64 resultados para Trigonometric interpolation
In previous BEM Conferences , the concepts, developments and organisation of the p-adaptive philosophy have been presented by the authors, as well as some interesting features of the hierarchisation of the solution, accuracy estimates and numerical computations optimization. This current paper is devoted to presenting some new developments and aplications in linear elastostatics, with emphasis on: a ) Efficient computation of influence coefficients, b) Efficient evaluation of the residuals by taking advantage of the hierarchy of the interpolation functions and e) New results regarding estimators and convergence ratios.In addition, several practical examples will be shown and discussed in order to point out the advantages of the method .
We present an approach to adapt dynamically the language models (LMs) used by a speech recognizer that is part of a spoken dialogue system. We have developed a grammar generation strategy that automatically adapts the LMs using the semantic information that the user provides (represented as dialogue concepts), together with the information regarding the intentions of the speaker (inferred by the dialogue manager, and represented as dialogue goals). We carry out the adaptation as a linear interpolation between a background LM, and one or more of the LMs associated to the dialogue elements (concepts or goals) addressed by the user. The interpolation weights between those models are automatically estimated on each dialogue turn, using measures such as the posterior probabilities of concepts and goals, estimated as part of the inference procedure to determine the actions to be carried out. We propose two approaches to handle the LMs related to concepts and goals. Whereas in the first one we estimate a LM for each one of them, in the second one we apply several clustering strategies to group together those elements that share some common properties, and estimate a LM for each cluster. Our evaluation shows how the system can estimate a dynamic model adapted to each dialogue turn, which helps to improve the performance of the speech recognition (up to a 14.82% of relative improvement), which leads to an improvement in both the language understanding and the dialogue management tasks.
En este trabajo se expone la formulación del B.I.E.M. (en problemas de potencial)con elementos mixtos, que representan una interpolación lineal en la función de campo y constante en su derivada. El objetivo primordial de dicha formulación, es el soslayar los problemas que se presentan con los planteamientos anteriores, cuando existen puntos singulares. Los ejemplos que se incluyen, resueltos mediante un programa desarrollado en un miniordenador, confirman que el método propuesto consigue mejores resultados, sin ninguna complicación adicional sobre la formulación general, y con un ahorro significativo en cuanto al número de incógnitas y ecuaciones que se han de resolver = In this paper the mixed B.I.E.M. for bidimensional potential problems is presented. The interpolation of the field variable is done by piecewise constant one. The main idea is to swep out the solution the parasitic disturbances introduced near singular points by a finite value although an important byproduct is the possibility of conexion with domain methods, as F.E.M., in which the same kind of interpolation is worked. Results are very good, as shown by the exemples, and also interesting is the reduction in computer time comparatively to the classical B.l.E.M approach.
El objetivo final de las investigaciones recogidas en esta tesis doctoral es la estimación del volumen de hielo total de los ms de 1600 glaciares de Svalbard, en el Ártico, y, con ello, su contribución potencial a la subida del nivel medio del mar en un escenario de calentamiento global. Los cálculos más exactos del volumen de un glaciar se efectúan a partir de medidas del espesor de hielo obtenidas con georradar. Sin embargo, estas medidas no son viables para conjuntos grandes de glaciares, debido al coste, dificultades logísticas y tiempo requerido por ellas, especialmente en las regiones polares o de montaña. Frente a ello, la determinación de áreas de glaciares a partir de imágenes de satélite sí es viable a escalas global y regional, por lo que las relaciones de escala volumen-área constituyen el mecanismo más adecuado para las estimaciones de volúmenes globales y regionales, como las realizadas para Svalbard en esta tesis. Como parte del trabajo de tesis, hemos elaborado un inventario de los glaciares de Svalbard en los que se han efectuado radioecosondeos, y hemos realizado los cálculos del volumen de hielo de más de 80 cuencas glaciares de Svalbard a partir de datos de georradar. Estos volúmenes han sido utilizados para calibrar las relaciones volumen-área desarrolladas en la tesis. Los datos de georradar han sido obtenidos en diversas campañas llevadas a cabo por grupos de investigación internacionales, gran parte de ellas lideradas por el Grupo de Simulación Numérica en Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, del que forman parte la doctoranda y los directores de tesis. Además, se ha desarrollado una metodología para la estimación del error en el cálculo de volumen, que aporta una novedosa técnica de cálculo del error de interpolación para conjuntos de datos del tipo de los obtenidos con perfiles de georradar, que presentan distribuciones espaciales con unos patrones muy característicos pero con una densidad de datos muy irregular. Hemos obtenido en este trabajo de tesis relaciones de escala específicas para los glaciares de Svalbard, explorando la sensibilidad de los parámetros a diferentes morfologías glaciares, e incorporando nuevas variables. En particular, hemos efectuado experimentos orientados a verificar si las relaciones de escala obtenidas caracterizando los glaciares individuales por su tamaño, pendiente o forma implican diferencias significativas en el volumen total estimado para los glaciares de Svalbard, y si esta partición implica algún patrón significativo en los parámetros de las relaciones de escala. Nuestros resultados indican que, para un valor constante del factor multiplicativo de la relacin de escala, el exponente que afecta al área en la relación volumen-área decrece según aumentan la pendiente y el factor de forma, mientras que las clasificaciones basadas en tamaño no muestran un patrón significativo. Esto significa que los glaciares con mayores pendientes y de tipo circo son menos sensibles a los cambios de área. Además, los volúmenes de la población total de los glaciares de Svalbard calculados con fraccionamiento en grupos por tamaño y pendiente son un 1-4% menores que los obtenidas usando la totalidad de glaciares sin fraccionamiento en grupos, mientras que los volúmenes calculados fraccionando por forma son un 3-5% mayores. También realizamos experimentos multivariable para obtener estimaciones óptimas del volumen total mediante una combinación de distintos predictores. Nuestros resultados muestran que un modelo potencial simple volumen-área explica el 98.6% de la varianza. Sólo el predictor longitud del glaciar proporciona significación estadística cuando se usa además del área del glaciar, aunque el coeficiente de determinación disminuye en comparación con el modelo más simple V-A. El predictor intervalo de altitud no proporciona información adicional cuando se usa además del área del glaciar. Nuestras estimaciones del volumen de la totalidad de glaciares de Svalbard usando las diferentes relaciones de escala obtenidas en esta tesis oscilan entre 6890 y 8106 km3, con errores relativos del orden de 6.6-8.1%. El valor medio de nuestras estimaciones, que puede ser considerado como nuestra mejor estimación del volumen, es de 7.504 km3. En términos de equivalente en nivel del mar (SLE), nuestras estimaciones corresponden a una subida potencial del nivel del mar de 17-20 mm SLE, promediando 19_2 mm SLE, donde el error corresponde al error en volumen antes indicado. En comparación, las estimaciones usando las relaciones V-A de otros autores son de 13-26 mm SLE, promediando 20 _ 2 mm SLE, donde el error representa la desviación estándar de las distintas estimaciones. ABSTRACT The final aim of the research involved in this doctoral thesis is the estimation of the total ice volume of the more than 1600 glaciers of Svalbard, in the Arctic region, and thus their potential contribution to sea-level rise under a global warming scenario. The most accurate calculations of glacier volumes are those based on ice-thicknesses measured by groundpenetrating radar (GPR). However, such measurements are not viable for very large sets of glaciers, due to their cost, logistic difficulties and time requirements, especially in polar or mountain regions. On the contrary, the calculation of glacier areas from satellite images is perfectly viable at global and regional scales, so the volume-area scaling relationships are the most useful tool to determine glacier volumes at global and regional scales, as done for Svalbard in this PhD thesis. As part of the PhD work, we have compiled an inventory of the radio-echo sounded glaciers in Svalbard, and we have performed the volume calculations for more than 80 glacier basins in Svalbard from GPR data. These volumes have been used to calibrate the volume-area relationships derived in this dissertation. Such GPR data have been obtained during fieldwork campaigns carried out by international teams, often lead by the Group of Numerical Simulation in Science and Engineering of the Technical University of Madrid, to which the PhD candidate and her supervisors belong. Furthermore, we have developed a methodology to estimate the error in the volume calculation, which includes a novel technique to calculate the interpolation error for data sets of the type produced by GPR profiling, which show very characteristic data distribution patterns but with very irregular data density. We have derived in this dissertation scaling relationships specific for Svalbard glaciers, exploring the sensitivity of the scaling parameters to different glacier morphologies and adding new variables. In particular, we did experiments aimed to verify whether scaling relationships obtained through characterization of individual glacier shape, slope and size imply significant differences in the estimated volume of the total population of Svalbard glaciers, and whether this partitioning implies any noticeable pattern in the scaling relationship parameters. Our results indicate that, for a fixed value of the factor in the scaling relationship, the exponent of the area in the volume-area relationship decreases as slope and shape increase, whereas size-based classifications do not reveal any clear trend. This means that steep slopes and cirque-type glaciers are less sensitive to changes in glacier area. Moreover, the volumes of the total population of Svalbard glaciers calculated according to partitioning in subgroups by size and slope are smaller (by 1-4%) than that obtained considering all glaciers without partitioning into subgroups, whereas the volumes calculated according to partitioning in subgroups by shape are 3-5% larger. We also did multivariate experiments attempting to optimally predict the volume of Svalbard glaciers from a combination of different predictors. Our results show that a simple power-type V-A model explains 98.6% of the variance. Only the predictor glacier length provides statistical significance when used in addition to the predictor glacier area, though the coefficient of determination decreases as compared with the simpler V-A model. The predictor elevation range did not provide any additional information when used in addition to glacier area. Our estimates of the volume of the entire population of Svalbard glaciers using the different scaling relationships that we have derived along this thesis range within 6890-8106 km3, with estimated relative errors in total volume of the order of 6.6-8.1% The average value of all of our estimates, which could be used as a best estimate for the volume, is 7,504 km3. In terms of sea-level equivalent (SLE), our volume estimates correspond to a potential contribution to sea-level rise within 17-20 mm SLE, averaging 19 _ 2 mm SLE, where the quoted error corresponds to our estimated relative error in volume. For comparison, the estimates using the V-A scaling relations found in the literature range within 13-26 mm SLE, averaging 20 _ 2 mm SLE, where the quoted error represents the standard deviation of the different estimates.
This study was motivated by the need to improve densification of Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) observations, increasing the number of surface weather stations that observe it, using sensors with a sub-hour periodicity and examining the methods of spatial GHI estimation (by interpolation) with that periodicity in other locations. The aim of the present research project is to analyze the goodness of 15-minute GHI spatial estimations for five methods in the territory of Spain (three geo-statistical interpolation methods, one deterministic method and the HelioSat2 method, which is based on satellite images). The research concludes that, when the work area has adequate station density, the best method for estimating GHI every 15 min is Regression Kriging interpolation using GHI estimated from satellite images as one of the input variables. On the contrary, when station density is low, the best method is estimating GHI directly from satellite images. A comparison between the GHI observed by volunteer stations and the estimation model applied concludes that 67% of the volunteer stations analyzed present values within the margin of error (average of +-2 standard deviations).
Realistic operation of helicopter flight simulators in complex topographies (such as urban environments) requires appropriate prediction of the incoming wind, and this prediction should be made in real time. Unfortunately, the wind topology around complex topographies shows time-dependent, fully nonlinear, turbulent patterns (i.e., wakes) whose simulation cannot be made using computationally inexpensive tools based on corrected potential approximations. Instead, the full Navier-Stokes plus some kind of turbulent modeling is necessary, which is quite computationally expensive. The complete unsteady flow depends on two parameters, namely the velocity and orientation of the free stream flow. The aim of this MSc thesis is to develop a methodology for the real time simulation of these complex flows. For simplicity, the flow around a single building (20 mx20 m cross section and 100 m height) is considered, with free stream velocity in the range 5-25 m/s. Because of the square cross section, the problem shows two reflection symmetries, which allows for restricting the orientations to the range 0° < a. < 45°. The methodology includes an offline preprocess and the online operation. The preprocess consists in three steps: An appropriate, unstructured mesh is selected in which the flow is sim¬ulated using OpenFOAM, and this is done for 33 combinations of 3 free stream intensities and 11 orientations. For each of these, the simulation proceeds for a sufficiently large time as to eliminate transients. This step is quite computationally expensive. Each flow field is post-processed using a combination of proper orthogonal decomposition, fast Fourier transform, and a convenient optimization tool, which identifies the relevant frequencies (namely, both the basic frequencies and their harmonics) and modes in the computational mesh. This combination includes several new ingredients to filter errors out and identify the relevant spatio-temporal patterns. Note that, in principle, the basic frequencies depend on both the intensity and the orientation of the free stream flow. The outcome of this step is a set of modes (vectors containing the three velocity components at all mesh points) for the various Fourier components, intensities, and orientations, which can be organized as a third order tensor. This step is fairly computationally inexpensive. The above mentioned tensor is treated using a combination of truncated high order singular value, decomposition and appropriate one-dimensional interpolation (as in Lorente, Velazquez, Vega, J. Aircraft, 45 (2008) 1779-1788). The outcome is a tensor representation of both the relevant fre¬quencies and the associated Fourier modes for a given pair of values of the free stream flow intensity and orientation. This step is fairly compu¬tationally inexpensive. The online, operation requires just reconstructing the time-dependent flow field from its Fourier representation, which is extremely computationally inex¬pensive. The whole method is quite robust.
A general theory that describes the B.I.E. linear approximation in potential and elasticity problems, is developed. A method to tread the Dirichlet condition in sharp vertex is presented. Though the study is developed for linear elements, its extension to higher order interpolation is straightforward. A new direct assembling procedure of the global of equations to be solved, is finally showed.
In the context of aerial imagery, one of the first steps toward a coherent processing of the information contained in multiple images is geo-registration, which consists in assigning geographic 3D coordinates to the pixels of the image. This enables accurate alignment and geo-positioning of multiple images, detection of moving objects and fusion of data acquired from multiple sensors. To solve this problem there are different approaches that require, in addition to a precise characterization of the camera sensor, high resolution referenced images or terrain elevation models, which are usually not publicly available or out of date. Building upon the idea of developing technology that does not need a reference terrain elevation model, we propose a geo-registration technique that applies variational methods to obtain a dense and coherent surface elevation model that is used to replace the reference model. The surface elevation model is built by interpolation of scattered 3D points, which are obtained in a two-step process following a classical stereo pipeline: first, coherent disparity maps between image pairs of a video sequence are estimated and then image point correspondences are back-projected. The proposed variational method enforces continuity of the disparity map not only along epipolar lines (as done by previous geo-registration techniques) but also across them, in the full 2D image domain. In the experiments, aerial images from synthetic video sequences have been used to validate the proposed technique.
This paper presents a reflection suppression technique for far field antenna measurements. The technique is based on a source reconstruction over a surface greater than the antenna itself. To be able to perform the reflection construction the next steps are required: the complete far field antenna pattern is obtained through interpolation of the acquired cuts, the currents are obtained through a holographic technique, the field out of the antenna area is filtered, and the pattern is reconstructed. The algorithm is used with measurements in the LEHA-UPM antenna measurement facilities and in the outdoor far field facility of LIT INPE in Brazil.
En los últimos años, las sociedades industrializadas han tomado una mayor conciencia sobre el problema que suponen las emisiones indiscriminadas de gases de efecto invernadero a la atmósfera. El hormigón, cuyo principal componente es el cemento, es probablemente el material más utilizado en construcción. En la actualidad, las emisiones globales de CO2 debidas a la combustión del CaCO3 del cemento Pórtland representan entre el 5% y el 10% respecto del total. Estos valores son de gran interés si se considera que el compromiso aceptado al firmar el Protocolo de Kioto es de una reducción del 5% antes del año 2020, sobre el total de gases producidos. El principal objetivo del presente trabajo es el estudio microestructural y de los procesos de hidratación de los cementos con adiciones. Para ello se propone contribuir a la investigación sobre nuevos productos cementicios basados en micropartículas esféricas vítreas que pueden adicionarse al cemento antes del proceso de amasado. Los resultados obtenidos se han contrastado con las adiciones convencionales de más uso en la actualidad. El nuevo material basa su composición en la química del aluminio y el silicio. Al disminuir la cantidad de CaCO3, se contribuye al desarrollo sostenible y a la reducción de emisiones de CO2. La patente creada por el Grupo Cementos Pórtland Valderrivas (GCPV), describe el proceso de producción de las cemesferas (WO 2009/007470, 2010). Los productos que forman la materia prima para la elaboración de las cemesferas son arcillas, calizas, margas o productos o subproductos industriales, que tras su molienda, son fundidos mediante un fluido gaseoso a elevada temperatura (entre 1250ºC y 1600ºC). Este proceso permite obtener un producto final en forma esférica maciza o microesfera, que tras estabilizarse mediante un enfriamiento rápido, consigue una alta vitrificación idónea para su reactividad química, con una mínima superficie específica en relación a su masa. El producto final obtenido presenta prácticamente la finura requerida y no precisa ser molido, lo que reduce las emisiones de CO2 por el ahorro de combustible durante el proceso de molienda. El proceso descrito permite obtener un amplio abanico de materiales cementantes que, no solo pueden dar respuesta a los problemas generados por las emisiones de CO2, sino también a la disponibilidad de materiales en países donde hasta el momento no se puede fabricar cemento debido a la falta de calizas. Complementariamente se ha optimizado el método de cálculo del grado de hidratación a partir de los resultados del ensayo de ATD-TG en base a los modelos de cálculo de Bhatty y Pane. El método propuesto permite interpretar el comportamiento futuro del material a partir de la interpolación numérica de la cantidad de agua químicamente enlazada. La evolución del grado de hidratación tiene una relación directa con el desarrollo de la resistencia mecánica del material. Con el fin de caracterizar los materiales de base cemento, se ha llevado a cabo una amplia campaña experimental en pasta de cemento, mortero y hormigón. La investigación abarca tres niveles: caracterización microestructural, macroestructural y caracterización del comportamiento a largo plazo, fundamentalmente durabilidad. En total se han evaluado ocho adiciones diferentes: cuatro adiciones convencionales y cuatro tipos de cemesferas con diferente composición química. Los ensayos a escala microscópica comprenden la caracterización química, granulométrica y de la superficie específica BET de los materiales anhidros, análisis térmico diferencial y termogravimétrico en pasta de cemento y mortero, resonancia magnética de silicio en pasta de cemento, difracción de rayos X de los materiales anhidros y de las probetas de pasta, microscopía electrónica de barrido con analizador de energía dispersiva por rayos X en pasta y mortero, y porosimetría por intrusión de mercurio en mortero. La caracterización macroscópica del material comprende ensayos de determinación del agua de consistencia normal y de los tiempos de inicio y fin de fraguado en pasta de cemento, ensayos de resistencia mecánica a flexión y compresión en probetas prismáticas de mortero, y ensayos de resistencia a compresión en probetas de hormigón. Para caracterizar la durabilidad se han desarrollado ensayos de determinación del coeficiente de migración de cloruros y ensayos de resistividad eléctrica en probetas de mortero. Todos los ensayos enumerados permiten clarificar el comportamiento de las cemesferas y compararlo con las distintas adiciones de uso convencional. Los resultados reflejan un buen comportamiento resistente y durable de los materiales con adición de cemesferas. La caracterización microscópica refleja su relación con las propiedades mesoscópicas y permite comprender mejor la evolución en los procesos de hidratación de las cemesferas. In recent years industrialised societies have become increasingly aware of the problem posed by indiscriminate emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Concrete, with a main component being cement, is arguably the most widely used construction material. At present, global emissions of CO2 due to the combustion of CaCO3 from Portland cement represent between 5% and 10% of the total. If the requirement of the Kyoto Protocol of a reduction of 5% of the total gas produced before 2020 is considered, then such values are of significant interest. The main objective of this work is the assessment of the microstructure and the hydration processes of cements with additions. Such an examination proposes research into new cementitious products based on vitreous spherical microparticles that may be added to the cement before the mixing process. The results are compared with the most commonly used conventional additions. The new material bases its composition on the chemistry of aluminium and silicates. By decreasing the amount of CaCO3, it is possible both to contribute to sustainable development and reduce CO2 emissions. The patent created by Grupo Cementos Portland Valderrivas (GCPV) describes the production process of microspheres (WO 2009/007470, 2010). The products that form the raw material for manufacture are clays, lime-stone, marl and industrial products or by-products that melt after being ground and fed into a gaseous fluid at high temperatures (1250°C and 1600°C). This process allows the obtaining of a product with a solid-spherical or micro-spherical shape and which, after being stabilised in a solid state by rapid cooling, obtains a high vitrification suitable for chemical reactivity, having a minimal surface in relation to its mass. Given that the final product has the fineness required, it prevents grinding that reduces CO2 emissions by saving fuel during this process. The process, which allows a wide range of cementitious materials to be obtained, not only addresses the problems caused by CO2 emissions but also enhances the availability of materials in countries that until the time of writing have not produced cement due to a lack of limestone. In addition, the calculation of the degree of hydration from the test results of DTA-TG is optimised and based on Bhatty and Pane calculation models. The proposed method allows prediction of the performance of the material from numerical interpolation of the amount of chemically bound water. The degree of hydration has a direct relationship with the development of material mechanical strength. In order to characterise the cement-based materials, an extensive experimental campaign in cement paste, concrete and mortar is conducted. The research comprises three levels: micro-structural characterisation, macro-structural and long-term behaviour (mainly durability). In total, eight additions are assessed: four conventional additions and four types of microspheres with different chemical compositions. The micro-scale tests include characterisation of chemical composition, particle size distribution and the BET specific surface area of anhydrous material, differential thermal and thermogravimetric analysis in cement paste and mortar, silicon-29 nuclear magnetic resonance in cement paste, X-ray diffraction of the anhydrous materials and paste specimens, scanning of electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray analyser in cement paste and mortar, and mercury intrusion porosimetry in mortar. The macroscopic material characterisation entails determination of water demand for normal consistency, and initial and final setting times of cement paste, flexural and compressive mechanical strength tests in prismatic mortar specimens, and compressive strength tests in concrete specimens. Tests for determining the chloride migration coefficient are performed to characterise durability, together with electrical resistivity tests in mortar specimens. All the tests listed allow clarification of the behaviour of the microspheres and comparison with the various additions of conventional use. The results show good resistance and durable behaviour of materials with a microsphere addition. Microscopic characterisation reflects their relationship with mesoscopic properties and provides insights into the hydration processes of the microspheres.
La ecuación en derivadas parciales de advección difusión con reacción química es la base de los modelos de dispersión de contaminantes en la atmósfera, y los diferentes métodos numéricos empleados para su resolución han sido objeto de amplios estudios a lo largo de su desarrollo. En esta Tesis se presenta la implementación de un nuevo método conservativo para la resolución de la parte advectiva de la ecuación en derivadas parciales que modela la dispersión de contaminantes dentro del modelo mesoescalar de transporte químico CHIMERE. Este método está basado en una técnica de volúmenes finitos junto con una interpolación racional. La ventaja de este método es la conservación exacta de la masa transportada debido al empleo de la ley de conservación de masas. Para ello emplea una formulación de flujo basado en el cálculo de la integral ponderada dentro de cada celda definida para la discretización del espacio en el método de volúmenes finitos. Los resultados numéricos obtenidos en las simulaciones realizadas (implementando el modelo conservativo para la advección en el modelo CHIMERE) se han comparado con los datos observados de concentración de contaminantes registrados en la red de estaciones de seguimiento y medición distribuidas por la Península Ibérica. Los datos estadísticos de medición del error, la media normalizada y la media absoluta normalizada del error, presentan valores que están dentro de los rangos propuestos por la EPA para considerar el modelo preciso. Además, se introduce un nuevo método para resolver la parte advectivadifusiva de la ecuación en derivadas parciales que modeliza la dispersión de contaminantes en la atmósfera. Se ha empleado un método de diferencias finitas de alto orden para resolver la parte difusiva de la ecuación de transporte de contaminantes junto con el método racional conservativo para la parte advectiva en una y dos dimensiones. Los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación del método a diferentes situaciones incluyendo casos académicos y reales han sido comparados con la solución analítica de la ecuación de advección-difusión, demostrando que el nuevo método proporciona un resultado preciso para aproximar la solución. Por último, se ha desarrollado un modelo completo que contempla los fenómenos advectivo y difusivo con reacción química, usando los métodos anteriores junto con una técnica de diferenciación regresiva (BDF2). Esta técnica consiste en un método implícito multipaso de diferenciación regresiva de segundo orden, que nos permite resolver los problemas rígidos típicos de la química atmosférica, modelizados a través de sistemas de ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias. Este método hace uso de la técnica iterativa Gauss- Seidel para obtener la solución de la parte implícita de la fórmula BDF2. El empleo de la técnica de Gauss-Seidel en lugar de otras técnicas comúnmente empleadas, como la iteración por el método de Newton, nos proporciona rapidez de cálculo y bajo consumo de memoria, ideal para obtener modelos operativos para la resolución de la cinética química atmosférica. ABSTRACT Extensive research has been performed to solve the atmospheric chemicaladvection- diffusion equation and different numerical methods have been proposed. This Thesis presents the implementation of an exactly conservative method for the advection equation in the European scale Eulerian chemistry transport model CHIMERE based on a rational interpolation and a finite volume algorithm. The advantage of the method is that the cell-integrated average is predicted via a flux formulation, thus the mass is exactly conserved. Numerical results are compared with a set of observation registered at some monitoring sites in Spain. The mean normalized bias and the mean normalized absolute error present values that are inside the range to consider an accurate model performance. In addition, it has been introduced a new method to solve the advectiondiffusion equation. It is based on a high-order accurate finite difference method to solve de diffusion equation together with a rational interpolation and a finite volume to solve the advection equation in one dimension and two dimensions. Numerical results obtained from solving several problems include academic and real atmospheric problems have been compared with the analytical solution of the advection-diffusion equation, showing that the new method give an efficient algorithm for solving such problems. Finally, a complete model has been developed to solve the atmospheric chemical-advection-diffusion equation, adding the conservative method for the advection equation, the high-order finite difference method for the diffusion equation and a second-order backward differentiation formula (BDF2) to solve the atmospheric chemical kinetics. The BDF2 is an implicit, second order multistep backward differentiation formula used to solve the stiff systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) from atmospheric chemistry. The Gauss-Seidel iteration is used for approximately solving the implicitly defined BDF solution, giving a faster tool than the more commonly used iterative modified Newton technique. This method implies low start-up costs and a low memory demand due to the use of Gauss-Seidel iteration.
In this paper we present an adaptive spatio-temporal filter that aims to improve low-cost depth camera accuracy and stability over time. The proposed system is composed by three blocks that are used to build a reliable depth map of static scenes. An adaptive joint-bilateral filter is used to obtain consistent depth maps by jointly considering depth and video information and by adapting its parameters to different levels of estimated noise. Kalman filters are used to reduce the temporal random fluctuations of the measurements. Finally an interpolation algorithm is used to obtain consistent depth maps in the regions where the depth information is not available. Results show that this approach allows to considerably improve the depth maps quality by considering spatio-temporal information and by adapting its parameters to different levels of noise.
This paper deals with the boundary element method (BEM) p-convergence approach applied to three-dimensional problems governed by Laplace's equation. The advantages derived from the boundary discretization and hierarchical interpolation functions are collated in order to minimize human effort in preparation of input data and improve numerical results.
El estudio del comportamiento de la atmósfera ha resultado de especial importancia tanto en el programa SESAR como en NextGen, en los que la gestión actual del tránsito aéreo (ATM) está experimentando una profunda transformación hacia nuevos paradigmas tanto en Europa como en los EE.UU., respectivamente, para el guiado y seguimiento de las aeronaves en la realización de rutas más eficientes y con mayor precisión. La incertidumbre es una característica fundamental de los fenómenos meteorológicos que se transfiere a la separación de las aeronaves, las trayectorias de vuelo libres de conflictos y a la planificación de vuelos. En este sentido, el viento es un factor clave en cuanto a la predicción de la futura posición de la aeronave, por lo que tener un conocimiento más profundo y preciso de campo de viento reducirá las incertidumbres del ATC. El objetivo de esta tesis es el desarrollo de una nueva técnica operativa y útil destinada a proporcionar de forma adecuada y directa el campo de viento atmosférico en tiempo real, basada en datos de a bordo de la aeronave, con el fin de mejorar la predicción de las trayectorias de las aeronaves. Para lograr este objetivo se ha realizado el siguiente trabajo. Se han descrito y analizado los diferentes sistemas de la aeronave que proporcionan las variables necesarias para obtener la velocidad del viento, así como de las capacidades que permiten la presentación de esta información para sus aplicaciones en la gestión del tráfico aéreo. Se ha explorado el uso de aeronaves como los sensores de viento en un área terminal para la estimación del viento en tiempo real con el fin de mejorar la predicción de las trayectorias de aeronaves. Se han desarrollado métodos computacionalmente eficientes para estimar las componentes horizontales de la velocidad del viento a partir de las velocidades de las aeronaves (VGS, VCAS/VTAS), la presión y datos de temperatura. Estos datos de viento se han utilizado para estimar el campo de viento en tiempo real utilizando un sistema de procesamiento de datos a través de un método de mínima varianza. Por último, se ha evaluado la exactitud de este procedimiento para que esta información sea útil para el control del tráfico aéreo. La información inicial proviene de una muestra de datos de Registradores de Datos de Vuelo (FDR) de aviones que aterrizaron en el aeropuerto Madrid-Barajas. Se dispuso de datos de ciertas aeronaves durante un periodo de más de tres meses que se emplearon para calcular el vector viento en cada punto del espacio aéreo. Se utilizó un modelo matemático basado en diferentes métodos de interpolación para obtener los vectores de viento en áreas sin datos disponibles. Se han utilizado tres escenarios concretos para validar dos métodos de interpolación: uno de dos dimensiones que trabaja con ambas componentes horizontales de forma independiente, y otro basado en el uso de una variable compleja que relaciona ambas componentes. Esos métodos se han probado en diferentes escenarios con resultados dispares. Esta metodología se ha aplicado en un prototipo de herramienta en MATLAB © para analizar automáticamente los datos de FDR y determinar el campo vectorial del viento que encuentra la aeronave al volar en el espacio aéreo en estudio. Finalmente se han obtenido las condiciones requeridas y la precisión de los resultados para este modelo. El método desarrollado podría utilizar los datos de los aviones comerciales como inputs utilizando los datos actualmente disponibles y la capacidad computacional, para proporcionárselos a los sistemas ATM donde se podría ejecutar el método propuesto. Estas velocidades del viento calculadas, o bien la velocidad respecto al suelo y la velocidad verdadera, se podrían difundir, por ejemplo, a través del sistema de direccionamiento e informe para comunicaciones de aeronaves (ACARS), mensajes de ADS-B o Modo S. Esta nueva fuente ayudaría a actualizar la información del viento suministrada en los productos aeronáuticos meteorológicos (PAM), informes meteorológicos de aeródromos (AIRMET), e información meteorológica significativa (SIGMET). ABSTRACT The study of the atmosphere behaviour is been of particular importance both in SESAR and NextGen programs, where the current air traffic management (ATM) system is undergoing a profound transformation to the new paradigms both in Europe and the USA, respectively, to guide and track aircraft more precisely on more efficient routes. Uncertainty is a fundamental characteristic of weather phenomena which is transferred to separation assurance, flight path de-confliction and flight planning applications. In this respect, the wind is a key factor regarding the prediction of the future position of the aircraft, so that having a deeper and accurate knowledge of wind field will reduce ATC uncertainties. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a new and operationally useful technique intended to provide adequate and direct real-time atmospheric winds fields based on on-board aircraft data, in order to improve aircraft trajectory prediction. In order to achieve this objective the following work has been accomplished. The different sources in the aircraft systems that provide the variables needed to derivate the wind velocity have been described and analysed, as well as the capabilities which allow presenting this information for air traffic management applications. The use of aircraft as wind sensors in a terminal area for real-time wind estimation in order to improve aircraft trajectory prediction has been explored. Computationally efficient methods have been developed to estimate horizontal wind components from aircraft velocities (VGS, VCAS/VTAS), pressure, and temperature data. These wind data were utilized to estimate a real-time wind field using a data processing approach through a minimum variance method. Finally, the accuracy of this procedure has been evaluated for this information to be useful to air traffic control. The initial information comes from a Flight Data Recorder (FDR) sample of aircraft landing in Madrid-Barajas Airport. Data available for more than three months were exploited in order to derive the wind vector field in each point of the airspace. Mathematical model based on different interpolation methods were used in order to obtain wind vectors in void areas. Three particular scenarios were employed to test two interpolation methods: a two-dimensional one that works with both horizontal components in an independent way, and also a complex variable formulation that links both components. Those methods were tested using various scenarios with dissimilar results. This methodology has been implemented in a prototype tool in MATLAB © in order to automatically analyse FDR and determine the wind vector field that aircraft encounter when flying in the studied airspace. Required conditions and accuracy of the results were derived for this model. The method developed could be fed by commercial aircraft utilizing their currently available data sources and computational capabilities, and providing them to ATM system where the proposed method could be run. Computed wind velocities, or ground and true airspeeds, would then be broadcasted, for example, via the Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS), ADS-B out messages, or Mode S. This new source would help updating the wind information furnished in meteorological aeronautical products (PAM), meteorological aerodrome reports (AIRMET), and significant meteorological information (SIGMET).
A Finite Element technique to interpolate general data (function values and its derivatives) has been developped. The technique can be considered as a generalized solution of the classical polynomial interpolation, because the condition for the interpolating function to be a polynomial is replaced by a minimizing condition of a given “smoothing” functional. In this way it is possible to find interpolating functions with a given level of continuity according to the class of finite elements used. Examples have been presented in order to assess the accuracy and efficiency of the procedure.