834 resultados para Ingeniería civil
Damage models based on the Continuum Damage Mechanics (CDM) include explicitly the coupling between damage and mechanical behavior and, therefore, are consistent with the definition of damage as a phenomenon with mechanical consequences. However, this kind of models is characterized by their complexity. Using the concept of lumped models, possible simplifications of the coupled models have been proposed in the literature to adapt them to the study of beams and frames. On the other hand, in most of these coupled models damage is associated only with the damage energy release rate which is shown to be the elastic strain energy. According to this, damage is a function of the maximum amplitude of cyclic deformation but does not depend on the number of cycles. Therefore, low cycle effects are not taking into account. From the simplified model proposed by Flórez-López, it is the purpose of this paper to present a formulation that allows to take into account the degradation produced not only by the peak values but also by the cumulative effects such as the low cycle fatigue. For it, the classical damage dissipative potential based on the concept of damage energy release rate is modified using a fatigue function in order to include cumulative effects. The fatigue function is determined through parameters such as the cumulative rotation and the total rotation and the number of cycles to failure. Those parameters can be measured or identified physically through the haracteristics of the RC. So the main advantage of the proposed model is the possibility of simulating the low cycle fatigue behavior without introducing parameters with no suitable physical meaning. The good performance of the proposed model is shown through a comparison between numerical and test results under cycling loading.
Ideas básicas: reducción del medio contínuo a discreto (elementos, nodos y funciones de forma); definición de un estado "elemental" relacionado con otro "general", mediante el formalismo "matriz de rigidez" y vectores consistentes; método de síntesis de propiedades generales: método directo de la rigidez. Posibilidades de estudio: derivación de la teoría, modelización de problemas reales con F.E.M., desarrollo de programas de ordenador, estudio de métodos numéricos (sistemas ecuacionales, autovalores, convergencia, integración etc.). Contrariamente a lo que se diga el F.E.M. no elimina la necesidad de profundizar en el estudio de la elasticidad, matemáticas, etc. Se trata tan sólo de un instrumento potentísimo que, en principio, permite abordar cualquier problema.
Con el método de elementos finitos se ha desarrollado un procedimiento para el tratamiento de ecuaciones diferenciales y su resolución numérica. En este capítulo se va a realizar la aplicación a problemas de potencial regidos por la ecuación de Laplace. Se trata de una situación relativamente sencilla pero que permite comentar la mayoría de las características del método de elementos finitos en desplazamientos y sirve como introducción a situaciones más complicadas. Además, esta ecuación rige problemas de interés como la filtración, la torsión de cilindros, la distribución de termperaturas en régimen estacionario, etc. En lo que sigue la exposición se limita a problemas planos. Tras un primer ejemplo representativo del tema se realiza la formulación débil del problema de potencial. Acto seguido se introduce el concepto de discretización con toda su parafernalia de elementos, nudos, variables nodales, funciones de interpolación etc. El capítulo finaliza con la mención de algunos temas más especializados que el lector estudioso deberá proseguir en otro tipo de textos.
Non linear transformations are a good alternative for the numerical evaluation of singular and quasisingular integrals appearing in Boundary Element Method specially in the p-adaptive version. Some aspects of its numerical implementation in 2-D Potential codes is discussed and some examples are shown.
The façade is the visible part of a building, and generally consists of various different constructive systems. The sound reduction index of the closing elements for the openings on a room’s façade is a determining factor in the sound insulation from airborne noise inside the space. Windows are the transparent part of the façade, and to improve their thermal behaviour and control solar radiation, they are often fitted with a series of external and internal protections such as shutters, slats and blinds. This work contains a summary of studies carried out using field measurements of airborne sound insulation on façades in rooms, in application of the standard UNE-EN ISO 140-5:1999. In all the rooms the windows were fitted with shutter boxes and rolling shutters, and the acoustic tests were made with the shutter in two positions (extended and fully retracted). The results were analysed considering the window opening system (openable or sliding) and the type of glass pane (monolithic or insulating glass unit, IGU). In the case of sliding windows, the airborne sound insulation of façades is greater when the shutter is extended than when it is retracted, and this should be taken into account when applying the aforementioned standard.
The dynamic effects of high-speed trains on viaducts are important issues for the design of the structures, as well as for the consideration of safe running conditions for the trains. In this work we start by reviewing the relevance of some basic design aspects. The significance of impact factor envelopes for moving loads is considered first. Resonance which may be achieved for high-speed trains requires dynamic analysis, for which some key aspects are discussed. The relevance of performing a longitudinal distribution of axle loads, the number of modes taken in analysis, and the consideration of vehicle-structure interaction are discussed with representative examples. The lateral dynamic effects of running trains on bridges is of importance for laterally compliant viaducts, such as some very tall structures erected in new high-speed lines. The relevance of this study is mainly for the safety of the traffic, considering both internal actions such as the hunting motion as well as external actions such as wind or earthquakes [1]. These studies require three-dimensional dynamic coupled vehicle-bridge models, and consideration of wheel to rail contact, a phenomenon which is complex and costly to model in detail. We describe here a fully nonlinear coupled model, described in absolute coordinates and incorporated into a commercial finite element framework [2]. The wheel-rail contact has been considered using a FastSim algorithm which provides a compromise between accuracy and computational cost, and captures the main nonlinear response of the contact interface. Two applications are presented, firstly to a vehicle subject to a strong wind gust traversing a bridge, showing the relevance of the nonlinear wheel-rail contact model as well as the dynamic interaction between bridge and vehicle. The second application is to a real HS viaduct with a long continuous deck and tall piers and high lateral compliance [3]. The results show the safety of the traffic as well as the importance of considering features such as track alignment irregularities.
Los servicios portuarios son responsables de la mayor parte del coste que se produce en el paso de la mercancía por un puerto, particularmente el servicio de manipulación de mercancías. La prestación de éstos de forma fiable y eficiente resulta clave en un sector en el que existe una gran opacidad. Con el estudio realizado se dota a la Administración responsable, la Autoridad Portuaria, de una herramienta que le ayude a objetivar la toma de decisiones tanto a la hora de otorgar las preceptivas licencias como durante el periodo de prestación del servicio. Además se proponen una serie de medidas cuya aplicación mejoraría las condiciones de prestación del servicio así como una reducción de costes al paso de la mercancía por el puerto. Port services are responsible for most of the cost for the passing of goods through the port, especially the cargo handling service. Reliability and efficiency in the provision of them are key in a sector where there is a high opacity. With this study, we provide the responsible Administration, the Port Authority, with a tool that will help to objectify the decision making process, both at the time of granting the required licenses and during the period of the service provision. Also, proposes a number of measures whose implementation would improve the conditions of the service delivery and will reduce the total cost of transporting goods through the port.
Proyectar la ordenación urbanística y arquitectónica del área de un puerto debe incluir muchas variables, ha de estar en armonía con su entorno y su evolución histórica, como clave del éxito en su integración. El presente artículo explica los elementos que han de tenerse en cuenta a la hora de afrontar una planificación de este tipo mediante la descripción de la propuesta presentada para el ?Concurso público internacional de ideas para proyectar la ordenación urbanística y arquitectónica del área central del puerto de Vigo?, con el ánimo de compartir la filosofía de diseño integral aplicada, que sirva de inspiración y ayuda a futuros diseñadores. La fantasía creativa es un gran valor añadido a las creaciones ingenieriles, pero no debe apabullar la funcionalidad ni la sostenibilidad, sino estar en armonía con éstas. La máxima expresión estética en la ingeniería se alcanza como el producto de la elegancia conceptual de la funcionalidad de las estructuras.
Port services, and in particular the cargo handling service, are responsible for the greatest share of costs incurred during the passage of cargo through a port. The provision of these services reliably and efficiently is crucial in a sector in which there is great opacity. This study has provided the responsible administration ? the Port Authority ? with a tool enabling objective decision making both when it comes to issuing the corresponding licenses and during the period of service provision. Furthermore, we have proposed a series of measures whose application would improve the conditions of service provision and reduce the costs incurred by the passage of cargo through the port.
Se clarifica el papel que los ingenieros Juan Merlo, Fernando Gutiérrez y Juan de Ribera tuvieron en la definición de la plaza de Oriente, uno de los espacios más emblemáticos de la ciudad de Madrid. Su proyecto de ordenación coincidente con la regencia de Espartero y llevado a cabo sólo parcialmente, dejó huella en el sitio, influyendo en la forma definitiva de la plaza. Al tiempo que se presenta a los personajes implicados, se analizan los antecedentes y el contenido, desarrollo y resultados de la operación.
There is strong evidence to indicate that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are accumulating at unprecedented concentrations in out atmosphere contributing to global climate change. Evidence is equally strong that human activities, mainly the burning of fossil fuels, are driving force in this process (IPCC 2007). While different industries contribute varying amounts to total anthropogenic greenhouse gases, it is incumbent upon each to understand its contribution and search for sensible ways to reduce overall greenhouse gas production. The aim of this paper is the development of a methodology to determine the amount of CO2 emissions of a highway, allowing providing solutions that can improve the energy footprint and reduce its emissions
The use of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites for strengthening, repairing, or rehabilitating concrete structures has become more and more popular in the last 10 years. Irrespective of the type of strengthening used, design is conditioned, among others, by concrete-composite bond failure, normally attributed to stress at the interface between these two materials. Single shear, double shear, and notched beam tests are the bond tests most commonly used by the scientific community to estimate bond strength, effective length, and the bond stress-slip relationship. The present paper discusses the effect of concrete strength and adhesive thickness on the results of beam tests, which reproduce debonding conditions around bending cracks much more accurately. The bond stress-slip relationship was analyzed in a cross section near the inner edge, where stress was observed to concentrate. The ultimate load and the bond stress-slip relationship were visibly affected by concrete strength. Adhesive thickness, in turn, was found to have no significant impact on low-strength concrete but a somewhat greater effect on higher strength materials.
Se presenta el algoritmo implementado para probar la estabilidad de pilas de puente de forma global, es decir, integradas en la estructura más general del puente. El método planteado constituye una alternativa más general al método habitual de leyes momento-curvatura. Se describe su aplicación al puente atirantado de Bucaramanga de 292 m de luz y pilas de 50 y 70 m de altura (altura total de la torre mayor de 133 m). Su aplicación, considerando confinamiento en determinadas secciones de pilas permite tener en cuenta la generación de rótulas plásticas y demostrar el grado de ductilidad alcanzado en la estructura, constituyendo una aplicación practica del método de calculo sísmico por capacidad o push-over a pilas de puente.The relevance of this article is threefold: 1st It presents in detail the algorithm used to test the stability of bridge piers in a global model, i.e., integrated in the most general structure of the bridge. 2nd The method put forward represents a more general alternative to the commonly used moment-curvature method of sectional analysis for biaxial bending under constant axial force. 3rd It describes the algorithm’s application to a 292 m span cable-stayed bridge with piers of 50 and 70 m in height (total height of the biggest tower 133 m). Its application, considering confinement in some particular cross-sections of piers permits the taking into account of “plastic hinges” phenomena due to earthquakes and demonstrates the degree of ductility achieved in the structure. This constitutes a practical application of the push-over method to bridge piers.
Un problema del ferrocarril al paso por las ciudades europeas es el efecto barrera generado, que impide su desarrollo más allá de las vías. Si se salta la barrera lo cierto es que ello se hace sólo en sitios concretos y el efecto psicológico de aislamiento persiste para los habitantes del entorno. Este trabajo presenta de manera sucinta los problemas de concepción, comprobación y vibraciones planteados por la estructura de cubierta de la trinchera ferroviaria de Hendaya, consistente en una losa de hormigón pretensado y luz variable de 20-40 metros, que resuelve el problema de aislamiento entre las dos partes de la ciudad. Su construcción ha sido posible gracias al acuerdo entre la SNCF e inversores privados y está permitiendo la construcción sobre ella de 6 edificios de viviendas y una residencia de turismo, la demolición del antiguo ?Pont-Vieux? y la construcción de un nuevo ?Pont-Vieux?, integrado completamente en la promoción inmobiliaria. An important problem put by the train in its passage by the cities of Europe generally and in France in particular is the effect barrier which builds up, preventing the cities from developing beyond. Even if this barrier is crossed, it is certain that the passage is restricted to concrete places and always acts as psychological barrier for the local residents. This article presents in a brief way the problems of conception, analysis and vibration of the cover structure of the railroad trench of Hendaye. This structure consists of a 20-40 meters span slab of pre-stressed concrete that solves the isolation problem of both parts of the town of Hendaye. Its construction was possible thanks to the agreement of the SNCF (French Railways)and some private investors, and is allowing the investors the construction on top of 6 residential buildings and a holiday residence, with demolition of the ancient “Pont-Vieux” and building of a new “Pont-Vieux”, which is completely integrated into the real-estate development. Special attention is given to the change of transverse cross-section of the slab during construction stages, which originates a redistribution of stresses, and to the long-term equilibrium of horizontal forces.
Tradicionalmente se ha admitido que la mayor parte de las fisuras que aparecen en la superficie del pavimento procede de las capas inferiores, afectadas por la fatiga o por la retracción que acompaña al fraguado de materiales tratados con cemento. Con dicho enfoque las fisuras superficiales no serían más que la evolución o el reflejo de un problema originado en las capas inferiores. Sin embargo, en la última década diversos trabajos de investigación han puesto de manifiesto la relevancia de otro problema muy diferente: la iniciación de fisuras en la capa de rodadura que progresivamente van afectando a las capas inferiores. Es lo que se ha denominado fisuración descendente (top-down cracking). En este artículo se muestran varios casos estudiados en carreteras españolas, en los que se ha constatado que las fisuras observadas en la superficie afectaban sólo a la capa de rodadura, aunque en algunos casos habían progresado, dañando ya la parte superior de la capa intermedia. Para caracterizar las mezclas asfálticas afectadas por este problema, más generalizado de lo que se creía hasta ahora, al menos en determinadas zonas climáticas, se extrajeron testigos, comprobando la granulometría de las mezclas, sus características mecánicas y el estado del ligante. Como resultado general puede concluirse que las mezclas afectadas tenían problemas de segregación granulométrica en vertical, y en todos los casos el ligante había envejecido sensiblemente, a pesar de tratarse de actuaciones algunas de ellas con sólo unos pocos años en servicio.