configurations are well established for non-imaging applications, they have not been used yet for imaging applications. In this paper we present for the first time some of multichannel designs for imaging systems. The multichannel comprises discontinuous optical sections which are called channels. The phase-space representation of the bundle of rays going from the object to the image is discontinuous between channels. This phase-space ray-bundle flow is divided in as many paths as channels there are but it is a single wavefront both at the source and the target. Typically, these multichannel systems are at least formed by three optical surfaces: two of them have discontinuities (either in the shape or in the shape derivative) while the last is a smooth one. Optical surfaces discontinuities cause at the phase space the wave front split in separate paths. The number of discontinuities is the same in the two first surfaces: Each channel is defined by the smooth surfaces in between discontinuities, so the surfaces forming each separate channel are all smooth. Aplanatic multichannel designs are also shown and used to explain the design procedure.
Community development must be accompanied by a social involvement process which creates functional groups of citizens capable of taking responsibility for their own development. It is important that this process promotes the structuring of all population groups and provides the appropriate institutional and technical support. The present paper addresses these issues based on over 25 years of experience by the Association Instituto de Desarrollo Comunitario de Cuenca in revitalizing rural areas of the Spanish province of Cuenca. This paper analyses the social involvement process encouraged by this association, the relationships between public institutions and local associations, the role of these associations and the difficulties encountered in the rural areas. The long-term perspective of this experience provides some keys which can be used to successfully support the process of social involvement ―such as information on its characteristics and methodological tools―, establish local associations and create sustainable partnerships that foster the growth of leadership within the community development process.
We show a procedure for constructing a probabilistic atlas based on affine moment descriptors. It uses a normalization procedure over the labeled atlas. The proposed linear registration is defined by closed-form expressions involving only geometric moments. This procedure applies both to atlas construction as atlas-based segmentation. We model the likelihood term for each voxel and each label using parametric or nonparametric distributions and the prior term is determined by applying the vote-rule. The probabilistic atlas is built with the variability of our linear registration. We have two segmentation strategy: a) it applies the proposed affine registration to bring the target image into the coordinate frame of the atlas or b) the probabilistic atlas is non-rigidly aligning with the target image, where the probabilistic atlas is previously aligned to the target image with our affine registration. Finally, we adopt a graph cut - Bayesian framework for implementing the atlas-based segmentation.
We propose a level set based variational approach that incorporates shape priors into edge-based and region-based models. The evolution of the active contour depends on local and global information. It has been implemented using an efficient narrow band technique. For each boundary pixel we calculate its dynamic according to its gray level, the neighborhood and geometric properties established by training shapes. We also propose a criterion for shape aligning based on affine transformation using an image normalization procedure. Finally, we illustrate the benefits of the our approach on the liver segmentation from CT images.