892 resultados para Escuela Especial de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos (Madrid)
The failure locus, the characteristics of the stress–strain curve and the damage localization patterns were analyzed in a polypropylene nonwoven fabric under in-plane biaxial deformation. The analysis was carried out by means of a homogenization model developed within the context of the finite element method. It provides the constitutive response for a mesodomain of the fabric corresponding to the area associated to a finite element and takes into account the main deformation and damage mechanisms experimentally observed. It was found that the failure locus in the stress space was accurately predicted by the Von Mises criterion and failure took place by the localization of damage into a crack perpendicular to the main loading axis.
The fracture behavior parallel to the fibers of an E-glass/epoxy unidirectional laminate was studied by means of three-point tests on notched beams. Selected tests were carried out within a scanning electron microscope to ascertain the damage and fracture micromechanisms upon loading. The mechanical behavior of the notched beam was simulated within the framework of the embedded cell model, in which the actual composite microstructure was resolved in front of the notch tip. In addition, matrix and interface properties were independently measured in situ using a nanoindentor. The numerical simulations very accurately predicted the macroscopic response of the composite as well as the damage development and crack growth in front of the notch tip, demonstrating the ability of the embedded cell approach to simulate the fracture behavior of heterogeneous materials. Finally, this methodology was exploited to ascertain the influence of matrix and interface properties on the intraply toughness.
The mechanical response under compression of LiF single crystal micropillars oriented in the [111] direction was studied. Micropillars of different diameter (in the range 1–5 lm) were obtained by etching the matrix in directionally-solidified NaCl–LiF and KCl–LiF eutectic compounds. Selected micropillars were exposed to high-energy Ga+ ions to ascertain the effect of ion irradiation on the mechanical response. Ion irradiation led to an increase of approximately 30% in the yield strength and the maximum compressive strength but no effect of the micropillar diameter on flow stress was found in either the as-grown or the ion irradiated pillars. The dominant deformation micromechanisms were analyzed by means of crystal plasticity finite element simulations of the compression test, which explained the strong effect of micropillar misorientation on the mechanical response. Finally, the lack of size effect on the flow stress was discussed to the light of previous studies in LiF and other materials which show high lattice resistance to dislocation motion.
A constitutive model is presented for the in-plane mechanical behavior of nonwoven fabrics. The model is developed within the context of the finite element method and provides the constitutive response for a mesodomain of the fabric corresponding to the area associated to a finite element. The model is built upon the ensemble of three blocks, namely fabric, fibers and damage. The continuum tensorial formulation of the fabric response rigorously takes into account the effect of fiber rotation for large strains and includes the nonlinear fiber behavior. In addition, the various damage mechanisms experimentally observed (bond and fiber fracture, interfiber friction and fiber pull-out) are included in a phenomenological way and the random nature of these materials is also taken into account by means of a Monte Carlo lottery to determine the damage thresholds. The model results are validated with recent experimental results on the tensile response of smooth and notched specimens of a polypropylene nonwoven fabric.
The pattern of damage localization and fracture under uniaxial and biaxial tension was studied in glass–fiber nonwoven felts. The analyses were carried out within the framework of the finite-element simulation of plain and notched specimens in which the microstructure of the felt, made up of fiber bundles connected at the cross point through an organic binder, was explicitly represented. Following previous experimental observations, fracture by interbundle decohesion and energy dissipation by frictional sliding between the bundles were included in the model. It was found that the failure path in these materials was controlled by the maximum applied normal stress, regardless of the loading path, and that the failure locus under biaxial tension was well represented by the von Mises failure criteria. The notch sensitivity of the nonwoven felts was limited and the presence of a notch did not modify the failure path.
This paper presents two test procedures for evaluating the bond stress–slip and the slip–radial dilation relationships when the prestressing force is transmitted by releasing the steel (wire or strand) in precast prestressed elements. The bond stress–slip relationship is obtained with short length specimens, to guarantee uniform bond stress, for three depths of the wire indentation (shallow, medium and deep). An analytical model for bond stress–slip relationship is proposed and compared with the experimental results. The model is also compared with the experimental results of other researchers. Since numerical models for studying bond-splitting problems in prestressed concrete require experimental data about dilatancy angle (radial dilation), a test procedure is proposed to evaluate these parameters. The obtained values of the radial dilation are compared with the prior estimated by numerical modelling and good agreement is reached
El uso intenso de sales fundentes en zonas de helada puede reducir la vida útil de los puentes por la penetración acelerada de cloruros. Se ha realizado la inspección de dos puentes construidos hace más de 20 y 50 años, respectivamente, y situados en zonas que requieren un uso intenso de sales fundentes durante el invierno. Se han extraído probetas testigo de algunos elementos estructurales de los puentes y sobre ellas se realizaron ensayos de caracterización mecánica y de durabilidad. De los resultados obtenidos, se determinaron los tipos de daño en el hormigón provocados por la exposición de las estructuras a los ciclos de hielo-deshielo durante su vida en servicio y se obtuvieron diferentes perfiles de ingreso de cloruros originados por los mecanismos de transporte y determinados por la distribución porosa del material y por las condiciones de exposición de los elementos de hormigón estudiados. Los resultados obtenidos se comparan con los proporcionados por un modelo de difusión de cloruros.
El presente Proyecto de Ejecución tiene por objeto definir el edificio destinado a polideportivo situado en el Colegio Santa María del Pilar de Madrid. La actuación se plantea como ampliación del complejo escolar existente y sustitución de la edificación actualmente destinada a polideportivo, puesto que las características del actual no cubren las crecientes necesidades del colegio. La edificación propuesta se destinará a los usos de polideportivo, renovando además el campo de fútbol existente. Se plantea una ampliación sin apenas afección al entorno ni vegetación. El área de movimiento se ubica en el ángulo noreste de la finca. Su forma perimetral se adapta al espacio existente con el fin de preservar el arbolado y la configuración general de fachada.
The vertical dynamic actions transmitted by railway vehicles to the ballasted track infrastructure is evaluated taking into account models with different degree of detail. In particular, we have studied this matter from a two-dimensional (2D) finite element model to a fully coupled three-dimensional (3D) multi-body finite element model. The vehicle and track are coupled via a non-linear Hertz contact mechanism. The method of Lagrange multipliers is used for the contact constraint enforcement between wheel and rail. Distributed elevation irregularities are generated based on power spectral density (PSD) distributions which are taken into account for the interaction. The numerical simulations are performed in the time domain, using a direct integration method for solving the transient problem due to the contact nonlinearities. The results obtained include contact forces, forces transmitted to the infrastructure (sleeper) by railpads and envelopes of relevant results for several track irregularities and speed ranges. The main contribution of this work is to identify and discuss coincidences and differences between discrete 2D models and continuum 3D models, as wheel as assessing the validity of evaluating the dynamic loading on the track with simplified 2D models
El proyecto que se va a abordar consistirá en la definición completa de todas las actividades necesarias para la construcción de un tramo de ferrocarril del Corredor del Mediterráneo, dentro de la Línea de Alta Velocidad Valencia-Castellón.
Nanoscale Al/SiC composite laminates have unique properties, such as high strength, high toughness, and damage tolerance. In this article, the high-temperature nanoindentation response of Al/SiC nanolaminates is explored from room temperature up to 300_C. Selected nanoindentations were analyzed postmortem using focused ion beam and transmission electron microscopy to ascertain the microstructural changes and the deformation mechanisms operating at high temperature.
Modeling and prediction of the overall elastic–plastic response and local damage mechanisms in heterogeneous materials, in particular particle reinforced composites, is a very complex problem. Microstructural complexities such as the inhomogeneous spatial distribution of particles, irregular morphology of the particles, and anisotropy in particle orientation after secondary processing, such as extrusion, significantly affect deformation behavior. We have studied the effect of particle/matrix interface debonding in SiC particle reinforced Al alloy matrix composites with (a) actual microstructure consisting of angular SiC particles and (b) idealized ellipsoidal SiC particles. Tensile deformation in SiC particle reinforced Al matrix composites was modeled using actual microstructures reconstructed from serial sectioning approach. Interfacial debonding was modeled using user-defined cohesive zone elements. Modeling with the actual microstructure (versus idealized ellipsoids) has a significant influence on: (a) localized stresses and strains in particle and matrix, and (b) far-field strain at which localized debonding takes place. The angular particles exhibited higher degree of load transfer and are more sensitive to interfacial debonding. Larger decreases in stress are observed in the angular particles, because of the flat surfaces, normal to the loading axis, which bear load. Furthermore, simplification of particle morphology may lead to erroneous results.
A methodology is presented to measure the fiber/matrix interface shear strength in composites. The strategy is based on performing a fiber push-in test at the central fiber of highly-packed fiber clusters with hexagonal symmetry which are often found in unidirectional composites with a high volume fraction of fibers. The mechanics of this test was analyzed in detail by means of three-dimensional finite element simulations. In particular, the influence of different parameters (interface shear strength, toughness and friction as well as fiber longitudinal elastic modulus and curing stresses) on the critical load at the onset of debonding was established. From the results of the numerical simulations, a simple relationship between the critical load and the interface shear strength is proposed. The methodology was validated in an unidirectional C/epoxy composite and the advantages and limitations of the proposed methodology are indicated.
Digital image correlation (DIC) is applied to analyzing the deformation mechanisms under transverse compression in a fiber-reinforced composite. To this end, compression tests in a direction perpendicular to the fibers were carried out inside a scanning electron microscope and secondary electron images obtained at different magnifications during the test. Optimum DIC parameters to resolve the displacement and strain field were computed from numerical simulations of a model composite and they were applied to micrographs obtained at different magnifications (250_, 2000_, and 6000_). It is shown that DIC of low-magnification micrographs was able to capture the long range fluctuations in strain due to the presence of matrix-rich and fiber-rich zones, responsible for the onset of damage. At higher magnification, the strain fields obtained with DIC qualitatively reproduce the non-homogeneous deformation pattern due to the presence of stiff fibers dispersed in a compliant matrix and provide accurate results of the average composite strain. However, comparison with finite element simulations revealed that DIC was not able to accurately capture the average strain in each phase.
The effect of crystal misorientation, geometrical tilt, and contact misalignment on the compression of highly anisotropic single crystal micropillars was assessed by means of crystal plasticity finite element simulations. The investigation was focused in single crystals with the NaCl structure, like MgO or LiF, which present a marked plastic anisotropy as a result of the large difference in the critical resolved shear stress between the “soft” {110}〈110〉 and the “hard” {100}〈110〉 active slip systems. It was found that contact misalignment led to a large reduction in the initial stiffness of the micropillar in crystals oriented in the soft and hard direction. The crystallographic tilt did not modify, however, the initial crystal stiffness. From the viewpoint of the plastic response, none of the effects analyzed led to significant differences in the flow stress when the single crystals were oriented along the “soft” [100] direction. Large differences were found, however, if the single crystal was oriented in the “hard” [111] direction as a result of the activation of the soft slip system. Numerical simulations were in very good agreement with experimental literature data.