90 resultados para Building materials - Energy consumption


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We propose an optimization-based framework to minimize the energy consumption in a sensor network when using an indoor localization system based on the combination of received signal strength (RSS) and pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR). The objective is to find the RSS localization frequency and the number of RSS measurements used at each localization round that jointly minimize the total consumed energy, while ensuring at the same time a desired accuracy in the localization result. The optimization approach leverages practical models to predict the localization error and the overall energy consumption for combined RSS-PDR localization systems. The performance of the proposed strategy is assessed through simulation, showing energy savings with respect to other approaches while guaranteeing a target accuracy.


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This article examines a new lightweight, slim, high energy efficient, light-transmitting, selfsupporting envelope system, providing for seamless, free-form designs for use in architectural projects. The system exploits vacuum insulation panel technology. The research was based on envelope components already existing on the market and patents and prototypes built by independent laboratories, especially components implemented with silica gel insulation, as this is the most effective transparent thermal insulation there is today.


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Young trees transplanted from nursery into open field require a minimum amount of soil moisture to successfully root in their new location, especially in dry-climate areas. One possibility is to obtain the required water from air moisture. This can be achieved by reducing the temperature of a surface below the air dew point temperature, inducing water vapor condensation on the surface. The temperature of a surface can be reduced by applying the thermoelectric effect, with Peltier modules powered by electricity. Here, we present a system that generates electricity with a solar photovoltaic module, stores it in a battery, and finally, it uses the electricity at the moment in which air humidity and temperature are optima to maximize water condensation while minimizing energy consumption. Also, a method to reduce the evaporation of the condensed water is proposed. The objective of the system, rather than irrigating young plants in such a degree as to boost their growth, is to maintain them alive in the dryer periods.


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Objetivos. Análisis a través del prisma de la sostenibilidad, con un triple objetivo: consumo de energía, aspecto constructivo y recursos arquitectónicos, de algunos ejemplos destacados de vivienda aislada desde 1973, crisis del petróleo, hasta el cambio ideológico del 11 de septiembre de 2001. Emplazadas en microclimas semejantes en distintas latitudes, para extrapolar al clima mediterráneo. Ejemplos. Siete viviendas aisladas de distinto diseño conceptual, situadas en climas subtropicales, en ecosistemas variados pero de concepción medioambiental, constructiva y arquitectónica muy actual. Los ejemplos elegidos, por su intencionalidad, su diseño, y su sentido utilitario, constructivo y semiótico, se analizan desde el hecho acumulativo y el hecho reactivo, mediante el procedimiento de contrastar diversas fuentes de información. Objetivos. El análisis de cada una de las viviendas procedentes de diferentes arquitectos, se hace mediante la simulación de modelos que permitan describir la parte esencial del comportamiento de un sistema de interés, así como diseñar y realizar experimentos con el modelo para extraer conclusiones de sus resultados y apoyar la toma de decisiones proyectual. Procedimiento. En una primera fase, el medio natural queda definido por su localización, interpretación del lugar, el clima concreto (mediante climogramas generales y de isopletas), determinando un diagnóstico medioambiental para el establecimiento de estrategias a partir de los datos experimentales a contrastar con el resultado finalmente obtenido. En una segunda fase se eligen los casos más representativos de LowTech / LowEnergy y HighTech / HighEnergy. Se realiza un análisis del modelo, frente a uno de los elementos predominantes: sol, aire, agua, tierra, luna, vegetación y miscelánea. Resultados. De los casos estudiados se extraen principios aplicables en cada uno de los ámbitos: medioambiental, relacionados con la adaptabilidad energética; constructivo, en relación con la economía; y arquitectónico, vinculado con lo social, con una perspectiva diferente sobre los nuevos espacios vivibles. Conclusiones y relevancia. En los emplazamientos estudiados, los arquitectos herederos del movimiento moderno, han utilizado los recursos medioambientales pasivos y activos más actuales en cada uno de los elementos, así como la orientación, la ventilación, la radiación, la inercia térmica,…las actitudes más contemporáneas como expertos bioclimáticos. Los principios extraídos deben facilitar un proceso proyectual mediante pautas experimentales a desarrollar sin un uso desmesurado de la tecnología. Los principios y las conclusiones obtenidos servirán de aplicación a nuevos modelos conociendo los parámetros más relevantes. La modelización analógica - digital permitirá evaluar el comportamiento más aplicable según las necesidades a satisfacer. Objectives. Architectural analysis through the prism of sustainability with three aims: energy consumption, building technique and architectonical resources. The study is focused on some key examples of low density houses since 1973 (featured by the Oil crisis) until the 11th September 2001´s ideological change. These living spaces are settled in similar microclimates although in different latitudes with strong possibilities for applications in Mediterranean climates. Examples. Seven remote detached dwellings with different conceptual characters, located in subtropical climates, in different ecosystems, however with a sustainable basis and architectonical building concepts very updated. The cultural objects chosen, due to legitimate reasons such as: purpose, a plan, an utilitarian sense, constructive and semiotic, are analyzed under an accumulative perspective along with the reactive fact as the procedure to contrast and compare different sources of information. Goals. The analysis of the examples of different architects, will be done in order to simulate through models which describe and display the essential part of behaviour that corresponds to an interest system, along with the design and to try out or experiment with the model and to draw up results which support the projecting decision process. Procedure. On a first stage, the natural environment is shaped by its location, interpretation of the pace, a particular climate (through general climograms and isophlets), determining an environmental diagnosis which would be able to generate scientific conclusions in order to develop adequate strategies. Hence from experimental data we contrast with the results. On a second stage the more representative cases of LowTech / LowEnergy and HighTech / HighEnergy are choosen. We analyze the model taking into consideration and facing a key element: sun, air, water, soil, moon, vegetation and miscellany. Results. From the study cases we draw up applicable principles in each field: the ecological in relation with energetic adaptability, the constructive potential related with economy, and the social in relation with a different perspective about new architectural living spaces. Conclusions and Relevance. On those settlements studied, the heirs architects from Modern Movement, had used the passive and active, updated environmental resources in each element. For instance, aspects like orientation, ventilation, solar radiation, thermal inertia…, and the most contemporary attitude as bioclimatic expert that they are. These principles speed up through experimental guidelines, the technology is diminished and the design process be provided. The principles and conclusions generated will be useful in order to apply new models because we are able to know the most relevant key parameters. The analogical-digital modelizations allow us to revaluate the applicable behaviour according to the needs to satisfy.


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La aplicación de criterios de sostenibilidad ha de entenderse como el procedimiento esencial para la necesaria reconversión del sector de la construcción, que movilizando el 10% de la economía mundial, representa más de la tercera parte del consumo mundial de recursos, en torno al 30-40% del consumo energético y emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, 30-40% de la generación de residuos y el 12% de todo el gasto en agua dulce del planeta. La presente investigación se enmarca en una estrategia general de promover la evaluación de la sostenibilidad en la edificación en el contexto español, dando un primer paso centrado en la evaluación del comportamiento ambiental. El hilo conductor de la investigación parte de la necesidad de establecer un marco teórico de sostenibilidad, que permita clarificar conceptos y definir criterios de valoración adecuados. Como siguiente paso, la investigación se dirige a la revisión del panorama internacional de normativa e instrumentos voluntarios, con el objetivo de clarificar el difuso panorama que caracteriza a la sostenibilidad en el sector de la edificación en la actualidad y enmarcar la investigación en un contexto de políticas y programaciones ya existentes. El objetivo principal reside en el planteamiento de una metodología de evaluación de los aspectos o impactos ambientales asociados al ciclo de vida de la edificación, aplicable al contexto español, como una de las tres dimensiones que constituyen los pilares básicos de la sostenibilidad. Los ámbitos de evaluación de los aspectos sociales y económicos, para los que no existe actualmente un grado de definición metodológico suficientemente congruente, son adicionalmente examinados, de cara a ofrecer una visión holística de la evaluación. Previo al desarrollo de la propuesta, se aborda, en primer lugar, la descripción de las características básicas y limitaciones de la metodología de Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (ACV), para posteriormente proceder a profundizar en el estado del arte de aplicación de ACV a la edificación, realizando una revisión crítica de los trabajos de investigación que han sido desarrollados en los últimos años. Esta revisión permite extraer conclusiones sobre su grado de coherencia con el futuro entorno normativo e identificar dos necesidades prioritarias de actuación: -La necesidad de armonización, dadas las fuertes inconsistencias metodológicas detectadas, que imposibilitan la comparación de los resultados obtenidos en los trabajos de evaluación. -La necesidad de simplificación, dada la complejidad inherente a la evaluación, de modo que, manteniendo el máximo rigor, sea viable su aplicación práctica en el contexto español. A raíz de la participación en los trabajos de desarrollo normativo a nivel europeo, se ha adquirido una visión crítica sobre las implicaciones metodológicas de la normativa en definición, que permite identificar la hoja de ruta que marcará el escenario europeo en los próximos años. La definición de la propuesta metodológica integra los principios generales de aplicación de ACV con el protocolo metodológico establecido en la norma europea, considerando adicionalmente las referencias normativas de las prácticas constructivas en el contexto español. En el planteamiento de la propuesta se han analizado las posibles simplificaciones aplicables, con el objetivo de hacer viable su implementación, centrando los esfuerzos en la sistematización del concepto de equivalente funcional, el establecimiento de recomendaciones sobre el tipo de datos en función de su disponibilidad y la revisión crítica de los modelos de cálculo de los impactos ambientales. Las implicaciones metodológicas de la propuesta se describen a través de una serie de casos de estudio, que ilustran su viabilidad y las características básicas de aplicación. Finalmente, se realiza un recorrido por los aspectos que han sido identificados como prioritarios en la conformación del escenario de perspectivas futuras, líneas de investigación y líneas de acción. Abstract Sustainability criteria application must be understood as the essential procedure for the necessary restructuring of the construction sector, which mobilizes 10% of the world economy, accounting for more than one third of the consumption of the world's resources, around 30 - 40% of energy consumption and emissions of greenhouse gases, 30-40% of waste generation and 12% of all the fresh water use in the world. This research is in line with an overall strategy to promote the sustainability assessment of building in the Spanish context, taking a first step focused on the environmental performance assessment. The thread of the present research sets out from the need to establish a theoretical framework of sustainability which clarifies concepts and defines appropriate endpoints. As a next step, the research focuses on the review of the international panorama regulations and voluntary instruments, with the aim of clarifying the fuzzy picture that characterizes sustainability in the building sector at present while framing the research in the context of existing policies and programming. The main objective lies in the approach of a methodology for the assessment of the environmental impacts associated with the life cycle of building, applicable to the Spanish context, as one of the three dimensions that constitute the pillars of sustainability. The areas of assessment of social and economic issues, for which there is currently a degree of methodological definition consistent enough, are further examined, in order to provide a holistic view of the assessment. The description of the basic features and limitations of the methodology of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) are previously addressed, later proceeding to deepen the state of the art of LCA applied to the building sector, conducting a critical review of the research works that have been developed in recent years. This review allows to establish conclusions about the degree of consistency with the future regulatory environment and to identify two priority needs for action: - The need for harmonization, given the strong methodological inconsistencies detected that prevent the comparison of results obtained in assessment works. - The need for simplification, given the inherent complexity of the assessment, so that, while maintaining the utmost rigor, make the practical application feasible in the Spanish context. The participation in the work of policy development at European level has helped to achieve a critical view of the methodological implications of the rules under debate, identifying the roadmap that will mark the European scene in the coming years. The definition of the proposed methodology integrates the general principles of LCA methodology with the protocol established in the European standard, also considering the regulatory standards to construction practices in the Spanish context. In the proposed approach, possible simplifications applicable have been analyzed, in order to make its implementation possible, focusing efforts in systematizing the functional equivalent concept, establishing recommendations on the type of data based on their availability and critical review of the calculation models of environmental impacts. The methodological implications of the proposal are described through a series of case studies, which illustrate the feasibility and the basic characteristics of its application. Finally, the main aspects related to future prospects, research lines and lines of action that have been identified as priorities are outlined.


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El proyecto consiste en el diseño del sistema de climatización de un edificio ubicado en la ciudad de Madrid que utilice la energía solar como fuente de calor y electricidad. El objetivo es que el edificio tenga un consumo energético lo más bajo posible y que utilice energías de origen renovable para su explotación. Se incluye el cálculo de cargas térmicas, el dimensionamiento del sistema de climatización y de los sistemas de captación de energía solar (térmica y fotovoltaica). Adicionalmente, se definen las principales características de un sistema de control centralizado que permita optimizar el rendimiento y monitorizar el funcionamiento de la instalación de forma continua. Se incluye el diseño de las instalaciones auxiliares con un grado de detalle suficiente que permita su valoración, tanto desde el punto de vista energético como económico. Como parte fundamental del proyecto, se extraen conclusiones acerca del ahorro energético de las instalaciones y se analiza la viabilidad económica de las inversiones. ABSTRACT The project covers the design of a Heating and Climatization System for a building located in the city of Madrid (Spain). The facilities will use solar energy as the main source for both heat and electricity. The main goals are to achieve the lowest possible energy consumption and to use renewable sources of energy to cover it. Calculation of thermal charges is included, together with the sizing of both the Climatization System and the Solar Energy (Thermal and PV) facilities. In addition, the main characteristics of a Centralized Control System are defined. This will help both to optimize the performance of the different systems involved and to monitor the operation. Design of all auxiliary systems is included with enough level of detail as to be able to evaluate them from both energetic and economic points of view. Paramount in this project is to be able to draw conclusions about the energy savings and the profitability (or not) of the main investments to be carried out


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In recent future, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) will experience a broad high-scale deployment (millions of nodes in the national area) with multiple information sources per node, and with very specific requirements for signal processing. In parallel, the broad range deployment of WSNs facilitates the definition and execution of ambitious studies, with a large input data set and high computational complexity. These computation resources, very often heterogeneous and driven on-demand, can only be satisfied by high-performance Data Centers (DCs). The high economical and environmental impact of the energy consumption in DCs requires aggressive energy optimization policies. These policies have been already detected but not successfully proposed. In this context, this paper shows the following on-going research lines and obtained results. In the field of WSNs: energy optimization in the processing nodes from different abstraction levels, including reconfigurable application specific architectures, efficient customization of the memory hierarchy, energy-aware management of the wireless interface, and design automation for signal processing applications. In the field of DCs: energy-optimal workload assignment policies in heterogeneous DCs, resource management policies with energy consciousness, and efficient cooling mechanisms that will cooperate in the minimization of the electricity bill of the DCs that process the data provided by the WSNs.


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Energy consumption in data centers is nowadays a critical objective because of its dramatic environmental and economic impact. Over the last years, several approaches have been proposed to tackle the energy/cost optimization problem, but most of them have failed on providing an analytical model to target both the static and dynamic optimization domains for complex heterogeneous data centers. This paper proposes and solves an optimization problem for the energy-driven configuration of a heterogeneous data center. It also advances in the proposition of a new mechanism for task allocation and distribution of workload. The combination of both approaches outperforms previous published results in the field of energy minimization in heterogeneous data centers and scopes a promising area of research.


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In recent future, wireless sensor networks ({WSNs}) will experience a broad high-scale deployment (millions of nodes in the national area) with multiple information sources per node, and with very specific requirements for signal processing. In parallel, the broad range deployment of {WSNs} facilitates the definition and execution of ambitious studies, with a large input data set and high computational complexity. These computation resources, very often heterogeneous and driven on-demand, can only be satisfied by high-performance Data Centers ({DCs}). The high economical and environmental impact of the energy consumption in {DCs} requires aggressive energy optimization policies. These policies have been already detected but not successfully proposed. In this context, this paper shows the following on-going research lines and obtained results. In the field of {WSNs}: energy optimization in the processing nodes from different abstraction levels, including reconfigurable application specific architectures, efficient customization of the memory hierarchy, energy-aware management of the wireless interface, and design automation for signal processing applications. In the field of {DCs}: energy-optimal workload assignment policies in heterogeneous {DCs}, resource management policies with energy consciousness, and efficient cooling mechanisms that will cooperate in the minimization of the electricity bill of the DCs that process the data provided by the WSNs.


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The polysilicon market is experiencing tremendous changes due to the strong demand from Photovoltaics (PV), which has by far surpassed the demand from Microelectronics. The need of solar silicon has induced a large increase in capacity, which has now given a scenario of oversupply, reducing the polysilicon price to levels that put a strong pressure on the cost structure of the producers. The paper reports on the R&D efforts carried out in the field of solar silicon purification via the chlorosilane route by a private-public consortium that is building a pilot plant of 50-100 tonnes/year, that will synthesize trichlorosilane, purify it and deposit ultrapure silicon in an industrial-size Siemens type reactor. It has also capabilities for ingot growth and material characterization. A couple of examples of the progress so far are given, the first one related to the recycling scheme of chlorinated compounds, and the second to the minimization of radiation losses in the CVD deposition process, which account for a relevant part of the total energy consumption. In summary, the paper gives details on the technology being developed in our pilot plant, which offers a unique platform for field-testing of innovative approaches that can lead to a cost reduction of solar silicon produced via the chlorosilane route.


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The achievement of higher frequencies (HF) and the reduction of energy consumption, to improve sensing, communication and computation, involve the continued scaling down to the nanometer level. This scaling is enabled by of innovative device designs, improved processing technologies and assessment tools, and new material structures. In this work, we have used all these factors to demonstrate state-of-the-art HF devices in two materials with quite different electronic properties: wide semiconductor bandgap III-nitrides for resonators and power amplifiers; and graphene, a zero bandgap material expected to revolutionize low noise and HF flexible electronics. Some issues faced during their development will be discussed during the talk.


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This paper describes a novel deployment of an intelligent user-centered HVAC (Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioner) control system. The main objective of this system is to optimize user comfort and to reduce energy consumption in office buildings. Existing commercial HVAC control systems work in a fixed and predetermined way. The novelty of the proposed system is that it adapts dynamically to the user and to the building environment. For this purpose the system architecture has been designed under the paradigm of Ambient Intelligence. A prototype of the system proposed has been tested in a real-world environment.


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Polysilicon cost impacts significantly on the photovoltaics (PV) cost and on the energy payback time. Nowadays, the besetting production process is the so called Siemens process, polysilicon deposition by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) from Trichlorosilane. Polysilicon purification level for PV is to a certain extent less demanding that for microelectronics. At the Instituto de Energía Solar (IES) research on this subject is performed through a Siemens process-type laboratory reactor. Through the laboratory CVD prototype at the IES laboratories, valuable information about the phenomena involved in the polysilicon deposition process and the operating conditions is obtained. Polysilicon deposition by CVD is a complex process due to the big number of parameters involved. A study on the influence of temperature and inlet gas mixture composition on the polysilicon deposition growth rate, based on experimental experience, is shown. Moreover, CVD process accounts for the largest contribution to the energy consumption of the polysilicon production. In addition, radiation phenomenon is the major responsible for low energetic efficiency of the whole process. This work presents a model of radiation heat loss, and the theoretical calculations are confirmed experimentally through a prototype reactor at our disposal, yielding a valuable know-how for energy consumption reduction at industrial Siemens reactors.


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Purpose – Reducing energy consumption in walking robots is an issue of great importance in field applications such as humanitarian demining so as to increase mission time for a given power supply. The purpose of this paper is to address the problem of improving energy efficiency in statically stable walking machines by comparing two leg, insect and mammal, configurations on the hexapod robotic platform SILO6. Design/methodology/approach – Dynamic simulation of this hexapod is used to develop a set of rules that optimize energy expenditure in both configurations. Later, through a theoretical analysis of energy consumption and experimental measurements in the real platform SILO6, a configuration is chosen. Findings – It is widely accepted that the mammal configuration in statically stable walking machines is better for supporting high loads, while the insect configuration is considered to be better for improving mobility. However, taking into account the leg dynamics and not only the body weight, different results are obtained. In a mammal configuration, supporting body weight accounts for 5 per cent of power consumption while leg dynamics accounts for 31 per cent. Originality/value – As this paper demonstrates, the energy expended when the robot walks along a straight and horizontal line is the same for both insect and mammal configurations, while power consumption during crab walking in an insect configuration exceeds power consumption in the mammal configuration.


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Esta Tesis plantea la pregunta de si el uso de morteros con parafinas microencapsuladas combinado con colectores solares térmicos puede reducir el consumo de energías convencionales, en un sistema tradicional de suelo radiante. Se pretende contribuir al conocimiento acerca del efecto que produce en el edificio, el calor latente acumulado en suelos radiantes, utilizando morteros de cemento Portland con material de cambio de fase (PCM), en conjunto con la energía solar. Para cumplir con este propósito, la investigación se desarrolla considerando diversos aspectos. En primer lugar, se revisa y analiza la documentación disponible en la actualidad, de almacenamiento de energía mediante calor latente en la construcción, y en particular la aplicación de microcápsulas de PCM en morteros y suelos radiantes. También se revisa la documentación relacionada con la aplicación de la energía solar térmica y en suelo radiante. Se analiza la normativa vigente respecto al material, a los colectores solares y al suelo radiante. Se verifica que no hay normativa relacionada con mortero-PCM, debido a esto se aplica en la investigación una adaptación de la existente. La fase experimental desarrollada esta principalmente dirigida a la cuantificación, caracterización y evaluación de las propiedades físicas, mecánicas y térmicas del mortero de cemento Portland con parafinas microencapsuladas. Los resultados obtenidos y su análisis, permiten conocer el comportamiento de este tipo de morteros, con las diferentes variables aplicadas en la investigación. Además, permite disponer de la información necesaria, para crear una metodología para el diseño de morteros con parafina microencapsulada, tanto del punto de vista de su resistencia a la compresión y contenido de PCM, como de su comportamiento térmico como acumulador de calor. Esto se logra procesando la información obtenida y generando modelos matemáticos, para dosificar mezclas, y predecir la acumulación de calor en función de su composición. Se determinan los tipos y cantidades de PCM, y el cemento más adecuado. Se obtienen importantes conclusiones respecto a los aspectos constructivos a considerar en la aplicación de morteros con PCM, en suelo radiante. Se analiza y evalúa la demanda térmica que se puede cubrir con el suelo radiante, utilizando morteros con parafina microencapsulada, a través de la acumulación de energía solar producida por colectores solares, para condiciones climáticas, técnicas y tipologías constructivas específicas. Se determina que cuando los paneles cubren más de 60 % de la demanda por calefacción, se puede almacenar en los morteros con PCM, el excedente generado durante el día. Se puede cubrir la demanda de acumulación de energía con los morteros con PCM, en la mayoría de los casos analizados. Con esto, se determina que el uso de morteros con PCM, aporta a la eficiencia energética de los edificios, disminuyendo el consumo de energías convencionales, reemplazándola por energía solar térmica. En esta investigación, el énfasis está en las propiedades del material mortero de cemento-PCM y en poder generar metodologías que faciliten su uso. Se aborda el uso de la energía solar, para verificar que es posible su acumulación en morteros con PCM aplicados en suelo radiante, posibilitando el reemplazo de energías convencionales. Quedan algunos aspectos de la aplicación de energía solar a suelo radiante con morteros con PCM, que no han sido tratados con la profundidad que requieren, y que resultan interesantes de evaluar en este tipo de aplicaciones constructivas, como entre otros, los relacionados con la cuantificación de los ahorros de energía en las diferentes estaciones del año, de la estabilización de temperaturas internas, su análisis de costo y la optimización de este tipo de sistemas para utilización en verano, los que dan pie para otras Tesis o proyectos de investigación. ABSTRACT This Thesis proposes the question of whether the use of mortars with microencapsulated paraffin combined with solar thermal collectors can reduce conventional energy consumption in a traditional heating floor system. It aims to contribute to knowledge about the effect that it has on the building, the latent heat accumulated in heating floor, using Portland cement mortars with phase change material (PCM), in conjunction with solar energy. To fulfill this purpose, the research develops it considering various aspects. First, it reviews and analyzes the documentation available today, about energy storage by latent heat in the building, and in particular the application of PCM microcapsules in mortars and heating floors. It also reviews the documentation related to the application of solar thermal energy and heating floor. Additionally, it analyzes the current regulations regarding to material, solar collectors and heating floors. It verifies that there aren’t regulations related to PCM mortar, due to this, it applies an adaptation in the investigation. The experimental phase is aimed to the quantification, mainly, characterization and evaluation of physical, mechanical and thermal properties of Portland cement mortar with microencapsulated paraffin. The results and analysis, which allow us to know the behavior of this type of mortars with different variables applied in research. It also allows having the information necessary to create a methodology for designing mortars with microencapsulated paraffin, both from the standpoint of its resistance to compression and PCM content, and its thermal performance as a heat accumulator. This accomplishes by processing the information obtained, and generating mathematical models for dosing mixtures, and predicting heat accumulation depending on their composition. The research determines the kinds and amounts of PCM, and the most suitable cement. Relevant conclusions obtain it regarding constructive aspects to consider in the implementation of PCM mortars in heating floor. Also, it analyzes and evaluates the thermal demand that it can be covered in heating floor using microencapsulated paraffin mortars, through the accumulation of solar energy produced by solar collectors to weather conditions, technical and specific building typologies. It determines that if the panels cover more than 60% of the demand for heating, the surplus generated during the day can be stored in PCM mortars. It meets the demand of energy storage with PCM mortars, in most of the cases analyzed. With this, it determines that the use of PCM mortars contributes to building energy efficiency, reducing consumption of conventional energy, replacing it with solar thermal energy. In this research approaches the use of solar energy to determine that it’s possible to verify its accumulation in PCM mortars applied in heating floor, enabling the replacement of conventional energy. The emphasis is on material properties of PCM mortar and, in order to generate methodologies to facilitate their use. There are some aspects of solar energy application in PCM mortars in heating floor, which have not been discussed with the depth required, and that they are relevant to evaluate in this kind of construction applications, including among others: the applications related to the energy savings quantification in different seasons of the year, the stabilizing internal temperatures, its cost analysis and optimization of these systems for use in summer, which can give ideas for other thesis or research projects.